Daily Dose of Escapades 🎧

S2 Ep23: I'm Stronger Than Everyone / Please Share The Story

Broadcast on:
21 Sep 2024
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Hello lovers welcome to another episode of daily dose of escapades Make sure you stream download and most importantly share the story to friends and family This would push us to give you more and better stories 1k downloads and streams to unlock the next episode thanks Inside the sterile white walls of the operating room a woman screams echoed come on you can do it push Help me After three years of marriage the young couple finally received happy news the doctor announced they were expecting a very active Baby boy and the woman endured a difficult pregnancy over nine months passed and their little boy was about to be born They joyfully decorated the small room with blue But when the babies cry echoed in the operating room the doctors exchanged puzzled looks the father and mother White in their eyes in shock and feinted at the same time. That was me Claire a very cute baby girl The doctor said it was a charming mistake, but that was just the first strange beginning of my life Despite the small mix-up. I remained the apple of my parents eyes. They're only child I loved pink, but also adored blue I cherished Barbie, but also couldn't resist thrilling race cars My dad owned a repair garage and since I was five when mom was too busy with weekend shifts I often went with dad for a kid. The garage was an incredibly fascinating place with all sorts of strange tools and towering stacks of tires like mountains In my excitement I tripped and knocked over one of the tall stacks of tires a tire fell and smashed the roof of a pickup truck as I tried to think of a million reasons to explain the accident to dad the noise from the mechanics drew my attention Drive them off quickly. Get the forklift. It was my dad. His leg was trapped under one of the fallen tires without thinking I rushed to his side Don't worry. I'll save you to everyone's astonishment I lifted the tire easily and tossed it aside once dad was rescued the panic turned to amazement more people gathered staring at me with jaws dropped How did you do that Claire? I just lifted it easy peasy to show off my ability I picked up the fallen tires and stack them neatly my little superhero Mom seemed shell-shocked when she found out I was going viral online But instead of celebrating she was worried and took me to see a doctor Claire is perfectly healthy She just has more muscle mass than usual, but don't worry Everything is fine on our way back from the checkup a man was waiting for us on the porch as soon as he saw me He rushed over and grabbed my shoulder shaking me. Oh my gosh You're clear the incredibly strong girl making waves online I can see you becoming the youngest weightlifting champion at the Olympics He introduced himself as a talent scout for young athletes after proving his credibility to my parents He asked if I wanted to freely showcase my strength and I said yes Training started almost immediately, but it wasn't a challenge for me I won many weightlifting competitions and soon my name began spreading beyond our small town Stories of the super strength prodigy captured the public's imagination. Oh, so that kid pees like a normal person, too Look at this picture of her picking her nose adorable, right? But things took a turn for the worse on the day my family went for a picnic in the park while my parents were setting up I wandered off nearby an old lady approached in a black pickup truck She handed me a candy and I took it suddenly she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the truck good girl I'll take you to get more candy, but I knew what was really happening when I saw two burly masked men sitting in the back You my parents had warned me never to take things from strangers. This kid is worth a fortune She's super famous right now. Their joy didn't last long the cardboard creaked and I easily kicked it open Sending it flying far away while the bad guy screamed Who's really scared here? I was successfully rescued yay Even though I wasn't hurt my parents took the situation very seriously They insisted that for my safety and to give me a chance in a normal life. We had to move and change our identities For years I tried to fit in I kept my strength a secret even from our neighbors My parents and I built a new life and gradually the media frenzy about the mysterious disappearance of the super strength prodigy Faded into a distant memory by the time I entered high school. I became adept at hiding my strength I attended classes made lots of friends and tried to enjoy a normal teenage life One of my best friends was Sarah a sweet bookworm one afternoon I saw Sarah in the hallway surrounded by the mean girls They had her cornered against the locker while continuing to mock her look at her always has her nose stuck in a book So pathetic. I wonder if she has any friends she does I spoke up stepping in front of Sarah She has me leave her alone. What are you gonna do about it Claire? I could easily lift the entire locker and throw it at them, but I didn't do that. I needed to control my strength Stop playing hero. Who do you think you are just stop showing off? Bullying doesn't make you cool. It makes you look pathetic for a moment The mean girl seemed taken aback then tried to regain her composure Whatever freak, let's go girls Sarah and I became closer friends And she often invited me over to our house after school as we chatted happily Something caught my eye a flash of light from the far end of the yard for a brief moment It reminded me of the flashbulbs aimed at me by reporters years ago Before I could say anything Jake appeared from behind a nearby bush holding a camera with a sheepish smile Sorry, I couldn't resist capturing that moment. You looked so cute Thank you. I felt my face heat up partly from embarrassment and partly because he was so handsome This is Jake my brother. He's a journalist, but also loves photography He always captures the best moments Jake showed me the photo It was indeed the most beautiful and natural picture of me our faces were so close I could hear his breath your smile seems familiar. Jake was handsome Charming gentle and smelled really nice perfect in every way have we met before I don't think so He had a reason for asking that Jake let us to his room show me more beautiful photos He had taken but what caught my attention was a file titled the disappearance of the super strength prodigy That was my old identity. I swallowed hard as I squinted at the file. You know her too. Uh, yeah Little she was amazing right she'd be your age now if she hadn't disappeared She'd probably still be famous my brother has been researching that story for years If he finds out her identity his name and journalism will surely rise Exactly as we left Jake's room Sarah chatted about her family's weekend plans But my mind was elsewhere. I could help Jake the guy had a crush on at first sight But that would mean destroying the new identity my parents had worked so hard to maintain The next day at school. I ran to class to find Sarah so we could go home together But couldn't find her anywhere the mean girls were sneaking glances at me and giggling surely they had been picking on Sarah again I searched everywhere until I heard her crying in an empty classroom Are you in here clear help me I'm so scared. I twisted the door knob But it wouldn't budge the nasty girls had even poured glue into the walk I looked around making sure no one was watching took a deep breath and yanked the door hard But what splintered in my hands Sarah burst out collapsing into my arms sobbing only then that I noticed a crowd had gathered behind me whispering and pointing What kind of weird strength did she use to open the door so freaky? I didn't care. I marched straight to the mean girls were trembling like leaves Who did this awful thing to Sarah? She's afraid of the dark anti-spaces. We don't know anything It wasn't us then they started blaming each other even scratching and hitting one another Unbelievable anyway after that day some people at school began looking at me with suspicion and fear weeks passed And Sarah was super excited that her brother Jake had been invited to photograph the school prom and I was too But thought of seeing him again in my best dress made my heart race The school gym was beautifully decorated with a sparkling stage Sarah and I were chatting when Jake approached with his camera slung over his shoulder He waved and I shyly waved back Everything seemed perfect until the DJ set ended the party I shook my head declining Sarah because I wanted some alone time with Jake Everyone crowded on to the stage dancing to the booming music making the stage shake violently Before anyone could react the stage collapsed with a thunderous crash debris flying everywhere people were panicking and some students were trapped under the wreckage including Sarah Jake had pushed through the crowd to get to his sister and I helped get Sarah out as gently as possible But then I heard someone else calling my name from another direction Listening closely, I realized the voice was coming from the most wrecked part of the stage I made the decision in two seconds and rushed over throwing the steel beams aside with my strength Piece by piece I freed the students trapped underneath a weak hand reached out and I grabbed it The mean girl was nearly unconscious with fear I scooped her up and ran towards the exit where ambulances were waiting everyone step back Please make way for the injured. It wasn't until the last person was pulled from the rubble that I could finally rest Jake approached me handing me a cold bottle of water Unbelievable clear. How did you? I? Pulled Jake aside away from the crowd knowing there was only one way to explain the chaos of tonight What you're saying you're the super strength prodigy Yes, that's me But my parents wanted me to have a normal life So they decided to change my identity and move quietly. I Got it, but what just happened? You're going to be in trouble. Too many people saw I know Maybe it's time for you to complete your article Jake seemed thoughtful processing everything. I just told him I know what I need to do as expected the days that followed at school were tense Use of my strange strength spread like wildfire Some students looked at me with fear avoiding me as if I were taking time bomb Meanwhile Sarah happily stuck by my side as we walked into the cafeteria Don't mind them. You're my guardian angel My superhero the mean girls were there too. The leader had been discharged from the hospital and was recovering well But her snooty expression hadn't changed as she walked towards us I breezed myself for the usual taunt everyone attention, please. Oh a public taunt Thank you Claire. She saved our lives from now on if anyone has a problem with her or with Sarah You'll have to deal with us first But what if she loses control? What if she hurts someone? Idiot Claire had every chance to hurt us that night, but she didn't Claire is a hero Scattered applause turned into a roaring ovation I had never felt so moved in my life Jake came to find me at school that day and handed me the latest edition of the newspaper the front page headline read The super strength prodigy is back for a moment. I felt disappointed. Jake had chosen his career over keeping my secret read it Tears walled up as I read the final lines the disappearance of the super strength prodigy is no longer a mystery She's still here still among us, but she chooses to prioritize her privacy and happiness I hugged Jake overwhelmed with emotion the article resonated widely with readers and Jake gained more fame The entire school decided to keep my secret and let me live a normal teenage life Except I got a little extra special treatment The school organized a grand appreciation of them for the heroes of that night Especially for me and Jake after everyone had left I still sat quietly in the rows of chairs as if waiting for something special Suddenly Jake took my hand There's something I need to tell you I have fallen for your smile since the first day We met this photo Jake opened his wallet to reveal a picture of me tucked inside I like you Claire. Will you be my girlfriend? I nodded happily and we hugged Sarah was even more excited than I was when she found out I had just been in a Japanese competitor, and now I was facing someone I never wanted to meet Helen Three two one go the numbers on the screen went crazy, but they were no match for me What no way it's been only two seconds the audience starts cheering while Helen stares me down So what now just wait for the result What yes the championship is mine But before I could touch the trophy what the heck Helen lost it right there on set and the result was that we had to leave The country that very night talk about embarrassing ever since I was five I've been in numerous math competitions, and it was considered a genius Growing up. I achieved great things and was always a pride in my school Helen she couldn't beat me for the top spot while I was around But on the first day of the new school year I got shocking news After the school speaker announcement all the students gathered in the basketball court already seated standing before us was our new principal I heard she's Helen's mom. Oh, no that means she'll be even more stuck up man like mother like daughter She really looks so serious dear students to re-establish order. We will have a competence assessment test right now Based on the results students will be ran from classes a to add All the students looked at each other bewildered competence assessment last ranking the murmurs grow louder Have you troublemaker stand up shouting and throwing papers that the principal just turns away coldly for me? This test should be no big deal. I even solved Harvard University's math problems But this test was harder than I thought some questions didn't even have correct answers I was sweating as other students began handing in their papers. Don't they see something odd time to hand in your paper Judy Don't be so defiant. What's your attitude? The next day we got our class placements. My name wasn't in class A Whisper's all around but I was too stunned to care How pathetic Judy if I were you I wouldn't show my face outside Class F how is this possible and to think before I came here the teachers praised you so much What a disappointment what a surprise good classmates shoot can's the biggest troublemaker in school And now I have to study with these people. This is bad. I have to find a way back to class a Despite my reluctance I had to accept that I was now a member of class F The best way to avoid being influenced by them was to stay away, but they wouldn't leave me alone With that guitar down wearing class look around who's studying And it keeps sabotaging me one time. I was falsely accused of pranking the principal during a music lesson Almost getting punished luckily Ken was there Judy didn't do it. I can vouch for her I was surprised and touched by his action, but really I don't belong in this crazy class If class A students enjoyed great perks class F was a complete opposite. We were handed a ridiculous set of rules It's mandatory that class F students don't use common areas like the cafeteria library or bathroom shared with class A students No excessive fraternizing between male and female students of class F your job is to study hard to improve your grades These announcements sparked waves of outrage and recently the name black sheep became a symbol of her belly in I hear these sneaks into the principal's office at night and trash is the place the principal's so upset She can't eat her sleep. She even is she don't want to notice for him Black sheep such a silly name ouch don't even tell me the food for class F is rotten This is a nightmare, but I almost tripped over someone deliberately blocking me Oh, he shouldn't use the restroom for class F take a left then right climb four flights of stairs then walk another point five miles Just a restroom while the segregation damn rules Ouch is that black sheep? I stare dumbfounded at his figure perched on a tree Catch him everyone season the chaotic moment. I dashed into the restroom to do my business Relief, but Helen so catches me. Let's see how the school punishes rule breakers Just then I notice someone outside the window calling me Ken Are you gonna stay there and take it? Come here Without much thought I jump out the window and run off with him But seeing the principal at the classroom door Ken pulls me into the janitor's closet What the? Be quiet or they'll catch us both. He's standing so close and my heart is racing This is a second time he's helped me Judy I The bell startles us funny. What kind of chemical reaction was that just now? Despite escaping from Helen the entire class F still gets punished with cleaning the basketball court Crazy classy has a game and they make us clean Right so in there Suddenly Ken turns to me his eyes sparkling does he have something to say is it? Uh, what do you think about black sheep? Huh Well, I don't like him because of him everyone thinks class F is causing all the trouble Ken doesn't respond and walks away. Did I say something wrong? In a moment a water balloon hits me soaking me through. Uh, he still won't leave me alone Ah Watching his miserable state. I burst into laughter Ah, you you'll pay for this We threw water balloons at each other and I never had so much fun Turns out they aren't as bad as I thought but the fun doesn't last long Helen and the principal show up and disperse the crowd All class F students will receive an additional week of labor punishment This time like the last straw breaking the camel's back the class F students yell and charge towards the principal But they're quickly restrained by the school guards Suddenly the fire alarm sounds it's black sheep. He's here again Damn it. Whoever finds black sheep gets any wish granted as Ken grabs my head and runs past the fire alarm area I see that figure again black sheep who are you really? That night as I was rereading articles about black sheep on the school's website trying to remember any familiar details about him The doorbell suddenly rang To my surprise standing at my door was Helen, but I really wasn't in the mood to deal with her I have something to tell you what you heard right. I want you to catch black sheep for me I gave Helen a skeptical look she must be desperate to come to me But why that contest turned out to be so stupid. Class A is no full of frauds So in return black sheep would organize another more transparent and fair IQ contest, right? Smart as always you got it quickly. Don't you want to get back to class A? I want a fair competition with you Hmm deal then. Anyway, I'm curious about who black sheep is and above all I want to regain my rightful honors Finally Helen hands me a class f badge. This might belong to black sheep I found it near the fire alarm the rest is up to you the next morning I noticed the class clown wasn't wearing his badge, but then I realized almost no one in the class was How can I tell who black sheep really was? After extracurriculars everyone left the class. I was a last one out and accidentally stepped on a small note Planned to graffiti the library at 7 p.m. I was torn wondering if this was black sheep's next act of vandalism It was almost 7 p.m. I had to see for myself had exactly 7 p.m I saw someone in black sneaking up and breaking the lock. I had to tell Helen Come quickly. I'm about to catch black sheep Let's do this judy judy answer me who's black sheep you you are black sheep Ken crows seemingly shocked at being caught all we wanted to do was to be treated fairly I turned around startled to find all the students of class f behind me dressed as black sheep Before you turned us in. I want you to see this It was evidence of class A students bribing the new principal The ranking contest was set up for the principal to make money from parents There it is all of you deserve punishment good job judy And my hands was the whole truth and I knew Helen was also unaware of her mother's dirty deeds After hearing me out she fell to her knees begging me not to expose everything But I knew what I had to do The ranking system always put pressure on you your mom still has to pay for what she's done Black sheep hold Helen back Right after that day all the documents about the corruption scandal were uploaded online The principal based punishment for all her wrongdoings The ranking system was abolished students no longer had to be divided and received equal treatment I also realized that putting myself above others only led to loneliness Now i've changed i have friends and even more than that That day was the basketball final game between new jersey high school and maris high school Where is he? Oh there he is That guy in rug with that sunny smile He's gin. I've been having a big crush on him for 10 years That decisive move and that concentrating expression He must be the dream die of tons of girls Suddenly I noticed that my best friend was also dumbfounded looking at the court Pia Pia Huh? What you looking at? Oh, Harry is waving at you. Do you like him? He's gin's comrade Hmm cut it out. It's time for our performance We stepped to the court and started to do the half-time performance. I know I look just like Jenny at Coachella Gin would definitely be captivated by my beauty What was that? Oh, um gee Caitlyn. I'm so sorry Jeez because of that stage accident. I had become a clown to everyone I wished it didn't give gin a bad impression Oh, yeah audience of my diary animated. I'm Caitlyn I've been into gin for 10 years now And now it's even greater when my best friend Pia likes gin's best friend Harry It would be freaking cool if we had a double date back in the day when gin and I was seven Gin was the only nice boy who helped me out That day when I was at school I accidentally sat on a bunch of chocolate bars on the bench and everyone was laughing at me Do you guys smell something? Ew Oh my sweet lord. I was embarrassed trying to find a place to hide Then suddenly a hand put a shirt on to cover me Don't worry. I'll cover up for you. Since that moment. I couldn't get rid of my thoughts and feelings about that boy Gradually, we grew up and went to high school together I had shown my feelings to him many times, but I had no idea if he felt the same Sometimes he gave me this romantic look and sometimes he just kept distance from me and ignored me This time I just want to come clean with him As being my only high school friend Pia knew how much I'd been into gin You're falling in too deep And because she had feelings for Harry who was gin's teammate we together made a plan to approach our crushes That day Find woods for the fire Jin and I will set up the camp. What? How was that possible? Obviously, we had a great plan for this After teaming up, I ran to Pia to ask her what happened. She seemed to be surprised by the result too It seemed that the coach rearranged the list. I didn't want this to happen Oh, no, because of this unexpected incident we had to swap to the wrong group So harry and I would go into the woods and jin and pia stayed to set up the camp I guess this is gonna be very awkward And just as I expected harry looked quite introverted and mysterious His eyes looked so sad. He must be disappointed to have to work with someone like me I was disappointed too, but now I'm not only disappointed, but I also feel heavy Ouch Suddenly a hand reached for my backpack and put it on his shoulder Hey, you don't need to carry it for me. It's too heavy for you. Can you not see it? But what about yours? What about me? I can carry you too Jesus, what was he saying? If pia saw this, she would misunderstand everything So I tried to get my backpack back Give it back to me. I don't need your help. Hey, be careful I lost my balance and slipped then fell to the ground The fall caused me so much pain that I couldn't get up on my own Right then a snake slithered toward me still. I couldn't get up because my ankle was broken Help Shoo too go away snake Phew lucky me. I almost got bit by that snake Harry suddenly grabbed my shoulder. You okay? Are you hurt? I'm fine. Just I think I broke my ankle Harry didn't let me finish. He unzipped my bag to find the first aid kit God, there was full of useless items in it. Why are you laughing? You brought a fire extinguisher instead of a bandage? What if there was a fire? He made fun of me. He must think I'm an idiot Right then Harry tore part of his shirt and wrapped it around my injury Ouch. What are you doing? Harry gave me a piggyback, Harry. My leg hurts so bad There was no way to make him stop. I was really confused because he was warmer than I thought He made me laugh all the way back to the camp. I realized that we shared quite a lot of things in common I wasn't scared of darkness when I was with him Then the light in the distance came and I realized my best friend's voice Caitlyn, Harry, where are you? Oh no if she saw us like this her heart would be broken So I struggled and tried to push Harry away Ouch They both fell to the ground and they had to help us up Caitlyn, are you all right? What I did had caused Harry a minor injury And I felt really guilty about that After being brought back to the camp, I started to wonder why Pia didn't ask me about Harry Well, I was really curious about her and Jin So I slowly walked to Jin's camp I saw Pia and Jin talking about fixing the camp They looked so excited and it made me irritated even though I knew there was nothing between them I waited until they passed by. Then pretended to trip and fall into Jin's arms Hold up on his collar with some kind of lipstick mark With a familiar color Did he have a girlfriend? Right then Harry came and carried me back to camp in front of Jin and Pia surprised faces He looked aggressive with both of them What's wrong? If your leg hurts, then sit still Why did he want to cause misunderstandings? A few nights later when I got home, I still couldn't stop thinking about what Harry did He was romantic and considerate and his loving eyes were like the way V looked at Jenny Damn, I should have thought of Jin Perhaps No, he is my bestie's crush. I definitely can't do that That will hurt Pia After that day, Harry tried to talk to me more in class When I had trouble with assignments in class, especially physics exercises, he was always there to help We had to make a pasta bridge and coincidentally, I was paired with Harry in class Yes, we were in the same group God, I tried to avoid him, but fate kept putting us in embarrassment Ugh, why won't this bridge work? Let me help you It worked! See, I can do it without your help Harry immediately burst out laughing God, again, I looked so stupid in front of him While I was finding a hole to jump in, Harry suddenly went looking for a broom and cleaned up my pathetic bridge It's okay. I'll practice more at home But Harry still worked to rebuild that bridge on his own Well, it had always been like that He did more than he talked. In the blink of an eye, his bridge was finished Hmm, how could it stand this three pound iron ball? If you don't believe it, then try it Oh my gosh, it really worked I was embarrassed when Harry stopped me and looked me in the eyes I have something It's late. I have to go home now I ran out as fast as I could because it was too embarrassing I told myself never to let something like that happen again A few weeks later, I decided to invite group three from the camp to go see a movie But in fact, I only invited three of them to have a double date But guess who is standing in front of my face right now This movie is about to start. Why hasn't anyone come yet? Oh my gosh, none of them are answering the phone Suddenly a message went to my phone Neither of them could come here. One got stomach aches and one had family problems So angry I was about to return home when a hand pulled me into the cinema Hurry up. It's late for the movie Why are you always doing what you want? Just to sit down I had no choice but to sit next to harry to watch the whole movie This horror movie terrified me During the movie harry helped my hand tightly to help me overcome my fear Fortunately, it was quite dark in there. So no one saw my face turning red like a ripe tomato Perhaps I was really into harry Suddenly harry squeezed my hand. I Like you katelyn No, that's impossible. I pushed him out and ran away Harry chased after me while I ran in tears Ouch Just now I bumped into Jin He was holding hands with another girl You You What's the problem? This is my girlfriend Harry ran over and hugged me tightly and covered my ears with his hands He immediately scolded jin She's not your girlfriend either Because he plays with girls hearts and feelings And I need to show you this Harry showed me pictures of jin with different girls and one of them was my bestie pia I thought pia really liked jim and was fooled around. So I felt pity for her. I decided to find her pia open the door open the door What's going on? I knew what happened between you and jin. I need to show you this Hearing that she immediately pushed her hand away from me and now I knew the true face of my best friend I don't care if you knew Yes, it was true. Just don't stick your nose into ours It turns out the boy that pia always loved was jin not harry Even when we picked teams at the camp it was also arranged by her She told me she even had time to flirt with jin when I was lost in the woods My trust was betrayed and she would surely pay for everything she did This is unbelievable. How could you? If I had to choose between you and jin, I would definitely choose the boy I loved Our friendship is not even that important to me I was shocked by her cruel words She had shown me how my kindness was reciprocated and she must pay the price I was going to tell you something important, but well I guess i'm done caring about a terrible and mean person like you Good luck with your stupid love After that day, I blocked jin and pia From now on, I could confidently pursue the one I truly loved harry and I deserved a readomancy Sometime later harry told me that jin had been kicked out of the basketball team because his terrible person Personality had negatively affected the team's practice progress Then I also received an email from an anonymous sender. It was none other than pia She apologized for her past mistakes jin had dumped her not long after the incident of course I would never forgive and let such people back into my life And you if it were you would you do the same as me?