The Simply Fit Podcast

How The Materials You Use Are Affecting Your Health: Gabriel Sheer

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22 Sep 2024
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In the latest episode of the Simply Fit Podcast I have the pleasure of speaking with Gabriel Sheer.

Gabriel, is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and, Ayurvedic practitioner.

Gabriel has been on a real journey over the last decade and this has taken him from the corporate world, to a hospital bed all the way to India and beyond where he’s found his calling.

The world of Ayurvedic textiles is something I had no idea about ahead of this episode, but understanding how the clothes we wear, the sheets we sleep in and yoga mats can all impact our health and wellbeing was eye opening to say the least.

In this episode you can expect to learn…

How Gabriel’s life has completely transformed in the past years.

Why an upgrade in your bed sheets and yoga mat could be much needed.

Along with why the world of fast fashion is having an impact on our health and wellbeing.

So without further ado, Gabriel Sheer. 

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Hello team and welcome to episode 499 of the Simply Fit Podcast. In today's episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Gabrielle Sheer. Gabrielle is a Kundalini yoga teacher and an Ayurvedic practitioner. Gabrielle has been on a real journey over the last decade and this is taking him from the corporate world to a hospital bed all the way to India and beyond where he's found his calling. The world of Ayurvedic textiles is something I had no idea about ahead of this episode but understanding how the clothes we wear, the sheets we sleep in and the yoga mats that we use for exercise can all impact our health and wellbeing was eye-opening to say the least. In this episode, you can expect to learn how Gabrielle's life is completely transformed over these past years, why an upgrade in your bed sheets and yoga mat could be much, much needed, along with why the world of fast fashion is having an impact on our health and wellbeing. So without further ado, Gabrielle Sheer. [Music] Gabrielle Sheer, welcome to the show. How are you today? I am blessed. Thank you for having me. It is a pleasure to have you here. I'm very good. Thank you so much for asking. I'm looking forward to diving into today's topic. I have a feeling it's going to be a very interesting one. So before we do end up doing that, can you share a little bit more about yourself and what it is that you do? Right now I've traveled around teaching people about Ayurveda textiles and Kundalini Yogi used to be a corporate executive in the construction world. I'm a general contractor by trade and then I had a health crisis of my own. I contracted the late stage chronic Lyme disease. So I was disabled and in bed for about 10 years and this is what has emerged. This is the blessing they came from that. And how do you reflect on those two different stages of your life? Because it feels like you're maybe even in some degrees living two different lives, you know, working in the industry that you did and working in the work that you do today. And I imagine the mindset changes within that journey of healing and coming to who you are today probably feels like two different versions of your life. How do you reflect on that? You picked up on something pretty large there. I was being misdiagnosed while I was ill and during the fifth surgery, which I never needed, they cut me from my ribcage to my belly button and the surgeon cut on what's called the celiac ganglion. It's also your solar plexus or in yoga. It's called the solar chakra. And in the ancient text, this is where our soul is set to reside. And during that surgery, I had a death experience essentially where I crossed and was pushed back in. And so I consider myself to be literally born again. I remember the old ways, but I'm certainly not the same person and I'm not living for the same reasons with the same drive. I have a much different focus. And so yeah, it is a very stark contrast from being in the corporate world, being a corporate executive and traveling all over to now being in the yoga world and traveling all over, but with different purpose, essentially. So you did pick up on that. Yeah, it's fascinating. It really is because of there's a very clear before an author and I didn't realize it went so deep to the point where, like you said, you've essentially been reborn again. And talk to me about how you navigate that, right? Like you've got all of this life experience that you had. And then all of a sudden you wake up as a completely new you to a degree. How do you start to pinpoint who you are, essentially? Like where do you go about saying, you know, because of our stories up until that point of our life, tell us who we are and how we respond to the world around us and how the world responds to us. But then all of a sudden you've got to start again, but not as a baby with all these learned experiences, but, you know, as an adult and someone who's going to navigate the world in a completely different way. So can you share a little bit more about that? I'm kind of fascinated with that. Yeah, no, you're you're picking up on all the right items. So it wasn't easy. It's not an easy path. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of Kundalini, but I also had a pretty nasty Kundalini awakening about three weeks after that. And so that opened up the spiritual realm for me quite literally in mystical ways that people, you know, if they don't have the memory of these things and never been taught them, wouldn't believe that they're true for all of us. And as that happened, you know, the stories like you speak to the ego mind dropped. And it was hard to not be able to be the person that I always was. It was a rough road for quite a while until my teacher showed up. And then I realized that there was a higher purpose and a higher calling. And, you know, it is almost like being a baby again, because as the spiritual world opens up to you, what is this? What is that? Why? You know, I mean, all these questions that we asked as children come forth. And even though I'm in, you know, the upper years, I'm in my fifties, I still feel like, you know, I say it all the time, I feel like a teenager. Life is very fun and very mystical for me. And so, you know, it was a hard road. I wouldn't want to do it again, but I don't regret any of it. I'm very grateful for what happened to me. So yeah, yeah, I can imagine. And how did your friends and family respond to such a transformation? So that's a great question too. I, through that process, learned that our minds are almost like computers, not almost. Computers have been mimicked after us, essentially, even on the cellular level with the math that goes into them. And so if we have not had an experience ourselves, because that's how we get programmed, if we've not had the experience ourselves, witness somebody else having that experience or heard about it, third hand, then there's no data on board to reference for the ego mind to say, well, what is this and come back with a response? And so many of the old people that were in my life have fallen off just because maybe they don't understand. Several have stayed around and witnessed the changes in me and in my journey. And you know, as people fall off, because your vibration quite literally changes, so you're at a different frequency, it attracts new people. And so I've been blessed with, you know, I pinch myself all the time with the people I interact with. For example, I don't know if you know who Dr. Vasant-Lodd is, but he's the leading Ayurvedic practitioner on the planet, very wise elder, very spiritual man. And I filmed a documentary in May and I was just blessed with being able to interview him in the spring coming up. So to be able to interact at this level of intelligence and awareness and spiritual knowledge has been a real blessing. But yeah, a lot of my friends did drop off. Definitely a lot of my business associates don't understand, you know, going from suit and tie to this. It's quite a large contrast. So yeah, you know, at first, it was hard, like you said, but you begin to see people for where they're at and love them unconditionally. And so it's just part of this journey that we're all on together. Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, it's a fascinating transition. But as you mentioned, you quite literally change your frequency and your vibration, then you start to bring new people into your life who align with your path a little bit more, right? And you mentioned that you just met your teacher thereafter. How did that then transition into where you are today? Well, when the Kundalini awakening happened, first, I'll tell you that was one of, not one of, the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my life. Can you go a little deeper, actually? Because I'm not super familiar with that. I'm not sure my listeners will be either. Yeah. So Kundalini is interesting. In ancient Christianity, it was called Kunda buffer. And it's this life force energy at the base of our spine that essentially you see in a lot of the mystical tales that goes up through the chakra system and ends up at the third eye. This energy you see with the saints, with the light behind them, quite literally, this is the energy that they're depicting in those ancient stories. And there is a light that comes on inside of the pineal gland when the energy is properly channeled. And when the Kundalini awakening happened for me, this energy was being pushed through all the channels or shrotas, as we call them, in Ayurveda or in the Vedas, was all being pushed at the same time. So it was immensely painful. We have an electromagnetic field that comes off of us. And just to give you an example, my fiance at the time went to console me and touch my energy, my arm. As she got into my energy body, it was just excruciating pain. But within three days, the channels had cleared and I have found myself in a state of what we call sat-shit-an-und, which is basically pure bliss. And this is the tales that we hear from the yogis of being in a state of bliss. I don't know how else to explain it other than it felt like an ongoing full-body orgasm. You're just in complete bliss. Everything feels amazing. So it was a rough experience in the beginning, but it turned into a blessing in disguise. Beyond that, I didn't know what was going on. Quite literally, I knew something was happening to me that I didn't study yoga. I had maybe been to three yoga classes prior to that. My ego didn't really appreciate it because there's all these beautiful women able to do poses that I'm clearly were painful to me. And so I didn't like participating in that situation very much. So I didn't know what a chakra was. I didn't know what Kundalini was. I had no idea what any of this stuff was, but I was experiencing it very clearly. And as time went on, I had chakras spinning all over my body and I was being divinely led. This I understood. We're told we're only using 10% of our brain, right? And we accept that. But when the mind turns on to, and I don't even know if I went to the full state, but I know I definitely was operating at higher than 10%. When the mind turns on like that, a lot of gifts come forward and they're called cities in yoga. And basically, there's special powers. And so you begin to experience almost things like Superman, you know, very sharp hearing. Like at one point, I could hear a conversation across the room just as clearly as I could hear it in front of me. And you know, if you don't know what that is, it can be a bit irritating. Yeah. And so even vision or you can research cities. It's not something that yogis usually brag about. So yeah, it was amazing. And then I went about nine months like that. And at times I would question like, am I going crazy? Like, how is this possible? And what is this? And you know, I didn't have a background. And then through my journey with my health, I was led to an enlightened MD. And she sent me to a cranial sacral therapist who was also part of my awakening process. And at one point, the cranial sacral therapist said, Hey, listen, your joints are all atrophied, your leg muscles are atrophied, because I've been laying in bed. She said, you need to go to yoga. And I walked up to the yoga class. And as I did, my teacher walked up with a turban on. And that's something that you don't forget very well. And I had been to a gong meditation class for anger about five years earlier, because my work was very frustrating. And so I was a little, you know, a little angry. And I was trying to do something about that. Ironically enough, the guy next to me started to snore during the class, I got mad. And I left. So when I saw my teacher walk up again, I said, wait a minute. I mean, I'm thinking as I'm speaking, and I'm like, I know you, I went to a yoga class. I got mad. I walked out. And he just simply said, welcome back. And we sat down. It was almost as if he was speaking directly to me about the things I was experiencing. So I'm like, huh, he knows what I'm feeling and what's going on. And then we did our first career together. And I was able to contain the energy, channel the energy properly. And that's when I knew, okay, this is for me. Like, I literally, I think he said at the end of that class, we have a teacher training starting in six days. And at this point, I had lost everything. All my money had gone to the medical industry. And I was literally just disabled in bed. And so I went to him after the class and said, I have to be in this class, I'll clean the toilets, I'll sweep the floors, whatever it takes. By his blessing, he actually welcomed me and he gifted the teacher training to me. So that door just opened. If it wasn't for my teacher, we call this a guru. Most people are afraid of that word, "goo" just means darkness and "ru" means light. And so somebody that's able to lead you from the darkness to the light. And I do consider him to be the guru on my path. Also, I should say there's two parts to when the student is ready, the teacher arrives. There's a second half, which he has taught me as well, which is when the student is ready, the teacher leaves. And that's so that we can also go out and do our Dharma and do our good deeds in the world without, you know, I would have stayed with him forever. I would have stayed under his wing and then his energy and in his wisdom because it was very safe and anything I needed, he could pretty much create. Grateful for my teacher, very humbled to have had such an enlightened being on my path to help me through what was a pretty challenging time. Absolutely. And how many years did you spend with that teacher before going off onto your own? And what else did you discover thereafter? Because obviously you went into the world of yoga, but that isn't the extent of what you do today. Yeah, it was about seven years. And normally, normally you want to be with your teacher about 12. I'm also a humble in that my Vedic chart shows that, you know, I've done this before. There's some indications that I had some powerful previous experiences to this life. And so I think that led to the way things are today. Yeah, no, it makes a lot of sense. And let's talk a little bit more about the principle what you did today. Obviously, I've heard of Ayurveda. I think most people may have come across it once or twice in their life. But I don't think many people have come across Ayurvedic textiles exactly. So can you explain a little bit about how you got to that point from the point of learning all from your teacher for the seven years to the point of where you're sharing information about Ayurvedic textiles today? Yeah, and you know, he was a part of this. It started in Kundalini teacher training where they taught us about our clothes, the color of our clothes and the fabrics of our clothes and how that affects the electromagnetic field or literally you can take dousing rods. Have you ever seen dousing rods where they find water with these metal rods? So our electromagnetic field is coming off of us all the time, just like the earth or the trees or the apple. You've probably seen that image as well. And these dousing rods tune into that and they go sideways because the electromagnetic field pushes them. And so then as you back up with the dousing rods and the energy gets weaker and weaker and weaker, they go straight. This allows you to do tests on the electromagnetic field. And so during that training, he did that and he, you know, measured someone's aura just standing in the room and then gave them a candy and showed them how sugar, which I've since learned as a crystal, but it doesn't conduct energy. So it shuts the energy body down. So he would show you that. He, we would put on, you know, like nylon jackets, which is basically plastic. And the reason it keeps us warm is because it keeps that energy in, in closer to us. And so once I saw that, it sparked my mind to my bed and laying in this bed. I went through a divorce in it. I'm chronically ill and at the time. And so I thought, well, this bed is holding all this negative energy and I'm just sleeping in a soup of negative energy. So I threw the bed to the curb and began to try and figure out what am I going to do about a bed. I was sleeping on the floor, which was perfect for me because I realized very quickly we're supposed to be grounding. The pressure points on those meridians or chakras was good. I noticed this was supposed to be. We're not supposed to sleep in clouds, but I was also engaged at the time and she wasn't going to sleep on the floor with me for very long. So I decided that I better tie a rope bed because the rope would be natural jute and wouldn't affect the aura. And so I did. And when I went looking, I found that in India, they've been doing Charpoise rope beds for centuries. And so I started looking for a Charpoise rope bed like legs that I could, I could build a rope bed out of. And as the story goes, and I couldn't make this up, I found them on eBay. They were from the 1800s. So a few hundred years old, he wanted $444 for them. I offered them 222 and now they're mine. When I got them, I quickly realized there was sacred geometry in them. They were all hand carved, but they were also painted. And so I thought, well, they didn't have paint in the 1800s. They must have used plants to dye these. And so the intuition came to me to dye the ropes. And I used turmeric and indigo. So yellow and blue were the colors. By the way, this is why we say sleep tight. I just learned that when I was in India, we tightened the ropes. I never made the connection until I was there just earlier this year. So anyway, I finished tying the rope bed. I go to yoga, I sit on the plastic synthetic mat and ask myself, what are we doing with these things? Why? This isn't conducting energy. This is insulating us. So this makes no sense at all. And I was also at that time in Ayurveda College. So I just asked the question, are there Ayurveda yoga mats? And lo and behold, I was blessed to connect with the kingpin, I believe, and on the planet at the moment, my friend Kumar, who is teaching everybody in India how to do this Ayurvastra dying. So yeah, I ordered the first mat and through experience after about 30 or 40 days. I do a morning sadhana. So every morning at a certain time I get up, I do yoga. And I usually do it in the same place. And I usually have an altar space and we have give a lot of reverence to the spiritual world. And after about 30 or 40 days of doing this, I noticed that I wasn't having to build my energy and go through a big process to get into meditation. I was sitting down and it almost felt like a portal at the time. I would like sit down and then find myself just falling right into meditation. And so I brought that to my teacher. And I said, hey, there's something going on with this mat. I don't quite understand it. Can you try it? And I gifted him one. And it was about three, four weeks later, he came to class and he said, I mean, I show you what's going on with your mat. Now there was like 50 people in the room. So I was like, in front of everybody? Sure. Go ahead. And I had already started selling them. So I didn't know what he was going to show me. But he showed me how when someone was on the synthetic mat compared to this mat, the aura was growing by about three times. So if you had a 10 foot aura on your rubber mat, you can expect 30 foot. And that energy expansion isn't just left to right. It's also the dome or the kingdom that we reside in. And in those expanded energy fields is where we find expanded consciousness, expanded awareness, the mystical experiences that we read and hear about all the time. So that's when I knew I had something special, but it's still been a journey. Just a few months ago, we actually tested it with the FDA approved device called the BioWell. And we saw, you know, I knew that it was expanding the energy, but I didn't know that the energy actually had an intelligence built into it. So we were able to see where someone had a thyroid problem, the energy went straight to the thyroid. The system also looked at the autonomic nervous system. And in the beginning, this person that we used for the test had what was being depicted as the word they use dysfunctional autonomic nervous system. All we did was put her feet on the mat. She was sitting in a chair and just put her feet on the mat and we retested. And at the end of the test, we saw where it was functioning optimal, not just balanced, but optimal. The system also measures all the jewels or energy to each organ in the body. And so where we were seeing organs in the first test that were depleted and needed energy. In the second test, we saw that the energy went to those organs. So just by raising the energy within the body, it has its own intelligence. We're in the most complex machinery on the planet. And so it knew where to send it and how to send it. And to be able to see that was really quite amazing. I would also say before that, I was joking about it being the story of Solomon's magic carpet. And I knew there's something magical, but I didn't really quite understand. And I don't think we still fully understand. And we're just starting to realize this. And I would measure auras on the ground. So I just intuitively thought, well, this is all natural. It's allowing us to ground. The other one's synthetic. It's insulating us. This is the energy expansion. It's just that simple. But this time I was in the Excalibur Hotel, three stories up on nylon carpet, which is plastic. So on the way to go to this event that day, I was like, well, this is going to be interesting. Like, how am I going to ground people today? And how, you know, well, what's going to happen? And what I found was that the synthetic mats underperformed that day and these mats held their values. And so the first time I saw that, I was like, how can this be? This doesn't make like, you know, I'm looking for the data in my mind on how does this work? And there wasn't any there. And so after three days of doing that, I really left perplexed. I was really like, I don't understand this. And then about a week later, I was in my friend's gym. He has one inch rubber floors. And so I was like, well, for sure, we're not grounding today. Same thing occurred. So the synthetic mats underperformed these held their values. And I said to myself, well, I guess it's time to read the story of Solomon's magic carpet, because there's something here. And I don't understand it. When we do that, when we break that story apart, what we find is that Solomon was traveling on the ley lines or the latitude long been known. It's not new. And so that to me was like, okay, this is a metaphor or a symbology for traveling out of body, which humbly I will tell you as a Kundalini Yogi, it is possible. It's been well documented. It's not new. And then the magic in the magic carpet was that it was dyed with plants and herbs. And so at that point, I was like, ah, that's what I have. That's what this is. One of the things that I saw when I went to India this year was that they're putting salt, a rock salt from the Himalayan mountains. It's not it's not Himalayan salt, but it does come from the Himalayan mountains. We know salt is a crystal that magnifies energy. We put them in radios. So perhaps that's part of the reason that this is occurring. I think it's probably a big reason, but I don't fully understand the technology behind it. I just know that it works. I just know that when I'm at events and I'm measuring people's auras, we consistently get three times the aura. And even people could be standing on the ground barefoot grounding, which we all have recently heard the benefit of grounding. I see an extra five as much as I've seen 50 feet, extra 50 feet from someone standing on the earth, earthing grounding essentially, to just standing on the map. So it's expanding our energy body somehow. Like I said, I don't fully claim to understand it yet. And I'm still learning as I go. But yeah, it's pretty amazing technology that has been well known. I want to leave time for you to ask questions. But one other thing I should share with you is that when I was in India filming the documentary, I found myself by the grace of God, our creator. However, you wish to see it in a 3000 year old temple with the 25th Pontus in history in Kornbatar. They call them Swami Ji. And you've probably seen these types of individuals where they're wearing just robes draped around them, almost like the Dalai Lama. It's red clothing and they call mud dye. And we were on stage with cameras all around and remind you, I'm a Kundalini Yogi. And at one point he said, you know, this mud dye, most people can't wear it because it raises your Kundalini and it makes them hot because of the energy. And inside, you know, I told you, I feel like a little kid, I'm like, did he just say Kundalini? He just said Kundalini, but I had to keep myself composed. So that opened my eyes too to, wow, this is bigger than just yoga mats. This is clothing. This is, you know, why are we sleeping in bed sheets that are dyed with toxic dyes? Why are we drying off with toxic dyed towels? What are we putting our children in? We're pretty much putting our children in toxic dyes right out of the womb. And so it opened up a much broader perspective as to Ayurveda textiles in general and the art and science of Ayurvastra as it's called in the Vedas. So, so yeah, there's, I'm still learning. Every day we, I come across new people who, you know, little pizzas of the puzzle come together little by little. Yeah, there's a lot to unpack there, but it makes sense about where you got started and where you've landed based on all these discoveries and all the transitions that you've gone through as well. And one thing that came to my mind during that person's voice is that you measure people's or during the difference between like a synthetic mat and then more of an Ayurvedic one. So how do you measure that exactly? So you see the difference and do people physically and internally feel it as well? Yeah, they do. Actually, depending on the energy field that we're in. So, so far the most powerful place that I've experienced this was in Sedona, Arizona. I didn't have to measure or as they're literally people took their shoes off, shoes and socks. Most socks are also synthetic these days. And they would stand on the, the yoga mat and they could feel the vibration coming through their feet and then up through their legs and then through their hands. And, and they would just, you know, their eyes wide open like, whoa, I feel this. I've seen that in Zion. There's several places in the planet where the energy field is just much more prevalent. Other than that, we have several ways to measure. One is the dousing rods, which not a lot of people are aware of, but that, you know, there's videos on YouTube of it. It's not new. Another I recently discovered is that we have a chakra in the palm of our hand. And so if you take a pendulum, which picks up on that energy field, you can see the energy spinning off the chakra. And when you do that grounded and then move over to the yoga mat, you see that the pendulum will swing much higher velocity and much wider. And then, you know, the bio well machine, there's also Aura cloud machine. These are computers that are able to read the energy field. So we're finding more and more ways to show it. I like the FDA approved one because most people need proof. It's a third party. It's not me. They don't have any skin in the game. And so it's nice. It's nice to see these computers also confirming what we intuitively know and feel and experience. Absolutely. And then what's the next step with all of this, then? Like you said, it started with maths. And now you're obviously thinking about clothing and towels and deadsheets and things we spend a lot of time in. What does the next steps look like? And I imagine it's quite an esoteric concept at this moment in time. So I imagine there's a large amount of getting it out there to the world and getting them to understand what the benefits are. I'm sure a lot of people in your world may already understand and see the benefits without needing to be with any solid proof, but there will be a large amount of the world who potentially need to step into that a little bit more. So what's the next steps? Yeah, so you just mentioned them. I just literally brought in baby clothes, which landed here this week. Towels have been around for a few months now. The bedsheets just arrived as well. Yoga where that's, you know, died with aloe vera and name. It is somewhat esoteric, but it's more so, you know, Solomon was a king. And a lot of this stuff comes from a little village in India where the king gifted the village to the textiles people to make his textiles. And this goes back thousands of years. I think I followed the current royal family back 400 years, but I can trace it back 2,000 years. And then, you know, the temple I was in was a 3,000 year old temple. So this predates Jesus even. I often ask myself, how do we get here? Because it doesn't make any sense. And I think with mass producing, with machines and with mass production of textiles, it just makes sense to use things that are easily reproducible. This is a very labor-intensive process. Everything is done by hand from spinning the yarns on a wooden wheel to, you know, looming them on ancient wooden looms. So how do we get back to the way that it should be is a question I always ask myself to. While I was in India, I did visit a lot of factories that are still using the wooden looms and still hand looming the textiles. But the textiles are not, you know, they're dyed with toxic dyes. One of the ways you can tell right out of the gate is that textiles that are dyed naturally do not have bright colors. You don't get bright oranges, blues, reds. You can get those colors, but they're not bright and poppy. As humans, we're attracted to bright, shiny objects. And so in the consumerism world, that's what they do. They give us what we're attracted to so that sales can, you know, come forth. But I do think that the textiles, warehouses that are full of all these machines can be converted back. I do think it's going to be a premium price because of the labor and the intense human aspect to it. We're not able to just set machines up and make this stuff. And those machines are probably having an effect energetically on the energy of the products that we're consuming. So yeah, it's interesting. I think we're just cracking the door open on this. I do see awareness though. I just saw a meme or a video on Instagram the other day about how hospitals used to use natural sheets because they knew the healing qualities in them. So that's being talked about. I've seen mystics like Sadhguru talking about baby clothes and how we shouldn't put our children in toxic, dyed clothes until at least, you know, they're later teen years. So there is a small awareness coming forth that we're really starting. This is the ground level. Even Dr. Vassant Laud, I've only seen one interview with him. It was 10 years ago. And when I spoke to his people who were pretty well versed in Ayurveda, they said, "We have not heard of this." So it is very new groundbreaking. Hats off to you for taking this interview because you might be one of the first actually to be sharing this with the world on a large scale. Yeah, it's very fascinating. That's for sure. And I think something that's going to fascinate people there for us to understand the benefits or maybe the disadvantages to either using this type of materials, the benefits thing gain or the disadvantages that they will have by not utilizing them. So can you share a little bit more about that? Yeah. I mean, when we use synthetic materials and synthetic dyes, our skins are larger storgan, right? So it's absorbing everything it comes in contact with. So the synthetic dyes are most of the time toxic. They're not healthy. I find it ironic that most of the yoga wear that we see females wearing today is tight, plastic, forever dyes. It's just really not healthy for us. The energy piece is big. When we wear natural materials like wool or cotton or there are others, the energy expansion of our aura is prevalent. And that expansion is our consciousness, our awareness, our tuning in to higher realms. And so the benefit is untapped, really. And again, if the mind doesn't know that it's missing out on something, how does it know it needs to make a change until we bring this information forth and say, Hey, wait, there's more. You know, the disadvantages are that it's holding us small and keeping us slightly unconscious. We're surviving, but it's not. We're not at our optimum. I mean, if you look at the word human, human means light and man is short for mana, which is mind and Sanskrit. So we are light minds. And that's what you see with the saints and the images of Jesus is this enlightened mind. And when we keep the pineal gland small and we don't energize it, then we're not living to our optimum opportunities that we're intended for us. This is our birthright to access these things. And does the energy of the people who are putting these clothes together, who are working on the matter as well, or is it just the materials and the machine love quote unquote machinery that you use to put it together? Because of I think of a factory or a warehouse in India, for example, which isn't potentially going to be a place where they're obviously, like you said, the price will be premium because you want to pay people fairly. But right now, there's probably a significant amount of people who are not being paid fairly for the work that they do. And I can just imagine the energy that's coming off of those people. And if you're trying to keep that process super, super pure, I wonder if that comes right down to the people who are starting this process in the first place. It absolutely affects the end product. And in fact, in Ayurveda, we are taught that, you know, even a chef who's cooking your food, and let's say he fought with his wife that morning and he's angry or he's upset, he's heard he's emotional, whatever, or she, that energy is going into your food and then we're consuming it, right? But I would tell you two interesting pieces to that. As I met the weavers and the individuals making these mats, they are very happy. They're very proud. They love what they do. It's a labor of love. They love the fact that they are bringing essentially keeping alive ancient art forms, right? They feel privileged. Most of the people in India are living in poverty. So some of them are living in poverty, but I've been to some of the weavers homes and they're doing very well. So this is kind of the way it is here too, right? Some of us do very well, some of us struggle. But the energy of the actual practitioner making this stuff is important. And one of the things I noticed when I was there was one of the gentlemen was spooling yarn and he was doing it in a pattern which is known as the infinity pattern. And the way that the energy flows through us electromagnetically is it goes in our left hand and out our right. So he was using his right hand to weave, you know, to put this, this yarn on the loom. And I immediately recognized like, huh, his energy is going like very clearly going into that fabric which is going to become one of the mats. So yeah, I'm, I'm honored and grateful to have met all these artisans actually. They are very enlightened beings. And not one of them is miserable. They wouldn't make it in this industry if they were unhappy. It is a lot of hard work and a lot of hours go into this. And so, so yeah, I think anybody who's involved in this trade in India knows they're involved in something special. Their energy is good. I really didn't see anybody that was miserable and grumpy and didn't want to be there. They wouldn't be there if that was the case. Yeah, I would say that's the only thing you will have to think about as things become bigger. No, when things grow in scale, then you have to bring in people and maybe coming back to a long, long time ago, when you were in the corporate world as well, you probably know when businesses start to expand, then, you know, the quality of the products or service or business, whatever it might be, starts to water down because of scale comes with a lot of people needed. And then there's a lot of people you need to manage the energy of, etc, etc. So, yeah, that's a big thing. And that's a good point as well that I wanted to bring up is that is there a limitation in terms of the materials that you can access as well if you're trying to kind of get this out as far and wide as possible? Sure. I mean, right now, if you look at the textiles industry, which by the way, on the planet, it's the second worst polluter of water. Water is life. Just for example, there's a river, the Noya River in India that runs through Comitar is pretty much dead. You know, the first mile or two, there's some fish in it. But after that, it's just, it's not even running anymore. So there is limitations as to how we scale this up. Like I said earlier, there's factories that are already there. So I think they could be converted back. They used to be natural die factories. They've just been converted to synthetic dies. And that's the only difference. They're still hand looming. They're still, and those people would love to be working with natural materials rather than the toxin materials. They're aware of what they're doing, but they have to make a living somehow. So there are limitations. It is a premium product, right? Eventually it will be. Right now, it's very reasonable. Like the yoga mats that I offer are less than some of the expensive plastic rubber synthetic mats. But I do recognize that in time when people realize what this is, how it's affecting and the positive benefits, there's going to be a supply issue. Sustainability is always talked about when we talk about these products. And it is one of the big question marks on the horizon. I do think it's just going to drive price up. Until we demand better, this is what we're not going to change the cruise ship on a dime. It's going to have to slowly turn a different direction. But I do see that it's possible. Anything is possible. This is the way it was on the planet many, many thousands of years ago, or hundreds of years ago even. We just have to make a conscious choice as to what we want to consume instead of just taking what's being put in front of us. Yeah, absolutely. The only thing that comes to my mind is there's a significantly more people on this earth than there was thousands of years ago. So that becomes the difference maker. And another of the question that does come to my mind is in the aesthetic component as well. Maybe when we start to look into the masses, there is going to be some question marks around that. Is there the ability to create these super, super bright and poppy clothes colors? So will there be a potential challenge from a aesthetic perspective, do you think? Or do you feel that that's something that's going to be easily navigated? I see this is already happening. There's a friend of mine, Janine, who's been in the textiles industry for 20 years, and she left because it just didn't resonate with her anymore because of the toxic dyes, because of the machines and all of this. So it's not just coming out of India. This technology is all over the world. It's in China. There's some down in South America, obviously the Native Americans use this technology as well. It is all over the place. People like Janine are actually designing clothes with these fabrics now. So they're becoming available, or if they're not already, they'll be available soon. There are some clothes that I can get that are pretty fashionable. They're more geared towards India because that's where this has been. So Kurt does, which are shirts that men wear. A lot of this stuff, there's some silks that are, literally they're weaving this stuff one thread at a time. So super labor intensive, but the fabric is there. The designers just need to take initiative to bring this back to market. For me, obviously I changed everything. I don't shave because it's a part of our nervous system. So I want to feel the energy, and sometimes I believe the beard connects my head to my heart when I can feel that energy. So it's a conscious choice not to conform, not to do what everybody else is doing, just because that's the 100 monkey effect. After 100 monkeys do something, then every monkey does it. Eventually people are going to catch on to all of this. Like I said, I saw me the other day about bed sheets and hospitals, and that was well known. Somehow it got changed. Yeah, it's coming by the sounds of it. So it's just going to be a process of continuing to spread your message and showing people the benefits. And like you said, the design is taking the initiative as well, because then you're really going to leave people with little reasons as to why to do that. And I feel that we live in a bit more of a conscious world as well. I feel like as the generations are changing, I feel that this generation of all Gen Z at least, not quite Gen Alpha, yeah, I'm not sure where their thoughts are on things like climate change and everything along those lines. But I know Gen Z are very much involved in that, and they still do feel a lot more connected to the environment than they used to. So even from that perspective, I feel that there's going to be a good chance that there's going to be a lot of interest there. And I imagine that's going to travel down to Gen Alpha as well. But yeah, fascinating concepts, and I'm glad we've had the opportunity to speak about this today at Gabriel. And I want to ask you a couple of final questions. And the first one I have is what impact do you want to have on the world with what you do today? That's a great question. And as you said that I feel spirit rolling off of me. I don't do this for the money. I've lived a very blessed life. I want to raise consciousness on the planet. I really want to help humanity reach its full potential. And that's why I do this. That's honestly why I do it. In the seven years I've never written myself a check. I just constantly keep reinvesting and putting back into humanity. And if you would have told me 10 years ago I was going to sell baby clothes, I probably would have laughed you out of the room. But I think that's probably one of the most important products that I'm bringing back to market is the baby clothes, right? Because they're our future. And if we can start with them and make them aware, then there's your next generation, which by the way is an energy word if you really look at it. But there's the next generation or regeneration of consciousness on the planet. And so yeah, I do it for that reason. Amazing. And where is the best place for people to find you if they want to keep up with the work that you're doing? You mentioned a documentary as well. Yeah, documentary come out probably June, July of next year just because we're waiting on the interview with Dr. Laud. He's the number one guy on the planet. But we're editing it now. You can find me. You know, I'm not, I just beat Lyme disease in March of last year. So I've only been on the streets, you know, kind of beaten this drum for the last maybe 10, 11 months. But you can find me at or And I'm sure we'll develop that as time goes on. But right now it's not my main focus. This is the first podcast. So my main focus has really just been out there teaching people one-on-one. Got you. So we'll be seeing you in more places very, very soon as you continue to reach the masses. But Gabrielle, thank you so much for your time today. I truly appreciate it. Thank you. It was my honor. And I hope you have a blessed day. And that was a Simply Fit Podcast. I hope you gained a huge amount of value from today's episode. 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