Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse

Practices and Principles of Outstanding Leadership

Broadcast on:
09 Sep 2024
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How do you inspire people to believe in themselves? Great leadership! Today, I'm sharing the top five qualities of embodied leadership that spark confidence and growth in others.

(upbeat music) - Hey, it's Dr. James Rouse. Welcome to the Change Agents Podcast. This is the place where personal growth meets human performance. Join me and the Change Agents community where inspired individuals unite to ignite their full potential and create extraordinary mastery. - Good morning, it's James. So good to see you today. Thank you for your time. Thank you for energy, I'm deeply grateful to have the honor and the blessing of laying eyes on you and I do hope and pray that this message finds you and all the people that you love, peaceful, thriving and very, very well. So today's message is a very, very timely message and I'm very intentional about that. I want to share with you the science on leadership, the things that we know about leadership, why it works, when it doesn't work, how do you galvanize hope and how you get people to believe in themselves through great leadership, coming from a person who exemplifies these scientific principles. These practices are something that over the last, gosh, this is a 60 plus year study on when a leader did these kinds of things, the people around them prospered. There was a level of hopefulness, a level of optimism, a level of inclusion and on top of that, the success of the group or the country or the club or whatever it was thrived under this type of leadership. So let's get right into this. There are five practices of great leaders according to this five plus decade study. Number one, model the way, hope, character, integrity and values that galvanize the largest group of people that are based on love and decency. I'll leave that there. Number two, inspired a shared vision. The greatest leaders or ones who actually make people feel excited about what's coming and their worthiness to receive and achieve the leader's vision for themselves. Everyone feels this is possible for them too. Number three, they challenge the process, meaning that they challenge status quo, meaning that if things and certain ways of doing things are not working for the largest group of people, they will challenge that process and welcome everyone around them to do the same thing. Be a non-conformist in the way in which you welcome more and more people in. If the present situation or the present rules do not embrace and bring forward the most people under the influence of that hopeful vision. Number four, greatest leaders enable action. They make people feel like they have it within them to take action and most importantly, the people take action. They feel fortified, they feel inspired, they feel encouraged and they move together as one. This is the one that really spoke to me. All of them speak to me, but this one is really interesting. There is a research piece that talks about the fact that greatest leaders are great at encouraging one's heart. And they talk about encouraging one's heart, it's about opening the heart. Great leaders make people's heart feel open, make people feel like there's more room in their heart for more people, more ways of life, more opportunities for everyone to prosper. Leaders who don't do that, who make the heart feel close, make it feel judgmental or exclusionary or non-welcoming, do not do good things for the group of people they are leading. Interesting enough, they will not talk about the fact that there are certain characteristics and values that transcend the practices. Number one, honesty. Number two, forward thinking. Number three, high competency. Number four, inspiring in a way that breathes life into your day that you feel each and every day, you want to live up to those practices. It's powerful, isn't it? Gives me a lot to think about. Gives me a lot to be working for. Gives me a lot to be hopeful and wanting to be helpful to make this experience, the experience for everyone, for everyone. So, there you go. I hope this was helpful for you. I hope it reminded you of the ways in which you want to lead in your life and how it is that we want to look the types of leaders who embody these practices, these principles and these values. Share it with someone who may benefit too. Thank you, much love, every blessing. Bye for now. Thanks for listening. Together, I believe we can make a difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us. Don't forget to subscribe, share and leave a review to help us spread positive energy across the planet. Until next time, keep shining your life and being the change you want to see and be in the world. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]