FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Mobile Mornings - September 24, 2024

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24 Sep 2024
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New sports weather from Dr. Bill Williams traffic info from cane and one of the Gulf Coast most familiar voices it's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton our wig here's it is doctors back from Nashville Tennessee downtown with five story bars all over the place right what could go wrong in a town like that I guess what went wrong with the Tennessee Titans game plan yeah against their former quarterback yeah it's Nashville the home of the Vanderbilt Commodore's that's what we'll go with not the home of Tennessee Titans so it's bad when the Commodore's are a better team than the local pro team but here we are they're having a better season almost beat Missouri Quinn Hillier's with Quinn Hillier dot com in the Washington Examiner and he joins us right now Quinn Saints that back back down to earth huh yeah well I always thought that the real tech is when there's a close game and if you look back on it the last four or five years the Saints have a lead by less than a touchdown with less than two minutes left in the other team with the ball the Saints are almost always gonna lose they did it again they did it again they did it they just offense just went nowhere to fill up the defense was nasty they could have saved some of those points for the first couple weeks to use on Sunday that have been the way to go right there that's not how football works now fortunately Quinn a lot to get to with you this half hour and let's start with some domestic politics and that ever running fight over funding the federal government seems like we see this twice a year three times a year where they just keep kicking the can down the road and the latest fight over a six month continuing resolution looks like the six month was a no-go so speaker Mike Johnson says they'll get a three month stopgap funding bill voted through this week that'll keep the federal government open through December 20th then they can fight about it again knowing who the new president will be next year and how the Congress and Senate how the House and Senate will shake out but I know at least several legislators are pretty peeved about this especially Thomas Massey from Kentucky who said they do this every time they set the next vote for the Christmas holidays where everyone's ready to go home and see their family and then they'll just vote through whatever kind of bill ends up plopped on their desk with just hours to read it what are your thoughts on I guess the the overall kind of strategy here that we've been seeing for years and years of kicking the can down the road and then more specifically voting on this during the Christmas holidays of this year well first of all let me say Thomas Massey is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist and nobody should quote him about anything but secondly if he is angry about a three-month kick to can down the road thing then it's his fault because see the worst thing is to do it as he said just before Christmas you either do it on time or you kick it into the next year but if you do it right before Christmas he's absolutely right that means the big spenders win the problem is there was no chance to do it because of what that because of the Senate's recalcitrance there was no chance to do it on time so the choice was three months and six months and six months is better if you want lower spending guess who voted against the six month Thomas Massey of Mike Johnson the speaker who's not my favorite but he was playing a bad hand as well as he could he put a very good provision that would require people to prove citizenship when when registering to vote he put that provision on a six-month CR that had at least some limits on spending and Massey and 15 other Republicans what 13 other were actually 14 Republicans voted against it and Massey and his anti conspiracy I mean his anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist buddy Marjorie Taylor Greene voted present which is just as good as they know so those 16 Republicans blocked the bill that gave Johnson negotiating power and forced him into a position where the only way to keep the government open was to do the last thing Massey wanted which is this three month continuing resolution it was nihilistic it was bad strategy it accomplished nothing it pulled the it it it actually hurt the negotiating position of conservatives so Massey has no business to complain and you know I'd love to know why why do you think Massey's anti-Semitic because he he votes against funding any foreign wars or what brought that that up anti-Semitic Thomas Massey I've I've don't have it right right in front of me on the computer yeah we we actually put it in our Washington Examiner editorial on this very topic yesterday he's he has spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in the past which you know not only has he voted against aid to Israel which is not voting against foreign wars by the way we're talking about basic aid even before all this other stuff started but he spread some of these can conspiracy theories I don't have it right how much is kicking this can down the road like we've been doing forever and ever and ever how much this contribute to our terrible spending problem that we're in right now oh it's bad but but but the problem is not the kicking the can down the road the problem is what they spend when they end up kicking it down the road and in this case the reason that we couldn't get it done by the end of September is because Chuck Schumer and the Democrats of course they want bigger spending and they refuse to pass a single one of the twelve appropriations bills now why can Chuck Schumer and the Democrats do that because the Democrats control the Senate why did the Democrats control the Senate because Republicans nominated a whole bunch of idiots in 2022 like black masters who kept saying that the Unabomber actually made sense and like Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania who who didn't even actually live in Pennsylvania and and and Herschel Walker who had fathered what 5272 children or something by by different women I mean obviously I exaggerate that's his college yardage yeah he had and and 48 48 touchdowns yeah exactly so so and why did Republicans keep nominating those people because Donald Trump endorsed all of the crazy candidates over decent candidates because they they said they would get up there and own the libs it's time for conservatives to grow up and actually vote for people who can win rather than people who make the most darn noise and someone who's not making much noise would be the the Democrat contender for president now she's pretty silent Kamala Harris and you've been focusing on well the lack of focus on her actual policies and no interviews with her or Walt's no press conferences I should say they've been doing the rare interview here or there and even when she was asked questions in a couple of interviews it was just word salad back to the and then she put a period at the end and she wasn't challenged it was just like she really didn't say anything and they decided that that was a good enough answer but Quinn you think this is on the journalists as much or more than it is the actual candidates well it's on it's on both I mean yeah first of all I please play the clip of her being asked about bringing Christ Christ is Dan said in her think I grew up in a middle-class family and and we loved our lawns and at this moment in time opportunity because at this moment in time opportunity aspirations and see how specific I've been yeah it was just it was it was ridiculous and that was question number one that was to kick off the interview yeah read Peggy Noonan's column and last Saturday's Wall Street Journal where she quotes that interview at length I mean this this lady is ducking and dodging either that either she's deliberately doing it or she's really really stupid but be that as it may for a candidate who didn't actually have to go out and earn any votes what was that that's me I'm putting it on Tom was Tom was Tom was called Dan right now it's one of her staff they are peeved she didn't have to earn any votes she was handed this on a silver platter and so she didn't take any interviewer's questions to get the nomination and now to say that she's only going to do three softball interviews all of which she botched after getting the nomination never answering a tough question and having her her vice presidential nominee say this do do the same it's an insult to the American people it's especially an insult to journalists and get what guess what most establishment journalists are saying oh good insult us more we've got to stop Trump so so so we're not journalists we're such cheerleaders that you can stick your finger in our eye and say I don't have to deal with you and we say oh please stick your finger in my eye and even more Stephanie rule on MSNBC Tom Nichols radio free Tom whoever he is and Apple bomb who is a columnist literally saying that to get our moral I don't have the direct quote in front of me to get our moral compass in order we should accept that she doesn't have to talk to you and you had the the director and I can't believe I'm forgetting him right now he's a bit kooky he's done hateful eight so many different amazing movies Pulp Fiction one right after the other I can't believe I'm blanking on his dang name right now Tarantino Tarantino thank you he lost his mind he was on with Bill Maher and he said the exact same thing Quinn he said listen what's important is making sure Hitler doesn't get into office he said I don't care if they keep her in the basement just like Trump more or less he said the important thing is winning I guess my question for you is and it's loaded it's a pretty heavy question but what happened to that profession what happened to journalism where so many are just fine with with the status quo these they're so anti-Trump I guess that's it it's gone from being left-wing and dishonest to being morally ethically corrupt I'm talking about the the overall establishment media I mean you go back in 1960 in the great book Advise and Consent which won the Pulitzer Prize Best Political Novel ever even then he presented the the establishment media as very left-wing so I mean this is nothing new what is new is the openness that their openness to showing that they don't even care about objectivity or fairness and their absolute utter ethical corruption it's they don't even try to hide it anymore and look read listeners no I don't like Trump much but he's not Hitler and he is a nominee of a major party and by gosh you've got to do your job as a professional or at least as a tradesman as a journalist your job is to get answers from both sides in order to serve the public so the public can make up its mind you're not supposed to make up your mind their mind for them and what this is is the worst journalistic ethics I've ever seen in my life I'm just thinking that for those who consume news news now comes at us from so many different directions news that you know it's not three networks and one cable running the running the show anymore if people care to know there's more opportunities out there to get closer to the truth and truth also being kind of a cover-up of Kamala Harris it's just my two cents is that you can cover it up if you want but there's too much news so too many new sources too many avenues too many avenues yeah we'll talk more about both candidates on the way Quinn and maybe their economic policy well and also I want to get into this escalation in the Middle East yep and the bombs flying over Lebanon and Northern Israel sounds like a reversal of any sort of ceasefire yeah it seems like it's the opposite right we'll get into that for sure on the other side 820 Dan and Dalton and Quinn Hillier FM talk one oh six five morning problem Dan and Dalton welcome back up thank you Dan FM talk one oh six five Quinn Hillier Quinn Hillier calm gonna get a little international on on things here Quinn I know you were talking about in your view that Israel is is winning like I mentioned before the break it's almost like a people talking ceasefire this seems to be the opposite of ceasefire right now Dalton yeah and more U.S. troops headed to the region we already had 40,000 over there and yesterday they announced that there will be more an unknown number right now supplementing the 40,000 that are in the region for the safety of our U.S. citizens that and for the safety of the region I would guess and if things pop off even further I know the USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier and strike group deployed from Norfolk yesterday a month earlier than they planned to but things have really escalated I saw a quote yesterday Quinn that said keep in mind all of the current leaders of Hezbollah and I don't know how accurate this is but they're the ones who just last week weren't important enough to have pagers that are kind of running the game up there now it's there's probably a few that were just winged by the pager explosions that are still in charge but what are your thoughts on everything that's happened over the last week or so well this is brilliant by Israel look first of all this Hamas Gaza thing shouldn't have even been Hezbollah's fight Israel wasn't doing anything to Hezbollah in the north and yet for 11 months Hezbollah Hezbollah has set rockets into Israel Israel had to remove 60,000 of its people from their homes in northern Israel well enough is enough and so what Israel did is the single most targeted most amazingly creative clever technologically sophisticated operation in the history I think of warfare to give the they know that the only people that had those phone those pagers were Hezbollah and so they took them out and they know that the only people that had the walkie-talkie was Hezbollah so they took them out Hezbollah keep saying it wrong and then they did targeted strikes that took out their top leadership who didn't have the walkie talkies in the pagers they have they have completely obliterated the operational capacity of Hezbollah to to do any sort of real land operation and they've hurt their communications they have scared the heck out of them Israel is winning and and they are also winning in Gaza where Hamas has now been almost entirely debilitated if not Iraq but but not yet eradicated yeah and what's been an insane year for news stories you know if there was like a sports center top 10 for insane stories that the pager operation unreal immediately took the top spot right after last week just no one saw something like that coming and the next day the walkie-talkie and then the walkie-talkies are credible what do you think because I you know for what I read from what I'm I hear Hezbollah much better equipped than Hamas their tunnels are built better they have better infrastructure do you think Israel is going to try to do the same thing they did in Gaza and invade and hit the tunnels and just try to take every last one of them out or is this all about keeping the rockets from coming into Israel from Lebanon and calling a ceasefire after they debilitated them as best they can from their side I think the latter look they don't want they went into Lebanon in the early 1980s they don't really they don't have a beef with Lebanon per se they have a beef with with with Hezbollah they just want their own people to go back to their own land in safety in northern Israel and you know and so they need to erode the capability of Hezbollah to fire the rocket that's what their aim is and that's what they are might be close to accomplishing does Iran I know they're proxies are the ones doing the work right now but does Iran itself get more involved you think here they want to but then again they kept you know you kept thinking that Iran was going to strike back what couple of months ago when when when Israel killed the who was at the Hamas leader that some terrorist leader over in in Iran itself and they realized that they didn't have anything they could do that would be effective and so they haven't struck back yet so I don't know I mean they Iran wants to Israel's pretty tough and Iran it is not on Israel's border so you know they've they have a hard time nining an operation Queen when people want to read your stuff what's the best thing they can do well it's back up and operating Quinn subscribe for free or go to Quinn Hillyer in Washington, Indiana thanks for your time Quinn thanks appreciate yeah CB Carl in the text line mentioning more troops heading to the Middle East remember when Kamala said and for the first time in a long time we have no troops in war zones and the video from actual troops in war zones watching the debate going what are you talking about that's why she stays quiet hey 35 FM talk 1 0 6 5 and mobile mornings coming to the text line and phone line here in just a moment 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 also Dr. Bill's latest on what will very likely become tropical storm and then Hurricane Helene and the Gulf Coast over the next couple days this segment brought you by the good and find people over at Tobias and Comer Law the local personal injury law firm that has helped get fair compensation for a ton of people in our decade our area and they've been doing it for decades from their office down on Dauphin Street and if you've heard my conversation with them that we have at least once a month or law 251 podcast you know that these are good people they live here they work here go to church we go to church and they care about the folks in our area they'll help guide you through your case from the time you first talk until it's over and it'll pass that responsibility on to some lawyer you've never met who may not even be from the area from car to boating accidents defective products to workplace accidents maritime injuries Tobias and Homer law has seen it all their website's great it's full of useful information you'll also find the phone number there for a free consultation at any time of the day that numbers 2 5 1 4 3 2 5 0 0 1 check them out Dan and Dalton FM talk 1 0 6 5 8 36 people have been talking about this situation in down in the Caribbean for some time now and here we go yeah so it looks like Tropical Storm Helene slash eventually Hurricane Helene will be forming later on today yeah and you know yesterday DeSantis the Florida governor he declared a state of emergency they know that they're going to get get this storm got another text on the text and I love how this happens all the time but what's Dr. Bill really saying what's he I know what he's saying on the air what's he saying off there well Dr. Bill same thing he says the same thing yeah he's giving you everything that he gives any of us off the air and he gave us a great update on this in the last hour all right now it's still over the northwestern Caribbean it's moving to the northwest at about eight miles per hour highest winds are 35 miles per hour and it's getting organized the track will take it through the Yucatan channel between Cuba and the Yucatan Peninsula and that will occur tonight and then it will move into the Gulf and it should become a hurricane possibly even before that reaching the Yucatan channel but it will become a hurricane and then turn to the north and northeast and it will begin to accelerate and move more rapidly but it's also going to increase in intensity and will likely become a major hurricane by the time it reaches the Florida coast and the likely target right now is the Big Bend area of the Florida peninsula and that means between Appalachicola and Cedar Key the biggest city in that target area would be Tallahassee which is slightly inland and so that's where it's headed and that will occur on Thursday most likely Thursday afternoon or Thursday evening it will make landfall in that area of Florida it will then move into Georgia and right up through central Georgia and then turn to the northwest across Tennessee into Kentucky and by Saturday it will be a depression over Indiana pretty much all you need to know that was a statement by Dr. Bill earlier this morning when he was on air with us live on the radio so that's what he's got to say and he'll probably be on with Sean probably I guess give a little time in midday mobile we'll see yeah and you know he's he's pretty confident that cone that I'm sure all of you have seen and checked again this morning that that's pretty a pretty good projection but of course you know things we've seen weird things happen before so you always want to make sure you're prepared and I know just being in this area a lot of us have friends or family that are over in that the cone right now for where Helene may eventually make landfall this seems like it's going to be a pretty pretty main one as it works its way up through Big Bend and then right into Valdosta, Georgia where my brother and his wife are located right now and then kind of doing a weird angle up in westward and again it kind of almost circle around our state and then go ahead north into Indiana that's what it looks like it's going to go ahead and it's going to take the northeast trek to the Big Bend area of Florida and then once it gets over Georgia it's actually actually going to kind of bend a little bit like you say to the northwest and that's how it's going to eventually end up around Indiana by Saturday it doesn't look like there's going to be any effect any adverse effect on anything for our weekend I think the biggest thing we're going to find that's a little bit different is Thursday we will have gusts of wind up to 30 miles an hour or so but that's it now the weekend looks clear high school football Friday night looks fine big games on Saturday look a-okay that is of course if this path stays as projected right but things can change early in texting in uh is john a hurricane is john a threat i'm not really sure uh early in maybe a little more uh uh not not exactly sure what you're asking we're talking about uh uh helene here the storm uh jean uh we're talking with quin about israel hamas quin said israel's uh whooping up on hamas and has blah jean says winning what hamas has won they've shown that bb can't keep his people safe and six thousand israelis have been displaced and after 11 months still no end in sight you know jean you're the first person i've heard that said hamas is actually winning this fight uh i do know that there's a ton of innocence who are the real losers in this whole thing but uh hamas is certainly not winning mani uh sounded a little bit too much like charlie sheen there uh winning uh mani says uh tell quin his prem and proper republicans accomplished nothing they start out drawing a line in the sand and before you know it they have went backwards by miles in their career democrats are psychotic and republicans are weak republicans are just as much to blame for the situation we find ourselves in and that's uh centered around the the spending the uh fiscal year spending and how they keep putting continuing resolutions in and pushing it back and pushing it back and pushing it back and you have you know uh a baker's dozen or more republicans that are saying they're just willing to stop everything in order to stop the spending and have somebody uh you know take a you know actually take a real hard look at how much extra money we're spending and wasting and the trade deficit and things of that nature so i don't i just know that during this fight we've seen how many continuing resolutions over the last six years it's just one right after the other we've maybe had two government shutdowns during that time span and what has changed no not a whole lot nothing you're right it just it just happens over and over again republicans are definitely have got blame in all of this as well democrats we we know the spending habits of democrats so that kind of goes without saying uh the Ruth story so ryan Ruth and uh that was our story number one this morning they brought charges on him yesterday um not i i think they have not yet brought attempted assassination no they're working on that and and so i think it's your your question was why do you think that they revealed all that they did um you know specifically his manifestos slash suicide note slash i'm just thinking of so many um mass shootings or school shootings or you know whatever where the fbi investigates and then they don't put the manifesto out there they don't put the writings of these deranged people who go out and do these shootings and their excuses always well we don't want any cap copycats we don't want to make this person admirable in any way to somebody who might be just as deranged as they are and go out and try to do the same thing uh but this seems to be a different case for them i mean you look at the headlines around the nation and it's one line basically from this ryan Ruth i guess i'm calling it a manifesto i don't know if it is or not where he says i'm sorry i failed um failed to assassinate donald trump yeah and puts a one hundred fifty thousand dollar bounty on his head that's the headline of the job yeah um so i all right uh let me play devil's advocate and then and feel free to shoot it down but uh they're one of the reasons first of all they wanted to make sure that the judge McCabe agreed uh to keep him uh keep him locked up can you imagine just letting the guy out on if he got out on bail i don't know how far he'd make charges yeah uh prosecutors say they were also building attempted assassination charges against him does it make sense to release that information if you're trying to build those charges against him i don't know i don't know if you could privately i mean if it were up to me they would release everything about everyone uh for the most part when it comes to stuff like this i'm just wondering why they pick and choose i'm thinking of the covenant christian school in ashville where you had this transgender person who went and killed children and that was a court battle for years uh it's only been over a year but for months and months and months about releasing that manifesto and i think the reason why they did it like you said why they released this specific uh information that Ruth wrote down was uh because they want charges to stick they want to let the judge know i think more than anything it's because so many americans have been saying you guys have missed have missed the ball several times they couldn't figure anything out as far as we know about the first attempt at assassin uh crooks uh yet so much encrypted and and this and that yeah they were certainly short on any sort of uh information now whether they couldn't figure it out or whether they didn't release what they did find out i don't know so potentially the fbi in this instance was saying look we'll just give you everything we've got here's what we found but bill bar uh the former attorney general he had a problem with this also uh he was on fox news yesterday he said i was dumbfounded that the doj made public this morning the contents of the letter that ryan ruth left with an acquaintance prior to the attempted assassination of former president trump he said the letter calls on people to finish the job of killing president trump attempts to rouse people in incendiary terms to do so and offers one hundred fifty thousand dollars to anyone who succeeds there was no apparent justification for releasing this information at this stage that's what uh bill bar had to say about this he said even if the doj thought it important to provide the letter to the court it should have redacted inflammatory material or arranged to have the letter submitted under seal it was rash to put out this letter in the midst of an election during which two attempts on the life of trump have been made it served no purpose other than to risk inciting further violence and that's kind of what i was thinking when i uh first saw that they put this out there trump also responded he put a statement out and he was i think mostly upset that they had yet to put actual attempted assassination charges on ruth he said the comala hair slash joe biden department of justice and fbi are mishandling and downplaying the second assassination attempt on my life since july the charges brought against the maniac assassin or a slap on the wrist he continued if the doj and fbi cannot do their job honestly and without bias and hold the aspiring assassin responsible to the full extent of the law governor ronda santas in the state of florida have already agreed to take the lead on the investigation and prosecution i guess so and this is an aside all of that but i think that the position that the fbi and all of these department of justice you name it institutions that the secret service institutions that we are untrusting of for obvious reasons right i i think that was the fbi down there that held that press conference and the guy was so dismissive when it came out i think it was local fbi director would be my guess i don't know that for a fact and i played it for dalton off of my phone i it was i was just trying to get a little bit of information before we went on the air this morning and it wasn't the information that struck me so much as his attitude seemed to be like okay yeah okay listen up listen closely we've got and don't be asking you know dumb questions only ask smart questions we don't have time for it was kind of like i don't think you're in a position right to be that callous right now i know you think of all the questions that well at least some conservatives have had about the fbi over just the last few years better yet go going even further back but the raid in marlago uh to them really missing the ball on several investigations over the years and then he shows up and he's laying down the law yeah he's to the journalist right he's saying this is how things are going to go yeah we're going to tell you what we know and then you're going to ask questions but make sure they're not stupid questions kind of like that get to the point it was it was really uh like they were a classroom full of third graders and i'm thinking you know what buddy the fbi right now the way you guys are viewed by the general public fbi doj secret service put them all into this the same hopper of uh we've got many many reasons not to trust everything you say right when you come out and it's a presentation about the attempted assassination of a former president any current nominee for president and you're kind of looking at the press like all right all right we've got everything for you here i hope you're happy i sent it really condescending me it was it was condescending yeah and uh you know i want to get to this real quick before we go to the break uh and then we'll get to the ivy whistle blower allegations with land yeah how about that thing just keeps on the more stuff keeps tumbling out on that about that story but remember uh trump got impeached for his uh perfect very fine perfect call with zalinski uh regarding uh him trying to get them to investigate the bidens and uh what role they were playing in ukraine with uh barisma and everything like that and they said that trump was basically using a foreign leader to uh better his chances of winning an election right and he was withholding these federal funds what are our thoughts on uh biden and hair is basically flying the ukrainean president vladimir zalinski who i don't know if you remember this they canceled his last election because of a national emergency so zalinski's not even running against people as he's the president of that country they fly him into pennsylvania this week a battle ground state he's giving interviews and and basically trashing vance and trump for their views on ukraine he's in a battle ground state during this hares campaign using him as a as a uh as a a campaign prop a political prop and uh he calls a vance to radical uh he's asking for more money and you have the pennsylvania governor shapiro and others up there signing the missiles that were sending over to ukraine we are in a uh strange times right now he said it's like those aren't baseballs uh that stand mutual is signing for the his adoring fans i mean that's just ridiculous and it's not like he flew over on quantus or you know they flew him into pennsylvania on an air force c 17 where he starts trashing the candidates from the other side in a battle ground state uh that could be something he regrets in a few months it very well could be eight fifty one dan adultan fm talk one oh six five and mobile mornings and good to have you along morning from dan brennan dalton or with his back y'all eight fifty five mobile mornings well this uh i don't know if the gift that keeps on giving it's the story that won't quite go away governor ivy and the uh and the v_a_ or the veterans veterans director uh so there was a there was going to be a vote the story from land yet says there was going to be a vote about the director himself right and in her out and members of the board were contacted by someone in ivy's office that's right for the vote even happened right so land yap's been all over this in dale leesh uh continues his reporting uh so you had the ethics complaint filed by admiral davis the commissioner of the v_a_ back in july uh he accused the department of mental health and specifically the commissioner kim bozwell of colluding to take seven million dollars in funds away from the v_a_ and uh they were going to basically splinter that among 33 different veteran service programs ethics commission through the case out ivy said davis was mishandling funds asked for his resignation right he said no first off i'm not going to resign so she calls a board meeting to vote him out uh he later would admit he or say he didn't admit anything he said he would resign at the end of the year so land yap reports dale reports two members of the state board of veterans affairs confirmed to land yap that someone from ivy's office called them about their votes before the scheduled september 10th special meeting where they would have ousted uh commissioner davis and now they're saying did she violate state open meetings laws by trying to kind of wrangle the vote before they actually had the meeting uh they said uh they spoke with let's see here scott rollins or rollins of vietnam veterans of america appointee to the board he was called by representative from ivy's office quote i got a call from the governor's office and he wanted to know if i'd be there i said i would be there then he asked if the governor could count on my vote i said no i was speaking with land yap rollin said he believed the call was illegal and when it gets the state's open meetings act he said it's a big no-no uh he said he was going to vote to keep davis in charge by the way ernestine doebeck an american legion appointment to the board said she also got a call from a rep and the governor's office she said she didn't take the call but the representative left a voicemail asking about her vote and saying that he wanted to talk and either she nor rollins could identify who contacted them a third board member speaking on condition of anonymity also told land yap of being called by the governor's office to get a head count on the vote prior to the meeting all right so we know it seems apparent that when the governor gets mad not when things go wrong necessarily in in any government state government right not when people do things poorly or incompetent or um of coming to crime even uh if that doesn't get her ire up then it doesn't that everything life goes on but if you do something that crosses her that's when she kind of uh reacts and uh in all caps and so you wonder now with this story coming out this just gonna fester more anger from governor ivy what does that mean for can she kick us off the air is she is she gonna ask for our resignation you think or ask for rob over its resignation at land yap i mean she might i mean she's kind of in the court she's mad as hell i'm sure and but how does she let it all out mad as a hornet mmm governor coming up jeff pore show that Bradley jay from bright part on and hour number one paul de marco and hour number two and al gop chairman and now head of the uh Alabama library board john wall joins jeff and hour number three mobile mornings back tomorrow if you need to rent equipment you need it fast you need it to be right and you need it to be easy in other words you need Thompson rents we know exactly what you need because we live and work what you do our business is homegrown and local just like yours since 1957 Thompson has been with you every step of the way with equipment to rent or buy that fits your needs and your budget today we've got it all like cat compact equipment to rent or buy including skid steers backhoes and mini excavators plus allied brands like genie toro almond and fin 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