Le'Veon Bell Likes to Hot Box Fantasy Football Podcast

Fire the Bengals into the Sun

1h 26m
Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - Here we go. Guy, welcome back. - Hello, good to be back, Kay. Week three. And the Steelers are elite. And the Bengals are not elite. - Not elite. - The opposite of elite. Doggy doo doo doo, dog water, poo poo, bad bad. Garbage. But yeah, welcome in guys. Episode three of the pod. But you're all glad to be here, glad to listen, to hear what Zach has to say. He said he's feeling dangerous. Don't let him in front of a microphone. It's not right, Guy. - Dude, I'm feeling good. - He said that approximately four minutes ago. - I'm feeling bad, too. Yeah, but I am feeling dangerous. - You're feeling dangerous. - But not dangerous. - No, no dangerous, just the actual word dangerous. Why, tell me, explain to me. - Well, you know why, because I had to pay real money to go watch the Bengals get, not a single stop all night. And. - Yeah. - He was just painful. - You paid twofold. You paid with your emotions and your, I guess like threefold. Your emotional well-being, your mental well-being, and your physical well-being. And that sucks. - Four to buy groceries this week, 'cause I went to this game. - 'Cause of you, Zach Taylor. - I'm the Luan Arubo, the Bengals defense. - I don't know, should we, should we get just, what's this jump in? - Yeah, just jump straight in. - Just jump, just, just give it, give it to me. Because the D, this is the worst Bengals defense I've ever seen. And I've been watching the Bengals for a long time, and they've had some bad themes. I mean, I mean, this is like 2010's Bengals. This is like early 2000's Bengals with Dick LaBoe. - I don't even remember then, so. - Yeah, they were really bad. - Well, you can't remember this. They inducted Corey Dillon into the ring of honor last night. - Oh, my god. Corey Dillon was on some bad themes. - Yeah. - This was like pre-cars in Palmer. I don't even know what the quarterback was. The John Kit No, I don't know, maybe. This is just a really bad defense on all three levels. The D line, other than Trey Hendrickson. - So bad, dude. - It is, it is, it is, it drives me insane. - I don't have words for how bad it is. They get no pressure. The D tackles, I know, I know we had two D tackles hurt, but it doesn't matter. Those guys aren't good anyway. B.J. Hill and Sheldon Rankins are pretty mid. - Yeah, I saw. - Sam Hubbard. - Sam Hubbard. - Garbage. - Garbage. - We paid him money. - Uh-huh. - Uh-huh. - We didn't pay Jesse Bates. - Dude, we paid Sam Hubbard. - I saw a chart this morning of the PFF grades for pass rush all the week and like the Bengals. Sam Hubbard was like 108 out of like 112 this week. - Oh, he sees. - Our whole, the whole D line was like in the 100s or like the high 90s out of like 112. - Yeah, like, I mean, even Trey had a bad game. - Yeah, yes, terrible. It wasn't until like the last drive of the game when he got that set. - Yeah, he finally got a set. - Yeah. - But that was, Jayden Daniels was just hopping around back there. He had all day to throw all day. And Lou refuses to bring a blitz. If you can't get any sort of pressure with four, I don't understand why you're not mixing up, mixing in a blitz every now and then. - Dude, I don't know. - I mean, they blitzed off the edge a couple of times with like Mike Hilton, but they never brought low. - I mean, we just flat out gotten bare. We just got embarrassed in prime time, which like usually happens, but not, you know, in the last couple of years, but like, - Not to the commanders. - Dude, just, it's just like, I understand the commanders' offense has been good this year. Like they're like a top five offense, like metrically, but that's just no excuse because they really haven't played good teams. And like, especially if Cam teller Brit is still on his trash talking tour. And then you can't make any adjustments throughout the entire game. Like, I just, dude, it just drives me insane. And I wasn't, I actually wasn't mad. Like literally the two minutes that we just talked before going to this pod, I said I wasn't going to say much because honestly, like I was mad. I was so mad last night watching the game, but then I just got over it. Like, I just accepted that like, I knew the Bengals defense was going to be so bad entering this year. Like, I remember talking about that and saying that, I remember saying our D line is going to be just really bad. And I was nervous about our secondary, but holy fuck, dude. My expectations were low, but we're holy fuck, dude. And I'm just getting really mad because it's just so embarrassing. And it's like, like the players are bad. - There's like, players are not great. - There are four guys that I would, I would like to keep on this defense. - And I also want to blame the coaching staff. Like, we've gone over the exact Taylor, I cannot get his team prepared. - You just talked about it. You were like, what the fuck did they do in the off season? Did he just go to fucking Mexico and then comes back, like in August and he's like, all right, training camp. What do we do? - He's sipping drinks at like, an all- - He's sipping my ties on the beach, dude. - All, all spring, all summer hot, dude. Oh God, Joe Burrow's going to be back healthy. We're going to run our offense. We don't even, dude, it's going to be so great. Like our offense is just going to take care of everything for us. Meanwhile, meanwhile, we can't even get our own personnel correct in the red zone. The whole, it's been three games. In every game, we've looked like shit. We, they don't know what they're doing. Oh God, dude, I just-- - Their living staff is so bad. - They're living off of a 2021 Super Bowl run and just throwing out this same roster. The D-line was bad last year. Duke Tobin's sitting here like, yeah, we don't need to add anyone. We're not going to draft anyone. We're going to draft a D tackle in the fourth rounds who hasn't even played this year. - Crazy. - We're not going to sign any free agents. We're going to let DJ Reader walk over like two million. Go to the fucking lions. We're going to let Jesse Bates walk. - To pay to pay to Higgins is the reason we let him. - To pay to Higgins who they're not even going to pay, they're going to let him walk this off season because I don't know like Brown can't afford to pay sign up bonuses. - Dude, Duke Tobin is so bad. Are drafting? Again, this goes, we've talked about this too. But it would be okay if you let those guys walk if you could one, develop, no, okay. One, draft players. - Do you have that backup plan? - Draft players. - Yes. - And two, develop players that you draft if they aren't as good as you thought they were. And we can't do either of those things. We can't. They draft Joe Carro who was like a slam dunk. And you draft Jamar Chase who turned out to be huge. And now Duke Tobin thinks he's God on earth. - They had a stretch where they had really good drafts from like 2018 to 2021. And it's been God off of the last three years. - But they hit on Jesse Bates. T Higgins was really good in the second round. They can never draft O'Liamon. Every single O'Liamon they draft is just complete shit. - Every corner we draft sucks too. - Can't feel the Brits pretty good. - He's okay. - Even though he wasn't that great last night, but. - Dax Hill, shit. - DJ Turner, shit. Jordan Battle, shit. - I think I've seen him on the field this year. - DJ Turner, I have not. - How shit is he that we converted a safety to corner to play and he starts? - And we can't even address town. Like we signed Nick Scott at safety last year. That dude, that dude hurt us more than he helped us on that. We had to take him off the field. - I'm pretty sure he's not even in the league anymore. - Dude, I'm just, I'm just, it's just crazy. And I've seen some like wild shit going around Twitter this morning. Like I've seen some dude blaming Joe Burrow for the loss last night, which is just absolutely ludicrous. These dumbasses on ESPN, I mean, I don't know why I've been turned it over the morning, 'cause I, Joe Burrow, like, dude, Joe Burrow, had what, three touchdown passes and threw for like three or four yards and didn't punt once, no turnovers, and we lost. - Yeah, who's the second quarterback this year to throw over 300 yards and three touchdowns? Second, and the first was Andy Dalton this week. Dude, and we play them next week. - How, dude, if we lose Andy Dalton-- - If we lose Andy Dalton, he's got it. - Zach Taylor just got to go. - That's got it, yeah, I agree, he should be gone. - But who, it's like two, it's like you can't do that because it's just like, well, what do you, like fuck it, what are we doing? - We do this, we, we can't sign any free agents in stupid Mike Brown and whatever his fucking dumbass daughter's name is, who basically runs the organization in Blackburn, they want God damn Hamilton County taxpayers to pay for their practice facility. - Oh, dude, we didn't talk about that. We didn't talk about the fucking upgrades, the ball brown that they drafted up last week that cost like a billion dollars and they laid out these plans. And it's all just like fucking cosmetic, like nothing structurally is changing. And I'm like, how is this costing a billion dollars, like you could build a brand new stadium. - That's what, that's what. - Build a brand new fucking stadium. Oh my God, dude, it's crazy. - They're adding the practice facility and they're adding new, or new office buildings and they're adding like a new scoreboard at paycore or whatever they're doing. - They're adding a probably a little bit in the program. - They're probably upgrading the suites. So, Jamal Chase can invite his groupies to come and watch. - Whatever, over a billion dollars and that's completely gonna be funded by the taxpayers. Fuck off, Mike Brown. - You know, put a cent into that and you expect Hamilton County to pay for all of that? F, seriously, F all. I'm voting that down. I think it will get voted down 'cause people are just like tired of his bullpen. - Yeah, right now, right now it will. Guys, I hope you're enjoying this. I bet everyone's really enjoying this actually. It's been 11. - Yeah, if you live in Hamilton County, Eric, and it ever comes to vote, please vote no. Please vote no. 'Cause I'm tired of, Mike Brown didn't pay for any part of Paul Brown. He doesn't pay for anything. He literally doesn't pay for anything. He just lives off the bagels. That's what he does in entire life. - Matt, that goes for you too. Alex, that doesn't go for you 'cause you don't live in Cincinnati. - Dude, he lives in like Butler County or whatever he lives. He looks like two counties away from Hamilton. It's just embarrassing. It does start with the owner. The owner's a joke. Complete joke. The only reason the bangles are any relevance 'cause they lucked in Joe Barrow. Only reason. - We'd still be a joke. We'd still be running out like Ryan Finley or whatever that guy's name is. - Yeah, all right, I'm done. I'm done. You can keep talking, but I'm done. - I don't have much more to say. Yeah, I mean, the front office, we touched on a little bit. It's just a complete joke that they thought this defense, they could run it back and it would get better. - Give us some of the in-game atmosphere yesterday. You were at the stadium. - I mean, it was loud. They went down and threw a four-year bomb, John Marchese, and the stadium was electric. We were all singing the benga growl. And then Washington just went down. I don't even think they had a third down on the head drive. Easy score, all right. Did I think McPherson missed a field goal? Come back down, bam. Easy S drive. I mean, they were going down easy. Even when they went to third down, it was like third and one, third and two. It was just, and then-- - How quick did the atmosphere go? - It turned pretty quick. The boos started coming out after, I think, it was 21 to 10, and that third touchdown came in. - Did halftime for sure. - Yeah, people were getting annoyed. And then-- - When did you leave? - When did you leave? - I left when Tamara Chlorin scored that touchdown. - You stayed for that. I mean, 'cause realistically, we had a chance. - They were still in the crowd. - We had two chances. That drive, we had two fourth downs that they converted on that drive. - Yup. - They had chance to get off the field. - They even had a fourth and they just heard you. - They just heard you. - They just heard you. - It was like, that's when Trey Hendrickson got his one sack of the night. It was second and 24, and they still got the first. Zach hurts, Zach hurts, Zach hurts is wide open over the middle of the field, like on three plays that drive. - Dude, I-- - Ugh. - I just don't know. I don't even know. - We play Carolina and then we play Baltimore after that. - Thank you. - Yeah. - Oh, five, oh, five. - We're gonna get a pretty good, pretty good draft. - Looks like it, looks like it. Yeah, who's it gonna be, though? - Someone that doesn't pan out. - I don't know, actually the Mary's men's came in 'cause Tripp Brown. - Oh yeah, he's out for the season. - He's gonna be out for the year. He has that one really bad play where he led up a sack, but overall I thought he played really good. So I'm encouraged. He really helped a run game. - I mean, the offense was, I mean, the offense was fine. - Yeah, the offense was really good, it was fine. - Yeah. I mean, when you score 30, whatever points we did. - Well, I mean, we should be doing that in commanders, so. - Okay. - Yeah, I don't have much else, just. - That's a good rambling section. - Yeah, we just need to clean, just clean house this all season. Needs to be everyone, Duke Turban, bye. - Mike Brown, die, please. Zack Taylor, just move on. Be Rams analyst again, wherever we got you from. I think Lou ran over him, it's been really good, but he just needs, I think we just need. - Okay, I'm gonna be erred here, 'cause I think Eric will wanna ask you this question, but, God, you want Jim Harbaugh? - Oh, God, why do we, no, I don't, another 65-year-old coach who looks confused. Every time he pans, the camera pans to him, and he just looks confused at all times. - Mike, he doesn't know what's going on. - It's just weird, I don't know what's weird though. - Like Joe Biden, like Joe Biden was on the sideline. - Yes, that literally was a blank stare all the time, and the dude carries glizzies in his pocket. That alone makes me not wanna have him as a coach. I know Eric is obsessed with the man, and would probably do illegal things to have him be the Packers head coach, but. - I mean, Eric's a Michigan fan, so. - It can't be, he is, I know. - He wasn't Wisconsin fan, his next name is Michigan. - Yeah, he's done with Wisconsin. - But, but Jim's not there anymore, so. - Yeah, but his hatred of Luke Fickel is too strong, and he's been revitalized by the Connor Stalin's documentary. - No, he just likes anything that I don't like, that's literally what he does. - It's a generational, it's a generational hate relationship between you two, honestly. - I don't like Jim Harbaugh, Eric loves him. - That's like the thing, yeah. Eric probably loves Duke Tobin. (laughing) - It definitely does, to see us in pain, for sure. - Yeah, I hate you. - Eric loves Alex. - Same thing. - Yeah, it's good, it's good. Man, also the Reds fired David Bell. - That was so random. - Dude, just buried on Sunday night after football is pretty hilarious. - That's just Nick Crawl, just why? - Burying all the blame from himself. - Is that what he's trying to do? - Dude, the Reds haven't even posted on their social media, it happened three, we're going on three days ago, and the Reds haven't even posted on their social medias. - I, yeah, I got a bleach report update about it. I didn't see anything about it on Twitter. - Nothing from the Reds, no, nothing from the Reds account. Like, no thank you, there's nothing. - I don't understand why, and then I saw Nick Crawl did an interview, I didn't even listen to it, 'cause I got just, you can just tell that dude's a mouth breather. - He's also got, no, he just thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, and that he has done nothing wrong, and he literally sucks. And he literally called us a small market, like everyone knows that since he's a small market, market team. But he's just like, yeah, we're a small market team, and that's never ever gonna change, so we gotta act like it. I'm like, dude, you just, I mean, just like fuck off with that negativity. Like, don't just adopt a small market team. - Yeah. - You don't hear them voting in pounds every year. - They go, yes, exactly. - They develop guys, fucking win. - Yeah, Nick Crawl is a loser. - He needs to be fired first. - All right, who do you want? - Oh, or just give me like a short list. I mean, the short list I've seen are pretty awesome, pretty hilarious. - I mean, I think if, I think Barry Lorcan's gonna be gunning for the job. - Yo, he's got zero shot though. - I don't, yeah, I don't know. He's a Cincinnati 11. I think he has a shot, but he's gonna be poking his nose into the argument. I really don't even know. - I wanted to be safe. - I feel like when we hired David Bell, no one thought David Bell was gonna get the job. That was kind of out of nowhere. - That's true. - Yeah, I don't know. - It's true, I guess, it's a stranger thing. - I'm hoping Barry, like, I don't even know. I don't know if I want Barry, but I just kind of want Joey to take Barry's job to a thought out. - To be in the booth? - Yes. - That would be amazing. I want Joey to be the manager, dude. He'd probably be terrible, like right now, at least just so soon after playing and no experience, but like, it'd just be pure vibes. It'd be pretty, he'd get thrown out of so many games too, it'd be amazing. - Postgame interviews would be so good. - That'd be awesome. - David Bell post, postgame interviews are probably the worst thing I've ever listened to. - Yeah, I think I'd rather watch the Bengals play football. - No, you wouldn't. - I think I would, I think I would. - Yeah, I don't know, I don't have a short list. It's probably gonna be some of the random that we never heard of. - I mean, I've seen Skip Schumacher, former Red, actually, and former Cardinal, and former Lots of teams. I mean, he was good for the Marlins for a year, but they've been shit-sense, but not all his fault. David Ross, I've seen, honestly, I don't want David Ross. Brad Osmis, Scott Surveys, former Marlins manager. Freddie Benavides, who's gonna be interim manager for us now, a long time, bench coach. Barry. Who else, who else? There's someone, I can't remember who I wanted to say, and I just absolutely blanked on the name now. - Was it? - No one good? - Was it? Oh, Miguel Cairo, former Red. - What, earth? - Yeah, Miguel Cairo, which is, I'm Larry's. - I'm over the road. - Aaron Boone. Terry Francona, Terry Francona. - I would, Aaron Boone leave the Yankees. - Don Mattingly. Will Venable, which is the most random thing I've ever heard. - Okay. - So, I don't know, we'll see. Apparently, they want to get it done soon. So, maybe like within the next month, maybe before the World Series is over, which means it's for sure not Aaron Boone. - No. - Yeah. What else, what else, what else? Saved a basketball, retired two hallways number, which is probably the only good thing to happen in my life this past week. Thank God, I fucking love, that is my, that is my Zaver Goat. I know he's not the greatest ever, but to me, it goes two hallways, David West, and then Trey. Just because I grew up with two, and I just love that guy so much, he just is everything. So, I'm ecstatic, I just, oh, it's gonna be amazing. I need to go to that game. Whatever that happens, 'cause I will shed actual tears. It's just so deserved, dude. Oh my God, just so deserved. - I didn't think they were gonna do it, but they actually did. - All right, they've just given in to the system up now with the TBT and everything. It's enough time has passed. People have been forgiven. Dude, Sean Kilpatrick, Sean Kilpatrick commented on Instagram of that post on Zaver Athletics post, which is like a bunch of fire emojis. It's hilarious. - Sean Kilpatrick, Sean Kilpatrick. - Yeah. - Interesting. - I started the brawl, so it was quite hilarious, actually. But yeah, very excited about that. And I'm just very, very wet and erect about a lot of the videos that they've been putting out for practice. Just get me, 'cause it's basketball season, guy. The Bengals said it's basketball season. - Yeah, and so, it's Ohio State football and Zaver basketball, I'm done with the Bengals, give it up. - If they lose to the Panthers, I'm not watching a single game the rest of your confirmed. I'll just watch right there. - Yeah, we'll have to take up on right there. - We'll have to take for sure, if we lose to the Panthers. All right, got anything else? - Nope. - All right, quick review of this past week. So the Bengals lost, we all know that. Steelers won, they beat the Chargers in a really disgusting game in Pittsburgh. The Bears lost to the Colts, which is pretty embarrassing, 'cause Anthony Richardson is literal dogwater. - Oh my God, between, dude, that quarterback play, it was nice. - It was gross. - It may have been the worst quarterback play in any game I've ever seen. - Yeah, it was gross. I watched actually a decent amount of that game. - I was watching that and the Saints Eagles. - Also a disgusting game, also terrible. - Horrible, horrible games. - The Lions lost? No, the Lions won, right? They beat the Cardinals, didn't they beat the Cardinals? - Yeah, they beat, yeah, yeah. - They barely hung on, there was like no scoring in the second half of that game. - The Lions kind of suck, they don't suck, but they're not that good. - They're not as good as I thought they do. - They're streaky. - Yeah. - They're kind of weird. - Weird not to be. - No MVP season for Jared Goff, like Jared Goff predicted. - Yeah, definitely not. - No. I don't think he'll be being picked up in the near future, either, but let's see. - Then the Packers beat the, who did they play? - How do you? - Yeah, they beat the Titans, yeah, yeah. Malik Will is beating Will Levis. - Another gross game. That's the one team, I think the Titans are worse than the Bengals. - Maybe. - They're really bad. - The Jags, the Jags are terrible. - Yeah, they're really bad too. - That Trevor Lawrence contracts looking. - Looking scary, dude, it's bad. It's really bad. - He's not really bad. - Is he a bust? - Yes, I would say yes. - Isn't this year four? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - It's not good. - This is year four, yeah. - His completion percentage is at par with Anthony Richardson. - Would you rather-- - And he throws the ball so much more. Would I rather what? - Have Justin Fields. - Or Trevor Lawrence? - Yeah. - Yeah, I'd rather have Justin Fields. - That quarterback class is looking scary bad. - Yeah. - 'Cause he had Trey Lance, he had Mac Jones, he had Zach Wilson, and he had Justin Fields. - Yeah, it is Mac Jones, even on a roster. - He's on the Jags, he's the backup. - Oh Lord, dude, oh my God. He came in a little bit last night because they were getting blown out so bad. - Wow, that's amazing. I actually love that so much. Jeez. Okay. Do you think Bryce Young starts again? He'll definitely start again this season. - Ooh, I mean, maybe when they're completely out of it, like their division. - I don't think they're that bad of a team. - I don't think they're that bad of a team. - 'Cause they have some, I mean, they have players. They definitely have some players, I mean, Dalton just made Bryce Young look really bad. I mean, embarrassingly, generationally bad. - Yeah, embarrassing. I don't think, I mean, if Dalton plays like that, he's playing like that. He's not gonna play, you know, I don't think. - Okay. - Well, yeah, I don't know. I don't know what's an extra Bryce Young. - I mean, neither, we'll see. - I mean, we talked about it last year. What, they should have never taken him over CJ's route. Why, dude, he's five, 10, 180. - That's the panty, but we thought we have also talked about this, it's just the panther's organization is such a dumb part. It's just like the bangles, but probably we're embarrassing, honestly. - That owner, yeah. - That owner. - Yeah, David Tipper's just, yeah, crazy. - Hot garbage. Speaking of owners, did you see the Jerry Jones thing? - What, Jamie Foxx? - Yeah. - Yeah, I saw that. I mean, what do you expect? - Is that a good strategy? - For great. - Yeah, great, great strategy. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I agree. - It's amazing. - Jesus Christ. - But, yeah, I don't know why Bryce Young was wrapped over CJ's trail. - Yeah, I don't know either. - I don't know either. - He's not good. - He's not good, he has no zip on the ball. - No. I mean, yeah, it goes without saying. - Yeah. - Everyone's seen it. It's pretty sad, it's pretty sad, actually. - Yeah. - All right, let's move it in the mailbag. We got one mailbag this week. - You actually got one. - Yeah, I got one mailbag this week. It's, no, it's not from Jared, but it's for you. - Is it from fucking Alex? - No. - Okay, good. - It's from someone else that you love, though, dearly. And it's not, it's not Eric. - Donald. - No. I say that jokingly. It's someone that you played this week. - Oh God, boys. - So, boys says, "Hey Zach, we've played three times "since I joined your league last year, "and you're 0 and 3 against me, "and I've beaten you by an average score of, yeah, "I did the math, 120 to 64, on average, "120 points to 64, and you're 0 and 3. "Once is luck, twice is coincidence, "but three times is a pattern. "You understand this is an Ohio State fan, "so what's going on?" - I mean, you shouldn't be, you shouldn't be proud of two wins against my team last year. I mean, that's, I mean, those are two free wins. - And you had a good week this week? - Yeah, what do you tell them? What are you telling me, Guy? What do you want to tell, guys? I think, since saying that you're just a shit manager. - I mean, I can't really do any-- - Yeah. - It sounds like Blaze doesn't know any different about you. - Oh, we'll see. I'll play him again, hook on BMW. I mean, he just put up some really good weeks against me. Can't really do anything about that. - Just cry, actually. - Yeah, I mean, I'm never going to score, I mean, 140. - You're never going to score 140? - I mean, I could, that's just, that's probably going to be one of the top five, maybe top three high scores of the year. - Could be, it could be for sure. - In here, yeah. - So congrats, Blaze. - Congrats on this win. Last year, I mean, you're really bragging about beating me twice last year at the team I had. Shouldn't be. - It is kind of embarrassing, though, Guy. I mean, Josh Allen absolutely balled out yesterday and you still didn't even get to 100 points. - No one else did. - Yeah, we'll talk about that in our matchup reviews. And we're not going to skip any reviews this week. Don't worry, guys, that was a one-time blip. It was Alex, so is deserved, but. - I mean, we could, we could, we could. - Yeah, we're not going to, we're not, we're not going to. - I'm just not going to give you, yeah. - Guy, you got any AB tweets for us this week? - Oh my God, dude, there's been a, oh, we talked about the Jared Jones stuff. He was having a little field day on that. - Yes, he was indeed. - Should we go into depth? Or should just people should just know? - Oh, no, people should just know. - Okay. - Or should people should just find out? - Okay. - If you want to research. - If they don't, if they don't know. - Pretty easy to find out, yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, I don't see any poems. But I think I sent you this one, Guy. It's the dude shoving a balloon down his throat, and the caption being Chris Collins analyzing Patrick Mahomes completing a routine pass. - Yes. - I was raging about this on Sunday night, and you guys were like, dude, calm down. But I just can't take it anymore. Every time Collins' worth gets it in the Holmes game, the glazing is unreal. I've never heard this amount of, of, of. - I can't watch this video, dude. I cannot watch this video. This guy sticks like literally a two foot long balloon down his throat and swallows it. I don't understand what's happening. - I was done when Collins' worth said, what a play by Mahomes when he threw the ball away. - What, the one against the bangles into the ground? - No, no, no, no. Last night. - 'Cause I was done with that. - Sunday night. - Or that was Tony, that was Tony, everybody. - Yeah, that was Tony, yeah. - Sunday night, he's getting, he's getting sacked, and he just throws it out of bounds, and Collins' worth, like, what a play by Mahomes. He's really, he's like, he got in the, he got in the weight room this off season. - Are we being serious? - It's unreal, I can't take it. He just needs to retire, Collins' worth does. - Yeah, he's done. - Well, can we submit, can we submit? It's either A/B poem, Breakdown, or it's A/B meme of the week. And I just, I gotta say, I love the, how As are the Bengals tweet that he posted last night. - Oh yeah, yep, that was a good one. - With a, with a spicy image that you would find on Alex Rutherford's TikTok 4U page, probably. - Probably. - With a, it's just quite a busty woman on the beach, looking back at all she got in that trunk. - It's a big ass. - Yeah, so. - That's how it goes. - If you're curious, go find that out on A/B's page. You can't, you can't miss it. - Can't miss it. - It'll stare you right in the face. - But yeah. Yeah, yeah, I mean A/B hasn't really, he hasn't been tweeting much with words. He just likes to, he just likes to be buzzy with memes and pop culture and stuff. He hasn't really come out with any of his own tweets. This goes back to that conspiracy theory that he doesn't actually run his own account. - I don't, I think he has someone who runs it for sure, but I think he does do stuff with it. There's also a, a picture of SpongeBob hanging himself and said Brown's fans after today's loss. - Nice. - Which could be applied to Bangle's fans yesterday. - Yeah, for sure. Absolutely for sure. - Yeah. - All right, let's get into these matchups then. We'll start with yours. - Yeah, let's get it. Blaze taking on Zack, Gritty Gritty, Bang Bang, 139.38. The big booty butler's 91.22. And just an absolute mauling, used to zero chance. - Yeah, I mean, when you get, when you get that production from Blaze, I'm never, I'm not gonna win very much. - Nah, Malik, Malik neighbors is, is he wide receiver one on the year? Yeah, he is, he's just, he's an absolute stud. - Yep. - Yeah, they just have no one else to throw to in that offense and he gets all the looks. - Chris Lave had his breakout game finally scored a touchdown. I guess I shouldn't say breakout game. He still had 86 yards, he had 80 yards last week too. - He's been, he's been good. Yeah, he's been good. He just hasn't had a touchdown. So he got one this week. - Jefferson, that dude's always open. Sequin is literally, probably go one overall in a redraft if we did a redraft right now. - Yeah. - Lamar had a good week against the Cowboys who look terrible. Tony Pollard did nothing and Rashad White did nothing. Rashad White, actually, okay, let me know what you think about Rashad, what's happened with Rashad White. - Well, I've been, I haven't-- - I mean, we know, yeah, we've been off him. We say he sucks. - We've been, we've been, he's not, he's not. - No, he's just not even getting the passing work anymore. - Bucky Irving is, is going to increase. Like, he's gonna be taking more and more touches. - Yeah, top bowl scale. - I mean, God, he had five reception. That's the only reason he had six points. Yeah, Rashad White, I don't think is playable for Blaze anymore. - Yeah. - He did, I mean, he got, he played him over JK. He still got JK top and still a little bit. - Yeah, I mean, they played the Steelers so that's understandable. It was actually probably a, he should have started Dobbins, he would have scored more than Rashad White, but yeah, I mean, he's got that move going forward, so. - Yeah, Tony Pollard too is kind of a meh play. - I think he'll be alright this year. - I mean, maybe, I think, I think Tajai Spears is going to continue to eat into his. I think they're going to be down a lot and Tajai Spears is the receiving back of those two, so. I mean, I don't know why, I mean, you don't want to be thrown with a Levis, but they're just going to have to be, because they're never going to be in games. - Yeah, they'll be down. - Yeah, Justin Jefferson didn't have a single point in the second half. - That's, that's, that's crazy. - Mm-hmm. - Did they just run the ball? I don't even know. - Yeah, I think they were up there. - I mean, they picked off Stroud like twice, so. - Yeah, they didn't really need to throw in the second half. - All right, guys, talk me through your team. Talk me through Josh Jacobs. - I don't, I didn't watch that game. Yeah, I don't know, just wasn't very good. Just wasn't good enough. - Yeah, they play the Vikings. - The first two games he was getting, I mean, God, against Indy get 32 touches, just not finding the incident right now, which is very annoying. Extremely annoying. Jordan Mason, he's still good. Yeah, my running backs aren't great. - Yeah, the kid definitely, definitely be better. - He's better. - It's near white. - Yeah, he's never. - Yeah, he's not getting played. He's on, he's on drop watch. - Yeah, yeah. - How about that 100-handed play guy? How about that Thursday, 100-handed play? - It's really bad. - Yeah. - It's really bad. - So frustrating too, because that Dallas got it last week and he got like four targets and he gets like 15 this week. - Then he got Rishi Chihid on the bench, putting up a goose. - A goose. - How is that in the range of possibilities after 15 and 19 points start the year, and goose is, that's crazy. He dropped a touchdown though, I gotta say. - Yeah, he did. He dropped like two touchdowns. I think he's, he's good going forward actually. - Yeah, cool little Shakira. - Ooh, still looks pretty solid for Buffalo. - Guy told you he's good. He's gonna be good and he's definitely a flex option all year. - Yeah. - Especially with that Josh Allen stack. I like my receivers. Like my receivers are good. I have a lot of in Rishi, right? - Kind of high floor receivers. - Yeah. Rishi Rises, receiver four. T Higgins, God. Yeah, he might be a, I got some, and I got Jay and Reid with George Love coming back. I like my receivers just, yeah, my running backs. - Your team doesn't really seem to put it together every week. - No, from every position. - No. - Yeah. It's annoying. Hopefully you can start next week. - All right. Blaze is two and one. Guy, you moved to one and two. Not pretty. - All right. - Yeah. - Better known three. - This is true. Let's talk about one of these 0 and 3 teams. It's Michael Pappas who was taken on Matt Kent this week, the albino polar bears. CDs, TDs, 91.1, the albino polar bears, 110.16 in large help from Joe Burrow and Jamar Chase last night. Getting big games from them finally. - Yeah. - And then Kyron Williams with the three touchdown game, which just might have been probably the game of the week. And then the Rams and the 49ers, which I watched a decent amount of, I was watching Red Zone, but there were only a couple late window games, so they were showing that a lot. And my, I didn't think the Rams had a chance. And they shouldn't have had a chance to be on this mission. - No, they shouldn't have. - And Moody, Mr. Fuelagol, and yeah, they got lucky. - Ronnie Bell. - They pulled it out. - Dropped up wide open. Do you see that hitting right in the hands? - That would have been a pick. - No, it was like on that last drive, Ronnie Bell. - Who's Ronnie Bell? - He dropped two passes. He's a receiver for the Niners. He just dropped like a 30 yard pass. That would have basically iced the game. - Damn. Hit him right in the hands. - Sounds like a sequel. - Um. - Yeah. But even worse because he's a receiver. - Uh, Javante Williams. Would you rather have Javante Williams or Zmir White? - I mean, it's pretty much the same. - Both should be droppable candidates. Except that Matt doesn't really have anybody else that he can play at running back. - What about the Andre Swift, too? - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I would probably start Braylon Allen to be quite honest with you over both of them. And I'm being bleak serious. - I mean, yeah. - Maybe the Andre Swift over Braylon Allen, but Javante is done. Javante is washed. He's cooked. He is a rotisserie chicken. - I mean, he's 12 rushing yards. Last week against Pittsburgh, he was 11 for 17. My goodness. He is getting some reception. He's getting some dumbballs. That's kind of... - Propped up his stool. Yeah, but yeah, Matt, I don't know if he can play him anymore. Thank you. I think you have to maybe start Swifter. Or Braylon Allen and then throw up one of your receivers. - Or make a trade. - Yeah. Yeah. - I don't know. - I'll see. - Yeah, I don't know. - I got to win this week, but I'm still concerned with him. His team going forward. - Yeah, I am as well. But that was... - He's catching on to a jail on water with... God damn boil and... - Yeah, all the dolphins. All the dolphins might be cooked. - It's not playable. - But this was a big win from Addy moves up to two and one. - Mm-hmm. - Big, big win. Papis still in the cellar at 0 and 3. I really thought he had a good chance to win this week, but... He got let down by... Basically his whole team. - Stroud. - Seedy, what? - Less than ten. - Seedy Lamb. - Less than seven. James Conner had three. Jackson Smith and Jacob was a flash in the pan from last week. Did not. He only had three targets this week. Like, what is that? How do you go from 16 targets back down to three? That just seems crazy. - Hmm. - Explain. - Uh, I don't know. I don't know. I didn't watch that game where they ran the ball a lot. - I mean, they killed Miami, so maybe they just generally need to throw. He's gonna be hot and cold. He's gonna get his targets some games. I don't think he's... He's not really a big touchdown guy. - Yeah. - Um, he's more of a possession. - That's what I'm saying. - In-yard, 15-yard... - Three targets. - Three targets. - Yeah. - That's just not like his... He's not like a red-zone guy. He's not a burner, so he's not gonna have an 80-yard touchdown. - Yeah. So... - Christian Kirk had a good game finally for the Jags this week. Best of the season. - Call it. - Where are these garbage time catches? - I have no idea. I didn't watch this game. - Potentially. - You have 10 targets. - Pretty good. - Chewie Halberg. I mean, first Panther player we're gonna talk about. But, I mean, just like Eddie Dalton. Just... The revelation that the Red Red... - He just unlocks the offense. - Yeah, it's just like... I mean, you're talking about how absolutely garbage the Panthers have been like the last two weeks. You were like last week, especially. You texted me some stat about the Panthers that they had only led for like 10 seconds or something. - Yeah, their last like 10 games. - Yeah, and then they just... Like, I mean... - They just have to play the Raiders. - It's just night and day. It's just... It's just... It's just crazy. - Yeah. - With a competent quarterback. - Yeah. - They couldn't sustain drives. And they're deaconing on the field. - Just everything changes. Everything changes with a competent quarterback. - Yes. - Which is just kind of crazy. - All right. Let's move on. Let's talk about Dolan and Alex. Hurt's Donut losing to Najee Germany. 81.36 to 117.14. Third high score on the week, Alex. Good week from him. - Yeah, his team just put it all together this week. - The trade between these two playing out this week. Joe Mixon didn't play. Really hurt Dolan. Garrett Wilson finally got to touchdown for Alex. But Jalen Hurts didn't have a touchdown. Pretty wild. And that disgusting Saints Eagles game. - Yeah. - Derek Henry had a huge game against the Cowboys. - Yup. - Almond Ross saying... - He's finding the end zone. - Almond Ross saying Brown found the end zone for the first time this year. Najee's been serviceable. All they do is run the ball. - He's a good flex option. He got a lot of... I mean, he wasn't good. I was watching that game with Alex. He was not good. But he had a late, pretty 30 yard run. Late 30 yard run. And he was just getting some one yard dump off. So I got him a couple points. But yeah, he's a good flex option for Alex. - Yeah. And then Zach Moss who got into the end zone last night as well. - Or Garbage time touchdown. - Yeah. But he looks pretty decent. I mean... - The run game looked really good. Him and Chase Brown looked pretty good. - Terry McClellan. I mean, I don't think you can rely on this, but he had a good game. Maybe Cliff Kingsbury will actually use him properly now. I don't know. Maybe there's some hope for you there, Alex. I don't know. I'd still be scared. She could be wires worse picking the draft. Got a touchdown. Finally had a good game on the bench. - Yeah. - And then I mean, dull inside of the ball. There's just nothing positive we can talk about, except for Roman Thunze on the bench. - Yeah. - I don't even think you want us to really talk about it. But I guess Rome looked pretty decent. So that's good news for... As a Bears fan and you don't even fantasy, so... - Hey, we're targeting him a lot. Let's talk about the obvious here again. Mark Andrews. - Yeah. - What was it? One route or like how many route routes? - He ran four routes. - He ran four routes and he had one target. - All right. - And yeah, just... I don't... I just don't know. I just genuinely embaffled by the tight end position in general. this is just like weird like I yeah I don't know if they didn't even really third I say likely either he had one catch I mean Lamar only like through the ball 15 times I think I didn't want where they just trade up our nameable yeah I mean Derek Henry you had a crazy game yeah yeah yeah and Lamar also had a really good game on the ground yeah yeah more candor is scary scary so is Michael Whitman scary yeah so his brain and I you could just looks not good it looks like he's playing preseason football and you're starting to Marcus Robinson and Jerry Judi at flex as well it's just not gonna be good yeah Dolan's main really really good continue he's got huge on the bench again talk about huge we didn't talk about huge huge has a couple touchdowns this year so actually got three yeah three to crowd to go on cute he's he's receiver 16 that's crazy going buddy two catches nice Justin Herbert's hurt though he's probably not gonna play so I don't know you know you're not starting yeah I know Dolan knows this but I'm sorry yeah the pod the podcast is scared for Dolan I'm extremely scared for Dolan you're staring down the barrel of last plays punishment already Dolan and I think you're aware of that I started Alexander Madison this week right so he scored a touchdown he did he did you had seven rushing yards and he scored a touchdown which is annoying because why not to me or what he scored more points than Garrett Wilson so who's the real winner there yeah boy yeah just best of luck to you Dolan it's all like it's all I really got to say yeah I think he's got a good this was me last year you just got to go in the mindset I'm not making the playoffs I just can't come in last yeah yeah yeah usually I would say don't give up on the season this early you know it's a long season anything can happen injuries whatever right I just don't see it I just don't yeah I just don't see it with the roster that he has I just I mean hopefully you get mixing back this week and then you got up I mean you got a good do a running back got the receivers just scary yeah man yeah I just don't know I just don't know about it all right we can stop talking about it though Dolan 0 and 3 Alex moving up to 2 and 1 big time for Alex having a winning record right now now yeah I mentioned in the chest the first time he's had a win working like three years in this guy just can't stop talking about it yeah good for yeah good for you Alex you can't act like he's been there before because he has not been there before good for you good for you buddy what's that no what's that go about it oh he did he did he will he will keep letting you know he but he better keep winning or he's gonna hear out for me you better that's all I got to say all right we got breeze lightning myself taking on Eric's Baker digs James and shots Eric with that mid-season second third week of the season name change risky didn't pay off too well still put up a decent respectable in amount of points 93 and a half this week but uh you didn't say that about me guy yeah well 92 and you're like yeah because yeah because Josh Allen was your whole team well Jonathan Taylor was Eric's whole team it's just not true I saw he writes Ross the board I had a two-person team guy Roshi writes and Josh yay did you win no would you have beaten Eric also no okay yeah so loss is a loss yeah loss is a loss Eric took another loss he's he's one and two with you so he I mean not saying he is much better but especially when James and Williams goes one catch for nine yards that's not great that's not a great looking Samuel Porter two catches for 36 yards and got hurt yeah more confusing tied in play just but if anything Eric's got great quarterback play doesn't he number one quarterback putting up 8.5 points oh just great there just jinxes himself yeah he comes in he's like who we like one one game sample size Eric you got to stay a little bit more humble my guy I know we're coming at you with shots but we put ourselves in the karma target territory you you just stay away from it we were right though we were right yeah we were right we wouldn't Eric admit we were right no probably not no because he'll point to my Anthony Richardson who I fully admit and I actually texted him I said when our matchup first started I said I think Anthony Richards is gonna kill me this week fully expecting it but you were concerned I warned you about this before the draft and I knew it too yeah you're gonna have to have a little backup because AR is just so unpredictable yeah and it sits coming true he had a bad week I picked up you're gonna get those like week one where he scores yeah there'll probably be three or four more of those this year rushing touchdowns he just has yeah he has not run the ball he's threat no and maybe that's the culture trying to protect him a little bit maybe I guess it's not really work I mean I guess they won this week but maybe the yeah I think the pair so not at the not at the mercy of Anthony Richardson being good it's just jumped on Taylor being good although Anthony Richardson actually did get tackled at like the two twice yeah he did he did and then he pushed tracer men into the end which was pretty awesome but no there's just one guy on my team that that really I'd like to point out is my hero and savior that is a one tomorrow jennings no there's a one as the 2020 for Mario Cooper and his name is Joanne Jennings which is just really chefs kiss because Eric was already complaining at the first touchdown from a Mario about how he was gonna have another generational game Eric complained about anyone if someone scores a touchdown against Eric he's like dude this game in his career holding shit who is this you don't even deserve to be on a field somebody needs to change that guy's diaper like Bobby saying the same thing about Chris Godwin and having the sees that he's having right now or try missing Williams he's never done it before or James Cook that scored whatever he scored last week 28 which wasn't even that much but still respectable amount but yeah yeah Devan HN let me down because my just be absolutely fried yep Tyler Huntley is gonna be leading them into glory yeah you think we'll start this week oh yeah for sure I don't think Skyler Donaldson can play it's it's so it's Tim Tim Boyle Tim Boyle or Snoop Huntley it's got to be Snoop yeah yeah but that's concerning yeah the bone zone concerning with yeah he's coming back for you no but the char bone zone is alive and well while the real bones own his sidelines yeah and that's why it's important to have handcuffs guy I'm very important even though Jared said it's not that important guy would beg to differ I would beg to differ um yeah you finally got good receiver play I know it's not crazy crazy my my running backs were well actually that's not true it's just about HN that let me down but yeah no my receiver's actually something good are you concerned with Braille and Alan stealing touches from Breeze Hall I mean Breeze Hall is still gonna get his touches but yeah I am I definitely think RB1 is off the table for Breeze Hall now this year which is I drafted him because I thought he could be RB1 this year I think that's probably definitely going and I won't say definitely but I think that's probably gone if you could yeah would you do would you do Bijon no I wouldn't I'd still take a breeze although Bijon I think is ramping up he's he's been really good with only getting in the end zone once this week yeah it's good for Jared but no I I braille and Alan's I mean he's just awesome he's just awesome like I don't know why he wouldn't want that guy to be out there so I think Breeze is still the featured back and he's gonna have the big role in the team but if you can give him rest with braille and Alan and not lose production that's awesome so no I'm not concerned really about Breeze I think caps is sealing a little bit but I think it's just like it actually it's just more just like the braille at Alan's side is he's I don't know if he's really I guess he's startable for Matt in Matt's situation like I don't I wouldn't start braille and Alan like you know if Eric had braille and I wouldn't be starting him but yeah yeah it's a good one for you gay yeah and Deontay Johnson on my bench - who I was gonna start I gotta say I told Madison I'd say this on the pod which is true cuz I was tilting hard on Sunday on Saturday night I was out to I was at I was a little wine tipsy Saturday night out of wine bar with some friends and it's going over my fantasy roster with my friend Caleb and I was like dude I need a tight end this week cuz kills out he's like I got kittle - he's like I picked up Dallas Goddard I was like I could do that too I had my or actually I hadn't picked up I hadn't picked up anybody yet I was waiting and kill got marked out so I was like you know what all right I was like I was I was like I was like a between Kaseki or Friar Muth or Goddard or I was even considering cold commit which who also would have been a great pickup but I picked up Dallas Goddard I did it because he was like I picked up Dallas Goddard I was like all right you know what fucking fine I'll pick up Dallas Goddard oh no Zach hurts was the other one I was considering - so I picked up Dallas Goddard had a Sunday morning like 10 30 11 a.m. switch switch to Zach hurts I was like you know what I think Zach hurts is gonna get guaranteed like minimum six points I'll just take the free guaranteed points because I didn't know what got it was gonna do I thought maybe he'd get like - you didn't do anything the week before and he did not get to he did not get to they were throwing that they got 22 more than a Goddard yeah we were that that Calcatera yeah I'm so mad but it didn't it didn't hurt me it didn't hurt me imagine how I feel and the week before okay but the other the other tilting I did was I had no idea who to play at flex I know I knew I was starting to sharpen a but it was between I had Deontae Johnson in there all week yeah I was like I'm riding him I was like I was confident Andy Dalton was gonna turn things around and I was I was tilting hard and I told Eric I was like I think I'm gonna make changes even after the after the early round games I was like I'm probably gonna tweak by lineup based on what our scores are so I asked Madison I said okay I was like who we play and we got Joanne Jennings we got Xavier Worthy and we got Deontae Johnson we got a 49ers player Chiefs player and Panthers player who whom who am I playing this week and she said Joanne Jennings so I stuck to Joanne Jennings up there buddy the whole way of the century yeah I got to give her all the career game this is actually a career game in there dude this is a this is a career this is like better than like I mean Jamar Chase has never had a game this I don't think Jamar Chase has had a game like this in his career he has had 40 point games but yeah like deep I mean his on his own team Debo has never had this game I you never know this game no no crazy crazy crazy but but even if I had started Deontae I still would have been there total one yeah still would have won anyways okay that's it and I got my buck earring on the bench with something excited about yeah all right I'll stop I'll stop boosted myself Eric at an okay week he got let down by his line his lines players yeah he did he did he did he needs he needs AJ Brown and Cooper cut back quickly yeah I don't I don't think Cooper cups going back anytime soon yeah he's not I are yet so no hopefully he comes back with in the next two to wish week I genuinely don't know what AJ Brown's status yeah like he has to be practiced I feel like he's a potential to just be like I'm I'm not coming back until I'm completely 100% which but I mean I think he misses yeah he misses one more week maybe yeah no we'll see yeah I mean James Cook JT pretty good prop-ups for him to bolster his lineup until then and Chris Godwin is like wide receiver throughout the year he's looking pretty nice as well but quarterback quarterback play could help imagine if I had a competent people like this week yeah I would have beat the latest total ten all right I'm three and oh and Eric moves to one and two all right in the last matchup of the week which is the greatest matchup of the week chair just getting his come up it's after last week she's a beauty which just a terrible team name again Jared I know what I don't get it do better again what's we ask 84.48 to ties letter from Montgomery Jail great great team named Don 87.88 sub another sub 90 win man it's amazing I don't know how he does it I don't know how he does just some black magic there's also crazy I mean I just haven't seen Jared's lineup construction having like literally two players until the Sunday night game play and everybody Sunday night and Monday my team was like that my other league to just got a lot of bills I had a lot of bills players and I had like bangles and so I'd like four or five guys going last time I'm other like Jared I know you were all in but whoa you just couldn't do it you can't do it I was pretty close on my projections too I was pretty close you didn't hit that 75 point work that I projected but yeah what do you most scared about on Jared's team my homes and Kelsey yeah I would agree it's very very scary yeah mama was just not a great fancy boy he got his quarterback 14 likes yeah Kelsey I don't know what he does anymore like when we we talk about the Borussia rice is just eating at his kind of role and I love it I love it a lot Travis ETN Travis ETN I'm kind of nervous about if I was Jared I'd be nervous he's just not that good he's just not that good 11 carries I know they got killed so they weren't running their offense is shit that's well that's the thing now is they're they're bad it's the Doug Peterson like third season trash yep in his yeah I mean his receivers she's Devontae and Andrew I mean Drake London touchdown but they also scared me you just don't know what you're getting yeah you don't yeah I'd be scared if I was Jared I would you move someone into and then get a little Don who is not just winning winning his week after that Ramondra Stevenson there's an high performance that people that the memes were crazy over on Friday we're just I don't just applause for winning this week after that I mean and to and Tyree kill just he's got yeah yeah Tyree kills concerning going forward damn he's got Jane Daniels on the bench bomb him I'm I think I'm starting he's got two he got two top five quarterbacks yeah I don't know Jane I'm trying I'm trying to I'm trying to trade one I don't know if Jane Daniels I think Jane Daniels is good really good but the defenses that he's played this year yeah I get it but the rushing upside I think it's just gonna prop him up I guess yeah I mean he's got some tough defenses left to play this year but yeah we'll see I definitely would be starting him though I think just for the upside it just it's higher than Tyler Tyler Murray's a better real life quarterback but and he's got good upside but Jane Daniels has even higher upside as we've seen twice this year so yeah yeah I think he's gonna be starting moving forward yeah we told you to start Echler too and he didn't start Echler yeah but he did he's concussed now so and he's got Xavier worthy on his team now actually made that you didn't talk about that we didn't talk about that I texted on I texted Donald like Monday last week like over a week ago or Tuesday yep I said hey I'm interested in tank Del if you're off him after this rough start let me know if you'd be interested in anybody on my team didn't get a text back shout out Don cheers man sent the offer guy Don's busy he's got bigger priorities apparently sent the offer I don't know Friday morning Friday after lunchtime of Xavier worthy for tank Del honestly didn't even realize that it hadn't been declined or accepted until you texted during the game yeah during the middle of the one o'clock games on Sunday and said who proposed that trade I said what did he accept and yeah sure enough Don was just waiting to see sneaky ass Don was waiting to see how tank Del was performing during the game before the trip like literally an hour before the proposal expired except just sneaky I don't know where but I mean savior worthy isn't much better so no I thought you were keeping I thought you were keeping him around maybe his potential keeper for next year I was but I always keep I keep forgetting I Jonathan Brooks in my IR slot on the bench and I think I'd rather keep hitting than worthy you haven't seen him play no I haven't but I just he could be absolutely booty it could be but I yeah I just I was willing I was willing to get up worthy yeah and I don't know well it's it's probably just like a neutral trade to be quite honest yeah tank del seems like he's just the wide receiver three so you know others we'll see God if Donald keeps getting these 790 wins out you're gonna you're gonna hear me start to complain more and more because because why can't I get this yeah he has the second he is the third lowest points for this year and he's undefeated three now crazy yeah really annoying really really annoying but what can you do who you gave in the winter of the week to this week I don't god it's it's now giving it to blaze with an absolute I just stud performance from what is step performance for blaze this week yeah that's fair enough he's got a good roster here he's scary good good roster just take on dude sake once just been an absolute beast the whole offense in the he's been the whole offense the thing is Eagle's aim look very good and take one still 31 yeah this is the whole offense it's pretty awesome yep alright loser of the week who I mean we can't give it the dull in every week no we can't we'll give it to we'll give it to Eric because he's gonna love that I don't care he's just looking not very good all these injuries are acting up yeah you Eric and Jared the trio of terror at one and two I don't know dude I feel my situation and Jared situation is different I might might I'm much more confident my team than I think Jared should feel about his team yeah I would say out of you three I'd be both satisfied with Eric's roster I think he's yeah and then you and then and it's not yeah it's not it's not that far between you and him because of the injuries that he has yeah and then Jared in a distant third I just don't like that roster at all I mean me and Eric have it over like 50 points more than Jared points for yeah yeah we're just score score more yeah I like my team I think it's like I'm on bounce back she's got to put it together we'll get to that the matchups this week though all right a B award of the week what happened to you real quick maybe a little ditty little ditty action or was he last week Jesus I mean that was last week sort of but yeah give me somebody else hmm maybe we could we could go a Jerry Jones with that little that little spell off we could go Bryce young we could go Bryce young I mean he doesn't get the AB award though I mean like he just got benched and just got showed up I don't yeah bright price halls actually a really good guy like he's a good price young Bryce young or whatever what I said Bryce Hall oh god fuck that guy Prince young like a bra um yeah oh no you got it buddy I can't I can't think of anybody to be honest with you anything AB happened this week I can't Jared Jones we could give it to can't tell a Brit yeah for being yeah okay or just the bangles just the bangles yeah just the bangles okay bangles defense sure bangles defense including the leader came to Liberty I'm happy with that I'm fun with that all right let's get into you want to do a little waiver wire segment real quick sure QB there's a couple QB's out there I mean the QB played this year is so weird I mean there's some there's some guys for sure Tano Jones has looked okay Justin Fields Sam Darnell - we haven't talked about him god he's quarterback for yeah the Vikings like he did get hurt but yeah he looks like everyone thought the Vikings were just gonna be trash is here with Darnell he's look good he's looks really good yeah Andy Dalton's out there I feel like Eric's gonna pick Andy Dalton up this week started him against the bangles Genos Smith's been pretty good just solid Aaron Rodgers had a good week I mean there's op there's options out there if you want a quarterback yeah there's options running back there's nothing cord Harrell Najee was in a sling yesterday we were cord cord Harrell actually got a lot of Jaylin Warren's getting an MRI so yeah word cord Harrell somebody starting Dolan yeah Dolan there we let's go Miles Sanders though god don't don't play in Antonio Gibson yeah there's not just not a lot out there no not really I give a special shout out Roshawn Johnson and Manuel Wilson Roshawn Johnson I mean the Bears are just looking for somebody to be there running back because it's not yeah trace with no so maybe Roshawn I mean if I'm Dolan I'm dropping all the shit receivers I have on my bench and I'm just trying to like hit with somebody I run it back yeah so I think Roshawn or Manuel Wilson could be an option yeah all right receiver yep he's some receivers your boy Portland one's he's out there he's not that good but got 11 targets 12 and 11 targets it's an option don't know Mooney Kirk likes him yeah he's been solid he gets targets one Dale Robinson's been getting targets yeah I don't think he's very good though Christian Watson Eric's boy Eric say he's gonna scoot him back up when Jordan Love comes back so that might be this week yeah but what about oh no I might drop a bag just so where can't have him tomorrow Douglas pop Douglas no oh yeah yeah I don't I don't want I do not want a Patriots here Allen Lazard touchdown touchdown or bust somehow gets yeah he somehow gets touched outside just and the other the under hopkins had touch on this week yeah there's the other Hopkins week this week I don't think it's gonna be a DeAndre Hopkins week every week so hey Yoshi's pretty good yeah but I don't think he's solid enough to pick up and play he got seven targets so that's pretty it was back that's true that was his best receiving game of the year I mean I think he's better than than some some of these receivers that people are holding potentially it's possible there's just nothing pretty out there no nothing I mean tight ends off someone's gonna pick up Dallas Goddard guess that he gets targets I don't know if he's gonna get touchdowns but he gets targets yeah so he's an option I think he's a safe he's a safe high-floor guy if you want someone to get five points I think he could be he could be for you co-commit yeah great week last week yeah that's gonna be streaky though that's how they're positioned this year is just like with the fuck who the fuck knows who the fuck this all right let's get on to these matchups in week three or week four these week four matchups have some juicy ones I got to say all right let's start off with the matchup the week the match of the week yeah yeah who's that for you obviously yes yes it's big booty butler taking a breeze haul breeze lighting it's the host of the podcast pulling each other this week is what you've all been waiting for and the season all year probably probably probably is to be honest right now the line is you buy seven do do do do do as that oh no you got your team in there yeah you'll probably a big Kenny and pop George in there so be a little closer but yeah I'll be favored I don't think George is playing this week and I don't think Kenneth Walker's playing this week either to be honest really yeah I don't think so and to be honest they play the Lions I don't know if I want to start him the Lions run defense is crazy yeah it's cuz that fucking DJ reader dude yeah so they may go with Joann Jennings and Deontae Johnson for me in the flex yep okay I think I'm gonna I'm gonna take you in this matchup I think I'm gonna lose this matchup I think you're a one I think you have Jordan love up there and I think I think that might get canceled up by some Jade Reed some Jade Reed points maybe but they play the Vikings my QB matchups this week are terrible the Vikings defense is looking really good and Anthony Richardson plays the Pittsburgh Steelers so yeah I don't know what to do this week that's why I think I'm losing this week we'll see I mean I don't know if and I'm just gonna play same with Devonta Smith yeah yeah I think he's probably gonna be out so I might play tea I have to play Teagan or she'd she could play him yeah but yeah I'll take you you take him I don't think I'm taking you I think last week was a little bit of a like best case scenario for your team I mean absolutely absolutely Devonta Chan maybe you can see he can get a little more but okay yeah this can be good matchup I think I lose I think I lose handily I need this I need this win I think I lose by 15 I lose by 15 plus this week yeah I need this win this is a must not a must win but this is a this is a big match for you one in three versus two and two is is crazy yeah yeah also I mentioned this to you why why have I played the three top top team so far out of the four weeks I don't know I mean I mean you played Jared so you're you include him in there you played Donald Donald is barely scored yeah but he's three now yeah but Donald has that black magic he's got the third power like he makes your team not score 90 points your team did score 90 points against him actually yeah they did actually he just had like 98 and I had like 93 yep yeah so okay yeah we're we're taking each other that's fair enough yep all right big big week at the bottom of the league this week as well for Dolan who's taken on Jared and this is a this is a must must win for who for going don't win it's a good it's a good chance for him to win I gotta say Jared has some pretty tough matchups yep for his players so yeah I think everyone's got their players in as well and Dolan is only projected 88 points that's just he's got started he's starting cute it's against the chiefs against the Chiefs yeah this is for Dolan's ad Dolan's picking up somebody on the waiver wire this he's got to pick up Darnell Mooney pick up somebody pick up coldly I don't know pick up Goddard yeah he's got a prey that Joe Nixon plays I mean all right you know what I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm picking Dolan the line is Jared by 15 and a half but I'm picking Dolan to outright win I'm taking no I'm all in he's getting going to cover but Jared's going in I'm all in yeah he just hit yeah his players just I just simply aren't just this is going to be an incredible matchup I cannot wait to see this happen and if Dolan does win Jared my Jared my down like downfall of Jared might happen if he loses this matchup you better be ready on the podcast next week Jared if you lose this game to Dolan you know yeah cuz who baby he's gonna have to come on and just explain himself or I could lose him for how bad his team is yeah yeah okay who we got next next we got Donald taken on blaze line is 13 to blaze and that's pretty it's pretty fair because his team is just good so I'm taking blaze yeah despite the Donald black magic I think he takes his first I think we both take our first losses of the season this week okay yeah that's yeah plays this team is looking scary scarier by the week I hate to say it but yeah we'll see we'll see this team continues we got Eric taking on my pap is this week it's another big game here at the bottom yeah and right now it's a pap by nine and a half wow with full rosters in yeah we'll see if air can get AJ Brown play down it but I'm taking a pap I got I think pap cracks a cracks the one call I'm taking pap as well I think CD lamb goes nuclear this week against the Giants yeah that's a good call and then cue the absolute rage text from air for podcasts both against him yeah probably get no love always shit on me and Jared yeah well win win true win pick up pick up to one Jennings Eric I only spent two dollars on him could have been years all right Eric the air picked up Tyler Johnson instead yeah he did in Carson steel for like a hundred bucks as well two hundred and twenty seven I'm sorry two hundred and twenty seven dollars for Carson steel wow wow okay wow just my jaws that's a that's a who did Jeremy pick up two years ago for that actually almost the same like I think almost the same exact amount of money yeah you know but can you like didn't play still worse it's true it's true oh man it's just quite funny yeah I Carson still is actually a decent player you got 17 right but he's not a two hundred and twenty seven dollar player yeah I agree all right yeah I'm taking pap in this matchup yep finally get a win in the column for him yeah all right last matchup of the week we got the two and ones of the albino polar bears taking on nausea Germany right now the line is Alex by seven and a half let's see I'm gonna go mad go mad come back cuz you know Alex I love that I love that but I have to pick Alex here this matchup I think Jim I think Jim are in a joke a pretty wild against Carolina I think so too I just I mean Matt's team on paper can look like they put it together besides the under a swift we're just if you just get like a 10 point week at the Andre Swift that's like all he needs kind of is yeah oh god we have a spec we have a special guest I would like to say something oh is it Megan can we wrap this up I made a wonderful dinner hello Michael hello everyone else hello hi Megan what'd you make she ran away what'd she make I can't hear oh she's making something down there I actually have no idea which is brew yeah well ask her I need to know she's already gone well go find out no I'm not going downstairs oh god in this spot are you upstairs yeah I'm upstairs oh my gosh okay well interesting all right yeah we've gotten through all the matchups we didn't skip anybody this week at least not on purpose no and yeah nice one hour 24 minute podcast yet again sort of sweet spot is an hour 20 yeah and that's even without a lot of the rants it was just a bangles right could add more if we want to yeah then we talked about the Reds yeah yeah we got it we were pretty in depth into a matchups this week yeah we did yeah we did it's pretty good it was a good podcast I enjoyed it yeah and if I if you've made it this far shout out to you thanks for listening and I hope I wish you good luck unless your name is Eric or Jared and it's all I gotta say I don't care about Alex he's not a threat to me okay all right guy I'll see you goodbye Put that stone, put that stone, put that stone, put that stone, put that stone, put that stone. (upbeat music)