The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Trump Uses Bitcoin to Buy Burgers in NYC | Demi Lovato, Hillary Rodham Clinton | Thursday, September 19

Jimmy addresses the latest news, like Trump visiting a cryptocurrency-themed bar in New York, before speaking with Demi Lovato and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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20 Sep 2024
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Jimmy addresses the latest news, like Trump visiting a cryptocurrency-themed bar in New York, before speaking with Demi Lovato and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

[music] [cheers and applause] From Studio 6B and Rock Another is better in the heart of New York City. Mr. Tonight goes starring Jimmy Fallon. [music] Tonight going Jimmy's guest, Tammy Lenato. Hillary Rodham Clinton. And featuring Steve, legendary Ruth Crowe. [music] Fifty! [music] And now... Here he is! Jimmy Fallon! [music] [cheers and applause] [music] [music] [cheers and applause] [music] [cheers and applause] [music] [cheers and applause] [music] [cheers and applause] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [cheers and applause] Alright, that's what I'm talking about. Thank you, everybody, and welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, too. I know. Thank you. [cheers and applause] Thank you so much. Yeah, it's a special night for me because today is my 50th birthday. [cheers and applause] [music] [music] Yeah, I'm 50. I could tell I'm 50 because I read my birthday texts all day without realizing my flashlight was on. And I knew it. It's really been such a great day. The best part was this afternoon when the staff sang a mandatory rendition of Happy Birthday. That one meant a lot to me, yeah. I also like to thank NBC. They were very kind. They sent a card that said, "We'd love to get you a gift, but our budget was used up on Snoop Dogg going to the Olympics." At least a card, they sent it. That's right. Today, it turned 50, which is incredible, because at the beginning of this election season, I was only 39. [laughter] Well, I'm really excited about this. My guests tonight are Demi Lovato and Hillary Clinton. [cheers and applause] We'll talk about the election, Russia, inflation, and then after that, I'm going to talk to Hillary. [cheers and applause] Some political news last night here in New York, former President Trump visited a crypto-themed bar and used Bitcoin to buy burgers. You have Trump spend $950 on burgers and Diet Cokes. Then he was like, "Anyone else want something?" Meanwhile, later in the night, Trump held a rally on Long Island, and Rudy Giuliani gave a speech. Rudy wasn't actually invited. Someone just said his name three times, and he appeared. [laughter] Some more elections. According to a new report, crypto spending on the 2024 race has hit $190 million. Here now to explain this is our crypto-correspondent Chad Franks. Chad, why all the spending? Oh, Jimmy, it is going to be a good day. It is a great day to be alive, man. Listen, I can get us in on the ground floor right now of a scorching hot new coin from the team that made avalanche and did a collab with the geniuses over at Polkadot and Polygon and Shiba Inu to create tuna bear. I need to know right now, though. Are you in or are you lame? [laughter] That's a lot of information to throw at me. And we lost it. Come on, man. That's it. You can't hesitate like that on a crypto game, man. You hear me? Good news. Wait. Hold on. Venmo me 5K right now, I can get us in on a new coin from the guys who created Uniswap with the team from Cardano in just a sprinkle of Thor chain. Guaranteed hit. You know it. I know it. Everybody here knows it. Come on. They just announced the bubble fuzzy. Come on. We're going to the moon. Fallon, are you in? You're overwhelming me right now. Damn it. We lost it again. Daddy's on you, Fallon. Okay, I got one more for you. I just need to know right now, brother. Just tell me, brother, do you want to taste the glory? Dip your candle, man. Dip your candle into the wax, brother. It's the brilliant minds behind Zebra Zap and Pancake and Tezos. They created a blockchain bonanza with freckle fit. Zell me 10K right now, Fallon. Do it. Do it. No. Ah! That's your lost birthday, boy. Call me when you get out of your diapers. I'm about to take a dive into the pool of liquid Ethereum. Zebra's out. [ Cheers and applause ] Hey, who is that? Get out of here. Get out of here. What is going on? Oh, my goodness. Okay. Fantastic. Some news from overseas. Russia is now urging its citizens to make babies during work breaks to help the country's birth rate. Yeah. And you thought it was rough when your coworker ate lunch at their desk. [ Laughter ] Switching gears to some TV news. Last night was the premiere of the Golden Bachelorette, and I noticed that one contestant had a pretty unique name and entrance. Check this out. Good evening. What's your name? Chalk. CHOCK. CHOCK. I'm going to remember that. So I've made my own Chalka Noodle Soup. The Chalka Noodle Soup? Yes. So I thought I'd need a little help from you just to sample it and tell me if you think it's any good. Okay. Chalka Noodle. Let's do it. That is delicious. Who passes the test? You are good. [ Laughter ] Another guy also had a jar of fluid, but it was because he was waiting in the limo for too long. [ Laughter and applause ] And finally, I heard about a couple in South Carolina who accidentally drove into the water at Marina because they got confused by the GPS directions. [ Laughter ] And now that I'm 50, I can relate to that. We have a great show. Give it up for The Roots, ladies and gentlemen. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ Welcome to the show. And thanks to everybody for all the birthday wishes. Man, I had a big day today. It was unbelievable. Actually, it started last night. It was with Tariq. It was with Black Thought last night. We went to Brooklyn Bowl. Yeah. And our friends Andrew Watt and Chad Smith from the Red Hat Chili Peppers had a cover band. And they were going to do this night of just cover songs. Yeah. So they invited me to come sing a song with those guys. So I go, "Yeah, okay, I can do that." And I thought it was going to be like probably -- I don't know. What time do we go on, midnight? Yeah, at least. So I'm at there at midnight going on. I go, "Okay, yeah." So it goes on late at night, but I go up. I do my thing. Tariq is there. You were amazing, by the way. Dude, you were so good. He did a freestyle over -- I want to be your dog. [ Laughter ] [ Speaking indistinctly ] It was great. Crush. And then who was there? Robert Randolph? Robert Randolph. Jeezy Smith. Chris Robinson from "Black Crow." Chris from "Black Crow" was killed. He crushed it. He did Rod Stewart. It was just -- it was a great night. And then Pete Shapiro, one of my best friends, owns Brooklyn Bowl, came out with the cake. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday." It was super nice. And then this morning, I woke up. My wife and kids were the greatest. They made me a Peewee Herman breakfast, which is -- I love Peewee Herman. So it was the pancake with the two fried eggs for eyes and the bacon for lips. And it was just so cool. My mom used to make that for me. Yeah, it was the best. And then my one daughter made me a bracelet, which is very nice, which I can't take off. Very thoughtful. I love that. And then they go, "Aww, come here, Dad. We want to show you something." So I bring me into this other room. This thing's wrapped up. It's a big, giant thing. So I open it up. And my dad had a jukebox when I was growing up. He got it for free. From the VFW. It was a broken jukebox. And he goes, "Hey, can I take that and try to fix it?" My dad fixed my machine. So he fixed this jukebox. And so we had a jukebox in our house with .45s. And a do-wop music, but all sorts of music. And then it just broke because it's just as old. It's from the '50s or whatever. And we got rid of it. I think we gave it for free or something like that. Anyways, my friend saw it at an electronic store last year. And it was my jukebox. And he goes, "Dude, that's the jukebox that his dad had." And he called Nancy. He goes, "If you want to get Jimmy a cool gift, this person has no idea. It's Jimmy's jukebox." She bought the jukebox and refurbished it. So it plays -- it plays Bluetooth. This is the exact jukebox. And it's -- [ Cheers and applause ] It's got my dad's handwriting on the -- It's got my dad's handwriting on all this -- I remember him writing it and putting it in there. This is the same one I grew up with. It's crazy. And then even crazier is there's a song in there called "Obey What Would You Say" by Hurricane Smith, which I love. And I remember playing it when we were filming the movie "The Fever Pitch." They put it in the movie, in the soundtrack. That's where I met my wife. She produced that movie. And one of our wedding songs is "Obey What Would You Say?" That was on this jukebox. [ Cheers and applause ] Best day is for "Crazy." [ Cheers and applause ] So it's been the best birthday. I will say thanks to everybody. I feel so -- 50 you can't really get away from. Normally, you know, if you're 47, no one cares. You know, they do. They go, "Hey, happy birthday. That's good." 50 -- I don't want to do anything. But everyone's like, "No, we have to do something." I never felt more loved in my life. Thank you so much. Awesome. [ Cheers and applause ] Great day. [ Cheers and applause ] Let's talk about who's on the show tonight. She is a Grammy-nominated artist and one of the most talented performers on the planet. She's now making her directorial debut with "Child Star," which is streaming now on Hulu. Demi Lovato is here! [ Cheers and applause ] Number one on Hulu. [ Cheers and applause ] She is a former first lady U.S. senator and secretary of state. Her new memoir, "Something Lost, Something Gained, Reflections on Life, Love and Liberty," is out now. Hillary Rodham Clinton is joining us this evening. [ Cheers and applause ] Whoo! Hot show! A hot show tonight. Guys, I wish I could say that it's been a perfect birthday, but I'd be lying. Because the past two weeks I've been having nightmares. And last night's -- yeah. And last night's was the scariest nightmare of all of them, or should I say, "Tonightmare." [ Cheers and applause ] At first, I couldn't tell if I was awake or not. I wasn't bad, but I couldn't move my body. All I could see was my ceiling fan spinning above me. I managed to turn my head, and that's when I saw my closet. It was cracked open. And there was some sort of creature's hand on the door. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. The creature kicked the door wide open and lunged at me. And picked me up. It helped my face up to the ceiling fan. And it said -- it said -- it said -- It said -- it said -- It's time for Jimmy Fallon's "Tonight Mayors." The all-new haunted house experience right here in New York City. Guys, I'm so excited. It is finally happening. We work with the people at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights and put this haunted maze together. It is real. It is happening. It is scary. It is fun. It's incredible. There's 10 rooms all based on my nightmares. It opens tomorrow, September 20th. Yeah, real -- my real nightmares. Yeah. Get your tickets right now at or use this QR code. [ Cheers and applause ] Tickets are selling out fast. So get them while you can. The "Tonight Mayors" continue all the way through Halloween. Stick around with her head back with more "Tonight Show." [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Our first guest is one of the most talented performers on the planet. She's now making her directorial debut with "Child Star," which is streaming now on Hulu. Please welcome Demi Lovano! [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ Oh, my gosh. All right. I'm going to get the split for you. All right, everybody, move. All right, oh, my gosh. Demi, all right, an ice cream cake? Make a wish. All right, I'm going to make a wish. Here we go. One, two, three. [ Cheers and applause ] Thank you. Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. Of course. Of Fudgie the Whale. [ Laughs ] That's what I'm talking about. [ Cheers and applause ] Demi, I love you. Happy birthday, PFF. Oh, no. Happy birthday. PFF, do you remember? It was 15 years ago that we became BFFs. I do remember. Look, there's a tweet from you. Jimmy Fallon is my new best friend. We're BFFs forever and ever. [ Laughter ] How do we start that again? I don't know. I have -- I have no memory of that, but I remember when we became besties and we started giving each other gifts to one another. Yes. And you got me this sweatshirt... Yes. And it said my BFF and it was like your face on it. [ Laughter ] And it was incredible. Yeah. Of course. I'm happy to be BFFs with you for the last 15 years. You're a great BFF. Thank you. Thanks for doing this to me. I'm so sorry. [ Laughter ] We got to get into a lot of things because some amazing things have happened to you. First of all, you got engaged. I did. Congratulations. [ Cheers and applause ] Holy moly. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you so much. You're both talented musicians. Have you thought of the wedding? You've heard the music that you're going to play for this year? Yes. We have been planning the wedding for quite some time now. We got engaged in December and met with a wedding planner like a month later. Really? Yes. I wanted to be ahead of it. I don't want to be stressed. And so we've put a lot of thought into what we're going to have on our wedding day and we've talked about the -- you just dreamt. [ Laughter ] I just felt it. I just felt it. I'm dripping as you're talking. Are you going to perform your wedding? I am not. No. I'm not. It feels like I want this to feel not anything like work. Good. All right, good. Yeah, I'm not going. Well, congratulations. I'm so happy for you. Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] Speaking of music, there's a rumor out there that you may be working on a new album. Yes. [ Cheers and applause ] It's true. Yeah. It's true. Oh, I need it. We need it. Music. And I'm kind of figuring out my sound right now. Yeah. You always do a different sound. The last one was a little bit heavier. Yeah. The last album was heavy, for sure. Yeah. And now I'm figuring it out. And I don't know when it'll come out, but it'll come out when I'm ready. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And is it a mix of happy songs, sad songs? Yeah. I tend to write from the place that I am in the moment. Yeah. And so because it's actually been like -- it's been amazing. I've been writing just nothing but like love songs and like sexy songs. [ Laughter ] Because I'm just in this like really good place. Yeah. And so it feels good to be able to write coming from that place. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Good. [ Cheers and applause ] I can't wait to hear it. You know, any time you want to come on, give us a taste of what you're working on. Yeah. That would be sick. Anything. We love you so much. Thank you. But first, let's talk about this. Your directorial debut. Yes. Child star. Yes. It's the number one movie on Hulu right now. Number one. Not bad. [ Cheers and applause ] Not too shabby. Not too shabby. That was -- that's like I'm blown away. I cannot believe it. And I'm so excited. That's awesome. When did you know that this is something you wanted to direct? Well, I have the idea for this project probably about like ten years ago. I've been like ruminating on it. And I've just been fascinated by the history of child stars. You know, what -- what it's like to be a child star, the pressures, how it changes the family dynamics. And so when I started this project, it -- I've always wanted to direct. I directed a couple -- or co-directed a couple music videos. And so when this project started to gain traction, it just made the most sense for me to co-direct it with my co-director, Nicola Marsh. And it was -- it was a no-brainer. It was -- I have a personal connection to the story. So -- I mean, child star. And you get some great interviews in this documentary. Drew Barrymore, Kenan Thompson. [ Cheers and applause ] Yeah. Jojo Siwa. [ Cheers and applause ] Was it -- was it hard to get them to agree to do this or -- You know, they were all so wonderful. You know, I was surprised at how open and honest they were, but ultimately so thrilled. I'm so grateful for their participation. This story would not have been able to be told the way that it is without their participation in the films. And there were so many incredible insights. The vulnerability, the courage that was just displayed by them was -- I'm forever grateful for it. Did you find that you had things in common? Yes. One of the things that we had -- we had tons of things in common because, you know, we all had this similar experience to one another, but one of the common things that I found which was really interesting was this thread of -- this common thread of disassociation. You know, fame is a privilege, but it's also traumatic to people who -- of anybody. It can be traumatic to anybody, but specifically minors. And I think that it was interesting talking to the participants of the film because I noticed that there were chunks of memories that -- or chunks of times that we all don't remember. And I think that's a direct response to trauma. Yeah. And what's out there that can be done or is being done right now that we need to speak up and have a conversation about? Well, first of all, in order to make things different for future generations, there have to be protections put in place for minors of the digital age. Yeah. [applause] There's none. There's none. So for kids in the acting industry, there's a thing called the Coogan Law, which is a trust that -- which advocates for compensation for minors in the film and television industry. It works as a trust. Your money goes into a trust. When you turn 18, you receive that money. And it's basically just a protection for minors that are making so much money when they're young. And there's no protections like that put for minors of the digital age. So we're talking about families who are profiting off of social media. You know, minors need to be compensated for that. There's actually a bill on Governor Gavin Newsom's desk right now. He has until September 30th to sign it. And it advocates for the compensation of minors working on social media. Let's go. Let's get that signed and moving. Let's go. Let's go. He's watching. Yeah. You also wrote a song for the movie called "You'll Be Okay, Kid." Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's fantastic. Thank you. It's a great song. It must have been very kind of therapeutic to write this song as well. It was very therapeutic. I wrote it with my incredible co-writers, Laura Veltz and Sasha Alex-Lone, who actually just did your show recently. That's right. Our few months ago, I guess. But we wrote it together and it was basically like a letter to our inner child. And it was a very healing process for me. Demi Lovato, one of our favorites, child star is streaming now on Hulu. ♪♪ ♪♪ Our next guest is a former First Lady United States senator and secretary of state. She's written this new memoir. She's also lost something gained reflections on life, love, and liberty, which is available now. Wherever books are sold, please welcome Hillary Rodham. ♪♪ ♪♪ Come on! That's right! You've got to take it in. Welcome back. Welcome back to this show. So great to be back. You look fantastic. So great to be back. Here's your birthday present. Oh, my God. I'll give my book. Sign to you. You know, I spent all day looking for a Jimmy Kimmel sweatshirt, but I couldn't. That would have been perfect. Thank you very much. I appreciate this. You got me in the book. Did you sign it? I did sign it. Happy birthday, Jimmy. I ought to be 50 again. Big hugs, Hillary. Thank you so much. That's so sweet. We did sign it. You're the best. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I am so happy to be here on your birthday. I know it's a big deal. Oh, it's a huge deal. Do you remember the milestone birthdays? Oh, God, yes. Absolutely. Do you remember anything? You know, all of the round numbers. Like, you know, 40, 50, 60, 70. I mean, you know, I remember all of those. And people notice those. I mean, if it's like, you know, 52, 49. Not that much. This one, they make a big deal. They make a big deal. Didn't you go to your girlfriend's in Vegas or something for your birthday? That was last year. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Talk to me. Give me the scoop. I mean, the scoop is. I write about it in the book and I have a chapter about my friends. I've, you know, been so lucky to have great friends. But anyway, three of them called me up shortly before my birthday last year. Yep. And they said, "We're calling you because you're really old." Only friends can do that. That is rude. I said, "Okay, fine. 'Cause I'm older than they are." I said, "This is really a great way to lead into my birthday." Yeah, thank you so much. And they said, "You know, because you are getting on, we thought now is the time to take you to see Adele in Las Vegas." So, that's what we did. That's what friends are for. We had such a great time. Oh, she's an amazing Adele. Oh, my God. Unbelievable. Yeah, I'm lucky enough. I got to see her and just, yeah. And I'm, it's so intimate. You know, I mean, there's, it's wonderful to go to a concert in a huge outdoor stadium. That's an incredible experience. But to see her and, what is it? Like, five, six thousand people? Yeah. You know, it's scissors. It was so special. Yeah. And then she walks through the audience and she, you know, she talks. And people are so excited to see her. She talks to them. She has exchanges with them. Oh, she's the greatest. It's amazing. Yeah, I saw her. She had a T-shirt gun. She has a T-shirt gun. Yeah. That's, she was just dangerous in a small venue. Yeah. I know, I know. You shouldn't have that, but it's. Yeah, but they go way, way up to the balcony. She really aims for, you know, the, the folks up there. I just totally buried the lead. I forgot to congratulate you. You won two Tony awards. Well, suffs won two Tony awards. You know, that you won. Now, it's up, it's up. Congratulations. Last time you were here, we were talking about your play, suffs. I know. Oh. It is so good, Jimmy. Yeah. And really, the Tony awards went to Shayna Taub. This amazing woman who wrote the book, wrote the score, is starring in it. It is so exciting. And I will tell you, it is so relevant to what's going on today. Yeah. And you just go in. You get energized. Your spirits get lifted up. You come out with, like, determination, like, okay, we're going to do this, right? Yeah, we got to fight. We got to fight. You got to march on. Yeah. 100%. I want to talk about the book. Yeah. You can clap. Sure. I got to miss something. Just stepping that clap. I want to step underneath claps. Let's talk about the book. In the book, on the audio book, especially, you added a little extra addendum to this. I did. I did. Because the whole campaign has changed. Right. Can we talk about it for a second? Kamala Harris is now the nominee. Yes. This is exciting. Were you giving your advice? First of all, you know, I had to turn the book in and I turned it in before everything changed. Yeah. And it was thrilling. President Biden did the right thing. It was an act of patriotism for him to make that decision. And, you know, not a lot of people, and I could name one in particular, would give up power. Really? I wonder who you're talking about. Yeah. He who shall remain nameless. Right. So, this all happened and I couldn't write about it because the book was at the printer. So, I recorded, I was recording the book and I did an epilogue talking about it. Yeah. And, you know, I sat down and I thought, all right, how do I really honestly feel? Because I try to be as, you know, candid as I possibly can personally, politically in this book. How do I feel? Yeah. Somebody I know. Somebody I respect. I'm so proud of you. Kamala, first woman. Great. You know. Just snapping pencils. I'm so excited for you. Congratulations. No. No. You did it. You're the first. But I had to ask myself, was that how I felt? And the answer was no. I was thrilled. I was excited. I was exhilarated. And, you know, partly because I know her, I've known her for a long time. I know her sister, I know her husband, I know the whole family. And she has performed flawlessly, flawlessly in, you know, being thrown into the deep end, and the president endorsing her literally within a minute or two, my husband and I endorsed her. I mean, we just believe so strongly that she was the person and she could not have had a better convention and she could not have had a better debate. She had a great debate. She had a great debate. That was really. Yeah. That was a big move. Yeah. When you talked to her, was she nervous or was she calm? Well, she was both. And since, you know, I'm probably the only person she could talk to who had been through that. Yeah. You got to stay calm. But of course you're nervous. I mean, this is on a stage, you know, in front of tens of millions of people and that stakes are so high. So she wanted to know what to do, how to do it. You know, in 2016, I said in my acceptance speech at the convention, you can't trust somebody with nuclear weapons who can be baited by a tweet, right? And so, you know that if you pick certain subjects, he just goes off. And she, she had picked nuclear weapons. She picked his crowd size and he went off. Yeah. And I think he's still there. He took the debate. Yeah. He took the debate. He took the debate. Yeah. Yeah. There's got to be some sort of pride for you. Totally. Well, first of all, she's done incredibly well under really, really difficult circumstances. And she's done something else which is to contrast so dramatically with his doom and gloom, his fear-mongering, his hatred of different kinds of people, the darkness, the divisiveness. She's out there saying, you know what? We're better than this. We can all come together. We can have a better future. And I love that level of joy and enthusiasm to get people thinking again, how do we get our country back on the right track and actually, you know, listen to each other, do some big things and make a difference, right? Yeah. That's exactly right. You actually dedicate the book because the book is very you. It's very loose like you at like a dinner party. It's loose. It's funny. It's you telling stories. Telling political stories. We've been at two dinner parties. We've been at two dinner parties. Yeah. Yeah. We're pretty good. Yeah. You said for my grandchildren, Charlotte, Aiden and Jasper, with love and hope for the future you and your generation deserve. Right. That's how I feel. Absolutely. And that's what we have to work for. That's what this election's about, their future, right? Your girl's future. Exactly, right. This is all for the next generation. I'm so happy you're here. Thank you for coming. Happy birthday. That's it, right? Hillary and Ron and Clinton. Her book, Something Lost, Something Game is available now. More tonight's show. After the breaks. Stick around everybody. 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