Moms Do Business Different - Online Marketing, Sales Strategy and Mindset Tips for Christian Mom Entrepreneurs!

322. Bare Minimum Sales Process for Busy Moms: Get More Done in Less Time

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27 Aug 2024
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In this episode, I’m breaking down a simple yet effective bare minimum sales process that’s perfect for busy mamas! If you want the full, detailed step-by-step, join me inside $CHMONEY Mama—but for now, I’ve got you covered with the essentials. No long episodes here, just quick and actionable tips to help you streamline your sales process!

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Tune in to the MamaCEO UNFILTERED Podcast! The bts and tea on building a 5-figure/mo business as a mama of 2 toddlers!


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Welcome back to the Moms Do Business Different Podcast. I'm your host Kay Hillman, believer, wife, mama, and creator of the Shmani Mama Kay. Myself and my team support mamas who are service providers and coaches in creating strategies that make buyers say take my Shmani and create companies that bring in high cash months during the bare minimum. Join me for conversations on money, business growth, sales, productivity, and the mindset of being a mom who does business different. Mama, are you ready for the vibe? Listen up and let's get this Shmani. Hey boo, hey, happy Tuesday or whatever day you're listening to this on girl, I cannot believe I haven't done a podcast episode on this. And the more I think about it, the more I'm like, mmm, I think I want to turn this into like a really big juicy master training inside of Shmani Mama. But I'm gonna give you a little bit of the tea, a little razzle dazzle right here. So I want to talk about how to craft your bare minimum sales process as a busy mom. And I'm only saying busy mom because let's be for real, we are busy. Like, we are doing all the things. It is 24/7 mom. Then there's, you know, the audacity to have a business on top of having to keep the home and to take care of our husbands or, you know, relatively, which I can care of them, right? So all the things that we're doing that it could be really busy. And so we need to have a bare minimum sales process that allows us to consistently sign clients, bring people into our offers without it taking a ton of time. Now here's the number one caveat I want to make about this. While I am saying bare minimum sales process, I do want you to understand that sales is the bare minimum, right? Selling is the bare minimum. So if you do nothing else, this is what you should focus on your business, of course, besides like serving your actual clients. But otherwise, this is what you should be focused on. So if you don't have a ton of time, baby, you need to be focusing, zooming in on your bare minimum sales process and figuring out, okay, where do I need to focus? Am I low on leads? I need to focus on lead jam. Am I, you know, do I have a ton of leads, but I'm not making any sales? Maybe you need to focus on selling, right? So we're going to talk about some of the key pieces of your sales process. And from this, you might be able to put together a bit of a sales process for yourself. But if not, baby girl, come over to money, mama, okay? Because the community over there, baby, the girls is getting paid, okay? And the girls are making money. And I love to see it. So let's start from the top. First things first, I want to explain to you what a sales process actually is. So a sales process is essentially just a series of steps or series of actions that you take in order to move someone from being a lead, which a lead is basically, which I think I talked about this in another episode, but a lead is basically just someone that has a basic interest in your offer, right? Or a basic interest in working with you. There's someone that they have, they're not just a community member, there's someone that for whatever reason, they are a good fit for your offer, or they are actually interested in your offer, right? So if you're a service provider, this might be somebody that fills out your inquiry form. Or if you are a coach, this might be somebody that like responded to one of your polls or joined your waitlist for an offer. But also this could be someone who followed you, like joined your community from a bundle that they got. And they actually implemented it where they actually took some kind of step within whatever offer you contributed, right? So there are different ways to figure out if someone's a lead or not. But I do want to make the distinction that a lead is not every single person that's following you. Because I mean, while in a perfect world, we will want that to be the case. Sometimes people are just following you because they're nosy, right? Because they're nosy, because they're probably trying to copy you, or they are, the other option could be like, they maybe want to work with you in the future, but they're just not at that place yet, right? And so in that case, they're technically not a lead, because even if you engage with them and sold to them, they still probably would not buy it, right? So you're going to have a variety of people in your community. And that's why I'm making the distinction of like a lead is someone that's actually interested in your offer. And like, they have a basic interest. So I'm not saying that they've raised their hand or that they've put a deposit down. It's just, I mean, sorry, they have raised their hand, but like, maybe they haven't put a deposit down, or maybe they haven't gotten on a sales call with you. But it's okay, they're still interested. And that's what matters. So your sales process is just essentially the steps or the actions that you're taking to move somebody from being this lead into becoming a customer, right? So from that point to when they actually swipe the card, they are in, they are working with you, they are a client. And having a framework that like having this sales process, having this framework is going to help you consistently sign customers, sign clients, and it's going to help, or it's going to make it to where you can confidently know how you'll sign people into your offers. One of the biggest things that I see a lot of moms struggle with is that a lot of times you don't know how someone's going to get into your offer. Like, you don't have a process in your brain that you're like, this is how people get into my offer. And because you don't have that process, like, doubt in in your brain, when you go to sell, you feel all over the place, you feel like I have to create all this content, or you get upset that your content flops, like, you get upset with the metrics and the analytics, all that kind of stuff. But if you had an actual process, and if you were doubt into that process, you wouldn't be worried necessarily about how many likes a post gets, because you know that likes is not the metric that you're measuring in order to determine if your leads are moving through the buyer journey, right? So having this framework really just kind of changes your perspective on how you are viewing your content or your sales efforts or the time that you're spending on sales, right? And on selling itself. And one thing that I love about like having a bare minimum sales process or a bare minimum sales framework for you is that it just puts you in a position where you truly can look at what's going on in your business in your funnel in your sales process and say, okay, this is why I don't have clients, or this is why I got a huge influx of clients, right? And then you're able to kind of tweak and improve things going from there. So let's talk about it. There are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. There are eight steps or eight phases to your sales process. Phase one is to define your bare minimum offer and your MVP. Now I have done, I think I've done a podcast episode on your bare minimum offer. And I know I've done a couple of episodes on your most valuable payer. But essentially the first step that you want to do is you want to have your offer, right? You want to know what your offer is. Inside money mama, I have a whole training dedicated to. One, offers that sell and two, creating a bare minimum offer. So those two things alone already going to give you step one. And when I tell you those trainings are a chef's kiss, like they're so to the point they're so direct and every single person, when we are working through their offers, when we're working through to figure out like, okay, this is the start of your sales strategy, your sales process, we start with those two trainings because it gives you the next step, which is you need to leverage the art of messaging, right? So step one is to define your bare minimum offer and to know who your MVP is, know who your most valuable payer is. And the reason why you want to know who this person is is because from that point forward, you know who you're trying to get in front of and who you're trying to sell to who you're trying to attract into your offers. Step two is going to be to leverage the art of messaging, right? So in this phase, your job is to just craft compelling, compelling messaging, craft compelling language, and the way that you talk about your offers, the way that you talk about your clients or your future clients, current situation, their desires, how to get them from point A to point B, what makes you unique, right? Inside of Shmani Mama, which I'm gonna be talking about Shmani Mama a lot because I just realized that like I literally have all this lined out inside Shmani Mama, I just haven't put it into like this kind of framework, which I'm about to go do tonight because baby, it's a vibe. But inside Shmani Mama, I have a training call at the art of messaging and it's designed to basically give you a suite of stories and language that you can use to connect with and to compel people to raise their hand and want to work with you. And the beauty of this is that you won't be uncertain when you take the time to craft your messaging, you won't be uncertain about what to say or how to show up in the online space. You won't be you won't be stressed about that because you have a list, a plethora of things that you can say and talk about and let that be the thing that leads, right? You don't have to you don't have to compare yourself to anyone else. You don't have to wonder if you're saying the right thing. It won't matter because your messaging is going to be dialed into your framework, your transformation, the needs of your future clients and where they currently are, what their desires are and how you're taking them from point A to point B. So that is thing number one, number we own two. Okay, so thing number three is lead generation. Okay, lead generation, this is so important lead generation is essentially getting visible and then getting people into your sales funnel, which they're kind of already in it. But once they become a lead, they're officially in your sales funnel and this is where you're going to be nurturing and selling to them. So when it comes to lead generation, I want you to think about it this way. There are three ways that you can generate leads or another way you can think of this is there are three ways in order to get visible and get people into your funnel, which when you do that, they become leads, right? Because they become people that are you're able to nurture and then sell to them. So the three ways you do this is by building it, right? So you can build a lead generation funnel by creating content. This could be social media content, your blog post content, your long form content, your email, right? If you're building like a like a webinar or like a freebie to a email funnel, but either way, you are building this. This is something that you build, it belongs to you and it's usually generated by content. You could also borrow it, right? So you could borrow lead generation. And what I mean by borrowing lead generation is I mean collaborate. You can do collaborations with other people, get in front of other people's audiences. And then in that case, you are able to borrow their leads, their audience, their community and bring them over to you. And now you have a pool of leads that way. Now I will, I do want to make the caveat that when you borrow leads, when your lead generation strategy is contingent on you borrowing or you collaborating with other people, you have to be mindful that sometimes you will bring in a lot of people that actually aren't leads. And that's because sometimes people are just, you know, they're just trusting they're a person and they're coming over and they're just kind of vaguely interested in you, or they're just coming over and following you because you told them to follow you. Like there could be a lot of reasons. So sometimes like they're not the most, I don't want to say the most targeted leads because a lot of times, like I know I do plenty of bundles and I get some really great leads. But I will say that if I got a hundred leads from a bundle, on average, you know, maybe 50% of them will actually be leads and the other 50% it might take a little bit more time to get them to a stage where they are actually considering me and my offer. So that's the, that's the one thing that I'll say about that. But also the third one is kind of the same note. The third option for lead generation and having a lead generation strategy is to buy your leads. And that you do through ads. And just like with borrowing with ads, sometimes you can find yourself in a situation where, especially if your ad funnel is like a freebie to your email list or whatever, then in that case, sometimes you will just attract a bunch of people who want free stuff, but they're not actually in a position or in a mind frame or just have the means to actually invest. So sometimes those leads that you generate leads in quotes, these are actually just freebie seekers, right? They're actually just people that are just kind of lurking, but they don't really have a real intent to buy it. So I mean, I think you can probably tell which one is my favorite option. It's definitely the build it. But to be 100% honest, actually, my most favorite one is to borrow. I really love borrowing because I don't have to create as much content that way. So it's, it's truly up to you. You can have a three, you can, you can do all three, you can do two of them. It doesn't matter. But lead generation and thinking through how you're generating leads is going to be very, very key, because at the end of the day, you need a pool of people to sell to and not to mention while you are generating leads, you need to be able to know and be really intentional going into this next step on connecting and qualifying, right? So that's step one, two, three, four. So step four, now that we generate it leads, we need to connect and qualify them. And so what I mean by this is that it's your job to build relationships and then figure out who was the best fit, right? So you're qualifying by lining that person up next to who your MVP is, right? So who's your most valuable payer? When you have leads, you want to connect with them and then figure out, okay, does this person align with who my MVP is? If not, they're not a qualified lead and you can redirect them somewhere else, or you can just be like, you know what, they can consume my free content, they can, you know, kind of hang out if they decide they want to invest, that's kind of on them. But it might not be in your best interest to like nurture and spend a ton of time on it just because of, you know, just because there could be so many other external factors that would prevent them from either purchasing with you, or that it actually makes them a not a good fit, right? They're not a good fit for whatever your offer is. And we don't want to sell people into our offers if they're not a good fit. So connect and qualify. You want to build the relationships, figure out who's a good fit, who is worth continued nurturing, right? And so I will say like this phase right here, sometimes this can be a little bit tricky because this is where you spend a lot of time, right? It's a lot of time to get in the DMs and have conversations with people. It takes a lot of time to create content that fosters and sparks conversation so that people can talk back to you. So you have a reason to talk to them, right? It does take some time. It does take some intention. But it is worth it. Like I've been sharing in my stories on Instagram, I'm like, yo, you have time, like you have time to invest in connecting with people, even if it's only three hours a week, right? Like I tell people all the time, I work 20 hours or less a week. And I'm very intentional with the fact that like I'm going to focus on my sales process, most especially lead generation at least three hours a week, because I do truly think it's very important to connect and foster relationships and make sure that you are always bringing in new people and getting them to a point that you've built a true bond and relationship with them. And this is not in a, oh, I'm just going to mass DM a bunch of people. No, it's it's being intentional, right? It's really taking the time to be a freaking human and look and see like, yo, like I love that someone shares, you know, their favorite coffee, even though I'm not a coffee drinker, right? But I still will connect with them on some sort of level. Maybe the maybe the connection people actually be a girl. I don't even like coffee, but you make it look real good, right? It could be anything that you connect with them on, but you're wanting to build a relationship because at the end of the day, you need to know as much as possible in order to actually serve the person. So it's not even about selling to them. It's about in the future, when they do become a client, you need to be able to serve them and serve them deeply, right? As a good steward and as someone that is of integrity and that's trustworthy, it's important. It's your job to build a relationship. It's your job to know what they need and to support them in their needs when the time comes. I will also say that connecting and qualifying people, this is a lot easier when you sell like a mid to high ticket offer. It is possible to do with a low ticket offer. Like you could do it. My low ticket girl is that you can definitely connect and engage and stuff like that with people, even if you have a low ticket offer. But I will say that sometimes you find that it's a lot easier when you have mid to high ticket offers, only because in that case, you're not going to have to connect with as many people. So I will be fully transparent. I connect with, well, I'll say how many people I connect with in a year. On average in a year, I might connect with anywhere from like 700 to maybe 1,000 people. And I know that sounds like a lot. But remember, we're connecting and qualifying. So if someone turns out to not really be a great fit or like for whatever reason, they don't want to work with me or whatever, it's not that I don't X them out, right? I never X somebody out because you never know they might come back full circle. But I slow up on how I connect with them, right? So maybe instead of connecting with them, you know, more consistently, I might drag it out and connect with them like once a quarter, right? So it just depends, right? And they're going to be different phases to it, which I talk about this a little bit more inside. I'm actually going to do a whole other training about how to connect with them. But we do currently have the DM to sales training. And then we also have the lead generation. It's called leads for days training in there. And those both kind of address this, this phase of the process, which is connecting and qualifying your leads. The next step, which I don't even know what number we're on. One, two, three, four. So we're on step five. So step five is to sell your offer. Now how crazy is that? Like we've gone through four other steps before we even got to sell your offer. And that's like kind of unheard of when it's when it comes to me because like my first thing is always going to be girl, just go sell. And I still do believe that when we're crafting an intentional and bare minimum sales process, I really want you to do those other four steps first and then going to selling your offer because it becomes a lot easier to sell your offer when you've built the proper foundation. When you have defined what your offer is, and you know who is the best fit for your offer. When you have high, you know, high converting messaging, when you are really intentional about your lead generation process, and when you have taken the time to connect and qualify your leads, like all those things leading up to sales or selling your offer is going to be crucial. So now we're at the step where you sell your offer. You can do this in so many different ways. Sales calls, webinars, launches, DMs, I love DM selling. You can do a sales presentation. I have love sales presentations too. Like a lot of people don't do them, but baby girl, I love me a good little sales presentation. Call to actions, right? Call to actions in your content, email, you know, I love, love, love, email to sell my offers. But at the end of the day, selling doesn't have to be difficult. I feel like sometimes we overthink that one part of the process when actually all the other stuff is the hard part, right? Like creating your messaging, creating the offer, like coming up with a really good offer, connecting with people, like that's the hard part. The easy part is selling the offer because at that point, you're literally just saying like, hey, you have this problem. I have the solution, right? Point blank period, and we move on. So selling your offer, that's the next step. Step number, girl, I hope I'm on the right number. I think we're on step number six. Let's see. One, two, three, four, five. I should have numbered this six. So step number six is to focus on high impact sales activities. So this is kind of like a side note, but I still wanted it to be a step because I think it's really important. Like I said at the beginning, selling is the bare minimum, right? Selling and sales is the bare minimum. So it's important that when you're thinking about your sales process, sometimes what's happening is that, yeah, you might be selling your offers, you might be connecting, generating leads, all kind of stuff, but sometimes like as time goes on, you are not focusing and prioritizing high impact sales activities. And basically, this is just what I call income-bruising activities. So what are the things that you do and that directly leads to sales? So everything that you are doing in your business, in some capacity, you should be able to say, okay, this has a direct correlation to me signing clients. And if it doesn't, it probably should not be a focus. So in this case, or just like an example of this, for me, email is that girl, right? Like email is that girl. When I'm, when I am in schmunny mode, when I am focusing on high impact sales activities, I am going to send an email and maybe five, right? Like, that's just what I'm going to do. Sometimes there's content, right? Like sometimes it's the podcast, like it could be plenty of different things inside your money, mama, which, you know, it's a vibe. I have a document or it's not a document, it's actually like a Asana board and it's called the income-producing activity suite and inside of it. I basically give you a bunch of high impact sales activities, like the things that are inside there directly lead to money. And that is where we should be focused. So that's step number six. Step number seven in your sales process is to follow up, right? The money is in the follow up. I don't know who said this first, but I love it, right? The money is in the follow up. The fortune is my follow up, right? Following up is the difference between signing a client and that client going and working for someone else, right? Or working with somebody else. And it's simply because maybe they felt forgot about you. Maybe, you know, they were ready to invest and for whatever reason, they felt like you weren't available. You could be anything or maybe they just forget, right? And they invest in something else. We don't want that to happen, which is why it's important to be intentional about having a follow up process. And last but not least, number eight is to track and adjust. So this is also like kind of a side note part of this entire sales system or sales process, but it's very important that you are tracking every step of the way what's happening, right? Where are you focusing? What are you doing? What activities are you taking or steps are you taking? And then adjust, right? Adjust based off of whatever feedback you get. So let's just take the messaging. For example, maybe one launch, you had one set of messaging and then you noticed that like based off of the messaging in that launch, there was one thing in particular that people really love that you said like it made it got the most clicks. Maybe it was like something you said and it got a lot of clicks or it got a lot of inquiries, it got a lot of DMs, whatever it was, write that down, right? Track that, okay? Track that because the next time you launch, you can use it again, right? And instead of using all the messaging, you just use the highest converting messaging, right? And that's how we tweak our entire sales process to improve it so that you can convert more people, right? So that you can have a higher volume of sales come in, right? Because that's what we want. We want to have more sales. We want to fill out our offers. We want to be sold out. We want to do all these things. You can't do that if you're not tracking what's happening if you're not tracking the process. So that's it. Two things. One, if you ain't in Shmani Mama, what are you waiting for? Okay, really? Like what are you waiting for? It's a whole five. We literally are wrapping up a sales challenge this month. It's been so good. The moms have been making so much money. I have one mama in there that is literally making sales every single day. Like every day she's been posting and she's making sales and I'll just be looking at her like girl. What is this? I love it though. I love it, love it, love it. So that's thing number one thing number two is that and I haven't talked about this anywhere. I think it's stuff for like Instagram, but I have launched a new private podcast. I talked about it in the previous episode, I believe, and it is called the unfiltered. Well, it's called mama CEO unfiltered and essentially it is a podcast where I am sharing just the nitty gritty behind the scene details of what it's like building a five figure per month business. And most importantly, as a mom, right? Like as a mom of two toddlers, I mean, I really be doing the most sometimes and I have two companies. There's a lot that's going on, but I have so much peace. Like I have so much peace. I'm so calm. I don't work more than 20 hours a week. Like even on a heavy week, I don't work more than 20 hours a week. That is wild, especially with two businesses, one being a service based business, another business being coaching. I'm still not working a ton. And so I really want to like just have this like behind the scenes conversation, just be really honest and transparent. It's like, it's like this podcast on steroids, like I'm really going a layer deeper. I'm telling my personal bit, well, I don't want to say my personal business, but like I'm telling the true like behind the scenes of my business. I'm really giving as much information as possible. I actually saw a question today because I'm allowing people to submit questions and I saw a question coming today, asking me about the details of a launch. And so I plan on like going through and pulling all my numbers, all the data and sharing it on the podcast. Like that's what I want to do over here. So if you want to hear like the new degree T, if you want to have the behind the scenes, now is the time you're already listening to a podcast anyway. So you might as well go listen to that one. It is currently $10 per month or $100 for the year. The price will be going up soon. So baby girl, don't miss out. Okay, that's it for this one. So next time I will talk to you later, darling. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I know you loved it. So go ahead and leave a five star review. Make sure to share this episode and tag me at moms do business different and at Mrs. K Hillman. So a young thought knows is real. May you walk in your purpose and call it every single day to steward the life and business that God has called you to. Until next time, let's get this money. [ Silence ]