Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

God's Mercy More Powerful Than Unbelief

God's Mercy More Powerful Than Unbelief - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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God's Mercy More Powerful Than Unbelief - Morning Prayer

I see the stars and I hear the rolling thunder your power throughout the universe displayed. It sings my soul, then sings my soul, my said you got to thee. Glory to God, how great thou art, how great thou art, then sings my soul, my said you got to thee, how great thou art, how great thou art, when I think, and when I think. Glory to God, that God his son not sparing, sent him to die. I scarce can take it in, that on the old rugged cross, that on the cross, my burdens gladly bearing, he bled and died to take away my sins. Come on sing your church, then sings my soul, my said you got to thee, tell him how great, how great thou art, how great thou art, then sings my soul, my said you got to thee, how great thou art, how great thou art, Father God. In the name of Jesus Christ, mean past Amy John our faith, which are wonderful people on this moment, minister to them, touch them, encourage them, strip them their bodies, Lord. Let the healing power of the Lord Jesus flow into their bodies from the crown of their heads, to the souls of their feet, touch them, Lord. Encourage somebody on this morning, someone who's at the end of their rope and feel like giving up, feel like throwing a towel at Satan, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, take your hands off of them, loose their minds, loose their minds out of talk on your mind, I rebuke it in Jesus name, that fast attack on your mind, it's demonic, I rebuke it, I resist the devil in Jesus name, for the word of God declares submit yourselves, therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you, Satan we resist you this morning in the name of Jesus Christ, somebody say amen, glory to God, alright we continue this series, the necessity of faith, and on this morning I want to talk about this, God's mercy, more powerful than unbelief, I thank God for the mercy of God, I don't know about you there were times I just didn't have the faith, that things was going to work out for us, and God stepped in and he worked it out because he is a merciful God, that's why I read that scripture from I believe it's ecclesiastes that says, his compassion failed not, his mercies I knew every morning, great is thy faithfulness, we serve a faithful God, and maybe this morning you would say like Pastor Sean, I've been there too and I'm there right now in fact, I just don't have the faith, I just don't feel like I can go on, I just don't feel like my prayers are being heard, I just don't feel like nothing is changing, well you're wrong because there is something that's coming your way it's called the mercy of God, and his mercy is greater than your unbelief, and I know we are talking about the necessity of faith, but I'm coming from this, I'm coming at this from a different angle because I want to encourage people to let you know sometimes you have no faith at all, and God still comes through because he is merciful, he is a loving, faithful, caring, kind God, and he knows as human beings sometimes we are just weak our faith fail us, come on, now you listen to me, I want you to see this, let's go on to the book of Mark chapter 6 verses 1 through 6, Jesus left that part of the country and returned with his disciples to Nazareth, his hometown, this is the place where they knew him from here as a little boy, probably shooting marble or playing games that every other little kid would play, playing with his cousins, playing with his friends, come on you know what I'm talking about, so they knew him, they were quite familiar with him, but they were about to see a different side of Jesus that they had never experienced before, this was his ministry side, this is the power of God side that operated in and through his life, and the Bible says in verse 2 the next Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed, they asked where did he get all this wisdom, and the power to perform such miracles, their minds were blown because they were thinking we went to school together, he's my cousin, he's my nephew, we know him from he was in diapers, and so they had just, they said where did he get all this wisdom and the power to perform such miracles because they heard about it, the word had spread everywhere, the blind were saying, the deaf will hear it, the cripples were walking, but there is something that's called familiarity, familiarity breeds contempt when people become too familiar with you or they are too familiar with you, sometimes it's hard for them to receive that part of your life now that's surrendered to God because the scripture says if any man be in Christ he's a new creature, old things are passed away, old things become new, but with the case with Christ he was the son of God's sinless, perfect, but dead, never seen him operated in this power that came on him in Luke chapter 4 verse 13 and 14 after his temptation in the wilderness the Bible says he returned in the power of the Spirit, and there went out of fame of him, he became known in that part of the known world as the man that God was working through to perform great signs, one is in miracles, raising Lazarus from the dead who had been dead for four days and in the grave, come on somebody, the widow of Nainson who was on the way to be buried, Jesus touched the coffin and said, young man I say unto you arise, and the young man came back to life, blind by the mess, the woman with the issue of blood, the centurion servant, the nobleman son, I mean miracle after miracle the leper, come on somebody, the multitudes we healed in Luke 6, the paralytic was healed and marked up the two just on and on and on and on and on, miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle, he elicited them to me, and so they were just blown away because they knew him, listen to what they said in verse 3, then they scoffed, he's just a carpenter because his dad was a carpenter, so he learned to trade from his dad, Jesus must have built some of the best furniture they had ever seen, isn't that the furniture maker, isn't that the guy who built our furniture, built our kitchen table, then they scoffed, he's just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Salmon and his sisters live right here among us, they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him, that this was the people from his town where he was brought up, they were having a hard time accepting Jesus and his ministry, now had he been a foreigner and just flew in all that had been flocking to him, but they were offended, now the king James also used the word and said they were offended, but the original meaning for that word offended in the Greek means, listen to this good, to put a stumbling block or impediment in the way upon which another may trip and fall, watch this, to cause a person to begin to distrust and desert one whom he ought to trust and obey, to see in another what I disapprove of and what hinders me from acknowledging his authority, are you listening, this, the part of this I like the best is to cause a person to begin to distrust and desert one whom he ought to trust and obey, they ought to trust him, they should have obeyed him, they should have accepted his authority, but they did not trust him, they did not want to put their faith in him because they were too familiar with him, that's why I don't like church people becoming too familiar with us, and you can, you can't avoid it, you call the work with people, people are going to see you at your best, they're going to see you at your worst, but when people work with you in the ministry and they begin to see your floor, because we're human beings, only Jesus was perfect, and the ones who judge in you ain't perfect either so long, help all of us this morning, right, amen, but they became too familiar with him, they saw his weaknesses, they saw his, they, they, when people become too familiar with you and they begin to see your weakness, but for Christ we know he was perfect, but my point here is, they knew him from a little boy, so they knew everything about him, and they just couldn't get past that, it just blinded them, that they just, they couldn't dig it, they were like nah, who does he think he is, he's just a cop and though, well the minute people start making statements like that, and the minute you start looking at a man or woman of God, and that light and you start filtering them through those types of comments, you're going to be able to receive much from that ministry, you might as well move on, that you'll be doing, you'll be doing yourself a favor and you'll be doing the house of God a favor to just move on, because you're going to start getting in the way of Holy Ghost and the moving of the Spirit of God, and you're listening to me, so you got to guard your heart and your spirit that you don't become too familiar with people, and you lose respect that this is God serving, yeah he's not perfect, but God called them to lead, God called them to be the authority for getting my life, God called them to be our cover, but they couldn't receive him, they couldn't receive his ministry, and once people can't receive your ministry, nothing much is going to happen, but I won't you see the mercy of God, was still able to just overcome and was still more powerful than to unbelieve watch this, so once people start looking at him in that light, there's going to be a struggle, there's not going to be much happening, much strong flow of the unknowing of the Holy Spirit, I rebuke the devil in Jesus' name, I rebuke the devil in Jesus' name, I just saw a darkness coming over somebody, I rebuke that from out of your life, I rebuke the devil in Jesus' name that's coming against you, I rebuke it, I break the power of the enemy over you, from trying to rob you, trying to use that familiarity to destroy your connection, now watch this, stare right there for me, can't watch this, when Jesus told them, a prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family, he said a prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family, wow, and because of their unbelief, he couldn't do any miracles among them except watch this, here comes the mercy of God that's going to still have mercy except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them, there was still sick people there who needed his touch and in spite of all of that unbelief and all of that familiarity, the mercy of God kicked in and he laid his hands on a few of the people and the healing power of God flowed into their bodies and made him well, amidst all of that unbelief, his mercy still came through and healed some of those people, you may be surrounded by unbelief just like these people here in March up to 6th, verse 5, you may be surrounded by unbelief, trying to choke the faith of God out of you, but his mercy is being extended towards you, come on if you're hands to have it, I feel that, I feel that many of you, you may have an unbelieving spouse, an unbelieving friend, family member, a church member, church lead us somebody who just don't believe that Jesus Christ is still a healer, but the mercy of God is coming your way this morning, the name of Jesus, glory to God, to break every cheat, break every cheat, break every cheat, there is power, come on, and there is power in the name of Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit, there is power in the name of Jesus, with a mighty God we serve, there is power in the name of Jesus, to break, to break every cheat, break every cheat, break every cheat, to break, to break every cheat, listen I joined my faith with you this morning, you that surrounded in an atmosphere of unbelief, you're the only believer in that house, and it's like that unbelief I've been trying to choke the faith of God from out of you, his hands of mercy is being extended towards you right now, (speaks in foreign language) feel the healing power of the Holy Ghost, overriding that unbelief, the mercy of God, more powerful than unbelief, flowing into your body, and making you, oh come on, come on, come on if you have, come on if you have to have and receive it, receive it, receive the healing touch, receive the healing in your body right now, I rebuke multiple sclerosis, I rebuke emphysema, I rebuke fibromyalgia, I curse it under roots, I curse that cancer in your body, I rebuke it in Jesus name, that blindness in one of your eyes, I rebuke it, that deafness in one of your eyes, I rebuke it in Jesus name, in the name of Jesus, varicose veins, I rebuke it in Jesus name, problems in your spine, I rebuke it, barrenness, there's a married couple you've been praying and believing God to have kids, I rebuke barrenness of the womb, I command your womb to be fruitful in the name of Jesus, you better go get that nursery ready, that baby's coming in the name of Jesus, the mercy of God, more powerful than unbelief, glory to Jesus, receive your miracle, come on just lay your hands on the part of your body where you need God to touch you and heal you and receive the touch of God, the healing power of the Holy Ghost is rich here this morning, the power of God is flowing into your body, be healed in the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of infirmity, come out, loose them in the name of Jesus, your hands off. Receive the touch of God, friends. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive the touch of God. Receive the touch of God. Receive His healing touch. Receive His healing touch. Receive His healing touch. Receive His healing power in your life, in your body, right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Many of you have been touching healed this morning. Many of you have been touching. Many of you have been touched. Many of you have been touched. Many of you have been healed. We want to hear from you. Email your testimony to us, We want to hear from you, saints. Glory to God. He loves you. May best Amy love you and you know we'll never take you for granted. I have to give someone a chance to get saved. Listen, Jesus loves you, friends. If you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus, I want you to bow your head and pray with me right now to accept Him as Lord and Savior of your life. Say, Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son. He is the Messiah. He is the Savior of this world, the King of the Jews. I believe in my heart and I confess with my mouth that He was crucified. He died on Calvary Cross, buried in a borrowed tomb. But on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Jesus is now seated at God's right hand and soon and very soon He is coming again from this day. I turn my back on the world, the flesh and the devil to serve the true and living God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul. Amen. If you prayed that, pray with me and meant it with all of your heart. Let me in my beautiful wife, Pastor Amy, be the first to say to you, welcome into the family of God. Your sins have been forgiven. You are saved and on your way to heaven. Welcome into the family of God. We ask you to do three things. First thing we ask you to do, pray, which is simply talk to God on a daily basis. At the end of that pray, you say, "In Jesus' name I pray." Amen. We created a booklet for you. It's called First Steps in a New Direction. Scan that cure on code. Download that booklet. We encourage you to pray, which is talk to God. The second thing we ask you to do is begin reading the Gospel of the Book of John. To do this, we created a ministry app that have several free translations of the Bible. You can scan the cure on code. Download that ministry app from Apple Play or Google Play Store. Just download that. Download the apps. The Bible app starts on that app and begin reading the Gospel of John. That word is a lamp. David said, "That word is a lamp to my feet and the light to my path." God will use the word of God to equip you, to teach you, to speak to you, and to encourage you. Third thing we ask you to do, if you live in the DFW area, join us at Miracle Healing Center Church in McKinney, Texas. 1351 South Hodden Boulevard, right here in the city of McKinney. We meet every Sunday at 10 a.m. at the car called Middle School. And if you can't meet us in person, join us online. Become a part of our MHC e Church family. We would love to have you a part of our online family. We love you. We appreciate you. We'll never take you for granted to support the work of God, the preaching of the Gospel. Visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account. That address is You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have downloaded the shawnpindaministries app. Amen. You can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry cell account. The ministry cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash up account. That address is the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is @shawnpindaministries. You can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpindaministries P.O. Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. Never forget me and my beautiful white past Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. [Music]