06/23/2024 - Bro. Charles Hunt

06/23/2024 - Bro. Charles Hunt by Kaye

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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but we're not. Turn if you would to the tenth chapter of the book of Luke. Luke chapter 10. What a blessing this morning. I've also just a couple of other prayer requests I've just gotten. One is Brother Gerald Cooper is in Good Shepherd and so pray for he and Miss Atlanta Cooper. They're both in bad shape and then Jenny Johnson's surgery is going to be this the 25th which is Tuesday and then also remember to pray for Sonya and Robert Hoke. They're recovering so we praise the Lord for all of those. Luke chapter 10 and let me find out where I'm supposed to be here. That's the wrong one. Okay this is the summer series of sermons that you want to hear and this particular one here says I have an idea for sermon. When should you be a Mary and when should you be a Martha and what happens when they conflict with each other wanting to have a servant heart and wanting to be in the presence of Jesus at the same time. That brings us to Luke chapter 10 beginning in verse 38 as we begin this story. Would you stand please? The honor of God's holy inspired and inerrant all sufficient word. I'm also looking at Jodie Lebrescu. Remember to pray for her. She's not on here but she's had surgery and and and still more things to come. So remember her also. Beginning in verse 38 and I came to pass as they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received him unto her house and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus's feet and heard his word but Martha was cumbered about much serving and came to him and said Lord does thou not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Bit her therefore that she should help me and Jesus answered and said in her Martha Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things but one thing is needful remember that one thing is needful and Mary had chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her father thank you this morning how blessed we ought to be in your presence and to be in your house would you just continue to let your Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and say in Jesus name amen thank you so much I also just want to say these these five kids did a marvelous job today didn't I tell you praise the Lord I I was at home Thursday and there was a knock on the door and these five came in and brought food and their mama on whether daddy was he wasn't there though but the I used paying for it there you go anyway they came in and it's always great for food and fellowship but they lined up around me and said we want to pray for you laid hands on me and pray I'll tell you that's better than anything any medicine you could get anywhere in any place I praise the Lord for them well we're here in Martha's house Mary is there he's a house where Jesus is loved a house where Jesus is cared for house where it's very special to him near Jerusalem in Bethany and it's a home where they love the Lord it's a home where they cared for the Lord they were sincere in their motives and we've got two different reactions here one of them is Martha and she's serving and she's working she's laboring she's tiring herself she's making sure the tables right making sure the meals are served right making sure that all of the guests are taking care of and bless God for people like Martha amen and then we got married she's entirely different there's no hustle a bustle in her she's got a different vantage there she's got a different person Mary understood what really matters when it comes to the feet of Jesus first 39 says that she had a sister called Mary said that Jesus feet hurt his word and she's worshiping Jesus she's falling down before Jesus she's fearing him she's honoring him she's bowing down but he says in verse 42 one thing is needful one thing is needful and Mary had chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her we're talking about this morning and I want to tell you right up front it's not a either or thing with Mary and Martha when you begin to look at them in Scripture Mary served the Lord in many different ways Martha prayed at the feet of Jesus it's not like one of them does one thing and one of them does the other it's a combination of both things together but Jesus is putting out the the bar the standard that we're going to see here in this Scripture this morning she is is one thing he said that's needful and to our church family we're talking about Jesus here we're not talking about some idol we're not talking about some celebrity I'm not talking about Justin Timberlake I'm not talking about Dustin Bieber baby Bob or whatever Taylor Shoe after or even you know I go ahead and confess it after I paid part now with my own money you did not pay for this but when we were at the convention and all the convention was over with we went to that night after everything's over with at five o'clock we went to see Donnie Osmond in concert and they call this puppy love and we just had a great time it was wonderful and you know he brings back a lot of old memories and everything but we're not talking about Donnie Osmond this morning we're talking about Jesus Christ we're talking about the one the Savior of the universe the one who knew no sin the one who left heaven in all of its glory to be born in a manger the one who went to the cross the one who died on Calvary the one who rose from the dead who only did what the father told him to do we're talking about Jesus Christ himself that's who's in the house when it comes to this thing it's alright to read your Bible you ought to be reading your Bible it's alright to sing in the choir you ought to be singing in the choir it's alright to knock on doors it's alright to work in the kitchen or drive a bus or serve some ministry tape it's alright to do all of these things and the world calls those things being a Christian when they on the outside look out and see you serving the Lord they say well they're a Christian that's what a Christian's all about but when it comes to worship you need to get your spot at the feet of Jesus because that's where the worship comes in one thing is needed what is it is worship many of us have dotted our eyes we've crossed our tees but we spent very little time at the feet of Jesus and that's where the worship comes in memorize the Bible give you money knock on doors be involved in ministries benevolence it's not just about what I do it's about who I'm with and Jesus said this one thing you need this one thing now let's just look at it quickly we'll try to get through it's always great to be in the second service I work out the kinks in the first service we had a few we've kind of went over time a little bit I know some of y'all waiting to get in but they have praise the Lord you're in the second service and nobody's gonna be waiting out there to try to get in this third all right you see the presence of Almighty God in this scripture here verse 38 came to pass that they went he entered into a certain village a certain woman named Martha received him into her house you see in order for her to do what she needed to do she's got to first recognize that he's in the house Jesus is in the house if you don't recognize do you know there's a lot of people not going to worship this morning because they don't realize Jesus is in the house there's a lot of people not going to praise the Lord because they don't recognize that Jesus is in the house and so she recognizes Jesus is in the house when you come to church and trodden and depressed and weary and worn out and frustrated and feeling all alone and feeling like nobody cares let me tell you my best friend Jesus is in the house he's here today he's been traveling abroad he could have stopped anywhere he could have done something different but he goes to a house where somebody loves you he goes to a house where somebody cared for him he goes to a house where he's respected he goes to a house where he's honored maybe the reason you're not excited about Jesus this morning is you've ignored the fact that the presence of the Lord is in the house he's here not just some other idol not some other celebrity I'm talking about the king of kings in Lord of lords is in this house when I don't set us on fire let me ask you something when you open your Bible is Jesus there in the house with you when you get up in the morning is Jesus there in the house with you are you recognizing are you caring for him are you loving him are you honoring him are you exalting him when you get up in the morning when you start to pray is Jesus in the house with you Hebrews 13 5 says he'll never leave us nor forsake us Matthew 18 20 says that we're two or three together together they're in mind the midst of them Matthew 28 20 says that lo I'm with you always even to the end of the world he is in the house folks that ought to excite us that ought to thrill us we're battling with the devil I'm telling you the dude is doing everything he can to destroy young people to destroy homes to destroy families to destroy churches and I'm just telling you right now he's gonna win if you don't make sure he's in your house he is going to get the better hand of you if you don't he's like a roaring lion and we're busy and we're active and we're moving and it seems like we're not even caring that Jesus is in the house pastor you don't know what I'm going through no you just don't know who God is then we just heard these kids saying I don't care what kind of problem you got God's big enough to handle it if he's not then let's just shut it down and go home I'm hungry already I've got a pork roast with rice and gravy and potatoes and carrots broccoli casserole my soul if he if he's not in the house let's just go home sin running rapidly I'm glad this morning and our Lord looked and turned into two 105 East Luke 281 Longview Texas 7 5 6 0 5 and he's in the house I'm glad this morning that in a place where sin runs rapidly where evil is abounding where mosque are being built and kingdom halls are in another Catholic confession booth there's a church standing on a word of God where Jesus is in the house I'm thankful this morning for that that automatically I'm thankful he came to my house I can go back this morning I can take you to a place in Corrigan Texas my mr. Williams was my third grade teacher and she was there on the night of the revival when the Lord tapped me on the shoulder and said I'm at your house I can take you back to the very church I can take you back to the fourth pew I can take you back to the third seat over I can take you down to the altar where I shed tears I can take you back to the baptistry where I was buried in darkness and raised to walk in noon it's like I'm glad he knows my address he knows your address - you didn't get up go to Jesus with your intellect mr. Bigshot you didn't go with your education you didn't go with your personality looking for Jesus Jesus came looking for your sorry soul Jesus came looking for you in sin Jesus came in your corruption your separation from God Jesus came looking for you when you were part of the devil's army and he looked beyond your fault and he saw your need and he reached down in touch he's in the house one thing is needful let me ask you something this morning when's the last time you had just a little talk with Jesus in your house it's all freezing now you're getting charismatic now he wouldn't hurt some of you get a little more cares about I mean these people in the Old Testament God love them they saw the physical healing Jesus dear they saw the manifestation they saw him walk on water they saw him take the lame and make them hold they saw him take lepers and wipe the lepers here they saw him forgive debts they saw him feed 5,000 people they saw him all of this in the flesh and yet they still turned on him and crucified him they didn't appreciate him John said I saw him I beheld him but now he's gone then you talk with John and he said I'm richer now it's more real now than it's ever been before it's alive I'm alive I'm authentic he's mine he's in the house I'll tell you he'll meet you where you are I've been on the crazy I-20 people blowing horns giving us signals lines lined up construction workers traffic and all of this in busy downtown Dallas and Jesus come in and sit on in the truck like ain't nobody there but me in hell he's in the house this morning folks you didn't your prayer closet oh wait a minute you're just too busy serving the Lord you don't have time he came to the stop but you didn't meet him there Jesus is in the house second thing here though is the place where he shows up he's here Mary he's here Martha he's here what you gonna do now well Martha's oh my soul it's cheese is that him that's him invite him in and body man let me get to the freezer and take out some more chicken I've got some cakes in there frozen let me get all this stuff done and she began immediately making sure everything was right for when Jesus was coming Mary she did welcome them then goes over and sits at his feet I find it ironic that the Bible doesn't say she set by him Lord let me set by you the Bible doesn't say she tapped Jesus and said come on in Jesus I like to talk to you over here privately just for a moment Bible says she fell at the feet of him at his feet I wish somebody helped me preach this morning she did not expect Jesus to adjust to her she adjusted to Jesus who could somebody help me here how many times are we expecting the Lord to adjust to us or this is what I need Lord if your King help me do this no no no not Mary Mary just adjusted to him mark chapter five we looked at last week I know you won't remember it but but we looked at it and there were three different miracles that happened and as I was studying this I thought this kind of ironic I'm gonna go ahead and say it anyway it's almost as ironic as people telling us there's no big problem over here we're not ever going to have a problem with a Bible mining thing right here next to you while the recycling facilities on fire over there in Kilgore that's almost as big a coincidence okay I'll get off of that and get back in here all right when you come to to the fifth chapter of the book of mark where we were last year there were three miracles one of them was a Gatorine Damaniac he was crazy he was cutting himself he was running around in the cemetery he was nuts nobody wanted to think do with him he'd done stripped down naked running wild around there he didn't call on the Lord he didn't say Lord touch me he didn't say Lord would you heal me he fell at the feet of Jesus and the next thing you know we find him in his right mind living in the house then that second miracle there is one we looked at last week of Jairus he's got a daughter that 12 years old and she's laying in death bed back while he's called Jesus to come go get her and to lay hands on her to heal her she's already dead but the Bible doesn't say that he went up and said Lord I need talk to you for a minute Lord I got something important now I'm a synagogue manager and I'm a I'm a man of means I've got money I can help you channel your your building program if you just get with me here Lord I need some of your time Bible says he came and fell at the feet of Jesus he heals his daughter that third miracle there was a woman with an issue of blood 12 years she had that issues done spent every dime she had every dime some of you know what's that's like trying to buy these doctors and try to pay off the medical bills and all of these different things that going on it and now you know you know it ain't like it was when we were growing up some of us you know you get one bill now you got 15 bill and you don't know who they're from you don't know whether they're alive or not she done paid every dime the Bible says she done exhausted her expenses paid every dime she didn't say Lord could you heal me Lord I need to a few moments the Bible says she lones forward and fell at his feet and touched the hem of his garment and was immediately made whole maybe you're not getting filled with Jesus because you haven't gotten down on your face at his feet she shows a hospitality he was welcome would you welcome him this morning I mean would you because I'm one thing that don't just pop off and say oh yeah the Lord knows he's welcome no because when he comes in he changes attitudes he changes minds he changes activities he changes priorities I mean are you really ready for somebody like Jesus to come into your life and turn you upside down because that's what he'll do some people I'm just being honest some people are always welcome in our house I mean you drop by any time don't make any difference some people you're welcome if you just give me a five minute notice that way I can get the junk cleared off bed and out of the cow I mean I sit there in my recliner and I've got my computer and I've got everything but if somebody's coming over I've got to move all that stuff got to get it ready there's some people you can come to my house but the best thing you do set a time preach your tears get to a clock we're coming to your house that's all I'll be there I'll be ready and then there's some people come to my house I just say let's meet it I hop I don't want you in my house I think the Lord have mercy if you see those people that they drop by listen the Lord can drop by any time there are people drop by no problem you say well my house is a mess they don't care you're so close to them it don't make any difference they'll help you get the mess up and go on it don't make any difference there's some people you love and you want to drop by but just give me a few minutes you know stand there act like that doorbell don't work there's some people schedule a time and then there's some they ain't coming we'll meet I hop or we'll meet somewhere else Jesus ought to be the kind of person that's welcome any time he ought to have your key to your front door he ought to have your alarm code he ought to know what's going on in your house some of you see him coming and you close the shades I've been on visitation many times and the TV's on you hear people in the house you knock on the door whoa ain't that good um Mary says is that him coming I believe it's Jesus would let him come on in fill up the room Mary's Martha says I'll get it going some Christians see Jesus coming you do everything you can to keep him from coming in church God began to work the Holy Spirit began to work on your heart and the devil says get your phone out send somebody a message like if they don't hear from you within ten minutes the whole world gonna head turn the TV on right you a note hospitality is Jesus really welcome is he really welcome the second thing though in this house he's humbled and honored Mary and Martha are humbled and they're honored hey have you gotten over the fact that Jesus saved somebody like you see sometimes we get over that we think well you know I've been saying 50 years now I'm a blessing to the kingdom of God hello are you over the fact that Jesus even wants to come to your house he even wants to knock on your door he even wants to sit in your living room see we try to hear him without being humbled we try to hear him without being hospitable without honoring him I love it because I think we've got the best of both worlds you saw the choir up here singing while ago did you notice that nobody was looking down you know why they're not looking down they know the music they're looking out now I know some of y'all don't like these screams but I tell you sing so much better if you're looking up I know we used to have them old shape notes and them having the highway handles we all look down like that a boy when you can kind of look up that singing is a lot better she was there you know what she's saying I think she's saying I'm not gonna let Jesus be in the house and me be down in a rec room playing ping-pong I'm not gonna let Jesus be in my house and me be in the office on the computer we have a ritual at our house we have lunch on Sunday and all the family round and then I take a nap after preaching Arabella now I want you to know my family ain't Jesus I said there and go to sleep right in front of them they know their way out they can cut they can leave when they want to my nap is more important than entertaining them but if Jesus is in the house don't you be guilty of taking a nap while Jesus is there she was there I'm not going anywhere I'm gonna get inside where Jesus is talking boy we've got let me just touch on this just a minute we've got a lot of people who are doing a lot of ministry but let me tell you security golf cart drivers people working in the nursery people working in different places and different ministries they're all important but none of those ministries have ever ever ever required you to work every Sunday in those because you need to be in the house you say well we're tired of hearing you preach well that's your problem because I'm preaching out of the Word of God I'm the one that's telling you what Jesus said and you need to be hearing it we got people that well we don't have many I better get just let that go let me hear the third thing and we got to get out here there's a pause from the activity Martha is concerned she's genuinely concerned the food's got to be hot the glass has got to be cleaned the napkins got to be folded just right the silverware's got to be polished but in fact the Bible says not only is she concerned she's covert she's weary she's worn out because she's so concerned with those things of service that she's missed the main thing she's been distracted folks come to church every week with the right outfit some of you change clothes three times before you got here this morning I want to make sure you got the right outfit on some of y'all yeah hair your hair done you got your makeup in place man I think women need to start a new movement call the tell it like it is movement no makeup my wife tried to do makeup on me yesterday to hide all this stuff I had a wedding at one o'clock good grief I was wore out just sitting there trying to get the makeup on I don't see how you ladies do it I mean we just need to I mean you know well a bit of shoes or shines your shirt starts you ties on there your special socks are on there and you've done all of this stuff getting everything ready but you've stuck out you've missed the most important one thing is needed you missed that Martha saying hey the butter's got to be melted and almost a right now we ain't serving I can't believe it's not butter we serve in the real butter and it's got to be melted just right in the the roles we put them in the in the oven now and Martha's got all of this stuff going on and Mary's saying just preach Jesus just preach Jesus we're here don't concentrate on the minor things and miss the main things you ought to look your best you ought to wear your best you ought to give your best you ought to have your Bible with you but you ought to get his feet Martha comes out she said master are you gonna let this go on I mean since the time you got here I've been in here working slave and trying to get everything ready and my sister Mary she sat right here she ain't moved she's not moved I mean the meat is enough the sides have been completed the vegetables are done the role master we've got sequester squeezed eliminate today just for you Mary didn't do anything all she's done said at your feet I got a close but here here we go if you want to know how you're lacking in worship because I'm gonna tell you here's the combination the worship has got to be the foundation and the works come on top of the foundation if you want to know if you're lacking in worship well I'm not liking in worship I come over time the doors are open that don't mean you worshiped if you want to know if you're lacking in worship here's how you can tell when your activity for God causes you to complain you need to get your worshiping when you begin to grab and complain about what I'm doing her God I'm the only one in the choir that's here on time nobody else picks up any bulletins or anything I'm the only one that's doing any of that I'm the only one around here clean I'm only one right here right now but da da da da da let me tell you something if you are the only one you ought to thank God that he chose you to be the one if you're doing it for him what difference does it matter if anybody else sees it or not see you may not be doing it for him well when you focus on him there's no time for complaining and criticizing when your worship is not the foundation for your work you run out of gas you run out of gas that's why some people have left the ministry that's why some of you used to teach Sunday school but you quit you know why you it's not because you don't love the kids anymore you still love kids it's not because you don't want to see people saved you still want to see people say it's not because you don't love people in the nursing hall you still love people in nursing home it's not because you don't love people in jail and in the prisons and you you've quit those ministries you know why you quit you run out of gas it's not because you don't love them anymore you ran out of gas and the only place to have your gas tank field is sitting at the feet of Jesus that's where you get your battery charge that's where you get your gas tank field that's where you get your job restored that's where you get your stamina strengthened that's where you get your second wind I love willing heels Baptist Church I love it I love this choir these musicians I love our deacons I love our life group teachers some of the best in the world I love our staff my my my our ministries our missions our benevolence our spiritual education but you listen to me we won't be doing this five years from now if we don't sit at the feet of Jesus we'll get tired and quit and we'll become a typical church everybody knows what's going to happen we come in at eleven o'clock sharp and end at twelve o'clock doll here we go again I just we just got out of church and now it's time for Bible school tonight I don't know what he expects us to do here we go again he's asking for more money they want to build more buildings they want to educate more kids they want to see more ministry they want to see more people say here we go again maybe we need to get at the feet of Jesus I was not going to listen to me let me say one more thing and we'll close this is not a sanction for laziness when you see this story of Mary and Martha preacher that's why I don't do those ministries I just come and worship the Lord some of y'all waving your hands ain't never been thrown up on by a kid in the third grade somebody always in the Lord praise the Lord you've never seen two kids get in a fight on the bus I'm just not gonna do those things I'm just gonna worship the Lord no when you worship the Lord you're gonna work for the Lord too it's a part of it so once you understand in front this is not a sanction for being lazy I was going to try to sing this song God gave it to me last night and I can't sing it so they're gonna play it and just listen to the words of it it's called sitting at the feet of Jesus sitting at the feet of Jesus oh what words I hear you say it's a happy place so near so precious me they're each day sitting at the feet of Jesus I would look upon the past for his love has been so gracious it is one my heart I love this second verse sitting at the feet here's the big question where can mortals be more blessed there I lay my sharas sitting at the feet of Jesus sitting at the feet of Jesus there I love the week is right there I love to weep and pray while I from this fullness and here's our prayer Lord this morning bless me oh look down in love upon me let me see that we see that faith so sweet give me more than mine make me hold me and see me I've proved that I've met with Jesus may I grew I've been with all my righteousness he is all my righteousness father thank you this morning you give us an opportunity we're humbled we're honored to be able to sit at your feet I pray today there are those in this congregation right now they don't know you they've never been at your feet I pray this would be their day of salvation they would realize their center it can't save their self I pray today Lord there may be some families husbands wives maybe some young children who will say I know I've been saved but I've been so busy working for the Lord that I haven't had time to sit at his feet they'll come to this altar and take time maybe there's some here tonight didn't need a church home Lord I pray this would be their day if this is your will if that's what you want help that to happen have your will and everything that's done in Jesus would you stand with me brother Aaron leads us in this invitation these altars are open I'll meet you right here at the front come on we're not gonna linger a long time come on whatever God wants