The System is Down with Dan Smotz

453: The Bounty on Trump

Today, Dan Smotz & Dave Casey watch the world burn, while laughing their way thru all the most important articles in the news… and a whole lot of unimportant ones as well. On the Docket:* The bounty on Trump’s life* Paramore doesn’t need help lying* Jill Biden is president now* Chase ‘n’ Cop* & moreQuestion everything. Stay uncomfortable.Lets get weird.Guest & Sponsor Links:Dave: Star Injury Attorneys:

1h 59m
Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Today, Dan Smotz & Dave Casey watch the world burn, while laughing their way thru all the most important articles in the news… and a whole lot of unimportant ones as well.

 On the Docket:

* The bounty on Trump’s life
* Paramore doesn’t need help lying
* Jill Biden is president now
* Chase ‘n’ Cop
* & more

Question everything. Stay uncomfortable.

Lets get weird.

Guest & Sponsor Links:


Lone Star Injury Attorneys: 

WVW / Jack Casey Books: Https://

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Promo Code: TSID

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I really appreciated the acting that he did on Saturday Night Live, and I really appreciate his politics. You told one of the witnesses who disagreed with you during an interview that you thought Mr. Baldwin was a cucker. I do not recall saying that fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. If the USA is so great, then why did someone make a USB? The system is rigged. All I ask is, if we have to give these bastards our lives, we give them hell before we do it. The tragedy of our day is the climate of fear which we live in. I do not have sexual relations with everyone. I do not have sexual relations with the United States. I do not have sexual relations with the United States, but I do not have sexual relations and I do not have sexual relations with the United States. I always like to drop the music right when I introduce you. I do not have sexual relations with the United States. I do not have sexual relations with the United States, but I do not have sexual relations with the United States. I do not have sexual relations with the United States. I want to go see the OG Tucker Jones with Tucker Carlson and shout out to Jeff from the Mises caucus for hooking me up with a VIP parking spot so I did not have to walk far. It was nice man. It was fun. It felt like MAGA church a little bit, but it was also good vibes. Lots of anti-war talk and anti-globalist shit. I am sure one happened there whether I didn't see it, but I am sure people had a religious experience. Seriously, it was awesome. Alex Jones, you know him as well as I do, I do not think he had a normal conversation with either of the guys on stage the whole time. He just kept speaking in Jones-isms. 1776 will commence again and the people will go out. That was just having random explosions of Tourette's and conspiracy theories. And it was so good like he couldn't even. It's been so long like he just kept dropping the hits like without even thinking about it like the gay frogs and 1776 will commence again and all this shit dude. I just found out do you know this that the government has been cross breeding goats with spiders? This is like 30 years old. You can Google it. Cross breeding goats with spiders so the milk that the goats produce is like super like bullets bounce off at like Kevlar. So they're doing some already satanic stuff since like thoughts of you guys. I need to get the more you know stinger that we can put in for after you tell me about cross breeding goats and spiders for cleaning your milk. He literally took some time out of his day to tell 20,000 people in an audience about this story last night. And it was just yeah we had a great time man yeah props to Alex Jones. He was right. Awesome. Awesome. So did you guys get to meet them? Talk to them. Anything? No we sat in the nosebleeds bro. Nice. Like giddy giddy fans though I'll tell you what Mike heist was spotted by a quite a few people. Oh Mike heist mises caucus. So that was cool and shout out to our boy Dean Sean Domensky was there. Oh yeah. I know Sean. Yeah I know you do. I'm up to you and yeah we happened to run into him by happenstance. Heist thought that he was in our seats and we like went up he's like oh I know you guys I'm like oh these aren't our seats peace. No times yeah well Sean's a good guy I'm pretty sure he's in the downers club also which reminds me of my favorite sponsor of the show you guys the producers of the show John Windshower Bob something Shannon something Scott Meredith Kimberly's anger Justin J C Silas Bonnie Perry Adam Donald via Danielle Sean Luke Picard level zero Vansaw media Rich Durand Jivari Craig Dicasa how he snowed in Nathan Sipes Mary Rome John Barnhouse will you most many many more if you want to get your name on that list and have it read incorrectly someday going over to forward slash the system is down and sign for the downers club today where you'll get more weird more raw more offensive more weekly content usually weekly not today but you're gonna be getting a lot of content very soon cuz Dave and I are going to DC so if you want to get all that if you want to get I don't know maybe some stuff early some behind the scenes stuff go support the show and forward slash the system is down and I will love you forever or until you cancel your subscription all right now back to Dave Dave anything else happen at this this I don't know clan rally or whatever you attended is there anything else on that did it was it like speeches or like round table discussions or what was kind of the format there no dude you know what and you would really appreciate the hustle here no it was like total rock star production filled house right but it was just three chairs was three chairs they had like a pie it was basically a podcast but you know bring out the chairs no overhead those guys are have to be crushing it so yeah props to nice so when you say like rock star production you mean just the chairs or were there was there like these got nothing like that I just mean like podcasters and these guys are the new rock stars like Jay and you can do a an easy operation you don't need to bring fucking trucks full of equipment and lights and fireworks and you know the guys dream equipment and all that shit just got to bring a couple of dudes and I'm sure they each got their own what they're probably flying to these places and just staying in hotels so it's yeah nice operation they got going well Dave you in your infinite accidental wisdom as always have set us up perfectly to jump into the news because speaking of rock stars we're talking about a lot of them today and there's a lot of bitches out there in the rock star world but Dave you remember we talked about this whole Lincoln Park debacle a couple weeks ago with the new female front person um front she uh front front woman I don't know but um whatever they they they do their thing they've got new songs coming out or whatever I don't know I haven't kept up on that but there was this article that came out a couple weeks ago where apparently Chester Bennington's son is blasting Lincoln Park's co-founder Mike Shinoda for this new development um it's from uh web is you know it's legit Chester Bennington's son Blas Lincoln Park co-founder Mike Shinoda um now you might suspect that the reason why he's mad about this is I don't know what would you guess the reason why Chester Bennington's son would be mad about somebody taking his dad's place Dave I think I heard this story but yeah if you had to guess it would be because because he's desecrating his father's legacy by installing this person to try and recreate something great with something mediocre yeah kind of but not not that noble um Emily Armstrong has tapped has been tapped as the replacement for late Chester Bennington and now Bennington's son Jamie has ripped Lincoln Park's co-founder Mike Shinoda for betraying trust of the band's fans uh enemy reported that that Jamie made okay let's just skip to the quotes here Jamie wrote hey Mike people aren't having a difficult time wrapping their head around the prospect of Lincoln Park reinventing itself they are having a hard time wrapping their head around how you hired your friend of many years Emily Armstrong to replace Chester Bennington knowing Emily's history and the church and her history as an ally to Danny Masterson oh god Jamie also accused Shinoda of quietly erasing my father's legacy and legacy my father's life and legacy in real time during international suicide prevention month and refusing to acknowledge the impact of hiring someone like Emily without so much as a clarifying statement on the variety of victims that make up your core fan base um in another post Jamie said the decision isn't quote a shock that people are just going to have to take time to process and understand um so yeah he's mad that they be they betrayed the trust loaned to you by decades of fans and supporting human beings including myself we trusted you to be the bigger better person to be the change because you promised us that was your intention now you're just senile and tone death okay blah blah blah blah blah blah it's that uh so apparently Emily Armstrong is friends with that one dude that was in that 70s show who uh there's some some shady shit in his past now he's in jail or something and she didn't I don't know disavow him strongly enough for it to not be her fault that uh Danny Masterson has some some dribbled history and the the Lincoln Park fans are very outraged or at least just Bennington Sun is very outraged that um they would not address this clear and obvious problem of her having a friend that they don't like or having had a friend at one point that they don't like and and for not making this all about that like can you imagine if they came out and they're like yeah we've got this new front vocalist and singer but uh she was friends with Danny Masterson let's address that first let's get that out of the way now here's our music like that's that's how do you how do you do that exactly um this is this is just PR junk to me but uh what do you think Dave is Chester Bennington's son a bigger crier than than Chester Bennington was yeah apparently man the kid has never had a struggle in his life and you can tell that's unfortunate because you know Mike Chinode does seem kind of like he's being a little sleazy about this my personal opinion is that you should have you know whatever start a side project or something if you feel like it dude but it looks like your band's not really feeling it your fans aren't really feeling it yeah so like I could get on board with the kid if he'd made a decent argument but you make me want to be like distance myself from the dumb ass um so you know when I heard that Chester Bennington's son was mad I was like oh this is probably interesting I don't know anything about Chester Bennington's son and then you look into it it's like oh he's mad about friends of cancellations and bullshit and I don't know it just seems like uh he's making it about himself but he could more easily make it about himself in a more noble way if he was just like bro this ain't it started new band like this is just weird dude like everybody like it's always gonna be awkward but whatever um yeah I don't know he seems like a bitch anyway speaking of bitches let's talk about Jojo Siwa do you know who Jojo Siwa is Dave oh yeah this bitches uh did you train around yeah Nickelodeon star um recently turned like goth provocateur lesbian or something uh she she put out uh there's a new photoshoot that she did for Lady Gun magazine do you know what I'm talking about Dave um yeah lady gun let's okay so here's the picture I'm gonna have to reframe this because it's not gonna let me zoom shit let's zoom out alright here's the picture uh shit can't you can't see what's important here you see anything about this Dave that that's odd for lady gun magazine to just describe to the audio listeners what you're seeing here Dave take your mic off mute first you described to the audio listeners but we're fucking looking at right here besides that don't know anymore besides the unit on this bitch yes she has on some sort of uh bedazzled top piece that has a male chest and male nipples on it I assume they're male nipples um and uh then she has on some sort of thong apparatus that appears to be packing some sort of heat um she's got a dick I think now she she went straight from lesbian to whatever this is did you remember a couple weeks ago when we were talking about that other those two girls who were putting cucumbers in their in their nether regions so that uh sure do so that they could pretend to be a certain group of people and they gotten a lot of trouble for that yes well now JoJo Siwa's doing it on the cover of magazines and it's probably very brave for doing so got any thoughts my thoughts are I don't know how old this person is and I didn't know about them when they were a Nickelodeon kid star but why does why do we do this to kids stars like they love every time they love a to make a kid star and then to turn a kid star into a pornographer yep to a degenerate uh yeah awful and then all the kids stars you know they're too young and stupid and impressionable and their parents sold them to whoever like literally sold them and they don't know that and they think they're the first people ever to be outrageous and like ah that's bad for them but like it's awful yep JoJo Siwa to Marilyn Manson good luck on you keep trying like it just feels really desperate everything she does um not that I I follow too closely but we did uh cover some of her transitioning to goth chick at one point and then or like goth train wreck I should say to uh her pretending to drink fireball to look like a badass but uh you know keep going you're doing great you're doing great very pretty somebody uh should have somebody should advise her to abandon the hip hop agenda set forth in the early 1990s to turn people into degenerate fuckholes yeah you should that's what I would suggest if you're her parent or somebody who could pose as a guardian for her somebody looks out for her cares about her you need to Britney Spiercer is that what you're saying right you need to give her a guardian ship fucking control her money before she's fucking this is all away somebody get the conservators ship on uh JoJo Siwa right away uh trash man says fake super chat did he got moved to the same prison as Sam Bankman freed or either of you gonna buy in on Diddy coin no no I'm not um but speaking of Diddy thank you for that segue into Diddy who was in the news this week uh he just he just went to jail but uh he uh reportedly uh the police department seized 784 dildos from Diddy's home you know just the usual amount of of dildos I don't know how many is enough would you say Dave from your experience you see one you see them all uh I don't know there's there's quite a variety here Dave listen bro how about you get a small medium and large and call it a day you know what the the twister with with ribs less he has less dildos than he does bottles of baby oil oh yeah well let's take a look at that too because he had a thousand bottles of baby oil and lube uh here's just a stockpile like if you looked in if he's like the Alex Jones of sex and debauchery like he's got a bunker full of dildos and baby oil um instead of beans and rice that Alex Jones has and super male vitality obviously but um yeah it quite the quite the slippery life that Diddy led it would seem he slipped it along for for a great many years do you know that much about this thing Dave because I feel like people keep saying so much without saying anything at all about what exactly is going on with this Diddy case have you dug into much I have to dug into it actually quite a bit not as much as Ian Carroll um I don't know I'm fascinated with this dude because you know I mean I went to the no way out to her in in 1999 1998 whatever I saw Diddy and Busta Rhymes and Usher Foxy Brown and I was all about that shit puffy suits being around the world and not yet dude um like this guy wasn't just you know like a you know a staple artist like dude MTV like loved this guy they like hoisted him up to the top like he was everywhere yeah um just saw the other day like he saw somebody what's his name Ashton Kutcher was on hot ones like a while ago and they asked him about Diddy and he was you could tell he was fucking nervous dude because like he can't they came up around the same time early 2000s punked that was his show he made a comment about how like you know he met Diddy at a party or something did he was like don't ever punk me and he was like yeah yeah you know maybe we'll see he's like no no no no you'll die you'll die if you come into my yeah exactly um and he didn't really he gave some stupid story instead of like a good one but dude this is like the big connect man member Chrissy Teigen it deleted like 60,000 tweets a couple years ago John legend the rock Oprah all these people who you see you know like make I know the rock said he wasn't endorsing anybody but he endorsed Biden last time and I think he endorsed Clinton the time before that yeah these people that's like the that's the barrier of entry to get to like the number one spot I'm not saying you have to do that to be like any kind of celebrity but to get to the the upper echelon your rock number one box office guy if you want to be Robert Downey Jr. you got to sell eating the bugs if you want to be you know some famous starlet then you better go see Oprah so she can pass you off to Harvey Weinstein and like this is how it goes dude and this all gone for a long time Chrissy Teigen just said she didn't just say but she's on record like extra was interviewing her and John legend who's another fucking spirit cooking enthusiast and you know probably pizza enjoyer but they're like oh where's the where's the craziest place you ever did it you know like that's how it was like 10 years ago and she's laughing it off and she's like oh probably that Obama thing and he looks over at her like what the whoa and they were like she she disappears off screen and they're like what she talking about come back and like oh well he wasn't in the it wasn't in the White House he wasn't president yet like they definitely had a fucking you know some orgies with the president just like fucking probably did he did did he probably got a rock Obama getting railed meek mill dude all these people he's got he's got everybody I hope he sings and I hope I hope they do better than they could with Jeffrey Epstein they probably will because black people actually do go down Bill Cosby they'll take a black dude down yeah Michael Jackson Michael Jackson right yeah yeah well one thing's for sure I mean we might not know exactly what did he did or did he didn't do but what we do know is that did he we do know whether did he dill does or dill doesn't and he dill does oh he do does he dill does it all over the place anyway I'm speaking of people who climb who sell their souls to climb the powers the the echelons of power let's talk about another rock star miss Billy Eilish and her definitely not lover brother here is their latest very exciting video today is national voter registration day and we are asking you to please join us in going to I will vote dot com to check your status and vote early like we do we are voting for Kamala Harris and Tim walls because they are fighting to protect our reproductive freedom our planet and our democracy we can't let extremists control our lives our freedoms and our future the only way to stop them and the dangerous Project 2025 agenda is to vote and elect vote like your life depends on it because it does go to I will vote dot com and make a plan to vote early love you guys hmm brought to you by Xanax holy shit they're they look so excited oh oh man I personally am inspired by the fur come layers because your life depends on it and this is the most important election of our lifetime I know that's her personality in general and that's kind of what her music is to but good lord I also like they put out the video the same video a couple months ago about Joe Biden that they were going to very clearly unenthusiastically be endorsing Joe Biden I feel like if you put that out if you sold your soul to that point you shouldn't have to do it again at this point I feel like you get grandfathered into Kamala if you already cared if you already sold your soul enough that you were willing to put out a video like with your face on it saying I'm endorsing Joe Biden then obviously you're endorsing Kamala Harris too because there she's she's just as as much of a joke as Joe Biden was but you know any thoughts on the soullessness of these these two definitely not lover brothers no I mean you're right it is it should be implied that hey I already gave you this speech for Joe Biden three months ago can we just run that one back yep literally some of the name script we got AI now right you just had literally it's she said that again that it's the most important every next time and we have to act like your life depends on it because it does like she literally said that again but now this is what you have to do if you want to sing and dance then you've got a tote the line for the regime and she's the perfect puppet another another child that you know they just doused with nihilism and turned into some you know beast who yeah her hand her brother handler is back there just say the fucking line there might be pictures of them together it it's only shoulder up as as much as I've seen but they definitely don't look like their they're wearing that many that much clothing when they're cuddling but whatever you decide for yourself now they also mentioned the very notorious and dangerous scary project 2025 that we all know is Donald Trump's agenda that he has repeatedly denounced and said that he would had nothing to do with and does not support or endorse and they should stop pretending like he is so they got the script they know the cues they know that they're supposed to say the line and they did good job I hope it was worth it enjoy now moving on to the next rock star we've got halo Williams here reading off the same script almost quite literally here we go. The people of color and the LGBTQ+ community it is hard for all Americans to fan together and to finally defeat the Trump agenda. They won't have to shut them up and work in front of him at the polls do you want to live in a dictatorship? Well shut up and crown. Shut up. Silly woman. Starting out with project 2025 fear mongering be scared. You got to show up like your life depends on it blah blah blah we've heard it from everyone saying the exact same script but now she did get some backlash obviously she got some backlash for making shit up but she got backlash because she was also reading a script the entire time it would seem. Yeah like literally reading a script that they have to be not even a teleprompter didn't even like the lyrics sheet on the floor at the set or anything like no two guys holding up this script for her to read I want to know who the guys are I want to know who they work for frankly but that's besides the point yeah reading off the script she got backlash for that because people said you know this this obviously isn't your words to which she responded and said uh you can't see that can you of course not let's see that's not going to work either open image in a new tab there we almost go whatever she says whoever you are I typed out my speech and had a crew member hold it near the camera for me in case I got nervous because what I had to say was important and I didn't want to trip up in the moment didn't end up looking at it though that's because I prepared finally finally not only was I not paid to make the speech but we paramore didn't get paid to play the that radio fest either just out here kicking ass for free I guess thanks so much for your concern and for spelling my name right bye so that's the big own response um we did yes I lied and it was all me nobody paid me to lie I didn't I'm not even getting paid to play my music I'm not even a valued enough entertainer for them to pay me for the festival they also did not pay me to lie I lied on my own I don't need help being a liar I'm just a liar okay great so full benefit of the doubt nobody wrote the script for you nobody paid you you're just an idiot on your own congratulations Haley Williams Dave you got any thoughts well she could have been promised a whole lot of cool shit you know some kind of award from president Kamala Harris or you know woman of the year or something like that plus you kind of washed up it's not 2007 Haley from paramore so that's usually what you got to do when they're not playing your hits anymore is do something to kind of jar the base nobody's interested in and Haley being said that she once dated the guitarist or something and it didn't work out we're past that we got to move on to politics now and you know as her fan base grows as she grows her fan base grows also in age and at some point you got to say something of actual relevance if you want people to hang in there or something of spice she just decided to go into the opposite direction and say something that is relevant because of how stupid it is but you know it is what it is carry on and keep being you queen speaking of queens um there is another queen in the rock industry who had some statements on Donald Trump recently as well and you you will not believe who who is less scared of of project 2025 than then Haley Williams I know that you're not a supporter of Donald Trump's he loves your music how did it feel when he took the lyrics to rocket man and he used it as a nickname for Kim Jong-un and then he gave Kim Jong-un I love that there was brilliant I was just like good on you Donald I'm the rocket man yeah um Donald's always been a fan of mine and he's been to my concerts many many times um so I mean I'm always been friendly towards him and I thank him for his support yeah when he did that I just thought it was hilarious it was maybe laugh he gave he gave Kim one of your CDs and signed it that was that was one of the books about him because Kim I guess didn't know the song so what's that he gave Kim Jong-un the signed CD you know which yeah well it I know of course he hasn't heard of him he can do it on maybe it'd be very surprised if he had I've never toured North Korea I have no intention of doing so um but it was I thought it was a light moment and it was fun so yeah I don't know if Elton John didn't get the memo that Project 2025 is going to kill all gay people or something but he should be a lot more concerned than Hayley Williams is um he doesn't seem to be that scared of Donald Trump though Dave uh I think he knows that Donald Trump is going to be president and I'm pretty sure that sir Elton John might be on a list or two or guilty of some horrendous sins um probably kicked it with Jimmy Seville notorious predator out of the UK do you have any evidence of anything you're saying right now Dave or he just everybody in the chat right now knows about yeah absolutely fuck I haven't dug that deep into Elton John's past no I know absolutely be on the shadow of a doubt the Jimmy Seville the UK uh the you know British royalty guilty of you know horrendous crimes um and I'm fairly certain that at least there is you know evidence to suggest that Elton John may have been involved in some of that stuff from the 1970s on it's been a long time so that's just my guess well he's not scared enough to disavow Donald Trump though I think that he might he probably knows you know that the tide is turning oh yeah Donald Trump good guy that was a funny joke that he made that with my song yeah yeah well we'll take whatever um one more Kamala Harris endorsement here uh this is a good one this is not a rock star this is much bigger than that this is the IRS the IRS agency union uh endorses Kamala Harris sites inflation reduction act windfall now um I that seems like a good one I'd be proud that the I don't remember any of this stuff in past elections I don't remember the IRS endorsing a particular political uh you know presidential candidate is this normal I don't remember the IRS endorsing a candidate and I don't remember that the IRS had an IRS union so as if it needed to be stated abolish that abolish all public sector unions but definitely the IRS union holy shit get rid of that absolutely Donald Trump had a a response to the IRS endorsement of Kamala Harris as well here's that it's no wonder that Kamala Harris was just officially endorsed by IRS agents do you believe it that's one you'd say uh I'd rather not have that endorsement just one one more reason that could be the only reason yeah to vote Donald Trump that could just be the one the one reason oh that they if we're choosing between the two uh that's enough for me to decide yeah one one more dude just rack it up if somebody came to me and they said you must decide between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris or I will shoot you and one of them is endorsed by the IRS I'd say well whoever that one is I'm going with the other one regardless of who it is because that tells me enough John Brennan former CIA head even libertarians just came out and endorsed Kamala Harris as if you needed one more reason sure to go anywhere but there yeah well we're going to talk about some three letter agencies when we get back but uh right now we're gonna go talk to uh Lone Star injury attorneys our favorite and most beloved sponsor after all of you in the donors club here have you or loved one been injured by some fuck nuggets reckless driving a tumble at your shitty job or some other form of dumb shit outside of your control well fear not because today's episode is sponsored by a lawyer Lone Star injury attorneys as an award-winning personal injury law firm that achieves maximum results for its injured clients Max the axe is not just a lawyer but a hardcore Mises caucus libertarian and also a big supporter of this show in all of our bullshit Max is the best personal injury lawyer in Texas but don't judge him by his occupation or location Max is an avid defender of liberty and justice in whatever state you got fucked in if you've been injured and you're asked need saving go with the pros at Lone Star injury attorneys visit LoneStar Injury or google Max the axe consultations are free and you don't pay a single dime unless you win once again go to LoneStar Injury and get your ass covered thank you thank you thank you thank you we are back um Dave you remember that you remember Donald Trump right sorry I didn't have a good segue back into this um Donald Trump um you know multiple times attempted assassination attempted is how we say it around here um did you hear about the third something there was some buzz going on about like some sort of chemical burn or something that people were getting did you hear about that I heard yeah like 20 people came up sick after a rally I did not dig much into it yeah yeah I was waiting for more to come out about it but um I don't know if it moved on because it ended up being nothing but uh it definitely moved on it might have just moved on because people are just so used to hearing that Donald Trump got you know attemptedly assassination attempted and um yeah I don't know people have said I think Tim was saying maybe it was like a solar flare or something and other people were saying chemical burns but uh allegedly there were like five or six or seven people around where Donald Trump was standing at this rally that all ended up in the hospital after so something to keep an eye on if it I think they said it that it was like five days after that they were really getting the symptoms and they started connecting the dots or something um I could just be completely tuck out of my ass fact check me bro I don't care but um if it was like five days after and they all had this happen then it then it would have taken place at a rally that was like immediately after the the golf outing incident so I don't know things are getting weird and it might be a third attempt or it doesn't need to be though I think that the first two are sufficient to warrant some discussion especially when the uh the Department of Justice released this letter from Ryan Roth announcing a $150,000 bounty on Donald Trump yesterday it says quote I don't know what what voice do we use for for Ralph Dave do you got any ideas no I don't I haven't heard anything wouldn't be fair I feel like he's he's a hillbilly of some sort um I don't know dear world there's the no that's way too conservative sounding whatever fuck it dear world this was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I am so sorry I failed you I tried my best and I gave it all the gumption I could muster it is up to you now to finish the job and I will offer 150,000 again youtube this is a quote this is all a quote I am quoting I am reading these are not my words um I will he said I will offer a hundred and fifty thousand dollars do whomever can complete the job everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest know that Trump is unfit to be anything anything at all he's not fit to be anything much less a US president US presidents must uh at least at bare minimum embody the moral fabric that is america uh and be kind caring and self selfless and always stand up for humanity trump fails to understand any of and it leaves off there this seems to be the first of more than one page but the department of justice released this yesterday and some people were rightly a little confused and I've got a got a few thoughts on it dave but what do you what did you think when you saw the department of justice releasing the announced bounty on trump's head yesterday well first thought unprecedented they don't do this this is not what they don't do anything if they were to release something it would be unofficial whatever it like a I don't know it wouldn't be some dude holding it it would at least be like in an evidence bag or something and things would be redacted it feels like when they raided trump and then they neatly or they perfectly scattered all these top secret documents it's a top secret and then they took the picture so that they could have the something feels fishy here continue yeah um I think the number that was 150 000 if i'm trump and i'm reading this and I hundred i need billions and billions and billions like you know i'm the president you know do better than 150 000 um but no i just think that this is the this is the deep state dog whistle that's basically what what this is this is them poking the you know the stick meme come on do it do a thing do a thing you guys sorry we failed you this person over here who's not speaking for us sorry he failed yeah i i mean obviously everybody's mind went straight to it seems like the department of justice is trying to get somebody to do something in in sharing this because even for them to say uh to put out something that specifically says this was an attempt at that like that's the first line in the letter this was that confirmed okay moving on now there's a hundred fifty thousand dollar potential uh obviously there's no way that this guy could pay the hundred fifty thousand dollars from prison so i don't know who he's working for i don't know where he would get the hundred fifty thousand dollars especially since he was seen here begging people for family members for five dollars that he could buy a vest to go to ukraine when i call back home and say hey i need five bucks so i can you know put some money together to get a vest for ukraine and then i get no response i'm like i'm not sure that the world is as wonderful as i once thought it was i had thought that everyone would respond you know very generously and unselfishly and and you know you don't have to come but you know if i ask for five dollars to buy a vest vest to save a ukraine in life it seems like that would be a no-brainer but i i i've increasingly get more disappointed in humanity and i'm beginning to question whether or not we're going to end up on the right side of this equation so if you if you were thinking about taking up mr roth on his generous offer um he is not only in prison but he cannot afford five dollars to get a vest to go to ukraine i i think he could because he was uh i believe he was like taking people back and forth to ukraine and somebody i would imagine was was funding that and i imagine somebody's funding this now is it is it just the ravings of a madman who was on a mission and he thought that he would be like apparently this letter was found in a box that he left at a friend's house and the friend didn't open it until after the situation happened then the friend opened it and found this letter like okay and he found he probably found a passport that didn't burn up in a plane crash or something too while he was at it um this just came out of nowhere and um i mean it seems like some sort of setup or push to something but is there any chance in your mind dave that this is what they're saying and this is just a crazy guy who didn't have a hundred fifty thousand dollars to offer but was just like uh i'm going to be the savior to human humanity and mankind and um put out my manifesto and all i've got is this this i-o-u 150 or something else dave when that guy was talking i just kept thinking okay if i'm the cia and i'm looking for patsies and stooges and unwitting participants this guy is who you are looking for check check check he's obviously mentally disturbed so when they put out uh a note like that pub and i'm i'm yeah i'm gonna go out of limb and say that guy didn't write that when they go out and put that out like most people are probably like us dude like oh this is weird like why would they put this but the few people that see it that are mentally ill like he is will that it doesn't take much dude a small that it only takes a few crazy they see the number and they're like well somebody's out there who's gonna get me that money if i take care of it right and all the the groundwork has been laid he's already a nazi he's already an existential threat to democracy he's already a russian asset and we're at war with russia so like all this stuff in the mind of somebody like that yeah it's more than enough to inspire quite a few thousand of those people i would imagine so yeah they're out there outsourcing this they do they'd love to work by proxy have other people do their shit absolutely and we've got some more of that because there was a poll that was released this week um this comes from uh not the poll but this article comes from so you know it's legit um get out of the way pop up add okay is not legit because their pop-ups are trash let me refresh all right uh poll majority of democrats unsure or say us would be better off if trump murdered okay so things things continue to escalate as we can see a majority of democrats say they are either unsure if america would be better off if trump had been murdered over the over the weekend or flat out say america would be better off so uh forty nine percent of democrats think it's at least somewhat likely that trump himself or the trump campaign was involved with the assassination attempt with 21 percent saying it was very likely fifty two percent of republicans think it's at least somewhat likely that the democratic party or hares campaign was involved with with it it was involved uh with twenty eight percent saying it's very likely now i want to define let's see um yeah rmg research asked uh while it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being would america be better off if donald trump had been killed last week the result well a majority of democrats do not find it difficult at all to wish ill of another human being only 47 percent of democrats said no to that question while 28 percent said america would be better off had trump been murdered and 25 percent were unsure you know peace and love and we condemn all forms of violence and and whatnot but uh if if this is an anonymous poll that that's a big number for the amount of people that don't wish ill on anybody except for you know wish that there was a successful assassination on a former president and current presidential candidate and some say front runner for president of the united states um we're doing great gany thoughts Dave um yeah bro donald trump should tone down the rhetoric because all these people want to murder him because of his rhetoric apparently so he should tone it down um you know because of all his rhetoric that's what's causing all of this violent rhetoric and violent violence to uh to take place against all trump so it's his fault yikes the double speak yeah now in in better news i i did want to point out that donald trump while he is not a libertarian um after coming to the libertarian party convention he made some claims that the libertarians liked and i think it's worth taking note um a lot of people said and i still somewhat believe it but a lot of people have said you know those are just bluster that's just bluster to cater to libertarians at the time well at least one of the things he's holding on to and bringing up at other rallies which is uh the abolishing of the department of education let's hear we spend more money for people than any other country by far and yet we're at the bottom of the list at a 40 we're ranked about number 40 and i'm going to close the department of education and move education back to the states and we're going to do it fast maybe i'll have you do that i'll use lee maybe i'll have you you could do it that's not too easy we'll get somebody great we'll get lee zeldin is here with us tonight i think we're gonna do it or he's gonna do it some will do it some will figure out what i'm talking about but i was still to say this now good as that is um not everybody likes it people like uh harry sisson said what the fuck donald trump just said he wants to get rid of the department of education huh this is also a major policy proposal included in project 2025 huh trump wants to make our education system worse share this everywhere huh now um harry sisson does not like this dave uh between donald trump's stance and harry sisson's too are you side and with on this one uh obviously i'm you know still with trump on this one um i mean i do hate this kid but that that really has nothing to do with it you're no you're literally left with and i i understand why some people might be apprehensive about um you know betsy devoss was his secretary of education she is the sister of eric prince of blackwater and uh you know so that guy and that family will probably have something to do with you know the demolition of the department of education and i'm not saying those are the best people but like it's it's that or it's the department of education yeah so i i know you're not left with great options but you know there's a pretty direct line from 1979 when they started that shit till right now it was good and now it's not and it was pretty steady all the way down you know controlled demolition so try something else of course correct in another 40 years if it doesn't work out i guess trash it scrap it start over it's fine um we got another or we got a couple fake superchats that i've been ignoring um each idea of george gift says fake super chat dan is based thank you it was a lot harder to read your name than your your amazing comment but um my fake real name says fake super chat the system is down is the greatest show on the planet named the system is down thank you um any others that we have not gotten to i don't believe so all right we will move on because um yes the system is down is the greatest show called the system is down on the planet but there might be one on mars and we will find out very soon within uh within trump's term because trump is going to get us there him and eelon here's the end i believe the world in space remember i did space force i did that i rebuilt the military did it not yeah but we have space force first time in 79 years since air force first time think of its space force and now we're leading in space over russia and china they were killing us when i took over now we're leading but military we're going to reach and and it's my plan i'll talk to eelon eelon get those rocket chips going because we want to reach mars before the end of my term we want to do it and we want to have also great military protection in space because that's where it's going to be at believe the world all right so donald trump is what happened with space force again exactly um what are what are we doing with that i think it's still going bro m a r s mars bitches we're going to mars by within the next four years yeah i mean kennedy was uh you know he was shooting for the stars when he said it within ten years we're going to put a man on the moon we still haven't done that but we're going to get uh within the next four years we're going to put a man on mars within trump's term do you do you think i mean i it obviously we're not going to but do you think that there's any chance that within the next four years we will finally see the the fake mars landing also dave is that coming down the pike or is he just talking about this you could definitely see the fake mars landing coming and what a great what has nasa been better at doing other than faking stuff for you know national prestige what are they better at then being a great place to launder money yeah oh we we get whatever it is a billion two billion three billion dollars a year they're not building anything yeah not doing anything right like even with the space force you say it's still going but what have we seen out of space force what are what are they doing what is happening can't tell you bro it's fine spaceship national security can't tell you sorry okay give us billions billions of dollars please trust us it's great it's best it's best thing since air force space force um yeah what are they doing we're losing now we're winning we have that we have that we got a sitcom starring steve karel made about us that nobody watched um and that is about the extent of what i remember what i know of my knowledge on on this amazing space force that we've had since Donald trump was present but we'll see we'll see it'll be the best it'll be the best mars landing ever but it also might just be faking gay but speaking of fake and gay let's talk about israel for just a second um uh we kind of glossed over this last week when jeremy was on i i mentioned it but we didn't have time to really get into it the the pager bomb steve you heard about the pager bombs heard about it yeah um so there was this situation that appears to be um israel bombing or booby trapping or something pagers to explode on in his will us pockets and many people have praised this and said that uh it made many jokes including including michael malice he was all all over this one because we're just killing terrorists yo we're just blowing their balls off or whatever um seven people died one of them was little girl i doubt she was a terrorist but you know war is war and terrorists are bad so we have to tear if we don't terrorize the terrorists first then they're gonna terrorize us at home dave you understand so blow up the bombs in their pockets there's a couple couple of clips here but um you've probably all seen them uh let's see so the first who is this from this is from uh world news 24 so you know it's legit uh they've got two theories the first is some kind of hacker attack that caused some uh processes and the batteries of the uh yeah processes and the batteries of the devices the second is uh the introduction of a batch of booby trapped pagers into his will us equipment fleet which were remotely activated today the second option is supported by the fact that israel has in the past used booby trapped communication equipment radio cell phones etc uh to eliminate leaders and other important functioner functionaries of organization and uh hostile to israel so um either the theories are either they hacked these pagers to blow up or they intercepted the pagers um tampered with them booby trapped them sent them on their way to uh their their heads block you know destination and then at well this says um let's see uh the explosion occurred at approximately 3 30 p.m. local time now i i don't know what approximately 3 30 means if it was a little before a little after but i would be willing to bet that it was more like 3 33 dave but that's just me i don't know um i'm a conspiracy theorist uh now there there's a couple different things with it if you just look at this as surface level that everybody who got attacked was a bad guy if we just take that at face value everyone who got hurt was bad okay this is brilliant and horrifying at the same time because now we're talking about uh cyber warfare like we're all carrying around tiny bombs in our pocket if this is something where it is hackable and um if they can do it to pager technology what do you think they can do with um you know a cell phone if given the chance or if intercepted or whatever i don't know so it's concerning on that level as far as what this means for future cyber warfare but it's also like um if you're if you're the ones blowing up people you're probably not the good guys in this but i've rambled for a bit dave do you have any thoughts so far um yeah mission accomplished for the terrorist state of israel um new fear unlocked because you just i forget the exact stat but it was something ridiculous like you know they sent out how many thousands of these things 2,800 of these people are maimed eight people killed and hundreds i think that was what eight people killed yeah i think i saw that and about 2,000 or so yeah 2,800 wounded and 170 injured in serious condition right but the real thing here at playdude is what terrorism is all about it's creating fear and anxiety and everybody else like yeah 9/11 killed 3,000 americans that's tragic hashtag never forget but it literally put everybody in the country and the world to some degree like through serious generational ptsd yeah that's what they're doing now by making you look at your cell phone different or like you know thinking i better not say this because my page like this is fucking next level fifth generation warfare they are terrorists using terroristic tactics to put fear in not just their combatants that's the thing dude anybody is an enemy combatant since 9/11 and they certainly have subscribed to the same theory and nobody including the pedestrians that have to live through this or get maimed through this deserve any kind of compassion or thought to what they have to go through after this so uh awful these are the worst people in the world yeah and uh also in Lebanon uh days after the explosions in the people's pockets that everybody thought was hilarious and in fairness it kind of was but also very sad for some i don't know i'm conflicted dave it is it is brilliant and it's fascinating it's fascinating warfare that doesn't mean i endorse it um i also it also doesn't mean that i don't find some of the jokes quite funny but um less funny well wait really quick before you go into the joke stuff i saw Ben Shapiro the worst again the worst person on the planet running defense for the worst people on the planet and doing his his exact function which is to come out with slick cameras and you know great editing and to explain to his audience why it's okay to laugh when a bomb goes off in a terrorist pants that is the function of Ben Shapiro to dismiss your humanity dismiss your empathy and enjoy i don't know if this hurts at all dave but michael mallis was doing the same thing yeah i i disagree with all of it and it's cool mallis is cooler than he is and it's okay to make jokes i'm not saying that he's a bad person for that i'm saying and that's not malice's function but you know avoid that watch where your heart goes if it can go into bad places yeah now um shortly after the pocket bombs we had much larger bombs going off in Lebanon let's take a look at what some people are thinking is a nuclear explosion you decide i mean we've seen we've seen the old goodness we've seen all the old footage in my life and uh that's not a great angle um people are questioning why um why the cameras are pointed at the bomb before it explodes which is a little suspect here's another angle you tell me is this a nuclear blast i don't know it sure looks like what we've been told nuclear explosions look like but uh who knows who knows if nukes are even real that regardless um there's bombs going off and uh in Lebanon and Gaza and um yeah apparently there's been some health concerns strange illnesses appearing on the battlefield and stuff like that too so people are starting to suspect that there's even more foul play than pocket bombs and and so forth uh i don't know any thoughts dave uh yeah Lebanon was one of the seven countries that wesley clark uh noted that they would go into and that would be part of the uh the new american century yeah now everybody saying that this is just israel trying to um get a rise out of lebanon who has said that they will respond and then you know the united states will be forced to step in and take care of poor poor israel um yeah so so what we're doing here dave is at the playbook we we will be pulled in this is all awfully prophetic isn't it mm-hmm it this is the land where you know i'm uh got to speak to some people who know more about the bible than i do but this is the land where all the shit went down and they told you that it will go down right yep that's so bizarre that that all that shit's happening right there right i mean it doesn't help that it's been happening ever since it was said back in biblical times and it hasn't stopped but yes yeah but it is it's he would you say it's hotter than you know anytime since biblical times i don't know probably i don't know i haven't i haven't followed it that closely up until it became a current event but i mean all is i'm saying is i don't know if i i talked to our friend dylan about that bomb he doesn't think that that's a nuke and he spent some time you know working with that kind of stuff in iraq and in the military um though it's been a while so maybe they came up with some shit that we don't even really know about but the just the fact that they're using stuff on that level yeah you know i don't i don't know the technical makeup of that bomb but that was certainly can we call it a weapon of mass destruction and everybody cool with that term yeah let's let's use that here weapon of mass destructing your neighbor and it's not terrorism this time because it's it's fine because hostages or it's something i don't know i haven't heard about any hostages in a while i think we're just we're just bombing for fun now that's how you look for hostages bro you drop a couple of those any hostages in there oh no you're you're actually not far off i've got uh i've got something from bb here that uh i found quite amazing but this is him justifying the the recent attacks on Lebanon i have a message for the people of Lebanon Israel's war is not with you it's with Hezbollah for too long Hezbollah has been using you as human shields it plays rockets in your living rooms and missiles in your garage those rockets and missiles are aimed directly at our cities directly at our citizens to defend our people against Hezbollah strikes we must take out those weapons now starting this morning the IDF has warned you to get out of harm's way i urge you take this warning seriously don't let Hezbollah endanger your lives and the lives of your loved ones don't let Hezbollah endanger Lebanon please get out of harm's way now once our operation is finished you can come back safely to your home sure yeah oh wow come right on back as soon as we're done bombing the shit out of your living rooms because they have rockets in them that Hezbollah has put there apparently um is there something that i'm not familiar with Dave or are are just common folk having Hezbollah come into their living rooms set up rockets and point them at Israel and that's why we need to blow up these people's homes or is this just a lot of bullshit reasons to blow up civilians homes and blame it on somebody else um now i gotta imagine it's got to be tough for bb also because as as bad as it is that he's gonna be blowing up people's homes he is the victim here because it was them that first imagine how bad he feels that he has to blow them up in their homes if only these people had just gotten out of the way and taken the very kind loving warning that you have bombs in your garage and that's why we're blowing up your car am i am i wrong Dave is there something that i'm missing is there some sort of living room technology now that i'm not familiar with it's i mean i'm old enough to just see this stuff play out again and again and again the same script but this is like if it's very reminiscent of the will be greeted as liberators with a rack like don't worry once this limited skirmishes through that will only affect you for a little bit i'm trying to be compassionate get out of your house now because we're gonna level your neighborhood in your city and your entire country but don't worry because when we're through you'll be able to come back and everything will be straight yeah i just i the only thing that i would like to get through to people is that dude the only thing that they're doing is clearing out space for new greater israel israel is expanding your country is shrinking your people will be moved and they will grow israel will grow donald trump wants israel to grow uh the anglo american empire wants israel to grow so that's what's going to happen um and all this talk about like oh you know whatever we're sorry about this but oh your people are using that what a great example perhaps the greatest of double speak oh you're you you're using people as human shields yeah so it's your fault your fault we're shooting you stop using kids as human shields and we won't have to murder the kids that you're using as shields that's we're not shooting the kids we're shooting the people standing behind the kids right and it's the kids fault for being there we told the kid to move your real dicks for making us do that uh-huh you jerks now um uh jill stein who is still a thing had a pretty good response to this that if that was worth the share she said uh this isn't this is in english because it's not for the people of lebanon it's propaganda aimed at the u.s in the last few days israel has murdered hundreds in lebanon with indiscriminate terror attacks and bombings time to cut off u.s support for israel's uh israel pms genocide genocidal land grab now thank you i don't have to get one of these yes i don't always agree with dr jill stein but when i do it's because she's anti-war and um even even other people that we would generally disagree with on things or having problems with this chank weger says from the young turk says let's call it let's call it what it is israel has invaded lebanon no ground troops i've never done a chank oh i'll have to work on it no ground troops yet but they've a bit they've bombed thousands of targets no one else gets to attack its neighbors like this they've killed 492 people today uh now u.s is sending small quote small number of military personnel to drag us into war so even when when it's to the point that even the young turks are like in agreement that this is bad news then it's probably it's probably not good news dave um is it a problem that we're now at align with uh with these dummies who are finally coming back to the anti-war stance no it's not um it's fascinating and i am it is curious that the people who are bad on everything are right on this one thing i am absolutely uh fascinated with that but no we that's that's our job dude is we just remain consistent in our principles yep and they they'll follow us wherever the wind blows or wherever their team takes them it's up to us to just be consistent yep absolutely now we've got to get back to well do you got anything else on on israel and their shenanigans before we move back to some very exciting u.s. politics no let's bring it back okay let's go back to joe biden who has been spotted in the wild once again here he is um barely alive uh as he passes off his cabinet meeting to the one of the most unlikely of participants this is the first time joe has joined us and there goes the show uh how important the issue is which is about to speak to the both house today the top of our meeting joe's going to uh give an update on house initiative white house initiative to fundamentally change the approach and fund how we approach and fund women's health services so i'd like to turn over to joe and for any comment she has and joe biden he's turning over the meeting to be run by joe biden the first lady uh eleven months they've done this first time in a year yeah yeah first time that they've done that they've done what that they've had a meeting or that they've that joe has run a meeting this is like his uh i i think uh not his chief estate what is it um like the president count president's council i'm not sure exactly the title but they're supposed to do this fairly often uh and he just did it for the first time in a year and let doctor didn't even do it yes let just somebody who his wife just run the show um i don't i don't think there's anything in any sort of legality that justifies just saying well i'm just gonna let my wife do it because i don't feel like doing it today you know she's not a politician even but uh she's got this you know the white house surprised you yeah joe became president i knew i wanted to keep shining a light on the issues that i've worked on for so many years we need where the united states continues to be home to the most cutting edge research in the world and where everyone can lead healthier lives thank you she's like i've got a question i've got a why are you why are you doing that thing that he's that's his job and his i mean he's only got like two months left to do it and uh he's apparently not done it in a while so yeah he's he's tired are we still pretending like this guy is running the like he's literally not running the show even in the show that they're showing us he's not running the show part yes part you you made this public you didn't have to but you did it anyway right which makes me think it's like the note from the guy it's like you're showing us something but you're showing us something different the thing to see is not what you're showing us yeah and i think the thing to see is uh what uh joe biden said like the next day or two days later here i thought when i got to be president i get to do things that i want to do but my staff tells me what i can't do but i'm gonna do it anyway all the young women young kids out there that are out there come on up and do this one i'm gonna give you a sniff yeah like my my staff tells me i shouldn't do this but i'm gonna wrangle all the kids in public right now in front of this live camera and uh i thought when i got to be president that i could sniff all the kids in public that i wanted to and they my staff tells me i can't but here i go um there he goes bringing up the kids you know he's keeping a little bit more distance than he's accustomed to but uh yeah um joe biden once again informing us all that he does not run the show he does not make the decisions his staff does and uh they're doing a great job so far you got any thoughts on the latest biden update tape well i i'm fascinated you know like what they show us is again you got to be red-pilled like read between the lines um two days ago biden had uh the prime minister of india and uh japan i believe come to his house in wilmington kind of lost lost his train of thought there he ended up yelling like who am i introducing who who's next um but then again yesterday too right across the border bro from dellaware in pa you had me mike heis and uh tucker and alex jones in pa and also trump was doing a rally and zalinski sign of bombs prime pro sign of bombs with the governor of pennsylvania because yeah we got laki martin right over the border here and yeah i'm sure there i had no idea that that was like a real super mega hub for the war machine 20 minutes away from my house but uh yeah just like a lot of the big shit that's going on in the world was happening within like an hour from my house yesterday yeah trump trump had a rally somewhere else in pa and uh i think that one that you played was from a pa rally so yeah it looks like they want the commonwealth that might be one of the biggest if not the biggest battle room mhm now kamala has been reaching out to the people as well because she did another interview that most people didn't watch because who cares but she went on oprah did you catch any of the oprah clip stave just the part with the gun oh yeah well there's more uh because uh the a lot of people are saying that kamala harris had a teleprompter dave um this teleprompter says the fight for something fight for something for the america america we desire deserve yes to live in um yeah people are saying that this was kamala hair i think it's been debunked um pretty sure it's been debunked look into it see if kamala harris in the entire interview ever said that line in particular i think that would prove whether or not it was oprah's teleprompter or kamala harris's teleprompter the only evidence that i need to let me know that kamala harris was not reading off a teleprompter was her answers to the questions like there's you don't write these answers i don't need a conspiracy that she was given answers if these are the answers we love our country i love our country i know we all do that's why everybody's here right now we love our country we we take pride in the privilege of being american and this is a moment where we can and must come together as americans understanding we have so much more in common than what separates us let's come together with the the character that we are so proud of about who we are which is we are an optimistic people we are an optimistic people since this is oprah we should probably talk over a little bit for commentary sake um if for the sake of not getting kicked off youtube but um i feel like the only commentary needed so far is what you've given dave just just all you can do is laugh at this whatever this is um we are we are not even halfway through this whatever this is but um no this is alex jones talked about this last night dude nobody should think that this chick is like a mastermind of anything she's not a communist she's a dumb corporatist cum dumpster that's the perfect person that you put at the top as they demoralize you and shit on you until you give up yeah that's where that's her purpose to make you feel like you your country is total shit and everyone sucks yeah it it behooves them to get an idiot who's also has shitty moral character that's the perfect one just like just like joe biden perfect puppets absolutely americans i mean look at oprah's face the whole time she looks like she's stifling a laugh because like and that's exactly what i would be doing in her position too because we've all seen kamala harris do these word salads i first um i will grow up in the middle class family now five minutes later we're going to get to the problem is the problem and the problem and i am trying to make the problem go away um that's what her answers are and we all know that so oprah going into this i would imagine is probably like oh god please don't do the thing don't do the thing don't do the thing so she's like i would imagine she's sitting there biting her tongue like oh no this is gonna be on twitter in ten seconds and i gotta keep this i know that the cameras are going to focus on me some be a professional be a professional this is this is our guy by character are people who have dreams and ambitions and aspirations oh the whole dream of a bro that's right that's right we need to need some sort of trifecta horn um yes the dreams ambitions and aspirations of the american people is what we're focusing on we believe in what can be and we believe in fighting for that that's how that's how we came into being because the people before us understood that one of the greatest expressions for the love of our country one of the greatest expressions of patriotism is to fight for the ideals of who we are which includes freedom what are you saying it's about your own body freedom to be safe like she makes me feel dumb it's like are you talking over my head am i missing something here because it sounds like you're saying nothing it sounds like you're saying absolutely nothing at all bro i just had an epiphany you know this election like many elections if not all is going to be up to women if that's just a fact right i it no this is i know right right now we got to deal with the 19 what what has to happen and this is a big ask is that women are going to have to give up their dream of seeing a woman president to do the right thing i know that that would feel great kind of like some symbolically i'm a woman i'd like to see a woman president that's history being made or whatever like i want to see a libertarian president but i look at she's over and i say not good enough i would think that some women are smart enough look at common Harrison say not good enough go ahead find us if a giant that works but uh this one doesn't do it we have to make we have to find those women and we have to make sure that they don't think that we're just fucking chauvinist man haters we need to demand better from women don't you know put up a better woman yeah uh because wow that's just that would be an embarrassment for everybody and uh sometimes you got to give up your dreams to you know do what's right i mean even like Oprah of course she's like a satanist whatever baby eater we all know that obviously dude janice jackson she could at least do the do the role of saying stuff that doesn't sound retarded i'm just saying yeah Oprah or janice jackson both black excellence okay this woman is not anything close to that black or excellent are you sure dave not my heart i've heard okay look at Oprah as she turns to the crowd like are you fucking kidding like are we still doing this this still still happening huh i can't see you Oprah you gotta put it up on the oh shit well well there you go there was that joke all right here we go here's what i was just talking about freedom freedom freedom to be you are and just be to love who you love openly and with pride freedom to just be oh my god oh god who we are we believe in all that she's like and i don't remember where i was going with this but that's us we're we're be we what what are we doing and so this is a moment where we stand knowing what we are fighting for we're not fighting against it's what we're fighting for thank you i want i wanted to come back to to Oprah and she's like now again the question was on drug trafficking and like something that has absolutely nothing to do with what she's talking about because i'm sure the question actually did have nothing to do with it but uh the answer was more like one of these you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard at no point in your rambling incoherent response where you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it i award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul all right amen now for the sake of time we're going to move right on to the next so i'm not gonna play this whole thing but she did actually take some questions from the audience believe it or not um and you tell me if this was on teleprompter uh guy asks about this uh um when you become president what would be your uh specific steps yeah of course what would be specific steps to strengthening the border so it's a one keep in mind specific steps to strengthening the border that's the question specific steps to the border important question um i think we're up in a middle class family was as a prosecutor and i was also the elected attorney general for two terms of a border state so this is not a theoretical um issue for me this is something i've actually worked on i have prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns drugs and human beings okay i take very serious what are you gonna do the importance of having a secure border yeah and ensuring the safety of the american people got it what are you gonna do uh sadly where we are now can be traced most recently back to is it trump i bet it's trump the fact that when the united states congress members of the congress including some of the most conservative was congress members of congress got it yep came up with a border security bill and here's what that border security bill would have done well what are you gonna do fifteen hundred and one border agents at the border right let me tell you those border agents are working around the clock it would have just been in my giving them some support and relief okay which is that what you're gonna do your agents actually endorse the bill is that what you're going to do though it would have allowed us to stem the flow of fentanyl right and i'm looking at people from all over the country but we're not talking about so i don't know what we can't do folks who are watching this what fentanyl has done to families to kids it's bad that's why i asked and they need to take seriously stemming the flow that's why i asked about the border what are you going to do stressing that extraordinary and tragic issue in terms of its effect yeah it is very sad i would like to sit down can you please allow more resources to prosecute transnational criminal organizations right is that what you're going to do would have been part of the solution okay is it there's a transnational uh organization genocide going on called up bill and said don't put that bill on the floor for a vote he blocked the bill anyway okay he preferred a run on a problem instead of fixing sure but what are you going to do yeah okay and he has but the question was what are you going to do and all you've given so far is the problem but it's trump's fault but his political personal political security before border security when he called for the wall that you said was racist yeah even in the intervening months what that bill would have done to give support right is that what you're going to do though and this again gets to the point about what does leadership really look like oh god about you or is it about the people it's a it's what's the question though that the question is not about the people or the fentanyl it's what are you gonna fucking do about running on problems or fixing problems my work and my career has always been about saying let's fix problems i'm going to fix the boat we know what it's what we're going to do that so to answer just in question not that bill has gone it hasn't passed will you reintroduce that absolutely okay got it that's what you're going to do huh we'll make sure that bill gets to my destiny you can see the look in her eyes like oh right the question um yes thank you for the multiple choice answer I will take that one we'll do that one yeah sounds great Oprah thank you future present Oprah thank you for holy shit um I need to get like a sound effect in here that's just like the sound of um like a gunshot of like me blowing my brains out and then I can like fade it to black whenever Kamala Harris speaks for three and a half minutes and doesn't answer a question um because I felt the urge to at least push the button if not the trigger during that very winded thank you for for getting out and speaking to the people I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but you're talking to him at least and that good on you Donald trims definitely not always doing that but um yes the the gun owner thing that you referenced earlier Dave is I think the final one on this Oprah shit but um here she said that she would blow somebody's brains out if they walked into her home for far too long on the issue of gun violence some people have been pushing a really false choice to suggest you're either in favor of the second amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the second amendment and I'm in favor of assault weapons bans universal background checks I am a fan of the second amendment just not what it says about guns I'm a fan of it it's cool and all I like guns I like having them but I'm going to take yours I'm not saying I'm going to but I am based on I'm actually saying that I am out loud yeah I'm going on the next episode of leftists pretending they're moderates right which is a common sense yeah red flag laws and these are just common sense these are just common sense I was so powerful at the convention when you when when you said you have guns oh at the debate whether or not Kamala and Tim are gun owners doesn't matter when they're surrounded by armed security at all times like they don't need guns nearly as much as the rest of us do but sure she's you see what happened what I'm sorry I mean I didn't mean to help you but as soon as uh as soon as Kamala got the cue from Oprah because Oprah turned black there too did you catch it oh well I don't know did you but and as soon as she did Kamala got the cue they're like oh Oprah thinks that this is cool so she turned laxed immediately and leaned into it oh yeah yeah we're cool my house yeah that's funny how that happens and then you put your foot in your mouth hmm how's the game shot yeah she she's got her to hands up do you think this was a misspeak do you think it was like does she honestly believe that and she's just not normally allowed to say it um or what what is this because I feel like she did put her foot in her mouth and she seems very uncomfortable here doesn't know exactly where she's supposed to stand on this issue because she's not supposed to be she's supposed to be taking the guns obviously but she's also supposed to be the gun owner and if you are the gun owner why like if you're having a gun in self-defense yes this is the right stance that she just took if somebody breaks into your house they're getting shot and uh she immediately is like well maybe that was too far I don't know exactly where the lion is here but I feel like I stepped over it what do you think Dave no I think you're 100% right and I if I were her advisors I would say that's ill advised but that's how you know that these people are full of shit because she said something that was true to her right or that she knew that would ring true whether she's a gun owner or not she knew that that would go over well with that audience because sure if someone breaks in your house they get a cap in her ass like that's just something anybody who's normal would say or but as a politician yeah I think she uh she forgot what her job is and that's to come and take the guns so now you open up the conversation of oh well yeah like maybe all all people should have a gun in the side table maybe certainly all single women of color sure should have guns in the side table because who's going to protect them you know a good conversation starter from the maybe future president yeah thank you queen now um she she also says at the end that her her staff will clean it up which I found funny but my staff will deal with that later yeah her staff did not deal with it later because here's her staff trying to deal with it later if we have audio she said at one point well if somebody tries to break into my home they're going to get shot she made that comment then she said well my staff will go ahead and clean that up you are on Kamala Harris's staff can you give us more information I'm just curious from a biographical background what do we know about this firearm that she owns and when did she get it yeah well she she has made it very clear that she staunchly supports the second amendment she was she supports strong responsible gun ownership and she doesn't own a firearm so um I don't you know I don't know I can't really comment more than that so people are saying that this clip uh the staff member well first off the staff members clearly not cleaning it up the staff member in the captions says uh she does not own a gun um but if you listen to it I think it sounds like well the reader's notes I I'm kind of in agreement with them that it sounds like she just kind of stumbles and says she does own a firearm and it yeah especially sped up sounds like she doesn't but she shouldn't have sped that up that's not cool yeah um and she doesn't own a firearm so she does own own a firearm or she doesn't own a firearm like I don't know but I don't think this is a big gotcha moment but either way her staff doesn't know exactly how to clean it up all she said was even given full pen-fed the doubt is yes Kamala has a firearm and that is literally all I know whatever she said is on her but um yeah cool base Kamala for one second the story is not whether she's a gun owner or not I could care less the story is that she is for the castle doctrine she's for your second amendment right uh to defend yourself and if anybody comes in your house then you uh you blast according to her you know and that's the thing Ross might not be freed by Donald Trump but we do have video of Donald Trump saying he's gonna free Ross that can be used against him forever just like this um and you know just like uh Joe Biden it sounds like Kamala Harris um is not even running her own show because her staff is scary to her as well and she's afraid of what she can and can't say for her handlers but um you know that's kind of par for the course fake super chats Patrick Leastner says uh fake super chat question what's worse than nuclear war answer and nuclear war in space that's probably true if it's real if nukes are real and if space is real I guess the the combination of the two would be really scary uh what are the odds of both though seriously right exactly I'm not worried uh Ray see says fake super chat Trump supporters tariffs are bad okay yes and Trump did say that he would put a tariff on John Deere if they made their shit in Mexico and that's Donald Trump for you I okay that's yeah that's hardly high on my concerns list but yeah I know it's sad I know libertarians tariffs are taxes that Americans pay it's very true I know I know yep we know and also all right whatever go go for Kamala or chase go for chase uh no one at all says fake super chat a woman president is not my dream it's my worst nightmare repeal the 19th thank you here's the one your art your art your art token thank you right you're around to affirm our our beliefs uh keep her around for a few reasons but anyway uh moving on to uh let's see you've got a couple more things from Kamala Harris because she's got well I guess you could call this an endorsement put out by the uh Lincoln project and Sam Elliot yes Sam Elliot has gone the ways of the Billy Eilish's of yesterday year here is Sam Elliot and the Lincoln project which we all know is great at their propaganda like um black Klansman for Trump or what have you thank you Dave you're welcome uh here's this I can't believe we're having this conversation again so here we go you know who the candidates are you know what's at stake one candidate promises a divided America filled with lies and hate and one stands for change Kamala Harris has more courage more honor more guts than this guy ever had so you decide are we really going back down that same fucking broken oh wow yeah bombs all yep we're dropping F bombs and showing Charlottesville and Trump holding the Bible um you know to get back down those evil evil roads um you know that Trump disavowed in Charlottesville road or are we moving forward towards hope or are we moving forward like the stock footage of a white woman standing in front of a truck that's what moving forward is forward towards hope towards freedom of course change we know a strong middle class has always been critical to America's success and I grew up in the middle class you know that there's promise that lies in change and the time for change is now so what the hell are you waiting for it's like because if it's the woman thing it's time to get over that it's time for hope for change it's time to be a man and vote for a woman you have to be gay to enjoy that silly woman oh bro I hate it so much I hate these people so much this is ro if it's the woman thing it's time to get over that be a man and vote for a woman like that's literally all we've got here she's changed she's hope and she's a woman quit being a pussy and vote for the retard this is so insulting they hate you so much they hate farmers firemen cops military service people veterans they hate those things yeah and they just sprinkle it uh and then they get fucking samhairs the dude you know the classic cowboy hat tip in the guy to come out and read the script for you murk it's so insulting dropping F bomb so you know it's real and not clearly scripted by the Lincoln project nothing is real dude everything is theater all the shit all your idols are bullshit and uh it's just what a fraud so you're saying he didn't win you over to Kamala Dave he pushed me further into Trump's arms right back well let's lose her let's try one more and see if this will get you there this is from uh white dudes for Harris they've got an ad out to you hey white dudes so I think we're all pretty sick of hearing how much it's suck every time you go online it's the same story we're the problem and yeah some white dudes are Trump and all his magnifies like they're making it worse shouting nonsense in their stupid red hats and acting like they speak for us when they don't listen to me i'm just your normal white god talks like this you know definitely not a mobster trying to convince you that i'm on the right side of history hey fella white dudes that's right they've ever done is screw us over but if you're not on the MAGA train where do you go isn't it just swapping out one crappy option for another yes it hit me this isn't about picking teams it's about who's got a plan that's going to make life better from me and my family so i've been doing my own research and again if we can just go back to the plan uh for you and your family here for one second this is the plan we can and must come together as Americans understanding we have so much more in common than what separates us let's come together with all right that's the plan yep it's not about it's not about picking teams it's about the plan of coming together and picking teams now continuing on with white dudes right you can check out Kamala Harris and Tim walls and before you jump down my throat they're actually talking to guys like us no lectures no BS just real solutions that protect our freedoms guys like us and honestly i think Harrison wall to the ones that make that happen no end of the day you're your own man it's your call if anyone gives you crap about it tell them it's none of their damn business oh dang got him paid for by beige rainbow pack which is apparently the white dudes for Harris pack beige rainbow well just i mean i'm saying the gay mafia runs everything apparently that group and lincoln project is just the gay mafia is just pushing this white dude agenda oh my god i'm so fake it's all so fake and so like it's not even good fake some of their their art was cool and some of the style that they did there was cool but the whole just zoomy text and like bro i'm just like one of you white dudes yeah we're cool and uh i did my own research and started looking into this Kamala Harris and Tim walls and it turns out that they're talking to guys just like you and me as normal white folk can fuck yourself the worst the worst they were both i mean i just felt insulted yeah as a as a white man i felt insulted through both of those commercials there make sense um but yeah as as a white man you have options other than Kamala Harris uh you can vote for don't trump if you want to or you can vote third party third third party still we still have one right i'm so embarrassed that's right it's another edition of chase and comp where we focus on the libertarian libertarian president candidates for president and their race because nobody else if we don't do it who will is the nice way to say that actually um now there's been some some bustle not a lot of news really in the chase and termont camp as as far as i've seen but um the some of the biggest news is that they keep getting invited onto shows dave have you heard about them getting invited to have media coverage and press and pea going to talk to the people but did he go oh well that's besides the point the libertarian part of new hampshire will start with them um evil as they may be said uh who would like to see in x spaces or other live conversation with chase all of her and new hampshire libertarians chase all of her is committed to dialogue and conversation so we already know he'd be in um as far as i know he has not responded but that was in response to chase all of her posted this this week he said rejecting political violence and fostering peaceful discourse requires ongoing effort but it's possible when communities come together with a commitment to understanding dialogue and collaboration by promoting education creating spaces for conversation and modeling uh non-violence we can build stronger more peaceful communities that prioritize unity over division together we can ensure that the path forward is one of empathy respect in cooperation so he was uh going on a tirade calling out uh lp and h for their thing and um saying that uh he was open to dialogue and conversation they're calling him out he was all spent called out by uh noel i don't know how you pronounce his last name the cage and libertarian one on twitter as you know it's legit said i'm respectfully requesting an honest interview with chase for liberty i'm a hundred percent against his campaign as i do not agree with certain positions he has expressed full transparency i will absolutely give hard questions but i will be fair i want to hear him out i will give him the prepared content ahead of time no gotchas just a straight up hard and honest interview i extend the same to vp to at vp and real donald trump um but chase for liberty it will see this the other two probably won't care if they did um yeah uh i don't believe that chase has responded to that either but i just find it interesting that libertarians are reaching out to this guy and these aren't the first ones there's been several others who i believe have reached out and not gotten a response from chase and um it just seems odd that the guy who was gonna bring more media attention to the party than ever before is refusing to talk to libertarians even at this point like i haven't seen him on much of anything except for like the official unofficial like whatever party you've never heard of having that has like a thousand followers on twitter they have their convention or something last week and he showed up there i don't know that but he seems to be turning down media parents is dave do you think that we should we should extend the offer as well i mean yeah you could i feel like all libertarians should start we should start this uh everybody invite invite chase onto your libertarian podcast and see what he shows up for but and you should do that and you could do that and that would be funny but it's all theater because we're all pretending that we're pretending that we want to talk to him and that that would do anything and he would be pretending that he has anything you know bro he is not just like jeremy coppin just said that guy isn't a leftist infiltrator he's ruining your movement and your party so hopefully we'll be able to know if he's any more of a leftist infiltrator than jeremy is a right-wing infiltrator they just disagree heavily and come together on like one thing then and you might be right and i'll say this this could be just my problem is that i would rather i'll take jeremy and all his problems over chase i'd rather be associated with racists i'd rather be associated with dangerous people who say bad stuff then that i'd rather be uh a little bit terrified because you're walking too close to the sun flying too close to the sun then be embarrassed um that's just where i'm at at this stage in my life but um no man i just i can't with the chase campaign and i'm not surprised that he's not accepting any of these invitations he's not going on to him cool even though he was invited he's not going on dave smith show even though he's invited because that's not the goal he's not trying to win us over and i'm sure he'll blame everybody but himself and cop when he gets the lowest vote total ever follow up the cage and libertarian says so no you ain't you ain't that busy my guy at the current trajectory your campaign is projected to be the worst in lp history uh it would be who view to come on a larger platform than yours and discuss your campaign slash political strategy so apparently there was no no return phone calls there what is chase up to let's find out um yeah i think this was yesterday yes yesterday he put this out he said today we pause and take a moment to reflect on the long history of suffering native suffering native peoples have endured at the hands of the american government from broken treaties to forced relocation cultural erasure and systemic oppression the destruction of their lands languages and traditions is a deep scar on our nation's history happy native american day thank you for these bold statements chase all of her speak into the people where they are and the problems of the day or just observing government holiday number five hundred and seventy six yeah and so when people call you a left libertarian bro that's what they're talking about that you're so fucking tone deaf that that's what you and not not only like the subject matter but the way in which you talk about it today we just like it's it you're literally you're like mimicking the regime you're speaking in the way that you think that people want to be speaking very carefully oh it's just so nothing nothing nobody cares dude a real political realignment is happening right now and you're just like demanding to be off to the side yes it's so sad yeah but you know there's assassination attempts and Kamala Harris is a raging lunatic on Oprah and all the you know all the stuff that we talk about on this show and chase all of us over there like happy national native american day everyone libertarian hashtag chase your dreams like cool nice anyway speaking of people who are really good at not saying very much and doing so in a boring way uh let's go over to cup who had this to say political rhetoric has been amped up in recent years causing concern that it leads to violence including examples in recent weeks this is what happens in a two-party system in which there's not that much difference between the two candidates the debate becomes one of heated rhetoric and personality rather than one of substance if what you're looking for is a real difference without the horrible rhetoric then what you're looking for is a libertarian party ticket yep spoken like a true cop oh again toting the line oh the political rhetoric has heated up but on both sides are to blame no mic no dude no there's not a big difference between the one that's the side that's getting shot at and the side that is taking or who is saying in polls that they wish that it would have been successful it's just the political rhetoric though things are heating up both sides are bad and vote libertarian because because just because now one more thing from cop uh before we get out of here um because cop has has started a new trend um by trend i mean just a thing he did once uh he put he's now talking to lisa on twitter and um lisa is apparently responding he said hey at libertarian ai why should i vote for chase for liberty um and here's here's the responses which you cannot see at all that's sad for you i don't know how to fix that whatever um just it's your normal basic bitch lisa response um commitment to individual freedom support the free of markets innovate innovative policy solutions integrity and transparency i was raised in a middle-class family or something yada yada but um i just i found it sad that um not only does lisa exist which was sad enough to begin with but now um mic is having this schizophrenic conversation with her publicly on twitter where we're pretending that he asked lisa that question here on twitter and she answered it but that doesn't actually work i don't know it's something about it just made me just made me sad that for mic cuz i i mean i don't have a ton of friends but you know i don't i don't have to i like create them and then talk to them online have you ever seen that movie her where the guy falls in love with the robot and it's real depressing yes yeah that's it this is the vibes i'm getting from like hey nobody is nobody's interacting with my campaign so i'll interact with me through this super sexy uh ai robot libertarian that i created for myself just something about it i'm not the mainstream media but i feel like if the corporate media gave a shit about this campaign they'd be doing a lot of of laughing at this thing gary johnson got called out for not knowing what a lepo was um these guys don't have the gaffes that gary johnson did because they're not doing the interviews the interviews that gary johnson did like we gave him shit back in the day for all that but he was at least doing the interviews to have the gaffes and say the wrong things these guys are filming themselves with the cell phone in their backyard and you're talking to robots that they created or their staff are created or something it's they could have been rectan walled and that would have been embarrassing too but it would have been less less than this all right dave i'm a little glad that rectan wall didn't get it to be completely honest because then we would just be in the complete reversal of this and everybody would nothing against rec rec i love you you're not a great politician you should take that as a compliment um yeah if you got it it would have actually it would have been dumping on him 24/7 up until the election and he would have ended up with about the same amount of numbers as chase and cop do you maybe more maybe a little more but nobody cares about the libertarian party this year i bet you if rec was the nominee he would have gone light he would have treaded lightly and then after trump got popped in the ear he would have been like yo i'm endorsing trump and that would have been fucking people would have lost their collective shit oh my god that would so that would have been fun but no this worked out perfectly with chase and cop exactly the way that it should be most ironic outcome is the most likely um but i just had this thought while you were chatting there and we've been talking about these guys a little bit more and this is kind of more just a plea to libertarians and people who might be considering voting for chase and cop for whatever reason ballot access or you know just build the party up here's my suggestion to you if you're a person like i i did that debate with the dude from the christian institute a couple weeks ago and really nice dude and he lives in uh no it's his buddy i can't remember his name i just dammit we only chatted once it's not my fault but uh a good guy he runs he runs a podcast and he talks about this stuff publicly and he lives in thomas massy's district so he's like publicly in one of the best districts you could be in with one of the if not the best libertarian in congress there and he's publicly stating that he's not going to support trump and he's going to support chase oliver and yada yada yada so like if you want to do that privately it's like fine but i would recommend to libertarians who are trying to do shit in their community use the good will that you could build up by going you know what our party just doesn't have it together this year so i'm either not going to vote or i'm going to support trump because i hear you on the department of education cbdc's or in ukraine and all these things and build up your own your own uh like give people a reason in your community to have faith in you so the next time you say something in two or four years they might take you seriously like oh that guy was he's legit like he wasn't just go with the party line um i thought we went to this tucker thing last night we went to the bar afterwards and these republicans who were next to us traveled to this shit we're like oh what are you guys doing like oh we're libertarians and some of us gave some of them gave us the stink guy and i looked at the one liberals i've heard of those you know the typical you know like mom bob mega blonde haircut all of it and and i was like oh i'm thinking about voting republican for the first time ever this year and she was like oh and immediately wanted to talk about all the things that she was passionate about like if you're just smart about this shit you can like win people over quite easily and build up a little stocking yourself yeah yeah just relating to people it's like yes uh i'm a libertarian you don't know what that is it sounds scary sounds like liberal you don't know but just so you know let's just start start this right out the gate i don't hate your guy let's start there and um yeah that's uh opening doors for creating actual more libertarians um and presenting deviated more to present that there is another option to somebody who might actually fucking do something with it then i would imagine lisa's doing these days but you know it is what it is that the these are the the cards we've been dealt and we will use them accordingly even if using them accordingly means just exploiting their downfalls for our own entertainment and amusement and better luck next time this has been chase and cop chase chase chase chase chase chase chase chase all right uh where are we all right all right all right there we are we're back um couple more fake super chats and we'll get out of here tim brown says fake super chat the 19th amendment and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race yeah hard to argue uh trash man says fake super chat cop talking to lisa on twitter is like me asking the ai girlfriend i coded why she loves me that's the pretty well sums it up and these are our candidates yeah uh dave you got any final thoughts before we talk to steve and go about our day i i guess i we probably should have mentioned before two hours in that we're going to be at the rage against the war machine rally and the rescue the republic rallies in dc this weekend that seems noteworthy but we're professional professionals any final thoughts dave and thoughts on on plans and what what we're gonna do there that was my final thought that we didn't talk about the big news bresinski that we are going to be hanging out this weekend two days for the rage against the war machine rally on saturday we'll be covering that we'll be covering the rescue the republic rally uh in uh the very next day in fact um walking out of the double tree hotel bar last night i happened to just pass by eric winstein so i thought that was cool he would he popped down apparently early to just come hang out with tucker and those guys but yeah that's going to be a huge event dude i'm pumped up to do man on the street stuff with you and um yeah we got great libertarians the first day and then some magga unity stuff the second but i'm pumped up for it all and uh can't wait to see you and hang out and yeah let's do it bro sounds good man yeah i will be there if you guys are there if anybody is there aside from us come find us and hang out and buy us a drink that's i mean normally people say that the other way around but we're poor so come buy us a drink and support this especially if you're not in the downers club and we will give you a bonus episode until the drink is over or drink is gone and that will be your bonus um yeah come hang out and um most importantly end the war machine in whatever way that we can um would be great as we've pointed out today it doesn't seem like that's happening anytime soon but uh we can hope and pray and dream of the of the brighter future whether it's true or not um before this gets any darker let's talk to steve uh real quick day work and people find you and all the stuff you got going on you can find me on twitter at day versus goliath one uh you can find my paypal at also day versus goliath if you feel like throwing uh an extra five bones in there after you sign up for the downers club to help with all the traveling expenses and you can also find me on uh youtube and uh some other stuff tick tock you can find me on tick tock how about that nice nice you you young buck you on the tick tock scoundrel um you like doing your makeup and shit and filming your i don't know tutorials minute long tutorials it'll give you an anxiety yeah cool bro um you can find me and my man stuff at the systems or the on twitter at tsidpod or if you would like to send me hate mail uh do it there this has been the system is down this has been another week and uh we probably won't see you guys till next week because we'll be in d.c and who knows we might be able to put up a live stream while we're together down there but um we shall see stay tuned either way a bunch of shit's coming out shortly thereafter so go support forward slash the system is down and uh yeah join join the family now let's talk to steve and then we're gonna go um steve what do you got hey i'm checking in tell me what's going on well the uh department of justice seems to be encouraging people to keep trying to assassinate a former president and um rock stars are bitches now apparently a lot of them a lot of they're just reading scripts and uh what else oh uh israel's being dicks again you know you know what do you what do you think about israel steve but you're not bro you're not inside of that yeah well you crane just came over to endorse Kamala Harris dick taters a linsky how do you feel about that steve mm-hmm yeah steve what do you think because you jock does steve what that this is a give-and-take relationship why don't you actually tell us how you feel because we don't want to be selfish you know you know what i'm saying all right well it's good thank you steve fuck you steve all right thank you everyone for being here thanks for hanging out and being cool um we will see you guys when we do until then question everything stand comfortable be bad have fun and we'll catch in dc welcome to the system everyone's a victim doesn't matter if you're black or white i hate you all there is all the system violence is a symptom fighting for what's right but somehow everyone is wrong [ Silence ]