WudUpDoe Podcast

Episode 382: Baby Oil Diaries


This week:

  • Lions stuff
  • Local tailgate drama
  • Diddy and his doings and more.

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Get ready. [Music] What up, doe? What up, doe? Welcome back episode 382 of the What up, doe podcast indeed. It's been a Crazy last few days of highs lows and what the fucks Lot of wild shit Yeah, it has been a very event for a couple of days Like I mean, yeah, so I think the craziness started Sunday with one lion fucking losing assholes It was just a it just seemed like a game of just it just seemed very Uncharacteristic like I think no no obviously They're not it's not the whole same on lion's type deal and I was talking to I don't forget who I was talking to Sunday I was talking with a Dan about that Sunday and it's like He know it's not that but he's gonna put his finger on like what his feeling is and I'm like for me at least When shit goes wrong now that that we know that they could play well our expectations are so much higher So it's like what the fuck you know, I'm saying like two three years ago This play would have been normal play but Sunday wasn't like no not like like y'all better than this Like what the fuck y'all doing type shit, you know, so you know, just like I just just looking at all these the different plays And then I'm just like y'all just ain't something this and it just sucks because it was a fucking record-setting day For hutch getting what five was it did he end up with five kind of no they try to take a half away Yeah, I think I think he hit lost a half of one so yeah, so one half or something like that So yeah, and I'm just like and and I the competitor He is and I didn't see his post-game interviewing because I had to dip right after that So I ain't seen nothing he said but I imagine he wanted to win more than fucking record a fucking set for sure So yeah, man, I don't know out. It's just disappointed I know they could bounce back, you know, but it was just, you know, I didn't think we lose a fucking Baker Mayfield Yeah, man, it was like here's the thing like I Like I hate I hate when they lose and especially now it feels different because you know back in the day It was like that was just what they did but now it's like man We expect these tickets to win and so it sucks when they lose but like at the end of the day I came into the season knowing like I mean we're not gonna go 17 to know that never happens like So we're gonna lose some games and every time we lose a game is gonna feel shitty as fuck and it's gonna feel like a game That we probably should have won and it's gonna be like, ah, and then we're gonna be all kinds of There's gonna be all kinds of people doubting them and shit and it's gonna fucking suck, right? But like that game I Feel like we got the best Tampa Bay could get like like Both the Rams and the Bucks both have the chip on a shoulder of like okay We beat both of them in the playoffs last year Like very rarely do teams get to get you know try to get the get back like right away like that Like oh, you beat me in a playoffs and not get you week one or you beat me in and week two of the playoffs Not get you week two like I feel like they had that extra chip on they showed her They brought the absolute best football that they could bring. I still think we played pretty good Like by and large like our defense was really solid I was mentioned in this one Johnny was over here like you remember back when we was bad It seemed like we got penalties all the time these niggas never get penalties no more Like it's like they had like one that I don't know how many penalties they had in that game But when they got the first one I remember thinking like dog like they haven't got a penalty It was like a third quarter of some shit like they don't make mistakes no more and like the golf's first interception was only created from the bump bump into Jmo that caused him to not be where he Would have been so like that was and then that wasn't called so then like that like that you know shit happens You know what I'm saying? So it's like there's little things that could have gone differently Like we've looked we've have looked I think off on offense in both games like it's it's I don't know something don't feel right and I think that is probably like like a lot of people are saying it was because none of the starters played in the preseason so they don't like they're basically getting their you know preseason reps in real games right now and It kind of feels that way like it's like something just don't feel right and I don't know like I I'm not really that worried or anything like that. It's just like it's fucking shitty, but I Don't know I feel like it's a team that learns from their losses and they get better and it's it very well may be a thing where like they the starters Probably should have been getting reps in during the preseason Cuz it yeah, it like like you said a dance that he didn't know what didn't feel right There's some don't some don't feel right to me either And I think it is because they just seem a little out of sync Like la porta not getting the ball at all I'm in ron not seeing the ball in the first game and then for a lot of maybe like the whole first half of the second game I don't know just just a strange Over or under reliance on the run like I don't know like something just feel kind of off golf don't seem as sharp So like I don't know I Mean it was yeah, it was that you know I think some of the even the offensive line like I'm in one they were saying it was I forget it was Forget which one of the offensive linemen dudes. It's it's a center or one of them. They're like he just looks lost Where did he go? He just he didn't know who to block and I'm just like like what are you doing? What are you guys doing? Man, but yes, it's early. I would rather get those those if you had to get an LN get it in early, you know rebound But it's just crazy next week. We play Arizona Which has the running this ass fucking QB and they just beat the shit out of the Rams And as a matter of fact kind of Murray had a perfect QB rating and he's a running ass QB And so I just felt like it is the worst possible fucking game to have next week But I mean, you know, it's a challenge is a challenge, so Yeah, we'll see So after the game I went on my boy Derek out to help with some stuff and Then that's when I see there's a fucking shooting fucking at Eastern Market Now you familiar all this now? Yeah. Yeah, I've heard about it. Yeah. Yeah, it just sucks man that one Okay, so two people died Apparently they weren't even they were trying to break up a fight at least one of them was and then Because people just like the post shit. They had these motherfuckers bodies just posting on fucking social media and shit And that's just trash is fuck dude Like one of the guys that was dead and I've seen it like I don't have a problem looking at this shit I just think it's trash that it was even there, you know, I'm saying so yeah, but one of the dudes who you could clearly You clearly could they got video him like dancing and stuff earlier, so you clearly know it's him with this I could he had like a Barry Sanders jersey, you know, you see him And you can see it's Jersey and everything just sitting back dead as fuck dog blood everywhere The other guys landing a pool of blood and shit and they posting this shit and the guy in the Brett Barry Sanders jersey Apparently from what I saw on Facebook his daughter's on social media, and she saw this shit man Just stupid dog like I don't know man And I think I hate when shit like this happens because now it's just like you know It just it was one of those same old Detroit type deal, you know all this and I'm like fun Nothing's ever happened at Eastern market as far as I've snowed for a tailgating event Yeah, I believe that's the first of its kind and then people like they're just gonna shut it down and all of a sudden No, oh they are canceling next week's yeah, but you know They're gonna fuck that I think it's just gonna have stricter rules there. They're gonna have more more police presence and stuff like that But it just sucks man that you know two people lost a life over a guy Apparently it was two guys or a group of people who were about to fight and instead of fighting the guy pulled Pulled his gun and shot two people that wasn't even involved in the altercation Damn there wasn't even a okay Alright, yeah, so the two guys that got killed was they were trying to intervene. Oh my goodness. Come on man and It's not a lot like that's ever okay, but like what the fuck dog like for real I Mean not that it's better, but I think you kind of feel a different way if two people who are getting into an argument and Excalated that in a state with them - it's not it's not right But it's just like it's wrong. It's fuck the two other people that don't have nothing to do with it Trying to help the situation gets killed though. You know I'm saying like that that just it's just unfortunate as fuck man And it was crazy because I was talking with Derek since you know He has his coffee company and down at Eastern Market all the time and he always talked about how you know He never really likes going on Games a tailgate tailgate day. She's correct. That's a brave part like hell He doesn't like gonna tell it because it's just not a lot of business You know people you know people I really just you know the drinking and hanging they bringing their own shit You know, they're not really paying attention to like, you know people selling shit in Eastern Market So he didn't go that day because we were I was at his house Saturday night and we was talking He was like yeah I don't know if I'm a girl because I just know it's just gonna be you know It's not gonna be good business and blah blah blah. I mean in Granite the stuff didn't happen nowhere near him You know per se but yeah, it was just like yeah, I didn't want to go anyway And then next day, you know, we see that shit like what the fuck? Well, yeah, it just sucks man I just I just hope that you know now I feel you know people talking about it not going down and tailgating It's really not my thing. I mean I wouldn't be going because my reason if it's not going it because of the shooting down there because Now it would be the safest fucking place in Detroit You know I'm saying like it's just that's not gonna happen again And they're gonna make sure it don't happen again So I don't I have my reason not going I just don't like being around a lot of people like that Right, but if I did tell me I would definitely be down there like it that's gonna be the safest place shit Right. Yeah, I'm not gonna pop off here That's kind of how when I that shooting was at the state fair out of Nova I see somebody in one of the Facebook pages like now where can I go now I can't take my kids anywhere now I'm like, I'm like ma'am. I didn't comment on it But I'm just thinking like ma'am that place is gonna be the safest place in the area Believe me ain't nothing happening out there. You know saying again. So but yeah, so that was Sunday You know I'm saying, you know kind of a sour note on Sunday and then Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait before we even move on from that though. Oh, okay I still want to talk about how for whatever reason I see people acting like something needs to be done about Jared What? Like you think done about Jared off. Yeah, like something like it's something wrong with Jared golf Like I mean, he had an off game, dude You know everybody ain't perfect every fucking game dog, and he was not that bad like I mean, he wasn't perfect He has some flaws. I was a little upset to some of these doing but I mean they just people have off games Do I don't think it's anything to fucking worry about I at this point now we give the game three and he's still off It's like okay, dog with the fuck game for okay dog, but no, I don't know now. That's just overreactions right now Which you know, we're not we're definitely for much familiar overreactions when they come to sport. So Yeah, I get these bandwagon fans out of here dog Like if you are if you panic it right now, you need to chill out like it ain't nothing to be fucking panicking about like fucking relax, man Yeah, I saw a little bits and pieces of that and I'm just like y'all acted like one Y'all acted like one we got smoked which we did not to like we did not still play well Like the Lions played really well and to like also Tampa Bay just played slightly better like Tampa Bay played a great fucking game They made less mistakes. Yeah Yeah, they wanted to get they wanted to get their game back and they got it They brought their a game and they got their game back like and they're not a bad team They're actually a pretty good team, you know exactly by way of we beat them in the second round of the playoffs last year They're pretty good fucking team right away. I mean you got Mike Emmons who you know by and large is probably, you know A Hall of Famer once he retires, you know, Baker Mayfield has been fucking killing it since he's been there He's like it. That's the second chance of life Was it got one was fucking awesome. So, I mean He was like the I'm a rider. We had last season, you know, pretty much, you know, I'm saying so it's like man They they're professionals I mean, they're gonna be shitty teams, but all in all these are professionals that on any given any given Sunday Just so cliche is any given Sunday, you know, they can you know, actually, you know, not act Play to their abilities and fucking play well, you know, sorry shit. I mean shit They got a good they had a good team that they get they play well They had a good ass win against us And you know, we lick our wounds and figure that shit out for next week, you know, I'm saying we got another running ass quarterback The fucking chasing around all day. So, you know, whatever. No, but I think yeah, I think that they just Like I said, the more I think about it The more it kind of does feel like maybe they just needed the preseason reps because they do just look a little out of sync And it's like, you know, I it does suck that they got to play play him next week But or this week, whatever you want to say, but I mean also like yeah, they beat the shit out of the Rams But it's like the Rams so goddamn injured dog. I think they got nothing. They got none of their good players right now Yeah, okay, like let's let's see what they got again I mean, you gotta bring like everybody's gonna have to bring this level of football every week to not get they as Beat the shit for us to not beat the shit out of you You're gonna have to bring that level of football every week. So I'm like I mean, hey, yeah And so I will say this though. I'm not I'm not really fully pushing back on the notion of Less preseason reps because you know I've seen a few people Steve and some online stuff and I kind of get it But there are teams that are playing great that had probably the same amount of preseason shit So it's like we got to snap out of this shit, you know, I'm saying I'm hoping they get me, you know Getting the kinks out and shit, but it's some guys out here playing really good They had the same amount of time, but preseason and I don't know if they played a lot in preseason or not I know a lot of our guys didn't so maybe it's it could be that our guys specifically You really didn't play as much to get, you know, as loose as they normally do, but you know, I'm I'm not worried Short story short Not worried at all not worried at all, so no, I'm not gonna be worried until I see bad football being being played right Exactly then I'll get worried, but right now. I'm still seeing really good football like like they like I said They didn't put it in the end zone, but like by and large they played a really good game. So like Yeah, I'm not I'm not panicking so I start seeing bad football being played I don't expect I'm going to see that like but I do expect I will see sometimes where we're not gonna be perfect And there's gonna be some team that's gonna come in knowing that by hey We we getting up as the Lions today Let's get it and they're gonna come in and they're gonna play the best game They're gonna play all season and I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna say that this was the Buccaneers best game That they're gonna play all season or that week one was the Rams best game that they're gonna play all season But it's probably gonna be like top three The best that they go play so Yeah, I don't I mean Mayfield had a hell of a game. I don't see him being that guy all the fucking time Everything worked out for them. So I mean shit. They it they got the W and so but whatever we on the next week Yep Where do you want to go from here? I mean we can talk about this nasty as big a ditty dog We got to Yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah, we can talk about him and just wish it with that as well. So So yesterday He was arrested now and it's funny because people were saying they see him out and about taking pictures and shit They like yeah, somebody to have me just out and about like he was out in like Harlan with his kids taking pictures and shit like early that day and then the feds rolled up on his ass Yeah, so he's been Arrested Felery charge Kidnapping racketeering What was those charges kidnapping racketeering? Sexual something man, I couldn't tell you though. He got he got he got all the pain He got a lot of shit going on a lot of shit Oh, yeah, all things lined up man a lot of shit going on and so Apparently he was hoping he'd go they would have some crazy bond He would be able to like put up one of his houses for it was like nah, you're staying in jail Damn at this point. He's probably done like he's not Because I feel real confident. He's not beating these charges. So You know, I will just start counting these jail days early because He he loses this he's going to jail and he's not getting out before then. So Have you heard the conspiracy of him just having like tapes and secrets of other celebs and shit like that I Mean like I feel like I hear all sorts of things And I'm just like I don't know if any of these things are valid or if I like like I don't know I'm losing track of what I hear that sounds like something I should make note of and what just sounds like more bullshit But I mean yeah, I've heard I've heard random things. Yeah Like what are you speaking about specifically after like there's a thing that you there's nothing specifically It would just kind of like people were like eluding to like, you know, how like Wasn't a man to kill themselves And Jill Oh Epstein Epstein like it was like What they say right right I don't give a fuck Yeah, but Talking about Epstein at like Epstein ish Esque stuff like he has, you know, there are no other celebs that are you know, I've done shit with him or around him or you know Whatever, so I don't know. I've never read into any of that stuff. So I can't really I can't really speak on it apparently Her video of sound Diddy was banging me in a after-after party me strongly denies it Security guards like pay up. I'm like, I don't know what the security guard wants. Does he want money for his post his audio like I don't I don't I don't know. It's just this is so much fucking going on like It's just so much fucking going on That yeah, it is but not it's so much fucking going on. Wow, this is This is and I am not laughing this is fucked up But you are my laugh, but yeah, I am, but my word use it It's a lot of fucking going on a lot of fuck Are you familiar with the story of the guy from Michigan who won? Sue what did he oh Like what did he wear like a invite to a freak off well He won a whole suit, okay, okay, what do you wear? All right, so Apparently he won a hundred million a hundred million dollar judgment So this came out Last I fuck I would click a fucking pay wall sheet. I hate that shit. Damn it. Okay. You treat Metro times. That's local um Okay, a Michigan email. Oh, excuse me a Michigan inmate known for his Long history of challenges with the digestive system of civil lawsuits. I've been awarded a hundred million dollar default judgment against Did he it was issued last Monday? Because I guess Diddy didn't respond to the I was supposed to be in court for this shit. So It was basically for he sued him for sexual assault I guess at one point Diddy tried to pay him off of like two million or some shit like that. But he didn't want it and Yeah, so I guess at some point he crossed paths on him and was sexually assaulted. We were something or whatever The guys in jail For unrelated stuff. Oh Okay, so yeah, so the guy so the yeah, so the guys in jail for unrelated stuff and so But yeah, so apparently He's posted I saw some article another and I can't find it the moment. I won't search because it would take too much time but it's some to the Effective he's gonna have to start paying this guy like ten million dollars a month. Whoa Yeah Wow Yeah You see so who's he gonna be getting out of prison anytime? So that's the thing I guess I could look him up because he's in Michigan. So I mean shit That shit is like cuz I mean, man. I hope that where that money going If he ain't right that hey his books go be fucking on fire in jail dot He get night all the extra fucking free dose So, yeah, we can look him up real quick. Um, I won't take too much time. What was this guy's last name? Cardello his name is Derek Lee Cardello Smith and if he's in regular um Prison or just Michigan prison get it show him Oh, maybe he's federal then First name is theory. Yeah, so I mean and all of this kind of, you know, once the the shit with Cassie and I mean, I don't I didn't know what to believe I attended at this point. You believe women when shit like that pops off when this, you know I remember them talking about the shit before, you know her before she did that suit against him and people was just like, you know, I guess In different or they had their thoughts. Maybe she wasn't telling the truth or something like that and then the suit comes And then The video comes out of him beating the crap out of her in the fucking hotel. Yeah, and then it's like Wow, that's that's kind of fucked up. You know what I'm saying? Um, and then all these other suits and stuff are starting to happen and whatever um Oh wow What? So my man the dude dare dare smith He probably not his earliest release date is 2036. Oh man Oh, man, maybe he can make enough money to buy his way out early Make enough money from jitties. It's just bribe his way out But this is crazy dude But the crazy part is what's he in jail for? Well, no Criminal sexual conduct Man He was getting his video And and did he did he tell and then This is crazy. Anyway, so yeah, um, so yeah, uh, did he's done? Um, I don't think he's getting on jail for a very long time Nah, man, let's let's let let me read let me read for the for both of our listeners here about the freak off So because the freak off is the most interesting part of all this all this stuff to me Like so so I got the article up that I posted now I'm sure there's been more news that's come out since then like I posted this on facebook When I saw the post notification on my phone like probably like early afternoon or whatever so Um, I'm sure there's more news than this But it says cones faces three federal counts sex traffic and racketeering transportation to engage a prostitution So then the article just has freak offs This is the freak off portion of the article And it's the bullet points bullet point number one Comes to his associates allegedly lured female victims often under the pretense of a romantic relationship bullet point two Combs then allegedly used force threats of force coercion and controlled substances to get women to engage in sex acts with male sex workers That combs refer to as freak offs. The freak offs were elaborately produced sex performances that combs arranged directed masturbated during And often electrically recorded according to the indictment My favorite part of this is They both directs and And master based Bro Oh, I'm sorry bullet point three Some victims were given. I'm sorry. We're provided drugs including ketamine ghb and ecstasy Bullet point four. There's five bullet points during searches of combs homes in my combed homes There searches of calling Sherlock homes in Miami and los angeles The third he seized various freak offs supplies Including narcotics and more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant According to the why do you have a thousand uh a thousand plus bottles of lubricant A thousand bottles the Bullet point five the violence left some victims injured That is I will guess what I would imagine so that is how this article is constructed right after That is a wally that is a wally written That is a wally written article That is a wally written article But man, you want to know the first thing I thought when I read that I was like I fully understand while Luke said he was uncomfortable going to his biggest parties And when I first heard I was like if Luke is uncomfortable, that's what we said like if luke though I'm pretty sure we said on the podcast If luke didn't want to go to this nigga parties, what the fuck was going on? Now we know and I completely understand if this nigga's parties was elaborately directed Post sex between port stars or did he's beaten off during it? Oh, yeah, it was like pass on that party dog. I would come go to the waffle house. They can use you you go ahead You do you but it can stay up And we talked I think when you mentioned talked about diddy at some point of previous podcast and I think it was kind of just like Where does this come from? Is it like A psychotic just you're sick in the head human being is it Does it comes with I think it's but I think it's always You always like this? Yeah, or did you become this way? And I don't know which way I don't know what it is I mean there are deviance that don't that don't have money that don't have power So it's not that it But why does it seem like this is this kind of like really extreme behavior Is kind of common in hollywood not common where it's like most people do it But like I can't think of any other facet of life Where there's groups of people who do this like like he ain't the first person that we've even heard This kind of thing about like you got Weinstein you got Epstein you got our kelly like you got bill kazbi You got all these people who are doing this like like It's just like throughout time because kazbi was doing it back in the 60s and shit So niggas can sit in hollywood consistently been doing this completely like extreme Shit and i'm like, what is it like are they like was you an extreme type nigger before you got famous? Or is it just something about being famous and you getting hollywood is like other things is like hey over here We have free calls like all right. Let me get down with that Like do you just get like Ingrained in it like that's I just don't understand what it is about hollywood that makes it that People just are capable of doing this kind of shit Or what it is about hollywood that attracts people who do this kind of shit whatever what it is I don't know Yeah, I I don't have any answers. Um Yeah, I will and it just like it's been going and it and it just you know They say it's been going on for fucking forever like they have I I guess apparently Stuff the dates back to like 2008 Um Which leads me to but on a subject still but sort of kind of not so of course, you know people are Twitter's on fucking bang about this shit and The one thing that bothers me about twitter or just just social media in general is People who want to spout that they know something well or some shit And they just want to well actually people and just kind of just shit on people or whatever so Let me find it's that to do okay, let me find this tweet because Essentially and he didn't really I I read it when I read his tweet and I so let me just find it before I just start rambling and it doesn't make sense Um All right So his the tweet says some some guy named prince haiki Uh with the ease is being threes whatever. That's irrelevant Um Feds be search this nigga. Right The the feds building the case since 2008 sounds good until you think of all the victims They've witnessed getting hurt for years without taking action. So that was this tweet. Um Doesn't seem harmless to me um, but apparently Uh, so um one person who uh tam She replied she had one of the better replies to it and basically she basically just said That's not how building the case works. And then she kind of goes on the whole process of how that shit works Which wasn't like a down to him and shit, you know, I'm saying it was just basically saying that's not how it goes But all these other motherfuckers Motherfuckers in this Uh And his fucking mentions like they ain't high at work idiot Uh, blah blah blah. That's stupid. You know shit like that. I'm just like how can y'all talk for strangers because I mean He's advocating. I mean his understanding of it is that he's advocating for people who Potentially have been getting hurt or fucked over since 2008 and it's and and shit ain't happened So it's not like he's like pro ditty or some shit And they just ragging them on the fucker because he doesn't have his he doesn't have a good understanding of it like one dude says some shit like uh Something like how that that that's that's not how the shit works. You know comprehension is important Wow. And so someone was like Uh Why did you even talk to this person like this? They're just seeing rude as hell This motherfucker applies saying and I actually blocked him because I didn't want to see him ever in my timeline again But he said something to the effect of Uh, if I was being rude, you would know I don't uh how to grow on adults Uh Blah blah blah. I'm like wow like with some time people were in person when they just say super super shit like this Come I mean like he would probably beat the shit out of them Yeah, man, but I just hate that shit man and that's off subject But it was on subject that was talking about that's why I got the wrestling from the 2008 and shit Hey, man. You just bugged the shit out of me man. You preach it to the choir here. Duh Like that should get on my nerves too. Duh. I'm like, man Like I don't know what it is about being older. This like simultaneously made me More angrier in certain facets of life But then way more accepting and gracious in other facets of life And it's like for whatever reason lately. I've been I've been really on that same shit as you and and even to a to a greater extent like just about treating people decent because like Like like it's like it's no like it's really no reason to be a whole ass nigga Duh, like just like for no reason. Duh Like I'm saying like that dude had like even though he like my immediate thought was like it was just like everybody else That's not how it works. You got to build a case nigga. You pictures But like but like I'm not gonna be like I'm not gonna be rooted like you dumb motherfucker Like what does that have to do with it? And I don't know what it is why people just like want to live in this world where they just like it's always like yeah You're wrong and you dumb as fuck and I hate you and like like I don't know bit It's it's something like a lot of times. It's not even that serious though Or is I mean when I say it's not that serious. It's not even that extreme to where it's like Oh, you wrong as fuck. It's like no, they're not wrong as fuck They just rock a little bit or not wrong at all. Maybe you wrong as fuck like I'm sitting watched That's that kind of situation happened and I do wish people would just be a little bit more cool, man It's just like try to be a little bit more I want to say patient because that's something I'm not even I can't I can't even Yeah Like the tweet that I shared with you earlier. He deserved to get all the smoke That one I screenshot. Yeah, yeah, I know you talking about whatever the fuck she was talking about basically defending diddy and And Because Cassie isn't a black woman or so crazy shit some fuck shit He deserved to smoke because he just a whole ass nigga My man on the other hand did not he was wrong and didn't like I say it's it's it's even worse to me because He was advocating for people that's been potentially hurt throughout this thing Granted, he was wrong with understanding of it, but I don't not I don't think he did not deserve that shit You know I'm saying that shit. I just that just seemed just fuck. I don't even know this man but I'm just like the The anger that he was getting of people just being idiots and shit to him just didn't seem like it was warranted man I'm just like what the fuck dude Yeah, man. Just something about uh I don't know man. You get older you get wiser and and I guess you get more. I don't know just I don't empathetic dogs empathetic Empathetic is definitely a thing that I've I've I think I've had a lot of empathy and just in general But I think older like you say I think your empathy grows and even for fucking perfect strangers that you have You know, you've never met and it just seemed like how how the fuck y'all come with this man for that shit He didn't even think too much of it, but I just was I kept going back like man He's got some ho-est because the hug like why are you and I think that thing when you can just type anything without any repercussions You know I'm saying I think a lot of people like that never been punched in the face And you know, it's a it's a tweet, but it's still just like, you know Now people want to say shit to like I don't think a lot of people wouldn't say that shit to people in person you know Yeah, I don't know what this obsession is was wanted to just like get on the internet just own everybody like Yo, I'm gonna shit on this person and tell them how stupid and wrong they are like I don't I don't know why That's a thing that that's getting people off lately, but yeah, I don't know It's pretty corny to me though. I just man. Just let people be sometimes I can't believe that's my my stance but like the level of like Shit that I just go is not even worth it and just keep scrolling like my my My empathy meter is dialed high as fuck right now and my I'm not even gonna let that bother me meter is also now up high as fuck and I'm far less willing to engage with things that I Disagree with than I have been historically the only things that i'm more inclined to to Engage people about is shit like what we're talking about right now When somebody's being shitty to somebody else like then i'm more inclined to be like, hey stop being a fucking cunt Like that like that shit gets on my nerves like then i'm not then i'm more likely to intervene so it's like I don't know man. I think it just just comes with like You know when you when you when you've gotten older and you've lived through shit and you've dealt with shit It's like easier to like have grace with other people and be like man Like I feel what you're going through or like shit Or looking at yourself like man. I've been through way more worse shit than this or i've dealt with way more worse shit than this Why am I gonna let this other stupid thing with this other internet nigga bobber me like i've dealt with like i got way more Important stuff to deal with right now than some some loud mouth pussy on the internet niggas like who cares so like right? Yeah Yeah, man. Just I don't know. I just hate that shit But yeah, so yeah, that was just some of the shit i was reading about them just like damn They they potentially got you know stuff going back to 2008 on this motherfucker like he ain't he ain't get out no time So at this point I wonder if who who being jail longer him or fucking uh r Kelly Man, I well r Kelly man like I mean he made it this long Like I think did he's problem is gonna be not similar to f steam because I think f steam's problem was that um, it was a combination of I think he probably had too much dirt on too many people and he also Uh, was he like fucking around with kids and shit? Like I believe that's I mean at least based at least based on what i've seen on uh tv And in movies In prison them the niggas that they the only niggas that that really everybody agree is fuck them niggas is the ones who mess with kids Like all different people will be like, yeah, they'll come together and be like yo, fuck the niggas that mess with kids so like that I think I don't think they've said anything about did he ever something with kids? So maybe I miss anything that relates to like that could be okay for him But then I also feel like did he just type of niggas got a lot of dirt on people too and he's probably got like I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna compare. It's probably not compared Well, it might be I want to compare white white level of dirt like whatever Like the kind of dirt the Epstein had on people to like black levels of dirt because I kind of feel like like did he Probably still has dirt on like niggas. It's like Equally as powerful as the people that Epstein probably had dirt on but um, yeah He probably got some dirt on some people so that probably won't pan out too good for him If they think that he gonna have a big mouth, especially if he uh Been doing what he accused doing I mean, they say a racketeering people rarely get off a racket here Um sex trafficking. I mean, so I mean granted. I mean I don't even know I don't even know how sex traffic where that pretty much is hold us on against their will and making them do sex sexual favors It's like so like when you see it in movies and shit It's like bringing underage women across the border and shit But like a I think a simpler way of putting it is just transporting women for sex So like if if did he's like yo, I'm gonna get like, um, you know, he had a you know, uh, You know a fucking club in vegas or some shit And he's like yo, I'm gonna get us some bitches from la and they got my flight and bitches in and they gonna suck our dicks That's When when the what's that happens? I think that is sex trafficking So and that's probably um, not probably but, um, you remember the the busload of chicks in the mayor king's town Definitely sex trafficking. Yeah Uh, but they were they were crossing the border. So that's why I gave it, uh, because they were coming from Canada. So like that's why Made this distinction like it doesn't have to be like crossing the border necessarily But it's something about border crossing with that shit and I gotta look I mean, that's what that's that's how we most commonly see it in like Right, right, right. It's like and I'm not talking about borders. I'm talking about like state lines or some shit I thought it was something that state lines that make it might be it may be state lines. Yeah, like Maybe if you bring them across to the same spot, no, it's not trafficking. It's not trafficking. It got across state lines, but that will make sense But then yeah, some of my my example still holds up since I said, oh, no, no, it told you I was just thinking when I told you said, you know, which uh, your example I started thinking about in, um Mayor king's town and shit, but yeah, so yeah, but I mean, of course, I mean Of course it's just fuck, you know, you you're making anybody men or women do anything sexual favors against their will and this shit fucked up And been doing it for years and just had money and power to to have all this shit fucking, you know, under wraps and You know, I and I feel strongly that though that the cassie Him settling so fast with cassie. It was like, yeah, that nigga did that shit. Um, yeah, because they know, they know Innocent person and they write mine, but I think of up 60 70 million just to to let it go, you know, all right So yeah Wow, shit. It'd be interesting the next couple of weeks. See how this shit. I don't know when his Trial starts, but he ain't gonna wear it. So he'll be around So be right whenever I'm ready for his trial to start. Yeah. Yeah, I just I just I wonder I wish they had cameras in their man because I would love to see the deflating face that he had when they denied his bond like He probably probably sank down in his fucking chair Also wonder too, like when you doing these sorts of things and you at your your peak i'm assuming He's probably was like at the height of his power doing his kind of shit like Did he like how concerned was he that this was gonna come back around Like how like especially given like the way more and more shit's been coming out the way social media has been and he was doing this shit when Like people already had smartphones so like like did he did he feel like invincible dog? Like y'all could do whatever I want. I'm never gonna get caught Like did he feel like that? I mean He shouldn't he couldn't he shouldn't have been smarter than that to think that it would but I just feel like his his want his his delusion maybe just shielded him from that shit because Ain't no way he could have figured that shit. I mean I can't remember no the video cast of him hitting on Cassie was after he had already paid that Settlement right that came after the fact And I wonder yeah, it came after the fact and then I wonder like Was that one in a moment where he was like I am fucked probably I mean after paying her so many so much and Then that like that had to be I feel like before then you know You know he was probably just like Ain't shit happened now. I'm invincible. I really we don't know what he thinking, but I just that's kind of my thoughts Yeah, no, I mean, yeah Yeah, that's just wild with I'm here to see how this how that's just going to play out. I wonder how long this is going to go and Yeah, I just don't think he's getting out any type of any fucking time. So Anytime so yeah, I mean I think it's we're probably just going to get it end up getting a lot more stories now Oh, yeah, everybody more information coming out more apparently there was something There was something with and I don't know the story. So I can't even Can't even talk about it because I don't but it was something to Something about one of the chicks from uh danny decane or some shit too Yeah, yeah, I think I heard that. Yeah, but I think the one white chick has always been saying how he's been fucked up Was that Aubrey the Aubrey day? Yeah, that sounds. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's right. I think it's oh day or something like that. Oh day. I'm sorry. Yes. Oh Yeah, but yeah, no, yeah, I think that's yeah. Yeah, that's the white. Yeah, the one that's in the most She been the most vocal who has a absolute terrible uh Plastic surgery job. She looks so fucked up. Anyway, that's nothing to do with I haven't seen her. I haven't seen her in a long time But I remember her having a lot of I remember her having a lot of surgery the last time I saw her So I can't imagine what she must look like now Yeah, but she's been on twitter being you know At the time of how how fucked up he is and shit like that and so um And yeah, I mean after so many people come out it's like Just motherfucker really innocent like it's everybody lying like come on. It's like what caused me. It was like Come on now like Yeah, fucking crazy I'm crazy. Well, man. I ain't got anything else. Are you anything else you want to uh real quick? Wmba shit, uh, so oh, yeah, yeah, agent wilson Gets most points in the season and most rebounds in the season Um, it's kind of shitty because angeles got injured and she would have definitely probably Had the the rebound title Because shit she's still averaging more Uh per game than uh agent and granted. I don't know how to how many how often they update this shit and um, but yeah Her shit her averages are average whether she stopped or not Um, but that was about what maybe five six games ago. But yeah, like her average was 13 Was 13 the game at ages was 12. So, um, but yeah, so Yeah, I'm pretty pretty certain agent. Um angel Reese would have had it. So yeah, kudos to her man. It's just I I've been a farewell fair weather wmb fan. Um, definitely this year. I've watched more wmba than I probably ever have Um Even when we had a team. I watched barely. I wasn't really a fan per se or whatever Um, and I've watched some of the games that age of flan And it's just wow how much she dominates the game. Like I really wish I would have watched years ago just to see other players like Cheryl swoops and uh, Lisa Leslie and how did they compare as far as how did they How were they, you know, so dominant in the game and shit like that? So, but yeah, man, it's that's pretty fun. Cool Yeah Um, so I think I think I think i think i think i think we on the brink of uh becoming Like almost fans Like we get there to like yeah, i'm like i'm saying like this the most this the most Uh wmba basketball either of us have ever watched And I mean to our credit nigga. I mean we watch it to our credit nigga This the most wmba either of us have either either of us have ever watched and we ain't gotta eat. We ain't even got a team Like that's that's that's i mean that's credit to us right Yeah, we have no team and it's solely because of uh angel reason and katelyn clark like I'll just get it (laughs) Which which one? Like who lashes a ponytail? Which one? Are you talking about? Uh, yeah, uh both of them. Um, yeah, uh, but no, yeah, it's solely because of the numb that I probably watch it Um, as much, um, but you know, i'm thinking like man, this is and It's been entertaining. It's not just like watching just to say i watch just like the shit's been entertaining It's just it and there's so many other Competitors in the lead that's playing well. Um, you know, I It's just I followed this one chick man and She's a really big angel Reese fan And because of that she's a such a hater of katelyn clark to the point Okay, why does that even have to be a thing dog like no, I don't know and I oh yeah I never I've been so close to wanting to ask her, but I just I just I don't want to argue her and I don't know her that well Um, but it just sucks because it just sucks because it sucks, but if you're This person who's just this, you know pro black you want to go for the black fucking girl or whatever with angel Reese And you saying, you know, fuck indiana You're saying fuck so many other black women who are playing on the fucking team It's not like you just saying fuck katelyn clark. You're saying fuck alia boston Who was last year's root in here who was a fucking awesome fucking player and many of the other fucking players So it doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up to hate A team so much because you hate the competitor of the player that you really like, you know, I'm saying like that's just her her logic is so fucking dumb I don't even I don't even understand why she got to not like katelyn clark let alone not liking her team Well, you can you have a preference of a team you like your team, but the hate a team because of that player What the fuck does she do to you? Yeah, I don't understand that. No, like you're not i don't know like this. You don't have to act like it's a Obligation like y'all I can't be a fan of angel Reese. So it's I also hate katelyn clark like they you get it You don't have to hate katelyn clark. Like you can just not And it sucks though because it's it's the other way around as well You know folks that just loves katelyn clark and just don't know like reason. I just don't get it either way Like, you know, you know, I don't know, you know, are y'all mad at their rivalry in college or something? Like I just don't get it and shit, you know, but I don't know I I can't understand the sanity because that shit is truly insane You know, I think they just want to have they just want them to have a rivalry or whatever and I don't know I think they don't even fucking put it. I don't even fucking check each other like I don't man. It's just so irrational dog So irrational dog But yeah, so anyway Indiana makes the playoffs, uh, be interesting to see how they do um I you know, I'm hoping angel Reese, you know, comes back fully. You know, uh Um repair like she's a fucking machine. It's like a robot Robot No, once she's, you know, he'll from injury. I think her next season's gonna be pretty dope You know, it She has to you know, I would love to just get her mechanics now I think she has the potential to be, you know as agile as say at aja wilson and shit like that Uh, but I mean if she you know, she's going to improve and I think she's probably gonna be winning rebal Awards for years to come and shit, you know, hopefully her team does well and shit So Yeah, man. That's it. That's all I really have. Um, I'm scared to see how to play I don't know how to play off works with a wba wba Gonna find out. Yeah, that should so what last game was what tomorrow the thursday or something like that I mean tomorrow. I think all the last games that tomorrow So, yes, I guess uh by next week, we'll be there. It'd probably be games played by the end So I don't know how to I don't know if they do I just saw on the on the commercial of the game to saw now the playoffs began sunday Oh shit. Okay. All right. Well, I'm playing with the lion. I'm watching I might just have both on. I'll definitely uh, I know Don't put lashes on up again. I mean ponytail. Oh, it up against the line Ponytail gets no play. She be on it. She put it Whoever's planning to be on a small tv So, but that's all I got bro Yeah, I'm good. We can uh, we can go ahead wrap it up. All right. Well, it's next week. Peace. Peace [BLANK_AUDIO]