Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse

Small Steps Big Transformation

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

🌿 Two Questions to Change Your Life 🌿

1️⃣ What can you stop doing today that no longer serves you? Release what drains your energy—whether it's a habit, thought, or routine. Letting go creates space for something new, something aligned with your true purpose.

2️⃣ What one thing can you begin today that has the potential to transform your life? Think small yet powerful. Start a daily ritual that brings you closer to your highest self. Whether it's a morning meditation, journaling, or simply moving your body—consistency is key to long-lasting change.

Transformation happens not through grand gestures, but in the small, intentional actions we commit to each day. When we let go of what limits us and embrace purposeful rituals, we step into our power. ✨

(upbeat music) - Hey, it's Dr. James Rouse. Welcome to the Change Agents Podcast. This is the place where personal growth meets human performance. Join me and the Change Agents community where inspired individuals unite to ignite their full potential and create extraordinary mastery. - Good morning, it's James. It is so good to see you today. Thank you for your time. Thank you for energy, I'm deeply grateful to have the honor and the blessing of laying eyes on you and I do hope and pray that this message finds you and all the people that you love. Peaceful, thriving, and very, very well. This beautiful, beautiful morning. I hope you all have to do a great start. Hey, listen, this is gonna be a fun message, very straightforward, kind of short for our usual messages and has the potential to transform your life. When I'm working with people as a coach and when I was doing this as a doc, I used to love to ask this question when people felt like, you know, I'm kind of on a plateau or I'm really feeling stuck or I need something to really, wildly and beautifully wake me up so I can continue on my path and create a life that I love. Here's the two questions I'd ask them. Number one, what is the one thing that you can stop doing today that has the potential to transform your life? The one thing that you can stop doing today and if you continued to not do it, how would it change your week, your month, your years, your life if you really chose something that was that awesome, that important and that much of a distraction away from the truth of who you are? Big question. And potentially the obvious second question is, what one thing could you begin doing today that if you continue to do it every single day has the potential to rock your world awake, change your mind, change your body, change your physiology, change your life, just create change. What is that one thing you could start doing today that has the power and potential and opportunity to do that for you? Just take time this morning. Think about the one thing that you can stop and the one thing that you can start that you will bring as a ritual into your life to help you to transform everything that you want to be experiencing and live up to the potential, the power, the purpose that you are here to live. Much love, all blessings, peace, bye for now. Thanks for listening. Together, I believe we can make a difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us. Don't forget to subscribe, share and leave a review to help us spread positive energy across the planet. Until next time, keep shining your life and being the change you want to see and be in the world. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (gentle music)