Kayal and Company

A Slip on The Stick Gets You Wet

Tony Bruno / Miss Robin in all daySomeone having sex in AMUnofficial start of fallBIG TAKE: Kamala HarrisVT - can't use son or daughter anymoreTony Bruno as Elvis
Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024
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I'm Sally Helm with the podcast History This Week. In each episode, we serve as your eyes and ears into history's biggest events, and the lesser told stories, ones you might not even know happened. Find History This Week on the Free Odyssey app, or wherever you get your podcasts. Good morning, it's Tony Bruno, Miss Robbins in the House, and I'm thrilled. You know, the thing about doing this show is I've filled in a lot, and I've do my segments on Wednesday mornings here with Nick Kalen Company, but Don, Nick, and of course, the producer, Greg Stocker, all off for this Labor Day weekend, and a lot of people are taking off. Joe Biden's been off for the last month, sitting at Rojo-Beth when he's not in Santa Barbara with all of his pals, hanging out there with billionaires, and then blocking traffic in Santa Barbara so he can go shopping with his family. He's sitting on the beach where yesterday afternoon at three o'clock in the afternoon. While everything's going on, there's Joe sitting on the beach in Rojo-Beth, and it must be nice to, you know, there's a saying that it's good enough for government work. No one exemplifies government work more than Joe Biden. Various sitting on the beach, Robin, and everybody else is saying, "Who's in control of this country?" We don't know, but we'll find out. We're up at Dan Barrowski's in the House. I've never worked with him. I've gone back and forth with him on X, but he's in charge today. Henry Mashett. Mashett. Mashett. Mashett. Not Mashett. That's the great. Not Mashett. It's like Mashettie without the E. Mashett. Bingo. Mash. Of course, he's part of the Zeole Army, right? Oh, man. I've had my hand in just about everything at 12-10. But you came to us from the Zeole Army, right? Correct. You were doing the afternoons? Correct. Now you're in the mornings, and it sounds like you're really, you sound as excited to be up this morning as Bill Clinton was talking to Phil, what's his name, Tim Walz, a name promo. But Dan Barrowski, of course, Henry Mashett, and the great Phil Almbquist. He will have the music update at the end of the hour. We will still do the cut sheet. So all the stuff that you're used to that you know and come to love here on KLN Company, we will do today. We got all kinds of good stuff. We'll have updates, we'll have Philly updates. We have rolling in the deep on the Easter River drive in Philadelphia. Yesterday morning about this time, two people were having sex in a car on, right under the Columbia Bridge. And they're in a land Rover or a Range Rover, and they're in the back scene of a car. I'm not making this up. This was a big story on Fox 29, a couple making love in the back scene of a Land Rover, 545. The sun's not even up yet, and all of a sudden the woman accidents, they blame the woman. The woman accident. She got a little freaky and then she moved. She hit the release of break and the car rolled back into the deep. Yeah, baby. Let's get it all. I don't know about you, but if I was bridging up to own the Land Rover or a Range Rover, and I had some chick in the back of the car, even Miss Robin, I think I could afford a hotel room. 545 in the morning, you're having sex in the backseat. The break disengages and your car rolls back into the schoolkill river. Yeah, and the article said that they did not avoid injury. No, they did avoid injury. No, they did not. So they're like, they were unfortunately, I mean, they weren't injured. No, they climbed out and nobody found them. They found the car at nine o'clock in the morning in the schoolkill river. Now, come on, get a room, people. I know times are tough and we're in tough economic times, but how do you, how do you have sex in a Range Rover at 545? Do you got the kind of money to have a Range Rover? Could you just go up to City Line Avenue and get a hotel room or find, just find a room for the night kind of nonsense is that imagine the embarrassment. Once those people had to go get their car back, so anyway, we'll talk about that. A lot of good stuff coming up. The big takes coming up. In fact, shall we get ready for the big take right now, big take on killing company. And the big take, of course, is brought to you by Discover Lancaster. Now, this isn't as big as the big take of Nikhail because he puts a lot of, not that I didn't put any effort into this, but normally, you know, when you're filling in for somebody, I'm not trying to steal his thunder, you know what I mean? But there's a lot of things going on because here we are and see unofficial last weekend of the summer, right? Labor Day weekend. And here it is on a Thursday. And as you know, as we've gotten more and more lazy in this country, we can't have four day weekends anymore. Remember, it used to be Friday. People would leave Friday, head to the beaches, to the shore of the mountains. Now, of course, kids are back in school in many places, some are getting ready to go back after this weekend. A lot of the Catholic schools don't start until after Labor Day. But here we are Labor Day weekend. And I know a lot of people back in Philly and New Jersey Labor Day weekend means shutting down the pools. The same people who don't open their pools until Memorial Day weekend now will be covering up their pools. Now, some people don't, but that's the thing about, you know, living in Florida versus, you know, up in the Northeast, people shut down their pools after Labor Day, you know, because the leaves will start falling and then you got to clean it out before you put the cover over it. Well, if you have an abrupt, abrupt, abrupt, abrupt, abrupt, abrupt, abrupt pool, same thing, you know, the routine. People go down the shore of your weekend, people have rental properties, you know, people take the last week of August to go on vacation and they rent a Airbnb or they have a house at the shore. Right, Robin? My house in Margay used to be my boat. That's where I lived because I couldn't afford a beach house. I was just a young punk working at 1210 back in the WCAU days when I had a boat. But now, you know, here we are, we're getting ready. And so do the average people think about politics right now? Unfortunately, a lot of people think politics 24/7. And the classic example of that, as you're heading to the shore to watch the tram car, or whatever you're doing this weekend, people will be getting ready. Yes, watch the damn tram car, please. Go to Wonderland for the last time before they tear that baby down an ocean city. Thank you. I'm going to go under the boardwalk down by the CEEE on the blank, what your baby? Stay out of that way. That's messy now. I mean, wildwood days back in the day when I was there making out underneath the steep, well, Atlantic City, the steel pier, and of course in wildwood, Maurice pier. So whatever pier you're going to be under, don't bring your land Rover onto the beach, unless you have a beach tag down, you're going to the shore and you don't have a beach tag and you have a Range Rover or Land Rover and you want to drive near the beach, make out and have sex with maybe somebody who just picked up, you know, in a club in the crest or wherever you're staying. If you're down in Stone Harbor, you know, Stone Harbor skies are gray. Yeah, thank you down by the sea under the boardwalk on a blanket with Joe Biden is where I'll be. Just don't get too close to Joe. He pulls a bottle out. Did you see that yesterday, he's sitting on his beach chair, right, and he's got a little bag on the side. Right. Looks like he had a laptop in there. I guess that's where he keeps track of what's going on all over the world. No, no, no. That is so that he can say that he was actually working. He pulls out a laptop. I think he was playing one of the games Robin plays. What's that game you play on the tablet? Fishdom. Fishdom. I think Joe was playing fishdom and he just had to put up another $7 so he can play for 18 more days because that's how long he's been out of it. So anyway, people are going down the shore. They start on Thursdays. They don't wait anymore till Friday and head out because the roads are going to be crazy this weekend. So be careful out there. But the amazing thing is here we are the unofficial start of the fall and Kamala Harris is finally ready for her close up. That's right. Kamala Harris, the pathetic duck and cover campaign will finally be on sheath tonight on a Thursday night of Labor Day weekend, perfectly timed so that no one will really care to talk about it tomorrow morning except on this show and we'll be back and most people are moving on. They're moving on to their kids and moving on to college football NFL season, the baseball playoffs heating up. So people will be moving to their kids, getting them in school, worrying about whether they have books that they can buy or whether they can get tampons in the boys' rooms and some of the schools and hoping that the weather gets better in Philly so they don't have to worry about closing schools early because there's no air conditioning in 63 of the Philadelphia public schools. But tonight, CNN, ladies and gentlemen, already has a countdown clock running. I'm not making this up. You turn on CNN, which most people normally don't do anymore, they're running a countdown clock to a pre-taped edited interview that they're going to run tonight at eight o'clock. And here's the amazing thing. This will be the first chance that people will see Kamala Harris being asked actual questions. You know, I'm sure Dana will get in a couple of, hey, what's your favorite ice cream flavor and if you were a tree, what would you be? But Kamala Harris will have to answer some questions tonight. And I'm not going to knock Dana Bash. She's a semi-legitimate journalist and there aren't many at CNN, let's be honest. Or most of the cable news outlets, they're like journalists. So hopefully she'll ask important questions like, why are you flip-flopping like a fish on SpongeBob? Remember, at SpongeBob, then flop on the deck and flop like a fish, SpongeBob Squarepants. Kamala Harris has been flopping like a fish. And tonight, many people will tune in to see whether she will be asked questions. Or whether her, what would I call him now? His Tinkerbell tampon tin will have to jump in and answer questions that maybe she can't answer. And if you want an example of what to expect and why people accept a celebrity class that is all jumped on board without even knowing what Kamala Harris stands for, what she means, what her policies are, other than copying Trump the last couple of weeks. Here's the, here's a clue. Yesterday, now they arrived in Georgia. So obviously Georgia is the big focus of not only the Democrats, but the Republicans. It's a huge state to win. Kamala's got her bust. She's all over Atlanta. She's all over. But yesterday, Kamala doing what she does best, or should I say worse, she goes into a high school, high school, and that's a class of students who are in a music class. Right. Band. Bandcamp. No, no, that's summer at Bandcamp. I hate making movie references. By the way, we will have the mystery movie clip later on in the show. Everything that you expect on this program, we will continue that tradition unlike any other. It's like the skins game that they used to have on Thanksgiving weekend when golfers would go out there and play for skins. It's a tradition unlike any other, but I digress. So here we are. So you've got the, you got to demand the not a debate. It's a the first sit down interview and remarkably somehow CNN got it. Oh, the humanity. So tonight people will be tuning in whether you're a vote blue, no matter who crowd people, you'll vote for her without even knowing what she stands for. The Ben Sillers of the world, all the celebrities who are still all giddy. Even Sigourney Weaver, who, who was crying like she did in the original alien movie when that slimy thing was getting their face and was dripping ooze. Remember that? That was better acting than what we will show later. Her acting in the original, the aliens movie was better than this. We're convincing that her crying over Kamala Harris. Yes. We'll get to that later on. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, the dynamic duo, Mike Dop and Propped up in Georgia, all over the great state of Georgia. And sometime this morning, they will tape this interview with Dana Bash and then get back out. But yesterday, this is Kamala Harris at her best or worst, depending on how you look at it. And in fact, I was thinking about, you know, my, my grandkids, they watch like that creepy chick miss Rachel on YouTube. She's like the big thing. I can't stand. So Kamala Harris yesterday channeling her best creepy miss Rachel talking to preschool kids on YouTube. And this was Kamala Harris doing her best Kamala Harris talking to the student athletes and band members in Atlanta. You are leaders by the very fact that you all are here in this room, doing what you do. At this incredible school, doing it as one big team, understanding all the different parts that stick together to create a team and there's doggy and that doggy doggy freshes her husband. He's hanging out with Bill Clinton. We'll get to that in a second. But there's no. There's Hampton, Tinker Bell, whatever you want to call him. He's like nodding his head. Yeah. He's now, he's now the official handle, and he's nodding and yeah, unburdened by white mud had been that's, that's Kamala Harris in the raw. Well, I don't know about what she looks like in the raw, but I mean, that's her uncensored unfiltered. Unquestioned. No prompter, no, no wires, no cables, no nets. That's the Kamala Harris. Well, we see that Kamala Harris tonight, but I know one thing, they're really trying hard to bring all the Democratic heavy hitters on board. So here's doggy fresh. I call him, I call him doggy, not so fresh. Douglas M. Hoff, who of course is the second gentleman, the wife of Kamala Harris. He's out there trying to get everybody pumped up and you want to talk about pumped up. This next clip is doggy, not so fresh with Bill Clinton in a short comment, asking Bill what he can tell the undecided voters and get them all fired up for Kamala Harris. President Clinton, great to see you gave an incredibly compelling speech the other night of the convention. If you can just boil it down to an argument or so to an undecided voter out there, I mean, what would you say? You should vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Wals because their program will give us more shared prosperity and it will give us a shared community where we all live on the same set of rules and all our children have a chance to live their dreams. So everyone go to, you got to register and then you got to get out there and vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Wals. I haven't been that excited watching Bill Clinton give a forced, why do I, why am I here kind of comment since Monica Lewinsky was getting a cigar in the Oval Office back in the day. I mean, Bill Clinton looked good at the DNC convention, didn't he? He looked like he was all jacked up, Robin. Now he looks like the cripkeeper. Did you see how frail and uninteresting Bill Clinton looked in that video? It was like a hostage video. I mean, even Joe Biden on the beach is saying, "Yo Bill, what the hell's up, man? You look worse than I do and I'm the president sitting on a beach." Unbelievable. Anyway, that's the big take. Discover more of Lancaster. It's time for summer shopping for your favorite brands at the outlets in Lancaster County. Over a hundred brand name outlets are just a 90 minute drive from Philadelphia. Discover to plan your getaway. Now, Robin says Lancaster, but it's Lancaster. Lancaster. It's the Amish country. You know, Dutch wonderlands up there. Robin, of course, was the founder of Dutch wonderland because of her Dutch background. A lot of people don't know that, but Dutch wonderland Lancaster is beautiful. I love the Amish country. Leaves will start turning soon. Now, Dan, you guys, I love going. You guys don't go up to Amish country, don't you? Not as much as we should. Maisie's a very outdoorsy type person. Her dad is a camper type, so they go up to Gettysburg off in the family. Yeah. I love taking the fall drives. I mean, Pennsylvania. Beautiful. We're all the people who rip it. You go up to Jim Thorpe. You go up to Lancaster when the leaves start changing. It's a beautiful country up there, man. This is the Kaling Company Podcast from TalkRadio 1210WPHD and on the free Odyssey app. I'm Sally Helm with the podcast History This Week. In each episode, we serve as your eyes and ears into history's biggest events, major elections, world wars, scientific breakthroughs, but we also bring you into the smaller, behind-the-scenes stories, the unsung heroes, secret meetings, even personal grudges that changed the course of history. Listen to and follow History This Week and Odyssey Podcast in partnership with the History Channel, available now for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts. We have a breaking news sounder in the studio there because I don't think mine will work. The Vermont Department of Health has asked the public, "Now, this isn't about the Zika virus or monkey pox. Yes, this is important news from the Vermont. Party Sanders got up this morning and said, "Hey, where's Ben and Jerry?" The Department of Health has asked the public to avoid, not the mosquitoes, to avoid referring to children as son or daughter and instead use gendered, neutral language, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, that's where we are. The inclusive language for families, use child or kid instead of daughter or son, say family members rather than household members, say family, I'm not making this up. This is from Mont-Pierre, Vermont, say family rather than extended family, because often grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are an important part of the core family unit. People are seriously losing their ever-freaking mind. This makes no sense. This is a state that puts Bernie Sanders in for 50 consecutive years. Could you imagine that? Could you imagine the state of Vermont, the Vermont Department of Health? So wait, health, talk, calling your kids, son or daughter is now part of the Department of Health's decision-making process? Can you imagine this, Henry and then Dan, that this is what health departments are now down to, telling people how to refer to their own children? It won and it too. Yeah, that's right. It won and thing too. That's what it is. Yes. That's what we should have. Yeah. Thing one, where to amusement park? When you go to Lancaster and you go to Dutch Wonderland, you have it won and it too. Well, aren't names inherent in gender? Yeah. It's unbelievable. Something about calling your child just kid? Yeah. Kind of trashy, right? Hey, you. Hey. Hey, kid. You know, pretty soon they're going to say that we should not even give our children names until they are ready to identify whatever they're going to identify as and then they can name themselves. It's just, if anybody, we keep thinking that woke is that DEI is going to die and it is because there's one guy, Robbie Starbuck. I don't know if you follow him on social media. Robbie Starbuck is to DEI as to what Corey Deangelis is to public school teacher union crumbs, crumb bums. He calls out any time a major court, he did it with Harley Davidson and they gave it. And I'm not a canceled guy. I'm not a canceled culture guy, but Corey knows, not Corey, but Robbie Starbuck in this particular instance, he finds all of these corporate. Well, he did it to a tractor supply when they're when their CEO went woke, right? And then people, and again, I don't call for boycotts, you know, if I don't like something lows, yeah, the low CEO, Harley Davidson, and they changed their policies because when you start hiring people at your corporations, even like Bors had now, Bors had, you know, their luncheon meets are phenomenal, right? Everybody thinks of the Bors had brand as the best quality you can get, right? You go into a deli, Bors had, you're like, wow, yeah, that's, you know, that's the that's the granddaddy of them all. And now apparently they're finding all kinds of insects and things going on in their factories in Virginia. And what are we supposed to think? They're now they're now telling people not to buy Bors and I'm not talking about people a boycotting Bors head. But when you're finding in their factories where they're making the processing these meats that we all think is the best of the best, they want us to be eating bugs anyway. This is just extra. Yeah, but you don't expect to have bugs. You have to pay extra for bugs that you do that in California. You don't do that here on the East Coast. If I'm going to make a sandwich, a hoagie, whatever you want to call it, I don't want any damn bugs. And one of the reasons apparently is they're suggesting that Bors head in their factories are hiring migrants who don't go through the procedures for health safety. So that's what health departments should be worried about. Health departments should be worried about food processing plants that have employees that don't have to pass any kind of process other than, you know, we're going to hire the cheapest person available to come in here. So that's the thing that bothers me. I'm not about boycotts. But if you have companies like food processing companies that can't put out safe product and have to have it recalled because of insects and mold in your roasted turkey, that's an outrage. That's one of the things that I'm really looking forward to, and I'm hoping to God that Trump gets in with his inclusion of RFK that he is so on top of all of our health needs. Exactly. I'm really hoping that they're going to make changes because, I mean, I think everybody knows by now that I'm not originally from the United States, I'm from the Netherlands. And when I go back home, the food over there is so much healthier because they actually have bands in place on chemicals and additives that we have no problem putting in our food here. But I go over there, I eat more and I lose weight here. It's just really unhealthy stuff and we don't even like eat unless it says organic. Our food has crap in it. And even, for example, talking about the boars head, again, if you want to eat boars head meat, that's fine. I'm not telling you not to buy it. I'm telling you that when the FDA is saying a warning that there's mold and there's insects in some of the boars head product, you know, that's a concern for everybody and it goes back to DEI and when Robbie Starbuck finds these corporate manuals where these companies are talking about DEI being and more important than just hiring the best people available, whether it's Boeing, you know, whatever company it is, tractor supply. And what happens when tractor supply is exposed as a company where the CEO is talking about, we have to have diversity, equity, inclusion. And the company reacts when the customers who go in there who are mostly rural people. You know, nobody in center city Philly is going to tractor supply to get feed for their chickens. So when you're affecting the rural community, which tends most likely to be conservatives or people who like the great outdoors, you know, you're not, you can't have a CEO being woke. And I'm one of those people who believes that DEI must die. I have no problem with hiring diverse members of I have a diverse crew working on my house here in Cape Coral. So I don't care about the color of your skin or your language barrier or anything else. I want the best people who work hard and do the job. And if anybody thinks that that's an extreme position, then you need your head examined. How was that an extreme position? And so Robbie Starbuck has been doing this to a lot of companies and he's not going out looking for them, people from these companies, the whistleblowers that somehow are good when one party wants it, but when another party puts up a whistleblower, oh, they're bad guys or bad women. So the bottom line is when companies go woke, a lot of times they go broke until they're reminded that this is not the way we're supposed to run a country. Equity does not mean everybody's equal. There's equality and then equity is the new buzzword, which means I want to be better than you. I don't want to be equal to you now because I've been oppressed somehow. Everything that happens now has to make me more important than you. And I've always lived with, I don't think I'm the more important than anybody. I'm just like everybody else. I'm another human being and we all make mistakes, especially when we do karaoke on a cruise ship. Now should we play just a taste of that now before we go to break and come back and crank off the action? Tony's saying, can we just get this over? Yeah, because if you just want to get it out of the way, if people haven't seen it, I'm embarrassed. I just don't know. Phil, play that. You're going to play that. You need a good laugh this morning. Just watch this. Hey, you got it. You guys have to play this. Let's be honest. We could not have carnival legends without this next true superstar in tonight's show. Many people have said, James, you know what, he's dead, but I'm here to tell you he's very much alive. He's been cruising on the ledge of all foods long. He saw jazz hot. He had a great time in Cosa now. In Cosa, he went sailing with Sean from the spa in Belize, he went cave tubing in the Huggity Bay. He had a great time in the beach, saw the stinglates. Great build-up. It's okay. Participated in the rock and slow. He's here to perform for you tonight. Let's give it up for the king. Tony, as Elvis Presley. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The walk through a party in Belize, the man was there, he was there, he began to win. Yeah, because it's a key change as well. The transition, now, here come the dancers. Look at the dance moves, though, Matt. Look at the hot chicks behind me. Look, he even has the bare chest going. Yeah. See, this second stanza should not have been here. Here we go. That's a big finish. You ain't know the better. You're right, though. It sounds much better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. You ain't know the better. They said she was high-com. You named me a bigger choke job in any industry, in any business, whether it's a politician, an athlete, a coach. That's the biggest choke ever. Oh, Lord. I didn't go to Lane Bryant to get that Elvis costume. But how about this? I mean, we had like, there was a band there. Oh, yeah. It was a live band that were dancing girls, and I choked it like a dog. And that theater was packed, and I think it held like 1,000 people. That's pressure. Doing this is no pressure, because I've been doing this for 50 years. I'm getting up on a stage. I'm just happy that my Gloria Estefan song is not up there. Is that right? Oh, yeah. I'm sure. I was worse. I think I was worse than Tony. I totally froze, I wanted to do the Britney Spears song, because I knew that one. But I really never been that big of a Gloria Estefan fan, and somehow or another, they chose me for that part. I was like, "Ahh!" Well, I have a hope Linda Kern is happy with that, because she picked the music. I know. I know. That was the appropriate. And what better day than the bust out my worst Elvis impersonation ever. So thank you for participating. We're going to come right back. Tony Bruno, Ms. Robert in here for Kaelin Company on a Thursday. The last Thursday of August, believe it or not, Labor Day weekend. It's Kaelin Company on demand from talk Radio 1210WPhD and the free Odyssey app. We've seen the story about the eight people who were gunned down in Philadelphia, the guy they caught, MS-13 member from El Salvador. We'll talk more about that later, but I got to do a religious thing, and I'm not a religious guy. It's a bad Catholic. I grew up in the Catholic school. I was actually an altar boy in South Philly at St. Rita's when the altar boys faced the altar, and the priest turned the other way until they flipped it around, and we turned around, and the priest turned around and faced the crowd, and the Catholic church kept making all these changes to keep people coming back. We went from Latin to English. We went from water to the wine, and the wine was cheap stuff, and I would try to taste it, and I'm saying, "How do the priest drink that stuff?" I'm a bad Catholic like most Catholic. You're not even a holiday Catholic. No, I don't even do the Easter Christmas. It used to be because my mom, obviously, rests her soul very devout Catholic. She would watch EWTN, the Catholic channel, watch Mother, what's her name, Mother, the Sister, the Manica, one of those chicks. She's a little nurse, and Sister Angelico became a saint, right? I'm sure they make her a saint. I'm sure that everybody. Mother Angelico is a chick. You've been done. Yeah, that chick over there. Hey, pogrape peos, my boss, my boo, you know, from Sicily, it made him a saint. I was over in Sicily where my family lives, most of my family's there, so yesterday the pulp comes out, and I'm sure he will come out again later when we find out that these are real creep and a crumb creep coward. Prince Frank Rizzo would say, and I'm not one who likes the best religions. If you would ever religion, you want to follow it. I don't care what your religion is. I don't care if you go to church once a year, twice a year. I don't care what denomination you are. I don't care if you're Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim. I don't care about anybody long as it doesn't force anybody else to do something that they don't want to do against their world. That goes for pretty much everything across the board. So now this pope is obviously yeah, tell him, say, Mr. Rizzo, Frank Rizzo, my boy old buddy Frank Rizzo. Frank, what do you have to say to the pope? You're a crumb creep lush coward. Yes he is. And that's a nice thing. So what did the pope say yesterday, Tony? I'm trying to find a clip right here because he doesn't speak English. Well, I can paraphrase what the pope said. So the pope comes out and he bay and by the way, the pulp lids in the most walled in the fortified walled in and it's considered a city, it's Vatican City. So he lives behind the biggest, highest wall, even bigger than the one Kamala Harris now wants to build. He lives in the biggest walled in enclave on earth. He's worth billions of dollars, the Swiss guard guarding him exactly. Not the Swiss army knives, but he's got protection. Meanwhile, the pope comes out yesterday and says, Hey, all you people who do not accept migrants go to hell with something that I'm paraphrasing for the pope. But when we come back, we should we should talk about this a little bit more because what he is suggesting is that we have to take in migrants. And these migrants for the most part want to eradicate Christianity. Exactly. What does that make sense? Because he's woke and the woke pope is the worst pope because everything woke. Well, you know, the rest of that story is Donald Trump once said, everything woke turns the poop, including the pope. So I am ex communicating myself from the Catholic church. I will not even go to confession for another five more years.
Tony Bruno / Miss Robin in all daySomeone having sex in AMUnofficial start of fallBIG TAKE: Kamala HarrisVT - can't use son or daughter anymoreTony Bruno as Elvis