Tell Us A Story

Master Your Speak with Zachary Vaught

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

In this episode, we sit down with Zachary Vaught, the founder of Master Your Speak, a coaching business dedicated to helping professionals overcome their fear and anxiety surrounding public speaking. Zachary shares his journey from being an IT professional to becoming a public speaking coach, using his experiences from teaching, officiating weddings, and presenting to diverse audiences to help others build confidence and conquer their speaking challenges. Whether you're a professional presenting in meetings or simply trying to gain more confidence speaking in front of a crowd, Zachary's expertise and insights will inspire you to take the next step toward mastering public speaking.

Key Topics:

  • Overcoming fear and anxiety in public speaking
  • Reframing mindset for confidence in communication
  • Action plans, techniques, and exercises to build public speaking skills
  • The importance of stepping outside your comfort zone
  • Conquering mental obstacles and embracing growth through public speaking

Guest Bio:

Zachary Vaught is a public speaking coach and the founder of Master Your Speak. With a background in IT, teaching, and public communication, Zachary helps professionals overcome their fear of public speaking by addressing the mental and emotional roadblocks that cause anxiety. Through his coaching, Zachary empowers clients to confidently communicate in any setting, whether it’s a small meeting or a large presentation. Zachary is passionate about helping individuals break free from the fear of public speaking and realize their full potential in communication.



#MasterYourSpeak #PublicSpeakingCoach #OvercomeFear #ConfidenceBuilding #PublicSpeakingTips #TellUsAStoryPodcast #SpeakWithConfidence #ProfessionalGrowth

Episode Highlights:

  • Introduction to Zachary Vaught and his journey to founding Master Your Speak
  • Understanding the fear and anxiety associated with public speaking
  • Techniques for reframing mindset and building confidence
  • The importance of stepping outside your comfort zone
  • How Zachary helps clients overcome public speaking challenges through tailored coaching
  • Final thoughts and where to find Zachary online

Social Media Promotion:

Listen to this episode and discover how Zachary Vaught’s coaching can help you conquer your fear of public speaking, reframe your mindset, and become a confident communicator in any setting. Start mastering your speak today!


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on this episode of tell us a story and some of my closest relationships were relationships that came from some sort of public speaking interactions if you force yourself to take uncomfortable action that's how you grow 10 steps to conquering stage fright and and so you know I as a fifth grade kid I'm super nervous and their your audience is not gonna notice all of the little tiny things that you notice about yourself so let's say somebody needs to officiate a wedding can you help them with that I still have flashbacks to the third grade welcome to tell us a story the podcast by bum on city press where entrepreneurs and sales professionals share their journeys insights and strategies for success in each episode our guests reveal how they've overcome challenges establish their brands and leverage their stories to promote their businesses so you can too I'm Red Hilton your host for this episode today I'm joined by Zach of Vaught who is the founder of Master Your Speak so Zach tell us a story yeah so at Master Your Speak we help working professionals overcome the fear and anxiety that's associated with public speaking so basically our goal is for them to become comfortable speaking in any setting whether that's you know in front of a large crowd it could be a small intimate gathering or anything in between and so our ideal client is really anybody who's got that fear of public speaking and is looking to conquer it and that we do that through understanding the emotions that kind of are tied to those fears we have techniques that can help people overcome their fears and then ultimately it's for our clients to gain confidence so that they're not only feeling empowered to communicate in any setting but to also just express themselves with ease so I would encourage anyone who's interested our website is right on our website we have a 10-step guide called 10 Steps to Conquering Stage Fright you can download that right on our homepage of our website also on our homepage you can drop us a message if you want to reach out and you can also even set up a 20-minute free discovery call and that's just to kind of explore how we might be able to help you along your journey of public speaking fabulous thank you for sharing that with us Zach I love your story tell me how MasterYourSpeak came to be yeah so I mean public speaking is just something I'm super passionate about and I would have jokingly say that it started when I was fifth grade history class right you know those presentations where everyone's got to pick a state and do a presentation on it well I was lucky enough to have a father who really pushed me into public speaking and so you know I as a fifth grade kid I'm super nervous I got to stand up and talk in front of my friends right and my dad kind of encouraged well he didn't encourage me he made me go first but he encouraged me to volunteer to go first really coming at it from the point of you know as a for a fifth grade kid you're scared get it out of the way you don't have to worry about it anymore yeah but I think really what he was teaching me was if you force yourself to take uncomfortable action that's how you grow that's how you get more opportunities right so I went first I remember being scared as ever and then shockingly to me I loved it you know I did well and I really enjoyed speaking and I think that kind of unlocked something in me I was a very shy kid and so it kind of not only helped me in just everyday settings but then it was like when do I get up to when do I get to stand up and talk again when it's our next presentation and I was always volunteering to go first and obviously in school that's a big thing you know presentations and speeches but especially when I got to grad school when I made the jump to the IT world and throughout now my professional career in IT speaking has just been a huge tool for me it's helped me you know accomplish a lot of the things I've accomplished open new doors for new opportunities and some of my closest relationships were relationships that came from some sort of public speaking interaction so I just noticed especially throughout my career in IT that it's there's just like this pervasive fear and anxiety that comes or is associated with public speaking and it's it's pretty astonishing number it's something like 75% of the world's population has some level of fear with public speaking like three out of four people up in the world not the United States right so and it doesn't have to be that way I think if people really had a way to learn the nuances of public speaking and better understand the emotions which is a big part of what we try to do understand you know why you're feeling that fear and anxiety and how you might be able to reframe your mindset I think if people could do that not only could they become more comfortable public speaking they might and likely would enjoy it so you know with as big of a tool as it's been for me as big as of an influence as my father was on me it's just something that I want to share with as many people as I can that are struggling with it and that's why I started Master your speech thanks dad I think the burning question that people have right now is what state in the fifth grade were you reporting on it was the state of Texas I had Tennessee and when I had to do it absolutely I think that was I think that was almost integral to the the whole story is that I think that was everybody was hanging and we did we did have to bring a state dessert to our class and I'm sorry to report I don't remember what I brought I think it was something I think pecans have something to do with Texas I think I maybe brought some little Debbie pecan pinwheels perhaps but you know I can't say that for certain so well if you could just maybe your dad would now and you could kind of circle back with us I still have flashbacks to the third grade when we had to do like countries and I just remember Greece and and someone brought in like green olives and everyone was like sticking their fingers in the jar and eating I was I'm still bringing that up and counseling so I can probably skip it this week but anyways pecan little Debbie things sounds much much better all right back on track sorry now that we know that was Texas we can move on talk to me about the fear of public speaking what are some you know the most common reason that you come across when people are afraid or concerned or apprehensive about speaking publicly yeah I think without a doubt it's fear of judgment in some way or form and sometimes it could be you're presenting to people that you know that maybe you're just nervous that they're gonna not like what you have to say or they're gonna you know especially if you're younger that they're gonna make fun of you if you're in school or stuff you know that's what I was thinking when I was a little kid it's fear of judgment and and I think that that is something that is can totally be handled with the reframing of the mindset and that's why we try to attack things that way at first because you can have all the techniques in the world that you want but if you're just thinking about it the same way over and over it's you're still gonna have that fear and anxiety and we really want to kind of start with that foundation of of not having those fears and fear of judgment in far and away is I'll go so far to say eight or nine out of every ten people I would talk to that would be it at the top of their list how do people express that to you do they say I don't want to be judged or what are the words that they use maybe someone can recognize the pattern of speak when they are you know walking themselves to why they don't want to be publicly speaking yeah I mean it could be as blatant as that like I'm worried what people are gonna think of me but it could be also I think even other forms of it are what if what if I mess up what if they don't like what I have to say what if I don't do a good job and I think one thing people fail to realize is that we notice some we notice every little thing about ourselves right and your audience is not gonna notice all of the little tiny things that you notice about yourself so if you have a little you know pause or hiccup and you're wording or you make a little mistake or leave a tiny detail out and your head you're often thinking oh my gosh like what did I just do I messed up everyone's thinking about it when in reality no one probably even noticed right so I think that that's you know it can it can range from all of those areas but it's just in general people just thinking that something they say a way a mannerism they have is gonna be criticized in some shape or form by someone in their audience okay all right um what would you say is the first step in conquering a fear of of public speaking like as you're walking people through you said you know the recognizing the emotions can you kind of give us an idea of what the first step is with that yeah I mean I think again you have to have a deeper conversation kind of just like the question that you just asked me about what does it look like for you hmm and just you know I found just honestly constantly asking the question oh I'm afraid I'm gonna mess up why well if I mess up people okay why is that apart and just really get you know did you have a bad experience in the past where that actually did happen to you or is it just something that's kind of been a barrier in your head and I often think to the easiest way to prepare for any fear of public speaking is just to know your material right because one that's gonna minimize the likelihood that you do make a mistake so if that's your fear that's gonna kind of take that away from you a little bit but then if something does happen to go around in your presentation and believe me the number of presentations I've done think something there's gonna be hiccup in more presentations than there's not right it's just Murphy's law right so if you're prepared and you have practiced and you've got all your technology in place all your additional materials in place you rehearsed the little things are not going to throw you off as much as if you're really just kind of rigid nervous maybe not as prepared as you should be so you know I would say you want to have that deeper conversation with yourself and try to identify the cause but when all if nothing else just prepare like you're presenting to Congress President United State like you know the pope someone who that you like cannot mess up in front of because then you're just gonna give yourself that kind of cushion mentally I'm hoping the pope would show me some grace yeah if no one else yeah probably not gonna be the most critical the most dynamically critical person but I get I get I get all right so what is what is one of your top tips for public speaking and making presentations like if you were to you know just give me something give me something if I had to go out there and be like okay do this yeah I mean well I'm gonna I'm gonna go back to preparation again like I just mentioned I mean that's the big thing I think another thing and I think the big thing with preparation that people people either think of proper always think of preparation as practice right which is super important you need to rehearse rehearse rehearse but it's about all the other pieces of your presentation too and just to give you an example so when I I have some I have classroom teaching experience in my professional career and further IT professionals using medical software I would train doctors nurses on how to how to use their software and for my interview for that job the first part of the interview was you had to give a seven-minute presentation on teaching the interview panel how to do something could be teaching them how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich if you want it but you just had to be teaching them how to do something and in my PowerPoint presentation I had a couple of video clips that I had embedded into the presentation and I had done it on my computer everything had worked fine I got to the interview I did the PowerPoint turns out they're on a different version of PowerPoint than I had the embedded videos didn't play but thankfully I had also saved the raw video clips to my flash drive so I said don't worry and I was able to pull them up and play them outside of the PowerPoint for the interview and still get the same effect and I even found out later that's what kind of sealed the the interview for me was they they were like you showed that you could calmly adjust when something didn't go right and so things like that too are the big things that people should be focused on preparing you know rehearse rehearse rehearse in front of a mirror to anyone who will listen to yourself in the shower whatever but prepare the rest of the you need to focus just as much on preparing the rest of your presentation because that will all come together nicely then when it gets time for you to don't speak first the pope now showers and just my audience is just you want to know my top tip that I tell people when I have to make a presentation yeah you want I'll share that with you mostly probably because I'm legally blind almost and like I leave the eye doctor and they're like here's your stick in your dog you know like literally cannot see and I prepare or I've spoken a hundred times on something so I'm comfortable with the topic and don't necessarily need to read anything so I'll take my glasses off if I you know when I first started speaking because then I can't really see anyone so it's kind of like being in the show you know what I mean like you can't really see you're not talking that you want absolutely not absolutely not legally blind almost that is that's a thing clever yeah clever mm-hmm yeah so you can't see anyone I don't know it's yours to keep you can try it with your your clients you like just take your glasses off don't worry about it your contacts out take your glasses off well sometimes when you it's the eyes you know when you have the eyes on you as opposed to just some sort of morphe figure you know and stuff it takes the pressure off because you don't have to looking at you it's it's the eyes I think that can get to you and that's what I teach that to people now or you know my daughter when I was prepping her it's like yeah no just go up there blind yeah absolutely um so talk about on your website you have some tips that sort of thing what are people gonna find at your website that might be interested or help to them yeah so I mean the main thing is just they're gonna find our free resource guide it's like I said it's 10 steps to concurring stage fright and it's just list them out you know not in any particular order but just kind of the top 10 things you can do it talks about things like preparation talks about you know understanding your fear it talks about you know starting small finding ways to speak to people in smaller situations whether that's just getting used to saying hi to people on the street or you know finding small groups of friends that want to kind of practice that with each other and then also on the website though like as I mentioned there'll be a link if anyone wants to send us a message they can do that or we have slots available for previous 20 minute discovery calls if people are interested in perhaps looking into coaching options or other exploring other ways that we can kind of work together that that's what those are for as well and we also actually have a an ebook that basically takes the 10 steps on our free guide and just goes more in depth on all of them that is a paid product but it comes with a companion workbook so it's got notes pages for each chapter it's got the bullet points in there for each chapter and it's got some reflection questions in there for each chapter and then also in there with it we threw in a presentation checklist and a meeting checklist that just kind of go over things you should plan before your presentation or before your meeting and then things you should prepare for during your presentation and during your meeting and so there's a link to that right at right next to where they can download the free resource guide and then if they do download the free resource guide there's a link to the to the ebook in there as well and just spoiler alert but if you do download the free resource guide in the email when you get that guide we also share link to another free guide which is nine must read books for overcoming stage fright and conquering public speaking so we did some research on some of the best books out there for that and we included what we think are the are the top nine in there what are some of the top books throw some at us right now um the the main one that comes to mind is Dale Carnegie he's got a couple out there I mean those are those are as good as it gets right and I'm trying to remember and I'm trying to remember who it was um oh I was just down on the I would just attend it actually Tony Robbins about and yeah I don't know if it was him or somebody else but they're like when I was younger I read a Dale Carnegie book and it totally changed the way I communicated with people so you know it's uh yeah we're just we're trying to just provide people with as much information as we can and and we just want anyone who's interested just reach out to us we want to find what's right for you so if it's not right for you then you know then it's not right for you but if you need help with public speaking and this resonates with you then even if you know the resource guide might not be for you or the ebook might not be for you schedule that 20-minute discovery call it's completely free and you don't have to download the guide or anything to do it and it just gives you a chance to talk with us and see I think it's important to get people thinking I think people look at the fear and they don't sort of walk themselves through exactly what it is that's going on and like you say if you can kind of address the reasons why you're struggling then you can sort of start chipping away at them exactly and it also just allows you you know I I know I think we're gonna talk about this in a minute but I think the big misconception with public speaking is people think that they're either good at it or they're not like they're either confident or not but confidence one of my favorite quotes is confidence is a skill right so it's not a personality trait and so confidence comes from you practicing and doing it more and knowing that you can do it right like think about the first time you had to tie your shoes you as a little kid you were you had to have your tongue out at the right angle right and you had to be thinking about it and now you don't even have to think about it you have no lack of confidence whether you can tie your shoes or not but I'm proud of that skills act I am so so I think people have that misconception of I'm always gonna be nervous there's not then I can do and it's like no part of the reason you're nervous is because I you're thinking of it the wrong way and if you can just reframe your mindset even a little bit you can really I think take some steps to help yourself with that fear as with anything you know you can be nervous and it can motivate you and propel you forward or you can be nervous and it can hold you back yep and and it's just it's like you said it's about anything and it's like taking it's all about taking action when you're uncertain about it right and I was guilty of this when I was younger like always kind of waiting for the perfect situation to start something new and it's like if you wait for that that you'll never start anything new so you know it's just jump it you know like when you were a kid and you got to jump into the cold pool that's how you warm your body up and then you just go from there and you figure out how to swim from there or just deal with the cold water from there all right not we're not gonna let anybody sink or swim but and that's the thing like we hope that people know like you don't have to do that alone too so and that's why I started Master Speak that's why I want people to reach out that's why I want to connect with people because sometimes all you need is someone to do it with you so you're like the inflatable Swimmies of public speaking yeah I'm like the unicorn inflatable Swimmies that you know you used to wear on your arms and stuff yeah yeah yeah for that like big swan thing that you float around it and stuff that takes up half the pool yeah I love the visuals we're giving people during this right so you mentioned misconception so obviously I love to know you know like misconceptions and what you're educating people on about what you do and no that's not right and I think we've covered a lot of that talk to me about misconceptions about your coaching like the manner in which you do it I think a lot of people are gonna be concerned that you're just gonna like drag them out into the public and be like attention attention this person has something to say like trial-by-fire type thing how is it you know you address their you know their emotions and the concerns you kind of walk them through it but just give people an idea of what it isn't we're not gonna do this we're not gonna do that you know that sort of thing yeah no and I mean it's we do want to a degree help people and get into uncomfortable situations that's certainly part of it but it's a process right so like you said you know it the first part is just trying to help people understand why they're thinking of things a certain way how they could maybe reframe their mindset but then as far as the action goes like really the way I like to think of it is that you start with small wins right so that might be talk to strangers that might be do us do a post on social media that might be find a small group of friends or family that you can do a press you know some way that you can put yourself out there that's a quick win but it forces you to kind of take that next step and then once we do that that's when we want to start building momentum that's when we get to a little bit okay you did a post on social media now I want you to go live on social media once a week or now I want you to post on social media once a day or three times a week or just building that all the way up we're not going to throw anyone into the fire we're not going to you know drag drag people into the town center and make them give a speech to anybody but we really want to always start with that understanding and then build up to those kind of harder things and then you're kind of going back down though right and that's when you're starting to pick up all of that momentum and okay now what things can we put in place that can allow you to not only continue to grow but set goals for you okay now you've kind of understand this this discomfort that you've always felt this fear you've always felt we've done some quick wins we started to build up and gotten gotten you through some more difficult stuff you're feeling more comfortable now we don't want to lose that momentum so what are some things you can keep doing in the short term to keep that momentum and then also let's set some goals for what you can do maybe not so much in the short term do you want to you know give a present on this big project at work is that somewhere in the future and everyone's gonna be different right because someone some people might actually have those things coming up they might have that big project at work where it's like man I'm getting more comfortable like I could really do this and some people it's good maybe they don't have as much of that in their everyday life and we'll kind of try to set some goals that hey what are some things you can go seek out to kind of keep that momentum going I was gonna say what it what are some common goals people come to you with and then also share with us what your experiences you've done a lot of stuff so let's say somebody needs to officiate a wedding can you help them with that 100 or a funeral or a funeral yeah I've never done any funerals but I but you are available sound I look I'm available for whatever anybody needs right and yet no I have done a few weddings so I could help people certainly with that I mean and honestly you know coming from the the working professionals world the IT professionals world a lot of what I've helped people with is centered around kind of workplace presentations centered around you know it's certainly used to help people in the in the classroom teaching setting for sure and so it really just you know that's a lot of where my experience is but the same principles applied so really any public speaking no matter the size of the group too often you know it's about being confident it's about being prepared it's about practicing it's about you know getting all those things going and building that momentum and that's just you know so that's really how we try you know you got to start small because if you try to throw someone into the deep end right away right that's just a recipe to overwhelm somebody so generally not a good idea and that's why we really focus on that quick win right but quick win you know it's mindset it's quick win it's the hard stuff then it's the momentum and then it's okay let's make a plan to just keep this going for the future because you know people are we're we're always open to extending and working with people as long as they need us to but the the goal right is that eventually we're able to kind of reframe your mindset help prepare you to to go out there and kind of attack whatever it is that you need to attack and you're it whether it's your professional or even personally sure Zack what is your Monty as you know Monty is our little mascot here at Belmont City Press and he's sort of a beacon for everything you know inspirational or maybe even educational so what is what is something that you can teach our audience yeah I mean for me for me it's about just being uncomfortable and you know I focus on public speaking which is a form of leaving your comfort zone for a lot of people but I just I'm such a big proponent of forcing yourself to leave your comfort zone which you know and something I've even recently done I grew up in Syracuse New York yeah I was born and raised there I went to college there I went to grad school there and I had my first job there for eight years so I lived in Syracuse until I was 33 which is how old I am now and eventually I was just like man I gotta I gotta go somewhere else and I really got to force myself you know because I just wanted to keep growing and changing and so now I've moved to where I am now in North Carolina and and it's been a really great change for me meeting new people new opportunities and just getting yourself outside your comfort zone and I just think that there's so many things that people don't realize and this is part of public people don't realize the doors that certain things can open until they do it and that's why I want to share public speaking with people because so many opportunities in relationships in my life have come from presentations I've given people I've interacted with networking events whatever the case may be but it all public speaking at its core is a form of leaving your comfort zone so if you can force yourself to try one uncomfortable thing a day or three a week or whatever the case whatever you can start with that's just you'd be people would be so shocked how much that could really improve or change certain situations in their life all right well I guess the next burning question is giants jets bills Yankees Mets what are you what type of or are you so yeah I'm gonna throw you for a curveball here so if we're talking if college basketball I'm a huge Syracuse basketball fan I actually I actually worked for the team when I was in college there so that was like a super experience NBA I don't really have a team you know I you I use the cheer for the San Antonio Spurs because I thought they played great basketball but now I I'd cheer for players more than than anything in the NBA I'm a Yankees fan I'm a Philadelphia Eagles fan which interesting yeah that's why you had to leave New York yeah you were you didn't it wasn't volunteer you were asked yeah I was yeah I was voted off the island and and then for college football my pride and joy is Michigan football University of Michigan you're not an Ohio State fan are you I'm not I just saw you shaking your head yeah but that's in a whole nother show honestly that's just you want to talk college football all right are you ready for the rapid fire session I am I am gonna give you two choices and you tell me which one now that we've gotten all that out of the way you tell me which one speaks to you you're ready ready to go sweater or hoodie hoodie okay all right let's see popcorn or candy at a movie candy okay all right you're doing it wrong winter or summer now that you're in North Carolina or they're almost summer summer okay you want you like to cook and or die now oh I'm gonna say cook and I do I really I love both but I really love to go so I don't cook just so you know football or basketball basketball okay all right and would you rather play or watch I probably rather play basketball and watch football like going back to your previous if we're talking about watch I would say football if I'm a play basketball for sure I would rather play I know I'm like old and everything and momish but I I got to college on sports and I would much rather play than watch all day long yeah it's just I'm well yeah I'm not a good watcher you know okay one more how about road trip or flight flight really like yeah I love to fly I guess it depends on where I'm going to but I just I'd love to fly so what is it about flying you love I don't know it's just it was funny it's another thing funny too like I when I was five years old or somewhere around there we went to Disney what happened when you were right right we went to Disneyland and I was terrified on the flight and then ever since then it's just like yeah okay I love flying when I worked for Syracuse basketball we flew everywhere that we played right to so I flew a lot then which from being completely honest ruined air travel for me because you're flying charter for Division One College Athletics and you it's just like nothing now it's like what I have to have a ticket like this is ridiculous I demand yeah to be treated better you can just let me on the plane yeah fabulous all right that you know we have a guest to guess question so the guests before you left behind a question for you to answer during your show and are you ready for it ready I honestly when I heard this I was like I almost know what he's gonna say oh you should you should have sealed it in an envelope and we could have seen right we could have had an unboxing on a podcast on a podcast because you know I can't cheat that way but yeah all right you ready hmm can you share a story about a moment that changed your perspective on life oh was it worth five yeah there's so many um pick one that's such a good question you can pick two yeah okay so not to be Debbie downer here but so my dad like I was literally your show he passed away when I was 24 mm-hmm and he had five-year battle with cancer that you know and I just remember when he was getting towards the end he was really sick and he got a letter or he was doing physical therapy because he had had a hip replacement the chemo had kind of taken a sip and he was doing that he had a hip replacement and we were he's doing physical therapy and they just kind of said you gotta stop physical therapy like it's time for for hospice to come in right and my dad just who was the most like positive thinking guy in the world said what about when hospice leaves when we start physical therapy again and my mom and I just kind of looked at each other like what and so I turned to my dad and I said dad when hospice leaves I said so do you like and and he just kind of looked at me and the reason that changed my first that moment was just like oh my god like he never thought he was ever gonna die like he just assumed like I'm gonna like no matter what this thing threw at him three years four years five years hip replacements you know needing to be in a wheelchair not being like he just always just assumed mentally like I'm gonna beat this thing like this things she thinks not taking me out and it was just like what a mindset and that for someone to have you know because he was in the words like you know it was tough on my family me my mom and my sister obviously but like it was tougher on nobody than him right and for him to just kind of be thinking that way it just kind of blew my mind a little bit so now like anytime that like something difficult comes up or there's an obstacle or things aren't going the way that maybe I was hoping or that I planned like I always just think like okay like channel that my channel you know your your dad mindset because it doesn't matter what the world throws at you you're not going out like that so right well now we know why your father taught you what he did when you were in the great yeah yeah yeah shoulder down go through it that's right yeah all right the website one more time master your speak calm and right on the home page there's there's the our link to our free guide link to our ebook link to schedule a discovery call with us and there's a form you can fill out to drop us a message if you just want to say hi if you have any questions or you want to reach out for and talk about you know whether you'd rather have pop or a candy at the movies you know because as you said I'm doing it wrong right so you are you could both is acceptable but not just candy I oh I didn't know both wasn't I mean you could but I hear like who goes to the movies and doesn't have like I would go to have popcorn like I didn't get it about the movie I like the popcorn is like why I'm there I feel like I feel like I feel like I eat the pop I go like go hard on the popcorn to start and then I never end up eating the whole thing like at least with the candy I know I'm gonna go through four packs of sour patch kids for sure but what happens to your most after four packs of sour patch kids oh I'm not right about do you like what how do you how do you taste anything for the next six weeks like I don't even know pop but then you take it home and you have a snack for tomorrow we don't finish the popcorn believe it or not I've never had like leftover movie theater popcorn before that I mean that you're doing it right then that's what you're supposed to do okay where were we what are we talking about oh yes drop you a line even if you just want to you know turn your favorite ice cream flavor or something yeah there we were okay good all right final question what are your parting thoughts if I gave you 60 seconds to tell us a story what would what would the world learn from you yeah I mean I'm just gonna go back and say do whatever you came to get out of your comfort zone whether whether you're struggling with public speaking or not and if you are I hope you reach out to us I hope you check out our website download our guide and because we really want to get you thinking we really want to help you but no matter what whether you do that or not whether it's public speaking or whether it's you know dating or any other parts of your life just focus on every day do one thing that makes you uncomfortable whether it's saying hi to a stranger whether it's you know joining a new group going to a new gym trying you know going out to eat by yourself and just trying to meet people whatever it is do something post on social media because you will be shocked I did I left my hometown three months ago and so much in my life since since just then has changed so if you do that every day or three times a week or however often it it'll blow your mind how how much it's gonna just add up yeah I think for people who want to do that I you know I think you can get them there there are those of us who you know I'm either a comfortable public speaking or don't you know kind of don't want to put ourselves out there for whatever reason you know then it's you know it's not you know there's a there's a gamut of people you know but so definitely if there is somebody that wants to do that it's good that you are there to kind of help them and usher them through of course yeah and and and I think exactly what you said like no no one's probably just sitting at home like man really love to be better a public speaking for no reason at all right yeah or I'd really just love to get out of my like there's over everyone has a reason and if you don't have a reason for that then then that's totally fine like not everything is for everybody but if you are you know someone who at work often has to give presentations and you just want to be a little bit better at it or you're constantly nervous when you're doing it we want to be there to help you and even if it's you're not going to be someone that is gonna work with us if you're if you have any reason in your life that you're just like man wish I would get out and meet more people so that I could do that you know so that I whatever it is just so you can do the thing right start start with that like I forget who the person is just out of a how do you run a 10 mile race one step at a time so I think people always see how far away they are from wherever it is they want to be and they just say oh man I'm so far away like how am I gonna get there when in reality like if you just start walking you'll find out if you're going the right way or not and then you can figure it out from there so you are the bridge between conception and execution and someone else's goals you know I appreciate your time it's extremely valuable and I hope I honored that here today I appreciate your time as well thank you yeah really really enjoyed the conversation and I love the rapid fire questions as well those were even though you got a few of them wrong but that's okay I think I got them all right right absolutely to our listeners if you have a story to share visit tell us a story podcast dot com if you're an aspiring author a seasoned business owner or looking to elevate your personal brand visit Belmont City Press dot com for expert advice on writing your own success story trust the next chapter because you are the author now tell us a story (upbeat music) (gentle music)