Chrissie Mayr Podcast

CMP 759 - CEO of StickerMule, Anthony Constantino

Broadcast on:
23 Sep 2024
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CEO of StickerMule, Anthony Constantino joins Chrissie Mayr for the first time on CMP! They discuss what it's like being an open Trump supporter as a business owner, the importance of loyalty and what's coming up for the company.


10/5 - Mt. Kisco, NY

[MUSIC PLAYING] That's your safe belt. It's going to be a ball to be a ball. Chrissy is hilarious. Chrissy, have you ever heard of your comedian, Basha K. Ali? No. That sounds like something you yell at before you blow up a plank. [LAUGHTER] [INTERPOSING VOICES] [MUSIC PLAYING] 30 seconds remaining. [INTERPOSING VOICES] [MUSIC PLAYING] I haven't done this to you at all. I was scared confused by the title. Everything everywhere all I want, because that's also what we call it when the ass takes off these curves. [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] Woo-hoo! [MUSIC PLAYING] I shouldn't be up here. I should be in school with the other side of the ocean. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to another episode of the Chrissy Mayer Podcast. You can listen to this podcast everywhere. iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Podbean, Rumble, Rockfin, Facebook, Myspace, Brenster, or everywhere. Please like and subscribe if you haven't already. Before I bring in our fabulous guest, I have a comedy show to promote. Guys, if you're in the New York area, please come and see me. I'll be doing stand up in a couple of weeks out here in Westchester, Mount Kisco, to be exact. The show is called "Kisco Comedy Night." You can get your tickets from my website,, or you can go on a femp-right and search in there. It's going to be an awesome show, Saturday, October 5th, myself, my good friend, Gino Bisconti and Fred Robino, all very funny guys. I, too, am a funny guy. So you can get your tickets now. Nice early 7 o'clock show, 11 Carpenter Avenue in Mount Kisco, New York in Westchester, which is the best jester, as we know. All right, thanks. Thanks, guys. It's hard having an infant, so I have to do the local shows, before the bean gets older, when it gets a job, then I can go on tour again. And as always, if you have a comedy club in your area that you want me to come to, that's nice and based and would have me, tweet at them, tweet at me, let me know, because I'm going to get together a tour probably in a few months or so. Sweet! OK, OK. I give the bean up for adoption. No, that's not an option. But why go through all this trouble just to give them up for adoption? OK, I'm so excited to have this guy on today. I'm so excited he's here because I really-- I don't have too, too many business owners. And in this age of like the DEI bullshit, it's just-- it's good to have somebody who is-- who is based and who has their head on straight. I'm so excited he's here today. Welcome, the CEO of Sticker Mule, Anthony Konstantino. Thank you. I don't think I've ever been so excited to be on a podcast inside. Really? No, because I've done it before this. I've got to stand up background. I love comedy. We try to inject it into everything we do at Sticker Mule. So I've been doing all these serious podcasts. And maybe this will be a serious one, too, but-- You've done stand up? Yeah, three times. Fire six years, it's been a little while, so I'm a little rusty. But yeah, I'm super excited to come out and have some fun today. It'll be a little more fun than the other ones I've done. What possessed you to want to do stand up? Believe it or not, actually, I was one of the first people to get canceled. And it's one of the first people to get canceled in 2016. I got canceled before Trump even won. I got canceled for a $500 donation, because I bought Trump Christmas ornaments. No. How? How did you get canceled for buying Trump ornaments? You didn't know about the donations. I bought the ornaments. It was recorded as a donation. Some low-level influencer found out about it before he even won. And they were like, the Sticker Mule guy, bikes Trump. And we got inundated with emails. And I got-- it was actually sort of traumatic, because I was just-- it was eight years ago, so the company wasn't as strong as it is today. We're 1,200 people now. So it was much smaller. I've been working my ass off to build it to what it was. And yeah, I actually felt like I destroyed the company, because I got just bombarded thousands of hate messages. Everybody was going nuts on Twitter, attacking me. Our customer service team was traumatized. Everybody at Sticker Mule was traumatized. And yeah, I'd like to look for the good and everything. So it was like, at the same time, I had a friend that had just gone through a situation, personal situation. He wanted to do something fun with his life. And he was like, I want to be a comedian. I was like, yo, let's do it. I'll do it with you. And so yeah, I got into comedy, really, to-- I want to level up my own skill set to deal with the haters. And so your comedy is a great way to deal with the haters. And I like to learn from the best in whatever I do. And I was like, man, Trump is one of the funniest people I've ever seen. So he does a really good job of handling his haters. And he handles him with comedy. And I just love comedy since I was a kid. And so I was like, yeah, I would love to get into comedy, too. So I did a few performances. I did three-- I say three legit performances in front of an audience. And then you do the open likes. There's a few more open likes. Oh, wow, that's neat. Who was the-- do you remember who the influencer was? Who tried to cancel you over buying the tournament? I don't know. It doesn't even matter. But yeah, I went nuts, and yeah, it was crazy. I've been canceled probably five or six times since then. And yeah, now I'm coming up. We just launched Sticker Middle Stores. I got my own store, and I'm like, I need a brand for myself. I was like, I think it's going to be un-cancelable, right? I'm just going to have-- Wow. Oh, yeah. So you were-- you were for Trump from day one, from the first escalator ride you were-- No, it's crazy. No, that's why I got-- I understand the hate situation. So well, how ridiculous it is. Like, no, I didn't-- I actually had a lifelong rule in business that I don't work with people that named it exactly themselves. So yeah, number one principle at Sticker Middle is humility. Like, I was raised to be a humble person, and so we hired for humility, and Trump's kind of the opposite of that. But at the same time, I also respect all different types of people who can be successful. So maybe he is humble in a way. As you get to know more for all he's done in life, he is sort of a humble guy, because he'll associate with just about anyone. So maybe I'm wrong to say he's not humble. But yeah, he was different to me. I didn't really know much about him. I wasn't a fan. I got into him because a left-leaning friend told me about him during the campaign. And he was like, who do you like? I was like, I don't know. I like Ben Carson. He said, you really should check out Trump as a Trump. Because you just hear the media crack, right? And immediately, that is crazy. And so he's like, listen to one of his speeches. And so I listened to his speech. And right away, I saw how the media was totally misrepresenting them, because they were beating him up like crazy, calling them all sorts of names, because of the wall. The wall was the big thing. But they never said that he said, you've got to have a big, beautiful door. I don't know if you remember that. We could have used the wall now. Yeah, the wall is looking good. I don't know if it would be in this mess if the wall-- Yeah, I'm actually doing a statement later today in Spanish talking about, I live half my year in Mexico. So I got a front row seat to this. I really understand the situation too. You went to the wall? Did you do an AOC photo shoot, crying and everything? I don't know about what I know about the wall. You only want to know. Yeah, people don't know what he said, and we need a door. People need to come in to the country legally. And I got lots of friends in Mexico. They can't come legally for vacation. There's legitimate people in Mexico that want to just come and go to Disney, and they get blocked. But anyone that wants to go, it's not illegal anymore. Because since I say the president's changed, since the president changed, it's not illegal anymore. You just come and you say, I got a tough life in whatever country, because they're not all from Mexico. A lot of them come from South America. But you just say, I got a tough life, and they give you a asylum. And so it's not even illegal. And a debit card, and new clothes, and hotel stay. Yeah, it sounds pretty nice. Yeah. So I know a lot about that situation. Yeah, I think that-- I mean, who really knows, right? Trump's inner circle. The only people that really know him personally. But I think he does come off humble in the way. He can speak to the common man really well. He is obviously a 1%er. He's worked in-- I mean, he's in home alone too, for Christ's sake. He doesn't get any better than that. I think he's good at pairing down his language as to not come off. He is a 1%er and a business owner. And as successful as he is. And I think he's more in touch, I think, with the average person than any other kind of politician that's reached his level. I mean, sure, there's been governors, like Larry Sharp is another example of someone who is an actual politician that's not arrogant and has really great ideas. Usually it's like the worst kind of people are the ones that pursue politics. And usually the presidency. But I don't know. I like Trump. He obviously has a big personality. But I think that comes in handy when dealing with big personalities on a world stage, like Putin or Jim-- whatever, the career guy. Jim Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-il, whatever. I think that helps him to be taken more seriously. People don't think they can walk all over him. Hey, what did he do with the North Korean situation? It was a master class negotiations. And he's the only one that's been there of any president, I think, in decades. Yeah. One thing-- and I negotiate all the time. And one of the rules of negotiation is a lesson for your listeners is like you want to give people two stark realities. And so if you remember the Kim Jong-un situation, he actually made a video out of it. He made a video for him. Did you see that? I did an old video for him where he visualized the future of North Korea if they play nice. And it was like, this could be North Korea in the future. Blah, blah, blah. We could have hotels on beaches. We could have all these great things. And he said, or I could drop a bomb on you and kill your whole country. And at the end of the video, I said, which future will Kim pick? He did this. Yeah, I saw the video. It's a master class negotiations because that's what you do. I do it all the time. You tell people, look, you're going to be my friend, and life's going to be great, or I can totally destroy you. And I don't know. This is what I do with vendors. I'm making it simple. Yeah, yeah. I said Jim, Jim Kongoon. That's good. That's good. I'm functioning. This is what happens. I had to switch to decaf because the baby-- I didn't want to jack the baby up with caffeinated breast milk. And now I'm not barely functioning. What's up, Brian Cannell. Brian Cannell's in the chat. I've been using sticker mule even before I knew this dude was based. Half. Brian's the best. So you did stand up a few times. An influencer tried to cancel you for buying Trump ornaments. Were you CEO at that time? It's been my game. I started the company, so part of the company. I did every job at the company. I did all the customer service. I did everything. If you read our emails, they're funny at times. I write all the funny emails are written by me. Yeah. That's good. It's good to have a sense of humor. It always comes in handy. My goodness. That's just so wild. Because it's good to speak to a business owner because DEI has been such a huge part of it seems being a business owner, or at least working for a business for the last, I think, 10 years or so. But it's really ramped up in the Biden administration. What's your process like for, I guess? I mean, it's probably easy enough to hire employees that are also based that you jive with during an interview. But I guess what is it like, the other aspects of business do you find like you come up a lot of roadblocks because you're kind of like an out-Trump supporter. What kind of backlash does it have? Well, the back, I said, now that support Trump was unbelievable. Right, I got-- I sent a statement just after he was almost killed. And people-- it's insane that people out there would say, oh, it was no big deal, or it was fake. It didn't happen, or it just hit his ear. I mean, if a bullet hit anyone's ear-- look, if a shooter was in the vicinity of any one of these people criticizing the situation or downplaying a situation, if a shooter was near any of them, they'd be traumatized for years, right? Yeah, watch a bullet hit your ear and see how you'll act for the rest of your life. They'd be traumatized. And then they tried to downplay the most recent one because the guy didn't get a shot off, he was taken out. But look, if a shooter was hiding in the bushes for anyone in the world, they'd be traumatized. I'd probably be-- I don't know, I'm pretty tough. I'd probably be traumatized, although, yeah. There's some people that can handle situations like that. Trump-- there are some people that can handle situations like that. I'm also-- I do a lot of weird things. And I spread them a pro-boxer. And I talked to my coach about this. He disarmed people. He got shot on the street once trying to disarm. Or is there are people that can handle gunfire and not turn into wear? But most of the Trump haters, I think, they'd be traumatized if they went through anything like what he went through. Oh, of course, people even said with the most recent assassination attempt, like, don't worry, no ears were harmed. Everybody go about your business. And it's like, if the tables were turned, if people were shooting at Harris or Biden, the whole frigging world would shut down. So it's-- it would take you to walk your-- like, whatever, millimeters away from being dead. So whatever, yeah, if people are downplaying that, it's nuts. But we got hit with hate all over the place. But it's been an interesting situation. I guess, luckily, I got canceled in 2016. So I know what it's all about. It's like mostly I'll talk, very little action. So it's funny, the people that come at me-- I've been retweeting them. We've been retweeting them. And now we've got people on our side. So six or seven people will criticize them for saying nasty things to me. And then they go private on their accounts. So all these people that are huge haters, that bash Trump, Trump's got incoming fire from all different directions, the media, the political status. Everyone's hitting them every way to Sunday. And he's still standing. Gun warfare, insults, hoaxes, everything. Gun fire. And then the people that hate them the most, you republish the things they say. And six people on the internet criticize them and they go private. So it's really a weird situation. I call these people hate afflicted. It's not everybody on that other side. It's not really-- what is there? There's 300 million Americans. I think there's 10 million people that are severely hate afflicted. But there's 8 billion people in the world. I travel over the world. I live in Mexico. My company's in 39 countries. I tell people Trump's the most liked person in the world. He's probably the most loved person in the world. He's got fans all over the place, specifically in the Latino community. I speak Spanish more than I speak English, because I spend a lot of time in Mexico. And I don't speak English all over Mexico. He's got support in the Latino community that's through the roof. Just in South America alone, he's probably got half a billion people that love him. So-- Why did Hispanics love Trump so much? Because all the instability in their countries that they've gone through in South America, they've dealt with government corruption, unlike anything. They know government corruption better than anyone. South America knows government corruption better than anyone the people they had. No government corruption better than anyone. And they understand what it is. It's a corrupt government attacking a guy that's coming in from the outside trying to fix the system. It would happen to anybody that's going to come in and try and fix the corrupt system. If you've got-- and people don't understand how big the government is, right? How many millions of people work in the government? And they all know about the corruption. They all know that they're in there. Some of them are going to work doing nothing all day. I talked to a guy that worked in the state of New York. And he said, people come in, and they just stared at their computers all day, and they're going to play on their iPhones. So they don't do anything. So all these people know they're getting paid, and they're coming in, they're playing video games on their iPhones, or they're doing absolutely nothing all day. And they see a new guy get in, and they all panic. And it's not just them-- and it makes sense. You've got to protect your family. So they go into panic mode. They worry about their jobs. They worry about their careers. They rightfully worry about their families. Because a guy's in there that's trying to fix things and make it better for the country. And look, if you've got people going to work and playing around on their iPhones all day, sadly, they need to get fired. They need to get removed. Because that's not good for the country, and they need to go find jobs elsewhere where they can be productive, and they can be happier. So yeah, Latinos know government corruption better than anyone. South America's been devastated by government corruption. And they know what's happening here. They all see it. It's a corrupt government rebelling against a guy that wants to come in and make things better for everybody. Yeah. Tell me about how you started the company. Did you work for somebody else first, or-- Yeah. Crazy story. I like moving-- I just like stories. I've always been a storyteller, really, since I was a little kid. I always been a good storyteller. And I guess one of my friends one day said, I figure out, I know why you make good stories. You just make them happen. He said, I know you have so many good stories you make them happen. So this story, I owe to my friend to an extent, but my friend is-- I had a friend of mine that got through his whole career without ever using a computer. He was 70 years old. Never used-- he finally got a computer for the first time, just before Christmas 2010. And he came to me to ask for help with the computer. And I started BSing about starting an internet company at the time. And it was like-- you know, the internet was hot, and everybody wanted to have an internet company. So I started BSing. He said, what the hell do people even go on internet Anthony? And I opened up the computer. I showed him a company called Cafe Press, which is still around. And he said, that's great. You know, thank you. I'm going-- you know, any closing computer, and he went home. I thought no one was going to come with it. And he came and saw me the next morning, 9 AM. And he said, Anthony, I went home last night. And I drank a bottle of vodka and thought about our conversation, decided we've got to start an internet company together. And to his credit, I said, maybe in three or four months, you know, we're down-- maybe down the road, you know. And he said, he said, no, you showed me the internet last night. You're already five years too late. We've got to start right now. I'll support you. But you've got to decide today, if you want to do it, yes or no. And I said, all right, we'll do it. And he said, it'd be good to get some other support. He said, ask your brother if he'd be interested, too. So I asked my brother and my brother. Said, yeah, I'd be interested in working on this project. So we started an internet company. We didn't even know what it was going to be called. We didn't know what we were going to sell. It was just an internet company. And so he said, well, step one is-- he had a whole notepad of things we need to do. Step one is get incorporated. So we went to see a lawyer. And we went to see the lawyer. And he said, Dick, me and Anthony are here. We need your help. Start an internet company. The lawyer was in his 80s at the time. And he said, yeah. The only guy older than him. Exactly. He said, the internet, my grandkids say it's phenomenal. I'd love to help you guys. So-- I thought you were going to say he went home, drank a bottle of vodka, and discovered porn. I really thought he was going to be like, he found porn. Now he loves the internet. He's an internet girl. Actually, I did stand up on this whole thing with the drinking and the guy. Actually, my first day in the back, I talked about this. And yeah. That's awesome. No, it was crazy. So you get with the 80-year-old lawyer. 80-year-old lawyer. And he goes, I'd love to help you guys. We get incorporated. What's next step? We need programmers. So at the time, the internet was-- I mean, the internet really became hot in 2000. But it was kind of going through it. They called it Web 2.0 in 2010. So we found this agency called it. They were building a platform that was going to compete with Shopify. It ended up getting acquired by first data. But the world was different back then. They had a phone number on their website. So I called this company. That was sort of an internet e-commerce startup. And I said, hey, we want your help to build an internet company. And the guy goes, well, what would you like to sell? And I said, we haven't decided yet. And he goes, well, what's your budget? And my co-founder, Enerject, and you could tell he's older. And he said, we've never done anything on the internet before. We were hoping you could advise us that's the cost expectations. And so an older way of speaking-- so right away, the guy's like, what the hell is it? He goes, listen, I've got to be honest with you. The internet's hot right now. I'm getting calls from all sorts of weirdos. You guys sound like a bunch of weirdos. I don't think I can work with them. And my co-founder shot me a look. And he said, go ahead. And I said, well, we could spend 100,000. And the guy responded. And he said, OK, I'm free next week. Can you come to DC? So we went to DC. And we talked to him. And we said, look, we had a rough idea for what we wanted to do. But we didn't know how you go. So listen, I'm be honest. I thought you guys were a bunch of weirdos. I still think you're a bunch of weirdos. But I like you. I want to get started on this right away. Can you please decide what you want to do? And so we went back. And we started-- I like comedy. I thought animals were animal plus business was funny. I don't know. So I come up with a name that I thought was comical and sticker meal sort of funny. And so yeah, to end up being the name, we decided to sell stickers. I didn't know how to design a website. I didn't know how to do anything. So I called a kid that I knew who's now our chief marketing officer. And miraculously, he ended up being one of the best designers on the internet. I said, hey, me and my friend Tom were starting an internet company. We'd like your help designing it. And he said, I never designed a website before. I always wanted to. But I'd love to help you out. I said, yeah, I said, well, that'd be great. I said, we can't pay you. But if it goes well, we'll take care of you down the road. So he designed the website. It looks like it just looks today. And we launched three months later. And three months later, and it's been a fun ride ever since. We're 1,200 people now out there in nine countries. And I call us the internet's most kickass brand because no one else is willing to call themselves that. Everyone else be scared to say it. Yeah, it's like New York's Best Pizza or the best cup of coffee. You just have to decide. OK, you guys do-- what is-- do you do custom stickers? Well, we did a number of products now, so stickers. In fact, when all the hate came at me, they were like, people are like, what can a sticker company-- why does a sticker company think they should be getting involved in politics? And I went on the internet and I just said, actually, we're a hot sauce company because we launched the hot sauce. It won an award, Best Hot Sauce, Best Everyday Hot Sauce, against 270 other hot sauces in a blind taste test. And so we launched the hot sauce. It's called Neosauce as a joke five years ago. So yeah, we launched the hot sauce as a joke. I said it's only a funny joke, but it's actually the best hot sauce. So we actually got a hot sauce called Neosauce, which is really hot. People love it. We just love people start white labeling it, so you can put your own label on it. The sales are through the roof for that, but yeah. There's not your website. Load of products, and then more, more. Bang, and then it's rolled out. And Neosauce. And now it's white labeled. Yeah, you can white label it. We got temporary tattoos, framed, whatever. But white label, Neosauce is hot. Neosauce is hot. We go over a million bottles a year. Since we did white label, it blew up like 10x overnight. Well, that anyone put their label on it. I just made some for a guy named Mike Tyson. I just made some for another guy named Don Jr. Ricky Burles sauce. Yeah. OK, that's awesome. See, I have my own hot sauce. This is from Silk City Hot Sauce, and it's called Nightmare. That's you. Yep, and that's me. It's me eating somebody's intestines, dressed in like a double costume. Yeah, you get just some of our hot sauce. But it's called a great awakening. We launched it as a joke, because it's funny. Like, why are you guys selling hot sauce? Why is my sticker company selling hot sauce? But it's not a funny joke if the hot sauce tastes like crap. If it tastes good, it's kind of funny. That's awesome. We got a really-- oh, drunk three pio. Thanks for the super chat drunk three pio. I love Staker Mule. Can I get a I know Chrissy discount? Huh? Great company. I'm going to get in trouble on this one. We don't have discount codes. We never did discount codes. I like that. I like that. I love that about you. You know, it's like no one gets an easy pass here. Oh, Filthy has a great question. Does Anthony worry about server hosting for his company with the age of canceled culture? Companies like AWS can throttle or take companies out on a whim. You know, we got a good team that, like, manages stuff. And we're looking at, you know, we're done this year, and stuff like that. I don't know. It's a good question. Hopefully, they don't come at us yet. You know, we'll see what happens, although they just banned us from Reddit. That was wild. They banned us from Reddit? They did this whole-- yeah, they banned us from Reddit. There's a rule on some of the sub-redits. Now, you can't be sticker millits. That's an official rule. You can't be sticker mill. But you can be not sticker mill and say as much nasty stuff as you want about us. So if you go and Reddit, there's Reddit's now that a banned us, people say, I said Reddit banned us. Well, because, you know, we can't get up. You know, I guess you could get a Reddit global ban, but we got multiple subreddit bans for bans from the largest Reddit sticker community, even though we're pretty much the founder of that community. And the founder of Reddit, Alexis Ohanian, was a friend of ours, and he launched the official Reddit sticker store with us 12 years ago. So we were the original Reddit sticker store. Launched with the founder of Reddit. He was a friend of ours. And I actually closed it down. I didn't want to deal with it anymore. It was a headache to manage. But now we got our own-- we didn't have the stores platform. So we just launched a stores platform where anyone can open a store and we're powering over 10,000 stores, including one for Don Jr. So what actually got you canceled off Reddit? For being sticker mule and supporting Trump, they, you know, yeah. That's it, wow. I wrote an email saying, if you saw the original email, I just said, people, you asked me, do we only have based people? To be honest, I don't talk politics with my team. I survive on the basis of loyalty. I'm very loyal person. And so I think we got to make sure people, we got people on both sides. I know for sure for a fact, people on a management team are on both sides. But I'm loyal people. They're loyal to me. And like I said, people that are really in the anti-Trump world, they don't realize they think it's like every Democrat hates Trump supporters, that's not true. That's not true, you know. In fact, you know, even people say, we're big with artists. And they say, you just lost the entire artist community. And I said, who are you to say you speak for an entire community? So yeah, the reality is like, I'm a loyal person. I got people on both sides at sticker mule. That was my original message. And people like me, they like working here. And why can't it be that way throughout the whole country? Why do we got to be at our throats? I know why it is. It's because, you know, government propaganda media doesn't assess your relationship between a media and government. And governments, millions of people, a new guy came in, all those millions of people panicked. They're family members panicked. They're extended family panicked. They're incestuous friends in the media panicked. And they created a mass hysteria with anti-Trump propaganda. But that hysteria poisoned the minds of maybe 10 million people. I think, you know, luckily, even within the Democrat party, there's people, you know, there's a lot of people whose minds weren't poisoned, which is why you see record numbers of Democrats switching their vote to Trump, because it's really not everyone. You know, it's maybe 10 million people are, I call them hate afflicted or hate poisoned. But you're seeing record numbers of Democrats switching their vote to Trump, you're like Bill Ackman, big-time Democrat investor. He's on Team Trump, Elon Musk, big-time Democrat Team Trump. Mark Zuckerberg, one of the biggest Trump haters in the country, spent 400 million to beat up Trump in the last election. He seems to be on Team Trump now. He's saying great things about Trump, RFK, Democrat, Team Trump. You know, you can go on and on, Snoop Dogg. - We'll see. - Right? Snoop had the gun in the video with Trump, and now he's on Team Trump. So Team Trump is Team Unity, the people that are on the anti-Trump side. They should realize it's not the entire Democratic party, even it's just them. It's 10 million so people that are severely hate afflicted, hate poisoned by media propaganda, government propaganda. And even within their own party, most people don't agree with them. You know, if the entire Democrat party hated Trump supporters, I wouldn't be in business. People say, you must've lost half your customers. I didn't lose half my customers, it didn't happen. I lost a very small number of people that are severely hate afflicted. And, you know, I'm trying to help those people's seriality and come back and come to the table and be friends with their neighbors and their family members again. You know, there's people that end family relationships, they stop talking to their neighbors, they're talking to their friends. That's not happening on the other side. I don't see it. I don't see, do you see it? I don't see people on the other side. - No, and it's important to remember, it really is 10 million does sound like a lot, but it is a small minority, especially the vocal of folks you see online. I think that's just a very small group of annoying people. Most people, they're either kind of like politically ambiguous or they're for Trump, I feel like. - Yeah, maybe it's less, maybe it's a million. I don't know, it's weird. If you wear, I wear Trump shirts now, I've been making some Trump shirts and different ones and people are like, how are you gonna wear that shirt? People are gonna beat you up. They're gonna, you know what I mean? You're gonna get jumped, you're gonna have this happen. You wear a Trump, and I'm in New York. - Me too, yeah. - Hey, people are supposed to not like Trump. All people wanna do is shake my hand and take my picture and they don't know I'm this different real CEO. They just see a guy in a Trump shirt and people, can I get a picture with you? Can I shake your hand? I love the shirt. Where did you get that shirt? Everybody seems to love Trump, but somehow, you know, I don't know, they're good. - People are afraid to, like I go out with my mother-in-law all the time. She's always wearing either a Trump shirt or a Trump hat and she gets comments everywhere. She gets compliments like every time we are out together and it's just amazing how many people are still just so afraid to wear anything Trump. But they'll always come up to her and she just doesn't give a fuck. That's why I love her, yeah. Oh, thank you for the raid, Nerd Roddick. Appreciate you guys, everyone. Everyone came in from a Nerd Roddick show. Okay, Douglas Dauntless wants to know what, who is his biggest customer base? - Really everybody, like, yeah. We got millions of customers, like, you know, we have millions of customers because really anybody, people like stickers must be for corporations. Well, you can print stickers so your girlfriend's face. You can print stickers, right? Maybe I'll print stickers of Chris, right? You know, you can print stickers of your cat. You can print stickers of your dog. You can do your business logo. You can do, you know, artwork piece that you drew, whatever you want. You know, you can print stickers of anything. So really it's everybody, you know, our brand speaks to everybody. That's why I spoke up. I got a brand that has millions and millions of customers. And I think people that can speak to everyone like myself need to speak up and admit they like Trump. There's lots of closet Trump supporters that are influential people. Never mind just CEOs. People are always like, oh, I don't know CEOs. I don't care about the business world that much. But never mind just CEOs. Anyone that can speak to both sides need to speak up. And it just at least admit you like the guy, you know? All I did was admit, I like them. And you know, people tried to destroy my company and destroy my reputation, but luckily, I've already been canceled before and I didn't really care. I found it entertaining. But yeah, I would say, hopefully other people saw it. I did see that my company's doing good. I'm doing good. And if you like Trump and you've got to be an influential, you know, you're an influential person. You can speak particularly if you can speak to both sides. You know, people that can only speak to the right, it's like, the right audience gets it up. You're preaching to the choir. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I speak to everybody. Stick Meals for everybody. My company employs everybody. We're not a politically oriented organization in terms of hiring. We do the hiring that's distributed to a team. Every department does its own hiring. So yeah, you don't want a rule for hiring. And I think that is what saved us more than anything. It's we hire, we look for values in people and in number one value, we look for a humility. So we do hiring in committees, three or four people committees. And the committee always looks to see if the person's got a big ego or, you know, you can have an ego, but are you a humble person? If you're a humble, that means you're open to alternate perspectives. As soon as you hire for a humility, you're automatically getting people that are gonna be at least open to the idea that you might like Trump. So we don't have the hostility and sticker me all that. Like, you know, other companies like Google, Facebook, these companies are filled with like massive ego people that they think they know everything and Trump's, you know, they're so smart. Trump's bad by everything. Where are you guys based? We're in Upstate New York. Sweet, I'm in Westchester. I should do a factory visit. Yeah, come hang out, Ricky Berwick, hang out. - How did you meet Ricky Berwick? How did this friendship start? - I never had a PR person and a friend of mine reached out and he was like, dude, he was working at, he was at Forbes. He was like, "Y'all wanna help you a PR?" 'Cause I had done no PR. We were never, he was like, I said, "Well, I don't wanna part-time you gotta come join full-time." And he was like, "Okay." You know, I convinced him to do it. And then I said, "Okay, you're gonna work here." Number one thing I want is Ricky Berwick. I wanna work with Ricky Berwick. (laughing) I don't know if he even knew Ricky Berwick was himself. And I told somebody, I was like, "I want Ricky." And they're like, "Who is Ricky Berwick?" And then every single person I told this to, it's like, "Oh, I'd be like, who is Ricky Berwick?" They would start asking their family members and then it was like, "Oh, you don't know Ricky Berwick?" You know, apparently everybody, there's some people that I don't know them, but everybody knows somebody that knows them. In fact, a really well-known person recently happens. Yeah, anyways, I don't know what, I guess you just say it or not say it, but. Say it everyone. Well, it was the end word. Richard on Instagram recently of me with the President's son and his wife. And I think they even might like Ricky Berwick. So, you know, a lot of people know Ricky and find him funny. And I was like, "I want Ricky." So he went out and he got Ricky Berwick. He got me on the phone with him right away. And I think we like each other right away. And then I think three or four days later, after I had that phone call, the shot was fired. And I did my message saying to stop the hate directed at Trump and for people to stop all this craziness. And so yeah, Ricky started releasing me having no idea I was gonna do this Trump thing. And then he did a funny spoof, making fun of it. And then we pretended he fired me for supporting Trump, which was really just mocking the whole thing. We got into tabloids for it and we got a lot of fun. And I could get myself into all of her saying more things. Ricky's apolitical, he doesn't comment. He's from Canada, right. So he did a funny spoof saying, you know, yeah, about my whole thing. Could you call me Sticker Fool and all that? But he's from Canada. So yeah, he stays out of it. Although if you're looking at videos, he's sort of a based guy too. He's funny as all hell, you know, he's pretty based himself. So-- - I bet he's a low key Trump supporter. - I'm not gonna comment because he'll kick my ass when I say something. He's gonna beat me up at least twice in two of our videos. So I don't wanna get beat up a third time. Yeah, I'm not gonna comment. I'm not, it's for him to come out and say what he wants. (laughing) So him to come out and say what he wants to say. But yeah, he's definitely, I don't even know what the word based means. I don't know if I'm based, particularly. I just don't like, I don't-- - I would say you're based. Yeah. - I, yeah, Ricky did a video set, yeah. I'm not gonna say that either. But well, Ricky did a video and he said, 'cause I got in trouble 'cause he said the R word, it starts at an R and ends with a D. So he's pasted. - Retarded? - Yeah, that one. You don't have to say that one. - I can say it 'cause my great uncle, I'm retarded on my mom's side. I had a great uncle that was retarded. - Wow, so yeah, it's like I said that, we sold those passes and I got canceled locally, not nationally, but like the local, it was actually really funny. So the local papers and the news channels, they went nuts. I don't know what the heck, you know, 'cause they don't like Trump, really. That's all it was about. They don't like, they were mad at me for the Trump thing. They couldn't hit me on the Trump thing because I was very nice. And so then they're like, oh, not only is he like Trump, he also makes fun of people with mental disabilities or something. - But you're friends with them, so that's your answer. - No, it's ridiculous. I did two TV interviews and I answered the question so well, they wouldn't air them. (laughs) Yeah, I answered the question. I was like, this is ridiculous. Yeah, I did two of the TV interviews and they said, you know, how could you do this? And I said, I said some people and I said, Ricky Berwick's a disabled comedian, that's an inspiration to disable people over the world and anyone face an adversity. And why would I not want to build his name up and help him inspire more people? And they liked the answer so much that they looked at me like, they wouldn't even air the interview. I was like, this is ridiculous. You know, the media's, you know, I don't want to see the media's disgusting. This is ridiculous. - This is your post, our last CEO F things up. I'm fixing them, introducing white label hot sauce. Go fucking buy it now, Ricky Berwick's CEO, stick your own PS. White people who repost this will win $500. Follow us so we can DM you. Oh gosh. - And then there's another one to DM you. (upbeat music) - There's our factory. There's my team, there's like a section of my team. I'm a little more shy, it's a little more. The guy in the last one, my best friend, well, the two guys in the gym. Hey, Rick, Stickermuel just fired their CEO for supporting Trump. - Oh yeah? - Yeah, and they voted you in as the new CEO. - Wow, really? - You're in charge now, do you want to do first? - Name the fucking hot sauce after me. - Customize your meal sauce. Get the same amazing flavor of meal sauce. - I got you. You're right. (indistinct) - Follow your design and check out. Within a few hours, you'll get an online proof of how the bottles will go. With easy ordering, fast turnaround and the most kick ass flavor. Stickermuel is the internet's favorite. - It's a commercial. - Yell that in the right by that one for... - Why? - Because I got fired, well, that didn't get yelled at actually my company got yelled at. They were yelling at, you know, people were mad. How could you fire the guy? You know, whatever. The unfortunate thing is I wrote the script. So I wrote that commercial. And then I was like, I wrote it. I'm like, you know, people are going to get mad at me for this, but it was funny. - This is great. Here's another video of Ricky. Hold it. - Yes. - You see, yeah. - I wrote this one too. I wrote this one too. - This is hilarious. - Ricky writes a lot of them. Like, yeah, I wrote that one. I wrote this one, but Ricky wrote a lot of them. - All right, Ricky. We let you come back. I don't know if it's a good idea or a bad idea. We even let you bring your little friend too. What's your next big idea to make? - Stick 'em you'll grow. - Well, I was thinking. (beeping) So. (beeping) (laughing) Yeah, what do you think, man? - Yeah, well, I think. (beeping) - So, what do you think? - I don't think that's going to work you any other ideas. - Put Reese's in every order. - To put Reese's? - Work on it, right? - Now you're reminding me. - All right, all right, all right, all right. - Come on, put 'em in, put 'em in right there, right there. Just put it in, put each and every single one of these boxes. - Great idea. - At the last letter of the day, we gotta go. We gotta ship these out right now. Right now, we gotta go. Hurry up, mush! - All right, Ricky. You gotta watch that. - That's pretty good. - Okay, and then we're gonna watch. Now we have to watch the third one. - The HR one's good. The one that got me in trouble is another one. I don't know if somebody wants to find it in the chat, but there was another one with the question. There was another one that got me in trouble. - HR department. - I wrote this one. - Look at this nice lady. So, you're the HR boss, huh? - I am. You got a question, okay? How many returning people work here? (laughs) - No, Mom, I'm not sure how to answer that. - Well, you better hire more immediately. Don't you people care about diversity? I want at least 10 returns in every department. Look, Facebook is a return person in charge of the whole company. And they're making more money than us. We need more recharge. Figure it out. (laughs) - That guy. (laughs) - We need your birds. (laughs) (upbeat music) - This is so cute. (laughs) - Yeah, I don't know. (laughs) - You're very proud of yourself. That's cute. Okay, oh, wow, one more. - The very last ones, the one that got me in trouble. I got the news. We got the news for this one. - Is this one, is it making a return pass? - Yeah, one that got me in trouble. - Well, of course, we have to play it. Let's see. (humming) - It was the number one very story in the Albany area. - I says, remind me, every time we post this August, we give away $500 to one person who reposts or replies that includes this post. Also, don't be a return. Go, fall, Ricky. Or you can take your friends so they can join the fun too. (laughs) - What are you doing? - Making return passes. - Dude, I just made you new CEO. You're supposed to do important shit. - Like what? - I come up with some way to make Sticker Mule grow. - Reach our passes. Reach our passes will help make Sticker Mule grow. We're gonna make shirts. We're gonna make hats. We're gonna make stickers. Get back to work. - Dude, that's retarded. Why don't you even make you CEO? - You can't say that. - It's like 10. You gave me the pass. - Goddamn it. (humming) - That was coming in trouble. - 'Cause I had permission to say return. Yeah, well, just say that you have a retarded uncle. - Exactly. - Like I do. I mean, I actually did have one, but. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So. - So how many retards do you have working at Sticker Mule? - At least one. (laughing) - That's more than most companies. - Right. According to a larger repeat, I'm the main one. (laughing) - Okay. We have some good questions here. What are Anthony's thoughts on business in the US outside of cancel culture? Are regulations a thing that pushes him out of the US? What are the business struggles in the US? - That's a good question. I think like, as long as I was playing within the same set of rules, I'll live within with any situation, you know, any regulatory structure. That's just the way it is. Although I think, like, regulations are a problem. Elon says the same thing as me. He says, like, we're creating new rules all the time, but we're never removing them. So it's like every year, we're like more regulations, more, and it's, yeah, some of them are good, but some of them have got to be removed. So life is just getting endlessly more complicated. There's more regulations all the time. There's a whole, you know, the government creates regulations. Why isn't there an organization in charge of removing them? So Trump was the only one in there removing them. We got to remove some, but I'm fine with anything as long as the level of playing field. What was the big issue was during COVID when you had not a level playing field? So I actually got shut down during COVID. New York shut me down. My competitors got to stay open. That's not fair. That was not a fair situation. And then that was New York's loss because we ended up, you know, I got shut down from one. They had no choice but to go open a second operation in South Carolina. I move very quickly. So if you get a sense for how quickly I move, we got shut down and I complained for two or three days about the situation. And then I said, you know, I'm not kind of just complaining. I started making phone calls. And yeah, I was like, where can we go? And I ended up figuring out a way to get an operation started in South Carolina. So we got about 100 employees now in South Carolina that would have been in New York. And we just were opening 100,000 square foot facility in South Carolina. So yeah, New York made a big mistake with what they did during COVID, shutting things down. I'm fine if there was one rule for the whole country, but it was a ridiculous situation where we got shut down for a month. And our competitors got to stay open. So it was a terrible, a terrible thing. And so, you know, yeah, that was-- Yeah, New York handled it really poorly. That was New York's loss. OK, Douglas Dauntless says, why do I know this company? I don't buy stickers. They have strong brand recognition. Probably because we're entertaining. It's probably because Ricky Burwick. Yeah, it could be probably Ricky. Oh, Ricky's new, you know, but yeah. Bill D asks, as an international business owner, I wonder if Anthony sees any benefits to crypto, especially cross-border payments like XRP for his business is Swift and Nightmare. I'm a late adopter. I'm like a late adopter in all tech. So that's why I got an even new social. So I don't know a lot about crypto, although we are looking at doing crypto at checkout. But yeah, I'm late on everything. I was late to the internet, right? My co-founder said I'm five years too late already, so I was late to the internet. It's hot right now. Late to social and I'm late to crypto. But we are-- we're hopefully going to have crypto at checkout relatively, you know, I don't know. It's a priority. It's a priority on it. OK, that's good to know. Trump did a two-hour crypto interview a few days ago. Will Anthony be looking to add crypto? Oh, you already answered this. Ed crypto to payments, especially international cross-border payments like XRP and so Swift? They're on it, fealty. Oh, thank you Fletcher, boy, for the super chat. Thank you for the yellow boy, Chrissy. Anthony, team Harris would like you to have complimentary beepers to follow our campaign. Oh, Chrissy, Anthony, team Harris would like you to have complimentary beepers following. Sure, give me a beeper. I never had one back in the beeper heyday. What was it, the '90s, the early aughts? Yeah. Free cell phone. Pager, is that what they're talking about? Yes, so I'm behind, though. I don't really understand that reference. I guess they're beepers are in the news again. Look, I'm in a mom bubble. I'm missing a lot of things, so I don't feel bad about being up on everything. Wow, I love this. OK, so you're very inspiring. You just don't give a fuck and you're a good person. I guess, that's the other reason I put myself out there and do more interviews like this. I've always ran the companies. My personality, I still manage to build a 12 in a person company, and so hopefully people see this. And I was, I didn't learn from the situation and realize, you don't got to be boring to be successful. So many people are sold to take business so seriously. And it does, being more serious doesn't make you more money. It probably makes you less. You've got to make good decisions and you've got to treat people right. But yeah, you don't have to be boring. How do you go about hiring people? Where do you-- how do you find employees? We're remote, so aside from, like, for the manufacturing is all obviously here, but we're remote. So we use the remote job boards and people come to us. They help once you get a little bit of a brand name. People come to you, they want to work for you. And so, yeah, just different job boards, stuff like that. Nothing to do interesting. I mean, I had to build a team from scratch, but that was interesting. I had to build a team from scratch. And so I was under the impression, you know, you've got to hire serious people at one point to run your company. So I got a really serious-- this is a funny topic. I got a really serious CTO and I had a guy in charge of marketing, all these serious people and they were driving me nuts. And because they wanted me to work so much. In fact, I had a conversation with one of them. I said, you know, I'm going-- I'm working my ass off. Like, I need to relax. And he said, well, you're in charge of the company. You're getting all these financial benefits. That's just what's expected of you. And so I got frustrated and it was like six years ago, I fired half my executive team in one day. And put people I trusted in charge. And so it's been smooth sailing ever since. No, wow. Just before I got on this call, I don't know if I should tell the story, just before I got on this. Tell it. Right? I got. I was talking to a guy. I don't believe in consultants. But I hired a guy years ago to be a management consultant, really like a leadership consultant. Because, you know, my time is limited. And I had a guy that was sort of problematic. He was in the tech world and he had an attitude. And I hired this management consultant, just to work for him. And he was a guy who was in charge of the National Guard at General, US Military General, a really impressive guy. He thinks a lot like me. So I was like, he's kind of a proxy for me. And so I hired him specifically to work with his one individual. But he said, well, it's not good to zero out one person. So say you're hiring me to work for your whole team. So I hired him. And he was going to work with the whole team. And the one person that wanted to help was in a meeting, he walked out the meeting. And he said, I don't respect the US military. And I called the guy that I hired. And I said, this guy, don't worry about helping him. I'm going to fire him. And the guy, he was a military general. He said, no, no, no, I can help anyone. Give me a shot at him. Give me a shot at him. I said, no, I'm going to fly. So I hung up the call and called the guy. I said, you're out. You're fired. And I had actually saved the guy a massive bonus to come work for us, huge bonus. Because I had snagged him from another company. I paid him a massive bonus. I don't even know if I should say how much it was one of-- yeah, and I fired him. And I was actually just on the phone just before this, talking to the military guy about-- he was like, you've got so many great stories. He's like, I'll never forget when you hired me to help this guy. And you wrote a big check to me to help this guy. And then he made one comment. And you're like, I'm not the only guy that you're fired. So-- That's awesome. You know, Trump's sort of the same way. Trump-- that's why I see a lot of good in Trump with the firing, right? They're like, oh, the White House was in chaos when Trump was there. Because he was firing people on the outside looking in that aren't in the business world. There's a lot of snakes out there. There's a lot of disloyal people. And so particularly in a political world, it's even worse. So just in my world, once you get successful, there's a lot of disloyal people. People are always trying to take advantage of you. Loyalty is better than anything else for me. You've got to be talented, but loyalty matters a lot. And the political world's full of disloyal people, full of snakes. So it made total sense to me that Trump had the situation he had in the White House where he was constantly firing people. It takes a while to figure out who's good and bad when you enter a new organization. So I wouldn't be surprised if we see that again. I fire a lot of people. Now I got stability. My senior team's been with me. It's been the same team for the last six or so years. But yeah, I had the same situation where I had people like the guy I'm talking about, same. Huge ego, difficult to deal with. I tried my best to help him. I cut a huge check to a consultant to try to help him. And they went on trust, respect the US military. Well, what the hell kind of comment is that? Wow. I feel like the sticker world and the political world are more similar than we want to admit. Well, I'm sure I did New York Audits. Sticker Mule Lewis, Rossman Close, his repair shop in New York City, and moved because New York audited him and sued him. What? It's a great question. Ever since all the political craziness happened with-- they put Trump's CFO in prison. I saw this coming with the weaponization of the justice system once Trump got in. I saw it coming. So as soon as they started going after him and hitting him so hard, I said, look, I'm a pretty successful guy. I have a privately owned business. I'm on a short list of targets. So I pay a lot of money to affirm to audit me. So yeah, unfortunately, I have to spend a ton of money on. I pay somebody to audit me, third party audit me, and make sure we do everything correctly. I probably pay way more in taxes than I should. I always err on the side of paying more in taxes. Because if anything ever happens, they're going to go nuts and say, oh, this guy was $50. He missed paying a $50 tax bill. He's a rich guy that's trying to take advantage of government. So I spend $300,000 or $400,000 a year to get third party audited. Wow. Everything I do is on the up and up, because I don't trust New York to not be nasty with me. Wow. Damn, good for you. From Douglas, every polling place that hands out I voted stickers, he needs to get that contract. Wow, that's a good idea. I don't know if that's coming to me, because it probably goes to somebody that's not a fan of the other team. But I don't know who has that contract. But yeah, that'd be fun. But I don't know if they'll give me that one, right? It seems like the people that do that. You should be stickers that just say, I voted and then parentheses like for Trump. But make it look exactly like the default I voted sticker. Yeah. Wow. We did the RFK stuff. We did stuff for RFK. I haven't had too many political customers. I don't know how you get political customers to be honest, but we did the RFK stuff. Oh, by the way, while Warman's on here, go to I actually forgot. We just launched a pack yesterday, a political action committee, where we are giving away sticker packs, pro-Trump sticker packs, to help spread the spread positivity about Trump and help people respectively. Whoops. Like pack. Oh, great, let's pack. And help people in a fun way, respectfully admit that they support Trump. We just spun this up yesterday. It was nice. We haven't announced it yet. It's being announced here first on your shows. Oh, my God, an exclusive, an exclusive on your show. Look at these stickers. What are you kidding me? I'm going to sign up for this right now, awesome. Right now, we're looking-- And these are free. Yep, we're looking to go away 500 packs to help people. We're trying to help, you know, stop the anti-Trump hate. We want to help people express their support for Trump in a fun way and a respectful way. I think the pack does that. And we're looking to go away 500,000 packs. And it was a pain in the ass to put this together, because they had to deal with lawyers to set up the pack and all that. I just wanted to do something fun, but yeah. Yes, Or you can go to Just go to And it'll redirect you to the page. You just enter your address. You've got to verify your phone numbers, stuff like that. So we don't get hacked because otherwise we'll have to-- We need to get phone number verification, email verification because otherwise we get some person that hates Trump is going to go on Reddit and tell them to come bar the thing. And we're going to give away 500,000 packs to fake addresses. So yeah, we got that with comedy show tickets, too. Right, so yeah, phone verification, email verification. But we're looking to go away 500,000 packs to-- sticker packs to help say good things about Trump. Look, awesome people love Trump. I like that one. That's my favorite one. I love this. And what did you do for RFK? He had a store that's-- we launched a stores platform in beta a few months ago. We have 10,000 stores. Now we're still in beta. He was one of our first 1,000 stores, I think. So yeah, we're on stickermeal, if you go to-- yeah, I don't know what the URL is, but-- Yeah, we should do like they're eating the dog sticker. Right? They're eating the dogs. They're eating-- I think he won on that line. You know, everyone was beaten up. The only thing people remember is that no one remembers what Joe Biden said during that debate. All they remember is Trump. Right, the dogs in the cat. I got an inside take on this issue, too, which I probably shouldn't say. And I keep saying-- Tell me. I lived in Dominican Republic. And I didn't realize the Dominican Republic and now they're country are in the same island, did you know that? I did know that. Apparently Haiti is cursed. And like Haiti and the DR are the same island, but-- Yeah, I didn't know they were the same island. And the DR is beautiful and everyone goes there for vacation. Yeah, so yeah, I lived in the Dominican Republic. And the Dominican Republic, beautiful people are very kind. I didn't stand on-- I lived there, so I wasn't in a hotel. Most people go in and stay in hotels, but I actually live there. And yeah, the only issue in Dominican Republic-- and look, there's great people in Haiti, too. I love the Fuji's. In fact, Wyclef, he tried to go back to Haiti and fix the situation. And they wouldn't let him. So-- Wow. Because the Clintons are in control, I guess. Yeah, Wyclef tried to go back to Haiti and fix the situation there. And they wouldn't even let him because Haiti's got a big corruption problem, too. But yeah, that culture is a very-- it's known for being a very aggressive, violent culture. I saw it firsthand when I was in DR. It's very-- yeah, if you're in DR, your number one safety concern is people from the other bordering country messing with you. And in DR, everything they can to maintain their border strong. But people get into DR. The Dominican people are nice as nice as can be. And yeah, the people that get in from the other country, they're violent, they're aggressive. I got into situations multiple times. But you got to-- yeah, that's the main rule when you're in DR, is stay away because you're getting the issue. It's a very violent, very aggressive culture. So yeah, I think Trump made a winning point with that. Whether there's really a ton of people eating dogs and cats, I don't know. But the issue is we're letting violent people into our country. We're letting a ton of people from a very violent country. It's one of the most violent countries in the world. And the bordering country, which is the Dominican Republic, they got a strong border. They try to keep their border as strong as can be for a reason. But I was in DR, just to give you a sense of how friendly the people are. I went to a small fishing village, and I got there. I was with some American friends, and I got there. And there was kids in the village. And so I pulled in, the kids jumped mob the car. And they go, you want to help parking? You're all in Spanish, I speak. You want to help parking? And I said, yeah, come on in. Come in the car, the kid hopped in the car. And my friends went, look, I'm not going to-- what are American people to get worried somebody? And my friends are like, how are you going to get in? We've got a random kid in the car. I said, what do you think he's going to do? He weighs about 60 pounds. And the kid goes, well, I'll help you park the car, whatever. And then my one friend really liked fishing. So I said to the kid, hey, we want to go fishing. Can you help us? And he brought us to a fishing spa. He introduced us to another one of his friends that fished. And then I said, he said, we're not catching anything because we need live bait. So I hopped in the car with the kids again, all these Dominican kids. I left my friends on the beach. And I was driving all around this small town. And they were hopping out of the car, asking all the adults for live bait so we can go fishing. We actually got live bait. I was on the beach with 20 Dominican kids fishing. And we ended up catching fish. And we all took pictures together. That's so cute. It was kind of fun. And it was funny. Small town values. What did you catch? I don't even remember. But the fun here, but I don't even remember. But yeah, I gave the life. The kid that got me the bait, I gave him 20 bucks for getting me the bait to say, thank you. I said, don't tell anyone. You know, don't tell anyone. I gave you the 20 bucks. And our him and his two friends. And as soon as we got back to the beach with the other kids, they could, they just immediately. I got $20. Luckily, I had $20 for everybody. So I ended up having - Oh my God. That was so sweet. Yeah, but yeah, the Dominican people are as nice as nice can be. I never felt at risk in Dominican Republic with Dominican people, but you had a neighboring country is very violent. So, you know, even why I've tried to go fix the situation and look, even one of the food cheese has a, you know, got into big trouble. The other food cheese pros, you got into big trouble recently. So yeah, that's a country with a lot of problems. And what do you want to call it, whatever Trump called it? I mean, it's a country with a lot of problems. Yeah. Oh, for sure. Wow. So interesting. That's such a cute story. I'm just imagining like you covered in Dominican kids. Oh, yeah. I got my bills. It's funny. It was funny. I got pictures. That's so cute. Well, gosh, there's someone's like, I feel like I want to go work for sticker, sticker mule. Do you guys take? Well, we are trying to, I've been wanting to hire a comedian forever. So I want somebody to help me do comedic stuff, comedic writing, comedic email. I try to put a comedy in our emails. It's hard. So. Okay. So you need a comedy writer to write scripts and yeah, maybe do more sketches. Yeah. Right now I got Ricky. Ricky helps me. Ricky's the best. Oh my God. Hard to top Ricky. What's your, what's your, what are your biggest selling items? The stickers, you know, but the big thing we got is the store. So our stores platform, I think it's going to revolutionize the internet. Right. Like, cause I like solving big problems. So people are like, why did you do the Trump thing? I think Trump hate is a big problem. I think government corruption is a big problem. We got to get Trump in again so he can fix the government. There's nothing more important in that short term, right? We got to fix government cops. We got to fix Trump hate. The only way to fix the Trump hate is to for him to get in and do a good job. So all the haters like lose their, you know, they can see firsthand, but they were, they were misguided. So yeah, that's a big problem. You know, the other big problem is helping people make money. So we're launching a stores platform and our total focus at stickmeal now is helping people make money through our stores platform. So we already got 10,000 stores. We got 20 or 30 developers working on our stores platform and our big pushes the stores platform. So we're less focused on products right now, more focused on helping people make money. And since it's fully integrated, so anything we make, you can sell, you can sell any of our products. We have a great margins. We're going to be really generous with people. I don't have investors. So I can be as generous as I want. Nobody can tell me what to do or not do. So we're going to try to be very generous. And we also do all the fulfillment, all the customer service. So if you're an influencer, like yourself or popular person, like yourself, famous person, like yourself, whatever, whatever, whatever, you can spin up a store and make additional, you know, monetize or cool. Yeah. So it's really, it's really for everyone's already 10,000 stores, RFK hat, RFK created one, Don Jr's got one. I'm really trying hard to get another guy named like Tyson to open one where we're talking to them. Um, the Mike Tyson or a Mike Tyson. All right. It'd be funny if I just kept on everybody. Yeah, I got a guy named Mike Tyson and just like some guy that lives down the street from me. She's a guy named Mike Tyson, right? It's not even spelled the same. Yeah. Mike Tyson is like grew up in my, in this area, his original coach is from Amsterdam, New York. He still lives here. Oh, wow. Yeah. So he coached me too. So yeah, we got some connections there. We're talking to his team. Yeah. I love that. I love that you, you guys are like into like expanding the business and you seem super open minded and just great people. Um, do you think Trump's going to win? I think so. The women make something to me like they're nervous about it. The big issue is the mail-in ballots because they're, they're, I totally like mail-in ballots allow for unlimited voter intimidation and, you know, the harvesting is a form of intimidation. People, activists, all around, just rounding up votes from people that they don't even know who they're voting for. So, or to get bullied, they don't want to vote for Biden, but they get forced into voting for Biden. Um, you know, they don't want to, but they get, they, you know, whatever, I keep saying Biden. The fortifying. Mm hmm. I don't like saying the other one because I don't think she deserves any name recognition, you know, because what happens really inappropriate, but anyways, yeah, people get bullied into voting a certain way. They don't even know what they're doing. They probably want to vote for Trump. So the big issue is the mail-ins because those aren't real vote, I mean, whatever, those are bully votes, they're intimidated votes and, and that's like a real risk, but if you talk to people, it doesn't make sense that a person with very little name recognition could win. I, it should be a blowout for Trump. The US, the US Postal Service has come out in favor of, come on, nothing to worry about there. Oh, great. Yeah, it doesn't make sense that a person that no one really, nobody really knows this other person, everybody knows Trump, everybody, like the love for the guys through the roof right now. You got a situation where, look, all of a sudden, Elton John is saying great things about Trump, Snoop Dogg, 50 San, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and these aren't, these aren't hardcore conservatives that are in the conservative world. These are just people that have great reputations that are sticking their neck out and saying that they like Trump. So, you can't have a situation where all, all of these, you know, really interesting people are on Team Trump and the person running against Team, the person running against Trump who's the most loved person in the entire world, the most, you know, whatever person in the entire world he loses to a person that nobody even knows who they are, I mean, it doesn't make sense. So, the big risk is the mail-in votes if you look, if, you know, if it goes the other way, it's, it's totally mail-in. Yeah. This is one thing. Obviously, way more than one mail-in ballot for Trump versus Biden, they kept mailing weed ballots to a PO box and they can take advantage of that. The mail-ins are the big issues. So, yeah, you know, if it, if it ends up losing, you know, you're not supposed to say it, but there was, whatever you call it, it was, it was a unfair situation with the mail-ins. Wordifying. What's what happens? But I think, you know, hopefully it's a blowout. I'd like to see a blowout. I tell people this, I only bet on a few things in life I bet on. I've not, people like you invest in stocks, you do this, I don't really do shit, I invested in Apple, Google, Facebook, no, no, not Facebook, sorry, Apple, Google, Yahoo and Tesla. Those are my only investments in my life and I want everyone except for Yahoo. And then I invested in Sticker Mule and I want on that one. And then I invested in Trump winning in 2016, I placed a $5,000 bet on Trump winning and I got paid 10 to 1 on that. Wow. I didn't bet 2020 because the world, just seeing it, didn't seem like a good situation. And I would bet and I'm winning this. I think even with the mail-ins, I think it's, hopefully I hope it's a blowout because from what I see, I wear a shirt that says, well, I wear a shirt, I got a shirt that says Trump for peace because I think, you know, he got, he delivered unprecedented global peace during his presidency. Yeah, it didn't start any new wars. Yeah. It was a shit, the thing with Afghanistan was incredible. I don't know if you saw how he explained his negotiations with the Afghanistan leader where he said, he said to him, I don't want anyone touched and, you know, I don't want any of our troops touched and he showed me, he said, here's a picture of your house if you fuck with anyone, I'm going to drop it. That's great. Yeah, you know, and no one was touched and another guy got in there and it went to hell over there. The situation in, you know, Russia and Ukraine, millions of people are dying because of what's going on. Yeah, I got a shirt that says Trump for peace because I think Trump's the guy that's going to deliver peace. I get high fives and handshakes all over the place. Nobody's ever said a mean thing to me. It's only been positivity when I write where anything pro Trump. So hopefully it's a blowout and the country unifies and we fix all this crap that's going on. But I don't see how it's not a blowout when you got Elon Zuckerberg, Ford 50 cent, you know, they're like, Oh, who's the one they got Taylor Swift? But she was always on that side. It doesn't matter. Everybody there, you know, Snoop Dogg are retards. So yeah, they were, I've never even heard any of her music, but it's not great. She's a she sucks. So stick them. You'll have any pro Trump velcro patches for hats and tactical gear. Not yet. No, we don't. Well, we got the stores platform, so we don't have velcro patches yet period. We are, you know, if you go to stores, you can find some cool strong stuff. We support. Awesome. Anthony, I'm such a fan of you. I, I want to, I literally want to put in a sticker order right now. I want to make, I'm like, I want to make Chrissy Mayer podcast stickers. I'm like, I'm really hired Chrissy Mayer store. We need that on sticker meal. I want to make a Christian or, yeah, we'll talk, you want to talk at all, you know, offline and we can get you set up with that and that'd be really cool. I want to make retard passes the whole everything. Yeah. Anthony, what, where can people follow you and how can people support sticker meal? I barely use social, but I would say, check us out, AC132, check us out at sticker meal both on X. That's my favorite platform. And also we're starting a thing called sticker meal after dark, where you can talk to me and some other people at sticker meal on X spaces, usually at like nine or 10 o'clock. I'm a late, you know, it's fun time. So check us out on X at sticker meal at AC132 and come join our spaces when we do on there. They're pretty fun. Awesome. Anthony, thank you so much for coming on. What a delight it was to talk to you, everybody follow Anthony. And yes, stay tuned for the Chrissy Mayer sticker store. Thank you for the questions and comments, everybody in the chat and we'll see you guys next time. Bye. Oh, wait, we got one more chat whoo from Dragonheart, what's a good sticker type or quality for the car window? If you don't want it to fade and to look nice, we got clings, you know, we got static clings you can put on there, you can put regular stickers, but they're going to stay forever. Our stickers don't fade, you know, so any of the stickers as long as you're prepared for it to stay on forever is good. But yeah, and anything, you know, you got to design something that looks nice too, right? That's on your end. But yeah, anything you want, but I just want to say, Chrissy, thanks for having me. This was, I thought it was going to be fun and, you know, it's probably more fun than I expected. So thanks for having me. You made it fun. I just sat here. You did all the work. Thank you so much, Anthony, and we'll definitely be in touch. you to the chat. We'll see you guys next time. Bye!