The Frank Fantasy Football Podcast

Autobahn Hummers

Episode 4

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Hello, we are back with another episode of the Frank Fantasy Football podcast. I am your podcast host, Frank and Lee Commissioner. I am joined with, of course, my co-host, Danny. Danny, how are you? - Frank, I'm doing great. Never been better. Just all around fantastic today. - Great, fantastic. So we are going to bring on our guest host. If you give me one minute, I will prepare his intro. (dramatic music) - I said clowns and cockles! (laughing) I said clowns and cockles! Viewers, it is him. It is Mr. playoffs. Jordan Snowburger. Our weak loser for Game of the Week. Jordan, how are you? - I'm doing good. How are you doing? - Well, I'm doing great. I'm hosting a podcast for kind of a stupid question. All right, so let's do this. Let's move on next to reviewing our week three matchups. So week three, we're going to kick it off with 12 dudes, one butt of Zuna versus Dirty Mike and the boys, Nick. Now, I was doing a score to 102 in this matchup to Nick's 105. It was a very close matchup, but you got to give it to Nick. Danny, thoughts? - Danny's on, huh? - Danny's on, oh shit. Congratulations, Danny. Hey, Jordan, appreciate it, man. It was a good week, wasn't it? Real quick. - Yeah, you had a good week. - Now, guys, we're not reviewing your matchup right now. We are reviewing 12 dudes, one butt of Zuna versus Dirty Mike and the boys, Nicholas. Actually, I went over the projected points, the actual points themselves was-- - Yeah, I was going to say, Frank, something just wasn't added up. - It wasn't. - I feel like just trying to fail you out there. - Great. Thank you. - Got him some slack. - Yeah, now that was fantastic, great. So, we had a Zuna's 21, 17 to Dirty Mike and the boys. Nick, 120. It was still a close matchup. You got to give it to Nick and his love for Derek Henry's being the league scorer for him in this matchup, 29 points. Danny, thoughts? - Good week for both of the guys out there. Two of our most recent champs in the league going head to head, close matchup, high scoring. Really, both teams could have earned a win this week. You hate to see those Zuna with 117 points, walking away with a loss. You have guys out here like Shally every week winning with 90 points. It just, you hate to see it. - Yeah, yeah, you really do. Jordan, thoughts on this matchup? - I'd like to think Zuna might be needing to make a move here soon using Derek Carr and his starting quarterback position. I know he loves the Raiders in all the, oh shit. I mean, love for the Raiders has an overcome these decisions for fuck. - Jordan, you are nervous and that is understandable. This is quite the honor on being on this podcast. - Can we do this over? - No, no, this is live. Now, you, you know, oh, Zuna needs better production out of his quarterback position. - It's not smart. - Jordan, great, fantastic. I need you to hold on to that thought. Steven Sin with those Zuna scoring a point. 30 is just unacceptable. It's embarrassing. And as a former three-peat champion, he needs to do better. - We don't drop that guy. That's just a test score performance. - That's not the only thing that needs to be dropped on this podcast. We are gonna move on to our next matchup. - He's talking about me, isn't he? - We're gonna move on to our next matchup. We have Ripham and Flipham chain versus no brains, all balls, Matt. Now, this matchup was not very close. No brains, all balls, Matt took this in a very decisive win, scoring 143 to Shane's 111, sending Shane to an O and three. Jordan, I'm gonna have you kick this one off. What are your thoughts on it? - Good, outing by Matt, 143 is not easy to score. I think he's got a solid team in the most part. Made some trades earlier in the week. I was a little questionable, but be honest, but it seems like it's gonna pay out for him in the long run, 'cause I don't know. I think it's not doing too well, so we'll see. - Great, fantastic. Danny, what are your thoughts? - Yeah, Matt's got a real good team here. I'm just afraid that the early success is going to his head. It is a long season. I'm afraid he's already crowned himself the week three champ. He thinks he has it in the bag just because his first and second round picks are out. He thinks he can only get better when they return. You know, hope this guy can pull it off. He's been in the league a long time. He's never won it. Just Matt, you know, act like you've been there before and look at the road ahead. He's a long way to go. - I'm glad you brought up-- - And he took notes. - I'm glad you brought up this point about Matt's injuries early on, you know, that first overall pick, Chris McCaffrey actually this weekend going to Germany to get some sort of work done on his calf, his upper thigh. Now, Jordan, your family, I believe, grandmother was some sort of a healer herself in Germany. Do you have any kind of advice, any kind of wisdom that she might have passed down on to you of how Chris McCaff, his treatment might be going? - I can't speak on this personally, 'cause I don't know exactly where he's going or who he's seeing, but all I can say is that German's are superior, so I can't be surprised that if he's looking for superior medicine and care, he's gonna go to the motherland, so. - Great. - I actually heard he's gonna be working with some of the engineers out there in Germany, and they'll actually be testing them out on the Autobahn while he's out there. - Can't take his blood. - Getting a nice Hummer from Jordan's grandma on the Autobahn sounds great. - Nice, nice. - We, nice. So we will move on, and now this one, it's gonna be a very short review. We're not gonna dive too deep into it. We have Likimadik, we all know my thoughts on that team name. So we're not gonna go too deep into it, versus Edgelord, Jeff, so. I'm good with that. - Jeff's not gonna kill himself this week, so solid win by Jeff, good outing. - Yeah, one day. - I just want him to keep it going. It's just more fun when Jeff's winning, I'm gonna be honest. It keeps the spirit up. It's fun to talk shit a little bit, but. - I don't wanna give a shit, he can fucking do it if he wants. - This one meant a lot to Jeff. He and Evan, they have a heated rivalry. Some people are saying that Jeff, or Evan is living rent-free in Jeff's head. He's remembering some P quotes from last season that everybody else has moved on from. But even with Evan living rent-free in his head, Jeff was still able to put together a score to just rush Evan this week. - Even Evan's profile picture just makes me want to punch holes and walls repeatedly until my fists are just dripping red. - Oh, it's definitely, that was definitely a good matchup for that. - Right, fantastic. We'll move on to our next matchup. We have Pull Me Back Jacob, versus a new team name. Cockroach, Shally, with a profile picture of himself now. - Pull Me Back, that team name actually came from his podcast. - It did, it really did, this podcast, we have the influence and we just changed lives. - Look at us. - Now, Cockroach actually picked up a win with 112 over Jacobs, 89. You know, Jacob really didn't get a lot of production out of his defense. It looks like he actually started Las Vegas getting him a minus two. - Oh, geez, that's not good. I don't know, the top rock one that. - Couple of key notes here. Number one, we have Shally's street continuing of playing easy matchups. This was by far the highest score against him so far this season at 89, but his average opponent score per week is still around 75. And let's give it up to Jacob. Coming back from a 45 to an 89, he nearly doubled his score from week two to week three. - That's fantastic. - You know what our previous host, Zach actually predicted this score. It is remarkable. Jordan, your thoughts. - I agree with Danny on that one. - Well, thanks, that's some great insight. - Fantastic. - Great, fantastic. We'll move on to our next matchup. We have the green Mandingo, Zach, versus I'm autism. My team, your podcast host and lead commissioner, Frank. - We'll colors the Mandingo again, just one more time. - The green Mandingo. - Oh, okay, got it. - I don't know how many times I need to do this on the podcast, but so. - 'Til you get it right. - Let's see. I'll just start it off. Just real poor production two weeks in a row from Anthony Richardson. - You took him in round four. I expect better from this quarterback. He has just been on a cold streak for these two games. Xavier, worthy, starting hot, putting up four points. Scoring 94 against this kind of opponent is just unacceptable, especially when Zach gave me an in with Rashisha Heid scoring a big goose egg. Danny, thoughts. - Yeah, you know, you get this guy like, Zach, I can call this Jesus. - He's taking this one hard. - Danny, Danny, I'm sorry for the interruption. Please, continue. - That's quite all right. I think Jordan was roasting you a little bit there. - Oh, no, he doesn't want to admit it, but this one meant a lot to him, and he just fucking dropped the ball, and he's actually gonna be relishing in this victory for quite some time. I'm gonna be honest, and I'm just gonna call that out, Frank. You fucking, yeah, you lost this one, man. It's all right, though. - Your grandmother's a whore. Danny? - I think, you know, this is about as easy of a matchup that you can get against Zach. This guy's been putting up big numbers, week one, week two. He puts up a one-sixteen. He got to take that win when you can get it against Zach, and you just let him, you gave him three and oh. Thanks a lot, Frank. - Jordan, any other thoughts? - You already asked me. - Great, fantastic. I did it, but we'll move on. We'll move on to our game of the week and our last week three review. We have a toilet truck, Danny, Mr. Plafs. You have Danny, team toilet truck scoring 163 to Mr. Plafs, Jordan's 108. I'll kick it off again. You know, what seemed like a loss cause with Danny and Tampa Bay scoring two points and Laporta scoring four. He got some real balance back from Kyrie Williams, from Sheed Rice and JD Daniels, who is looking like he could be the rookie QB of the year. Now, Jordan had some great production as well from his quarterback, Lamar Jackson scoring 25, but that Los Angeles defense and Gabe Davis just not coming through for him. Jordan, what are your thoughts on this matchup being the loser and all? - It was tough. Yeah, I lost to Danny. Stored franchise. He's always beating me, it seems like, really important games and fucking sucks. And it didn't even dawn on me until like an hour after the game that he's a Rams fan as well, so I'm sure that probably was extra sweet for him. And I was fucking angry all Sunday at my myself and my girlfriend. - Great, fantastic, Danny, thoughts. - Yeah, I'm sorry that she had to go through that, but you're right, Jordan, this was a big matchup. The fact that we got matched up while the Rams and 49ers faced off. I come away with the win, Rams come away with the win. A lot of points coming out of that game, I got 30 from Kyra and I got 41 from Jwan Jennings, a just last minute bottom of the barrel flex play. Didn't expect it out of him, but got it when I needed it most. Yeah, I mean, iron sharpens iron, like they say, anytime I'm playing Jordan, I know I got to come with my best and I was able to come up on top this time. - Great, fantastic. - I'll be honest, I was thinking about picking up Jwan, but if I didn't know a kiddo was not starting, I was kind of with Kimmy from picking him up, but yeah. But congrats, man, thank you. - Well, great, fantastic. Now, before we move on to having our winner of the game of the week, Danny, pick the week four game of the week, I did prepare a little special tribute to our loser, Mr. Playoff's Jordan, so if you bear with me, I'm gonna get this going for us. ♪ How could this happen to me ♪ ♪ I've made my mistakes ♪ ♪ Got nowhere to run ♪ ♪ The night goes on ♪ ♪ Is I'm fading away ♪ ♪ I'm sick of this life ♪ ♪ I just wanna scream ♪ ♪ How could this happen to me ♪ - Oh, brother, this guy sticks. Now, that was our tribute to Jordan, our game of the week loser. Now, Jordan, there's a lot of guys in this league that kind of like you, so we are going to move on to Danny, picking our week four game of the week. - All right, week four, match up the week. There's a lot of good match that's coming up this week, but one stands out above the rest. We've got two guys that just hate each other's guts. They're always going at it. It is your podcast post. I'm autism and the one, the only cockroach, shall we, match of the week, week four. - Oh my God, I was wondering when I would be hosting a game of the week. And I can honestly say that I am excited. I'm ready, I'm projected to win this one, and Shally is just a dirty, dirty cockroaching, lookin' son of a bitch. - I've had news for you, Frank, you're probably puttin' up 75. - Yeah, yeah, that sounds about right. So, we actually have a special segment that I'm actually gonna have our guest introduce and go through. - Jordan, how would you like to kick off this new special segment? What's it called? - Pick up of the week. - Pick up of the week, yes. Pick up of the week and pick up loser of the week. Now, Jordan, who was the pick up of the week this week? Who was it? - I read the said, "You won Jennings number 15, changes 15, women's." - Do you want Jennings? Yes, he was a great ad this week. And who picked him up, Jordan? - Danny. - Danny picked up Joann Jennings. What a fabulous pick up. I can tell why this guy got, why he got the win. Now, who was the pick up loser of the week, Jordan? - Probably, probably myself, actually. - Yeah, yeah. I'm not even gonna be-- - I'm not gonna be angry. I'm thinking he was gonna jump a few guys on the death chart of the Kansas City Chiefs. I didn't really know about the kiddo injury. I dropped Hawkins in. And yeah, everything just kind of fell apart from there. County Ingram's since been let go by the feets. And I'm a fucking retard, so. - Well, you know what, Jordan? I bet you had some great insight, some great league sources that fed you that knowledge to pick them up. I'm sure it's not your fault of being a complete fucking idiot. So, Danny, what are your thoughts? - Yeah, I'll just say, when Jordan made that move, I was like, who the hell is this guy? But it's Jordan. And I'm like, we're all behind the eight ball here. We're all picking up Carson Steele and Samaje P. Ryan and spending $30 on Kareem Hunt for some reason. Jordan picks up some guy I've never heard of before. - All right, that means I'm sorry. - I'm in three other leagues, just because, you know, I have so much faith in you, Jordan. - You know, he's Mr. Plavster a reason. I'm sure he'll bounce back. He's still two in one. So with that being said, we will lead into our week four matchups where we will kick it off with our former champion, 12 dudes, one butt, Ozuna, who is own three, going against Mr. Play-offs. Jordan, who is two in one. Now, this is a projected to be a close matchup. We have Ozuna's 12 dudes, one butt, projected to score 103 to Mr. Play-offs. Jordan scoring a 106. These are two commissioners that are both in the silver category. So they've done some great things in the past. - Fuck, I'm silver now. - Yeah, you're silver now. - Wow. - I'm mighty have fallen. - Yep. - Danny, what are your thoughts on this matchup? - Yeah, I see Jordan bouncing back here. This is a guy who I expected to go undefeated this season. He's Mr. Play-offs. You know, I tried to back Ozuna as much as I could as our three-time champ, but yeah, he's just proven that he can't win without kickers. I'm going Jordan. - Great. So I will go Jordan as well. I feel like Ozuna starting an injured Jordan love right now and his starting lineup is a fucking stupid play. Jordan has the clear damage at quarterback with Lamar Jackson. He's been getting some great production out of Nico Collins as well. And it looks like Garrett Wilson has bounced back. Jordan Mason against New England. How will go Jordan as well? Jordan, what are your thoughts? - Is Jordan love officially back yet? - I have no clue. Clearly Ozuna has some great insight. - I know, I'm going to be honest. I was talking shit earlier, but I didn't know Jordan. He had Jordan loves the technically, yeah, Jordan loves her. So if you come back, you'll have a good shot this week. To be honest, my team's like injured right now. So I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. Most of them can't start, I don't even know, yeah. - So who are you picking, Jordan? - We called Danny winning last week as a football math. You're not going to go 0 and 3. - So Ozuna's 0 and 3 now. So it's just almost impossible to go 0 and 4 unless you're like absolutely just, I don't know. So I think Ozuna's going to take it this week. - All right, great, fantastic. We'll move on to our next matchup. We have Rippenham Flippem, Shane, 0 and 3 versus Dirty Mike and the boys, Nick. We have Shane actually projected to win this matchup at a 113 to Nix 107. You know, I'll kick it off first. I think Shane gets his first win of the year. I think he's got two talented of a roster to go 0 and 4. I like his receivers. I feel like they won't bounce back. Danny, your thoughts? - Yeah, I think I like Shane in this one as well. I don't see him going 0 and 4. His team looks great on paper. Just afraid of what he might do to himself this week with a trade. I know he's eager to get some moves made. So this might not be the same team by Sunday that we're looking at right here today, but Shane, leave it alone and I think you take this win. - Now I will cut in here really quick before I get to Jordan. You know, per my sources, there has been some rumblings between Shane and the Green Man Dingo Zach in a potential deal. That's all I will get into right now. But keep an eye out. Jordan, what are your thoughts on this match up between Shane and Nick? - I'm gonna look at some of the injuries. Yeah, no, I think Derek Henry in a prime time spot is gonna be good for Nick, to be honest, Sunday night for the most part. And I think Patrick Mahomes and LA is gonna be a better favorable match up than Dak Prescott in New York right now. So to be honest, Thursday night earlier, early week. So we'll see. - Waiting all day for Thursday night. - Yeah, yeah, I think I want to take Shane just for the whole man, that's logic shit, but I don't know. - You got to pick one, Jordan. So who are you picking? - I'm gonna take Shane. - Great, fantastic. We'll move on to-- - Dak bounce his back quick. - We sure help so. But with that, with the Cowboys, you just never know. - No, come go bounce back. - We will move on to our next match up again. This one, we are not going to dive too much into. We have the green man, Dingo Zach, 3-0, versus Lickerman Dick Evan, who's a 1-2. Productions, Zach with a 1-15 to Evans, 1-07. I'm gonna pick Zach and his going 4-0. Jordan, who are you picking? Let's make it quick, because of a protest. - Zach's got like three games down to all of his entire team that looks like between that Philadelphia game. Philadelphia Tampa Bay, he's got four players going, he's got like another four players going at the Detroit game, Seattle. So he's better, hopefully those are high scoring games for the most part, but. We're making this one quick, because of the protest. - Yeah, I'm gonna go Zach, though. He's just too good right now. - Great, fantastic. Zach? - Don't worry, Danny. - Yeah, no, it's okay. I get me and Zach, it makes up all the time, no big deal. - I think that I was just gonna say your pick. - Yeah, yeah, I gotta go with Zach here. Evan's team just makes me sick. I don't want to look at it anymore. - Great, fantastic. We are moving on to toilet truck, Danny versus Jeff Edgelord. And can I just say, this is a matchup that I'm really exciting for. Potentially Danny beating Jeff, who is favored, could really just set Jeff over the edge to finally do what we've all been praying for, and for him just to go to his bathtub, fill it up with a shit ton of water, put his head down until the bubble stop coming up. Jeff, please for the love of God, if you lose, just do it. I'm going, Danny, just for that sake, for the love of God, Danny, make this happen. Jordan, who are you picking? - Oh, Spock, second to third funniest guys in the league, I'm gonna have to say, I think Jeff's gonna take this one for the most part. - Danny, thoughts? - Yeah, Danny, I know you're here, man, but I got Jeff's right hot right now. I mean, he's got Josh Allen. It's the only quarterback in the league that's better than Jayden Daniels. So I think he's got me beat there. I'm still in a little bit of injury trouble. We'll see what LaPorta does. We'll see what A.J. Brown does. I think I might be missing those guys this week. So I just, I don't like my odds here. Jeff takes this one. - Okay, I'm in a prime time. It's not okay. - Great, fantastic. We'll move on to our next matchup, where we have a very close one. Sorry, my system just passed out on me real quick, boys. Sorry. Where we have pull me back versus no brains, all balls, Matt. We have Jacob pulling me back, going against no brains, all balls, Matt. Now this is a very projected to be a very close matchup, where we have Jacobs 102 versus Matt's 103. Jacob, I just gotta say, I love you, but your injuries have caught up to you a little bit too much. I gotta go Matt with this. I think Baker Mayfield has a bounce back. I think Marvin Harrison versus that washed in defense as well. I gotta go Matt with this one. Danny, thoughts? - Yeah, I'm gonna pick Matt, because apparently it really hurts his feelings when he doesn't get picked, and we need to keep our viewership up. - That's true, he does turn the podcast off when he is-- - He turns the podcast off, so Matt, go ahead and keep listening, bud. - Jordan, who are you picking? - I'm looking at jig-ups. I like burrow in Carolina, but for the most part, I just think mass players are just heating up at the right time to enter a center, so yeah, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go mad on this one. - Great, now that is a clean sweep for Matt and Matt. Congratulations, and keep on listening, buddy. - Week four champ. - Week four champ indeed. So now we are going to move on to our game of the week. We have I'm Autism, your podcast host and League Commissioner Frank versus Cockroach Shally, who is a three and L, going against me, who's a one and two. Now I will say I am a gold level fantasy owner to Shally's bronze. I'm gonna go ahead and pick myself. I think I get a bounce back performance from Richardson. I think D.J. Moore scores his first touchdown of the year, and I think my running backs have themselves quite a day. Danny, what are your thoughts? - Bold prediction there, Frank, but I have to give this one to Shally. He gets everything he wants. He'll probably score 80 points and take away the win. - Why is that? Why is it that Shally gets everything he wants? - I don't know. - Is it his religion? Is it him living in San Francisco? Is it that he's a cook at Togo's? What is it? Why does he get everything he wants? It just drives me insane. Jordan, what are your thoughts? - A person foremost, congratulations to Shally. The first three in a store in franchise history, I'm pretty sure, right? - Sounds right. - I have to do the math, and because of the math, I will say you're correct. - Yeah, that's special. Right now though, Frank Richardson is not been playing well, and I do not like that Pittsburgh matchup. I think somehow Shally will pull this one off, and you will be miserable. - Correct. - Well, great. It looks like Shally will be our game of the week winner for week four, and I will be going down the road of Jeff Oberle and committing Sabaku. From a great television show called Shogun on XFX, we will do that plug for them as well. I know they need a viewership just like we do. So, Sabaku could be coming my way. Hey, did I say that right, Sabaku? - Great, fantastic. - Great, fantastic. With all that being said, guys, I'm sure we will have some excitement on the way we're wired tomorrow. I'm sure, as usual, we will have some big spenders, but we are going to move on to our last segment, where we have a very special segment. It is... Danny's... - Jump of a week. - Just in time. - Danny, who won the Trump of the week this week? - Well, our week three, Trump winner, Danny was a close race, unlike weeks one and two, which were unanimous votes, we actually had three nominees for Trump this week. And I think I'll do something a little bit special here, and I will start from the bottom and work our way up to our winner. Oddly enough, two of our nominees are present. So, our second runner up for Trump of the week with one vote is Jordan. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - Who was it? - Oh. - Our first runner up with three votes. Frick! - Oh! - And our winner, Trump of the week, with five votes. It was closer than I thought it was going to be. Our Trump of the week is Evan. Lowest four in the week. - Oh, wow, well, because the poll-- - Let me know there's one vote for me at three versus five, and you'd have... Somebody voted for you, Jordan. - The committee has to talk, Jordan, but because of the protest, I do have to say that we are not going to dive into this Trump of the week, unfortunately, because if I did, and if we did, I would be putting holes in walls into my hands, or dripping red. So, for that reason, I want to thank Danny, as usual, for joining us on this podcast. Jordan, I know you were a little bit nervous. - Evan wins Trump of the week, and you don't even talk about that, either. - No, no. But, Jordan, I want to thank you. I know you were a little nervous. This is a big deal. This is a life-changing experience being on the Frank Fantasy Football podcast. - I'm gonna be honest. You kind of surprised me with the past week matchups. I thought we were just gonna be doing the fall at the next week matchups, so I was kind of scrambling there a little bit. - Well, just be better. Just be better. You know, your grandmother was always prepared. It didn't matter, the odds against her. She always gobbled down as many hogs as she could. - Good night, guys. - Good night, Jordan. And thank you all for listening to the Frank Fantasy Football podcast. We will see you next week. - Hope to have you back, Jordan. - On the Frank Fantasy Football podcast. Yeah, so guys, what did you think of that one? - That's black. - That's black. - The beginning might actually be kind of funny, 'cause it sounds like I'm stuck in nervous and I fell apart. - It could be that. It could be that. - It's a big deal. - It sounds actually kind of funny, so yeah, we'll see. - Well, Matt, now that we picked the queen, it's really sweet for Matt. I'm sure he's still listening to our walk-off. (upbeat music) - No, you were terrible. - I don't want to say you were terrible. - I'm sure we will have one viewer, Big Nick. - What did you say? - When did you play, when you fucking... - Yo, yo, yo, yo, you're this. - I haven't just listened to the stage. - Yo, yo, yo. - Yo, yo. - That's a really nice thing. - I know Jordan's listening. - I know Jordan's listening. - You guys. - Jordan loves him, so I'm going to college. (upbeat music) - It's still college. You're still here. Well, guys, I will make sure to get this published and try out the magic of the week audio and there I didn't know what the fucking meant by that. I know I was supposed to play the one playing. - That's fine, 'cause I forgot that second, so, you know, I was scrambling, so I just went for you on it. 'Cause... - Yeah, you did. - Yeah, I was doing a project in the house all day long, but like I said, thank you guys. - I was just about to actually, I was about to applaud you Frank for making new years this week when it turned out that actually was years, so... - Oh, yes. - That's what we're doing. - There's a lot of me. - You did great, you guys did fucking great. I'm gonna fucking stress out for the next couple hours by how my voice sounds and shit and how I'm gonna come over tomorrow, and I don't even know if I'm gonna want to listen to it, so you guys are good. - All right, boys, I'll get this squared away and get it published. Thank you for joining me on this fun. Daniel, I'll see you next week, Jordan. Thank God for good, if you've never happened to be on here again. Thank you. (upbeat music) ♪ You know ♪ ♪ You could've tried to see that this thing's between us ♪ ♪ But it's been too far for you to go ♪ ♪ So far to come over ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ You can remember ♪ ♪ Do you ♪ ♪ Do all of my life ♪ ♪ Spine all of my pain ♪ ♪ You know people who are far out of some time ♪ ♪ They just came with me to get better than it ♪ ♪ Tell me do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ The things we want to recall ♪ ♪ The feelings we'll never find ♪ ♪ It's taking so long to see it ♪ ♪ 'Cause we never seem to have the time ♪ ♪ There was always something more important to do ♪ ♪ More important to say ♪ ♪ But I love you ♪ ♪ Was it one of those things ♪ ♪ A knowledge to get ♪ ♪ A knowledge to get ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ So far to live ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ The things we want to recall ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ The things we want to recall ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ ♪ Do you remember ♪ [BLANK_AUDIO]