Moms Do Business Different - Online Marketing, Sales Strategy and Mindset Tips for Christian Mom Entrepreneurs!

325. How to create your daily sales routine and build consistent habits to sell daily

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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Let's talk about your daily sales routine! A while ago I shared my 5-15 minute sales meeting that I do daily and now I want to talk you through how to create your daily sales routine and build habits to sell consistently!

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Welcome back to the Moms Do Business Different Podcast. I'm your host Kay Hillman, believer, wife, mama, and creator of the Shmani Mama Kay. Myself and my team support mamas who are service providers and coaches in creating strategies that make buyers say take my Shmani and create companies that bring in high cash months during the bare minimum. Join me for conversations on money, business growth, sales, productivity, and the mindset of being a mom who does business different. Mama, are you ready for the vibe? Listen up and let's get this Shmani. Hey boo. Hey. Happy Wednesday or whatever day you're listening to this on. Okay. So today I want to talk about creating a daily sales routine and like how to build habits that make selling easy or make it something that you actually do. So I believe that you should sell every single day. Okay. I think that sales should be a daily thing because we want to make sales daily. We want to consistently sign clients and in order to do that, you have to sell, right? You have to sell your offer. So here is just kind of how I create or have created a daily sales routine for myself and how I have just like trained my brain to always look for opportunities to sell and how I just intentionally like start my day with the thought of like, okay, I'm going to sell something today. I might not know what that thing is, but I'm going to sell. I'm going to talk about my offer. I'm going to pitch my offer. I'm going to sell it in some kind of capacity or whatever. So like I said, if you like this, this is going to be perfect for you. If you feel like you kind of struggle with staying consistent with your sales or if you feel like you have been consistent and you're like wondering, are you doing enough, right? Or are you doing the right thing? So I'm going to kind of talk about some, you know, maybe small to you might be small to you, but these are going to be some like repeatable habits or things that you can do to kind of make sales a little bit easier for you. So before I get into this further though, if you're not in such money mama, you need to go get in there because we're going to be doing the challenge in starting in October and it's going to be a really good challenge. It's going to be so good. And I really want you to be in there because I feel like that will help you with building those habits that you need in order to make sales daily and to create your own daily sales routine so that you're constantly making sure that you're showing up every single day and selling your offer in some sort of capacity. So why does a having a, oh, and that'll be in the show notes below. So join Shmani Mama, show notes below, go do it. Okay. So why having a daily sales routine matters? And I hate to say routine because like I wouldn't say this is the routine. I just, I just know that selling is the bare minimum and if selling is the bare minimum, then you need to make sure that every day you're waking up with the thought process and with the heart posture of like, I'm going to sell something today, right? There's somebody out there that needs what I have to offer and I'm going to offer it to them, right? That's it. That, that is what I want you to be thinking is where I want you to retrain your mind. I want you to think to yourself, I'm not just creating content to create it. I'm creating content with the purpose and the intention of having a conversation with someone or sparking something in someone's heart and their mind to make them realize like, hey, you have the solution to that problem, right? They should come and talk to you about it. But anyway, why does this even matter in the first place? It's because first off, selling is the bare minimum. I've said this before, I must say it again, but like if you're trying to make sales, you have to sell, right? There's nothing else that you that you can do that will allow you to go around that concept. Like if you want sales, you have to sell, even if it's in a soft selling way, a backhand way, I don't care. Like in some way, you're going to have to sell in order to get sales, right? They just don't fall in your lap. And so that's for some foremost, selling really is the bare minimum. Like if you did nothing else, but talk to people about your offer or talk to people about what you do, you would make money. You would sign clients and listen, I know this were a fact. I know that you probably have not, like if you're not making sales consistently, I know that it's because you haven't been talking about your offer. You haven't been talking about your offer. You haven't been selling your offer. You haven't been writing emails. You haven't been posting on social media. You haven't been in the DMs. You haven't responded to anybody's stories. Like there are so many things that you haven't done if you're not making sales. And I know that might sound like a little bit harsh. And I know it could be like, hey, like I got kids over here like, you know, this is hard. Trust me, I get it. I got two, right? I got two kids. And I'm just like, you know, I'm over here. Thugging it out myself. So I totally get it. But what I want to say is that selling really is the bare minimum. If you don't have time for anything else, make time to do some kind of activity that allows you to sell your offer. Inside your money, mama, there's a whole income producing activity suite. And literally I break down what you can do to get the coins and coins is just sales, right? So I have a list of sales activities for you to do that you could do every single day. Once a week, once a month, I have it broken down by different time periods of when you should do it. But I give you plenty of things that you can do so that you can consistently sell and make money. But why does this matter? It matters because you have to be consistent, right? Selling daily will allow you to keep that momentum in your business and it's going to build trust with coins, right? Because the truth is that selling and sales, it's not about, oh, you make a pitch on, you know, Monday and tell people, oh, here's my offer. Here's what I have available. Work with me. No, like it's, you have to show people day after day after day that you have something that can get people a result, that you have something that can give someone a transformation, right? They want to see that consistently and you have to show up and you have to tell them that. Otherwise, they won't know. If you only tell them once a week, what if they don't check Instagram that day? What if they don't read their email that day, right? Then you miss on a great opportunity to be top of mind for someone. So it's really important that you do that. Also, like there's just a psychological benefit of having like a routine in a process, not a process. I'm sorry. There's just a psychological benefit of having like someone routinely seeing you, right? They, when they routinely see you, that makes them trust you, right? They build trust and like, oh, she's still talking about this offer. She's still serving people and supporting people with this thing. Like they just, like it just clicks different, but also it hits different for you. Like there's a benefit to you being consistent and saying I'm going to sell every single day, right? Like because you know that like every single day at this time you post something, your brain, it just starts to like relax. Like, okay, I know at three o'clock, I got to make this post, right? And like the ideas start flowing, what you're going to talk about starts flowing. Like because you have a routine, you have that structure of how yourself. So I really want to encourage you, like not even just for your clients, but for yourself, giving yourself like a routine or like, hey, I know that at 8 a.m. every day, my goal is to post a story or my goal is to, you know, a sales story. I should say like selling your offer or I'm going to send an email, right? Like, yes, write an email every day if you want to. If they don't like it, if your subscribers don't like it, they'll leave your email list. Like that is just that simple. But there are so many benefits to you creating that routine for yourself, because then you'll always know like, oh, I have this one thing that I do every day that moves my business forward. So the next thing I'm going to talk about is I want to talk about like, what are the elements or like, what are the things that you can do to kind of create whatever your sales routine is going to be. So first things first, and this is like one of my favorite things to do, but I like to start with a daily goal. Like, what is my goal? And so I know for me, my goal is always, I want to reach out to five people and I want to connect or I want to, I want to further a conversation with five people. So my goal is always 10 a day. Five people are going to be completely new people, and the other five people are going to be people that I'm already nurturing, they're already my audience, whatever. Now, a lot of days, I don't reach either one of those goals, right? But I set the goal nonetheless, because even if I hit two, that's two more people that I've connected with. That's four more people I've served, right? There's there that's four more conversations I've had, right? It doesn't matter if I hit it every single day perfectly. It's the fact that I have the goal set and I make efforts every single day to reach that. There's also seasons where, you know, I have a goal of sending out a daily email or every other day email, right? The goal can be whatever you want it to be, but I want you to start with setting a goal for how you are going to sell your offer, right? So when you're doing this, remember, the goal is to have conversations or to actually sell the offer. So if you're saying you're going to reach out to five people, let it be five people that are interested in your offer, not just five random followers, right? If you're going to connect with five new people, make sure they're actually in the right niche and someone that you can actually serve and support, right? That's the best use of your time, and that is income producing, right? Because nurturing that relationship can lead them to purchasing your offer. The second thing is to like set aside specific times to focus on sales. So I know for me, I've talked about this before, I spend an hour a day on Legion and Legion is like where I spend my sales efforts. And so an hour a day gets spent on lead generation and that usually happens between 10 and 11 o'clock at night. And then other nights it happens between 12 a.m. and 1 a.m. Now sometimes I've been like slipping on the 12 a.m. one and I've been just doing 10 o'clock or I'll double up the next day. And it's only because like my schedule has changed lately, but I think it's really important that you set aside time in your day to focus just on sales activities. And that's because when you do this, it'll make it to where you know that you got this thing done that's going to actually produce money like revenue for your business. And when you're thinking about like the other things you have to do, you will prioritize this task over those. And also, and this is like the most important piece, you'll know that if you at least do this, you can take a break. Like I thought about this another episode where I said, you know, if I'm feeling tired and I want to give myself a break, I tell myself like just do this one task and you can go to bed. Well, that one task is always lead generation. It's always something dealing with money, talking to clients, talking to potential clients, talking to someone that's interested in my offer, whatever the situation, writing an email, right, it's always going to be that because that makes money. And I always have time to make money. I know that sounds so crazy, but like for real, I do have time to make money, right? So I'm going to do that. So the second thing I want you to do, like after you set your goal is I want you to make sure that you're blocking off time for sales for your sales activities. And it might not be the same time every day, you might, it might need to be a little bit more fluid or more, you know, give yourself a little more grace because of your schedule. But I want you to make sure that this is a priority in your day. Because remember, selling is the bare minimum. Thing number three, another one of my favorites is to track your daily sales activities. I did a podcast episode, so I'm not going to go deep into this, but I did an episode talking about my daily sales tracker, right? I think I did a, I think I did a daily episode, I mean, sorry, episode on. Yeah, I think I called the episode like my daily sales meeting or something like that. I hope that I remember to put in the show notes if I didn't, but feel free to send me a DM if I didn't put in my, if I don't put in the show notes, but I did an episode about my daily sales meeting that I had with myself. And I still do this, like I still do this to this day. Every single day I track my sales activities. And so I want to encourage you after you set the goal, I want you to track if you're hitting the goal, like what is it that you're doing? What conversations are you having? Like I want you to track it. So go back and listen to that episode so you can kind of get the details and the T on that. The next step, this is my last step, but the next, the last step that I have is that I want you to follow up, like I want you to intentionally schedule time to follow up. So maybe you decide like on Fridays, I love to follow up Friday. So maybe you decide on Fridays, like every Friday you're going to follow up with people that have expressed interest that are thinking about working with you, whatever. And I want you to take some time to go and check in with them, right? And then also check in with your current clients, right? See if they need, if they're ready for the next step or what they need next, right? Let this be an opportunity to just re-engage with someone who is ready for the next step of the buyer journey, which is to actually make a purchasing decision, right? So you want to follow up with that person. Now, all these steps that I gave you, we worked through this in Saaj money mama. So if you're not in Saaj money mama, what are you waiting for? But, you know, otherwise you can use the podcast, right? Listen to what I'm saying and just implement, right? Just implement, even if you don't know how, even if you're, if you don't feel like it's perfect or you're just not sure, that's okay. Start where you are. But if you want like the, you know, me to hold your hand kind of through it, or you want to see resources to help you through it or just give some community support, come over into Shmani Mama. Okay. Now, last thing I want to talk about is like just how to stick with us, right? Again, Shmani Mama is going to be the best place for this because inside of there, we will hold you accountable. But also you can hold yourself accountable, right? You can, you know, have it stack. We're basically like, you know, in the morning, you can say like, okay, when I check my emails for the day, like right after I check my emails, I'm going to do my sale that did me, right? So you can make it to where like a habit that you already do triggers you into doing this next, right? So instead of checking your emails and then starting on client work, you might say, okay, I'm going to check my emails and I'm going to, you know, do sales activities and then check your calendar, right? So your calendar will be after that. Or maybe you check your calendar first because you want to make sure you don't have a meeting or something. So you check your calendar and then boom, you do your sales activities, right? That could be how you have it stack. You can also reward yourself. So I love rewarding myself. Like I love treating myself when I do something. So maybe if you hit your goal, like the goals that you set at the beginning, if you hit it for like a week in a row, you give yourself the nice and then next time you treat yourself for, you know, doing it two weeks in a row and then three weeks and then maybe each month you give yourself a treat, right? It could be whatever you want, but like reward yourself for being consistent, right? Because like we all like a little treat. So treat yourself, nice girl. Also be open to, and this is like my last like kind of tip is just be open to adjusting your routine. So as your business grows or as just life changes in your, in your family, like in your home, you want to just give yourself that freedom to be flexible and adjust the routine based off of what's going on in your life. So like, I was in a season where I was consistently doing my legion and now I have fallen so far off. Like I really need to catch up. And instead of like being hard on myself, I'm just adjusting. I'm just like, okay, I don't have the capacity to do my legion every single day. But what I do have the capacity to do is to intentionally connect and seek out new relationships. So I haven't been nurturing people, but I have been seeking out and connecting with new people. And that has been a great step in the direction of where I'm trying to go. And then when I'm back in a season where I'm able to really focus on legion, then I'll do that and I'll adjust my schedule accordingly. So I just want to encourage you, like you might not always do every single step perfectly, but if as long as you try and just make a good effort, you will see the return on the investment of your time. It's so, so, so worth it. All right, that's it for this one. Until next time, I will talk to you later, Ellen. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I know you loved it. So go ahead and leave a five star review. Make sure to share this episode and tag me at moms do business different and at Mrs. K Hillman. So a young thought knows is real. May you walk in your purpose and call it every single day to steward the life in business that that is called you to. Until next time, let's give this money. [BLANK_AUDIO]