Kayal and Company
Spring Break! Saban Speaks Out... TikTok Ban...
Hr 2Dawn newsValley Forge Casino robbed at gunpointYahoo news - no bump for Biden based on SOTUCOVID - 4 yr anniv that sports shut downHarvard fires teacher for telling truth re COVIDCut SheetSpring BreakBronzer & CocaineWhat they think of Joe / TrumpNick SabanSingle 29 year old - 3 jobs, inflationTikTok ban - Omar agrees should't be bannedHaiti - wave of people coming from thereHur vs Matt GatezNadler Hur - exoneration? Jayapal - exonorationDean - Beau's deathAssessment on Biden's memoryAdam Schiff
- Broadcast on:
- 13 Mar 2024
Hr 2Dawn newsValley Forge Casino robbed at gunpointYahoo news - no bump for Biden based on SOTUCOVID - 4 yr anniv that sports shut downHarvard fires teacher for telling truth re COVIDCut SheetSpring BreakBronzer & CocaineWhat they think of Joe / TrumpNick SabanSingle 29 year old - 3 jobs, inflationTikTok ban - Omar agrees should't be bannedHaiti - wave of people coming from thereHur vs Matt GatezNadler Hur - exoneration? Jayapal - exonorationDean - Beau's deathAssessment on Biden's memoryAdam Schiff