Moms Do Business Different - Online Marketing, Sales Strategy and Mindset Tips for Christian Mom Entrepreneurs!

084. How to use REST to DOUBLE your income

Broadcast on:
09 Feb 2021

Today's episode is about how to double your income by RESTING and being INTENTIONAL with your business! Prioritization is key. When you are in a season of rest you can be profitable, just as you would be during a season of hustle. We shouldn't always be in hustle mode. It's ok to operate your business from a place of REST and EASE and you can still be insanely PROFITABLE. Learn how I doubled my income by prioritizing rest.

Grab the Grow your biz on social media bundle. Inside this bundle I give you a complete breakdown on how to grow your social media with my Social Media for Biz Blueprint and Foundations of Social Media Marketing eBook. It doesn’t get better than this!

Things you can do to create a strategy of rest...
  • Take Sunday's off and then graduate to the entire weekend off
    • If you can't take the weekend off. Find space in your week to take at least 1 day each week off.

  • Detox from social media on weekends
  • Increase your prices to have space to take time off
  • Being intentional with the workday
    • Having hard start and stopping points for my day and making sure I have concentrated time for my business

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