Chrissie Mayr Podcast

CMP 758 - Star Wars Theory

Broadcast on:
21 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Star War Theory joins Chrissie Mayr for the first time on CMP! They discuss how Nia fell in love with Star Wars as a child battling a cancer-like immune illness, content creation, his recent drama and cancellation attempt from the Star Wars Explained channel and more!


10/5 - Mount Kisco, NY

(upbeat music) - Fast through faith belt is gonna be above you, wrong. - Chrissy is hilarious. (upbeat music) Chrissy, have you ever heard of your comedian Basha K. Ali? - No, that sounds like something you yell at before you blow up a plank. (laughing) (laughing) (upbeat music) - It's 30 seconds really. - But they won't put you to say "I" after this. (upbeat music) - I haven't done this before. (upbeat music) - I was scared to be confused by the title everything everywhere I want. That's also what we call it when the ass takes off his shirt. (laughing) (upbeat music) - I shouldn't be up here. - I shouldn't be in school with the other side of the ocean. - Oh, welcome, welcome to another episode of the Chrissy Mayer podcast. You can listen to this podcast on, we're everywhere, iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Rumble, Rockfin, Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, even for some reason. Like and subscribe, as always. Before I bring in our fabulous guest, I have a comedy show to promote. If you're in the New York area, New York, Connecticut, Jersey, we call it the Tri-State area. I'll look at my little website. I gotta update this website. Come see me in New York, specifically Westchester, specifically, Mount Kisco. Saturday, October 5th for Kisco Comedy Night, seven o'clock show on 11 Carpenter Avenue in Mount Kisco. It's the Mount Kisco Lodge. It's gonna be an awesome show. Myself, the very funny Gino Bisconti from Compound Media and our good, funny friend, Fred Robino. He's a bi-coastal, yeah, he's in Florida. He's in New York, he's all over. He's touring. Gonna be a great show. For tickets, go to my website, Very excited, very much looking forward to that show. Get your tickets now. Don't do this thing, we're like, oh, I'll just show up. Buy them now, book the sitter now. Lay out, plan your outfit. It's gonna be a hoot. Okay, I'm so excited to have this guy in the channel. We spoke very briefly. He was a guest on Friday night Tights a few weeks ago and I'm so excited that he's here today, talking about just his story, his life and recent drama. Welcome to Show Star Wars Theory. - Hello. - Hello. - What's going on? - I'm traveling. - It is. And your background kind of matches. It's like the purple theme. - I know, yeah, we're matching right now, it's good. - I'm loving it so much. - We're gonna get some lights going on like right over there, it's a little too dark. - Buy your helmets. - Yeah, just notice this. - Yeah, maybe you could get a little, they have lights that are like on a roll. Or a little just beeping flashlight. - I got this thing, but. - That's a light. That looks like a Roomba. Oh, there we go. - See? - It's something. - It's so much better. - Okay, you can even see it. - It's really bad. - Great start to the show. - Great start, we're crushing it now. We're gonna start with your, I always like, when I have a first time guest on to start with Origin Story stuff. We know you're a big Star Wars fan, but just gonna like, and we're gonna get into the recent drama for sure. Oh yeah, we have a hello, hello to the people in the chat. Good to see you guys. - Hi chat. - And we have Star Wars fans in the chat too, like Courtney Brooke. I was very excited that you're here. So how did you get into Star Wars? You're here how old, what drew you to it? I have my friend Anna, that's Star Wars girl. She, when she tells a story, she, you know, she talks about she's really little. It was, you know, something that she bonded with her, you know, I think uncle with. And it just, it really shaped her childhood and really her whole life. And I feel like she sees everything through the lens of Star Wars. So I don't know, I'm just curious how, you know, with someone in your family really into it, how did you... - Yeah, well, I think we all kind of had like a similar story with Star Wars, get introduced to it by someone. The earliest memory of it is like six, but my parents were like, we were talking about that movie to you since you were much younger than that. And I was like, okay, well, anyways, that's my first memory was when I was six. Essentially, I loved movies growing up. And my parents would always talk about this movie Star Wars. And well, okay, I guess I could kind of take it back to the story of like kind of where I told Tony as well on his podcast. So my dad did martial arts. He did Aikido. He studied in Japan. He studied in the States. And Aikido is, there's a lot of techniques and stuff, but a lot of meditation. And key is like, essentially life. It's the force, kind of what George made it to be with Buddhism. - Is he like Asian? Do you have any Asian in your family? - No. - Okay. - No, but I was literally raised like a Japanese boy essentially. - A lot of right and dry cleaning and just being comp. Did you play the violin too? - No, no, just the discipline part of it. I'm the absolute, like the martial arts part of it. 'Cause my dad's trained with pretty much the founders of Aikido. And anyways, long story short, meditation was a major part of that martial art and the way of life and energy and how it influences everything and how it's in everything. And so when I saw Star Wars, the force was essentially like what I had been raised with, which was Aikido and key in meditation. And I just put them together and I was like, holy crap, this is like, this is so real to me and it's so interesting. And of course, who doesn't love the story of, someone who doesn't know where they belong, like Luke and has no idea, what is next for them? And they're looking out to the sunset and kind of just like, well, okay. And then they are just thrust into this massive adventure and journey where they find themselves and they fail and they train and they get better. And these are so many life lessons. And I've loved it ever since I was a kid. It was really a big rock for me. - Yeah, because Luke, really all the Jedi, it's mastering of self. It's mastering your emotions, your energy. I guess it brings into the whole idea of I guess possibly like manifesting, right? Like, I don't know if you believe in like destiny or that we determine our own or a combination of both, really. It's like-- - I do. I think that's a bit of a gray area. I think like people are like, oh, you know, it'll kind of happen. It's like, well, now it's not gonna happen unless you freaking sacrifice and bleed and almost die to get what you want. But it's there if you just apply yourself. And I truly believe that if you do manifest that in your mind, you will do whatever it takes to get that. And so the result in the end is the same. - So you're how old when you get the Star Wars bug? - Like five or six. - Five or six? - Yeah. - How was I doing it? Five. - I don't know. - It was Star Wars Pokemon and Dragon Ball. - Okay, wow, all right. So is it something that you can like bond with your friends over? Or is it something you kind of just enjoy on your own? - Oh yeah, well, I mean, now everyone online, like who are my friends and stuff. But when I was growing up, I bonded with my mom and my dad with it. And then, because I didn't really have any friends, I would just, Star Wars was, you know, my comfort thing. It was like, these are my friends. - You really didn't have any friends? - No, not really. I was pretty sick as a kid. So I was quite, my parents were very overprotective in the sense we're like, couldn't really go on field trips all that much and my immune system was, why, I mean, I was on chemo, it was literally dying. Like I had holes in my bones and all that stuff. Diagnosed around six months, so I probably had it before that. And then I beat it when I was like five or six, was like the last treatment of chemo. So, got lucky. - Okay, I didn't realize you were that young, dealing with cancer, that's insane. - Yeah, it's wild. At the time they thought it was cancer, but now it's more of like an autoimmune, it essentially is kind of like cancer, but it's, it was called histiocytosis X. And just, yeah, it was rough. It was only a good time, but probably worse on my parents than me. - Are there kind of like lasting effects from that that you have to deal with now, or do you feel like you've beat it and live it kind of normally? - Oh, no, I beat that thing when I was like six. It shrunk a couple discs in my spine. So, it would have been taller. That's about probably the only thing. Yeah, it's about the only way it left me with, but. - Do you ever think of going back to those doctors and be like, look, you owe me a leg lengthening surgery for what you did like this? I would be six times right now. - So, I'm happy with everything I got, I'm good. - Okay, were you an only child? - Yeah. - Okay. - Right, so you're, yeah, you're an only child, and you're dealing with, you know, something like cancer, of course your parents are gonna be, you can't blame if they become sort of like helicopter parents and try to protect you from everything really. - Well, it's interesting 'cause they did that, but also like my dad put me in kickboxing and sparring since I was like three. So, it's like, okay. - Well, you said there were holes in your bones? - Yes, yeah, there were lesions in my skull and my bones everywhere. My organ was three times too big. And then you're like the Grinch when his heart grew three times. - Yeah, except my stomach was distended, and then luckily it went back to normal size. - Okay, well, geez, I've never heard of, this is a, I've never heard of such a thing. - It's very rare. I think it's like one in, gosh, I don't know. The statistics back then were, I think it was like, some three numbers, like three, three, 30 million or 300, I don't know. - What did you want to be when you grew up when you were little? - First job ever was to make lightsabers for Star Wars. I wanted to work at Lucasfilm and I wanted to make lightsabers, like in CGI. And then after that, I wanted to go into robotics and build robots and send them to space or I wanted to work in renewable energy. - Windmills, mice on a mill, that's nothing. - Not really so much windmills, more so, like things that hadn't been created yet. So like, when I was a kid, I remember there was this foot rest that we had. It's just like one of those old wooden ones and it moved. And so I remember just like sitting there and moving it and I'm like, well, what if this was attached to a generator? And I'm like, well, yeah, but then you would need someone to be pushing it constantly. So what if we had this, what can we get that's like always moving and I thought of the waves? Like, oh shit, well, what if we put like a generator in the waves or something like that? And I was just thinking stuff like that or like lunar energy. - So you invented hydropower. - Yeah, that's me. - Yeah. - How are you not known for that instead of Star Wars theory? - I don't know. Yeah, well, you know, much. - I invented hydropower as a child. It didn't listen to me, that's cool. - Okay, so how old do you, when you start, so you started creating Star Wars theory content like 2016? - Yeah. - So did you even have to kind of go through regular day jobs or you're able to bypass all that and just do content? - Oh yeah, I think I've had like almost every job in the book. Yeah. - That's the best. People who worked real jobs are the best people 'cause they have a sense of the real world. And when I kind of encounter people who do online content who haven't dealt with that, there's just, there's something missing in person. You can't get that. It's just, I don't know. - Oh, I agree. - Everyone needs it, I don't know. Military or just go work in a mail room or I don't know. You have to have a couple horrible jobs under your belt. Okay, so worst day job you've ever had. I mean, I've had a lot of like dickhead bosses, but the worst, probably when they made me a line cook and I wanted to be a server. I was working two jobs, two restaurants at the time. I was like 20. And one of them I was an expo at one restaurant and the other restaurant, I applied to be a server, but they put me as a line cook and I'm like, okay. Anyways, it didn't train me properly. And I ended up refilling the fryer machine and pouring hot fryer oil in the machine. And I was like, I was like, oh, this is kind of nice. My foot's getting really warm with these floors heated and he looked down and I didn't close the valve and there was like hot oil just like pouring out on my foot and then all the waitresses and their heels were just slipping around and they were all giving me dirty looks. And I'm like, yeah, I think I'm done here. - Oh God, it's, I think being a server, well, you were a line cook. I think being a server is like the hardest job. I think I made it about three months. I worked at this place called Churchill's and I was like taking this woman's order. I don't remember, she was like ordering salmon. I was like, she's like, I want to cook this way. I was like, well, the chef only really cooks it this one way and she like screamed at me. And then I went behind like the wall to put the order in and I overheard her saying to her table, some people deserve to be spoken to that way and I just started crying. I was like, but it's so hard. I think it's funny that you like preferred being a server over being a line cut. Like I'd rather be in the back with the Hispanics, you know, putting scoops in the food. - I was an expo, so I was like, I was the bridge between the front and back of the house. So I would communicate what the chef wanted, what the cooks wanted with the servers and such. So I was like that, 'cause they kind of hate each other sometimes. So I was like, that, hey, all right, let's chill out. And then I was like setting up the receipts and stuff. So the servers knew what food goes to wear and all this and that. And it was fun. I mean, the money is crazy when you're a server or an expo. I'm just like, I was 20 years old. And I remember like leaving shifts with like a few hundred bucks. I'm like, what? - Wow. - What is this? I mean, like sometimes it was like 20 or 30, but I'm like, on good nights and you get a portion of what the servers get and I'm like, this is crazy. - There is something really exciting about being that young and you're like, you first start making money and you're like, oh, that's why I can't imagine like girls that are that young like early twenties, like discovering only fans. It's like, yeah, of course. Why would you do anything else? It's literally the easiest thing you could do to make money, but it's the thing you probably shouldn't do 'cause it's not- - Well, it's not forever, right? - Yeah. - So they better take that money and, you know, invest it or something and then you know- - Invest in beanie babies or something that's gonna really pay off. - Yeah, who knows? Yeah, I don't know, pogs, something like that. - Oh, I still, I recently re-bought some pogs that I remembered from my youth. I don't know what I- - Are we the same age? Are you younger than me? I thought I always thought you were younger than me. - I'll take it. - I'm 34. - Yeah, well, didn't you? I'm 40. - Oh. - Oh. - I don't know, good for you. Okay, so we're around the same time then. - Yeah. - Yeah, okay, cool. - Pogs. - They have pogs. - Slammers, chippers. - Yeah. - I had an OJ slammer up here somewhere. It's like literally OJ, like in a jail. But it's too nice to you. - You remember those things that were like crazy? There were like half of a rubber ball and you would like flip them inside out and you'd put them on the table and then- - Yes! We had so many dumb toys. I'm so happy that we didn't have cell phones growing up. - Me too. - I was already so ADD. - Yeah. - I was already so complacent, but okay. They're working a bunch of jobs. - When do you get into YouTube? When do you start making tons? - I was 26. Yeah, I had like a lifting channel, like a powerlifting channel. I would just like post my lifts there sometimes 'cause all I wanted to do is be a pro power lifter. And then once I kinda got out- - Oh, right. When did you get into weight lifting? - Like 20? - Okay. - I didn't know what I was doing till probably 23, 24. And then I kind of stopped when I was like 20. Six. - Okay. So you started doing YouTube at 26. Do you know for sure you wanna talk about Star Wars or do you kind of jump around on other topics? - Oh, I mean, I had no thought that this would be a thing. I'd never, I just made a video. And I forgot about it for like three weeks. - Okay. And so how did you know? Wow, I'm really good at this. Like when did things kind of start clicking with the Star Wars content? - It was never like why I'm good at this. It was more so like, this is reminding me of my teenage years when I was on Star Wars forums. And I would just talk about Star Wars with other nerds around the world. And I remember with my first video, I had comments and stuff from people. And I'm like, this is so freaking cool. And it just reminded me of that. And so then I just kept making more. And then I was like, oh, I'm making money from this. This is kind of cool. And then I just kept doing that. - And you were working other jobs at the same time. So at what point were you like, well, I don't have to work my other jobs? - Probably within the first four months. - That's awesome. - Yeah. - That's so great. So what did your parents think of all this while this is happening? - They're fully supportive. - Wow. - Yeah, 'cause they always knew like, I mean, Star Wars was like the biggest thing for us and our family. And so they were just like blown, they were like, this is a thing. Like, this is, and they were just like, go for it, son. - Oh, supportive. I wish I had supportive parents. They were just kind of like, I would take improv, they'd be like, Christy, you're wasting the best dating years of your life doing improv with these losers. - Oh, no. Well, I mean, they would do that stuff with decisions I would make growing up too. Like, they weren't really keen on powerlifting. They're like, what are you, what are you doing this? - They're like, your discs are already compromised. - Why are you compromising more of them? Yeah. I'd have girlfriends and their parents would be like, why don't you date someone actually successful? And I was like, - Wow. - I was like, listen, I'm gonna be a pro powerlifter one day, so. - You'll see. - You'll see. Yeah. Oh well. - Like, look, I'm gonna transition and be the best female powerlifter the world has ever seen. Wouldn't that be some? - So when did you start thinking making fan films? Because your fan film "Shards of the Past" has millions of views. Like, I was like, blown, I watched it again recently. And I'm just like, I'm so blown away with how good it is and how did you get the idea to make one of these? - Well, I just wanted to see Vader fight Mace Windu. I knew we're never gonna get that. So I'm like, well, I'll do it. See if I can make something cool and like, you know, get a talented team and have them great stuff. So yeah, I think the second episode, which I get updates every week, it's looking amazing. So I think that's gonna be pretty well received by people. Hopefully. - And so your, the first fan film "Shards of the Past" has, wait, how many millions of views? - 20, 29. - 29 million views and explain why the process of, you actually had to get clearance from Disney to make it, to make the film. And you also couldn't monetize it at all. - Yeah. So, I remember I was working with a director on the first one and these next ones I'm doing, I'm directing it. And he was like, we should probably check with Lucasfilm 'cause there was a Kickstarter. He's like, let's do a Kickstarter. And I'm like, okay, well, I wanted to pay for it myself. He's like, no, why would you get anyone to pay? Why would you pay, you never pay for your own movie? And I'm like, okay. And so, it's like a, he was like, we do a million dollar Kickstarter. And I'm like, this is insane. Like, this is so ambitious. - Wow. - Anyways, we didn't reach a million dollars, obviously. Everything, we reached like 70,000 or something, which is still great. But if you don't reach your goal, you don't get the money. So everyone got refunded. And so then I reached out to Lucasfilm and I'm like, hey, like, is this okay? And they're like, no, you can't be doing a crowd funder or a Kickstarter or anything like that. You also can't put ads on it like you would your normal video so you can't make money from it in that sense. And I was like, okay, so essentially you're saying I need to just pay for this myself and I can't make any money back from it. And they're like, yeah. I'm like, well, what if you guys monetize it and the money goes to you, but you allow me to crowd fund. And they're like, no. I was like, okay, so I literally have to do this myself with no return. And they're like, yeah, that's fine. So it was like, I was like, okay, cool. So I did the first one and I promised my audience that I would do the next two or the next one to finish the story. And, you know, it's pretty expensive, but we're doing it. - How much did this one cost to make? - This one compared to the other ones, not that much. This was about 160 grand. - Wow, cool. - Well, a little over 200, but it's somewhere around there. - Why did you shoot this in like a warehouse? - No, in LA. Yeah, yeah, it was a studio. We built the whole set and everything. - Wow. Okay. - Yeah. - How did you go about casting everyone? Did you just go on like... - Yeah, it was cool. We put out like a casting call on the YouTube channel and people just sent in their auditions and then we just chose a few. - 'Cause this guy really looks like Palpatine. - Oh yeah, that's Steve Bartlett. He did an amazing job. - Maybe it's a mask or maybe this is his real face. - This makeup, this makeup, but he also looks like him too. - Wow. And that even Vader's voice sounds like pretty dead on. - Yeah, we just did the lines for episode two and three. Jesse Gomez, who did the voice. And he just completed that a few days ago. - Wow, so do you know how much you would have made had you been able to monetize this? - Yeah, quite a bit. - It's at Ballpark. - The 30 million views, it's over 15 minutes or so. So I could probably have put in like, I don't know, six or seven ads in there. I'm in Google preferred, so I get high amounts per ad. So most likely... (clears throat) A conservative number for me with my analytics, I would have at least made, at least made probably 600,000 dollars. - Wow, that's so exciting. And then you could have invested that back into more films, but it's just kind of sucks that they... - Yeah. - It is what it is. - Wow, yeah. - A labor of love, yeah. - Yeah, I mean, so I could have just made fan fictions and do like reactions to the cow's come home and pocket the money, but that's no fun. - And now after this was such a success that you ever hear from anybody at Disney or anywhere else, like, oh wow, like, you guys, I mean, I imagine you put this out, they'd be like, yeah, come work for us, this is amazing. - You know me, I'm pretty controversial, I guess. - Yeah, yeah, I just speak my mind and they don't like it. - They're friends with so many bigots. - I know, yeah, well, no, I know that there are some people that have worked at Lucasfilm and they told me that like everyone's on Dave Filoni, all these people, apparently. - Wow. - So that's cool, but you know why at the end of the day? - They've all seen it and any thoughts, any like... - What, what's that? - So they've all seen this, but any thoughts, like what did they think of it? - Apparently a lot of them liked it and what those people said, but I don't know if it's true. - Yeah. - I don't care to be honest, I just want my subscribers to enjoy it and the fandom and even people who don't like me, like I hope that it reminds them of what Star Wars really is, which is George Lucas Star Wars. And yeah, so. - Have you ever spoken to Samuel L. Jackson? 'Cause he has, you know, he has voiced interest in returning to the role of Mace Windu. So I was just wondering if you guys had ever connected around that. - No, but Nick Gillard is pretty close with him actually. And he was like, I can run a biome, he would do it. And I was like, yeah, I'm pretty sure he can't though, 'cause he's under contract with them, isn't he? He's like, probably, but I'll still run it biome. So. - Wow. All right, so maybe it's possible? Is that, I don't know, should we hold that? - I don't think no, that's not gonna happen. And then probably, he'd probably, I don't know. I don't know if he would want money or anything. And it's like, I don't think I can afford Samuel Jackson, it'd be like the whole budget of this thing. But it's not for profit, like there's no, you know, so it's. - What if he's just like, look, I'll do it for a saber, and I'll do it for that light behind you. - Oh, it's dead. - Oh, it's off. - Oh, no, okay, yeah, absolutely, of course. That'd be amazing. We still haven't found a Mace Windu. We had a Mace Windu, and he unfortunately passed away just recently, Elliot Branch, May you rest in peace. And so we're looking for a new Mace Windu voice. - Okay, just the voice. Okay, listen up black people in the chat. Paul, your friends. If anybody sounds like Mace Windu, hit up theory. We're gonna find that. - Some of the additions we've gotten are from white guys trying to sound like a black guy. - And you should feel like a best of real of all the black sense. - I'm tired of these fucking snakes. - Yeah, yeah, I'm just like, I'm like watching this and I'm just like, yeah, I don't think, I don't think that will work, but. - I could do a Mace Windu. - Could you? Maybe you'll be the next. (both laughing) - Oh, that's so, it tells me with so much rage. The whole scene where he's gonna kill Palpatine and then his face like, okay, why does his face get so old looking all of a sudden during that fight? - Well, there's two answers, but the one in the book is that his bones melt. - His bones melt, uh-oh, maybe he had what you had. - Maybe, he had lesions in his bones and they all collapsed. - And deformed, and then the other, the other one is that that was always his face and he was just using like, sit out to me to cover it up, but no, it's just, it's his bone melted. - Yeah, maybe he's born with it, maybe it's maybe. - Yeah, literally. - His contouring wore off. - Yeah, no, his whole face, just everything just bubbled and-- - It's just flaps, it's just like, it looks like the pig people from Twilight Zone. - Never seen that show. - What? - I know, I know. - I know. - It's plastic. - Yeah. - Okay, that's interesting. - When did you get into Star Wars? - Really, only since dating my husband. Like, unfortunately, way too late in the game. I, we've been together 10 years, so I watched it kind of like, I watched all the films kind of early on with him, and then I, you know, met Gary, got on Friday Night Tights, and then kind of watched them all again. So, yeah, just within the last 10 years, I'm embarrassed to say, so. - No, no, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter when you got into it. You could have gone into it yesterday if you like it. - Yeah, better late than never. Oh, we got a couple supers from push-ups. I'm gonna try to weave these questions in an organic way. Theory should quickly play co-tour as a noob. - Yeah. - No, that is. - I think she should play For some Least, or even like-- - For some Least? - Yeah. - I'm writing it down. - Yeah, for some-- - What's that about? Is it like Among Us? 'Cause I'm really good at that. - No. It's a game, it's a Star Wars game. Vader's apprentice, he has like a secret apprentice that he's training in the shadows, and it's just a really cool story. - Oh, okay, I'm gonna look into that 'cause I'm a gamer now. ABCD, yeah, yeah. Theory channel member here. I just covered Chrissy one night looking up Star Wars live streams and found her live reaction to ROTJ, stream collab. - What up, bro? Happy to see you. - Good to see you. - I'm looking at your stream now. Hey, you got like a thousand people almost. - Oh, goodness, wow, hello, everybody. - But 29 likes, what is this business? - 29 likes, wow, they're really making me work for it tonight. Ryan, imagine, if Stephen Segal played Luke or Vader, someone make this happen. Stephen Segal, I don't know if Stephen Segal too. I grew up with all those guys, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold, Bruce Willis, Jean-Claude Van Damme. - It's not the Tuma, the dark side with love. Hey, theory, welcome to the show. If you thought, Ryan, Kendall was bad, wait until you see Chrissy, Halton, Kasthale, F&T, and Hal Star Wars theory. Look, I get a bad rap. People, I get a lot of names thrown at me, but I'm actually a sweetheart, and my stand-up is not even that scandalous or racist. - You don't really know what I'm getting into here, but whatever. - It's just tweets. I think I have a Twitter persona, I have a stand-up persona, and I have like an interview, YouTube persona. But I think it's just, I'm for free speech, and the people I associate with, we all kind of have the same stereotype. - How dare you? - It's based on nothing. Yeah. Demogen, I hate Chrissy, hope you and the fam are well. Yo, Star Wars theory, love the content, man. Shame we haven't crossed paths yet that we're in the same sphere, keep rocking. Oh, I love Demogen, yeah, I met him. - What up? - I met him at a bunch of different cons. Push-ups again, are those cloud city panels? - Yeah. - Yes, push-ups, they are. - Big death star panels. - Lou Silver. Oh, so cool, two faves, love y'all, thank you, Lou. Paul, great surprise seeing this notification theory. It's one of my favorite YouTubers been watching live streams since her started them. I think you mean he, unless you change your pronouns. You just, dead-gendered-- - I'm gendered fluid, so you know. - Oh, Jedi, Jedi Shredder coming in with a pink boy. Thank you, Jedi Shredder. ♪ Make as a thing on your charade ♪ - He gets a sound effect, cool conversation theory. I've funnily enough found your channel after viewing some Star Wars Explained content years ago, found his stuff while polished to be kind of shallow. Yours is far more passionate, great stories and your work ethic is off the charts. - Thanks, man, appreciate that. - Polished, yet shallow, do you agree with that? - I think we just have totally different styles of making content and what we're interested in. So I think, you know, speaks for itself. - Yeah. I love it. I love that you're not quick to talk shit, theory. It's one of my favorite qualities. - You know, I can. I can, I totally can. I can just rip people a new one, but... I... - You're the bigger person, yeah. - Well, I just... - You don't need to. It's kind of beneath you. You're not like a drama farmer. - Mm-hmm. - To my homogenite. By the way, first gig was good humor when I was 12, like you drove the ice cream truck where you worked at the good humor, like a stand or something. - What is good humor? - It's ice cream. - Oh, is it like an American thing, I guess? - Are you not American? - No, I'm Canadian. - Oh, well, it's close enough. - No. - Are we seeing our politics up here? - Like, you're not Haitian, you know. Yeah. Do you still live in Canada? - Yeah. Right now. - Are you thinking about making a getaway? - Of course, yeah. Yeah, slowly. - We should do it. Come here. Come to the... - Yeah. - Yeah, we're thinking about it. - Torgo the way Chrissy playing... Chrissy playing May's window of Red Dead replacing a black. What a twist! Also, 28 months, let's go. Thank you, Torgo. I should really do some members' only content. J, GJJ, thank you for the Orange Boy. Don't send a saber, Frank Sr. We'll take it home. Maybe, maybe. Jesus Divila Smash the like button. Thank you, Jesus. A serious man. I don't buy shafts, melting bones. He's a bad mutta. Shut your mouth. I'm just talking about shaft. I don't know what that means, but thank you. And Jake Payne, a star killer is the man Chrissy. He found you on F&T. You are gold. Star Wars 3, you are the best. After I buy my new house, I'll buy a saber of priorities. - Thanks, man. - Yeah, well, hey, you won't regret it, I assure you. I assure you. - How does one even make a lightsaber? Do you need a 3D printer? - An actory. - You have a factory? - In China, yeah, of course. Where everything is built. - That's true. That's true. - This computer, your phone, probably you. - Mm-hmm. - Yes, that explains my tiny penis. - Mm-hmm. - That was made in China. How do you even get? - That blows my mind. How do you even begin to be like, I wanted a factory in China, I'm gonna make sabers. Like, what was that process like? - Oh geez, I mean, I've been buying sabers for other companies for years. I have spent like thousands, ridiculous amounts of money on them. And I always bought them, I never asked for handouts or free ones, 'cause I don't know. I don't like to, I don't like that shit. I just wanna buy my own stuff. If it sucks, it sucks, if it's good, it's good. And I thought they were really cool. And I thought where the technology has come in the last 20 plus years has been astronomical and I think they're really neat now. And people have been asking me to make my own. And I thought, well, I don't really wanna do the same generic old thing that everyone's doing. So finally, after years and years of announcing this, in 2020, I mentioned that I wanna make a company called Theory Sabers. I finally did it. I finally did it and now we have exclusives. We have things that nobody else in the world offers. And we work with a great company, TXQ, and they manufacture a lot of sabers. And we have a whole team over there that's dedicated just to us and just our stuff. So it's been a very big learning process of the last, not even six months. And we're definitely the fastest growing in the world, fastest growing in history. - What is your favorite saber currently on this website? - I just have changes all the time. Right now, I love the Fallen Knight. - This one? - Yeah, 'cause it's dope. We got this dual, we got this chamber with like a dual spinning crystal right there. - Whoa. - Add ass, yeah. So it's pretty cool, pretty sick. - Okay, that is cool. Which one is the best for girls? - Well, they're unisex. - Okay, well, which one's the lightest? - Probably, I don't know. This one is like, we just had a sale. It was like 70 bucks. And yeah, this is called the gradient. - Right. - Yeah. So, so it's pretty good. Light, we got, we got ones for kids and stuff too. So, you know, yeah. - Do they all talk to you? - Yeah, they all got different sound fonts and music. We have music attached there from Samuel Kim, which is licensed to me that I paid for. And a lot of exclusives. We got the exclusive packages up top, which we just rolled out, which is pretty sick. Nobody offers that. - Oh, here we go. - We got customer support like, you know, guys that actually care. This is my team. They love what they do. - Wow, that's cool. Okay, you didn't answer my question on whether they vibrate or not. That's fair. Keeping it busy. - Coming soon. - Literally. Okay, cool. I love it. Yes, get a saver and guys. Christmas is coming up. My birthday is coming up. All the things, Very cool. - Thank you. - How neat is that? - Thank you. - Okay. So you're making, you're making Star Wars content. You're crushing it. You, you're getting tons of followers very quickly. When do you first, I guess, so in four months, right? You, you're able to quit your day job and make your full living off of, but you do. - Well, it was risky because I was like, I don't know if this is going to disappear. - Right. - So I was just like, all right, we're free falling. Cool. - That's what it feels like. - Literally, yeah. - So you start doing well. When do you start to notice people, 'cause we're getting into this drama topic, right? So when do you start to notice maybe people either treating you differently or reaching out to you? Do you start feeling like you're getting, you know, friends and acquaintances first or do you start to feel like the jealousy comes first or like what kind of, what is that process like? - Well, it's just always, there's always two versions of it and they have the same sort of motive. Either they'll try to be your friend but you know what they're after and they're trying to be your friend to get information or to get something or whatever. And then the other one is they just straight up shit talk here. So I don't know, it's pretty easy to tell. - Star Wars like content creators are there in YouTube really. - When I started, there were just four. Now I don't know, there's, there's gotta be thousands. - The four, who were the four when you first started? - There's stupendous wave, Star Wars explained. The lore master, which is now fact-free. Star Wars HQ, I think that was it. - So how soon into doing content, you start getting messages from, what are their names? Is it Alex and Molly from Star Wars explained or was it just Alex? - Yeah, it was just Alex, but I don't think his wife was too active on his channel. A couple months, a couple months in. I don't know, whatever the email says. - Yeah, it was two months in. Yeah, I mean, I had seen his content before. I remember, it was like eight years ago. I remember, 'cause I was making my own videos and like, I saw stupendous waves. I was a subscriber to stupendous wave from the beginning. I was like, this guy's making more kind of this, this is so cool. And I had seen Star Wars explains videos and the other guys too, I loved fact-free, who's the lore master and Star Wars HQ. I thought, you know, Robbie and Ryan, they're two twin brothers who were hilarious. I loved their content. And yeah, I mean, it was like a small community. Not huge, but. - So are you wary of the messages at first? Or is it to take a couple of years or months for you to start being like, "Hmm, I think there's a hidden agenda here." - Not right away. Right away, of course I knew. - So right away is a scam messaging me. He's not messaging me to welcome me. He's messaging me because he was literally asking me what I did, what I did to get so big. And I'm like, "You've been around here for like four years before me. What are you talking about, man? I ain't doing anything special. I'm just, I don't even know how this thing works. I'm just making videos. - Right, I mean, what are you even hiding? He can watch your content. He can look at your thumbnails, right? He can see everything you're doing and be like, "Well." - So from, I never told anyone this, you're getting exclusive. - I just don't wanna, I don't wanna talk. Yeah, 'cause I just like, whatever. A guy that shared some screenshots with me have private messages he had with him. He said that those years he was fully convinced and he was telling everybody, apparently, that I am an industry plant and I'm getting pushed by the industry to like blow up and that's the only reason why I was doing so well. He just couldn't fathom that someone was doing better than him so quickly, is wild. I learned this only about a week ago. I'm like, "Ah." - You hear that a lot for people are doing well. Either they're kind of blowing up in the influencer world or, yeah, they're doing great at YouTube. There must be some sort of plant. Like, "Oh, Hochtua is a plant." Lily Gaddis, the inward girl, is a plant. Like, they're all, Lauren Jen is a plant. - Yeah, yeah, I don't know. I mean, if I was a plant, I'd pretty sure I'd be flowing out to like every Star Wars event right now, but... - Right. You'd be getting a little swag. You'd be going to go to get the early access. - No, they're the ones who get the early access. Man, I remember I was the first one on YouTube to talk about Jedi Fallen Order of this game. It was so freaking cool. Chat, I don't know if you guys know about this. I don't know how savvy I was. - I think my stepson used to play this game. - Okay, anyways, they announced this game and I am like, all about it 'cause I'm like, okay, it's so freaking cool during the prequels, blah, blah. And I remember messaging EA and I'm like, guys, I want to get access to this game. This is so freaking cool. My audience will love it. I'll cover it. Like, I'll pay for my own airplane ticket to go demo. I don't care. And they were just like, oh yeah, we'll let you know. And then I remember I was in LA and, you know, fast forward months and months. And there was an EA play or something like that. It was like a big convention for all the new EA games. And I messaged and I'm like, hey, look, I'm in LA. I'm doing something. I was filming "Chalk Warfare" for. And I'm like, you don't even gotta pay for anything. I'll just come down, just give me a badge. I'll come in there and I'll document it and I'll post it on the channel and the demo. And they're like, there's nothing happening for fall in order. And I'm like, but it's EA play and this is like the most anticipated Star Wars game to date. They're like, nope, I have the emails. They're like, nope, nothing. I'm like, okay, that was sus as hell. Anyways, like a week later, I see all the Star Wars YouTubers explained Eckhart, all these guys. They're at EA play, we gotta have flown out to EA play to demo Star Wars Jedi fall in order and blah, blah, blah. And they're like fucking playing the game. And I'm like, what? All right, this was after my movie. This was after Vader fan film. - You were snubbed. - Yeah, I'm snubbed. And I was like, well, all right. But anyways, if I was an industry plant, man, I would have gotten to play that thing early. - You would have been there. You would have had the swag bag. - Too bad. Well, and they get access to like the shows early. They get to watch them like a week or two ahead of time. I don't get that. - Why don't they like you? - I don't know. That's because I'm bald. - Do you think it's like, it just comes down to like your acquaintances and like your social sphere? - Well, I'll tell you this. There was a someone that was involved in my film and then they were working on something that was involved with Disney. And they got fired, they got canned. And they were like, well, what the hell, why? And they were already filming for several months without getting tuned to specifics. The director of that project and the producer of that project went up to the person and they were like, we got a call from higher up and we're gonna have to let you go because of your involvement with Star Wars theory, Vader fan film, and we were told that he's just too much competition and it was too controversial. So we can't have you involved. - Holy shit, and what did he do for them? - He was acting in one of their things. - Oh my God. - Yeah, that's what I heard. - Wow, you've gotten people fired. - Yeah. (laughs) - Yeah, yeah, yeah, so after that, learning that information, I was just like, and the fall and order thing, I was like, hmm, it's kind of weird 'cause, you know, before that, like I was going to all the different game changer programs for Star Wars and I thought it was so fun and cool and after that nothing, I was like, this is weird. And then one of the guys invited me out to EA headquarters for Vancouver. And he's like, yeah, I'd love to show you around. Blah, blah, blah, I'm like, oh, sweet, cool. I'm a thinker, I live in Vancouver. It's like 20 minutes away. And he's like, okay, I'll just get your passes. Like, I'll get back to you tomorrow, whatever. Takes a few days, I'm like, hey, man, like still doing this? And he's like, he's like, hey, so unfortunately, you know, we're the EA's closed right now for tours, but I can give you like, yeah, yeah, but I can give you like a free origin pass to their like online streaming game thing. And I was like, okay, thanks, man. And that's when I started to be like, all right, something's up, something's weird here. - Hour of law. (laughing) - That was the say we're turning off. (laughing) - It talks to you like, hello. - My voice, yeah, it's my voice. - Like, I'm up, I'm lonely, talk to you in theory. (laughing) - It is, like for me, play with me, turn me on. - Do you feel like, I don't know, you've been canceled or do you not really? - No. - I did. - This whole canceled thing is so ridiculous 'cause it's like, you don't understand people who cancel you, like unless you actually like do something disgusting. But you getting canceled over like an opinion or thoughts or whatever people make stuff up about you, those are the people that will never support you anyways. Those are the people who will blindly follow the mob and those are people you don't want in your corner. They're not gonna watch your videos, they're not gonna give you the time of day, they're not gonna buy your merch, they're not gonna buy your savers, they're not going to care about you anyways. So those are people that are already ruled out, canceled by people who don't support you to begin with, like so we're just back to square one, like it doesn't, here's a fuck. If anything now, those people are watching your content 'cause they wanna see what you say. So, okay, cool, now you're a follower, enjoy. Enjoy seeing me in your feed. I'm there for the people that support me through thick and thin and are there with me, ride or dies. That's why I'm spending over a million on this fan film and with no returns and doing this and that and the other thing. Those are the people I give a shit about, otherwise cancel, okay, go back to your Twitter, enjoy. - When do you think it'll be done with the second one? - Well, we're releasing now and in spring and then the third one will be probably a year, less than a year. - Okay, well, it's exciting. - Yeah. - So, you're getting messages from these, the Star Wars Explained people. You're starting to feel like, okay, this is a bit sus, I'm pulling up the video you did about it. And it's, I guess, years of this, right? A period of them kind of what being nice to you, asking you for advice, questions, and then what do you find out they'd talk shit behind your back or-- - Yeah, it's either talk shit behind my back or there's people that are on their Patreon, these send me the messages of them talking shit or there's, you know, jabs that they throw at me. That's a nice screenshot. Or there's, yeah, or it's like, you know, they'll be liking posts and they think I don't see or something like that or, or then his wife started to get really active and like really like just prominent face of his channel and I'm like, okay. And then she was just, she's just an angry person. I don't know what's going on with her, but they need like a vacation or something. I don't know really what's, what the deal is there. But yeah, there's just a lot of hatred thrown towards me and jealousy and the things that I would hear behind closed doors from people and it's just, you know, you turn a blind eye. You're like, whatever, I don't care. I'm on my mission. You're just-- You're not even, yeah, you're not even on my radar. I don't care. Yeah, you're just an extremely strong person. You're not, it doesn't seem like you really jump to ever criticize anyone, even when people deserve it. You're like, you're not quick to talk shit. But now it's like, okay, this has been building up for years. Finally, what is the, what is the straw that breaks the camel's back? Is it this, I guess this press release, whatever that comes out like, oh, we need to, we need to take, you know, to, what was it, the plea to YouTube to take your channel down. It was, I remember it was on this like, oh, some kind of like, it looks like a press release. It was, it had like, when you have to try it. It looks like a five-year-old, right, with like stickers on it and I'm like, all right. It's a sticker. Oh, yeah, that's so cute. Thanks. No, look, I mean, I've been, everything I say gets like, twisted and turned by these people 'cause they just want a reason to take me down, but, you know, I don't have to be their enemy, that's just in their head. I'm not this person that they've made me out to be, but at the end of the day, it's not my responsibility to change their imagination of me. They can do what they want. Frankly, I don't give a shit. So, who was Rachel Leishman? She did an interview with Leslie Headland and I reacted to her interview and then she started going after me like, in the tweet below that one, which I know this is a post, or a video. She was just like, like making fun of me. And she was like, you know, Nick, no Riz. You look like a block. No, Nick. First of all, you have Riz and a Nick. Oh, shit, thanks. Thanks. No, Nick, no Riz. Yeah, it was wild. I was like, okay. Well. No, Nick, no Riz, no service. I'm not making fun of you. Like, we're gonna know. Wow, what a lame Gen Z insult. Okay. Yeah, no Riz. Well, definitely not to you. But, yeah, okay. Whatever. I imagine she's wearing Crocs with socks while she twists this out. I don't know. All right. Again, like it's, you know, if I was a stop and focus on these people, I wouldn't have time for my life. Like I'm running a major company. I'm running my channel, my other channels. And then I have my own life too. It's like, I've got time for this. And then I think that's one thing I learned from being sick is that, you know, something... Like, you don't notice this until you're like, I think, you know, really sick, like dying. When you're in the hospital, and I also noticed this when I was visiting my grandma when I was like 10 and she had cancer and she was in the hospital, you're dying. And, you know, there's these machines. There's these sick people in the hospital. There's sick kids around you. They're like all bald and freaking chemos. It's a horrible scene. And then you see the window and it's a sunny day. And you know that there's people out there living their life, they're enjoying their life. They're going through everything, every sort of emotion. There's different people out there, like they're having fun. Maybe someone just got a new car. Maybe someone is finding love. Maybe someone got a new job. Maybe someone broke up, whatever. And you're sitting there with fucking tubes in you and you're hoping that you get to live to see another day and it's not all over for you and all the kids that are around you and all the shit. And I'm thinking like life is so finite. There's this timeline. I don't want to spend my time on these people who are delusional and are focused on the wrong things in life. I need to just focus on what I want to do. And when I was given that luckily I beat it, I give him my life back, I just want to conquer everything I can. I want to have just everything I do, I just want to do my best. And I don't have time, I'm a good fuck. Say what you want, I'm going this way. I'm doing my thing. So that's just kind of the mentality I have about this whole cancel. - Yeah. And what these people don't understand, it's like what you focus on expands. So if they're obsessed with you and your channel and jealousy and the comparison, like that's just going to get bigger and bigger in their mind and it becomes all consuming. Whereas like if they were just like, hey, how can I, you know, not even thinking what can I make my own content better? But like, what am I passionate about today? Like what am I fired up about? What do I want to rant about today? Like what's like grabbing my focus? If they were to just shift gears to that instead of focusing on you. Like their content would be better. And what these people don't understand, it's like if you were to disappear tomorrow, if your channel would be deleted tomorrow, it's not like they absorb all your followers, all your us, all your jobs, that's not how it works. - No, and also if something like that were to happen to me, no one, they wouldn't be there to help, they wouldn't care. And that's also what I noticed when I was, you know, my experience in the hospitals and stuff is that no one gives a fuck if you're in the hospital. Like no one's coming there to help you out. - I would care, I would go to Canada. - But even like at the end of the day, like it's, you're stuck with it, right? No one else is gonna have to deal with that. And I just feel like people need to worry more about what's really important in life, which is their time. Because that is, what do we work for? We make money not to make money. It's just, it's, we're giving time. We're giving time away and we get compensated with money. Time is the most important thing that we got. I don't want to waste any of it on these people. - Yeah, no, that's so true. That's just an important thing to remember. Like I'm sure I'll immediately forget it tomorrow when I'm down another Twitter rabbit hole or, you know, yelling at somebody with three followers who's calling me fat. - Yeah, sometimes I get carried away too. And I'm just like, all right, you've had it too good for too long. Like let's just, let's just get back on our journey here. - But you have such a maturity and perspective that, yeah, being sick really can teach you quickly what matters and what doesn't. - What changes your life? - Yeah. - And especially, and not even that, it was like every year I had to go back for checkups until I was 19 or 20. And you have to go to different wards in the hospital in the children's hospital. And so you're passing the different windows. And you know, there's just sick kids. And you're, and you just, you see that every year and they're just, they're tubeed up and they're, they're just lifeless and it's, you know... - That's tough. - If you're breaking, yeah. - Yeah, it's tough not to take it to a different place but yeah, it's, it's, you know, so you just gives you a different perspective of life. And I don't want to, you know, squander the opportunity I've been given by other, you know, wasting time on other people and like talking shit and missing that. So, but you know, the moment you come for my life cord, I mean, I'm gonna fucking do everything I can and destroy your ass. - Mm-hmm, come on, see like a, like a shark with a laser beam on, on its head. - Well, it's freaking head, yeah. (laughs) - Yeah. - So this, another, another moment that you kind of went viral for was, so you're, you're watching the first season of "The Mandalorian" which everyone was very excited for. - Shout out to Gina Carano, she's the best. And yeah, the first season was great. I mean, I watched the second season too and then I feel like it kind of, it trailed off. But there was this moment where, you know, Luke Skywalker comes back and he comes back to take the child and K.A. Baby Yoda and you get very emotional and like you're, you know, you're, you're so present and it's like, it's just this, it's this wonderful moment where anyone who, you know, from cast to crew who's associated with "Star Wars" or "The Mandalorian" or any of it, you think they would see this moment and be like, wow, we did our job as creators and artists. We, that's what movies and films and TV shows are for. It's literally move people to make you feel all of it, right? So, so you're, you're like moved to tears in this moment where you're watching your, your childhood idol Luke Skywalker come back for to get baby Yoda and you're just, you're so lost in this moment and it's, you would think anybody would be like, wow, this is great. This is a, what a work of art that we've created that we can make human beings feel this way. But instead of that, Pablo Hidalgo who plays, actually, right, he plays Mando. - Pablo Hidalgo? - No, it's, Pablo Hidalgo was who made fun of you. - Pablo, no, what's his name, Pedro Pascal. - Pedro, Pedro Pascal, my God, my notes are all numbered. - Pablo Hidalgo played Mando Lorian, yeah, for sure. - Right, but Pedro Pascal made fun of you for crying. - Pablo Hidalgo made fun of you. - Pablo Hidalgo, that's it, I'm hanging it up. Pedro Pascal plays Mando, Pablo Hidalgo made fun of you for crying and made it his fucking Twitter banner. That's what I can't understand. - Yeah, wow. - What a fucking loser. Like, ugh, that gets me so mad. I just don't understand, like he should be so above all of that. He should be above all Twitter in general. - Why would you make fun of someone appreciating what your company is making? - Yeah, I don't get it. Yeah, and I remember Molly was laughing at me with that stuff by her tweets and liking things. And I was just like, these people are just... Something else? - It's ridiculous, it's not because they make the cheap comment of like, ugh, it's a man showing weakness or whatever, men are not supposed to show emotion. It's like, no, you idiot, it's like you're so in love with these stories and these characters. And it's such an important part of your life. And for a time period, they were written so well that people really attached to them. And if you don't feel that way towards these properties and these characters, then you can't understand why somebody else would be moved to tears, you know, because you're like, what, I'm just an actor. This is just a job, like you're being a pussy. But like, and it's actually kind of sad 'cause that means that they haven't felt that way about that property or maybe any property or maybe anything they've worked on. - It's, I don't know, I... For me, you know, that moment caught me really hard because it's like, I thought the last jet I just ruined Luke. So for me, him coming back in that sense where I'm like, holy shit, they're still hoping they can actually make cool stories. And I can, you know, fall back into this beautiful imagination and escape that I had when I was a kid. And, you know, for me, going through that sickness and watching Star Wars and all that and, you know, at the tail end of being sick and then going to the hospital every year to see if I'm okay and for checkups, it's nervous. It uses nerve-wracking, especially for your parents too. Like, it's just gonna come back for our kid like going every fucking year. And I remember just Luke was like, he's just stoic. And at the return of the jet, I looked just stoic. He's just a man about things. And so all in that one moment, it just, something just clicked, I don't know. And I started crying and the fuck, it was live, so... - No, it was cool 'cause the first time I watched it, I saw your face light up when you saw his ship. And the first thing I thought was like, I was like, he's a little kid again. I was like, he's enjoying this like a kid was like, it's the best, the fact that you can be kind of that in touch with your inner child is like an awesome thing that more people really should have. - Yeah, it was a sense of moment for me. So I just, yeah, I think it's totally fine if you have emotional moments. I don't know, I don't think there's any sort of label that can be put on it. Like, you're a man, if this happens, you're a man, you don't do this, or well, it's not really what being a man's about, it's just, this is more about just human, you know, touching that. That time of your life where, you know, it was a big deal. - Yeah, I just can't believe he made it his Twitter banner. Like, what a fucking asshole. And shouldn't he have been so above that? I don't know. - He emailed me after that. - He emailed you? - Yeah, he sent me his number. Like, there's been a misunderstanding. Call me, I just didn't reply. And then Lynn Hale, who was, she was like working with George for years. Very, very high up at Lucasfilm, she's retired now. And she was so gracious and so kind, and she's like, just checking on me. She's like, hey, are you okay? Like, that's, she doesn't reach out to people. That's like, basically second in command to George reaching out. And I was just like, it's like, thank you for, I didn't really talk about the situation. I was like, thank you for everything you've done. Like, you're amazing. And that was it, but I never replied to Pablo yet. - Do you still have Pablo's number? Let's call him right now. - Yeah, I got his number. - Do it on speaker. - It's probably his like office number or something. - Oh, it's his Google number. - Yeah, whatever. - What a twat. When it comes to Mark Hamill, how difficult is it for you to separate the actor himself from the character of Luke? - It's not difficult at all. All these, I don't know, I look at actors. The only actor that I see as like congruent with the characters they play is my hero, Sylvester Stallone. But with, yeah, like Mark Hamill or whoever else, you know, they're playing a character and I see the character for the character that George wrote, not the actor and his beliefs or whatever he does. So it'd be cool if- - It's quite like your review. - Yeah, it'd be cool if they were like the same, you know, similar that it definitely helps you believe it a little more, but no. - You don't need that. Yeah. - No, I can, I have a really good way of like separating things. - I like that. - It's easy for me. Yeah. - Okay, more questions coming in from Paul. Chrissy in theory should both move down here to Texas. Ooh, can we move in with you, Paul? Nice haircut. - I'll be in Texas. - Are you going to be in Texas too, at SpaceCon? - What is that? That's like next month, right? It's the end of October, yeah. - Yeah, the bean is still too little. I feel like while he's drinking milk out of my body, I can't really- - Oh, right, yeah, right. That happens, yeah. - I made that sound as unappetizing as possible. (laughs) My chefs don't like force unleashed. Story is out of place. - Okay. - Well, I'm still gonna play it, my chefs. Demogenite, lol, nope. My best friend's dad owned nine trucks. I just did the inventory and stuck the freezers. - Oh, okay. T.S., sorry about being a jerk ever, but serious question, what is the game you play where you guess who the imposter is? That's among us. - Among us, yeah. - It's a great game. Easy to play, good in a group. Paul, theory, the industry show. - Right. - Yeah, give him a show box. (laughs) - T.S., don't justice. I don't plant video games. I found one cold imposter killer, but it wasn't that same game yet. It sounds like that was an imposter game. D.S., sorry, use talk to type. Gets rough if I had one out of two. All right, D.S., you're gonna have to do a little bit better than what you're doing now. Anakin's burnt wiener. I'm surprised Mace Windu didn't yell mother-blanker when Anakin cut off his hand. Yes, he should have been more upset. He was just shocked. (laughs) He should have been like, "Ah, give me a hand." Matthew Hammond has he considered creating his own universe like Seth MacFarlane did with the Orville. - Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing, actually. And I think it's gonna be great. - Ooh. - Gonna create my own comic book with-- - Cool. - Yeah, and Ripa vs. Gonna publish it. - Wow, is that in the works yet or-- - I've been too busy with theory savers, to be honest. It's so much work and with the Vader fan films, I'm just like, I don't wanna deviate yet, but in my downtime, which isn't often, I'm thinking. And there already is an idea that I have and I've had for a long time that I would really love to play with. - Well, if there's a red-headed female character or a nerd or a nerd, let me know. If you haven't ever do, theory stop being a pig and upload more to your Dragon Ball Theory channel. Love you guys. I know, I know, I've been pretty bad at the other channels. I know. - Look, he can't do everything. He's just one man. - I can't. - I can't do it. (laughs) - Dingo, hey baby. Star Wars Theory, I've been watching you since you came on the scene. I have loved your video since 2016. You are awesome with the fans and thank you for all you do. - Thank you, man. - Oh, Mosey and Beanie, thanks for the yellow boy. Honing your craft and doing what you love will always lead to success. Authenticity is key. Star Wars Theory and Chrissy are true. Real people I met Star Wars Theory at Megacon in '24, and he's, I thought he said he were 24 inches. I was like, whoa, that's almost too much. He's a great dude, Chrissy. You gonna be in NC soon in North Carolina. No tour plans or dates right now. I think I have to wait 'til the baby's a little, I think once the baby is here and I can start thinking. He'll be a year in April. Yeah, so he's fine now. - When do they stop suckling on the internet? - Well, I wanted, at first I said I wanted to go six months, but now I want to go at least a year, but I've known people still nursing their kids like at two, two plus. - I didn't get any, hey. - You didn't get any? - No, I was six, I was just puking. - Oh, no, I'll send you a bottle. - I had to have formula, 'cause apparently you guys can't do it on command. - Actually, you can, apparently if there's just a random crying baby around, it activates. I'm reading this book that's all about that actually grandmas can kind of reactivate. It's kind of amazing, even if your boobs have been in hibernation for many years, sometimes a crying baby or if the baby starts to go at it it can like, your boobs remember, basically. - What? - Yeah, and there have been counts of women who've never given birth who are actually able to do it. It's kind of, I really, I really like that. - Human body is so interesting. - It's not, Wow, J-Mac gifted 50 Chrissy Mayer memberships. Thanks, J-Mac. - That's wild. - That is wild. J-J-J, how gifted five Chrissy Mayer memberships, thank you, my goodness. - Starwalker, hey theory, is there an email to audition for Mayce? - I have like, I have so many emails and they're all like, just keep creating new emails and like, oh, this one's quiet, and they all get flooded. Yeah, which one did I use? If you can, if you can do an audition and hashtag beta fan film, I'll find it. That's probably the easiest way for right now. But yeah, if you do an audition for Mayce, hashtag beta fan film on Instagram or something, or even on YouTube, if you want. - I hope he gets it. Grab a America by the Pussy. Speaking of moving in, Cecil's about to be homeless. Be sure to add extra locks to all your doors and buy a gun, turn off all the lights at night. I'll have to text Cecil. - How many more you got? - Of super chats? - Yeah. - Seven. - Okay, if I go P real quick? - Yes, go P. - Yeah, I'm in burst. - Okay, oh no, don't burst, don't burst. I thought he was gonna be like, how many more have you got? 'Cause I'm over this. MKAlcher, thank you for the orange boy. I saw ROTJ in cinema back in the day. In cinema, I totally got Star Wars Theory's reaction to Mando season two ending. Luke showing what a difference it makes to be a Jedi. It did not like season two too much, but those couple of minutes were epic. Guess they were. Grab America. Also, if you have a welcome mat, retract that shit. Okay, poop for five in a mellow. Should have married Neatus, Dad Bay, their child would have been the chosen one. Aw. Maiserous for 20, thank you for the orange boy theory. I don't know, I'll have to read this when he gets back. Theory, I don't know if you would or wouldn't consider this, but I think people gravitate to you because you're a natural leader in this community. Don't say us, I'll show it. I'll reread that. From ABCD, yeah, yeah. Chrissy, you'd make a perfect marriage. Jade, you've got her Woody sarcasm down, cast her in a future film theory. I'll reread that when he gets back. Grab America/tech member boobies. Very funny. Riker's beard for five. I cried when Luke showed up. I cried more when Han died. That was HBS. All right, I'll reread that when he gets back. Yes. Okay, and then we're gonna go to some of the questions people sent in on Twitter. ♪ Duh duh duh duh duh ♪ I think this interview's gone pretty well so far. What do you guys think? Yes, everyone hit the like button. Like, subscribe, all of the things. Okay, we have a couple of theory related queries here. Let's do it. From May's arrest theory, I don't know. If you would or wouldn't consider this, but I think people gravitate you because you're a natural leader in this community. Don't sell yourself short in this role. Keep doing what you do. I think you know this deep down. No, I don't know about the leader part. I just, I think I'm not afraid of people's opinions. So therefore I don't tailor what I say to speak my mind. Whereas everyone out there like, you know, kind of, I would say, attaches their opinions to like, I don't know, getting free movie tickets or companies liking them or brand deals or getting a following or whatever. I don't care. So I think that's a little refreshing for people. Or it's like, "Oh, I don't care." Has anyone ever called you? Have you ever heard of a Sigma male? So I always joke about that with my friend. I always do. I think that's you. I'll play the music and I'll be like. I think this is you. I'm bringing up the, I only just recently heard about this because we've all heard of alpha male, right? The Sigma male, and this is theory here. Internet slang, of course. The concept is often characterized as a lone wolf or non-conformist who doesn't fit into national, international, into traditional social hierarchies. Non-conformity, they don't care about societal expectations of trying to fit in. They do their own things as they enjoy it. Social disinterest, Sigma males may have a close circle of friends and loved ones, but they're not overly concerned with social politics or seeking validations from others. Introverted alpha male, they may appear quiet or reserved to outsiders, but are actually outgoing and confident once you get to know them. Successful and popular, Sigma males are often described as being successful and popular, but in their own unique way without seeking to dominate or control others. - Interesting. - Okay, I got that. - American Psycho, wait, what? - Wait, oh yes, Sigma males have been associated with various cultural references, including film characters like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho and Timmy shows like Spongebob Squarepants. That's fun. - Those are quite different. - Those are quite different. - You ever seen American Psycho? - Mm-hmm. - I just want to fit in. (laughing) Here's Sigma, ABCD, yeah, yeah, Chris, you'd make a perfect marriage. Jade, you got her witty sarcasm done, cast her in a future film theory. I mean, when I lose this baby weight, I'm available. Vryker's beard, I cried when Luke showed up. I cried more when Han died, that was such BS. Thank you, beard and Simon Ho. Star Wars Explained has a lot of explaining to do. I'm waiting for the next hit piece, I'm sure there'll be another one. - Have you heard from them since you kind of called them out? - No. - No. - No. There's many more people I'd love to talk about, but at the end of the day, I don't. - But they want to. - Yeah, it's not my purpose in life. - They're crumbs, you know? You just gotta ignore these people. Or unless it's fun to point them out. - Yeah, it's always fun, but it's also like, I remember what my dad told me when I was a kid. It's like, it doesn't matter that you get the gold, it matters what you become in pursuit of the gold. So it's like, yeah, I'd love to expose them, but then what do I become out of that? I'm just like a drama channel, yeah. - Was your dad a leprechaun? - Yeah. - I'll get to be gold. (laughing) I think I watched that movie recently, and like I think it's so funny. - With Warwick? - Is that his name? - He's the guy who was in "Return of the Jedi." He was the-- - Oh, right. - He walked, yeah. And he was also Professor Flitwick in "Harry Potter." - Wow, true too. Oh God, Piero Amos with an orange boy. Thank you for the 20. I've heard a lot of the drama stuff, which is fun to track, but everything has been kind of vague about how things between you and Jeremy went down. And how did you get into talking to Lord Master Kinnell? - Sure, what would you like to know? Vague with Jeremy, what do you mean? You'll have to send him to the shed too. - Sounds like you-- - Did it? - You can find out. (laughing) - Sounds like he wants to, how, I guess I don't know about you and Jeremy stuff. - Well, I mean Ryan met through essentially Jeremy and Jay. So, yeah, no, me and Jeremy didn't like each other too much in the beginning and then we had a falling out at one point. I don't know, and then we talked about it and we were fine. It was like, we were just, it was just a little internet beef about nothing. And yeah, Star Wars Explained used, which is the same fucking thing that they did with that little post that whatever, trying to cancel the boys and me. They always used someone as a scapegoat to get to me. So they used Jeremy as a scapegoat and to speak about an even bigger issue. And then once they talked about Jeremy, then they just talked about me. Same thing with that. They didn't have to throw me in there. What the fuck are you throwing me in there for? I'm disingenuous because I have an opinion. Like, oh fuck, you guys have been trying to come after me for years, go fuck yourselves. So, they used Jeremy and everyone else and then they threw me at the bottom, just, which is their, the same rhythm, the same tactic they always do. So, yeah. After that, that kind of like brought Jeremy and Jeremy together in his first video, which was this week or last week in Clickbait. And he just called out, it was actually just me, but he used Jeremy as a scapegoat to break the ice. And then me and Jeremy, Jeremy messaged me. And then we started talking after that. - Oh, okay, good. - Did you know Jeremy was on the set of the Vader fan film? - No. - Yeah. - This episode was back in 2018. - Which character did he play? - No, he was just chilling. - I was just chilling, handing out drinks. Oh, I like that. - Yeah. - Working in the craft service table. - Well, yeah, he visited one day. - That's neat. Oh, Simon, how I think Star was explained in bringing my attention to the toxic Star Wars theory. As I am now subscribed to theory, explained has an annoying voice. Thank you, Simon. Simon's my only Asian fan. Derangeline, I should call him patient zero. Derangeline and Tic theory is authentic, unlike Grace Randolph. So, oh, boy. - I still don't know what this woman is. - She is a film critic. - Critic or something, yeah, right. - And she's kind of a shell, but she's a lovable shell. - Oh. - She lives in New York City. I think she gets, you know, passes and flown out to all the, like the premieres and whatnot. - Sure, Wendy. - Very liberal. Loves John Cena. - Has to be liberal, yeah. - Loves diversity. Keep real night, theory, how much longer do you think Disney Star Wars can and will continue until they hit a hard reboot and start over or will they? - I don't think they will restart anything. I think they'll maybe course correct a few things, but they'll always still kind of, they just keep, they don't have the right vision of Star Wars, I don't think, which is what George is was. So, they just keep hiring people that don't get it. And that's their problem. - Okay, damn rhinoceros with the red boy. Thank you, woo hoo. (upbeat music) It's definitely not this. No, no, no, no, Ryan, thank you, you're the best. My God, Ryan, I'm gonna have to send you a t-shirt or something. Tell me what size you are. Okay, I'm gonna switch gears to Twitter. I know people had a couple of good questions on the Twitter thread here. From Eric O. Sullivan, I see the struggle for the soul of Star Wars fandom as one-sided, oversensitive Disney fans can't take the basic sports fan energy from our side. Sports fans give players and coaches grief when they're losing Disney era fans can't stand that kind of heat and weaponize it to dunk on quote, chuds and bigots. - What's the question? (laughs) - Yes, question here, wow. No, there's no question. - There's no question. (laughs) - Ask him who's better. - He said he wasn't alt right. - All right. - Ask him who's better. Oh, oh yes, and anyone who talks to any of us is all right. Who's better, Captain Kirk or Captain Picard? - Gandalf. - Gandalf. (laughs) - Dumbled or I don't know. - Um, ask him that story. - Ask him about stories he'd like to tell outside of Star Wars? - Well, yeah, but I kind of have to give away my idea. - Yeah. I think this was a question you answered already. "Can Disney salvage the franchise? How would you reckon on it? Do you think the fans could return?" That's actually- - Yeah, absolutely. It's never too late. It's never too late. - What does Gary think they should put it on ice for 10 years and then try again? - No. - Are you really that? - No. No, why you lose people? Lose even more people that way. You just kind of come out with something really cool. I mean, it's, Star Wars fans are so easy because of what George made. So it's literally like you just have to hit that. Oh, I remember this and you'll get that emotion, get that feeling again. It's not very hard. You should make a good product. I mean, look at everyone after the last Jedi, they were fricking, they hated it. And then Luke comes back just a cheap trick, essentially, but everyone was like on board. I'd say 90% of people. - Okay. Can you talk a little bit about how you got to be pals with the crew, Mallor, Ryan. I remember a hilarious moment on a stream drinking her and him realized they were going to the same con in Florida and Star Wars theory went. So did you register? You have to do that in advance. - Did I register? - Do you remember? - And drinker was a bit embarrassed. I think it's being taken care of. Like Star Wars theory thought drinker had to buy an entrance ticket. Next thing you know, two days later, the crew had taken him on their booth for the con and he was on the poster. Thought it was lovely of everyone. - Oh, yeah, that was great. Yeah, that was really nice. - That's cool. - I don't remember how I met Mallor. I don't know, just through, I honestly can't remember, just through everyone, I guess. - How did he get into bodybuilding? - I never was into bodybuilding. I was into powerlifting, you know. - Oh, is it different? - Oh, yeah. - The bodybuilding is like you're greasing yourself up, self-tanner, you know. - No, that's the competing part. Bodybuilding is like, it's so different from powerlifting. It's more so like you're doing a little lighter weight, you're going higher rep, which there's two different types of training. There's sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and myofibular sarcoplasmic, you're putting plasma in your muscles, so it's like water. And that's more so done with like higher rep ranges. And you're just trying to essentially work on the symmetry of the body. Like you wanna look really symmetrical, you wanna be like big and bulbous and look good. Whereas powerlifting, you don't really give a shit what you look like. Your goal is to move the most amount of weight. So you can be fat, you could be whatever, as long as you're strong, like that's all that matters. So it's a totally different training regimen, routine, diet, everything. - That's interesting. I just wanna be top heavy. It would be funny to make it about Star Trek and never mention Star Wars once. Oh, I wouldn't be able to do that. Why not reject everything? And anything and everything made by Disney and consider it non-canon. Thank you if you ask him that. I make my own head canon like that and I'm at peace. That Star Wars died back in 2012. - Yeah, for sure I do that with pretty much, I'd say most things that they make, but I'm talking about it. So it's 'cause that's the case. It's not, it is canon now, but I think that's why it's such a big deal. Like the acolyte, for example. - Yeah, oh, the acolyte. I don't understand how people can actually think there was a chance for a second. Actually, I can, I can believe it because a lot of crap gets renewed for a second season. I think we're getting a second season of She-Hulk. - Oh, wow, really? - I could be wrong, but. - You know what I think it is with the acolyte? I think it's just become a political thing. They think it's just blue versus red. I really think that they've got it in their heads that it's just judging as a Canadian. I mean, I see it, I'm just like, it's so weird. - Yeah, it's like if you have Trump's Arrangian syndrome and you're a huge lib and you love abortions, then you're gonna be a huge acolyte fan. It's just part of the team's being divided up. - Well, it's just like put people in boxes and it's like if you hate the acolyte, then you're right-winger, alt-right. And if you love the acolyte, you're alt-left and I'm like, can't that just be a Star Wars fan? I can't, I don't even follow politics. - And so much has become like that. Even like being a Taylor Swift fan, everything. Everything has become so politicized. - What's going on with Taylor Swift? - Oh, she kind of attracts a pretty liberal fan base and then like, yeah, she came out for endorsing like Kamala. - It's so, I just think it's so stupid when people endorse like, or celebrities endorse politicians and shit, 'cause it's just such a like, you're just one person. Like you don't, like what do you-- - And you're not a real person. You don't represent your fans. - Well, it's not like you live like the everyday, in this case, American or Canadian. It's not like you live like the everyday person. You take fucking private jets for like God's sake. You're not working a nine to five. You're not supporting your family. - You're not Jenny from the block. - No, like what do you know about politics, really? How is any of them gonna affect your life? You're not like it's not effected 'cause you have fans. It's kind of the same with like you and me and YouTubers and stuff like that. At the end of the day, it doesn't, it affects a lot of our freedoms, but from a work standpoint, besides taxes, I mean, what, our money comes from our subscribers, our people who purchase our products and this and that, it's totally different. - I think they're put up to it. I think they probably wouldn't care one way or the other. - Of course, they're paid out. You've seen it in so many times that influencers get paid to endorse a certain party. - And they just, and you know what's sad is there is a definite percentage of their fans who will just blindly vote for him and they tell me to-- - Of course, of course, of course, yeah. - Oh, I love this question from Waka World. Why don't people who are bigots admit that they are bigots? - Why don't you ask them? - What's so wrong with being a bigot? I'm a bigot, I'm a bigot, but I'm fun at parties. I'm a great friend, I'm a good mom. Okay, so much for the Twitter questions. All right, let me make sure. Oh, this is from my lovely husband. Did theory do powerlifting or unlimited powerlifting? - Mr. Pellegrino. - Wait, I don't even understand this. - Oh, it's Star Wars, unlimited power? - Oh, okay. - Oh, of course. - Need one of those (mumbles) - Right, I need a rim shot. From Viking thoughts on Jar Jar being the ultimate sith- (laughing) - It's cool theory, I like it. I'm down with it. 'Cause you got those sith eyes and you never know. Maybe he's just like pulling the wool over her eyes this whole time. Maybe he's actually evil. - Mm-hmm, he's sneaky like that. The Grand Duke, okay, a couple more. Epic gamer and queen of F&T, thank you for bringing on the quality guests like Master, Master Theory. Thank you, Simon Ho, again. I saw the original Star Wars as a kid, and I can say from experience, there was no cry for identity politics, safe spaces, as we were all in it together. - No, and that's what George made it about. The original three, like four, five, six, was supposed to be about the rebellion, rebelling against the government, rebelling against the big guy. The empire was supposed to be the United States, and the rebels would be like Vietnam, essentially. - And Ron Paul. - Yeah, like the Viet Cong kind of thing. That's interesting, yeah. M, eight, five, six, six, the fandom is there. I went to see Ratjay in concert recently, and it was packed, and the crowd hung on every moment. We still love Star Wars. Ratjay, return to the Jedi. - Return to the Jedi. - Return to the Jedi. - Right now through his Hollywood, just like a Ratjay. - Ratjay? - How it just needs to get good, apparently it's a skill issue. Oh, social media just ruined Hollywood. Anybody can get famous, anybody can get rich off of social media. So it's like, what do we need celebrities for? And we know too much about them now. It's not just like tabloids would be the only glimpse into their lives. Like, oh, watch them go get a cup of coffee. Oh, they're just like us. It's like, no, we've seen too much, and now we're not interested anymore. - Yeah, ruins the immersion. - Ruin the mystique. - Unless you're me, which you can separate the actor from the character. - Right, Alirio Garcia Flamenco. - Hey, man. - Alirio Garcia Flamenco. I opened YouTube and see a theory stream outside of theory's channel. Is the channel safe? Is the channel all right? My eyes, dark mode, Twitter, please. - What are you doing? Why are you using light mode? - Oh, because psycho. - Is that like, yeah, that's a little boomeroy of me, I guess. And Maserus with the final super chat, my fave Vader fan film moment in the first one, hearing Palpatine say. - The marriagey. - There you have it. All the super chats are. Oh, there's one more from Simon Hill. Tag, you're a bigot. No, I'm not. I crossed my finger. Thank you, Simon. Simon, Simon, I'm losing it. - I feel like you have more questions to discuss, but you're holding back. Okay, what, let's see. What's the biggest misconception about you? - Oh, shit, we're on there. I don't know, I'd kind of have to be in people's heads to know like what they even think about me. I honestly don't really know what they think about me. I don't know, that's up to the person, I don't know. - Yeah. - What would you say people think about me? It depends who you ask. You ask with the subscribers, then I feel like they got a pretty good idea of me. I ask people who don't like me, then they'll have their own reasons, which for them is valid, you know? - It seems like the only people who really dislike you are the ones that are threatened by your success, like these other Star Wars content creators. Just such a really small group of people. So who don't actually really know you at the end of the day, so. - No, no one does. Well, except for like my friends and stuff. But I would really argue that if you, if no one, you know, if the subscriber count was invisible, if no one was making money, if views were invisible, would anybody be throwing a fit? Would anyone care? If I had no subscribers, I mean, it'd just be another, we can tweet. But the fact that it gains traction or it's attached to money or attention or whatever, I don't know, is, I don't know. I don't know, I can't really, I don't know what goes through their heads. - You would think that they would feel more competitive with their fellow shills, because those are the people that they're competing with to get the tickets and to get the invitations to things. - They are, they are, but yeah. And you know, I also would argue, it's like if they're really that big of Star Wars fans, wouldn't they be in their mind winning? 'Cause they're getting to meet, no, Dave Floney, they get to go out and red carpet premieres, they get all the free access, they get free blankets, cool blank, whatever, they get free Lego, they get free stuff, they get free access, early access to things. So wouldn't they already be like, you get all the exclusives, you get favored by Star Wars and this and that. And Luke's film, like why you even bothered by me? If that's really, you know, Star Wars is your, yeah, if Star Wars is really what you care about, like you're already endorsed by them. What are you looking at me for? What are you caring about me for? - Had you, did you ever try out that Star Wars hotel? - No. - Did you ever have the desire to go? - No, 'cause it was too expensive or just too hived or it looked too shitty. - Both, they're just stupid. I'm not paying, was it five grand a night or something? It just looked like claustrophobic. Why would I do this? - It didn't look like there were any open windows anywhere. - No, it was horrible. - It was like, it talked out for $30. I was like, that's, that's horrible. - They had one that was like for $5,000 or something like that. - What? Oh, right. - Yeah, the whole galaxy's edge thing, they just completely botched it and they just shot themselves in the foot by literally cornering their ass in this one planet, made up, well, I guess it's all made up, but new planet that they pulled out of their ass called Batu to kind of push the sequel trilogy and made it all about that. When they could have had it like Lucas World or Star Wars, literally Star Wars land, you go there and you can go to, you can jump in a shuttle, you can go to different planets. And each planet has a different sort of ecosystem. So like let's say you jump in a shuttle and you go to Hoth and they got fake snow and it's cold and you got to buy hot chocolate and you can just hang out there. That let's say you want to go to Mustafar, you go there and it's like hot. It's like the temperature is up, there's no AC. It's, you know, it's ash falling in the sky. I don't know and you get, you have popsicles and this and that and you're wearing shorts. - You have to be like Epcot Center and like a drink around the world, but like get a drink at each planet. - Yeah, you can go to the Death Star, you can sit in the Emperor's throne, you get, God, they got it done. So many, you go to Tatooine, you could sit in the pod, you get a pod race, roller coaster, and they fucked up big time. - Go shopping with C3PO. - Jar Jar walking around. - Yeah, you could be your gay best friend. Oh, wow, you look fat in that. If you could change just one thing from the sequel trilogy, what would it be? - They redo it, redo the whole thing. (laughing) - Just redo it. They can't just be one thing. But I mean, that whole thing was just really poorly done. They didn't have any sort of, I would say outline at all. They didn't even know what the hell was going on, nor did the actors know what was going on. For Star Wars, it's like the biggest IP in the world and they treat it like this. Why? And then now they're pushing out games and movies to meet their quarter budget. They're real. Come on, no wonder it's tanking. - How did they get away with it? - They just feel like the fans wouldn't call them out or they didn't care. - No, I just think that they actually think this is what's best. They're delusional. They don't understand what Star Wars is. It's not just another story you can hire. You're a run of the mill Hollywood writer to shit out a script. You have to really be passionate about this and think about it and say, you know, would George approve of this? Or am I just trying to stamp my own name on this thing? Put it on my resume. - What would George do? - Yeah. - From DS plus, plus is, isn't that at the same scale as Disney paid way? Oh, paid way too much, like 5 to 8K in person with no real perks. I think, is this talking about the hotel? Okay, yes, again, you gotta spell a little bit better, but 5K person or something like that. - So they were banking on the fact that, what, like they're gonna be enough upper class families willing to take their kids out and spend, when it's all said and done, probably 10 grand for, you know, flights and then. - Yeah, or more. - Yeah. - Right, but it was all, it was several thousand, but I guess it was all included once you got there. - I don't know. - They didn't know what they're doing. And now they're rebranding it to a marvel or something like that. - Oh, right, because they already built the thing. So they gotta just what, tear down all the decorations. Yeah. - Yeah. - Hot dog stand DS again, right? I had a better, I had a way better time in bass fish. Okay, I'm done reading your superchastie. I appreciate you, but I can't read what you're saying. Nicholas Cowling, thank you for the orange white cube for theory. Do you think more content is better, even if it's a poor story like Acolyte is expanding the world building worth poor stories? - No, I don't think more stories are better. I mean, I don't think more shitty stories are better. I think more good stories are better. Good stories in general. It is fairly simple. - That makes sense. That's a risk green lives matter. The amount of colorism in the host and guest speech is appealing. Let's revoke their rights. What? Okay, I think you're trying to be funny. I appreciate you though. Lucian Lechance, thanks for the yellow boy. We can't change the fact that the sequel trilogy happened and it's not gonna be right on how can the Ray movie be the best possible version it can be. Nobody wants to see Daisy look like crap. - I don't think they should be hiring that director for it. She already seems like she has an agenda against men. And I don't think that's really gonna turn out too well when you have an agenda against one gender. Whether it's male or female, you really have to just focus on the story and make a story that hits home and make cool characters that people can identify with and connect with, that's all it is. You make it sound so simple. - I know. Call me crazy. - Jesus de Vila, a really out of topic question, but theory is there a chance you have a ghost story or something you think was paranormal that ever happened to you. - Ooh. - Yeah, many. Many. I don't know if I wanna go there. - Really? - Yeah, 'cause they're weird. If they're not really believable. - But they happen to you? - Yeah. - Humorous. - Yeah, there's a few. Jeez, I don't know. Okay, I'll say a really chill one. Like one of this is like, there was one night where I had like a extremely bad headache like excruciating. It was in my early 20s. And so I just tried to sleep and I couldn't 'cause my head hurts. It was so bad. And I don't know what was going on. It was a migraine or something. I just closed my eyes, turned all the lights and TV off and everything. And I was like kind of like nodding in and out of sleep. And I remember just like asking my OMA, it was my grandma who passed away. - We called my grandma OMA too. Are you German? - Are you German? - Yeah, I'm German. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's good, cool. - Yeah, so I remember just asking her. I was like, can you please help me? Like, I was just like asleep. There's no one around it. And I was like, can you just make it go away? And it was in a lot of pain. And felt like a dream, but I was awake. Anyway, I felt this like hand that was this ice stroked where the pain was three times. It was gone. This pain that was like a migraine for hours. It was gone, instant, instant. And I opened my eyes and I was like, huh? - This sounds like an icy hot commercial. - Yeah. - Wow, what could that have been like an angel or? - Maybe, yeah. - That's pretty cool. - I remember when she passed away that summer, I think it was, I was alone at home and I was in my grandparents' house. My other side of my family, maybe. And like, this gust of wind just like comes in. It was summer. I was watching a movie or whatever. During the day, this gust of wind comes in through the door. And I'm like looking and there's like, you know, there's papers and stuff that are just kind of like stacked throughout the room, documents or whatever. And they're just like, they're like, and I'm like, what the fuck am I doing here? And then all of a sudden I smell her perfume and there's nobody around. I was home alone, I was maybe 10 years old. And then I hear wind chimes, like right in, it was like inside my head, it was like in my ear. And immediately just, like it felt like she was around me. Strange. - Wow. - Yeah. - Wow, maybe you're just like, four sensitive or something, like in touch with that. - Oh yeah, I've had a lot of experiences. I just don't talk about it 'cause no one really understands. I'm gonna just look at you funny. - You should talk to my friend, Leanne. She sees ghosts, like legitimately. - Yeah, I don't see them, but I definitely feel them. Yeah. - Yeah. Sometimes it's like, it's a lot to get into and you don't want people to think you're full of it. And it's like, you know, it's like a personal, it's a personal part of you. Okay. - Oh no, I don't like that. I don't know why I'm talking about it. It's just, you know, it's just, yeah, it's, yeah, it's such a like, people are so visual where they're like, if I don't see it, it doesn't exist. Wow, there's so much more to this world than that. - Yeah. Are you a flat earther? - No. - Ah, man. All right. - Are you? - Kind of. I think so. I think it's fun to talk about. I think it's fun to think about. It's at least hollow. I think it's a lot that I'm telling us. - I don't know. At the end of the day, I have no answers. For all I know, it could be the Truman Show. I have no idea. - Yeah. - I'm open to it all, but at the end of the day, it doesn't change my reality, so. - That's true. - Yeah. - That's how I feel about flatter. 'Cause even if it's flat, we still have to get up and go to work tomorrow. You still have to do your routine. Everything is the same. Like what? When I meet people who are so hesitant to believe that it's even possible, I'm just like, it doesn't really change anything at the end of the day. - Well, I mean, anything is possible. I just, I never thought it was flat. I always thought it was round. I never dove into the science about it, but I don't know. Like when you're in a plane, you just see the curvature of the earth itself. You're looking out the window. It's not flat. Frowned. No? - It's flat to me. - Okay. (laughing) I don't know why I'm so into it. Okay. - Hold on. If I looked out with a telescope, wouldn't I be able to see like any building, if I look in that direction? - I guess so. - I can see the Eiffel Tower. - That right, if you just kept looking out, if you had a good enough telescope. - I don't know. (laughing) - I don't know. Maybe the sky is literally just LED screens. I don't know. - Right. This is an even real. - I know, I know. All I know is I got to make Vader episode two and three. I want to grow my saber company and that's it. - Yeah. - None of the other shit's going to help me out. - Finish your other sleeve. - Probably not. - No. Okay. - Yeah, what do you think? A little too much. - Well, is the ones, is it your whole arm on the other side? - Yes, the whole arm. - Is the one to your back? - No, those are my chest. Okay. - Let's see. And I got this little one here, but. - Was that one your first one, the Chinese symbol? It looks like a first tattoo. It looks like a first tattoo. - Yeah, well, I got that one and this one at the same time. I'm just trying to remember which one was first. - Is that Arabic? - Yeah, that one's Arabic. - What does it say? - It's mensabra zafar, which means with patience comes victory. - Ooh. - I have, I should get that as a tramp stamp. - I'm sure you're right there. - I actually have a tattoo. - Yes, I have a tattoo on my lower back that says if you're back here, I must really like you. I should get it removed though. Okay. - I can't, is that, are you? - I'm joking, I have no tattoos. I just never had the money and couldn't commit to a design. So you went to Universal with Jeremy and Nova and then did Disney with Drunk 3PO. Okay. How difficult was it surviving a whole day at Universal with Drunk 3PO? - I'm still in therapy. - But he's a sweetheart. - That's what he wants you to think. When the cameras are on, when the cameras are off, it's like completely different. Is it diva? - He recommended a restaurant to me and Frank and my stepson. We went and it was so bad. It was so God, Frank, if you're listening, tell me the name of this restaurant. It was in Universal and it was like the ambiance was nice and they had like a fireplace indoors but the food really fucking sucked and it was such a disappointment. And I was like, "Jay, what are you?" And he's acting like he's like a big man on campus. Like, "Oh, you gotta go here, let me tell you where to go." (laughing) - Jay, no, no way. Yeah, well, you know, Jay likes to eat, so. - Mm-hmm, he's a sweetheart. And he, we were in a race to 100K and he kicked my ass. So good, Jonathan, Jay, good job. - Well, yeah, 'cause he made a lot of videos about me and those always do well for him. So, you know, you gotta-- (laughing) - Okay, I had to follow his lead. - Yeah, you know, just, yeah, no problem. - I expect a lot of links, like Star Wars theory exposed. - Yeah, that's what you gotta do, especially with the clips and stuff. You just be like, "I can't believe he said this." (laughing) - Let's just be going like, yeah, canceled. - Yeah, Star Wars theory sees ghosts. Star Wars theory was approached by an icy hot ghost in his sleep. - Oh, I wish. - My least favorite thing is when I know I've had a dream and I wake up and I forget it and I'm almost like, like, what was it, I hate forgetting dreams. - Hmm. I don't know, whatever. I don't really put too much emphasis on dreams. They are what they are. You wake up. - Are you one of these people who also doesn't take astrology seriously? - I don't know, my star sign, kind of like, every time a girl reads it to me, I'm just like, "Yeah, that kind of sounds like me." But I don't really, I don't know. I don't like to define myself by anything. By when my mom pushed me out or, you know, like the friends I have or I just think everyone, you can't define people by certain things. Like, yeah, maybe it'll give you like a bit of an idea about the personality. But in the case of horoscopes, yeah, I'm 100% Aries. - I was gonna guess Aries. I swear to God, I was gonna guess Aries. - All right. - You're losing your shit here, all right? - Holy crap, I wish I had said it because I would have been right. Wow. - Yeah, no one guesses that, really. And no one's really an Aries, which is weird. - My brother and my son are both Aries. - Really? - Those are the only ones I know. - Oh, cool. - Yep, the bean is an Aries. He was like nine days early. If he was gonna be late, then he would have been a Taurus. Oh, that's pretty cool. - Oh, so he's like right on the... - Yeah, he's April 10th. What are you? - March 21th. - March 21th, very cool. Grandpa Talkin, Flurf's rise up. I don't know what a flurf is, but thank you. Okay, these are making less and less sense. Nicholas Ger, Chrissy, this has been a great interview. Good, I'm glad. Thank you, Nick. - Don't read the name. - Just, it's his full name, Nicholas. Rude Dude reviews for 10. Thanks for the y'all boy. Star Wars theory and Chrissy, rock. Star Wars theory channel is so fun and mellow and thoughtful and full of wonderment for the whole Star Wars universe. I just wanna say thank you both, Chrissy. I'm Rosk written. Oh, good. - Thanks, man. - Oh, thank you so much. I miss Rosk. I don't know what she's up to. Yes, everyone smash the like button, subscribe, smash, smash, like, like, subscribe. - Yeah, I'm gonna like she's gonna miss it. - Probably two. It's fine. We're doing it for the memories. - Okay, this channel, we're gonna-- - 877. - Ooh, all right, let's bump that up, guys. Let's get it to a thousand. I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have said I was a flat earther. Guys, we're gonna be redirecting. We're gonna go to Keanu's show. So stay tuned and you'll be brought to my good friend Kiki's show. And yes, you know what? Everybody, as we reign her channel, just say May the Force be with you and we'll have her figure it out. Sony, okay, theory. What else? Final thoughts, final Jerry Springer thoughts. Anything I missed. - Whatever you wanna know. Like I said, I'm an open book. You can take the-- - Passes are brief. - Anywhere you want. Briefs. Do you, are you one of these guys who doesn't like to wear a coat and winter? - Yeah, I like coats. - Okay, you're a coat person. - Yeah. - Do you wear Crocs with socks? - Yeah, sometimes. But I don't really wear the traditional Crocs. They're like flip-lops, but they're made by Crocs. - Okay, comfort. How do you take your coffee? - I wanna drink coffee. - What? - Yeah. - What do you, oh no, what do you drink then? Tea? - Water? - Sometimes tea, there's tea in this, yeah, there was. - Do you have energy drinks? Do you have no, your most stimulants? No stimulants? - No, no. - Okay, that is the most concerning thing about you. - Yeah, I know, that's what a lot of people say. You're like, how? I don't know. I just, life, man, just happy to be here. - Just happy to be here, I don't need your coffee. Well, that's true, my husband didn't drink coffee until I met him and now he says. - Until we did, you're assing. - Yeah, he's like, all right, I need something like. I need to get through the day. - He's stuck in all my energy, God damn it. - Mm-hmm, night drinks an extra lunch and I had to go on decaf because caffeine actually goes into your boob milk and I didn't want to like keep the bean up at night. So I'm like a, I feel like a mega loser ever since I've been on the decaf train. It's like, I'm barely alive, okay. - Yeah, I don't know. Even like with lifting and stuff, I never did pre-workouts. I tried them, obviously, but I don't know. I just have energy non-stop 24/7 ready to go. - Is this for life? - Yeah. - You hear that ladies? He's ready to go 24/7. Are you dating anybody right now? - I don't want to answer that. - Ooh! - It's because whenever I brought my relationship into my work life before and my channel and stuff, and I just rather not anymore. So I'm just now, I just, any relationship stuff, I just. - That's probably the safest bet. - But to answer that, I'm not, I'm very, I'm honestly my only thing in life I care about is my work. That's like my main mission is I want to grow theory savers to be the biggest saver company on the planet. And I want the Vaterfan film, episode two and three to be absolute success in terms of, I can't make money from it, so I want to see success. I mean, I want people to really enjoy it. And then I want to make my own stories with my own comic books and stuff like that. So my goal is to just crush it. Like I just want to, all my goals, I just really want to do well in them. So love women, always have, always will. And so I'll say about that. - Bitches be shopping. No, that's awesome. - Yeah, and I think whoever you end up with, it has to be, you can't be like one of these gals who's like needs, you know what I mean? Like has to be okay. Like you have your passions and your work and you're like, that's going to come first. And you have to be cool. God, could you ever date somebody who didn't like Star Wars? - Of course, yeah. Actually, I wouldn't mind, I prefer that. Because it's just, yeah, they don't go to like everything I like, but that's kind of the thing is whenever I do date and I fall in love, I kind of just, they become my priority. So, you know, I find I'm the most successful with my work and stuff when I'm more or less, I don't know what the word is, but tingle, I guess? I don't know. - Playing the field, spreading your feed. Summer of George. - Summer of George. Yeah, okay. - Do you understand this reference dude? If he were a Fallout character, he'd have like 10 out of 10 charisma. I don't know if Fallout is. I never played it. I played it once at my friend's house for like an hour or two. That was it. I was just running around as a lit field. - Okay, grab an America by the poosie. Ask if he likes green eggs in a hand. (laughs) Breakfast, lunch, or dinner? - All of them. - All of them? Okay, how do you like your steak? - Medium. Medium to medium to medium rare. - Okay, that's better. Yoda's hut, I only drink water. However, very, I don't even like how you wrote this with every letter, capitalized, every word. I only drink water, however, very specific type of water, but I also drink prime. I'm not endorsing Logan Paul, but anyways, I used to drink soda, but dropped it back in 20-3 of December due to heart issues. Wow, thank you. - Good, yeah, it's sort of shit. Sugar. - So what it is shit, energy drinks are also shit. I was addicted to Celsius before I got pregnant and I'm so happy that I got off of it because I thought I drank it like multiple every day. Let's get, get off soda, people. Would he eat it at, what? Would he eat it out in space or on an exploding moon-sized base? Is this like a Dr. Seuss? -, I got the best out there. That's my answer to that question. - Yeah, no more. No more questions, you guys, you've ruined your privileges. Okay, blonde, brunette, or redhead, fine, that's the final question. - Oh, it doesn't matter. As long as she's as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside, cool. - Aw. - Yeah, that's all that matters to me. - Good answer. - She's gonna have it all. - I'd say, yeah, someone who just like, there's a lot of qualities, but you'd want, but you know, someone healthy. Don't want to take care of their health. I think it's really, it tells a lot about the person. - Tell me who brushes their teeth, flosses. - I mean, you'd hope so, that's a minimum. - Are you, I feel like you're, are you like a meticulously-kneat person? - No. - No. - No, no, we're all, I'm clean, but I'm not. - Need, no, I, no. - Okay, I just, I envisioned you just like, being somebody who folds things and like, - Oh yeah, right, totally. No, I don't have time for that shit. I just throw it up there and I'll pick it up when I pick it up, whatever. - Okay, that's good. Okay, I feel better now. 'Cause if you were like not drinking coffee, but then like very tidy, I would just. - Serial killer vibes. - Yes, exactly. - Yeah. - No. No, no, not at all. - I'm cool. - Not at all. No, I like black tea. - Okay, well, I thought you were going somewhere else with that, I like black people. Black tea is good. Follow, follow Star Wars Theory on Twitter at RealSWTheory, check out Where else can people follow you? - I don't know, Instagram. - Instagram, yes, of course. - YouTube, Instagram, you know. Yeah. What was the plaque like when you hit a million subscribers? - It's right there. - Oh, it's the gold one. - It's the gold one. I like gold. - Gold, so you get a silver one for 100,000 and then gold for a million. - Yeah. - Yeah, and you hit three million and probably nothing. - Yeah, I had a bunch there. - Oh my God, look how many? - Well, I think there's another like four that I don't have, but I just, I didn't apply for it. - Oh, wow. All right, okay, I gotta get mine. All right, I'm inspired. I'm very inspired by you, Theory. - Oh, thank you. - You're an ass kicker, for sure. - Thank you. - You're my best. - This was an excellent stellar interview. There will be many clickers. - It was fun. I feel like it turned into like a blind dating sort of - Well, you said to ask more questions, so. - No, I love that stuff. I have a channel called Theory Talks where like a lot of people talk about their relationship stuff. And I love that kind of stuff. I just think it's so fun. So interesting. - Me too. - Yeah. - That's my favorite. - A big avenue for you too, to cover probably. - Yeah, yeah. You've given me a lot of good ideas, for sure. Thank you so much for your time. My God, it's the two hours that is blown by. Yes, Theory is fun and inspirational. Oh, and so is Chrissy that's sweet. You should do soup casts sometime if you're ever free on a Sunday. - Is that your podcast? - Yes, it's Sunday. It's usually a panel of gals, occasionally a token man. And we discuss like the hot topics of the day. - Panel of gals, hey? - Mm-hmm. But it's not, you know, it's not like just cackling. It's a, we're smart too. - Oh, I like to- - Right, some, it's like 40% cackling, 60%. - 40% drama and bitching. (laughing) - Fine, it's 50% shit talking, 50% news. - Did you hear what they said? - Essentially what I've been doing for the last week. - Right, here we go already now. Thank you guys so much in the chat for your super chats and your fun questions. With Star Wars Theory, the classic Aries man, the stigma male. - Holy shit. (laughing) - Yeah, no, wait, when I did the, that move, that was for Giga, the Giga Chad move. - Oh. - Sigma, yeah, you educated me on that. That's nice, thank you. - Sigma's cooler. - Patrick Bateman and SpongeBob, sounds great. (laughing) - This was awesome. Thank you guys for watching. Love to do this again soon. And yeah, say, say, say, say, "May the Force be with you," or some, yeah, say, "May the Force be with you" in Keanu's chat, we're gonna raid her. Alright, love you all, thank you so much.