Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo

176. Messages from Your Future Self

Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
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One of my favorite manifesting hacks is using the Future Self. 

If you don’t know what the Future Self is, she is the version of you that has everything you want. 

You know, all the things you dream of and believe can come your way, but are not sure how to make happen. 

She can show you what blocks you from what you want and what can move you closer to your desires. This is why I love working with her. 

In today’s podcast episode, I connect with her for you and share a few messages. Many of them really surprised me!

Listen to today’s podcast episode and see what your Future Self has to say.


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[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, and welcome to "Soul Lead Living," a podcast dedicated to helping you live your soul's true path so you can create the dream life you know you are meant to live. I'm Nicki Novo, your spiritual mentor, a fiery Latina, mom of three, and an advocate for living soul lead. You're here because you're meant to be here, so let's do this. Hello, and welcome to another episode of "Soul Lead Living." Today, I am connecting with my favorite energy ever, the future self. If you don't know what the future self is, it is the version of you that has everything you want. Yes, I know. That sounds like a lot, but it's this version of ourselves that we can see sometimes, or we can connect to, that has maybe the house you want, the career you want, the love, the peace, the relationship, whatever it may be. There's a version of you where that already exists. You might think it's this dream version of you, when you're like, imagine if I could work and live in Italy. You think that that's just a dream, but actually the minute you dream it and start to visualize it or have the concept, that's it. It's born. It is birth, which means that there is somewhere in the field that there's a version of you, there's a path to that that exists. No, it's hard to understand. It doesn't mean that it's all going to come true, because there's obviously been a lot of things I think we daydream about that. We're like, actually, I don't want that to come true. But what we're saying is that you can visualize and breathe more into that version of you, and it becomes a bigger and bigger path. And for some of you, you probably know what the future self is. It's probably like, you know, you've maybe even sat with them or visit with them, especially if you're like, working towards one thing in particular or a certain life that you're trying to change into. And this is the true self. And to me, this is the soul self, because this is all about our desires, right? And I think sometimes we think our desires are not holy. We think that, oh, desires is not spiritual, because there's definitely these messages about spirituality being all about leaving it all behind, not having money, not having desires. And on the contrary, I really understand that souls are here to create, we are creators. And these desires are born in us because they are part of our soul's purpose. So we have to have a connection to our desires. And I know not all of us do. You know, not all of us have connections to our needs or to our wants, depending on, you know, what families we grew up in and all that kind of stuff, different traumas, but reclaiming that desire, those needs, those wants is such a spiritual experience. And it's such an important part of the soul's journey because that is where the compass is. It's like your desire is your needs. What you want is actually the thing that directs you to your soul's true purpose. If we don't have a connection to it, we will feel very lost. And that's kind of like when we say, like, oh, all the answers are within you. You know, I think we think like when we hear that, we're like, oh, God is gonna tell me how to do everything or I have this like intuition that's gonna tell me everything. But it's actually a little bit more simple than that. It's really about like, what is it that I want? You know, what am I like really yearning for? Like what are the things I really want in life? And that is really what the answers are because they are almost like they produce a map for where we are trying to go. So for me, one of like my favorite hacks for that, which is like, okay, like how do I move more into my desires? What's my future gonna be like, all that kind of stuff? To me, that one of the favorite things I like to use is the future self. It's something that I teach in soul reading method. Those of you who have been in that program or if you took soul teacher before with me, this is actually one of the things I use to show the future to kind of get us used to predictions and timelines is to really understand the future self. But to me, the future self is more powerful than that. It's not only about predictions. To me, this version of ourselves has so much guidance because it's the version of us that has the thing that we're working towards. So that part of us can actually tell us how to go from where we are to where we ultimately want to be because that version of us has already walked the path. So I love connecting with the future self. We have a meditation for the future self in my sub stack. So you can definitely check that out as well if you are ready to connect. But I wanted to connect with the future self for you for today and help deliver some messages. This felt very much like the theme of these messages that the future self wants to bring has a lot to do with going after a dream. Like something that feels almost like, not hard. That's not the right word, but like something that you may even think is like impossible or that feels like a little bit of a pipe dream. Like this was very much about like releasing the practical and you may not even know what that dream really is 'cause I have a feeling this has a lot to do with like us being honest about what we really want but we have to have this honesty with our desires and our needs and we might not have that yet. And if we can get a little bit more honest, we might see that it's like, whoa, it's a dream and it's like a little bit of a pipe dream and it seems unrealistic, but this message is like overall is about not coming to the practical. Like not defaulting into the practical because we're scared of these very like unpractical or these like very inconvenient dreams or things that are like not practical or that you can't see how you're gonna get there. It's almost like we keep diluting those dreams and like leaning into the practical and that's why the future self is trying to come forward. It's like, it's a very powerful version of the future self that was coming to me. Like it felt like I am the dream maker. Like I am the dream catcher is almost like what she called herself. So very powerful and might feel a little like out there for some of us, but that's okay. The least that this could do is expand you into what might be possible for you. So I started off kind of, I was like, okay, I'm gonna download five messages, but I actually got six and who knows there might be more, but we'll start off with going into our six messages that are coming from your future self. I would love for you to just kind of take a moment to connect into your heart and close your eyes or obviously if you're driving, don't close your eyes or running or whatever, but just take a moment to see the future self that has the things. Maybe she's pregnant, maybe she has the home, maybe she has a relationship or the career. Just taking a moment to see her, even if it's just a little blink, maybe you can't hold your attention on it for too long and just invite her in to this meditation and really into this space that we're creating for you to hear what she has to say and really turning on your heart and your ears to receive whatever messages are for you specifically from the future self and really take a minute to listen to her. So let's make that connection, okay. Let's get into it. Message number one, this is a time in your life to focus on yourself. Permission to be selfish, permission to go into narcissism 'cause I think a lot of us call focusing on ourselves either selfish or narcissistic because that's what our conditioning has taught us. So you might need to use those words, but there is a need to give yourself permission to focus on yourself. My feeling is that you may distract yourself with other relationships. Even if a relationship is showing up in a very strong way, I actually don't feel that it's time to work on the relationship. It feels like it's more time to work on you in relation to that relationship. That makes sense. So you can't control the other person, but you can control yourself and work on yourself. So this felt like there's a really big opportunity for your vibration to shift in this very big way. There's an opportunity for it to really rise in vibration. And there's just a door. There's this window that's being open and you're really being asked to step through it, but it is going to require a type of self-focus that you probably feel uncomfortable with. And listen, I'm a mom and a wife and a daughter and I have clients and all these things. And I mean, I'm a cancer. So I'm so relationship driven that it's so easy for me to put my attention on the other relationships. But I was getting that if a relationship is calling you, it's only calling you to work on yourself. And this doesn't mean that like, oh, if I'm trying to date, I'm not going to, if I'm trying to find a romantic relationship, I'm not going to go on dates. But it's almost like when you go on those dates too, or like when you are in these other relationships to pay attention to what that relationship is, how that relationship is asking you to rise. Because there's a rising of your vibration that's trying to happen right now. And there's all these different things that are going to be helping us rise, but it's not really about the other thing, if that makes sense. You know, if you're kind of struggling with a child or with a partner, it's not so much about like, oh, how do I fix the child? How do I fix the partner? It's more like, what is this situation? How can I rise in this situation? What is the situation asking of me? Like, how do I really ascend in this story that's happening? And it's just, and then other than that, if like relationships aren't really calling you, this just felt like a strong focus on your own vibration. So this may look like, you might call it healing, like this might seem like healing, this might look like manifesting, this might look like thoughts, like kind of limiting thoughts, limiting beliefs. 'Cause it does feel like it's a shift in my vibration, like the way I'm going to go and show up in the world, I'm consciously trying to change that. I was playing with this yesterday, I was like playing with some manifestation techniques that I know and I was playing with it yesterday. And I was out with my boys, I took them to a trampoline park that they wanted to go to. And when your vibration starts shifting, you'll know because people will react to you differently. So, and I play with this all the time, 'cause it's like, yeah, even with the work I do, right? It's like, how do I bring love to a big room? How do I share like higher vibration through the podcast? I'm always playing with the vibration. So I was playing with it yesterday. And it was so funny. I was like playing with it, I'm like, okay, cool. Like, I think I'm feeling different. Let's see like if this is actually working and two funny things happen. Number one, I went to go get two bottles of water for the boys and obviously expecting to pay for it. And the guy was like, oh, these two bottles are on me. I have not, I'm like a 42 year old woman. I have not been hit on and like, I don't know how long. And it's not like I was, I didn't have any makeup on. It's not like I was like looking any cute or whatever. But obviously I was giving off like a nice vibration and the guy was like, he gave me two bottles of water for free. I thought that was so nice. And then the second thing was my youngest, like met these friends at the trampoline park and they were older than him, of course, 'cause even as such an old soul. It was this group of kids that actually are from our town. So I kind of like, I knew who they were, but they were older. They were like seniors in high school. One was a freshman in college and they were like really playing with him and entertaining him in such a way that they were even like teaching him things and they were playing in the arcade and they were giving him swipes on their arcade. I mean, obviously I kept following him around and I was watching him, but they were just being so kind to him. And you know how it is with the younger ones, like you still have to play with them, entertain them. And they were just being, he was being completely entertained by these like really nice older kids. And I was like, I think, I don't know. I think I gave off that vibe. I think I attracted that. So you will notice that your vibe is changing based on like the small things that you're attracting on the day-to-day and that there's just like this opportunity to raise a vibration right now that's like really going to change your life. So to be mindful of it. Message number two. I talked about this a little bit in the beginning, but again, I'll just kind of reiterate it. There is something that you may find impossible or something that like really feels like a pipe dream, like something that kind of feels out there. And I feel like you might be going for it. Like you might be aware that you want it, but you might also not be aware of how impossible you think it is. So 'cause that's interesting. I mean, I think another way of saying that is like you might want something, but like in the behind your head, you might not necessarily believe that that thing can happen to you. And your future self is trying to show you this because it almost looks like the more... Well, first of all, there's two ways of going about this. Number one, you could be like denying the dream and going for something practical. For example, when I was getting ready to write my last book, I could have made a practical choice to write an intuition book, right? That would have been very practical. I'm known for intuition. I can write a very technical book on intuition, not to say that I won't write it one day, guys, but it wasn't the time for it. And instead I was like, no, I really wanna write this like other thing, which was soul-led living. So, and that was like really in my heart. And it wasn't the most practical choice, but it was something that like I knew I needed to do. And it has been successful. And I'm sure it will continue to be successful. So even though there was like nothing practical about it, I still felt called to it and it was well received. So it was meant for me, if that makes sense. So you might be doing something like that, like trying to come up with solutions or ideas that are practical rather than really honoring what your true, true, true dream is. Or the second thing you might be doing is like pursuing it, you know, pursuing the dream, but not realizing that you don't really believe in it. And because of that, your future self is saying, like what's happening is that this dream like remains in the future. Like it's not getting any closer. Like I, you know, when I read energy, I can read like timelines. I can see how close things are, how far things are. And a lot of it has to do with us. Like, believe it or not, we keep things in the future sometimes. Like, 'cause that's the only place we see it. Like over and over again, like, yeah, I'll have that one day. No, I can see that for myself. But sometimes if we can't, sometimes like, if we can't believe it, we won't bring it closer to us to bring it into the present. So there's something here that the future self is saying, like number one, like let's just not take the practical route, like let's just kind of toss that out. Like there is something that's quite quote unquote impossible that is truly, truly meant for you. And you just have to accept that. So just like accept this thing and even accept how sometimes you might feel like this thing is impossible. And then once you come to terms with that, you're like, okay, I'm gonna go after the impossible thing. You know, I'm gonna go and definitely don't call it that. I'm just calling it that for now. So you understand it, but it's not impossible. Don't call it that. And make sure that you are not sometimes defaulting into the practical because, you know, you are tired of this feels hard or you don't know how. So you're like, well, let me just do the practical thing. The practical thing, the practical thing. So just watch that in you. And instead, like truly, truly devote yourself to this like quote unquote impossible task. So it might be like, I've been single for five years. This feels impossible. Or like I've been broke for 20 years. This feels impossible to like make money, right? I was getting just like, take that thing and like don't mess around anymore because it almost seems like you think you've been putting attention on it because you've been thinking about it. But that is different than devoting yourself to it. Devoting feels like I no longer fear this. Like I don't fear not having this. I'm in love with this. And because I'm in love with this, I like bring it closer to me. If that makes sense, I really feel like the absence of fear when you devote, when you choose to devote. So you can even say that to yourself today. You're like, I choose to devote myself to whatever the dream is. And please show me what devotion means to this thing. And to me, the devotion feels like it's a few steps that basically heal. It feels like a pop. Like heal these beliefs about how difficult or how impossible this is. And the devotion feels, it doesn't even feel hard anymore. It just feels like out of love, I pursue this. Like out of love for it, out of love for my future life, love for my future child, the love for my future business. I follow this out of love. And that is like what devotion is like. It's actually from the heart is what it feels like. And kind of moving out of the brain and the head. Because remember, this is not about being practical and moving into the heart and just like loving this. And it seems like it starts to get closer in this timeline because of that. Like we really got to take this thing out of the future. 'Cause it's like in the future, we need to get it out of there. It's gonna be in the future forever. So let's bring it into the present. Let me actually ask like how we can be better at bringing it into the present. Pursue presence is what I'm getting. So recognizing your vibration in the present. So it seems like sometimes we do things to not feel the present moment. Maybe that's, I don't know, it's sometimes for me. Like when I feel anxious about writing, I'll drink some coffee, which I know is like not good for me. But it just kind of like takes me out of my body and then I could write, you know. And instead of like really being like, okay, let's feel present in like this moment where I'm writing and let's shift the vibration to feel more love for myself or more acceptance or some peace or some calm. And then let's write from there. You know, let's write from that place. So it feels like we may be not really paying attention to our vibration in the present. We might be doing other things to kind of distract ourselves from the present vibration and that we need to tend to the present vibration in order to then bring this thing in the present because the vibration, like our present vibration is supposed to, is meant to be a match for the thing that we want in the future. So we can't imagine ourselves having the vibration in the future, sure, that's cool, but we need to bring that into the present. So, and it's gonna come from listening and feeling what our present vibration feels like. Is it anxious about this thing? Is it mad? Is it sad? You know, what is it? And how do we start to attune that vibration to be the vibration that actually matches with the thing that we want? So it's kind of like in this moment when I'm going to go do this hard thing, what would my future self look like? Like what my future self's vibration look like? Like what is, how does she feel about money? How does she feel about her career? How does she feel about traveling or her love? Like how does she feel about those things? And if we can kind of get the message from her, then we bring it, bring that feeling into the present moment. And that's how we collapse time. And the thing that we want doesn't remain in the future, it actually comes. All right, message number three. Friends, it is my favorite time of the year and no, that is not fall, but instead the season of soul reading method. If you're not familiar with my intuition training program, soul reading method, let me quickly share why I think you should join me. If you've ever wanted to doubt your self less, understand yourself at a soul level, learn how to use your intuition to do fun things like connect with your higher self or read energy, you must join me in soul reading method. This is also a great program for any healers out there or business owners who want to bring more intuition into their work. I love this program so much because of the confidence it builds in the students and the level of peace I see people have after just like really getting to know themselves at a soul level. And the community is the best. You just can't beat the soul reading method community. Classes start October 1st and we will go on for six weeks. There are videos, meditations, six live instructions with me. So I'll be in class with you and a bunch of practice circles with two of our graduates from the program, Beck and Sean. If you're feeling called to join, please use the link in the show notes to register today. I cannot wait to see you in soul reading method. Don't build your dreams around your current relationships. So the future self was just being, she was being tough today. She was like, listen, we got shit to talk about. So what this means is that, again, this is just another way of being practical. So this may be, for example, okay, I used to live in Miami and when I met Benny, he had a daughter with another person. We didn't have full custody of her and my whole family was in Miami. I mean, nothing about our situation said you can move to another state, right? Like we were kind of bogged, his business was in Miami. We were living off of his business, right? There's not, it's not a kind of business that you can move somewhere else. You know, there was no practical or linear path that could get us out of that situation. Some of us may be making dreams around these kind of like relationships, right? Like, oh, well, my husband's currently like this or like I have this kid that's currently like this. So there's no way for me to get this or like my mom is like this. So, you know, I have to maybe kind of work around the relationship to manifest what I want. So instead, your future self is saying like, don't worry about the relationship because the relationship will actually shift when you start to work towards what it is that you really want. So for example, there was a time that I really thought that Benny and I were going to get divorced, right? Like, I was like this, where I am trying to go, like this person not cannot come with me. Like this version of him cannot come with me. But instead of like feeling into when I was like working on myself and manifesting and visualizing, instead of trying to like imagine how Benny would change, and obviously I was not perfect. I needed to change a lot. I was literally changing myself. So Benny is a beautiful person. We're not blaming him. I'm using this as an example. So when I was trying to change myself, I really had to say, okay, I don't know how anything is going to work out. I don't even know if I'm going to stay in this marriage, but I still see myself happy. I still see myself having these things. Like, I trust that no matter what, like it is going to pan, it's going to work for me. And I really cannot work on controlling how it works for other people in my situation, but I'm still going to go for the biggest thing. Even if it seems unrealistic, considering like the current situation I have, right? So I want to move to land, and I know that seems unrealistic with the current marriage I have. I wasn't saying that like, I'm going to like leave my husband to have, you know, the land, but in many ways saying, I don't know, there has to be a way like, I'm not going to make my dreams smaller just because I can't find the way out. So some of us might be making dreams smaller, making ourselves smaller because of the relationship. And what I'm getting is like, let go, I'm not saying break up or stop, you know, being with the person, it's not that. It's, again, focus on yourself, focus on your own vision. And when you change, people around you can't help but change. They might not like the change, you know? They might not want to change, but it's same thing like saying, when a child comes into my life, and I give birth to a new baby, as much as I don't want to change, having this child, this new life, this new relationship in my life changes me, whether I like it or not, right? So don't be afraid to change because you will change in order to have this thing that you're working towards. Allow yourself to change and trust that whatever needs to change around you will. It will balance itself out, even if it's a little chaotic at first, right? When I moved here away from my family, my parents and all that, like my whole family dynamic was wobbly, right? Like my parents, my two brothers, everybody was like trying to figure out like how to stand on the ground. Now that Nikki has been like removed from the way that this family was working. Like I was living near my parents. I was managing a lot of things for them and, you know, being there emotionally for them. And then when I removed myself, everybody had to, you know, figure it out. And it was very chaotic, you know, for a while, but now everybody is like starting to find their ground, right? So, and I still get what I want, you know? So like, and they're still peace. So what I'm saying is like, don't try to work around your current situations when you're thinking about your future and what you're trying to create. Really trust that like as you change, these things around you will change. And I promise you they're not gonna change in a way that you think they're going to change. That's the coolest thing. Like you might be like, oh yeah, no, when I change, this person's gonna take it this way. But you really don't know because nobody really truly knows how they're going to change. When I had my first child, I did not know how I was going to change, right? So like we can't predict those things, but just a reminder to not build dreams around current relationships or current setups. Message number four, there seems to be some sort of sadness, your future self is saying there's like a sadness, a guilt, a shame, a like something that didn't work out in the past that is making you think that there is not room for happiness in the future. And this makes me very sad for you because that's not true. It feels like it's a disappointment. It could be as simple as like, I married the wrong person, you know what I mean? Like simple and complicated. And that for some reason, because of that, or you know, I lost a parent, something sad happened to me at some point. I was born into the world this way or I lost this job or, you know, something, like I lost a pregnancy perhaps. There is a sadness, a guilt, a shame, just a sad feeling that is making you think that really cut you off from happiness. And it makes me sad because I feel like you were not a person that was cut up from happiness. Like this feels a bit traumatic, like almost like you were always a happy person. Like you had a really bright future and then had this trauma or whatever and like haven't really known how to get yourself out of it. You are meant to have a happy life. I don't know what other way to say that. You are, your life seems so bright for me, so happy, you know? And it's really a process of allowing yourself to have that happiness. So I don't know if you need to do like a ritual to like let go of that sadness. I wish you could just snap out of it, right? I wish that for myself too, but I just feel like that sadness was completely meant to be. Like it was very destined. It has to me, it feels like it has a lot to do with like other people's paths and their purposes, like kind of what they, whatever their path was supposed to bring them on. Like that's why these things happened. Like it was not because you're bad or like that, you know, God doesn't love you or that you made a mistake. Feels like it was very destined. That was just a moment. And you know, we might be in a place where we are expanding that moment into forever. And we're really meant to like leave that moment in that moment. Like whenever it did happen, whenever the trauma happened, whenever like the thing happens, like leaving it there and doing our best to love ourselves enough to make a happy future. You have a really happy future in front of you. And to just claim that joy, allow yourself to be happy. Like get used to feeling happy. Know that you're worthy of feeling happy even if there was something sad. I feel like it could have been like a death, you know, like a death of a spouse or a child, like just something sad. And that doesn't, that is not supposed to be your future. Like that was a, it was a moment, a hard moment, a hard season perhaps. And there's like all this happiness ahead. So let's allow ourselves some joy and some happiness. All right, message number five. The future self says you need to elevate and amplify yourself. So what I was getting from that was there is these parts of you that like maybe you're trying to tone down. Maybe there's a, it could be things like, oh my gosh, like I'm a hot mess. Like I am messy. I am super loud. I talk a lot. I like attention. I'm shy, whatever these things that like we know that are us, right? Like that it's like, man, there's like it's, shows up in my astrology chart. It is like part of my human design. It's like part of who I am. And sure I can change my personality a little bit, but these are, it feels like it's neutral. Like it's neither bad nor good, but it's something about you that's like pretty unique. And it's feels like it's something you've always been trying to fix, but this is the moment to actually amplify it. Like it makes, and it feels like it's, again, it's something neutral. Like so it's, it's not a bad habit. It's more just something you kind of judge about yourself, but as much as you've tried to change it, like you can change it. And it's because it's part of your design. It's like part of who you are. For example, I talk a lot. I just do, my mom talks a lot. I learned to talk a lot. I put myself in a situation where I do readings and I talk for an hour, I talk a lot. And it's something I'm always trying to change, because while it's awesome to do it on a podcast, in like day-to-day relationships, I don't want to talk that much. You know, like I try to tone it down. So that's an example. It's not like bad or good. I'm judging myself for that for sure, because I remember when my mom would talk a lot, I'd be like, oh my God. And it's probably annoying as some people in my life, especially like the relationships, like the one-on-one relationships. But it feels like with where you're going, those parts of you, if something's like talking to you and kind of standing out as I'm saying this, has to be elevated and amplify for where you're going. So maybe that means like, okay, cool, I talk a lot. Maybe I should write everything that I say. Like maybe I need to make more content, like you know, because of like how much communication, how much voice I have in me. It's like use that voice. So I'm just getting that there's something in you that needs to like amplify. I'm also getting that, you know, it could also be like things that are not talents, right? So like you might amplify your look. You know, I don't know. Maybe you're like, I'm gonna change my hair. I'm going to like bring my clothes a little bit more upscale. Like it feels like these little things that you know that are you're trying, that you're meant to dial up the energy on it. So there's something that like needs to be dialed up. It feels like something you're aware of and something you already do. So it might be like, oh yeah, I'm a good sales person, but I'm actually going to dial up how much I sell. So it's like kind of like leaning into some natural gifts and also, or you know, yeah, I'm already naturally pretty. I'm going to dial up my, or I already like to dress cute. Like I'm going to dial that up. I don't know why, but there is a dialing up because it feels like, I don't know. I almost feel like I see you like almost on stage and I don't take that literal, like I'm not saying everybody obviously here is going to be on stage, but it is like your moment. It's your moment. There's a window. And when we go on stage, like I think about, you know, when you put a little girl six years old on a, you know, on stage to do her at her ballet recital, like we put makeup on her. We might even put like something ridiculous, like fake eyelashes on these like little kids. And I always just think that was ridiculous. But from the crowd, I don't see that person very close. So when I see her with like red lipstick and some blush, like she, I see her more now that she's on stage because that's appropriate for stage. So it feels like there's a moment for you and it's appropriate for you to dial these things up. So don't like don't judge that. If you're feeling called towards beauty, if you're feeling called towards like dialing up the gifts that you already have, if you're like, oh, I'm kind of intuitive. Okay, now it's time to like dial up the intuition and like learn about it even more. You know, if I'm good at sales, I'm gonna dial that up. There's something about the dialing up and the elevating something that may even already be working or something that is, I see a lot of beauty guys. So I don't mean to be superficial, but I see dye, I see elevating dialing up beauty. Like I just, there's something about your presence. I guess your vibration changes or elevates as you might like shift some external stuff too. I don't know, maybe, I don't know what it is, but I see beauty as well. Okay, and then our last message from the future self is she wants to be very, very clear that this thing you're working towards is closer than you think. And I think those words are super intentional, closer than you think. So like, we are thinking about this thing. We have thoughts about this thing. We have thoughts about when it's coming. We have thoughts about how it works. And again, since this episode is so much about like letting go the practical, letting go the linear, the masculine, the like, I know everything, I know every single step. And I know that it's so hard for all of us because we love to control. And I, you know, personally, I know that I got into intuition work to control, you know, we get into manifestation to control, right? So sometimes like, that's how we end up in these spaces is because we're trying to control more, you know, like you're trying to understand God because you want to control things and you want to make sure nothing bad happens to you. But that is messing with what is trying to come in. That part of us is like messing with like what is naturally supposed to happen. It makes me think like, well, I know this is I don't know if you guys are watching me on the camera, but I have this plant right here to the left of me. And I'm like so worried about her because she's so big. And I just like want her to live, you know, and she's beautiful and I'm trying my best to like take care of her. And she has these two, I don't even know if you would call them branches, but her leaves are really big and she gets two that drop them like, oh my God, she's getting sick, she's gonna die. And she told me, she's like, no, you're just, you're just too much. You're just like watering me too much. Like, relax, you know, like I'm too worried about her and I'm not letting like nature take its course, you know, like she has a court, like she, there's a process for her. And I'm like getting in the way of that. So she will be just fine if I just kind of step back a little bit and not control so much. So this feels like this thing is supposed to, it is closer than you think and that a lot of the trick to like letting this come in is in our thoughts. So to me, that feels like let's look at limiting beliefs, let's look at any sort of thought that is putting it in the future. You know, like, are we thinking about this thing in a way of like, oh, as simple as like, you might have a belief that you need to work hard and because you need to work hard, it's taking longer for money to come your way. That's as simple as that is, you know, like to work hard is literally putting a roadblock between some luck that can come through to be dating and say like, well, it's just divine timing or, you know, I'm not ready. You know, I'm still figuring this thing out with my work. So like that's probably why like love hasn't come in or I'm not in the right apartment right now or whatever. Like that, these are these things that we're thinking. Like we think we know how things are meant to work out and these thoughts are these roadblocks that are keeping this thing further away from us when like it really wants to come right now. I didn't write that down, but it wants to come right now. It wants to be here today. But our thoughts are blocking them. And I hope I gave you examples of like how these, what these thoughts are. They are ways of thinking that are very practical, very linear, that are keeping a miracle further into the future and that's really what the future is. She's like, don't even call me the future self. Call me the now self, call me the destined self. And she's even like calling me the future self is like not even helping anymore. So the destined self, the true self, the right now self, these are the messages that she has for you, for me, for all of us. And I hope that you received exactly what you were meant to receive and I hope that this expanded you and inspired you to let it all come in. And if you are interested in getting to know this future self, which obviously she's like the true self, I'd love to have you in my program, sole reading method I am currently registering. We will close this week and we have an amazing group already. I teach live, teach you how to read energy, how to connect to guides, how to do predictions, how to go into the Akashic records. And of course there's all sorts of fun things that we do, but more than anything, it's you get to learn how to connect to your own soul and to other people's souls. And really get to the point that like everything that I'm doing on the show is something that you also have within you. And it'll just even make the show better for you, right? Because you'll hear yourself even more as I'm speaking and getting your true messages. So I'd love to love to have you. The link is in the show notes to join. And I love you guys so much. I will see you in the next episode. That's it for today's episode. Thank you so much for listening. I love you guys so much. If you have a sec, I would so appreciate it if you would believe me or review wherever you listen to podcasts. Those reviews are so helpful. And if you're ready to start living your soul-led life, pick up my latest book, Soul-led Living, available on Amazon. Until next time, love you much. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING]