Sheep Get Sheared

5 Ways You Are Being Exploited TODAY

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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You can't have that mentality and of and not tell me you're not actively being exploited Your mental real estate is being mined like the cobalt slave mines that come out of Africa to make the phones And the equipment that we you're using to listen to the show right now Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sheep gets sheared podcast on your host Austin Creed and my friends You know This whole show if you've listened to it once or twice Themes of the show are around Understanding how you're being exploited the name of the show is About how your your resources are being taken how you are being taken advantage of and how it doesn't just happen once It happens over and over and over again case in point today's topic We're talking about the top five ways that you're being exploited and I'm not going to just give you some really stupid list I really want this to I'm not gonna have all kinds of effects and stuff today. I really want you to sit back I want you to think about this. I want you to really digest mentally what I'm going to give you a lot I guarantee you a couple points throughout the show. We're going to have emotional reactions You're going to have political reactions. We're going to have our religious reactions, and you're going to have those knee jerk Instinctual reactions, and there's nothing wrong with that. That's normal But one of the reasons why My show was going exploitation and understanding how you're being exploited and how you're being lied to is because a lot of people Like a lot of money offline case in point our first example number one big tech informational exploitation The reason why I have this one at number one is because this is the most overlooked For example, did you guys know that your data is actively harvested by certain companies who sell your information? Maybe you know that in your proactive. Maybe you didn't know that and you thought stuff was actually free. No stuff is never free Law 40 the 40 laws of power by Robert Greene says the following it says learn to despise the free lunch reason you should despise the free lunch is Because it's either a trap or it is trash in plain English and The idea of free is a lie on top of it all we look at the social media algorithms when we look at the fact that Everything that's fed to us is fed to us for a reason. It is fed to us because it has an agenda of its own It wants you to think something to react in a certain way or to actively extract something from you money information these are all assets that are worth money and the world revolves around power in the most obvious example of power is money and So you my friend are a commodity your information Your at your energy your attention your time These are all assets that are being monopolized by big tech mainly the pirates and Silicon Valley in my opinion Oh pirates. Oh, how could you call the pirates? They don't wear eye patches and and have hooks for hands now They don't need to they just have tons of people are working visas and they actively Pull the hook up from you like fly fishers Promising you great jobs with great pay great benefits while giving it to people for less You might say it's capitalism. I say that's crony crypto Capitalism crypto means hidden in case you didn't know That's why cryptocurrency means hidden currency in case you didn't know it But let's go to number two when you may want to guess number two is number two is financial exploitation In other words the big lie about the nine to five job now. Here's the thing One of the biggest lies of all time was the American dream And what I mean by that is not that you could achieve some fictional dream No, the lie was that you could work for the man. You could work for the boss You could work for big tech. You could work for big pharma. You could work for a big ag you could work for these juggernauts We call corporations And I'm not talking about the mom and pop shops talking about the big companies Fortune 500 top of the list to a billionaire's ring them multi-billionaires at that The nine to five lie was the biggest scheme of my generation the millennials the boomers the gen xers The big lie was a nine to five that if you just sit back and you think I'm gonna get this nice corporate yob I'm gonna sit back and have a great old time and it's not gonna be an issue I'm gonna slowly work up the ladder. And before I know it I'm gonna be living large have the 2.5 kids the cocker spaniel the hot wife Stay at home wife at that the pick fans the suburb house Let me tell you something those days are over over. They're never coming back Reason being the economy sucks The economy is straight garbage And if you think you do you think it's not You probably aren't working And or you're probably so well off that you don't even care anymore This is the worst kind of discrimination The kind against me and you probably sounded like bender me like no, it's not me. It couldn't possibly well I'm sorry, but guess what when you look at the traditional work system and I was set up to To benefit the people on top. Let me tell you something Let's take the example of the secretary who works for the CEO How much work do you think that she does that's menial or he does most of the time? And so woman how many times do you think that she does all these menial jobs does menial work? It has value sure But the reason why someone else is hired to do something is because it's been someone else But rather focus on more important worthwhile things So if you're one of those people who keep saying that the rent is just too damn high the food prices are too high I can't move up the ladder the glass ceiling the Whatever this is why because you weren't told that with risk comes reward proportion to the risk you take and speaking of risks one of the biggest frauds is number three and it comes to how you're being exploited in relationships and so when we talk about relationships and the truth about women the truth about the dynamics between men and women the Reasoner being exploited is because ever since you were a kid. Yeah, we go on way back to when you were a kid you were lied to You lied to me You were lied to because you weren't necessarily told the truth and you were actively fed a fantasy a script That does not align with reality and instead is basically out of one of Walt Disney's movies from the 50s snow white Sleeping Beauty you name it even has a whole song in sleeping beauty about once upon a dream talking about Aurora and her Dream man about how she'd meet him and it was like they'd known each other forever. I Know I already know you because I dreamed you up and you're this Wonderful perfection incarnate individual and you're here to save me you're here to be this perfect person that I want you to be See you hear people on the internet both on the woman's side like the feminist side and the manosphere side Which is the two more I'd say extreme ends, but I don't think a lot of stuff in the manosphere is necessarily extreme I think it just sounds extreme to people because they've been told the exact opposite They've been told that if you build this you build this attraction over time you put in this work You do this you say that before you know it you're building this in unbreakable bond Regardless of the fact that if you look at you ask the most conservative normies in the world They'll say that the divorce rates 50 percent It's actually higher than that because the way they gather the data measures who gets married that year Divided by who gets divorced that year it has nothing to do with Whether it's the same people who got married or divorce has to do with the fact that how many marriages divided by Divided by a subtract minus the divorces and there you have the the rate and to me incredibly disingenuous and That's why you have to read studies And that's why I'm telling you you're being exploited I talked about this at length on this show about relationships women men And I get flack for it make no mistake about it You don't think I get flack from people in my life who listen to the show Who know me who've known me for a long time? They're like how could you say these things about women about men about religion about politics? How could you say these things I say because they're true. I don't say things just to be a shock jock I say things because they're true the only reason you might think it's a shock jock moment is because it is shocking to you Because you didn't know it. You've never heard this before you have no idea. What's going on? You're being exposed to something that is shocking your current belief system And so you think it's me being a provocateur when or guys in the space guys who love the show guys who comment after Every single episode of the show adding to the conversation. This is why we do it We don't do it because we're bitter. We don't do it because we're hurt We do it because we're passionate about helping other people to avoid the pitfalls the traps and the Displeasurable circumstances that we found ourselves in it's that simple For let's move on to the next thing otherwise. I'm gonna be talking about this for the next two hours number four The political exploitation the Swiss cheese. Oh, I put that's right. I put this down on my notes The reason I use the analogy of Swiss cheese is if we picture If you picture a Swiss cheese slice there's holes all in it, right? Well, that's when we look at the rhetoric of politicians Those holes are the the lies that are being poked in there that if you are paying attention and you're looking at it You can see it Otherwise if you're just eating the burger if you're just eating it up You're not gonna notice it because you're too busy tasting exactly what they want you to taste You're not looking at what they're putting in this shit sandwich that you're eating They don't want it. You don't want to hear it You don't want to look reason being because number one you have better things to do in your mind and two because you want it to be true to believe them because You want them to be right when in reality, they're not right No one's right a hundred percent of the time not me that your favorite politician entertainer actor doesn't nobody's a hundred percent right When we look at the political spectrum When we look at the fact that the left is going to the left the right is coming to the left when we look at the fact That we are just being exploited by the system is anybody paying attention to this election and one that's coming up right now I got to give a shout out I know that there's no way they listen to the show because the show is not that big yet But when I look at guys like Stephen Crowder and the Crowder gang when they when I look at how Unrumble because of their bug club shout out to them They did a great piece on investigative journalism where they found the cove the covid czar in New York City and They've they caught him on a live tape talking about how he was having orgies When the lockdowns were in in effect, you couldn't see your grandma. You couldn't go to work. You couldn't do Jack crap It's unbelievable but of course The people who want to believe the unbelievable because they like the way it sounds they like the way it feels They like the way that stuff like that comes about They want they will ignore reality To embrace the fantasy if they think if they just believe it hard enough But if for this but if for that if only this was happening if only that didn't happen then it might come true You can't have that mentality and of and not tell me you're not actively being exploited Your mental real estate is being mined like the call-bault slave mines that come out of Africa to make the phones And the equipment that we you're using to listen to the show right now. Oh Yeah, you didn't know that. Oh, yeah, and the conduct in the Congo. They have call-bault slave mines. Oh, yeah It's like Nike has allegedly Chinese slave markets basically the the sweat shops in China. Oh, yeah guess what That's what people don't want to hear about they want they just want to wear the shoes and be cool They just want to look at who they endorse or where the money is going and be cool with it They want to look cool sound cool be accepted it. They don't want to do this type of work People don't want good medicine. They want sugary medicine They want the medicine that tastes like cotton candy that tastes like grape that tastes good They don't want the medicine. It's gonna taste all bitter and gross, but actually Heal their bodies heal their minds. They don't want it Why that requires work that requires admitting that you might be wrong Speaking of admitting wrong we're gonna get into ruffling some feathers now if you haven't been ruffled already you ready for it I know you're thirsting for it number five religious Exploitation and the cherry picking that is done in the church. Oh my goodness Oh, I know people gonna get mad about this one. Let me tell you right now. I'm not just talking about Christians I'm not just talking about Muslims Jews Hindus Buddhists. No spiritual wiccans. No, no, I'm talking about everybody When you look at the fact that religion is being weaponized by so many people who are paraphrasing Focusing on the galleries adjusting for the times Manipulating people because they want to go viral. Let me tell you something Morality is The biggest scam going and let me tell you why I say that Because when things are known in the name of morality, so let's take for example. Oh What example do I want to choose? Let's take? Prostitution as an example. I'm not here to make a moral judgment about it It's been a necessary evil probably since the beginning of recorded human history That's why people call it the oldest profession now I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that we should have it necessarily I'm saying that we had it in the past as a way to prevent the very problems We are currently experiencing but you don't want to hear that why because it doesn't sound good all your past or wouldn't say that Even though in the south and a couple generations ago the pastor would have Night workers in the back of the church to get more money. Oh, you didn't know that No, Austin they wouldn't do that. They're nice people. They're mad of God. They would never do that Sorry, but they did And you know what my friends this is what I'm talking about We need to stop thinking about morality and we need to start thinking about the actual message We are sending and how it is molding the minds of the masses a lot of M words. I Understand that When we think about the biggest problems in our society and they vary depending on who you are Where you're from and what you believe I get that when we look at the biggest problems, especially for men the biggest problems are the marriage system taxes the agendas that are actively trying to Tell us that we are not as good as the women were not as good as certain minority groups Or they were not as good as the immigrants or not as good as whoever We need to step aside to let them come in and take our jobs take the women take the opportunities And we need to sit back and let it happen. I say no I Don't care if you're black white Asian Hispanic Indian Pacific Islander. I don't care. It doesn't matter What matters is we are being exploited. We are being police in plain English and so when we look at the fact that our churches are preaching Men to be weak Because apparently now weakness is strength when and days gone by we had a conquistadors we had Crusaders we had men who add holy orders to defend the church and their principles now We have people saying that we should just wife up single mothers, and that's a good thing Now we have people saying that oh we need to let we need to forgive this and not hold this accountable because Women it's more women than men are going to church for the very reason We're talking about right now You think men are gonna go into church and we told that they're no good that they didn't do this need to wife up They didn't do that Anybody who's black who's been the black church Huge single mother problem the black church It's a big problem a lot single mothers period, but especially in the black church The step-daddy era is going the way the dinosaurs Why because they're waking up to realizing that it is not what you thought it was Do something people benefit from it? Yes is it the guy no? Now a lot of times the wounds are self-inflicted the widows are the only people who I might have some sympathy for because That isn't necessarily their fault whereas the other ones are self-inflicted I'm not gonna feel sorry for you and nobody else should in my opinion because that the crocodile tears are real gentlemen You need to be aware of it need to be aware of people who try to feign ignorance. Oh, I don't know what's happening Oh, I don't know that I'm being exploited I love the poorly educated. I don't know that the political system is largely a farce I should meet me does not try at all. No, I I disagree with that Because that's it's accepting it for what it is and not trying to at least protect yourself And if I need to be like Thanos and I'll act like Thanos And I'll say that I need to do it my of course my OBS now crashed on me, but we're back That was uh, I was odd and I'm honestly kind of mad about it But you know what we're gonna finish a show anyway, you know what really you know It really makes me sad is that a lot of people would rather listen to commentary about their sports teams and focus on the bread circuses and The sirens of our time and I don't mean police sirens. I Mean the sirens that tempted men to their graves and ate them alive. They've run some Greek mythology People would rather focus on bread circuses and sirens The only the OF girls instead of focusing on the problems at hand that directly affect their life Any kids they have lives in the lives of the people that they love They'd rather focus on the things that don't matter the matter in the moment instead of mattering for the next millennium That's what they care about And I don't want you to be one of those people. I want you to see things for how they are And I want you to then then decide what you want to do about it You're gonna be a fatalist or you're gonna be out there instead of a defeatist You're gonna be someone who wants to make a difference not while losing Your understanding of reality But using it to craft the world using it to build the life you want for yourself without losing touch as Rudyard Kipling said if you can walk with kings and keep the common touch then you will be a man of my son You must keep this mentality if you want to succeed Otherwise you risk becoming the very thing you mock and the very thing you sought to destroy And I don't want that for any of you who listened to the show if anything you want to add to the conversation, please do Comment sections wide open for you In the meantime to carry yourselves Really to think about how you want to interpret the data you've been given today Carry yourselves. I'm out of here. Peace a (upbeat music) (upbeat music)