The Dumbbells

403: Listener Questions!

Erin and Ryan answer your questions about getting as fit as Linda Hamilton, best bench press hand position and keeping your motivation while healing an injury.

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18 Sep 2024
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Erin and Ryan answer your questions about getting as fit as Linda Hamilton, best bench press hand position and keeping your motivation while healing an injury.

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(phone ringing) - This is a headgum podcast. (upbeat music) - This is Aaron McGown, certified personal trainer and flying connoisseur. - This is Ryan Stanger, certified personal trainer and we read about the Los Angeles Rams. - Grand! You found the dumbbells that comedy event as podcasts. - Committed to bringing you inspiration. - Motivation. - Sometimes, sometimes information. - Hey dumbbells, let's get dumb. (upbeat music) - 0 and 2 in the regular season so far. Aaron and a lot of guys-- - What was it dude? - A lot of guys banged up, our legendary receiver core, Pooka Nakuah, Cooper Cup, both looking hurt. I don't know. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know. - Sound like names I'll never remember. Those are cool names. - They're very cool guys and it's an interesting duo. We haven't seen a lot of them together because Cooper was hurt much of last season. Pooka's rookie season and he was lighting the league up and kind of surprised everybody 'cause he was a later pick. But they're both banged up. They're gonna come back this season, but-- - But maybe too late. - Ah, I don't know. Too late, we don't know. - I don't know. - Well, I said wine connoisseur because I haven't been trying, I have been trying not to drink too much but I did go to my grandma's funeral and I drink a lot of wine. And so I feel like it was on the top of my mind and here we go, you know, so back, I'm back on the wagon, back off the wagon, trying to keep, trying to get back to my weight loss goals, you know, but here we are. - Back, you're on the wagon. - Yeah, I know I said that weird, back on the wagon but I meant for fitness and health. - Okay, you still, well, you have a couple, you have a couple of wines a week. - Sure, maybe on a Friday, maybe Saturday. - It's fris at. So we're answering all your questions. Got some good questions that people wrote in with. This is a questions app. Erin, you know, had some intense stuff going on. She had a little wine to, you know, help self-medicate and to celebrate one's life, someone's life, are you drinking red wine? Is that your thing or? - That's not, yeah, that's my thing. - What, cabs, blend? - I'll do a cab, I'll do a blend, I'll do a mall back, I'll do a zinfandel. I'll do a surah. - Surah? - Surah, surah. - I love all of them. But there was, we sat at this holiday and express in the Tri-Cities. - Treat yourself. - Let me tell you what. - Treat yourself. - And there was a little, like, there was like a bottle of wine sitting on the counter. And I was like, what's this? What's up with this? And they were like, there's a tasting room across the street and this is their bottle. And I was like, see you guys, see you guys in five to 10 minutes. So we'd be walked over there, tried some wines, and then bought a bottle and, you know, the rest is history. But we celebrated my grandma, we laughed, we cried. We had a great time. - Your grandma sounds like an amazing woman. I liked her. - She was, yeah. - She was an amazing woman. Her final, like, jabbed to me, which, you know, I love, I love a jab, is that, why'd you wait so long to have a baby? And that was... - Oh. (laughing) - She kept going and I would remind me why? Why did you wait 'til you were 40? And I was like, grandma, sit down. Sit down, let me bore you to death. And so that's how it ended. - That's actually-- - Is that dark? - Yeah. - Is that too dark for the dumbbells? - Yeah, I think so. - You know, run the intro again. Let's try. (laughing) - This Ryan Stanger, certified personal trainer and scared by what Aaron is saying. - And super sad, dude. - And sad, more scared than sad, buddy. - Really? Okay, cool. - Scared by it, you know, mortality, the night. - Ah, well, that'll do it. - Yeah. - I honestly think everyone is after a funeral. It's like weird, you gotta, like, go kind of think about yourself. - Mm-hmm. - Anyways. (laughing) - What's the biggest thought you've had about yourself? What is this brought up for you? - Do you wanna know? - Nah, we can just get to the questions. (laughing) - No, of course. Especially after that-- - Shh, dude. - After that intonation, I do. - No, I really am like, if this is how I handle my grandma, I can't handle like anyone else that's like closer to me. This is, it's only downhill from here. - Yeah. - And so I'd like to just kind of head out early so I don't have to do a touch. - Jesus Christ. - Come on, singer. I'm gonna, I'm holding on to hope that there's a little sweet heaven out there that I get to have a little party after this shit. So that's what I'm holding on. So I'll be just saying, see you guys later, love you, bye. - Sweet heaven, sweet heaven awaits. (laughing) - Hey, you asked, I told you, it is awful, but that's what I fear the most. - I mean, we're not, you know, here in Western society America, we're not good at dealing with this kind of stuff. We like to hide from it. There's other cultures that are much better and you know, face things. - And kind of face it, yeah. - And have, you know, the older generations live with them and it's, you know, there's a whole, there's like a, it's ritualized in a positive way. - Yeah. - But he out here, it's like, we're just like, don't ask, don't tell. - Yeah, you look away, yeah. - Later. - Man, yeah, let us know how it goes. (laughing) Which is awful, and yeah. Listen, when I was in the Middle East for a summer, I experienced, you know, one of the people I knew, their father died when I was there and they took him, his body to the hospital and then when they claimed him to be deceased, they brought him back to the house and then we all went over. Just like to say our respects, but I was, I was so afraid I did not go in the room. - Yeah. - So it's like they, that was like part of their culture and part of like how they did it. And then I'm over here like a little, little, little cockroach hiding in the dark. - Little why now. (laughing) - My God, well, welcome to the demo. It was a comedy fitness podcast. - Did you get a continental breakfast at the Holiday Inn Express? - I sure did. You want me to talk about it? - Yeah, lay it out, what do they serve? - Okay, well, what do they serve? - They had Cinnabon, Cinnabon Cinnabons. - Wow, so the Cinnabon brand Cinnabons. - Yes, I should have taken a picture of it 'cause it was exciting. It made the people next to me talk about Better Call Saul. Did you ever watch Better Call Saul? - I never did, but I liked the other show and I like, I like Odin Kirk a lot. I should watch it. It's all there for me now. I guess it's like-- - It's really good. - It's really good. - It's really good. I watched the whole thing, I'd watch it again. I actually might actually watch it again. It's so dense, it's so fun. The first episode is not great, the pilot. I thought was so bad. - Didn't match up with how good the rest of the show became. - Yeah, and then the second episode, I was like, okay, and then I hooked you in. But the first episode feels like you're watching a bad sketch show. Okay, sorry, Cinnabon. - It's great. - Like a little carb section with bagels, bread, little muffins, that kind of world. Then you go to hot section, eggs, sausage, pork and turkey. Potatoes, little potato guys. Then next section, oatmeal. Next section, cereals. Like, fruit loops, frosted flakes, that kind of cereals. Then, next section, juices, coffee. Next section, the refrigerators. So they would have the, like-- - Yogurt and stuff. - Yogurt, yep, yogurt. And hard-boiled eggs. And then fruit, like apples and oranges kind of fruit. And then an area to make waffles. A little waffle maker. - Wow, waffle station. Man, you can get a lot done with that. That's solid. You can eat healthy, you can have a little fun, you can-- - Yeah. - What was the quality of the hot food? - I mean, they had like omelets, like little cheese omelet. I had that. And then I had the-- - American cheese or? - Is like orange. What is that one? - There's, I mean, it could be cheddar. - Maybe cheddar. - It might have been cheddar. - It could be just American. - It might have been cheddar. It had a flavor, you could taste it. I feel like American kind of blends in. - Yeah. - Then I did have the turkey sausage. It was fine. It was fine. And then I did a yogurt. It was like the activity kind. - Great. - So I, you know, I'm 40. And then the apple-- - Weird, you know, it's like, yeah. - Got an apple, I forgot though, that apples make my TMJ flare up like a motherfucker. - Oh, really? - Yeah. - You gotta cut them up, you gotta cut them up. - I know, I know, but I didn't think about it. And I just was like, oh, I'm young again. Let me just eat an apple like I have a child. And I can't. So no, my jaw hurts. Anyway, so, and then I had like a little toast. That's it. I pretty much did that both day. - Going fucking wild. - Yeah. - Did you, you didn't have a cinnabon? - I didn't. - Did it smell good? - Slippery slope for me, dude. Slippery slope. - I feel like that's a trouble I'd get into. If I got, you know, I can't just have a nibble, then I'm like, we're doing cinnabons now, this whole trip. - Yeah, I'll have a plate of five. And I just, I'm like, anyone want to share? I'll take these up to my room and I'm alone. - You're getting like the sugar sweats and all that shit. - Yes. - Yes. - Fuck. Whoa, whoa. - Yeah. - What the fuck? - Sorry, I said away. - Dude, shit's fucking happening. Oh. - Ow. - I would just, I think what happened to me the morning after I had a lot of wine. But this sounds very familiar. - Were you hungover after the Vino? - I think so. - I was very slow. I don't, I haven't been hungover that many times, but I was slow and I really wanted a cheeseburger. So I do actually think that is slow over, yeah. - Were you drunk for your baby? - Hey. - I love you. Guess what, mom? - I unzipped her little sleep, her little sleep tent and I was like, baby, wake up. What's your name? - I bought, I just want to say how much I love you. I'm gonna help you. - Were you asleep? Wait, wait, hold on, were you asleep? You're so cute, what are you sleep? Anyways. - Do I look weird to you? (laughing) What the fuck? - Would you say I'm normal? - Okay, that's enough fun. - Is that enough? - Let's get to the, let's get to the real shit. - People are like, people just answer our questions. We don't give a shit about how you sound after you eat cinnabon. (laughing) - I do love the smell of them though. I will say that. I did smell it, it was great. - Some food science going on there for sure and it's definitely like tickling a part of our synopses or something where you're like, ooh, this is heron. - Is it halo? - Halo? - What? - Heron, heron. (laughing) - Okay, let's see here. I actually don't think we've ever answered this question. - How do you sound after eating a plate of five cinnabons? (laughing) I think we just did. - All right, we'll move on. All right, this question comes to us from Christopher. Chris in Miami, okay? Chris in Miami. Hi, dumbbells. What are the positive and negative effects from dumbbell pressing motions that are in a neutral slash natural grip, 40 to 45 degrees as opposed to traditional grips, 90 degrees and 180 degrees? That's one question. Should we stop and answer that 'cause there are more? - Yeah. Uh, so the pros and cons or the positive and negative effects? - Positive and negative effects from dumbbell pressing motions that are in the neutral natural grip as opposed to traditional grip. - Interesting. - I would say like for me, I like the 45 degree angle. It's a lot less stress on my shoulder than when I'm like doing like a traditional bench press. But I can only, you can really only do that with dumbbells. You can't do that with like a barbell, really. Can you? I don't think you can. - No, you're restricted to your range of motion. - Yeah. So I like that 'cause I feel like I can getting to use more of my, more muscles. It's not kind of dumping into a shoulder 'cause I don't have that strong of a chest. - So that's why I like a 45 degree angle. I feel like I have more control, more stability. And I usually have my clients that are working on like that kind of thing start with that 45 degree angle. That's my, that's my hot take. - That makes sense. I mean, so if I'm trying to, you know, stay in the spirit of the question, pros and cons. I mean, so say you're somebody that, or positives and negatives to use Chris from Miami's Parlance. If you're somebody that's always trained on barbells, you know, you might have, you might lack some functional strength that you would need for those grips. So, you know, if you're pushing yourself to go too heavy, too fast, you could, you know, cause injury or get buried, you know, in a way because you're, you know, you don't have the functional strength or individual arm strength to use those dumbbells in a natural grip. If I'm trying to find like a negative about it, you know, so there's that, and I agree with Aaron, you know, and the positives is that you can get some weird torque if you're using a straight bar and you're not a barbell because you're not allowing your hands to be in there or your shoulders to be in the natural position. And so you go heavy, you get some weird torque, you know, you may not have the functional flexibility that you would need. That's why it's beneficial, obviously, to use dumbbells in a more natural grip. - Yeah. - Also, you know, dumbbells are, I mentioned it as a negative earlier, but they're, if you're conditioned and you're doing them right and you have a nice build-up to it, they are good for individual arm strength. And so a lot of times if you're right or left-hand dominant when you're using a barbell, you know, that's obviously gonna, you know, be doing a little bit more of the work or a lot more of the work, depending on the imbalance. And dumbbells can help kind of even that stuff out. Oftentimes, after a shoulder injury, people might just switch to dumbbells altogether. You know, another thing you wanna be careful of with dumbbells is you can get a little bit too much of a stretch on the shoulder capsule. So, you know, if you're using a barbells, particularly for chest press or even like military press, you know, you're just limited by the, you know, your anatomy and how far the bar is able to drop down. But if you're using dumbbells, you can stretch way beyond that and you could, you know, negatively impact your shoulder capsule and stretch it too much. And, you know, that's something that you can't really reverse. So you wanna be careful with that. You know, it's tempting sometimes because you're like, ooh, I like all this extra range of motion, but you just wanna be really careful with that. And I think there's something to be said about working to deceleration and get a lot in the eccentric movement. So, you know, pressing upwards, bringing down on the ascent, and then working hard on the deceleration, you know, in a place that's safe and healthy for your shoulders. Is that enough? - I think so. There's more. Stinger, come on you. - But wait, there's more. God, scared the shit out of me, dude. I shit my pants. All right, Christopher, Chris from Miami. - Second question, has Stinger tried THC topicals for his rheumatoid arthritis? He wants to know if you can fucked up, dude. - Do I get fucked up, dude? - Do you ever get topical fucked up, dude? - No, you ever get topical fucked up, bro. No, you gotta, bro. - Are you fucked up topically right now, dude? - No, my elbow was fucked up, wasted, bro. It punched the cop, dude. - What, your elbow punched the cop? - You had to hold fucking full in time, now, dude. I can't even bend my arm, though, my elbow's in prison. Sorry. You know what, Chris, I did, but this was early on with all that stuff. I should actually try it again. I think they've improved the kind of... - Do you think Chris means the CBD portion? - Not the THC portion? - Well, I've heard they're, I've heard both. Like I've heard THC, topically CBD, all that stuff. And I, very early on, like I had some patches and stuff. And I tried that, but again, this was like really early on. I think they've probably improved the delivery and the bioavailability of all that kind of stuff and the absorption. So I should try it again. I've fortunately been pretty lucky that it hasn't, hasn't been too bad. I mean, except with the exception of we talked about, it surprised me that my foot and ankle was so fucked up doing the... - The water. - The rower. - Oh, the rower. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - So that, you know, I don't know. I may want to try it again and just see. And I think there may be something to, using it over time, cumulatively, to kind of see if it does anything for inflammation. You know, I was always just kind of doing it, kind of rubbing it on, you know, one workout, not the other, you know, maybe I should like research and find a really good one and stick with it for a while and see. So to answer your question, yes and no. And you might've inspired me to do a little experiment. - Chris in Miami, thank you so much, dude. - Good question. Hope you're doing well, buddy. We're coming out tonight. Because he doesn't have a question for me, just in case, you know, not to brag. - Congrats on the baby. Thank you so much. Please tell me you're getting her swimming lessons and learning CPR. Yes. I haven't gotten her swimming lessons yet. This is me answering because I've been just working with her and unlike just being comfortable in the water. She's six months old, but I do plan on getting actual swim lessons. - I love that shit when you see them like throw a baby in the water and they just fucking-- - I know. - That's what I need to do. (laughs) - That's so scary. - The babies were all like-- - Honestly, if my kid would be like, "Yes, let's go." She loves that. - Yeah, she's like a wise somehow already. But like there's a chillness to her from a distance. I'm sure she's a lot at home, but there's a wise-- - Oh, it's, she's chill. Like it's very, she has like an inner piece. It's very weird. - She's got good vibes. - She's got good vibes. - She's only mad when she's hungry. That's it. - I was off. - You know when she's tired, she's like, she's like a drunk baby, like a happy drunk baby tired. - Yeah. - She's not even mad when she's tired. - She's just like ready to, ready to rack. - She just keeps trying to kiss open mouth, kiss me. Like when she's, she's like rubs her eyes and then she's like, some, somewhere I need to kiss, someone help me. - Yeah, that's better than like a drunk old man that tries to open mouth, kiss you. Hey, come on over here, red. Yeah. Go for you, go for you. Give me one. Yeah, I was all stressed out. Erin and I went to a baby shower and I was like, I was all fucking stressed out and stuff. And then I just made eye contact with Sunday and I could inner eyes. She was just like, dude, just-- - You're like chill. - It's not your day. - You got this, dude. - It's not your day versus the other persons having a baby, just, you know, you're fine. Everything's fine. Feel the sun, feel the grass on your feet and just enjoy it. You guys, shit, you're right. - Shit, you're right. Anyways, that's basically what he says. He just, you know, he's witnessed too many tragedies that could have been avoided, if parents had done these two things. So he said, love you guys. Be well and keep it dumb, Chris and Miami. He's a, I've missed this part. He's an ER medic, working in PDN, and so he's seen it. So-- - Well, thank you for what you do, Chris. - Yeah. - You're doing important shit, dude. - Go for you. - Go for you, dude. (laughs) Go for the people that get access to you. Go for you, go for you. - Go for you, okay, so that, yeah, we hadn't, that one had gotten kind of buried. I'm sorry, Chris, it took us so long to get to that one. - Go for you. (laughs) - Okay, you wanna go to the next one? - Sure. - Okay, let's do it. Taylor coming in with an email. Here we go. Hi, Erin and Stanger. Should I eat my exercise calories? I have about 30 to 40 pounds to lose and have been closely tracking on my fitness pal with a calorie goal of 1200 calories for two months, but have yet to see any weight loss. I cycle, walk, do circuit training, and/or weight lift five to six days a week, typically burning 400 to 800 calories. I'm about to add in running to train for a half marathon. I have been eating all of those calories quote unquote earned through exercise because I'm definitely hungry if I only stick to 1200 calories. Sometimes I have a bigger dinner portion or add in a healthy snack. Sometimes I treat myself to ice cream. Could this be inhibiting my weight loss? I found this on my fitness pals blog. So this is her quote from my fitness pals blog. "Unless you're exercising at a moderate to high intensity for an hour or more several times a week or are actively trying to gain weight, you most likely don't need to be worried about eating all of those calories back." Curious for y'all's take? Thank you so much for your help. Warm regards, Taylor. Hold on, I spaced out. Did I read the part where she's about to add in running to train for a half marathon? Did I completely skip that? Okay, I said that, okay, ooh. My brain went bye-bye. Okay, Sanger, do you wanna spitball? You want me to spitball what's up? You start, I'm curious to see what you say. Well, I would say when I am trying to be in a calorie deficit, I try like, and I don't know 'cause I don't know more about you than this calorie deficit number. So, I would need to know a few more things to speak on your behalf, but I will speak on my behalf in this vicinity. Does that make sense? Yeah. Keep me on the straight and narrow stinger 'cause you know I go off. Okay, so what I would say is like for me, I would have a higher daily calorie goal if I knew I was gonna be exercising like intensely, but I would then not factor in calories that I burned. I would just have like a little bit more of a higher calorie goal for just across the board and try to stay there. Because what I imagine is to me, 1,200 calories is a little low on the low end. And so I think you might just really be hungry. And so if you were, if, when you're also adding in that type of exercise, your body is like, hey, give us more food, which it sounds like you are. But usually when you're playing defenses set up offense, things can add up quickly when you're hungry and trying to fill in the gaps instead of planning in advance for a more like well-rounded, like 1,800 calories a day or 1,750 calories a day. Something like that, does that make sense? So I would, I would suggest maybe upping the calories daily and then ignoring what like whatever your wearable says about how many calories you're burned. 'Cause I don't actually think those are super accurate anyway. So ignore that, listen to your hunger cues and see what your body, how your body responds. - Yeah, I like that. I think you're getting into a tricky metric with, okay, I did this, this, and this today. So I have a 600 calorie surplus or whatever it is that I can kind of eat into. And also it just seems like creating a ton of work for you mentally, like that's a little bit of a mental strain. And I'm with Aaron 12 jumped out to me as low. And so I would try to get maybe a snapshot of how much calories you use a day on average. So combining all these different exercises multiple day, just get a snapshot of that, set that as a number, and then do that for a while, eat at that level, and then peel that back to create an energy deficit and then not pay attention to what you're doing calorie wise for exercise or whatever. You're just dealing with like a block number of calories that you can go up or move back. But 12 feels low. And I'm with Aaron too, hunger cues, for how hard you're training, you're gonna have to support that a little bit. I also would put an emphasis on strength, training, and muscle because that's your calorie burning potential too. You can over train and then not have an efficient enough engine and get into some trouble there too, where it's just like, fuck, I'm doing everything, but it's not working, you wanna train, you wanna be hormonally intelligent when you train. - Well, and so at the beginning, you talked about like 30 to 40 pounds to lose. And I'm in this boat with you, Taylor. I have like 30 pounds in my head that I would love to see go bye bye. And for me, I have found-- - See, go bye bye. - What's up? - See, go bye bye. - See, go bye bye. - See, go bye bye. - See, go bye bye. - So I feel like the push pull from my own, my own brain just to try to like, get it done, you know? I'd like to just work out really hard, get it done, and just like move on with my life. So, you know, the temptation there is to drop the calories, but you really need the calories to feel like you can keep like you can keep going with the smaller deficit. And I find when I have like a smaller calorie deficit, I stick to it and I have less like feelings of like, oh, I need to have like a cheat day because I actually feel like kind of like I'm satiated and I'm a little hungry, but I'm not a lot hungry. And so, you know, I understand the wanting to lose weight. I am also gonna throw this out there. When I trained for my half marathons I ran, I gained weight and I say that to say, when you are adding that in, I wouldn't worry about weight loss for that time. I would just worry about like maintenance and trying to maintain a weight that feels good. And if you lose a little bit of weight during that time, great, but don't run for weight loss because running makes you so hungry and then you have to fuel your body. Like you just have to. If you're gonna run that distance, you have to fuel your body. So it's a, you're on a fun journey, but it's also a hard journey. And so that's the end before I keep talking forever. - Ra name makes you wanna eat. - Ra name makes you wanna eat. You remember that song? - That you made up right now or was it like old classic? - It was an old classic. I think Bob Dylan is saying it or something. I will have to look. - Okay, cool. - No, all that stuff you said makes sense, Aaron. And it's tricky. I mean, dealing with one number, one realistic number and then going up or down for that will give you a lot more control. And you'll know, like you'll just know where you're at. It's tough, if you're always sliding around a little bit, you just don't, you're like, oh shit, was it this? Was it that? Was it this other thing? But if you're just, if you're dealing with one realistic number, again, 1200 is too low, you know, you'll know. And then you can, you have like a good control element that you can play around with and then figure out and it'll give you a lot more certainty. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - Cuckoo. Okay, let's see. - Do you like that? You feel like you got more? You wanted to say vicinity? - You saw my face. You know, I think the thing I did want to say is if you're noticing that you're doing all of this and your body is not changing weight, then I would also maybe check with, you know, a doctor on maybe hormones. - Thyroid. - Maybe you talk like thyroid. But also maybe, I don't know where the 1200 number came from, but if you talk to like a nutritionist, like an actual like got a degree as not like somebody that got their coaching certificate from through NASA, which I have, I'm not shading, but we aren't supposed to hand out caloric numbers. I would say there's probably something worth talking about with someone like higher with more information than you because that might be the answer. If you maybe upped your calories a little bit or if you tweaked what's going on with like your hormones or whatever, like it might just start melting off of you. So I just wanted to add that I think. - I love it. - I love it, okay. - Somebody higher than you is what you said. - Someone that rubs THC all over their body, dude. - Shit, though, my knee's fucked up, though. My knee, my knee crashed a car, though. It's not good. - My knee drove 20 miles the wrong direction, dude. That's what happens when you're high, not crashed a car. - Wrong direction, dude, crashed a car, dude. Lost it, lost his kids, lost his kids, lost his kids. - Okay, this is an email. Let's get to it. This is coming to us from Bill. What's up, bell babies? I've emailed in a few times about my fitness odyssey. Love that, but I have something different for you today. On Labor Day, I was riding my bike and while going through a roundabout, my front tire unexpectedly popped, causing me to fall hard on my left side, breaking my collarbone. This is my first broken bone in my life and has been a remarkably hard adjustment. I have lost over 200 pounds over the last two years and part of that progress is in great credit to finding a love for running and other forms of exercise. I really thought I was gonna say that dumbbells stinger. What do you think? - Just change it. - Okay, right, okay, back to him. Before the injury, I had not taken more than two days of running and/or other exercises in two full years. Even just not being able to move around with the same freedom I have found with weight loss has been devastating. Right now, I'm not able to do much physically and I'm going to need surgery to fix the break that will sort of reset the healing process for a few days. I will be unable to do real running or exercising to the degree I was doing for six weeks and that's as long as nothing else horrible happens. It sucks, major ass. I feel like I'm losing all the progress I have worked so hard for and to make it even worse, the recovery timeline will mean I am going to have to push back the training block for my first full marathon, LA 2025 in March. Meaning I'm going to have to adjust my expectations for that race. Mentally, it's all been really hard. Have either of you guys dealt with an injury like this that has put you on the shelf physically for an extended period? And if so, how did you deal with it? Thanks so much for the show, guys. It's going to keep me motivated through this process. Bill. Sucks major ass. I mean, that's the perfect sentence. That sucks the major ass. Major ass. Major ass sucks it. Sucks. What is it like sucking the shit out of it or something? What's happening there with it? Yeah, I think so. You're sucking major ass. The poop comes right out into your mouth. Ah, that's weird. It's weird. It's gonna be what it means. I didn't say it. I've heard it before. I haven't heard major there. I like that. Sucks ass. Yeah, I think sucks major ass is fun. Yeah. I like Bill a lot. I like that Bill. Major ass. Sucks major ass. This sucks. I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry. This sucks. Surgery, injuries, sucks major ass. I have had a small injury in my life that caused a small break in physical activity. However, you can go back through the episodes of ours and we have my husband on this podcast. Probably pretty soon after I came on the podcast it was probably like, what are we on now 400 and something? It was probably like 250, something like that. Somewhere in 250 to 270. Okay, so you can scroll. Just scroll. All right, Bill. But my husband was paralyzed. So this is an extreme example. But I have had like a front row seat to kind of watching his like his journey and watching kind of a person kind of like be taken down to zero and then rebuild. And what you're doing thankfully is not gonna take you back down to zero. But I know the feeling in the middle of it it can feel like that. And the nice thing is in six weeks you might lose some gains, some, you might gain a few pounds, but you have set yourself up for a life of fitness. Over the last two years, lost 200 pounds. Like that's commitment. And that isn't gonna be erased in six weeks. I'm gonna pause here because I could talk forever about this stuff. Sanger, do you wanna step in? Save me for myself. - Well, no, all that's great stuff. And I'd sit there and listen to you talk about it forever. We talk about thinking of yourself as an athlete. And it's apt in this situation. People think that if they're not playing professional sports or whatever it is that they're not. But you are, dude. I mean, the training that you laid out to us and described and how serious you take it, how consistent you've been, you're an athlete. And so if you're an athlete like that, it's always, it's an evolving journey all the time. So of course, momentum feels good and stacking days up feels good and then feeling the progression and your mind can get addicted to it in a good way. And you can kind of use that to your advantage and use it to create a lot of self-efficacy and all this stuff. And then you can feel, you have a setback like this and you feel so derailed. And I know for me, part of it that creeps in there is like, oh shit, what if I'm not as motivated to get back to the same or what if I can't or whatever it is? And that's not the case. You've already, you've done it, you've proven it, you've already been there. And so now you need to start asking yourself the questions, okay, I'm doing this, I've got treatment, I've got physical therapy, I've got surgery. These are all things I'm doing to get better so that I can get back out running again. I'm gonna do them all, they're all positive. You need to tell yourself that they're positive. This is what I do to get better. So you reframe it, it's not some shitty thing you have to do, it's not some bullshit, it's like, nope, this is what I do to get better, this is how I'm gonna improve and start imagining yourself how much further you're gonna take it after you get all this stuff done. And then in the meantime, what you can do is ask yourself, okay, here I am, what can I do? Well, I had some flexibility stuff I could work on and I'll work on that flexibility and maybe I'm limited in how much I can use my arm, obviously, or my whole body, but there's this flexibility I can do or I can work on spacing my toes out or whatever, a little plantar fasciitis, springing up, I can stretch my calves, there's all kinds of stuff. I'm sure there's little things that you had to compromise to maintain your running and with the time you had. And now you can focus on all those little things and get all of those in order. And then you can start thinking about nutrition and maybe you research like, oh, how can I dial in my diet a little bit more so that I can maintain somewhat during this or what foods promote healing? And so I think wrestling back some of the control so that you're happening to the universe, it's not happening to you. It's not all you wanna be, life is 10% what happens to you 90% how you react to it. And so use this as an opportunity and it sounds, it can sound a little hokey or corny or whatever, but it's really the truth and just look at like these people in the Olympics or playing football, we were just talking about these guys earlier in the episode. They're gonna fucking come back, they're gonna score touchdowns. It's like, you know, and you can do your version of that and use this as an opportunity to do that. And then the next time something like this happens because you're busting ass and you're active and it will, then you're like, oh shit, remember when I got the pin put in my collarbone and I fucking came back and crushed the 2025 LA? I'm gonna do the same thing, I know how to do it. - Yep, yeah, I forgot that I just had a baby and that's kind of my version of it. - Yeah, I would say that's a pretty... - I would say that's a major one. - That was, I forgot. - I'm, you know, crazy, but I will say, I'm fine, it does feel so hard. It feels like a slog. Those fucking ab rehab core workout bullshit that you do where you just have to breathe, your whole workout is just breathing and bracing and you're like, I used to be able to do so much cool shit and now I can't breathe, I can't do more than breathe. My abs feel like freaking jello salad at Thanksgiving, this shit sucks. And then it starts to come back and then it starts to feel like, oh, I can do this. Oh, little by little, little by little, it does come back. If you're, if you can do what Sanger said and like keep yourself in that kind of positive headspace, knowing the, it will, other little voices sneak in, but like keeping that forward momentum does make a huge difference. - Yeah, and just like Tony Braxton said, Aaron, you can now breathe again. But no, we've seen it. Aaron just posted a good thing of her doing push-ups. I mean, it's just like, you know, she's back in business, babe. It happens, you know, and it, yeah, yeah. So it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen for you, Bill. - This sure is. - Bill, we love to hear it, major ass. - Yeah, and honestly, let us know how it goes. Let's see, LA 2025 in March, yeah. - Yeah, Bo. - My baby will be one year old, it's crazy. - Hell yeah, dude. - Hell yeah, happy birthday, Sunday. One year, March 2025, bro. (laughing) - Let's see here. Okay, you know what's here? Okay, this is like a, this is a pitch for an idea. And also, I'd like to talk about it with you. - Yeah, these are questions coming to us at our Gmail email. Ask the Keep sending them in, we do these question episodes periodically, we're pretty good about answering all the questions, unless it's, you know, inappropriate. - Or like, or dumb, or like, like the dumb ones. - I mean, I like the dumb ones, but you know what I mean? Like, this random person wants to talk to you, that's what I mean, dumb. This one comes to us from Brian with a Y. Do you have any positive or negative experiences with a singer with Brian with a Y versus Brian with an I? - Brian with a Y versus, like people I knew or something? - Yeah, I knew a Brian with a Y who dated me, my best friend, and my other best friend, like kind of like sneakily dated all three of us one summer, 'cause none of us were in the same city. He came to visit all three of us. And like it's, the Y is for like, why do you do that? - Yeah, like exactly, exactly, exactly. - And if you were like, so you know, it's gone down there, yeah, I know, I know. - And if they were like, Brian with an I'd be like, I only want to see you. - Exactly, I don't have any stories like that. I mean, I knew some Y, Brian's, and I was cool with them. You know, I wasn't getting-- - But they didn't try to date you and your two best friends at the same time. - They did, they might've, you know, they might've been running a game on some women, but I didn't hear about it and, you know, I might not have been mad if they were, you know. (laughing) I was like, listen, I was a different guy then. I don't know, I've changed a lot now. Now I wouldn't fucking stand for that shit now. I wouldn't stand for that shit now. - Thank you, thank you. - But back then, when I was a young, you know, young idiot, I might've been-- - This guy also had an ear cuff, by the way, just, you know. - Oh, this Brian with the Y, Dayton U3 had an ear cuff? - Yeah, we always joke that he was doing his own version of the Bachelor, and we just didn't know about it. (laughing) Okay, this is not that Brian, okay? This Brian has a different last name that I will leave out for privacy, but-- - Has an ear cuff. - Brian with the Y. Hey, singer and Erin, I have recently gotten into hot yoga due to a girl I am currently seeing and have fallen in love with Brian. - You all do that hot yoga with you, babe, 'cause I love you. - I love you, dude. Okay, I usually-- - I love you. Crank up the heat, I love you to stretch on the heat. - Oh, God. I usually do a body pump or aerobic class, and it's a great workout. I think it would be great to hear you and Erin go to a class and share what you think about it. Now, here's, I have a question, okay? What, I thought hot yoga, like, I thought hot yoga was enough. What is he talking about? There's a body, is it hot yoga with, like, aerobics? - No, I think he's saying, he's like, I'm doing this hot yoga, I'll also do an aerobics class or a body pump, I'd love to hear you guys do a class and talk about it. - You think, you don't think it's a hot yoga body pump class? - I don't, you know, you know why Brian's better than I do, so maybe you're on it. Maybe you can get one of your other two friends involved and see if they can answer. - Okay, hold on, hot yoga, I'm looking this up, body pump? - Now, to me, it sounds like he's describing three different group classes he's involved in and then saying, like, it'd be fun to hear you guys talk about an experience with a group class. - Okay, then read the last sentence again or the last-- - Okay, okay, it says, okay, it's the short email. You know, he talks about, you know, being in love with a girl and doing hot yoga. I usually do a body pump or aerobic class and it's a great workout. I think it would be great to hear you an air and go to a class and share what you think about it. You think he means he used to go to body pump and aerobics before hot yoga? - I don't, I mean, I don't know what the-- - Brian, we need to follow up email. Is it possible to do hot yoga? - I think he's saying they're all three different things. - That's crazy. - That's what I think. - Have you ever done hot yoga? - I've done it, I've done the actual bickrum. I got really into it once all the info came out about the guy and then I started liking him. - That text. - Ryan with a rye, with a why? - Oh, I think I ended up being horrible and so fucking, what a bummer. But I did that and then I've done other kinds of hot yoga and I liked it. I mean, you definitely get that crazy kind of euphoria at the end of it or whatever because it's, I don't know, the relief of getting out of there or some shit. But I've done that and I've done other like-- - I'm thinking I wanna do it. - I think I wanna do it. - They have different kinds. They have a little bit more tolerable and then there's like the legit-- - No, if I'm gonna do it, I want the horrible, I want the hardest one. - There's the freaky one, yeah, I've done those. I've done pretty much any kind of yoga trend there's been. I haven't been to yoga at all. I'm actually, would it be good for me to do now? I should probably-- - Should we do it? Should we do it with hot yoga class? - Probably should do a little hot yoga class now, you know what I mean? I think that might be a good idea for me to do now. - Huh, okay, I think that might be a good idea for both of us to do now. (laughing) - Now that I can feel my abs and you're getting older by the second, so it'd probably be good for your joints, okay. Okay, because I have a bad association with hot yoga. - Well, here I am to do yoga, I'm starting to get old. - Huh? - Now I'm gonna stay, are you the teacher? Yogini, uh-- (laughing) - God. - I'll do it, I'd like to just do a good old. I gotta, I have a woman I know that's a yoga instructor. We should have her come on the show and talk. - Okay. - Yeah. - What's your name, first name only? - Alex. - Oh shit, dude, that's two letters off from the one I do not want on the show. We'll talk about it offline, but I thought you were gonna say this other bitch's name. - Okay, I don't think you know Alex, Alessandra, you know, but she goes by, she's Italian. - It's not the same person, thank God, 'cause I know one yoga instructor and she is crazy. And I just say that because she does not listen to this podcast. - Are they, is it a mutual friend? Is that why you were worried about it or something? - You could know her, yeah, you could. - Okay, I could know anybody. - Well, she was a comedy world adjacent. We'll talk about it. - Ooh, it's a little gossip that people are gonna want to talk about it offline. - People are gonna wonder, put it in the questions, ask the, who was the weird you? - If you email me, I'll email you back the answer, but I won't put it on the internet. - 'Cause you're not gonna blast her on the net. - Yeah. - It's also not that interesting, but it is kind of. What is, so let's do hot yoga. I wanna try it. I tried it once and I was sunburned and it was the worst experience of my life and I thought I was gonna die. And I quit halfway through. Maybe a quarter of the way through. So I have only that. So I would like to do it without being sunburned. - Was it beakrum? Or that's like, oh, it's all standing poses, beakrum is. - It might have been, it was at mod yoga. - I don't know. - And like silver lake. It was like the trendiest thing I've ever done. - And then I had to leave, that instructor specifically said, try not to leave the room. And when someone says that, like I really do like, try to like listen and like power through. And I had to leave and I went to the bathroom and I, the bathroom was so cold and I took off all my clothes and laid on the floor and I realized I was so sunburned on my legs and I never get sunburned on my legs. And I was just like baking from the inside out. I've said that on the show before, but I have a few years going back. - Feels familiar, yeah. - Yeah. - I think I'm ready. - I think I'm ready. - Put block on the legs? Is that why you don't get it or does it just not happen? - I just normally am like either in water or I don't like lay out. And that's kind of when you get sun on your legs. And so I don't normally lay out and I did. I went to the beach and I laid out and I was very wrong for all of it. - Nude beach. - Absolutely. Yep, it was a nude dog beach. It was every dogs and nudes. - I took my dog to one, but she wore a sweater, you know? I don't know, the other dogs were mad about it. - Classy, classy. - They're mad about it. - I understand. - Where we at? We got another, we got one more. What do you want to do? - Oh, let's see, hold on. Let's see, let me. We've been more than that. - You think we did it? - Alright, if there's one more, I'll do it. I don't give a shit. (laughing) - Okay, oh, this is one of those fake questions. You know, some people send us fake questions. Oh, you know what? You know what? We can do this. Taylor from before sent us another email. And this one was a long time ago and I'm sorry, Taylor, we missed this one too. But this is, this is fun. Okay? - Okay. - Are we okay? Are you okay to do two Taylor's? Two Taylor questions? - Yeah. - We'll dedicate this episode to Taylor. - Okay. - The subject is how do I get Linda Hamilton's physique? - Okay, this is fun. - Okay, you ready? Alright, I hope this email finds you well. Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor and Terminator 2 is seriously jacked. And I want to get a physique like her. What workouts do you recommend? I found this Tumblr post about her workouts, but not much else. Curious to hear your thoughts. Okay, the Tumblr post. Let's do it. - Tumblr. - The Terminator 2 workout, which I want to do. Okay, Linda was working with a personal trainer who also helped Edward Norton beef up for America History X. Apparently she said 12 pounds of fat with diet and exercise. Her routine included running, biking, swimming, climbing stairs, as well as free weights, mini trampoline drills, walking lunges, and abdominal work. They trained six days a week for three hours. The really impressive thing is she got into amazing shape after giving birth just 20 months before. Okay, then it breaks it all down, blah, blah, blah. But I do, I actually think that might be fun for me to look into more. What do you think? How does she get into the Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor shape of her life? - It's, how well do you know her physique in that movie? - I've seen it. - She looks amazing. She's super lean. So it's probably not sustainable. I mean, it's something that she did for the movie. And so there's building as much muscle as she can. And then she's doing, she's drying out and dieting down to shoot so that she looks super lean. And so it's one of those kind of tricky things to where movie magic and she's getting-- - Oiled up. - You know, like yeah, oiled up and well lit, that for sure. But also getting herself to like a really lean space for while she's filming. And then, you know, and then back-- - Going back to probably normal. - Yeah, or a version of it. She always seems fit to me. And so, you know, maybe some of it's like kind of endured. But yeah, it seems like there's a lot of emphasis on arms and shoulders. I never saw her legs in the movie, but you know, a lot of arms and shoulders. And you know, so upper body stuff, you know, shoulders, you know, you only want to train heavy if you're doing a compound movement. I wouldn't recommend doing anything too heavy on the lateral raises or, you know, medial posterior shoulders, but you can load up on military press. And then seems like her thighs were really popping. But again, you know, a lot of that's from having well-developed shoulders. And you know, she's got like nice rear delts and posterior delts, so you don't want to neglect those. And so, you know, make sure you're doing a lot of antagonist, agonist movements. So if you're doing, you know, upper body chest and shoulder, like your forward shoulders, you know, make sure you're doing a lot of posterior delt work and then doing like a lot of your rows and that kind of stuff to compliment them. And I would probably do something, I would probably do something for those retracting muscles every day. Like I would do, you know, even if you're not loading them up, I would make sure you're doing them every day to, you know, help avoid protracted shoulders. And... - Like what would an example of that be? - So that would be like if you're doing wise and tease. So if you're bent over and you're doing, you know, bent at the waist and then you're doing like, you know, shoulder without weight, like shoulder extensions, you know, upwards, I'm trying to think of how to describe it. Like a shoulder complex. - Yeah, I think wise and tease, does it? But you're hinged at the waist. - Hinged at the waist, yeah. And so I would do it without weight 'cause you don't want to like overload, but if you're doing like a lot of heavy shoulder, chest work, you know, even that bicep stuff, I would keep doing things to pin my shoulders back. And that's like a little trick to kind of help them look, you know, well developed. I also think she's probably doing a lot of backwork too. I feel like she's got a good V. - Yes, yeah. - And so, you know, hit those lats and all that stuff, you know, really hard. I think people can get like, 'cause their biceps pop so awesome in that. I think you can kind of, you know, get blinded by that and feel like you need to do all this crazy bicep work, which you should do, but don't neglect shoulders and back. - Yeah, 'cause that's what makes it look. - Yeah. - The shoulders do make the biceps have a look. - Yeah, I think it makes some show, you know, because it, you have those capped shoulders and then you get the separation between the bicep and the shoulders. - Yeah. - And that's what really kind of dazzles the eye. - People love that shit though. - Now how you-- - You love it. - Yeah, how you arrive there, you know, versus like reps and weight and how you want to progress. I mean, that's all personal and specific and then up to you and how long of a timeline you have. But I think those are the movements that you should zero in on. And then, you know, you also got to eat protein. - Yep, eat protein. But Taylor, we know you a little bit more because we've done a couple emails from you, which I do appreciate. And I'm like, what you're, you're on the right track, just amp up those, those, amp up the strength training. That's what I'd say, strength training and protein. - Yeah, I would emphasize the strength training and then look into those macros. And then, yeah, I mean, you're willing to put the work in. So that's the hard shit. You just got to make some little tweaks. - Yeah, yeah, and then you're there, baby. Send us pics of those arms, dude. - And then you'll be there. This is crazy. Taylor's built just like Linda Hamilton, please. - We have Arnold Schwarzenegger during the chat. - This is crazy. - This is crazy. That this is crazy and that all the advices that they give in is wrong. Wait, what? It's wrong? - Oh, wait, okay. Sorry, we're going to hang up on ours. - You have to join my newsletter, Arnold's Pump Corner. We hung up. - Okay, okay. (laughing) - It's just a trick to try to get people to join his newsletter. He's trying to fucking poach the numbers, man. - Poach our audience. - Yeah. - How dare you? - Fuck that. Fuck that. - Ask the If you got any questions for us, we'll do another Q&A soon. We love hearing from you guys. Thanks to everybody that wrote in today. Good questions, good stuff. - Yeah. Send us your flexes too. If you guys have been killing it out there in the gym, you got gains that you're making, things you're proud of. Send us those too. I love that personally. And you can let us know if you want us to share or not. We respect the wishes of the writer. So send them on. And the identity of the weird yoga person. Yeah, also check out the socials @thedumbels. We're on IG@thedumbels.pot on TikTok. Say what up to us there. Like us. - And on X. - We're on X. - Twitter, we're on X, we're on Twitter. - We're on X, we're getting all our political information on X, so we're well informed. - On behalf of myself and Aaron McGowan signs and the tailor who the episode is dedicated to, I'm Ryan Stanger. We are the dumbbells. We'd like to remind everybody that's out there listening to Train Dirty. - Eat clean. - And live in between. - That was a hate dumb podcast.