Quiet, Please - Old Time Radio Horror

Valentine - Quiet, Please | 02/13/1949 (Ep087)

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The American Broadband Company presents Quiet, please, which is written and directed by Willis Cooper, in which features Ernest Chapel. Quiet, please, for today is called Ballon Time. The Little Towns, I never see them anymore. Peakin, Delavan, Bloomington, Gail'sburg, Lewiston, all the Little Towns above the river with a cobblestone going down to the steamboat landing. The Little Towns under the hills and the shocks of corn standing lonely in snow-covered, like the teepees of all Chibonas people, the good Indians that save so many white men's lives in the old days. There's a red brick Baptist church, I remember, and a courthouse with tall limestone pillars, the portico that looks like a disreputable ancient Greek temple. And I can only think of them and remember them, for I never go far away from here. And as restful here, and I think I have earned rest, I have come a long journey. My work was finished long ago. So I rest, and sometimes, in the night, I walk for a while, and remember, the old house down on State Street is almost unchanged, so hands of time have touched it lightly. And it's a comforting thing to go there at night and sit alone, then remember. And always, this time of the year, I remember the town time, so long ago. The Little Houses along the road in the ravine that goes down to the Sangamon, and now in early February, the ground is soft and damp with a melting snow, and the watery sun shines down on the eager young trees, and there's a promise of spring in the first February fall. And the frog just stirring deep in the cold mud under the sponge here, and the ghosts in the old graveyard smile at the first obscure signs of spring. I remember the mean little houses, the store in the post office, and the drafty houses were the people there, and I remember the muddy road up from Van derja, and the high wheeled buggies mired down in the low places, and the long flat roads across the prairie, where the grass grew from horizons and horizons, and the groves of trees were small, genial islands in a sea of undulating greens. I hear her voice in the night time, and it is a far, far sound, so I wake and hear it from many, many times. I have many bitter memories, and a few happy ones. I wonder what the world would think of the memories that come most often, to haunt me among the echoing carters under the ancient oaks, a dream of battles, they think. A dream of a victory won, and the acclaim of men. I think I've forgotten the long, sweet days of my young manhood, and the first, almost forgotten love that once I knew, some cherries, do I think I have forgotten the grief, the loneliness, for despair, but first of mine, oh, so many sorrows. Valentine's still exists, it is still to be seen and touched, and if you ever look upon it, I hope you will remember me. For only I remember her, remember me, and shed a tear, perhaps, for lost love in it. I was gone away from her, they sent me away, and I was a little proud in my new clothes and with my parcel of books on the desk beside me. From the brave speeches I should make were some mening in my mind and crowding out all thoughts. Even thoughts of her, a boy of 25 sitting in the General Assembly, speaking gravely of laws in the affairs of the people, and not remembering my own. And back at home, a girl, clawing for an absent lover, remembering promises, and waiting and waiting and waiting. In the store of the dark January morning, I haven't had any word from him for ever so long, but he's a busy, and they take so much of the time, you know. Maybe there'll be a letter tomorrow. Jack Armstrong had a letter from him last week, Annie. He wasn't too busy to write to Jack. Oh, well, the Armstrong's was all the trend, you know. Sure it seems strange if you don't write to him. He's busy. You've got a pretty girl down there, and Van Daley. I hear his help. But never a girl and I'm dead yet to make me turn my solemn head. I was full of a thrill of helping to make the laws that my people were to live by. And I was fascinated by the strutting politicians in their tall hats, and I made great argument with them in the long tavern nights, and I put off the letters till tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow. I expect a letter any day now, or maybe he'll be coming home again soon, because he'll be looking around a little Annie for yourself. So maybe he might have give you the mip on now, and I could never do that to me. Well, if you hope he ain't Annie, if you keep up your spirits and a day'll come, a day'll come I always say. Have you wrote him, my lover? Why? I write him nearly every day. I'll be hearing for him any day, just like you said. Tomorrow I'll write. I said, tomorrow, Van Dye's side in my lonely room, and I remembered the hillside of the summertime. And the haze of the heat lying heavy on the low hill to be on the curves of the parliament. I remembered a hand in mine, as we sat on the hillside above the town, and the homesick song of the cicadas in the orchard, and a reluctant, western sun. I remembered what I had said to her on that long summer afternoon, and alone in my mean low room, I wept to remember, but I did not write. And today, after all the years, I weep again and remember he'll be coming back. He'll be coming back for his birthday. He'll be coming back from Van Dye on a tall horse, and there isn't a thing that will hold him back for me. I know he'll be back home for his birthday. The gavel fell and the booming voice spoke. I do now declare this general assembly adjourned, and I took horse for home, and now my heart was heavy without, for I remembered my long silence, and my mind now wrestled with darkest premonitions. What would my homecoming be, after those long hunts of silence? Yes, I loved him, must you ask. Can you remember back to the days when you were twenty-five? Can you remember what little thing can make a lover's reuniting, or break it? Can you remember the little tenderness a recreating lover might bring to his dear one, the small thoughtfulness, the simple, humble thing that says I have not forgotten, and that brings the happy smile that banishes doubt and wipes away the memory of unwritten words? Why, I remember it. I remember the pleasant saint, the patron of all of us who love. I remember paper hearts, and posies of verse, and ribbons, and lace, and in the pouring rain I lifted up my head and said, "Bye, thank you, Saint Valentine." And the morning came, and I was home, and my horse was tied up at the hitching post, and I strode into the store all the money and triumphs. Well, Eve! Hi, Eve! Oh, Jack, we thought you was never coming back to be home all the time to make it, but I got here. How are you? I'm fine with the frogs, aren't I? You're looking if you'd grown down there in Van Dailey? I'll look to this if I'd grown up. All right. Don't, don't, don't. Be expected you'd be aware that I still can't. Well, not me. Say, have you seen Anne this morning off the turn, not since yesterday. No? The how is she? Kind of peak, you days. Ain't she sick? No. Yes, on account of you not writing any letters to her? I'm sorry about that. You'd better be. How's everything around home, office? Mm. This you? I miss you all. How's business? Well, we get by. Has your breakfast yet? No, I just got here. I can get breakfast later. Look. Jack, I want something. If you don't see for it, ask for it. Well... How's it like down there in the city, anyway? Lots of people, huh? Hundreds. Say, what I want. What's up? Oh, sure. Oh, sure. Oh, sure. Oh, sure. What's up? Oh, sure. A lot of women. Mm-hmm. You would like to hear about Van Daley. I may have been out of this place since I come here. Well, I'll tell you about it. One of these evens, Jack. What I wanted. I don't want to hear about it. Now, what was it you wanted all of a sudden? Well... Well... You wanted the day before Valentine's Day. What was it you wanted all of a sudden? Well... Well... Well, you wanted the day before Valentine's Day. What was it you wanted all of a sudden? Well... Why did you want it all of a sudden? Well... Why did you want it all of a sudden? Why did you want it all of a sudden? Why did you want it all of a sudden? Oh, it's a dog. Hey! Oh, I know a little there, Aunt Hannah. Oh, where I'd eat there. How's it done to Van Daley? Oh, why? He don't leave me to... Oh, I'll eat it. Oh, well. Some pickle you got back home. Me too. Oh, well, maybe I'll find folks down there and say to forget your old people. Oh, I'm never going to forget my people at Hannah. Pretty nice without Annie, didn't you? I guess I didn't write for her. She didn't write very often. Never rule it all the way I used it. Well, I was busy. Well, I was busy. Oh, man, Hannah. What's your pleasure this morning? Well, yes. I want a couple of deals along Sweetland Day. Couple of deals? Yes, I'm out of business. You hear me? Yes. Never miss. I'm out of business. Well, what's the matter with you? Well, I'll see you here, Jack. Aunt Hannah, do you mind? I have to... Oh, take your time, boy. I got all of these. What do you want? I want to valentine. Ain't got enough. You have? Who's it for? Who's it for? Who's it for? Who do you think is for your food? Well, ain't got enough. You had some last year. That was last year. This, I remember. I will remember. You had one less. Oh, what did I? There was one, and it was so dear. Nobody is by it, remember? You sure, Aunt Hannah? Oh, let me see. 60 cents you wanted for it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I gotta remember. You'll rock it up in brown paper and you'll put it up there on top of the shelf above the dry peaches. I remember just as plain. It's not okay. Yeah, let me see. More things up here onto the shelf. Oh, that's it. That's it. You got it. Now the dog. Mm-hmm. Roses is red. Bilets are blue. I love it, too. And that's it? Well, yeah. That's it. Mm. Pretty, Hannah. It's tour. The lake is tour. Well, I could knock off three cents on the count of that. Three cents. You'll knock off ten cents. That's less use. And divide this tour. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent. And relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites. It's going to kill the showings. Go for it. Sound complicated? Runners Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own. From rent collection to maintenance coordination. All for one flat monthly fee. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Runners Warehouse. Have you heard about the 2018 study that showed half of prenatal vitamins tested had unacceptable levels of heavy metals? No? Well, now you have. I'm Kat, mother of three and founder of Ritual, the company making traceability the new standard in the supplement industry. I remember staring at my prenatal vitamins and finding all these things I was trying to avoid. High amounts of heavy metals, synthetic colorants, and unnecessary ingredients. So, at four months pregnant I quit my job and started ritual because I believe that all women deserve to know what they're putting in their bodies and why. I'm so proud of our prenatal vitamin. The ingredients are 100% traceable, it's third-party tested for microbes and heavy metals and recently received the Purity Award from the Clean Label Project. You see, we trace like a mother because, let's be honest, no one cares quite like a mother. But don't just take my word for it. Trace for yourself with 25% off at Oh, and you love it. It's just the thing that happened, isn't it? Oh, I see a guess about it. Hey? Oh, hi. What's the matter? Oh, what's the matter? Where? I'll be behind the shield. Oh, no, no, no. We're tired of things. Let's go. Who causes that tie-up, is that right? Right. Oh, no, come on in there. No, no, no. Who's this right there? Well, it was... Oh, right there. Is that somebody in the room? Of course I was. I hope you get back this birthday, yes? Oh, but he didn't. And nobody must have tried to, and I hope not. Oh, Jack. Oh, Valentine. Yes. Oh, yes. Valentine. Valentine. Valentine. I was hoping it had one. Oh, I'm so glad. Well, I... I don't exactly like to sell you that one. He's tall. Oh, he won't mind. How much is it, Jack? 60. Well, I was aiming to keep it. Sorry. What for? Well, the only one I've got. I've just got to have it, Jack. It's last year. It's the only one I've got. May I have it, Jack? Well... 60 cents, you bet. I'll give you 65. Well... So if you sell that old, rented Valentine to this girl. Well... Oh, and Hannah, I must have it. I didn't get a thing for this birthday, and I just hoped I'd be able to get him a Valentine. And it... It'd be a time of birthday present, too. Well... Yeah. I have it, Jack. What are you saying, Hannah? Don't you try to put his arm beneath, you hear? Please, Jack. I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I really have to get it for him, Jack, because I kind of expect you'll bring me one from Van Damien. You do? I hope so. Oh, they must have wonderful ones in the big store down in Van Damien. Well, that's silly, but it's beautiful, isn't it? Didn't you get Valentine's when you were doing it, Hannah? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! And it seems so long, I never remember. It isn't much really. But you're like this. You don't want to ride on to what I am? Right. Right, right. Right. You took one to write down that can love him? Oh, why he knows it, Hannah? And I know it. And the whole world knows it. Must I write it down? And the days and many, and the nights are long since that 13th of February, and a little store on the Sangamon River. And I have seen many places. The little towns on the mighty ones. Cities, happy and jubilant. Cities for law and in Greece, tricky. And I have known hope and gladness and exaltation in my time as well as tears and sadness. But never in all my years have I felt the gladness, the super overwhelming joy of that moment when I heard the words of this girl I loved. And thus today, my grief is the greater. She walked out of the store and I remember I was 25. I was crushed with disappointment. The Valentine, you say? God was a priceless gift I had in mind that morning. And the irony of it, she had snatched my own gift, I'm going to give it to me. And I was returning, repenting to her. But empty handed. And the laughter of Arthur and that Hannah Armstrong did nothing at all to escape my disappointment and my unhappiness. And I followed her out of the store at her little distance. Followed her, up the ravine, and up the hillside, till she came to the old twisting place. I think it is very much the same today as it was then. It was the time when I came to her empty handed, after a long empty month. And when she came to the place, she turned, and she held out alive. I knew it was you following. I knew it, and I wouldn't turn and look, because I wanted to see you first. Up here on the hillside. Him, darling. Him, been gone so long. And I never looked to you. But you thought of me. I thought of you. I thought of you. Every single minute I have been gone. I know. Oh, kiss me, darling. You've changed. No. You have changed. You're sadder. And you're-- I'm older. Oh, you're bleeding. Yes. Well, I was 25. I'm getting old. Oh, no. Old and forget. No, you're not. You were busy. Oh, yeah. I've got a birthday present for you. Why, you know you shouldn't have done that. It's a Valentine. Oh. Valentine days tomorrow. It's the very last one that Mr. Offit had before. I know. You know. I was going to get it for you. Oh. Well, I don't need a Valentine, really. Well, I mean-- Tell me you love me. That'll be my Valentine. I am. Remember. Mmm. Oh, my. I love my love. And well, she loves. I love the grass where once he goes. If she honors no more I see. My life will quickly leave me. Shut down, Valentine. You didn't write me. I was too afraid. Couldn't never forget you, right? Never, never, never. As long as I live. And forever. Who will be so happy? Well, we'll go and live in San Diego. No, no, no, come. When you go to the new Statehouse in Springfield, then I'll be a congressman's wife. We'll go and live in Washington. You'll go with me. You'll be my star that I'll follow. And you'll be a great man. Well, I couldn't be president. Oh, yes, darling. Do be president. And then in after years I'll build a great high monument to you. And everybody will say he was the greatest president that ever was. And it'll all be due to you. Madam president. No, I-- I'd play the riches of all the world that you see to hand. But it didn't bring me a Valentine. What? What can I do? What? I'm so sorry. I love you. Valentine, I know Valentine dearest. Always and always and always. Always. And always. And we'll always be together. We'll never be apart from each other again. Never. Never am. Oh, hold me. I'm so cold, son of a-- Not just a cloud over the tunnel. Hold me. Always hold me. Always. I know it. You'll be a great, great man, darling. With you, beside me, I will. But if I die, don't say that. Kiss me again. And we sat for a long, long time in the sudden chill of the afternoon. And we were so in love. Lamb and I. And we spoke no word for the longest time. Only sat there. And dreamed of the future. The rosy future. And nothing but happiness. Happened. Happened. Happened. Happened. And we'll be married as soon as you finish school. Nobody will ever be as happy as we'll be. And if I die-- No. No, don't say that. If I die, when you go on the way, we have gone together. Oh, you mustn't. You will want you. For me. For me. Say yes. You're not going to die. But of course not. I was just teasing you. Don't. I love you so. And I love you. And I love you. Wherever you go. In a little town from the big towns. You'll be accomplished. And you'll love me. I'll be presentable than I love you. And this isn't just Valentine's talk. Lamb. I'm sorry, dear. Wait. You ask if it's just Valentine's talk. You remember last summer when we sat up here together? So many times. Oh, a very special time, ma'am. Right. I remember. It was a hot, hot day. And the heat haze was on the hill. And it sang to me. And you remember the stone, ma'am? Stone. I-- Wait, wait. I know where it is. I put it in the crops of that old apple tree. Right there. I get it. That's your Valentine, ma'am. Remember? I remember. I followed it. Look. We lost some. Here's your Valentine, ma'am, darling. I remember what you carved at. Let's read it together. Shall we? Heaven, always remember. On the thought. In the name of the lie. On July 4th, 1833. And I watch this. And everything winking. We're the detours. And the cold winds howl tonight in Oak Ridge. Around the tall monument. Gently they touch the outlines of a little mound in the graveyard above the sanctum. And only the stone. The stone Valentine remains to testify to Handa. [Music] The title of today's Quiet Please story is Valentine. It was written and directed by Willis Cooper. The band who spoke to you was Ernest Chappell. Others in today's cast were Anne Seymour, who played Anne. Robert was played by Jack Offer, and Hannah, by Leora Thatcher. As you as you rule music for Quiet Please is played by Arthur Perkins. Now I'll put a word about next week. I've got a good friend and I'll write a director, Willis Cooper. The title of my next week's story is the question that I've been asked at least ten times every day. Why do you get your ideas? Listen, maybe I'll tell you. And so until next week at the same time, the answer to a perpetual question I am quietly yours, Ernest Chappell. Now a listening reminder. Stay tuned for Drew Pearson. This is ABC, the American Broadcasting Company. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenets, wrap up the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's Warehouse. Have you heard about the 2018 study that showed half of prenatal vitamins tested had unacceptable levels of heavy metals? No. Well, now you have. I'm Kat, mother of three and founder of Ritual, the company making traceability the new standard in the supplement industry. I remember staring at my prenatal vitamins and finding all these things I was trying to avoid. High amounts of heavy metals, synthetic colorants, and unnecessary ingredients. So, at four months pregnant I quit my job and started Ritual. Because I believe that all women deserve to know what they're putting in their bodies and why. I'm so proud of our prenatal vitamin. The ingredients are 100% traceable, it's third-party tested for microbes and heavy metals, and recently received the purity award from the Clean Label Project. You see, we trace like a mother because, let's be honest, no one cares quite like a mother. But don't just take my word for it. Trace for yourself with 25% off at