EquiRatings Eventing Podcast

Inside Burghley: What's New In 2024?

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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The Defender Burghley Horse Trials are back, and we’re kicking things off with an exclusive look at all the exciting new developments for 2024.

In Part 1, Event Director Martyn Johnson and marketing expert Lucy Higginson dive into what’s new for this year’s event. From fresh attractions to unmissable experiences, they’ve got you covered.

In Part 2, we’re joined by the incredible Hayley Moore, who gives us the scoop on the newly revamped Insight Stage. Expect fascinating interviews with top riders, lifestyle chats, and interactive sessions that bring you closer to the action than ever before.

Whether it’s fashion tips, expert advice, or simply soaking up the atmosphere, Burghley 2024 promises something for everyone.

If you want to listen to the Inside Burghley #3: Burghley TV show mentioned in this episode click here and the Cycle4Caroline show here

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(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Acreatings Eventing Podcast and the first Inside Defender Burley show of 2024. The clock is taking listeners. It is very nearly here a week today and those first horses will be at the first horse inspection just before the competition kicks off. And we wanted to give you a behind the scenes insight into everything that is going on behind the scenes at Defender Burley this year. So I am very happy that back on the show, Martin Johnson, I know you love coming on and recording a podcast with me. Event Director, how are you, first of all? - Very good, thank you, Nicole. - It is such a busy time. I know you guys, I mean, forget the bank holiday weekend because everybody has been flat to the boards. And nobody has been busy, I don't think, in the marketing team this year. There have been some genius ideas. Lucy Higginson, who plenty of you listeners will have known through her many hats in the eventing and a question world over the years. Lucy, your first podcast actually with us. So it is lovely to have you. How are plans progressing from your side? - They're progressing beautifully, thank you very much. We've had a lot of fun shaking things up a little bit and just looking into corners of the event, we don't shine enough of a cast enough of a spotlight on. We're doing a lot of fun new things. We are really excited to share with people. - I have to admit, there's a few bits here listeners that I am looking forward to digging in a little bit deeper too. Martin, I'm gonna start with you. First of all, I say tongue in cheek, everybody has flat to the boards. We're a week out from the event. It is no joke. There is an enormous site build going on. It is all systems go. The course is looking absolutely magnificent, I have to say. How have preparations gone for 2024 to find a barely so far? - Yeah, I mean, preparations have gone well so far. I mean, at this point in the process, we're hopefully nearly there. Hopefully, we've done the hard work in the hard yards already. I don't think people probably appreciate how long the event actually takes to build. The competition side, Derek sort of started this process straight after last year's event and then he was here in December on his first visit, sort of prepping the course and his ideas. And the event site itself, it takes a month to build it. So, I mean, the bit the site build actually started at the beginning of August, so we're four weeks in now. So, it's sort of scary how long it takes and it's exciting to see how it evolves. Yeah, and at this point, we're very, very nearly there, ready to welcome people. - I have to admit, for everybody who's been to Burley over the years, if you then go to Burley Park when there's no sort of Burley horse rolls, it is so sort of disconcerting in terms of you're stood in the Inverted Commerce main arena, but there's nothing else around you and you can see where the leaf pit is. And actually, I was at the park for the media day, a couple of weeks ago and say things were starting to take shape, but not yet. And it's really disorientating, isn't it? Because there is just so much infrastructure that has to be put together. You can kind of see all the different pieces of the puzzle coming together. And I have to say, there was a man with a mower, very, very busy on, I think he was on one of the warm-up rings, actually, when we were there and the ground itself looks absolutely pristine, but the course is fenced off all year round anyway. So it always looks beautiful, but the going fingers crossed will be incredible as well. What's new for this year? Let's start with the big news, Martin, because let's be totally honest for the long-term future and success of any big sporting event, particularly in the equestrian world. Sponsors and partners are a massive part of that. Defender have been a huge part of the Burley journey. I think even going back to the '90s when they first started out as official vehicle partner and they have extended their title sponsorship. - Yeah, absolutely, you're absolutely right, Nicole. Defender Landrever have had a huge association with the equestrian sport. And obviously, Burley is their flagship event. They've been here for a very long time since 2005 as our title partner. So it's a very natural fit and it's clearly their audience, but it's really good that they've committed to staying at Burley and committed to the sport, to question sport for another multi-year period. You know, it's obviously an expensive thing to run and event the size of Burley. So we need to have commercial partners, but it does make it a lot easier when you're working with Defender, with a company like Defender, who really understand it and really get it and actually add massive value on event. - I think this year there is going to be the mini Defender experience. So plenty of people that have been to Burley over the years are aware of the kind of the big, the big boys Defender experience. But actually, I think the young explorers Lucy this year get the opportunity to get behind the wheel as well. The thought of taking my five-year-old to that, he would no doubt be absolutely whizzing round. I think it's great to see so many different things for the kids. - Yeah, well, that's been quite a focus this year because it is a fun day out for the whole family. It might be one of those cliches that phrase, but it totally is. And the mini Defender's coming in this year, I mean, just cave in and go. If you have a child under the age of 12, you're going to be dragged there. No, go and have a go on the mini Defender's. It's great fun, but we've got lots of other things that are free on site to do for children too. So we've got a mechanical horse on site where you can try riding a racing finish and see if you've got a potential jockey in the making. That's going to be good fun. We've got pottery painting that's new this year, which you can go and take your child painter, you know, a little pottery horse and send it off to be fired. We've got a storyteller this year. We've got dog agility, as usual. There's absolutely heaps going on for young children quite aside from the fact that, you know, with small people particularly, just roving the trade stands and looking at incredible wire sculptures and the new Defender, et cetera, it's all just, you know, fantastically, visually fun, great shopping as well. But yeah, we've really focused on that, on fun for children who are coming with you. - They also have an uncanny ability, anybody that's taken young people, so horse trials before. So remember where the best toy shops are? Because they generally speaking, stay in the same spot each year and mark my words. They will remember where they are, so they will take you straight there. But it's, to be honest, if the kids are having fun, the adults are having fun as well. So there is something for everybody. Young people have been a big target for Burleigh in the past BC, because actually it's a massive social occasion, but it's been an area that actually the event, I think it's fair to say, recognise that more could be done to encourage young people through the gates of Burleigh. So what has been changed this year, in order to make that happen? - Well, a key difference has been the introduction of a new young person's ticket for the 12 to 16s, which gives them a good discount off an adult price every single day of the event. We're really keen to encourage young, we've always had for many, many years, Pony Club team show-jumping, which is a really prestige show-jumping event for a range of Pony Club branches, and that takes place in the house arena on the Thursday. So that's always been a part of Burleigh, but we're keen to encourage, especially at the weekend, when it's not school for you to bring your teenagers and show them what Burleigh's always about. It's always been a really safe, fun, friendly place to bring your children. I've more than once had to extract my sons and somebody else's picnic blanket, eating somebody else's sandwiches. People like that at Burleigh, you know, it's great. It's lovely, lovely to walk the course. Nobody has ever been bored watching the cross-country course that Burleigh being jumped, and there's tons to do on the dressage days as well. So we're very pleased with that innovation, and we hope people will make the most of it. - What's the age for the young people's ticket? Again, sorry? - 12 to 16, from 12 to 16. But young people's ticket, yeah. - Okay, what else is going on this year? Actually, this is a big point, because Burleigh, lots of people listening to this podcast love it for the competition aspect. And you know, the competition itself, we're gonna talk about the entries a little bit later on is really, really strong this year in particular. But there is always lots going on. We've talked about a bit for the family side of things, but shopping at Burleigh personally speaking, I think is the best shopping of any major event that I certainly go to. Sadly listeners, I don't get much opportunity to shop at Burleigh. My credit card is probably very happy about that. But there is something for everyone, and actually the lifestyle side of things this year is an area that is actually really being explored, because there is a lot going on behind the scenes there as well. - Yeah, absolutely. There are a number of initiatives. One is there's a whole brand new restaurant called the Aevbury Restaurant. I think it was pretty unanimous that it would be called the Aevbury Restaurant after Burleigh's greatest winner. It's beautifully elegant space. It's got great big photos of Aevbury inside it. And you can book yourself a really nice relaxing sit-down breakfast or lunch in there. And many people have. We're gonna have a bunch of riders and owners who we know are also booking lunch in there to make the most of their experience. So we hope you'll go and check it out. It's gonna be very visible. You'll be able to see it. Please look it up on the website and consider booking in if you'd like to make the most of it. We've also started some course walks this year. So we know that Burleigh TV coverage is first rate, but there's nothing like, as everybody says, there's nothing like seeing those fences in the flesh to realize how goppingly big they are, no matter how well horses can jump them. So we've got in true eventing fashion, long and short format course walks. - Like, do you see? - It's not the entire course, but there's a longer format and a shorter one. And the difference is all explained very clearly on the website. And I have to say, actually, they've sold out for this year. They have been a storming success and they're going to be led by riders, including Sarah Bullamore, Mary King, Jeanette Brakehorse. So we've got some really seasoned experienced riders who completely know their stuff, showing you around a number of the fences. But we will also have a few other course walk opportunities coming through some of our fence sponsors that we'll share on social media. So that's a great initiative, which people have responded to in droves, which is cracking. And the celebrity talk area has been reimagined as the insight stage this year. And it's broadening out a little bit. It's always featured top riders talking about the sport, talking about how they ride, prepare, train, but we are also including a number of kind of influencers, lifestyle influencers, people in broader elements of the industry. So, you know, various feed experts. So we'll be able to publicize with a little more lead time who's going to be talking about what there. And it will be led by Hayley Moore. She'll be conducting the interviews and discussions and so on. So that's really fun. And we've also got two lovely lifestyle ambassadors who've joined our team this year. They're two ladies with large online followings who are absolute died in the world, Burley fans who've been many times themselves. That's Callie Coles and Marina Fogel. They were both thrilled to be asked to be lifestyle ambassadors, bless them. And they're making little film on the first day with us on an insider's guide to Burley. So which bits of the event they really enjoy watching and seeing quite aside from the cross country, which we know we all love watching and seeing. So they're going to be exploring the show ground and casting a spotlight on fun things to do besides watching the five star event for us. And they're going to be talking on the inside stage as well on Friday themselves about their love of horses and eventing generally. - And we're actually going to dive into the inside stage a little bit more closely because coming up later on in the show at listeners, Hayley Moore, who is the world renowned racing presenter, is going to join us to give us her take on actually what is coming up. We're gonna talk a little bit about some of the special guests that there might be. I'm probably a little bit of the crossover between the racing and the eventing worlds as well. Martin, we briefly touched there a little bit earlier on about to fender and the important partners and sponsors. And you know, there'll be plenty of coverage on Burley TV and through the commentary on site and everything else in terms of sponsors through Burley this year, which is really important for everybody to take on board actually how important that is in terms of the longevity of the event, the success of the event and everything else. What else is news for this year? Well, I mean, I think, you know, what we try to do every year is to look at how we present the event. So that's both to the onsite audience and the offsite audience. So obviously two key things there. You know, what do we do in terms of the content onsite? So obviously the competition is the main event. We know that, but you know, what do we fit around that so that people really feel that they're getting value for money with their ticket. So we've got four great master classes this year with all a little bit of a different theme. Henrietta Knight is doing a racing led master class. William Fox Pitt and Alice obviously are there doing an eventing one. We've got Carl doing his yearly annual dressage master class on Friday and then William and Pepper Funnel are doing a jumping based master class Friday after dressage. So it's really important that we present the event well and that we sort of invest into the onsite experience. So hopefully people will notice that, you know, one of the big changes we made last year was obviously the new big screen in the arena which sounds like a minor point, but actually makes a huge amount of difference to those who are onsite watching. And then Burley TV obviously is our sort of key, key piece for the offsite audience. So we, you know, work with the EHA who are a production company. They were actually in charge at the Olympics this year for all your question disciplines. So they do a great job. And again, it is about how we present it. You know, I'm a big Formula One fan and you switch Formula One on every weekend. There's something different that they're doing or innovating. And it's something that we really want to try and push forward with Burley TV. So there are a couple of things in the pipeline which you'll have to tune in to watch and see what they are. - Martin, you tease, you tease. I have to say, listeners, I know a couple of them inside of knowledge, I'm not gonna lie, but they are really fun. And actually it's, we've kind of seen the quality of Burley TV over the last couple of years and just how good the coverage is across each of the disciplines and kind of the extra experience with Nick Black and Rosie Tatner as well. But they are really fun and it's things that we've not necessarily seen an eventing before. So it's very exciting to be able to bring them live at Burley this year. I'm looking forward to seeing how they will play out. But you've got to tune in to Burley TV to find out. And they will be showing absolutely every single part of the competition, including the master classes. From the first horse inspection, there'll be a preview show that is out on Wednesday evening as well. Nick Black, Tina Cook, myself, and I think John Cole will be looking forward to the week ahead. That's out on Wednesday evening after the horse inspection and then obviously every single spot of the competition over the four days, including as I say, those master classes. If you want to find out more about Burley TV, we actually did a show last year with Sophie and Denise from eHeart and also Nick and Rosie to give you a real kind of behind the scenes insight into what goes on to be able to make the coverage come together because it is an absolutely enormous beast listeners. We'll link it in the show notes so you can go back and have a listen because it is really interesting actually. I think we all kind of sometimes take it for granted when we see pretty pictures on our TV screen. But there is so much more that goes on to be able to make it happen. The course walk actually is something that is, I think by the time this show goes out, Martin, will it be live with Nick Luck and Derek DeGrassea? - Yeah, it should be live by now. So yeah, tune in, go and have a look. As you say, Nick, who obviously very famous as a racing presenter, he's a real asset to Burley TV and he sort of actually brings out the best in some of our guys, whether it's Derek as a course designer or some of the athletes. So really go and have a watch. It's hopefully something that people will really enjoy. It is 20 pounds listeners, which gives you full behind the scenes coverage. I think Jerry Barry Burley, Young Event Horse Final will also be on there and so it is well worth investing in. And if you get it now, then you can go back and watch past Burley's all the way back and to the archives, quite a long way, I think. And it's always interesting to see how it has changed as well over the years. Lucy, one of my favorite things in the build up to Burley, I have to say we obviously have the serious course preview and it's always great to get Derek's insight with Nick. But Burley has become pretty well known for its alternative course preview, where we see characters, sometimes human, sometimes not, taking on some of the Burley terrain in a way that we wouldn't normally see. What is in store this year? - It's out. It's a Burley tradition that they do this alternative preview to the course showcasing entirely different skills sometimes. So they've had Gurka soldiers, they've had Shetland ponies, they've had parkour specialist, trick cyclists, gymnasts, you name it, going around that course. And this year actually, we've done a lot to celebrate Burley's own Olympic connections because it's exactly a century ago that Lord Burley, who started the horse trials himself, actually became an Olympian himself. He went to the 1924 Paris Olympics as a hurdler. He went to four Olympics in total and he won a gold medal the second time he went. He was a really tremendous athlete and later started the horse trials and there's a whole corridor inside Burley House that celebrates his achievements. So this is a theme we've really mined this year and having done a lovely film earlier in the summer with defender ambassador Cole Hester and Burley ambassador Andrew Hoy comparing their many, many Olympic experiences and notes. This time we invited four Olympians from very different sports who'd be involved in the alternative course walk. So we had a hockey player, a local, a hockey player, Sam Ward. We had a Stoneford girl who was reserved for the GB Pentathlon team, a girl called Jess Varley who's also expertly pony club and knows the event, you know, all her life. We had a GB fencer and we had a GB rugby sevens player who'd just been to Paris and they all came and showcased their own sports around the course and we've made a cracking little one minute, 22nd film which is out there on social and we'll be showing it on the big screens at the event as well. It's really good fun and it just cements those really strong Olympic links that the event has in more ways than one. - It's always quite humbling as well to see a sporting crossover, you know, of people who are excelling at their own sport and their own right actually kind of getting an opportunity to get an insight into Burley and it's really fun, slightly tongue in cheek but brilliant insight into the Burley terrain and it gives you a bit of a look through fresh eyes, you know, we're all very used to kind of looking at the event in a serious manner with, you know, top class competition but this is a really, really cool, fun way of looking at it as well. So if you like it on social media, please share it because it does make a massive difference. Please make it go viral listeners, there we go. That is your challenge. Should you choose to accept it, please keep sharing it. - Martin, let's talk about the entries for a second because it is such a good Burley field this year. It is mouthwatering in terms of the number of top class combinations. We've got, I think we've got 10 different nations. We have eight five-star winners in the field. We've got the reigning European champion in Ryaz Kanter Lordship's Graffalo. I don't know about anybody else but I certainly did a little jig when I saw them on the entry list because there just is so much to kind of take the Burley terrain over those five days that is going to prove to be a really tough competition. - Yeah, I mean, it's always great. And when you've got an entry, the quality that we have this year, it makes life a lot easier in terms of stories and in terms of content and in terms of interest. So, you know, and funnily enough in an Olympic year actually, Burley doesn't seem to suffer as much as it does in other years when we clash with the world championships or European championships being very close. So, yeah, we're obviously delighted but we've got, you know, an excellent field, 10 different nations represented. There's some really exciting combinations in there. Obviously, you mentioned Rawls. We obviously got Kentucky winner with Oliver in there. And I think, Nicole, you're about to tell me better but eight, as you say, former winners at five-star level. We've got the current badminton champion in the field as well. So, it really is going to, you know, hopefully be a great competition. And we're sort of starting with around 75 horses somewhere around there. So, again, lots for people to see. This is going to be a busy old cross-country day but no really exciting. And it's great for Burley and great for the sport, great for the five-star sport that the entries are where they are at the moment. - You've got actually the reigning Maryland winner as well. Austin, iconic Colorado Blue. I know we're on a lot of people's radars this time, 12 months ago and it didn't play out for them at Burley and they ended up re-rooting after an early problem cross-country and going to Maryland, taking the victory. I feel like they're back with unfinished business. You've obviously got Roz not only on Lordship's Grafelova is locked DHI who won Poe last year. Green Acre Special Cavalier who's just won the final level four-star at Defender Blair Castle International Horse Trials with Caroline Powell. She's in the field as well. It's going to be a brilliant, brilliant Burley. Martin, I have to ask because this, I think, is your third Burley as event director, is that right? I mean, COVID kind of threw us all out slightly there for a while. - Yeah, third Burley, it seems a very long time ago now. That's still a good point. - How has it evolved? Because your third Burley now, and to a degree, you kind of have to see the event play out and then make changes, but in terms of your vision and in terms of the changes that we've talked about on this show, how is it all coming together and what's it like now three years on from kind of coming into that first Burley? - Well, I mean, obviously, I have a lot more idea now about the scale and the size of what goes on and an event the size of Burley. Does it get easier? Probably not, different challenges. Obviously, Burley, when I started at Burley, what I didn't want to do was change what already worked. And a lot of people comes early and happy and doing for years for some of the things, very different things. So some people purely come for sports, some people come for shopping, some people come for those other experiences like we've discussed on the part today. So we didn't want to break what wasn't broken, but again, it's all about evolution. So it's looking at, as Lucy's discussed with the youth ticket, it's making sure that future audiences, that we secure what interests them, how do we present the sport in a modern way? So it's trying to evolve, but very carefully and with considered decisions. And also Burley is a massive event in its own right, but also has a really, really important role in playing the sport. It's one of our showcases, one of our showcases, it's one of the three planned summer events. So we don't get very much opportunity to shout about the sport and to present it to the outside world. 'Cause quite frankly, most events can't afford to. It's a very difficult place to be in to the badminton's, Kentucky's, the arkons of the world are few and far between. So we have a massive responsibility to showcase the sport and its best light. - It really is. And I know in terms of the future of the sport, everybody is so keen to see it evolve and it will always evolve, but actually it's about protecting, eventing as we know it and we love it. And Burley has been such a massive part of its history and we can't wait to see actually how it develops in the future as well. We've got lots to look forward to. I know there's more exciting plans in the pipeline, but I am going to say nothing else on that listeners. Watch this space. Oh, look, Martin, Lucy, thank you both so much. It has been a pleasure to have you on the show. I know there is a lot going on, so I'm going to let you guys crack on at the best of luck over the coming week and can't wait to get it all started. - Brilliant, thank you. - Thanks, Scott. - As promised listeners, we wanted to give you an insight into the insight stage at Defender Burley this year because it has a whole new look, a whole new feel and a whole new presenter. And I'm delighted to say Hayley Moore, who is a world renowned racing presenter, very well known in the equestrian industry and beyond. And generally one of the loveliest people is with me. Hayley, it is brilliant to have you as part of the Burley team. - That's a very nice introduction, Nicole. Thank you. I'm incredibly excited. I think of all of the events that I held during the summer, if we can still call it summer, I'm clinging on at the moment. I think it's definitely one of the best that I've looked forward to. So can't wait to be seeing you out and about Burley this year. - Take us back to your first Burley memory. - One of the riders I used to follow as a child was obviously Pippa Funnel. So everything that Pippa Funnel was doing, when I think I was old enough to remember, I just followed her blind because she was Eridge Pony Club. I was South Annie's Pony Club and wasn't far away, became an unremeember of Eridge Pony Club in my latter years. So just used to watch her. So I think Prim was pride probably in 2003 is the one that springs to minds. And then people like Andrew Hoi taking part. And obviously you had the racing link there with Sue Magnea, she owned Woon Fleet. So there's always been these sort of cross wires, but people like William Fox Pitt, I was admired, Tamarita. I think he was a real favorite of mine. So I've got loads of Burley memories, but the one that I really remember, I think it was 2009, when there was a lot of hype about very inexperienced horse that was going to be taking part. And in the end, Carousel Quest came out on one. And I thought, they're based on other town. And he's proved everyone wrong. So I've got some really good memories of going to the event and just sort of embracing the whole few days that it is. I just think it's one of the most incredible days out that you can enjoy. So no, I've really enjoyed every time I've gone from being quite young actually up until today. - And you've been, I was going to say, you've not worked at Burley before, but you have been a regular visitor over the years, both with family and friends as well. - Yeah, I always felt that it was something that me and my mum could go and enjoy together away from actually having to tack up and go off a venting and me screaming at her and telling me to be quiet and get on with it and arguing that we could go off and enjoy something that we were both just really passionate about, we like going out, we like going a venting. We always used to have great time, lovely childhood, growing up, pony to love a venting. So it was just the way that we could go off the skate, the racing scene and, you know, my own low level competing and venting and just go and enjoy what Burley had to offer. So it's been really good to often met up with a lot of my friends, a lot of my friends for life are the ones that I made back in Coney Club Camp Associates camp over the years. So it was great, we'd all be going there and we'd all meet up after, you know, going to Stanford, which is beautiful. It just had a great few days, like I said, it's just phenomenal. So I've got stuff there that I bought years ago that's still going strong today. - I am going to put you on the spot, actually. I haven't warned you, I'm going to ask you this question. For anybody visiting Burley this year, you've obviously been plenty over the years. What is your top tip or best place to go and visit or anything like that? - I think a specific shop would have to be world secrets. I've loved watching the development at that shop over the years, like with all the really cool trainers and how that's going. I think go off, go and have a good look around first because there is so much to offer that I would say don't go and blow your budget straight away, have a look at what there is and if there's something that you're like still thinking about, then go back and buy it because you can peek early because there's so much (laughs) and I feel like you can basically get your Christmas shopping done and any one's birthday from your trip to Burley. It's just such a cool place and you're out there whilst you've got great questionism to enjoy as well. - That is a good piece of advice, actually. I feel like you're talking from experience, Hailey, that you've been there Thursday morning and gone wild and then we're like, "Oh, damn it." (laughs) - Yeah. In all sorts of areas, whether it was from really cool gyms or something or little pieces for the home, tableware, even like bed linen, it's insane. I've got a bed linen, you think about Burley, but there is so much choice and then I won't even get talking about the likes of Holland Cooper, that's just dangerous 'cause that just gets bigger and better every year. So there's so much choice out there. - There's a lot of sort of the bigger brands that we know and love, but also there's some great smaller brands that actually we don't necessarily see everywhere and that's one of the things I love is kind of finding those hidden gems. And I have to admit, I always end up at a big event and never really have time to go shopping for this year. I'm determined listeners, I will scroll away an hour, someone, maybe I'll have to do a podcast segment from the shopping, just so that I have a good legitimate work excuse listeners. - Right, let's talk about the inside stage because there is a new feel to it this year, formerly the celebrity talk area is very much going to have a similar sort of feel you're gonna be able to hear from some of the biggest names in the business, you're gonna hear from some great writers, but there is sort of more to offer in 2024 with a really strong educational piece, there's obviously gonna be a huge amount about the lifestyle, it's actually situated just next to the lifestyle pavilion, which again has a bit of a new feel for 2024, has had a bit of a freshen up and there is, I understand, a very nice sort of relaxing garden area that has just been introduced at the lifestyle pavilion this year, which there was mentioned listeners of a champagne bar there as well. So you're in the right spot, Haley. Take us through some of the different elements that we have got coming up because I think let's start with one of the things that we know and love about that part of the ground in terms of the rider interviews, the rider reactions, we're still going to be able to get those, what are you gonna bring us from those that are competing there this year? - Well, getting in, well, just having riders competing at this level is something I think you can only be astounded by, you know, this is so unique, the challenges that they're facing. So to get their feelings, their reaction, you know, they're, it's just they're kind of, they're getting inside what it is they've just gone through and try and bring that to the audience. I think being able to speak to riders and eventing is incredibly exciting because they're so honest and so insightful. And I just feel like there's such accomplished riders that you can learn something from anyone. So if you've got the list that we've got, which just looks fantastic, to be able to then speak to, you know, a range of different levels, you've got first-time riders competing, you've got the experienced riders, the established riders, I think that someone will be able to relate to any one of the riders. So I think that would be so exciting to be able to sort of get their reaction, see how they're feeling. I think anyone that competes in rides will find it really intriguing. And then anyone that just absolutely loves the sport of eventing is gonna be finding it really engaging. So I think an opportunity to just touch with the riders in a, you know, a more relaxed way than possibly being on TV, sometimes that can be a bit more daunting with a camera shot in your face. And a lot of crowd is probably just a daunting, but I just feel like you probably feel that they might be a bit more relaxed in that environment and seeing the crowd that they're talking to. And I just think being able to engage with them and share their feelings, their emotions, their relation, their position. And I think that's pretty unique. I think that'd be something that everyone can look forward to. But actually being at the competition and knowing how people are feeling or how people are doing or, you know, what they've made or assessed, what they've just done, I think that's really important. Sometimes you go to a live event and you feel like you just lack that relationship with whoever's taking part because you're, you're almost a bit removed whereas the viewer sitting at home on their sofa knows that bit more, which I find is probably not fair sometimes. - Yeah, and I actually think in eventing, it's something quite unique because of the nature of the sport in terms of, you know, over a period of days, but they all have lots of different commitments. They have sponsor commitments and they have riding commitment. If they've got more than one horse, then they've got to work the other horse. They've got to, I mean, Harry Mead, for example, this year is going to have three. So he's got three horses to ride, three horses to work, three horses to take out and make sure, yes, his team are going to be there as well, but make sure that each of them have their own individual tailored plan. - There's a lot going on, but actually we have access to the riders in a way that we perhaps don't always see in other sports. Was it like in comparison to the racing world because, you know, in your sort of primary world as such, you get the kind of the pre-race buildup and then the immediate reaction, but then they're very quickly turning round and going off for their ride in the next race? - Yeah, it's quite different because as soon as they've jumped off one horse, they're moving on, jumping onto another and you feel like, I suppose you get someone feeling probably quite level and I get that sometimes you don't get huge emotion because they've basically turned up, likely got on this horse for the first time sometimes, which is quite common. They've had nothing to do with this horse and training, not always the place, some of them might have, but I feel like in a venting, it's so different. You've got this relationship that the ride is likely on them at least two or three times a week, so it's completely different. They're a huge part of the, you know, that horse turning up to compete, whereas a jockey, they wouldn't be, really, but they don't have time to be putting in the hours in the morning, I know a lot can do, but you've got six different rides for six different trainers. You physically can't get around the ride with these different horses for different trainers, so you might not have even seen the horse or had anything to do with it, or you've ridden it a few times, but a small part you've played, really, and it is just getting up and getting on the day, and then I feel you've got to answer, you know, for the trainer, the owners, which I know is the same in a venting, but I feel as though you're probably, a horse will be moved on, possibly from you, whereas in a venting, you're probably looking to keep that relationship through a good few years. So I just feel like a rider can probably be a lot, a lot more honest, as opposed to a jockey who's probably wanting to keep the ride on a horse, you know, and if it goes wrong, they might be moved on, you're very easily replaced, especially flat racing that it's jumping, it's a bit different, but, you know, you see it a lot in horse racing, he's lost the ride on this horse, whereas in a venting, I know it does happen, and horses do move around, but normally at least you have a season out of them, whereas racing, you could be swapped in and out during the season. - I think that insight into the partnership is a really big point, and I think that's something that you guys are going to be able to give this sort of access, all areas feel to people's top level competition. All of the big riders, all of the names are going to be there available on the stage throughout the week as well, that we give them their reaction to the competition, looking forward to the next part of it as well, we'll get a lot of insight into the cross country. I know over the first couple of days as to what might be in store for Saturday. Fashion, don't know about you, Haley. - I love the lifestyle, the fashion element of any major horse trails, and I think it is so much more than just the competition, which is obviously a huge, huge part of it. That's why we're all there for the competition, but the lifestyle element of an event such as Burleigh is huge, so what will be in store there? - Well, I'm pleased to say that I'm going to be chatting to Jade Hollen Cooper, who I've got so much respect for. Her business mind is incredible. We did a Burleigh preview with her last week and just learning about her next business goal. This woman is not stopping or slowing down, so I can't wait to talk to her about fashion, the equestrian business. And I just love the fact now that as she's getting up in the morning and going off to ride a horse, you can look pretty glamorous. And actually, I don't even want to take off the droppers and the stuff off the dive, because I feel like you look really smart when you go to just muck your horses out in the morning, which is great, because of the way that it's developed over the years. We can look smart. So I think catching up with her and chatting about all things fashion, especially as we're coming into what is probably her favourite time of year, sort of wrapping up coats, autumn, winter. So I'm looking forward to that. And then we've got a couple of Burleigh lifestyle and aciders as well. I think anyone that follows the life of Kali Coles is so intrigued by what on earth the family's up to next, and absolutely wonderful family. Different way of living. I think she's going to be really interesting. - I have to say, say Kali Coles, I do follow on Instagram. I follow Burleigh at Fogle as well, but Kali Coles always has a different animal in the house every day. There's ponies, there's dogs, there's chickens, there's all sorts. You never know quite what's going to pop up. And I am fascinated to know whether this is sort of happy accident or whether they, and they sort of just invite themselves in. Or whether it's, you know, there's training involved. I don't know. I just, I feel like this is what we all kind of want to live like, but none of us are brave enough. - Yeah, absolutely. I mean, what an amazing life, especially with the kids, just to have a random chicken horse. I mean, it just seems ridiculous, but yeah, so refreshing at the same time that people still live like in the good old days. I'm all not quite with a horse coming in the house, but, you know, just there's a few things. Like, they don't have heating, which is probably just making you feel cold at the thought. And I just love how different the family are. So I think they're to be embraced and celebrated. And then Marina Fogle as well, who looks to say she's very busy with ponies in her life. So there are a couple of the lifestyle ambassadors that I think will be very interesting. And then we're going to have a children's storyteller, which sounds really exciting. You're a mum, I'm a mum. I'm not sure if we're the best storytellers in the world. I do try, but I'm hoping to get a few tips there as well. - I also, I am a firm believer that if the children are happy, the grown-ups are happy, because nothing spoils a day out more than a child that does not want to be there, or it's not very happy with life. So actually by, and we spoke about it earlier on in the show, kind of enhancing the experience for the younger people. Not only are we kind of bringing the next generation into the sport that we know and love, and hopefully they're going to be coming to Burleigh with their children, with their grandchildren in the future, but actually they're going to have a really nice day out as well, they're going to get to experience different things. And I think importantly, a lot of these different experiences, like the storyteller, for example, I know the Chatham Pony Grand National is always a firm favourite. A lot of the ponies or a couple of the ponies are going to come down to the inside stage, and you're going to be able to go and pat them and say hi to them and kind of chat to the people in a little bit more detail, is that these are actually things that are all included within your ticket price. You're not having to go and say, right, okay, I'm going to go and pay for this to keep my kids entertained, and they see the defenders and they want to ride on them. It doesn't cost extra. And I think that is a really important part of it, because we all know that actually a day out now is expensive, and it's an investment to go to an event such as Burley, and having so much going on behind the scenes actually adds to that experience as well. It's not kind of adding on to the cost of it. - So important. So I think that is to reiterate, it's all included as such a bonus. And it sounds all right, doesn't it? Getting the kids will have a book rent to them, and we can all go after the champagne, but it sounds great. - Just around the corner, they've timed it very, very well. - Absolutely. - So that's brilliant. - You're going to be, one Nicole said there was. The listeners do that quite regularly as well. One of the other big elements of the Insight stage this year, and this is kind of the new feel for 2024, because we've had some sort of lifestyle elements in the past, and obviously the rider insight has been huge in the celebrity talk area, but actually making it more interactive and having those Q&A sessions and allowing audience participation in learning from some real industry experts, whether it be fiery or veterinary, all those different elements, Haley, that will allow people to get involved so no matter what level they compete at, whatever their horse situation is at home, that they can learn something and importantly get advice and ask questions. - Yeah, I think that's going to be really key for everyone that's coming. You are going to have the opportunity to talk to experts. It's not just listening to the professional riders who are competing. You can hopefully learn something. So you're going to have the BS podium, potential pathway, farrier, a Q&A there. So that's exciting. And equestrian nutrition as well, which I know we are learning so much all the time, especially recently about even full gut health and how actually that ends up then being potential superstars in the racing world. Anyway, it's developing all the time. It seems to be expanding all the time. So nutrition is hugely important. I know a lot of people get confused, they struggle, they're trying to find that balance. And then there's also going to be support trust as well. We're going to do a piece. I thought that podcast that you did earlier on with Piggy and Tom March about the bike ride was so moving. So people haven't seen to that. I think that we'll certainly be raising the awareness about what they're doing. People don't listen to this problem. So that's another really thoughtful addition to the stage as well. So I think hopefully hit home to a few people and raise some more funds there as well. - Yeah, "Cycle for Caroline," which listeners is 1100 kilometers biking from Blair to the Savoy Hotel in London in November, over 11 days, taking in various different major events. I think they're doing bells, say they're doing Blair, they're doing Brahma and Burley, will be part of the route as well. Babbent and Blenham, it is an extraordinary task. And Piggy is a brilliant, brilliant athlete. She doesn't call herself an athlete. She's very adamant, she's not, but she is. Let's be truthful. She's a five-star winning rider. She is an athlete. - And actually, there's a real training task that has been set, they're working really hard on it. They're putting in the miles on the road and they are not sort of at all daunted, what they probably are, but they're taking it very seriously. The enormity of the task that is ahead of them is huge and it's raising money for a really, really important cause. So that's gonna be the split between Spinal Research UK and the British Venting Support Trust. We'll pop the link to the show we did in the show notes here, just in case you want to go back and have a listen, but actually it's great to have Piggyback Burley as well, but sad that she's not riding there this year in the five-star, but she will be there very much as part of the team and Burley Ambassador as well. And looking forward to it being back next year, I'm sure it will be driving her determination and resilience back. It's tough to go to a big event actually, I think, as a spectator sometimes, when you're used to riding it or working it. That's it. And it's so hard, isn't it, to find those, you know, a five-star horse. Some years you have a few, other years you have nothing. And I think it probably makes you appreciate it more than when you are back there having missed a year, but there's loads of top riders that sadly haven't got the right horse this season. But like you say, I'm sure she'll be back there very soon, but it's just, yeah, I can imagine it's infuriating cause these are the big days. And when you're in one piece, you want to be out there competing at them. So, but it would get to-- - Yeah. - Anyway, she's such a real character. I've caught up with her in the past. They've done obviously really well with retraining of resources in the past. So, a huge successor in that division. So she's just always like the life and soul of the rim, really. She's such an insightful person and she's always got something interesting to share. So, yeah, looking forward to catching up with her about the-- - And actually you're going to have all these people doing masterclass as well, Pippa and William Funnel, William and Alice Fox, Peter doing masterclassers at Carl Hester, who is a defender ambassador is. And interestingly, the one I want to ask you about is Henrietta Knight because she's such an iconic figure in a question and sports, particularly in the racing industry. And it's really exciting that we're going to be able to get some of her knowledge, some of her insight into the eventing world as well. - I mean, I don't even know where I'm going to go with Henrietta Knight. There's so many different angles in, like you say. You know, obviously she's been in Pivotal and breathing Konnemaras. Then she's had an incredible training career when she managed to train the winner of a Gold Cup best mate back to back to back years, which is just still something trainers are thriving to do today. Then she's retired. Then she's gone around and written this incredible book about how different people train, which I know everyone finds really interesting 'cause that's what she did in her spare time. Then she's gone and bought horses. Then she's taught other people how to school their horses. And now she's back in amongst training, the training ranks again. I just find her energy levels inspiring because I don't think I could be thinking about going back to it, but she missed it. She missed training resources. And it's great now we see her name in a race card. So yeah, many different angles we can go off with. So we'll probably just do a day with her tonight. So yeah, she's the one that I think I'll be taking something away from just a little bit of time with her to come back to her last class. And then William and Alice Fox hit, I think I just like the ultimate power couple, both of them in both fields, both divisions that they've ever gone in, seem to be a wonderful team together as well. - Get them to tell them the Madonna story. - Okay, that sounds a good one. - And so William taught Madonna to ride. And it's actually brilliant and it's very funny. And Alice does an incredible American accent as well. - Excellent, right, thanks to that Nikon. Might have to come with a clipboard and get a few little bullet points from you to get that off you. That sounds great. So yeah, he's obviously winding down with his incredible eventing career, probably one of the tallest neatest riders I've ever seen in my lifetime. And so yeah, looking forward to having them both on stage and lovely to see Alice away from the racing scenes. Obviously, we see her in the national hunt season always getting some great stories as well. - It's gonna be an action-packed four days on the inside stage. I know that there is going to be more of a schedule that comes out so you'll be able to plan your day around who you might want to listen to and who you might want to see and everything else. I have to ask that, Haley, what are you most looking forward to? - I think having the opportunity to reflect with the riders, probably quite a boring answer. But when you're competing at Burley, there's not very many five stars left around the world these days. This is one of them, we need to celebrate it. So when you're at this competition, getting to the start line is a huge achievement. And to be able to talk to a rider after their dressage test, try and hopefully carry the adrenaline rush if they've gone clear from this country. And then sort of the excitement building up towards the show jumping. So I think we have to sit down and have an opportunity to chat with a rider about what they've just experienced. I think it's something to celebrate in any sport. And it's very spoiling that you get it during the competition. So yeah, really important being able to be in a position to get some of that off the horse reaction. - And also, I have to say teenage Haley Moore is probably going to be very excited to have a funnel. - Yeah, I think so, yeah, absolutely. Whenever I see her, I've always liked there she is. And I think amazing that she's still competing at the top level and everything she's achieved. So she's got a great, great record at Burley. So yeah, I'll probably be like, you know, probably a little fan girl. Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, looking forward to that as well. - We will be there. We've all been there at one point. Everybody listening to this show, I'm sure we'll be in the same boat as well. Haley, it's going to be a brilliant week. We're looking forward to it. Can't wait to see there. Can't wait to see how the insight stage has developed and what might be in store. There's tons more listeners that we've only scratched the surface on this show. But it's a really, really exciting evolution to Burley. And please do, if you're heading there to the event this year, go and check it out and there'll be lots going on. So keep your eyes peeled for more information but Haley have a brilliant week and can't wait. - Yeah, thank you very much. We're looking forward to it. See you there. - Listeners, I hope you've enjoyed a little insight into Defender Burley. I feel like talking about it now, talking about the entries, everything that's going on behind the scenes, it is getting unbelievably real. This time next week, First Horse Inspection will be in full swing and we will be on to Defender Burley 2024. Who is going to run out the winner? We're going to have the preview show for you next week. It will have all of the inside information on who are the favorites, who are the outsiders, who you need to look out for this year. Looking forward to seeing that one, eight five star winners in the field. It is unbelievably competitive. Surely one of the most competitive Burleys that we have seen in recent years. So looking forward to that. But for now, that is all we've got time for. Don't forget to get your Burley TV. Past 20 pounds will give you an access all areas past whether you're going to Burley or not. And if you are getting your tickets, if you are going to Burley, don't forget that it is electronic tickets. So your e-tickets are available up until the night before you travel and they will be busy periods, different lanes of traffic. So if you've got your e-tickets, download them on your phone, get them ready to go. And hopefully it will make your access into the show ground. Even more smooth. Looking forward to everything that is in store and we'll be back soon. Loads more Burley content coming your way. Big thank you to Martin, to Lucy and Haley. And we'll be back soon with more.