FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Car Doctor Show 9-23-24 Hurricanes, Lou Lartigue, used body panels and more

Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
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It's the Car Doctor with Kevin Ray Winkle and Tom Klexton on FM Talk 1065. Call Kevin and Tom Nell at 3430106 with your car maintenance and repair questions. The doctor is in. Well you heard the story of the hot rod race that fatal day when the Ford and the Mercury went out to play. Well this is the inside story and I'm here to say it was a kid that was driving that modeling. And welcome back to the Car Doctor show. This is Car Doctor Kevin Ray Winkle along with Tom Klexton. You have any questions? Give us a call or send us a text. 3430106. I say send us a text but our computer ain't right now. Well you know the text the text machine be blew it up so you might want to call. Yeah just call. 24400106. But uh show was brought to you by U.J. Chevrolet server mobile since 1939 Alabama piping supply and ed seafood shit fantastic little seafood shit. Yeah. Hope everybody enjoyed their uh weekend. Yeah it was actually a very pretty weekend with some people on the island. Yeah just had to hung out had a good time. Oh you went down to the island played big boy. We did. We did just hung out. Well it must be nice when you got those RVs you know you can just drive them around wherever you want to drive. Yeah you know go down on the beach as you know but what is that there? 60 years of hanging under a hood. Exactly. The reason you could afford one. Exactly. Yeah. So you can do it too if you just want to get yourself to death for a few plus years. If you want to beat yourself to death. Yeah. Yep. No doubt so. But uh now we had a good weekend. Everything was good. It was beautiful down there. Well because of what's going on this coming weekend. Oh yeah it's going to change shortly. I believe it. Yeah. What's that deal about if you don't like the weather now just wait a few minutes it'll change. Right. Right. But uh I don't think we're going to get that much. We're probably going to get some serious rain. Yeah. And here we go. We had we need to remind you about uh you know running through the the puddles of water at all with these cars. Uh the uh air and the reason we're seeing that at the air intakes is we used to know them. The air filter was sitting up on top of the motor. That uh highest point on the motor. Right under the right under the top of the center of the hood. Right. But now the air takes around around the front of the uh nose of the vehicle because they've lured all that down. There's no room up there for it. Right. So uh where a car used to take two and a half three feet of water without any problem. Push away if we've you know you've pushed waves with them. Right. Because the the water as long as you push that wave the water wouldn't come back in. Right. If you get the wave going but now we don't have that. That water goes straight into that air. Most of them pick it up right at the bottom of the bumper. Yeah. You don't you don't have to have a foot of water to you know get it sucked up. Well that's the same people don't realize though that you know we're thinking about the old days when the air filter and air breather at all for the motor was way up high on the motor it would take three or four feet of water. Right. Right. Exactly. That's it. Uh we do have a caller uh waiting for us here uh caller you was. Just sure I am. Uh oh. The donut man. The number one fan. That's sure. The number one fan. I was out of pocket last week. Don't let that happen again. It will not happen again. All right. Yeah. I'm like sure. I know Johnny had Johnny had took up the whole dang hour. I bet you he did. He did. I know he even he would disguise this varsity. No he didn't. Yeah he did. He disguised his voices and held his nose and called back in and tried to ask us a question now and we could tell it was him. We did. We knew it was him. He didn't really he didn't really fool nobody. No it's okay. He didn't. I don't think he appreciated effort but I he didn't fool anybody but we had it. We we thought he had some good questions. That was cool. Okay well Tom you said you're going up the road on the fifth for my birthday right. Yes sir. Okay. I've got to be in uh in Montgomery for a Marine Corps League uh quarterly meeting up there. Well I believe somebody from radio station gonna come. All right. You think so? Oh I know so. Oh okay okay. He's a roach man or somebody. Oh oh who that is? The bug man. The bug man. Yeah. Who the bug man is? You talking about somebody I don't know I guess. Yeah I'm no I'm eating. Uh oh. Where you where your party gonna be at? It ain't gonna be no party just gonna be sitting down there about to have a lunch and hit the road. You pay your own way. Where's it gonna be at? It's gonna be at Judy's at 11 o'clock. Oh what Judy's at 11 o'clock on uh the fifth. That don't I'd be on a Saturday that's right. Okay. Well you know if if you invite Johnny and he might come but you got to then then everybody go where you need to go. Yeah but you invite Johnny and he might come but if he if you don't give him a personal invitation he's not coming. What's that word? What's that word? What's that word? What's that word? What's that word? That's so well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I believe he is. That's so well. That's so well. That was over last week huh? Sir. He took the whole show up. I know so he you don't have any time tonight. Okay. Well yeah. What is the longest interstate in the United States? Oh the longest in the state. Uh 20? No sir. No. No sir. I'm Manny. Manny. I'm Manny. Look at him over three thousand miles. Where does it where does it do you know where it goes and stops it. I want to say New Jersey to Washington state. Y'all can check that. Yeah. Yeah let me let me put Dr. Google on that. Check it real quick Phillip. Yeah. How 90? I think it runs Eastern Western from that mistake. Well it had to be at that 90's yes. That's right. A lot of people don't know that. Yeah. Yeah. That people don't know five it if you say I won chicken five it runs in all from South. Right. Right. Right. Anything with the five in them and my correct gentleman. Yep. Yep. Yep. Longest interstate is I 90. Uh three thousand twenty one miles from Seattle Washington to Boston. So I got it right. You got it dead on my man. Yeah right now. That's a blind man no everything. When you got no something. Oh okay. You don't know that you don't feel nothing. I hear you baby. I hear you. Yeah. Yeah look like it goes right through Detroit. You're gonna eat with your group on Wednesday. Yes sir. At what time at Judy's. Uh how noon. Okay. You gonna be there? Yeah. Well break coming you bringing on. Let me tell you something you know I'll vote us in here while we at it. Okay. You need to listen to the show Wednesday night. I'm going to interview I've got a couple of army veterans on. Okay. I got a full bird colonel that's got thirty something years. Thirty six years I think. Uh and he was had two or three tours four tours in NOM and he's he's a Mustang meaning that he originally was an enlisted man and he got a uh a field commitment and and was given uh like a second lieutenant and then he went on from there. Yeah. But the gentleman that I'm really interested in talking to is Major Mark Smith. He uh he was had like 20 years in in the army. He had four or five tours in the Vietnam. But the thing that's interesting is these the gentleman was a prisoner of war. Yes. He was uh three hundred and thirty something days I think. But he and he was with prisoner war in Cambodia. Uh oh. And uh they were they were six other uh veterans there. I guess they're outlawing me. I don't know. I hadn't been able to talk to him about that yet. But uh they never broke. They never talked. Uh you know John McCain said that they all talked. He said we all broke. Well this gentleman never broke. None of his none of his seven people did. Right. And uh it'll be interesting to talk. Uh uh I think he has some opinions too about a certain uh uh command sergeant Major that's cast stolen valor. Okay. And he's investigated that real thoroughly and has a the have the has the original information about dates times and everything on what happened with that. So uh it is uh it is an untruth that uh he is the uh command sergeant major. So uh he asked if he could talk about that and I said surely. But his uh his nickname is Zippo. Because he carries Zippo lighter with him and uh it'd be interesting to hear about why he had that lighter and how he used it. So if anybody's out there listening that you want to hear the real story. One of the real stories of some from our veterans in uh in Vietnam. What did he get the violent flu from? Uh well they had that in in the army. You know they had they had a lighter flu. Did you did you leave us? No no no. Okay. All right. But anyway it'd be interesting to uh to catch that Wednesday night and if you're there at Wednesday I'll hope uh looking forward to seeing you. I am going to listen to that for definitely. Yeah. I'll thank you. It was something I was going to say but it slipped on mine. Oh okay one more thing and I'll hang up. I noticed uh when the girl was driving my car there today. I'll say whatever let me let me check the hood. I noticed I smelt a little bit. The all this is a little all this different from the turbo charge. Does that mean the range is going on or or do the turbo charge need to be changed because it's not losing any power at all. Right um. That's a ball though. Yeah and it's hard to hard to say a hundred percent um you know I doubt very seriously it's rings. And you know the turbo could be but you know probably not. Okay. You do get uh it's probably more to do with the ventilation system and the in the motor and the turbo and the intake and all that because you do get the the blowback that comes out of the out of the crankcase does get sent back through the turbo and the intake system. So uh just really need to to get somebody that knows knows those volvos to uh look at them. What about our buddies out of the Swedish car dealer? Yeah. Yeah. Uh what about. I know him. Yeah. Yes. Swedish are... uh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's uh. Swedish By the way his marine. Huh? But he is a marine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Tell him you know another one of those guys. Yeah. Yeah. I will. I would definitely do that. Listen y'all. I appreciate y'all. All right. I appreciate you. Appreciate you Phillip. All right. Thank you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for calling in. All right brother. All right. Thank you. All right. Thank you buddy. Bye bye sir. But uh we're gonna take a break and uh let everybody hear from our sponsors and we'll be back. It's the car doctor with Kevin Ray Winkle and Tom Clexton on FM Talk 1065. Call Kevin and Tom now at 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 with your car maintenance and repair questions. The doctor is in. Man welcome back to the car doctor show. This is car doctor Kevin Ray Winkle on Tom Clexton. Have any questions? Give us a call or send us to well give us a call because we can't have a text but uh 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 but uh I think I might as well just to screen up with my damn pistol and then make sure make sure that it'll get replaced then. Yeah well it's always take don't just get just the screen. Oh yeah. Make sure you take the tower out. Oh okay okay. Let's go over here with that. Can you make sure you can make sure you kind of know there's got more than one round at it. Yeah yeah yeah because uh yeah there's more than one round at it. It's extremely slow forever. You know it's just like I hope there's not but one bed in my room in jail. Yeah yeah yeah yeah but uh uh uh looks like we got a couple callers calling in. Let's see who we got here. Call are you with us? Hello gentlemen. Hey. I don't know why y'all yeah I took it a whole show. Hang on. Hang on. I can't help it if I got a coach of mail for me and Marcus now. Well you know Marcus said hang up on you if you call tonight. What you got big guy? Well I seen something on the news the other day and uh did did did this was not on the internet. This was a straight up news broadcast uh about these new electric vehicles that the and maybe you guys have heard about it that the barriers on the highways are not up to stopping these vehicles. Do what now? But yeah they uh they ran one through a uh a steel rail which uh would stop a uh F-150. Uh they put another electric car through the same guard rail and it cut through that like a hot knife through butter. Because these uh and the engineer was saying that these rails are rated for like four four thousand pounds. Well these these new electric cars are away in six eight and ten thousand pounds. Well wait a minute now not that much. No but you know because even the trucks are seven thousand seventy five hundred pounds. You know for a half ton basic truck. You know now that the like our uh bolt or bolt and whatever whatever else you know they're probably somewhere in the forty four thousand forty five hundred pound range. So I don't know if that's exactly true. But uh maybe their weights were off but I know they ran uh a little small car into a k-rail fence at which is the big concrete box you see on the side of the road. Right. Uh it moved that thing 10 feet. Oh my goodness yeah. Well you've got you've got all that weight uh down low it would have a tendency to go under those rails. Right. Right. And shear shear off because uh the structure of the vehicle um is not is not going to be as strong as the the uh that battery is. You know for that battery is solid it's where all the weight is generated. Well you know I don't know if you guys uh down there where you work at having to have any um uh electric uh pallet jacks or reach trucks or anything forklift or anything like that but 90 percent of the weight for that truck to pick up anything is in our is in the batteries that we put them because the batteries just for uh uh a forklift is uh over two thousand pounds. Yeah. Yeah. So I think our battery pack for the bolt is uh I think it's about eleven hundred pounds. Yeah uh which is not light by any means but it's not uh you know it's just not overwhelming when it comes to the other size of the car and all that kind of stuff. Yeah here's some fears and facts and figures. For instance the gas-powered Ford F-150 weighs between 1,824 and 2,274 kilograms which is 4,021 pounds to 5,013 pounds and that's a Ford F-150. The heaviest F-150 lightning EV electric truck in comparison weighs 3,130 kilograms or 6,900 pounds so we're actually talking about uh 3,000, 5, well 5, 6,7 that's 2,000 pounds so they're saying the vehicle weighs around 7,000 pounds rather than 5,000 pounds. Right. So you're correct with that. So when you're hitting a guard rail that's rated for 4,000 that's not going to be good. Well now you know our country's really not designed for electric cars y'all hear? Well we talked about that before we can't we can't support the electric power grid that we got now. Yeah but you know I was talking with my precious little lady my wife the other day and we were talking about solar panels and where we're seeing the solar panels at and well I've seen some articles on the internet about why are we tying up our land that could be farmed and produce the food with solar panels when we've got all these parking lights that we have that the solar panels could be put on top of the parking lights. Solar panels could be put on top of all of these humongous warehouses we have and not only would they feed those warehouses and all but then they could sell that generator that generated electricity back to our grid but then my idea was and we've talked about this before the fact that they actually have built a road or built in a couple of roads where the one of the lanes in like a three or four lane interstate would be a charging lane for your car. So like your your watch and or your phone now at night you take it and you set it over on a little pad and it charges off of that. Well the same thing can be done with electric car. Now my potential is why doesn't that lane have solar panels over it where it feeds those lanes right there they don't even have to pull electricity that off of the grid. The solar panels would would feed that lane would feed all of those cars going through there so the cars wouldn't have to stop anywhere at a rest stop or an electronic service station to charge their batteries but you know I guess that's just too damn simple for our gurus that are trying to run the country. Well they're focused on one thing and that's making certain people happy and they're not thinking about what's on down the road. Well it's just you know well don't don't kid yourself because I promise you their main goal is how much can I make off of it. Right you know it's nothing to do with you know saving the country saving people saving the cars and the highways it's how much can they make money off of it. The by-product is whether they can do good with it but if they can't make a dollar off of it then they're not going to do it. I promise you because it's just like you know could they put up solar you know solar panels and and make a lane to you let the electric cars run down through and it really doesn't cost much for them to know to do it you know well the problem is is how do they charge charge you to right yeah to do that. How do they charge you? Well you know that all that being said now you know we brought this up before what about why couldn't we put solar panels on top of the mail trucks on top of the FedEx trucks on top of the UPS trucks on top of all the trailers on the road trucks that we got out there. I mean there's something going on that you know it's not making sense but yeah I think it goes back to the thing that Kevin just brought up. There you can do all that but how they gonna make money off of it. Right right exactly well jar here it's time for us take a break and hear from our fine sponsors. All right well gentlemen you all have a great night and I'll catch you on the flip side. All right all right all right all right all right buddy we'll see you in a little bit. We'll be back after these messages. It's the car doctor with Kevin Ray Winkle and Tom Clexton on FM Talk 1065. Call Kevin and Tom now at 3430106 with your car maintenance and repair questions. The doctor is in. And welcome back to the car doctor show. This is car doctor Kevin Ray Winkle along with Tom Clexton. Do you have any questions? Give us a call 3430106 and speaking of calls we look like we got a caller online. Call are you with us? Hey I'm here. Hey what brother Lou Lortig I recognize the voice. Hey Tom this woman to call in here and here every Monday evening I tell you what I don't know if all your good old car guys out there know and what you do for veterans and everything and I just want to let everybody know that you know you have recently elected as the chosen as the veteran of the year in the Mobile Bay Area for 2024. And you know you do a lot for veterans and you hold those car shows and take all the proceeds from those car shows and and give them to veterans causes and everything. And so Tom congratulations on your selection and we really appreciate it. And thank you for all you do for our veterans. Well thank you thank you so much brother I'm just humbled to be in the in that fraternity with all of the you gracious warriors that have done so much for our country and to be accepted into that fraternity just they don't just about over power over power is me but I'm really proud to be be there and be part of it. God bless you thank you for even telling me buddy thank you. All right you have a great one and keep up the good work and both the auto business and the veterans business. Hey man brother call me after a while I got someone to talk to you about. Okay buddy. All right take care. Thank you sir. Thanks. Yeah that's uh hmm he's all my being blown away man that would make I got that call from Colonel Steve Kerry I'm going like wait a minute he said what and I said I got to get up off the floor. You're floored me with that one brother. I mean you know it's nice to be recognized for what you do but I know that's not why you do it. No I didn't do it for that you know I do it because I feel it and I see it and you know we we as veterans see so many of our veterans that get strapped through the cracks and things that need to be done as veteran related and you know and if you can do it I just try to step in and do it make it happen you know because most of the time you can go in and make it happen rather than try and talk to somebody and just try to do it you know. Right. Just go do it make it happen. Yep. So we're in the car industry we kind of got that area but if they if there's something broke we can try to fix it you know and that's what we do. Right. And that's just one of the things that I found broken in some of our vet related situations and I try to help fix those so. Yep absolutely absolutely. Anyway I know we've got a storm fixing to come in the Gulf. Oh yes we have. It's going to be moving fairly quick and coming up coming up towards a nowhere than Gulf. Hopefully more forward aside than our side. Yeah but we said we're going to still get some of it though. You know we're going to go out of the rain I would think. Yeah and it's going to be we're going to get the rain for two or three days. It won't just be for six hours you know during that hurricane wind when it blows through. Right. Right. It'll be around a while so just everybody can you know it's time to get out there and pick up around your yard and try and get your cars under cover somewhere. But make sure you got them all filled up too you know that they're serviced. Yep. And make sure you've got plenty of gas in the cars and if you have some containers it's usually beneficial to you to have a couple of extra containers of gas around. And if you don't have to have it he gets through that okay then it'll always burn in your lawnmower or your weed eater or something you know. Right. And you could always pour it in your car. That's what I usually wind up doing with my own if I got extra gas like that. After everything clears up blows through I try not to let that gas get contaminated and break down in. Right don't let it sit just go ahead and burn it. Right. Yeah. Hey you know what I thought was let me throw this in. I saw something the other day. We're talking about non ethanol gas. And I see that new Wawa station it's at Cottage Hill in Cody Road. Cottage Hill in Cody. Yeah. It's uh Solly Road. Solly Road okay. Well it's Cody up you know I guess on one side and Solly on it. Right. But anyway they they have regular unletted then they have a premium gas and then they have the unleaded gas. You know that we need to put in our our weed eaters and all of our lawnmowers and stuff like that. And it wasn't too bad. I think it was the gas was two forty nine for regular unleaded regular leaded gas or stellar leaded but uh ethanol for ethanol. Yeah we had ethanol in it. But then the ethanol free was three twenty nine. Yeah. So that's not bad because I've seen it go for four or five dollars a gallon. Oh yeah. Yeah. But that's what you need to be running in your lawnmowers and generators and all that kind of stuff. All your small engines like that. What? You know because if you're going forward in there and you just going to run it out. Right. It's fine. It works fine. But if you're going put it in there, crank it, run it and shut it off and let it sit there. Right. It destroys those little carburetors. It will. It will. In a year. Yeah. One winter. Yeah. One winter it's messed it up. Yeah. What's yours? Five, six months. A little bit. Yeah. Even my generator I've got some lead or some ethanol type gas in there. And I know that it's going to mess it up. So I just turn the gas off to the carburetor and let it totally run dry. Right. And so far it's worked like that. Yeah. But I'm going to have to put me some good carburetor cleaner in there now. I think to make sure to cut some of that funk out of there because I'm sure that the aluminum is oxidizing with that alcohol that's in that gas. Right. The ethanol is alcohol really. Yeah. But it oxidizes that aluminum and builds up that film in it. Yeah. Well, and it does. It starts oxidizing all that stuff and that gets in the jet. So you can call it up. You know, the pastages I'll get clogged up in the carburetor system. I think this is for work. My passages in my brain clogged up. Yeah, I know mine are. So that's all right. But you know, it's just time to get your generators out and crank them, run them right. Yeah. Make sure they're they're working. I don't think we're supposed to get much of anything from it. But you never know. Why would we get them out and get them ready and have them prepared and run them. And if you have a if they're have a starter on it where you got a battery operated with their crank, let them run long enough to go ahead and charge your battery and all up. And but then when you when you turn them off, make sure you let them run out of gas. Right. In that regard. And then you'll be ready for the winter time, you know. Yep. Yep. Yeah, no doubt. You know, excuse me. What is the stuff that they call that you buy to put in the gas? Well, built built. I'm trying to say built right or built something that you could put in the gas to keep them from messing up your carburetor. Stable. Stable. Stable. Stable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I had you. Fuel stabilizer. Yeah. Fuel stabilizer. Make sure you put that in there. If you've got gasoline in your, you know, your small motors that that has ethanol in them, even without. Right. You need to go ahead and buy some of that and put it in there. And if you're going to leave them, set up all winter and let it run for, let it run for a little while so it just circulates through the system. Yeah. And it shakes it all up, makes it up good in the gas. And then that's a good thing. It definitely, definitely helps keep that fuel viable until you do crank it back up in six months or whenever you decide to go walk back out there. And it'll keep it from corroding. That's, you know, that's an all corroding on your aluminum components and stuff that's in there. So. Yeah. It's just a good item. I didn't, I don't have any stock in the company and all what I just know is a good product. Right. Right. But me personally, I'm going to take, take the motor home down, fill it up because it does have generator in it. So if I, what you got to hold down, it's a, yeah, it's a no down generator in it. So if it's, if we get a bad enough storm, we lose power, I can go get in the motor home. You're getting up motor home, pull the covers up over your head, track each other up, let it go. That's right. That thing sleeps very well. I'll bet. Yeah. But it's all good. You got more than one home then. Yeah. Yeah. Roving, roving home. That's right. That's right. So, but it's nice to have, have that sitting there just in case. Yeah. So, but anyway, let me run something by you. I've talked to you about my little, my little old car, my little, little Lincoln town car. And I've got a seat belt light came on on it. Well, the diagnostic machine that my buddy put on it just says that it is a seat belt problem, which when you, because it had a light on the dash, seat belt problem, but I went by another shop today and they had a little bit more sophisticated equipment. And they come up with two items. It came up with the driver's seat belt, retainer. What is that? The retractor. Yeah. It said it showed you something wrong with that. But then it also showed that there, it wasn't able to read the location of the seat. Yeah. Yeah. Now, what the heck is that? Where am I at? Well, and that's all, that's all with your airbag stuff. You know, the, the seat belt retractors actually have a pretensioner built into them that, that can, when you get in the accident, instead of letting you go forward and contact steering wheel or whatever, that actually sets off a charge that pulls back on that seat belt when you get in the accident. And it shortens that seat belt up and tightens it on you. So it actually can't go as far forward. So it actually pulled you back in the seat? Yeah, it pins you back in the seat. And you know, it also the, with the seat belt, I mean, the seat position sensor, that's all about, okay, most of these airbags in the, in the dash and lower steering wheel, they're dual stage bags. So if you're very close to that bag, they're not going to set off the main charge, they may set off a lighter charge. Okay. Or if you're your way away. So I think what you said is I need to get them fixed. Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely, definitely a good thing to have working. Well, it's been, it's been an old seven model. I'm probably going to have a problem with finding the parts of that. I hate to put aftermarket parts on it, but I doubt if there's any out there anyway, not on loose. You know, honestly, they're probably, or some out there, they're probably still available through, through Lincoln. Yeah. They, they keep the parts for the airbag stuff fairly available. Okay. But sound like it's time for us to take a break. But we're going to take a break and let you hear from our sponsors. We'll be back. It's the car doctor with Kevin Ray-Winkle and Tom Clexton on FM Talk 1065. Call Kevin and Tom now at 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6 with your car maintenance and repair questions. The doctor is him. ♪ Well, yeah, the truck and all the time ♪ ♪ We're here first ♪ ♪ We're closing down a new army ♪ ♪ We're here tomorrow tonight ♪ ♪ This thing's so long ♪ ♪ We're the cage of grandmas ♪ ♪ We're the smoke for the stacks ♪ ♪ We're here anytime ♪ And welcome back to the car doctor show. This is the car doctor, Kevin Ray-Winkle along with Tom Clexton. Having questions give us a call 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6. But anyway, we brought up something just before we went up there. We were talking about the car and I was worried about getting the actual parts for that car that's made for that car. What experience have you found in working with all the different dealerships and being service manager? What five different dealerships now for? 3, 4, 5. But anyway, do you find that a lot of the aftermarket parts work okay? You know, actually I found that we've had fairly decent luck with the aftermarket parts. Do I prefer the original equipment stuff? Absolutely. I think it's a better quality. I think there's a better fit finish all the above. But, you know, especially for an older car that's higher mileage that you're trying to keep going, I think it's a very viable option to use aftermarket stuff. Right. Yeah, that's the most economical thing for it. But now is it there like two or three different stages of aftermarket parts, even though even that being said on the market? Yeah, there's there's good, better, and best on just about anything. Right. So you have to be careful just because you can get it a few dollars cheaper. Don't necessarily mean it's a better deal. Oh, you're saying you get what you pay for? Sometimes. If you buy it cheap, you're getting cheap product. Sometimes you don't get what you pay for. Right. So you have to be careful. But if you're going by aftermarket parts, you know, buy at least quality aftermarket, you know, name brand stuff. And there's so many different names out there that you almost have to go buy system, you know, to get to that point. Yeah. So it's, I don't know. And I hate to, I hate to, you know, say goodbye to aftermarket parts because, you know, I am working to do a ship and that's what we do. But I mean, I'm not. Well, yeah, but you're talking about working on some of the older model vehicles. Right. Well, now there's there's another area that I really wanted you to bring out was, and all that's the question is, we see so many warranty programs now, and we see some even from the dealer where you've got 100,000 mile warranty, and I guess you could go in and buy another warranty that get it up to 150,000 miles and all. Right. But you cannot utilize aftermarket parts on those, can you? Normally no. They were sure. Some of them on the, the, the warranties you put on used cars, you know, they do allow some and sometimes they require it to use aftermarket parts. Mostly they do have you do use the factory parts on them. And it's, you know, it's even like, if, if you have a replacement motor, you know, now the general motor's protection plan, you're using all original equipment, GM stuff. Okay. Some of the aftermarket policies that are not directly tied to the manufacturer, sometimes they will send in use parts and, and they'll dictate what kind of rights parts you use and all this. Like, LKQ, like kind and quality. We're right. Right. I don't know if that's really true. Yeah. Well, they're just saying that they have been, uh, been tested, you know. Right. Well, you know, like, like kind and quality usually means that it was a used piece that's got about the same miles on it that your car has on it. Right. Right. You know, give or take a little bit. And some of that, some of this stuff is okay. And it's fine. You know, if I can, you know, let's say, if I've got a car that's early on the car that's six, eight, ten years old, I don't want to put a, I don't want to put a Taiwan fender on it. Right. You know, or a Taiwan door panel on it. I'd rather go to a salvage yard and get one that's made by the factory, even in the LKQ that's, uh, it's got time and grade on it, but it's okay. Right. And then just all that, all you got to do is paint. Yeah. Right. Well, you know, and that's, that's the one thing about, uh, the body parts, you know, a fender, a door, a deckily at a hood, whatever. I don't care if it's 20 years old, if it ain't rusted. Right. You know, it ain't beat to death. It's as good as a new one. Yeah. You know, right. I know it's going to fit because it's an original equipment because it's original equipment. Yeah. So, you know, I have no problem with the used, used body panels. Well, I, I have had some familiarity with some of the aftermarket panels that, uh, you know, when, when some of our vehicles, we were talking about how long they make parts a while ago, uh, we have seen in the past, even with motors, where after like 20 years, they produce a motor and all and they decide they, they're going to do something different than they sell that, uh, set of molds and all to another country, another company, maybe even in another country. You know, we, we ran into that way back in the day on those four cylinder mercury motors and the, and the marine boats. Yeah. They, they actually sold those, uh, molds and all to Mexico. So they were making the blocks and stuff down there. They also, they were making the exhaust manifolds. Remember those manifolds that wet manifolds had the water in it and, uh, they would burn out. So that was where we had to get them from. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But they were the original mold. Right. You know, but now where you take something like some of the Taiwan stuff and some of the China stuff, they'll take a fender off of a car and they'll take it over there and they'll put it in some kind of mold or some kind of fixture and they'll make a fender, uh, stamp stamping machine from that. Right. Right. And it's, it's not going to be perfect. Yeah. It's close. It's close, you know, but if you, if you're trying to get an old car, you know, if you got something to start in five, 30 years old, you're just trying to get it back on the road. Okay. That's cool. Right. But if you want it right. Yeah. If you want all the door gaps and all this kind of stuff, the body lines, perfect. Right. Uh, stick with original equipment stuff. You gotta, you gotta use original equipment. Even though it's huge. And even that being said, there's a lot of the replacement aftermarket stuff that they brought the quality way up on. Yeah. Well, I would hope so. So they did have some jokes because sometimes we're forced to use them, but, uh, it's, uh, and they do a decent job. I'm not going down on too terrible, but, uh, anyway, I want to thank everybody for listening to the car doctor show. This is a car doctor getting really cool, long with time with boxing. And, uh, we will be back next week and hopefully we get through the storm without any issues. But I love you and I hope y'all all hunker down and take care of yourself. And, uh, for a good show about veterans and prisoners of war in Vietnam, check us out. We just decided on this couple, but network at, uh, eight, uh, P M. A RAAAH!