Holy City Sinner Radio

Episode 292 - Interview with Emily Munday and Jenny Waterhouse, co-owners of Stick Fix - (9/11/24)

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

On today's show: 1. Stick Fix website - 2. Stick Fix Instagram - This episode's music is by Tyler Boone ( The episode was produced by LMC Soundsystem.

Holy City Center radio. It is episode 292 and I am your host Christian Sanger today is Wednesday September 11th 20 24 Welcome back to the show happy to be here Sorry for a little bit of a break just been so busy and just have not had the time to get around a recording podcast So apologies, but you know what maybe you need a little break You know three shows a week maybe didn't mind some time to catch up, you know I know we all get behind on episode, so maybe that helped out a little bit But regardless, I'm happy to be here and glad that we have an interview for you today so that you can enjoy that and Before we jump into the interview, I usually don't talk about news or anything at the top anymore when it comes to interviews Just letting the interview, you know stand on its own You know sometimes that's yeah, it's just better. Anyway, some people don't want to hear the news I just want to jump and hear the good fun stuff and of course, it's good for the interviewees You know, they might not want to be associated with whatever crazy news is going on in South Carolina But with today's date obviously I just have to you know Make invention of it at the top of course Today being September 11th. We all know why this day You know when you hear that no matter how many years have passed especially for those of us who are alive at the time of the 2001 terror attacks. You know, this is a day that we all remember and just you know make note of it Remember what happened that day and all the lives be lost I'm like I said, I'm sure I don't need to tell probably anybody listening the significance of that day and and You know just how life-changing it was for really everyone who lives in this country and all the changes it led to in multiple facets of our life, so Certainly a day of remembrance Specifically those that we lost that's the most important part. So I just wanted to note it at the top. It just again, I Don't know how long it's gonna be but it just seems like for some of us every time you hear that date You're like I feel like I need to like mention something if you're if you're doing a show like this where there's news involved normally so just wanted to note that at the top but With that said today is an interview episode Something that we can all just enjoy and relax and we've got a good one for you I have two guests today. They are co-owners of a business here in Charleston called stick fix Yes, it does sound familiar to stitch fix. It took me a bit of like I gotta make sure I say this right And obviously it's a little bit of a play on that name But no, this is called stick fix. You can visit the link in the show notes for more about the business But it is co-owned by my guest today Emily Monday and Jenny water house This company offers mobile Botox fillers and other skincare treatments across the Charleston area That's right. They can bring those services directly to you now for those of you listening You know, you've never had Botox before or fillers or any of these types of skincare treatments Particularly, I'm sure any men listening perhaps you haven't although that seems to be a growing a trend where more men are getting these Things done and we do talk about that Stick around and listen because even if it's something like myself I have not had that sort of those sort of treatments done I don't know a ton about it even though I have friends who get them done and have taught me a little bit about them This is a great way to not only learn more about the business But also about the two women behind it. They have a great story and they talk about Entrepreneurship and what it was like, you know leaving Careers and not leaving their life But altering, you know the path that they were on to make a big change like that I always no matter what the business is whether I know a lot about it or not So it's interesting to hear those stories as well So we we have a great time talking about the business and also just a little bit about them and the background and how this all came to Be so I hope you enjoy it. So without any further delay. Here's the interview And as promised are now the co-owners of stick fix It's Emily Monday and Jenny Waterhouse. So excited to have you both on the show today. Thanks so much for joining me Thanks for having us Christian. We're excited to be here. Yeah, of course This is a business. I'm excited to learn more about it's not something that's you know in my wheelhouse Not just the the basic idea, but also the other part of that which is the concierge level to it So I'm excited to learn what you guys do and everything involving the business and you know Your journey into entrepreneurship, but before we get into that Just so my listeners know a little bit about who you are individually and also You know start to learn the differences between your voices as you speak If you could and whoever wants to go first is fine. Just let us know a little bit about yourself, you know Maybe where you're from, you know, anything you feel is important about who you are or what listeners may be interested in Sure. Well, this is Emily and I am originally from Florida I moved to Charleston in 2006 for anesthesia school I have been here ever since and I'm a mom to three kids And I'm Jenny and I am an nurse practitioner. I have my master's and doctorate from doing that I grew up here in Charleston went to Clemson University go Tigers and I am a mom to two and And That's that. All right, very nice So, you know, we now we know a little bit about each of you and and now, you know, it's kind of dive into the company I guess first how did you all get to know each other, you know Were you friends for a while before this idea came into being and then what exactly how this company came to be? Yeah, Jenny you want me to kind of touch on that take it away, okay So we actually started kind of talking about this concept back in 2018 It didn't really come to fruition until 2021 But you know, it was something that had always been in the back of our minds You know to kind of Start something in this industry We had a lot of people that were that were asking about us getting into injectables and Jenny and I had been friends for a really really long time And we just kind of Navigated towards the same interests and stick fix was slowly born Very cool and you mentioned injectables and I mentioned it at the beginning of this episode before I was talking to you guys But for those who need a reminder, we're talking about things like Botox fillers and other skincare type treatments What sort of services do you all offer in addition to the things I just mentioned? So we have nerd modulators, which are Botox, you know, relax the muscles. We have filler. We have medical grade skincare and chemical peels. We have microneedling and I said chemical peels, I think Yes, yeah, we're big into highlighting each person's individual beauty and maintaining their natural results to bring to light their features and have people at the end, you know, look More enhanced. It looked like a younger version of themselves. We're not looking to change people's appearance So we really hone in on what we've brought into this business and are staying focused on being able to offer those things And you know people hearing this, you know, they may say oh, yeah, you know, I know about businesses who offer similar services and you know What makes this business different now? I'm sure there's several different things, but one of the big things that makes you all different than anything that's similar Is that you'll actually bring your services to clients homes or our offices correct? Correct. So a big thing in developing this business was the convenience aspect as you heard Emily and I are both Busy moms and we get you know while men and women of all ages are our audience the large majority is busy moms You know juggling trying to do it all and as moms We know that we put ourselves on the back burner whether it be our mental well-being our spiritual well-being our physical well-being And so that was something we really wanted to hone in on and bring this to the moms whether that's showing up at their office if they're working or coming to their homes while their babies are napping and COVID kind of solidified that for us that business model that we chose and it's really been something that's been incredible to see We also have an office space for people who prefer to come out of the home or for services that we have that we would rather be in more clinical setting But in going to people's homes We find that it offers this level of intimacy that we don't get when we're in an office setting It just feels you're able to feel more close your relationship kind of gets on another level The clients are just more relaxed and at ease and you don't have to rush through anything It just feels a lot more intimate and it's been really special to have that aspect and see everybody's homes And and their pets and their kids and everything else that goes along with it And you know you touched on somebody everybody who's listening, you know They'll probably pick on something different that speaks to them whether it's just the convenience or what have you so for me Something yes convenient would be great to have someone come to my home for services But as someone who gets a little anxious and in doctors offices or anything that's even remotely similar You know or someone's you know injecting something you know I'm okay with that aspect of it But sometimes just being in the office can be a little nerve-racking for me So the idea that someone could come out to my home Yeah, it's gonna be convenient for me But like you said, I think it also leaves or lends itself to something where I'm gonna feel more comfortable because I'm in my My home or my office where I feel safe and you know There's not other you know clients around or whatever it may be. I think that's an appealing thing to people as well. I'm sure Completely and it's definitely not necessarily. Oh, go ahead. I'm No, you're good I was just agreeing because you know, I mean I can speak from personal experience sometimes you're in those waiting rooms and You really don't want to see a certain person knowing you're in that waiting room Necessarily so a lot of people really like that privacy of being in their own space on their own time That's true. I didn't think about that. Yeah, some people might not want others to know that they're there or whatever for whatever reason Just a privacy thing. Oh, it makes sense. That's a great point Great for the men too with the privacy. Yeah, that's another again, you know Obviously, I'm only gonna be able to come at this from my own perspective So for being a man who has not had any of these types of treatments at least not like Botox or fillers and things That's another thing that would make me maybe more likely, you know Oh, you maybe I'll try this out because they can come to my place and I can just feel a little bit more comfortable with it You mentioned before that a lot of your clients are women which I think this area This field tends to be customers tend to be mostly women But I'm sure you see plenty of men as well. It is that demographic kind of shifting a little where more men are trying out these services I'll I'll handle that one, Jenny. I think I think you're you're touching on a Topic that is shifting for sure, especially in the Charleston area we have a really really wide range of clients and men are getting more comfortable with Exploring this avenue and sometimes it's just medical grade skincare and sometimes, you know They're their wives are getting a little talks and their wives are like, you know what? Why don't you try it and they try it and they're hooked, you know, so so it is just it kind of lends itself to our concierge aspect of them being comfortable again and kind of Taking that leap. So I think you're right. I think it is shifting and so For people who are listening what what's the process like if they did want? You know, obviously people are used to setting appointments online or calling to go into offices But to have them come out to your home, you know, I'm assuming it's fairly easy for them to do so and you know I'm sure it depends on your schedule as well, but like how far out can people You know, how do they have to wait a long time for these services or do you have usually enough time where they can get in Within a few days It's usually a few days to a few weeks Depending upon your schedule and what times you need we always tell people to message us if they don't see something that works Because sometimes it's as simple as moving another appointment to make something work So certainly we're not long wait lists. We're not super backed up We find that a lot of people in this area tend to think of it last minute So we truly we get our we're busiest when you look at it a couple days out Yeah, that would make sense. That's kind of what I was wondering is how people tend to set appointments for these types of things and Yeah, well, that's that's Charleston for everything, of course So I think this kid, you know, these types of services can fall under different categories But I think one is self care and why are these services related to self self care and why is that important? Do you believe? Yeah, Jenny, you want me? I'll touch on that. So, you know, really interesting. There was there was actually a huge research article and I of course don't have it in front of me but to reference and They had associated modulators with actually helping people be happier. So, you know, and just speaking for myself as You know a 43-year-old mom I feel more rested. I feel more refreshed. I feel more More myself When I have treatments and so there's actually been research done on it and how important it is for self care And I always feel better with it, you know, your confidence is up. You do seem happier You know, if that makes sense, I don't know if Jenny if you want to elaborate on that a little bit, but there there is research behind It actually scientifically being proven that you you can be happier Yeah, I mean, I'm glad you remembered that study, but yeah mind over matter like when you feel good on the Outside you feel good on the inside and when you feel good on the inside you feel better on the outside You know, you just carry yourself more confidently and that's what we're in this for we're not in this to change the way somebody Looks that's really not why either of us got into this I think if you look at your pictures, you can tell that we are on the more conservative side of aesthetic treatments And I think that's the clients we attract and it really is It's about the mom who just had her baby and wants to get Botox and to do something for herself and feel better And not that you need it to feel better, but for the people who choose to partake it helps them just just feel good Sure, no, that definitely makes sense, you know if there's something you want improved about yourself And then you're able to do it. Obviously, it's gonna make you feel more confident. So that certainly makes sense And you know, I'm sure a lot of people listening get that and I also like how you mentioned, you know We're not trying to change anyone's you know features the way they look I mean, obviously you're not performing, you know, surgery, but there's these are still procedures where you can drastically Depending on, you know, what we're talking about change how someone looks and I think some people who haven't had this work done before I think they get worried about that. They've seen, you know I'm sure like the celebrity or someone in town who maybe just won a little too far and they're like, is that gonna be me? So I think that's also helpful that people know that we're not trying to drastically change how you're look. We're just trying to you know Focus on something that you want to change a little bit or just enhance a good feature of yours or whatever it may be So I think that's really important for people to hear as well Are you seeing a growing demand for, you know, concierge services in charleston when when you guys are going out Uh to people's homes. I'm sure they're gushing about this is so great that you know, I don't have to go to an appointment Do they mention how there should be more services like that or is it, you know, I don't know how much people are talking about other things But do you see that there's more of a demand for other types of services like this? Absolutely. I mean if you think about it, you can get your groceries to your front door without going to the grocery store I know there's somebody locally doing spray tans You've got us. I know that you can get massage therapists into the home I mean, I always say if somebody could figure out how to come do my nails at my house I would actually get my nails done because I just it's not on my list of things to do when you have to sit for a couple hours somewhere But yeah, clients absolutely love it I would say by and large more often than not, we're going to the client's home versus them coming to our office And they're thrilled with it, you know, they can pop on a meeting in the background. I didn't say that Or, you know, take their lunch break or what have you We go to a lot of moms who the babies are napping, you know, while we're there or the kids maybe running around in circles behind us Uh, you know, we see the full gamut, but I think people love that we come to them Now on the other side of that, you know, you've mentioned you are sort of like your clients, you know, um, you are busy obviously Um, so it is is not having, you know, obviously you have an office you have like a home base and whatnot But From your side of things is it a little tough some days having to travel all around or if you worked out a pretty good schedule where it's not adding More stress to your already busy lives, right? We're taking the hard part out for our clients and putting it on ourselves Right No, it's definitely something we thought of in the long run, but I don't know how but it truly somehow works where If i'm going to be downtown I get a bunch of clients downtown like the space is just work out It's very rare that i'm driving from john's island to you know, deep north mount pleasant Um, does it happen once in a blue moon? Sure, but it's not by and large. It's not typical. Most people are kind of centrally located So it's not as as bad as it sounds like it could be And uh, since we're you know, I think people like to obviously they want to know about the business and what you offer and all that Which is, you know, why we talk about it, but I think people are interested in the the people behind the business as well Which is why I was asking that but also I'm just curious because this is a newer type of business. Um, you know, the anything with concierge services So i'm just kind of curious what it's like on the the back end and I think other people are as well and and in that same vein I think people uh when I do interviews They like to know what it's like for folks who you know, whatever they were doing prior to this you both had, you know, careers What it's like to make that decision to jump to be basically being an entrepreneur starting your own business how hectic how scary That what that process is like and how that journey has been for you because there's I think a lot of people here in charleston that Maybe they have a side hustle or there's something they've always thought about doing and and they're always wondering What it takes to make that jump so anything you could I know I just kind of mentioned a lot of different avenues there, but Everything about your journey through entrepreneurship what it's been like for you Um that you think would be beneficial to anybody listening who may be thinking of doing the same Yeah, I think First and foremost is having support around you, you know, in the beginning Jenny and I are friends from from step one, right? um That is important to us and when we originally started with this concept um We needed a lot of support and so we had a lot of mentors in the area We are really lucky to be kind of part of Um, you know a charleston community of supportive people and so we asked questions It took us months of questions. It took us Tons and tons of phone calls to figure out what to do next or where to go next and I know I can speak for myself that people will call me and ask what do you do from this point and To have that kind of support I think is huge And we had that in the beginning in this area So I think that's something that I really want to highlight is just the support and love that jenny and I have been given As part of this community Um, but also yeah, it's terrifying It is a huge risk and it's still terrifying years later, you know Owning a company and owning a business and coming off of covid and being busy and being moms and trying to juggle it all Um, but you know, you have to be passionate about it and if if you love what you do then You're going to be successful, right if you have that heart in it Um, you know, it it'll grow and and the community will support you in return So, i'm sure jenny has more to to say too on that, but that's kind of my my touch on it No, I think you did great. It is scary. Um, but I think the older i've gotten the realized The more I've realized that you just need to trust your gut And if you've had this gut feeling about doing something um You know within reason maybe just both were it because you really you won't know otherwise and The only way to fail is not by not trying right and the older I get to the more I realize the risks You don't take are the ones that are regrets, you know Um, so going for it knowing that you can figure it out Everything is figureoutable Yeah, I couldn't agree more and I I think One of the things you touched on that i've seen and heard from people who are successful and running their own businesses Is that like you said it comes down to You're doing what you love and when people can see that and sense that and I think you've kind of touched on it a few times where You're going to people's houses and you say that feels a little bit more intimate and you you both enjoy doing that and getting to know your clients I think when people sense that you're being genuine and it's not just a All right, well, how you know just turn and burn let's get this done so I can go home and enjoy my life and You know how much money can I make today? I think people pick up on that and I think that that really helps businesses be successful That's been my experience. So I think for sure it seems like you guys are on the right path Well, thank you Yeah, I know So many decisions to make yes to a much lesser extent I understand with the website and everything It's a little bit different story of course, but same idea where you're just doing something and You know, is this the time to make this big life-changing decision or not? It can be scary, but So I certainly understand and appreciate folks who are doing the same So I think we've we've done a great job of learning about you guys as well as your business One thing we haven't talked about is where can people learn more? So if they're interested in your services Where are the best places that they can find more information? They can go to our website at www.stick fix and that's stick s t i c k Fix fix fix And then we have website, uh, excuse me, we have instagram and our instagram handle is stick fix chs Perfect and we'll put both of those links in the show notes to anyone who's listening You can just easily click on over and follow or bookmark the website and see What stick fix is all about? Is there anything I didn't ask you that you think is important or just anything else you want to get out there about the business that Um, we we just haven't gotten to Well, we'll actually be having a self-care september event on monday september 23rd from four to seven at the hobca. Yup club in mount pleasant So we would love to obviously see our current clients But we'd love to see and chat with anybody else who's interested in learning more about us Awesome. So what what will happen at this event? They get a chance to meet you and learn more about the business Absolutely learn more, you know about our products. Well, we having some uh sales on the skincare as well as the peels probably some deals with filler and some neurotoxin So, um, we're excited just to see everybody and um, there will definitely be some Some fun things involved awesome and i'm sure folks can find more information, especially as you get closer to the event on instagram or the website correct Sure, awesome. Well, thank you so much for joining me today. I learned a lot about you both as well as the business And i'm sure those listening did as well. I really appreciate y'all taking the time to chat today Thank you so much for having us. Yeah, this was a lot of fun christian. I really appreciate it. Thank you And that'll do it for this edition of holy city center radio. Thank you so much for listening Um, thank you so much to lindsey marie collins for producing this and every single episode of holy city center radio and a big Thank you to tyler boone who's music you hear in each and every episode Of course a big thank you to you and of course a big. Thank you to my guests Emily monday and jenny waterhouse co-owners of stick fix visit the link in the show notes for more information Looking forward to being back with you on friday If you enjoyed today's show, please go ahead and rate and review this podcast like and subscribe Whatever you can do on the platform you're listening on as a big help and I greatly appreciate it You can take that extra step and go to slash holy city center To help support the website and the podcast through that method as well As I said, i'll be back with you on friday already looking forward to it, but until then good night and good luck [Music] [Music] (upbeat music)