Moms Do Business Different - Online Marketing, Sales Strategy and Mindset Tips for Christian Mom Entrepreneurs!

323. 8 Trust-Building Phrases Buyers Love That Lead to Faster Conversions

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

In this episode, I’m sharing 8 phrases that buyers love to hear—and trust me, they’ll help you build trust and convert in half the time!

These phrases are total game changers in the sales process, and I’m excited to break them down for you. Get ready to boost your conversions and close sales faster!

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Welcome back to the Moms Do Business Different Podcast. I'm your host Kay Hillman, believer, wife, mama, and creator of the Shmani Mama Kay. Myself and my team support mamas who are service providers and coaches in creating strategies that make buyers say to take my Shmani and create companies that bring in high cash months during the bare minimum. Join me for conversations on money, business growth, sales, productivity, and the mindset of being a mom who does business different. Mama, are you ready for the vibe? Listen up and let's get this shmani. Hey boo, hey, first things first, mama is on a roll. Okay, I have recorded all of the unfiltered podcast episodes for this week. I might even like tonight go and record the episodes for next week just so that I can like kind of get ahead of things. But now I'm over here recording and I'm just so excited. Now listen, I want to say that I have not forgot about the Moms Do Business Different Podcast. I know that I just recently launched Unfiltered, which if you don't know, now you know Unfiltered Mama CEO Unfiltered is a podcast where I am sharing the behind the scenes, all the tea, the nitty gritty on building a business as a mom and building a specifically five figures per month business. What that looks like, the behind the scene details, all that kind of stuff. So I've done an episode one, um, you know, I've done episode of the grant that I just got, which I'm not sure if you know, but I got a grant. If you're not on the email list then you wouldn't have known, but I got a grant. Well, Moms Do Business Different got a grant and it's a multiple five figure grant, which has been so exciting and it's allowed me to just offer more of my services to more mamas and do it at a rate that is a bit more accessible. Right? I hate to use the word accessible, but I feel like it's a good word for this. So, um, so yeah, that's what's going on there. It is, um, it's just been a really exciting season, but also it's been a really busy season. And so there are some other projects that I'm working on that are beyond Moms Do Business Different and that has taken up quite a bit of my time. So right now I'm just figuring out what this new season of life looks like. God is really calling me to be a little bit more visible and it's something that I used to be. And then, you know, I sort of have babies and I kind of like went into my own bubble and now I'm just like, in this new season and God is like, girl, get out there. Like, I'm, it's time to go. So, we're going and it's been a process. It's been, you know, it's been a slow process, but we are making it and I'm excited. So, anyway, I just wanted to say that I have not forgotten about the podcast. Um, I know that I've missed, I think two episodes, maybe just one, but I just wanted to say that your girl is here. We're still kicking it. Come hang out with me on Instagram. Uh, you know, if you're not on my email list, make sure you're on the email list. And then also, if you have not joined the unfiltered family, like, what are you doing? Come over there. Like, we're having a good time. Right now it's only $10 a month or $100 for the year. And it's a vibe. Like, I'm literally, I'm just sharing so much. Like, I'm so excited about having a special dedicated space to answer community questions and just really like, go a layer deeper and talk about things that, you know, might be a little too, I don't know what the word is. I just like having a safe space to like, be fully there. And if you are a client of mine and if you work with me, you know how I love to like, just get into the tea and go really nitty gritty and all the things. And so I'm really excited about that space. And I'm also really excited about the grant. So there's a lot of things happening over here. And I just want, you know, I have not forgotten about the space. Moms are business different. Like this podcast is still a huge priority of mine. Um, I just have needed to use the last couple of weeks to kind of work some kinks out, but I feel like we're in a good little group. So I'm excited. Anyway, today's episode, let's get to the point three minutes in. Let's get to the point. Um, this episode, I really want to talk about eight phrases that buyers love to hear that will allow your buyers to like quickly build trust with you and convert and like half the time. Now these are phrases that I use a lot. And so while I'm not a big like script girly, I will say that like these are phrases that I commonly say. And I know for a fact it builds trust because it builds trust when someone says it to me, like it makes me trust them more and it makes it helps them get the seal for me a little bit faster. Right. So if I've been like kind of him and ha and or like, you know, I'm just like thinking long or on something, I feel like when somebody like kind of hits me with this or like talks to me like this, I just feel a lot more supporting. And I will say that I've talked about this before, but like the buyer process requires so much trust. And people really require a lot of support because let's be real in the last few years, we have been burned by the online space. Like so many people have like, you know, not fulfill their promises or they've charged like stupid high ticket, which you know, I love me some high ticket, but like some people have just like gone overboard and then they don't deliver on what they promise. And it's been ugly out here. Okay, so I feel like, you know, everybody listens to me, we are women of integrity. Okay, we are moms of integrity. We got time, we got to answer the guy and all the things. Well, not all the things, we only answer the guy, but like, you know, we ain't trying to go out sad. So because of that, I just want to share some things that I have found that has really built trust, but also it positions you as an authority, it positions you as someone that is not going to play games with them, you know, and like, you're really here to serve and support people. And I will say that these phrases will help you get the sale like pointling period, they'll help you get the sale a little bit faster than maybe what you might have been expecting. So that's been really exciting. So here are the eight phrases that I use. And I do want to also say that, again, I'm not big on scripts, but I think that you will find and listen to these like, man, there's like one or two that you could use that might really be useful in a conversation with someone, right? And this conversation to be either via the DMs or it could be like on a sales call, which I think I'm going to put a together a training now that I'm thinking about this, like put together a training inside Shmani Mama, really like kind of maybe breaking down these phrases a little bit more and like when exactly to use them in a sales conversation. So if you're in Shmani Mama and you're listening, let me know if that will be helpful after you listen to this and I'll do that. Okay, so they phrases phrase number one, I want to make sure this is the right fit for you. Okay, phrase number one, I want to make sure this is the right fit for you. This phrase prioritizes the needs of the person you're talking to, right? And this is going to build trust with them because they're going to think to themselves, hang, she has my best interest in mind, but also this is really honest, right? This is really honest. I want to make sure this is the right fit for you. This is so honest because you'll at that point, you can ask them more questions to get them to tell you their problems, get them to tell you the results they're looking for. And if it's not a good fit, refer them, right? When I tell you that's going to build so much trust and they're going to be looking for the next opportunity to give you money, if they don't give it to you that time, baby, it is game over. Okay, I literally just was in the DMs with somebody, I think on Friday actually, like literally a couple days ago and we were talking and I was like, you know what, I actually just want to make sure this is the right fit for you. So like, could you answer this one question? And I asked her another question. She answered it and I was like, you know what, actually, I feel like you would be a better fit for this other program. It's by a whole other person. Like, it's not my program at all. I literally recommended her to a friend of mine whose work I trust, who I know gets results, et cetera, et cetera. And I was like, I think this might be a better fit for you. And then I was like, you know, you could decide between the two, which one you want to join. And I even told her, I told her like the details of the other girls program. I was like, you know, this is why I have to like, this is why I recommended that program to you. And then here's what my program does. So you can decide between the two and you know, whether you choose my program or not, I hope that you find like what's the best fit for you, right? But the end of the day, I want to make sure like I wasn't lying when I said I want to make sure this is the right fit for you. Okay, that is a great phrase. Buyers love to hear that because they'd love to answer whatever questions you need to know so that you can give them, you know, what you like, you can actually be honest with them about like, is this a good fit or not? And it's okay if it's not a good fit. Recommend them somewhere else, because I promise you, since we'll come back. Okay, I don't think I've had a person yet that I've referred to somebody else. And after they work with them, they haven't come back to work with me. I think I've only had like one or two people that like, wouldn't work with the other person that I recommend it and didn't come back to me. Other everybody else though, always comes back. So yeah, that's a great phrase. Buyers love to hear that phrase number two. I have a client who had this result or who got this result. And I'd love to walk you through that process or this process, right? And I feel like clients love this because it's just social proof, right? Like you're just giving them social proof and you're showing them like how you've gotten to live, how you've gotten a result for someone else. And then you're talking them through the process and how that could look for them, right? So it allows them to kind of dream with you. Now, I will say the key here is that you got to keep it short, right? You can't give them like, you know, a five page presentation on it. Well, I guess you could. You could give them a presentation, but like not via the DMs, right? Like it would be a better idea to like actually give them, you know, hey, like check out this case study that I did. It's a very similar situation that I would do for you, right? But I think that people love this phrase because they're able to see like, oh, she understands my problem, right? Like you understand my problem and you can see and you have a clear process and path to get a solution, right? The girls love that. Okay, the girls love it. It makes them trust you, right? It makes them trust that you know what you're doing, right? And again, it shows that you know what you're doing because you've already done it. So that's a great phrase phrase number three. I'm here to support you when you're ready. I'll check back in and then you tell them when to see how you're doing. Okay. I'm here to support you when you're ready. I'll check back in on a certain date to see how you're doing. Now, you can say I'll check back in in a month. You can check check back in in a quarter. You can check back in next year. I don't care when you say you're gonna check back in, but this is a very low pressure way to close the deal, right? Or to close the loop on the conversation while still giving them a very clear follow-up time. Now, I love this phrase in particular and I love when people do it to me because again, it's low pressure. Like it doesn't make me feel like I need to decide right now if I don't, you know, join your program or if I don't hire you as my VA right now, like you're not gonna hate me or like this. I feel like it just removes the pressure from the situation and it puts you in a position of like you have taken control of what the next step is. And I love knowing when the person I'm gonna hire with is a service provider or a coach, like they're handling the next step. I don't want to have to figure that out. So I love, love, love that as a phrase in your buyers do too. Phrase number four. Based on what you've told me, here's what I recommend. Okay, this phrase just authority, authority, authority, authority. This drives so much authority. Like by the time you've said this, you've probably built up the trust, right? So this is, this is, we're past the trust point. Now we are focusing on converting them. And so when you get to this point of the conversation and you said, you know, based on what you told me, here's what I recommend. Now this shows your listening skills. This shows that you have a personalized solution for them. And it shows that you actually care kind of going back to the other one of like, I want to make sure this is right fit for you. It's like you've already determined that was a good fit or it was not a good fit. Either way though, you have like you have a recommendation and that just puts you in such an authority based position. Whether you're a service provider or a coach, maybe this one eats. Okay, this what like I, I love it. I love when someone says this to me, baby, you can have all my money. Like once you tell me based on what I've told you, here's what you recommend, I'm just like, okay, what you recommend this is like it just puts you in an authority position. And I feel like, I don't feel like authority is lacking in the industry, but I feel like people like operating from their authority is last is lacking, right? Like people have authority, but you don't leverage it. You don't use it. You don't present it. And when you don't present it, it just, it, it, like your sales conversations fall flat. It just falls flat. So I love, love, love. I love saying this, but I also love when people say it to me, right? Like when someone I'm interested in working with says that to me, I'm just like, okay, says like, you pay attention to me, you're listening to me, all the things. Now here's the thing, you cannot drop the wall, right? You cannot drop the ball. If you recommend something, it needs to tie back to what they said, because if not, then that means you're not listening, right? There's an art to it. There's really an art to it, because I've had plenty of people that like have done this to me and then they fumble it and I'm like, I did not say none of that, but you know, it is what it is, right? Again, that's like another integrity piece, right? So making sure that you have that integrity and kind of like going back to the first one of making sure it's the right fit. You want to just have that integrity when you are having that conversation, when you tell them what you recommend, right? So that one is number four, number five. Are we number five? Yeah, number five. Here's what you can expect next, right? So again, you're past the trust phase and actually you might not be past the trust phase, right? Like this may be you setting up a follow up with them, right? So maybe you're still in the trust building phase, maybe they haven't like yet decided to work with you, or maybe, you know, you're setting up a call or whatever situation might be. Buyers love when you say here's what to expect next, because that's what they want to know, right? So often in the online space or even like as a service provider, people don't know what happens next, right? People love to know like, what's the plan, right? So you want to make sure that you're setting clear expectations, that you're making it to where they are not like uncertain about what to do next. And this build trust, this further builds trust between you and the potential client or you and the client, right? So even once they like pay and sign up that online, right, you still need to be letting them know like, here's what you can expect next. And it just makes people feel safe and comfortable, and they just like feel like they know the process, right? And it's actually really cool because like inside my mastermind, I just launched the mastermind last week in our first call literally was setting expectations. Here's what this spec, here's how to talk to me, here's how to communicate, here's like what the calls are going to be like all those things. And so it makes it to where like people are really clear that they like the thing they invested in is what they're going to get, right? And also on the buyer side, like if they're still on the buyer journey and the customer, sorry, the buyer's journey, they're like, when they hear you say here's what you can expect next, they're feeling more like, okay, like this person has a plan. And let's be honest, we've all invested in something where it's like, bro, you clearly did not have a plan for this because this feels chaotic. I don't know what to expect. I don't know what's happening next, right? And it can be overwhelming. I'll be honest, there were parts of the membership, not the membership, but the mastermind relaunch that even I was like, yo, girl, you need to figure out the process for this quickly, because it feels like it's not clear, right? It's feel like it's not clear on what's happening next. Now, the women, the mamas are gracious. Okay, and the mamas that joined at this round in particular, most of them, like they joined because they trust me already. So I've already gone through the trust process with them. And I feel like when you're when you have that experience, it's a little bit easier, was a little bit better, maybe, to kind of navigate that experience with them. But I will say that like, if someone is still on the process of hiring you, like they haven't worked with you before, whatever, it's so important that you like, come to them with clear expectations and that you are really clear on what their next steps are and how you're going to further facilitate supporting them or their growth or the next step for them, right? That's going to be super vital. And it will convert them really fast because they'll be like, yo, like, she has a plan. She has her head on her shoulders, right? And a lot of people don't, like, when I say a lot of people don't, a lot of people don't. So this is going to be like a huge win. If this is true, right? So don't tell them what to expect next and then you don't do it, because then that just wow, that just defeats the point, right? All right. So the next one, what number are we on now? One, two, three, four, I should like number these, but I didn't. So this is six. Okay. So number six is, would it be helpful if I provided more information on that? Now I like this one. If you have listened to my buyer's types episode, then you know that there's a buyer type that loves information. And so sometimes if I notice and I can tell, I can detect from the conversation that someone is like an information girly, I'll just ask like, hey, would it be helpful if I gave you more information on that, right? Or if we're talking about something and I just have like a feeling of like, oh, you know, actually, I actually have a resource for this, but we don't have to go back and forth because like I literally have something you can see that will give you information on this. Then in that case, I will ask like, would it be helpful if I gave you more information on that? And I feel like this just gives people more clarity and it positions you as someone that like is resourceful or has resources, right? You have a process and a way to guide people that's beyond just having a conversation, which there's nothing wrong with conversations, right? Like a lot of my conversions happen via conversation, but I will say that it's really nice when like somebody has, you know, a full sales page or a slide deck or just like something more tangible than a conversation, right? And again, some people, they can purchase like, right, if they've already worked with you, you've blushed enough trust with them, they can purchase off a conversation. Other people might need more information and that's okay, right? And so I'm definitely one of those, give me more information girl, like, I'm not just going to blindly invest, right? And then there are other times like with my more established, like the coaches that I'm established with girl, I don't care what you're selling, you just make sure I have a spot, okay? So it depends, right? Depends on where your buyer is, but this is a great question, right? This is a great like, this is a great phrase that your buyers would love to hear if you can kind of tell they're feeling a little bit uncertain or if you're still like in that trust building phase with them. Number seven, we're almost done. You can say, many of my clients or many of our clients were in a similar position before they chose us, right? Now this is one, I don't use this one a ton, I will say, but when I have, I've definitely used this like in my photography business. So as a service provider, this is a really great, great question or a really great thing to say, right? So you can say, you know, a lot of my clients actually were in a very similar situation before they worked with me, like before we worked together. And this kind of is similar to the social proof one that I said earlier about like, I have a client who got this specific result, but the tweak to this, like, the main difference between this is that instead of speaking to the result that you spoke to in the other one, you're talking more so about their situation, right? So the first one that I gave you, you're really going to talk about how they got the result. In this one, you're talking about the situation and how the situation is similar and why the client chose to go ahead and invest, right? And I feel like this is really like a really good one. And again, like I said, I've used this more so for my services, even for my like secret services that I have for moms do business different, I usually use this one for that only because a lot of times, sometimes people just need to know that they're not the only person that has had or has been in a certain situation. And they're looking for like that relatability piece, right? They're looking to relate and know that like you understand where they're coming from and why they feel the way they feel, right? So this really validates them and their feelings without, um, what's the word for it? Oh my gosh, the kids just keep on hitting the garage. And I think it's actually my husband, not even the kids. But anyway, um, but, uh, this really kind of puts you in a position of like, your clients can see or your, whoever you're talking to, right? The buyer can kind of see like, you understand where they are. You understand their situation. You're not judging their situation. You just know that like, this is a comment, like this is like point A for a lot of your clients and that's okay, right? And that's why they need to hire you, right? So you need to hire me because all of my clients start right here. But guess what? You've seen my reviews. You've seen what I've done for people. They don't stay there, right? So that's, I feel like that's a really great phrase. I know I enjoy this phrase too, especially when I'm like looking for someone to join the team. I love when like, I hired somebody like, you know, to do like some operations stuff for me, whatever. And they're like, yeah, you know, like, actually my last client or like my last few clients, like this is exactly where they started or this is like the exact problem that we work through, right? And they don't have to explain to me how they fixed it. I just like knowing that like, oh, you understand what I'm trying to tell you. Cause like sometimes, and you might feel this way, too. Like you feel like sometimes people don't understand what you're currently feeling currently experiencing. And I feel like when people say this, again, you have to be honest, right? We're using integrity here, but like when people say this phrase in particular, and I know when I say this phrase, I'm really saying it because I genuinely understand fully exactly where they are. And because I understand, I'm not really trying to explain. I just, I'm trying to tell them and let them know like, Oh, no, I get it, you know, and I might even expand a little bit and be like, Oh, yeah, like, I completely get where you are. A lot of my clients started exactly where you are in the situation. And that's why we work together, right? Because I have a process to help them with this exact situation, right? And again, time to impact the situation so they understand. I know what you're talking about, right? That's a really great phrase. And phrase number eight, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. I love this phrase because sometimes you might not know how to or what the next question is to ask. But if you say something to them, you can just end it with, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, right? Let them, I'm not saying guide the conversation, because I've done an episode talking about how it's important that you guide a sales conversation. But sometimes I like to check in to see where their thoughts are. And this honestly opens up communication, right? It shows them that you value what they have to say, what they have to think, or what they think, and where they are in the buying process. Because maybe you ask me this question, and you can just tell like the hesitation and the nervousness and anxiety and just not being ready is rolling off them, right? And in that case, it's a good idea to stop trying to sell them, right? In that moment, right? Like, don't keep pushing for the sale. Instead, back up, right? Go back to that other one, go back to that other phrase and say, listen, I'm here to support you when you're ready. I'll check back in, you know, on this date or in a couple of weeks or whatever to see how you're doing, right? Like, it might give you a chance to kind of zoom out without ruining the relationship that you're building with this person. So I love asking this question, especially how I'm just like, not quite sure where the conversation is really going or like what exactly they're looking for right now. And I will sometimes just straight up to like, okay, well, what exactly are you looking for? But, you know, for some people, I don't I don't do all that. Like sometimes I'm just like, you know, I've said all this stuff or whatever. Like, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, right? And let them, you know, kind of lead with where their heart is or where their thoughts are in that moment. And it might be, you know, I'm a little bit nervous, right? Or I'm just not sure what I need or whatever, whatever. And in some cases, you might think to yourself and it might make the most sense to kind of back out of the conversation. In other cases, they might give you a piece of information that you need to know in order to actually say, you know what, let me make sure this is a good fit for you, right? Because actually, that's what happened to me this other week. Like, when I didn't ask, I love to hear their thoughts, but they did give me a thought. And I was like, you know what, wait a minute, let me take a step back and let me, I want to make sure this is the right fit for you. And then from there, I was able to, you know, say I have a client that has experienced this, but guess what, I also think that this might be another option for you. That this might be a better option, right? And this just allows you to navigate the conversation with honesty, but also to build a ton of trust, right? To build a ton of trust with the person that you're talking to, with the person that you're selling. And then, of course, you're going to convert them. Like, you will literally convert people so much faster because now they see you actually care and value them as a human being. So I feel like I gave a lot of seat right here. And so if you're inside of Shmani Mama and you're like, Hey, I need you to like make this a script for me or like bring it down some more. I don't know if I can promise you a script just because I don't really be doing scripts for real for real, but I could put something together to like maybe add more phrases or like share with you like more conversations inside the DM the sales training. I actually share some conversations that I've had. So you can like see conversations in action. I might, you know, be able to do a few more if you want me to do some just based off of this. I might not be in the share screen shots, but like I used to because I have too many conversations to like go screenshot, but I could go through and just like maybe script out some things so you can see how a conversation flows. So let me know if you want something like more on this concept in particular. I love this. I love knowing that I have some things in my back pocket that I can just constantly like kind of pull from. And literally when I say I use these phrases, like almost every day, like I've realized be using these these phrases all the time because it's a natural flow of the conversation. It helps keep things moving. It puts you in a position where you are either asking questions or making recommendations, which is a powerful authority position to be in as a business owner, right? Because at the end of the day, as a business owner, you are a salesperson. So you have to be comfortable with having these sales conversations. And you have to know how to drive the conversation, which is really, really important. So that's it for this one. If you're not in touch, money, mama, what are you waiting for as part of the grant if you join money, mama for like, I think the next I want to see the next 20 people at the double check. But like for the next group of people that join 20 mama, you will also be getting some one on one coaching with me. So girl, you need to get in there like, yeah, straight. And that's for this one. Until next time I will talk to you later, darling. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I know you loved it. So go ahead and leave a five star review. Make sure to share this episode and tag me at moms do business different and at Mrs. K Hillman. So a young thought knows is real. May you walk in your purpose and calling every single day to steward the life in business that God has caught you to. Until next time, let's get this money. [BLANK_AUDIO]