Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse

Outlive Your Former Self- Start Your Day Strong

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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How you start your day determines how you outlive and outgrow your former self. Each morning offers a fresh opportunity to evolve, to step into a greater version of you. To tap into your true potential, begin with something a little challenging – whether it's a physical workout, meditation, journaling, or setting clear intentions. These small, mindful actions open the door to human potential, empowering you spiritually and physically. Growth happens when you embrace what stretches you, giving you the strength to rise above who you were yesterday.

How are you challenging yourself today to evolve and thrive? #HumanPotential #SpiritualEmpowerment #GrowthMindset #DailyEvolution

(upbeat music) - Hey, it's Dr. James Rouse. Welcome to the Change Agents Podcast. This is the place where personal growth meets human performance. Join me and the Change Agents community where inspired individuals unite to ignite their full potential and create extraordinary mastery. - Good morning, it's James. And it's so good to see you today. Thank you for your time. Thank you for the energy. I'm deeply grateful to have the honor and the blessing of laying eyes on you. And I do hope and pray that this message finds you and all the people that you love, peaceful, thriving and very, very well. I want so badly for this message to be helpful. I want this message to land in your heart. I want this message to be something where you walk away from our time together next few minutes and go, oh my gosh, I am gonna commit to this. I'm gonna make a vow to myself. I am literally going to use this as the catalyst to help me to realize my full potential. This is interesting because a couple weeks ago, I spent time with you talking about the basal ganglia, part of our brain that's been around since the beginning of the beginning, literally millions of years ago. I talked about how we can train the basal ganglia to be a habit, become woven in the fabric of we are. It's how we begin and establish patterns of living and being. And interesting enough, so many of you got, we had dozens of comments, people are like going, okay, sounds really interesting, but I don't even know where to begin. So today let's talk about how to begin our day. So throughout the day, we are literally continually evolving or we just set a precedent each and every day that every day gets an opportunity for us to step into this place inside of us. We go, this is me living up to my potential. This is me overcoming inertia. This is me out loving my former self, even though I love my former self, I love what I'm doing now because I'm growing, I'm evolving, I'm becoming more. So I love this experience of this expansion of myself. So let's talk about this because there's so many things that we do here in the tree house that I think speaks to the idea of human potential. It speaks to physiological wellbeing, spiritual empowerment, mental and emotional wellbeing. All of this is what we do here. And all of those things are connected to one thing. Interesting enough, when you look at the research, how we begin each and every day, more and more research tells us that if we just pick one thing and that one thing wants to be a little bit hard, doesn't be ridiculously hard, it's a little bit hard. If you're someone who tends to use a snooze alarm, a few times, well, use it just one time. If you are someone who knows that first thing in the morning, you really are susceptible to making choices that don't necessarily make you feel good, like beginning your day on social media, beginning your day within news, beginning your day by kind of just popping down and just, I had to say, waiting for the day to kind of get you to do something. Here's your hard thing. First thing in the morning, get up. Once you wake up, get up. Get outdoors. Walk with a sun actually rising. That will be amazing for your physiology, amazing for your hormones, amazing for your circadian rhythm. And if it's something you don't normally do, it'll be just hard enough for you to go, "Ooh, that's hard and it's challenging me, "but I'm doing it, I'm following through." If you're someone who already gets up early, find that thing that you could do, whether it's gonna be a mindfulness practice, whether it's lifting weights, whether it's doing the plank pose, while you're waiting for your coffee to brew, something that is harder than your normal morning. And when you do it consistently, over and over and over again, doesn't have to be amazing. Doesn't have to be something where it's like gonna take you hours to do. As simple as just a few minutes, gets your basal ganglia engaged, gets your anterior singular cortex engaged. These parts of your brain help you to build resilience, help you to augment your human potential, help you to really step into this place inside of you where over time, this evolution comes through you and it's in you and it becomes you. And this thing literally becomes the way in which your entire day moves forward. There is an upward spiral, neurochemically, physiologically, emotionally and spiritually, that happens when we begin every single day under the influence of one thing that requires us to do something that we're normally not gonna do, that is harder than what we normally would do, that is something that requires us to get very, very clear about what we're willing to do to create a life that is expanding, exponentially more and more each and every day. So, at the end of the day, you get a chance to look back and say, that was me living up to what it is I want to be. I wanna be proud of myself. I wanna have peace in my mind. I wanna feel like my potential is something I'm moving towards each and every day. Let your morning ritual, let your basal gag, let your anterior singlet cortex be your friend, engage with them, make them know that you care about your life and you're willing to do things that literally set a tone for the way in which your life becomes a demonstration of who it is and everything that you took a vow for when you took your very first breath. This is you living and loving your life into motion each and every day. Have an awesome day. I'm with you, I believe in you, sending you love, sending you blessings. Take good care. Bye for now. (upbeat music) Thanks for listening. Together, I believe we can make a difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us. Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review to help us spread positive energy across the planet. Until next time, keep shining your life and being the change you wanna see and be in the world. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (gentle music)