Moms Do Business Different - Online Marketing, Sales Strategy and Mindset Tips for Christian Mom Entrepreneurs!

324. Navigating people who say "I cant commit" or "not right now" about working with you

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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It happens to the best of us! In this episode, I’m talking about how to handle those moments when potential clients say, “I can’t commit” or “Not right now.” I’ll share strategies for navigating these objections, keeping the conversation open, and maintaining a positive relationship for future opportunities.

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Welcome back to the Moms Do Business Different Podcast. I'm your host Kay Hillman, believer, wife, mama, and creator of the Shmani Mama Kay. Myself and my team support mamas who are service providers and coaches in creating strategies that make buyers say to take my Shmani and create companies that bring in high cash months during the bare minimum. Join me for conversations on money, business growth, sales, productivity, and the mindset of being a mom who does business different. Mama, are you ready for the vibe? Listen up and let's get this Shmani. Hey Boo, hey, happy Wednesday or whatever day you're listening to this on. Okay, I'm going to try to record this super, super fast because I have to run to a meeting and I have to get the kids together. But anyway, I wanted to do an episode really talking through how to handle when you are talking to someone in the DMs or you're like on a sales call and your client or potential client says that they can't commit or that they feel overwhelmed. And this happens a lot. It happens so often, especially if you serve moms, if you serve moms in business or just moms in general, a lot of times their default answer is going to be like they feel overwhelmed or they can't commit right now or they're busy or just different things are going on, right? Which by the way, Tay loves to just open and close the garage. I don't even know why he's doing this many times, but anyway, that's what you're in the background. But I want to talk through like why this might happen to like why this might happen in your sales conversations and how you can approach this objection that they're having without being pushy and just like really encourage them to see the possibilities. So you know, I have a thing about overcoming objections and I really don't overcome objections, but I am always pro have a conversation. So I'm always going to recommend that you talk about whatever their objection is, even if you're not planning to overcome the objection. So overcoming the objection is slightly different because a lot of times when people say overcome objections, what they mean is like continue to try to convince the person that they need to buy. That is not what I do. Instead, what I would recommend and what I do in my own sales conversations is that I just ask a bunch of questions so that I understand where we are in the conversation and in the buying cycle. But if the person is a no, if a person is like, you know, I can't commit right now or whatever, I'm not really trying to change your mind, but I don't want to just drop the conversation right there. I actually think it's kind of rude when people like don't respond when someone says not right now or they can't commit, we're like, you kind of stop with engaging with them or whatever or having conversations with them. Actually, that's low key like, or not low key, it's like high key room to do people like that. And so even if someone is telling me like, no, I'm not trying to push them to buy, but I do want to have more conversation with them so that I really understand why they are saying they're overwhelmed. Why they are saying this is something they can't do right now or they can't commit right now or whatever. And I want to be honest and say like, this happens to me all the time. Like, all the time I could be having a sales conversation, I could be on a sales call and someone will just hit me with a, you know, actually, I don't think this is something that I can commit to or I'm kind of busy right now. I get people to tell me they're just nosy, like sometimes I'll reach out and they'll be like, you know, I'll reach out like asking, you know, what made you interested in the offer or whatever. And they'll just say, you know, I was just nosy or I was just checking it out or whatever like that. And so it can be hard to know how to navigate that, right? It can be hard to know, okay, well, how do I respond next, right? And the way you respond is by literally having a conversation with them. Like, I really want you to think anytime you are selling to somebody, it is literally just a conversation and either they're going to buy now or they're going to buy later. And so if they're going to buy later, you don't want to drop the ball with where you are in the conversation by ghosting them or not really continuing to further the conversation because you kind of feel some type of way that they said they can't commit. They don't have the money, not right now or they were just nosy, right? Like, we don't want to operate like that and we don't want people to feel our feelings when they're trying to navigate their own feelings when they're in the buyer process and going on the buyer's journey. So anyway, I want to share a conversation exchange actually that I just had. Well, I didn't just have this, but I had this a while ago when I was launching the mastermind and I reached out to someone who had clicked the link and they actually started applying. They sent an application, which I don't even know how that happened, but they sent an application that wasn't even finished. And so, you know, I reached out and I was like, you know, hey, I'm curious, what made you click the link, got something that you started to apply, whatever, whatever. And the person replied that they were just nosy. Now, I know in my head that like, you don't halfway apply to something if you're just nosy. And my prices are public. So it's not like you had to apply or like get to a certain point. And then you see the price. No, baby, my prices are upfront all the time front and center. I don't hide them. So I'm like, okay, I know this is more than just nosy, but I'm going to let it ride. Okay. Okay. So I, you know, I laughed about it. I was like, you know, I totally get it. If you want to chat more about it, I am open to it. I know we chatted previously about, and this is where I'm telling her, I know we've had it previously about time management and marketing as two big components of what you are struggling with. And actually the mastermind experience talks about these things. So I would love to have you. And based on the industries that are inside, I think you would be a perfect addition to the group. And then she replied back, yeah, I'm just keeping it real. I know I can't commit to anything at this time. I don't have the physical or mental capacity. And I was like, Oh, this is really good. Like, so I want to first say, like, my first response back to her was basically reflecting back our conversations. So as you can see, this is not someone that just followed me yesterday. We've been having conversations because I know that time management and marketing are two of her biggest like struggles. And I also know that my mastermind cover both of those topics, right? Time management and marketing. So that's why. And then also because of the industry she's in, which I'm not going to share because I don't want to give too many details away, but it based off the industry that she is in, there was nobody else at the time, which I still think there aren't. Yeah, there isn't. There's nobody else in the mastermind that is in her particular industry. So I did, I truly believe that she would be a great addition to the group. She didn't end up joining, but that's beside the point because she actually joined something else, which we'll talk about in a second, but she didn't join the mastermind. But I knew that she would be a good fit based off of our prior conversations, right? Because we've been having conversations and just based off of what I know my program can deliver on, right? What the mastermind delivers on. So after I said that to her and she was pied back, you know, I can't commit to anything at this time. I don't have the physical or mental capacity. I was like, okay, let me think about this, right? Like, there are so many ways I can navigate this. I can bow out, right? I can just say, you know, go back to what I was saying at the beginning, which is, you know, I would look chat about it. If she's open, we can chat in the future, whatever, whatever, or I can ask some more questions. Like, I can just continue to nurture the relationship. And I chose to ask more questions. I chose to continue to build a relationship because I know that people buy from those, you know, I can trust, right? And so the only way she's going to buy for me in the future is if she trusts me, if she gets to know me, and if she knows that she likes my approach to things, right? If she likes my approach to sales, then she'll be more likely to want to join a sales program of mine, right? Like, it's a no brainer. If I treat her right during the sales process, she's going to want to know how to treat her clients right during the sales process, and therefore she's going to want to work together. And so with that being said, I actually ended up replying to her and I have to find it because I'm like scrolling everywhere. But essentially what I came back to her and I said is I said, I get a girl life with a tiny baby is no joke. Can I ask specifically what feels most overwhelming to you right now? Maybe there are some small like tweaks that we can make to kind of lighten the load for you? I do understand that you feel like you don't have the physical or mental capacity. But what does that actually look like? And the reason why I'm asking this question is because I want her to tell me more, right? I want her to give me more insight to what specifically is her problem when it comes to physical and mental capacity and when it comes to going back to what I knew previously about time management and marketing. And I had an idea that this was going to lead to her talking about her baby being small, which that's what we ended up talking about her baby being really young and all these different kinds of things. And in that conversation, that's where I found out. And there's a lot of technical messages. I'm going to go back and forth and read all those. But essentially what I found after asking her this simple question of, can I ask what feels what specifically feels the most overwhelming right now? What I found out is that what's overwhelming her is the integration, right? Figuring out how to actually make time to sell her offers, right? Like making the time to actually sell her offers while having a small child. And at that point, I was like, okay, she's in a phase of a life and business where she's just looking for something really, really practical. She doesn't want, you know, and like, based off of her answers, now I'm able to see, you know what, the mastermind actually wasn't a good fit for her because the mastermind does require a time investment. And right now, time is not on her side. And that's why she says that she felt overwhelmed. That's why she felt like, well, she felt like she felt like she couldn't commit. That's what she said. She felt like she couldn't commit. So she was being nosy and she was trying to see. And so when she looked at the sales page and look at everything involved in the mastermind, she's like, yo, I don't have the physical or mental capacity. Now everything makes sense, right? And now there are options, right? Like now I have options on how to steward her well, on how to direct her to the offer that will actually support her, which actually is schmunny mama, like schmunny mama is the best fit because inside there, it's all tactical. Like you go in there and you just implement. Yes, there are trainings to watch, but the trainings are no more than an hour. And as you were watching the training, you are able to implement like the whole point of the training is that when you finish it, like you can stop and pause it and all that kind of stuff. And you can implement along with the with the training. So the by the time you're done, you have completed something. And so because of that, and because of what she said to me, I was able to offer her schmunny mama. And now I'm selling her into that offer. And it's totally fine, right? And she ended up joining schmunny mama. And so I wanted to share this because I feel like sometimes people get into sales conversations or you're on a sales call and you feel like, oh, you know, this person is not interested or whatever. It's not that they're not interested. It's just that they know themselves. And you haven't asked enough questions to figure out how you can really serve and support them. This is also another reason why it's a really good idea. Like I know a lot of people are like, sell one offer until it makes you $100,000 blah, blah. I mean, yeah, you could, but like also, you could do something else, like have multiple offers that way. If someone isn't a good fit for whatever reason into maybe your signature offer, you have something else that you can sell them. I actually talk about this inside of schmunny mama. I talk about like your offer suite. There's a a training call offers that sell and inside that training, I talk about the three different offer types that you should have. And in talking about that, it leads to this while I'm talking about right here where if you have multiple offers, you're going to be able to upsell or downsell people into an offer that better serves and suits what they need. And so yeah, would it have been nice to have her in the mastermind? Of course. But it's also just this nice knowing that I'm able to serve her inside schmunny mama. And she's able to get her needs met. Like she's able to get the tactical support that she needs on the implementation inside of schmunny mama. So kind of just like circling this all back together and tying this up in a really pretty bone. One thing that I want you to really think about when you're having your sales conversations is know that in everything, you should continue to build a relationship by asking questions. People are going to say they can't commit. They're being nosy. They're not ready right now. They're going to say all these things to you, but that does not have to be the end of the conversation. And you don't have to be put sheet, right? Like your job is just to encourage them to see that there are other options to see that like, Hey, I do have something to serve you if you are interested or when you are interested. And I want to put I want to present you with all the information that you can that you need in order to make the best decision for yourself. And so I really want you to just remember to be compassionate to really think about like, okay, this person is saying this to me right now, how can I extend a little bit of grace and empathy to them? Even though the response is not, heck yeah, I'm ready to buy, right? Like, you know, sometimes we're looking for that heck yes. And it's like, okay, they're not in that place, but that's okay. You should extend that compassion to them first. And after you do that, then you can go through and you can just ask questions to see and get more information on why are they saying what they're saying, right? And you could literally just say, Hey, I'm just trying to understand so that I know how to support you in the future, right? Like it doesn't have to be anything super deep, but ask a question to see where their feelings are. And I'm going to be honest, some people don't answer, right? I have plenty of people that they don't respond for that because in their mind, they're so used to people trying to pitch them the next offer that they're like, nah, I'm not going to have this conversation with you just for you to pitch me something else. And that's okay, right? You don't have to take it any kind of way, but just know like your heart posture was intentional. Like, when I sent that message back to her, the goal was not to join to have her join Shmoana. I didn't know like I was still in my head or I had her name written down for the mastermind. And I was going to talk to her about the mastermind for the next round. It wasn't it never crossed my mind that Shmoana Wama would be an option for her until I asked that question. And when I asked it, we were having comment. We had like, it was several days worth of conversations. Like, it wasn't just happening in one day. It was, I think we have this conversation over the course of a week, because again, she has a small baby. So we had this conversation over the course of a week. And throughout that week, I realized like, oh, wait a second, like Shmoana Wama will actually be a better fit for her. And I told her that like one of my messages to her was literally, hey, I know that we've been talking about the mastermind, all this kind of stuff, but based off of what you're saying to me, I actually think that Shmoana Wama would be a better fit for you. We can talk about that later if you want to, but I just wanted to throw that out there, right? And then I went right back to talking about and responding to some of the other things that we were kind of chatting about back and forth, you know, just kind of randomly and passively. And then later on, she reached out and asked about Shmoana, and that's how she joined, right? So this is not about like, intentionally upselling somebody in that conversation or whatever, or intentionally up downselling somebody or whatever on a sales call. This is just about just be human, right? Like, just see what you need to know and get as much information as possible about your future clients. Because imagine if she would have joined the mastermind and then got in there and was just like so super stressed because she did not, like she literally does not feel like she has time right now, right? Like, who am I to say, oh, no, you can make time. We can find the time, but no, I'm not going to do that to her. And she's a new mom, you know, no, not at all. And imagine if she would have joined the mastermind, that would have been so stressful for her and for me trying to serve and support her because she's busy bouncing a little baby. And in her mind, she's still postpartum, the height of all the feelings. Like, she's not able to figure out yet how this all works together. Like, that wouldn't be fair, you know? And so I think sometimes I feel like that's like my biggest sticking point when it comes to overcoming objections is that there's a reason why somebody is saying no. And we have to kind of honor and respect that. And when we do that, we'll end up finding out something that's that will just allow us to serve our people even better. And as women of integrity, building businesses that are founded on integrity and that, you know, first and foremost, we got an answer to God about this and how we treat people. I think that this is such a great way to navigate a tricky conversation when people just kind of, I'm not going to say she shut down because I don't, I won't say she shut down in the first message to me when she said she was just being nosy, but it can come across, you know, like, oh, they're not interested. And I wanted to kind of just drop in here. It might not be that someone's not interested, but that the offer really isn't a good fit for them. And it's important that we know how to navigate and have conversations with people so that we can find out more either about them, find out more about our audience and community at large, or so that we can just offer them something better if that's what they need. So that's all for this one. I wanted to keep it short and sweet. And I thought this was very fitting since I just recently had this conversation, maybe like a month or so ago, I just had this conversation. So I wanted to share that. And I also wanted to share it because I've been having these same conversations inside Shmani Wama, where we've been talking about some of the responses that people are getting to their DMs and stuff like that. So that was pretty cool. And yeah, if you're not in Shmani Wama, what are you waiting for girlfriend? Like, what are you actually waiting for next month? Is it next month? Yeah, in October, we're gonna be doing a, oh my gosh, I don't even want to spoil it yet because the girls thought no. So I'm not gonna spoil it, but baby, there's gonna be a challenge coming and the challenge is going to be good. You don't want to miss out. I promise you, you do not want to miss out. Okay, that's it for this one. Until next time, I won't talk to you later, darling. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I know you loved it, so go ahead and leave a five star review. Make sure to share this episode and tag me @momsdobusinessdifferent and @mrskhelman so a young thought knows is real. May you walk in your purpose in calling every single day to steward the life in business that God has called you to. Until next time, let's get this Shmani! [BLANK_AUDIO]