Daily Dose of Escapades 🎧

S2 Ep17: S2 EP17. Dad Don't Let Me Wear Makeup / Please Share This Story

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11 Sep 2024
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Hello lovers welcome to another episode of daily dose of escapades Make sure you stream download and most importantly share the story to friends and family This would push us to give you more and better stories 1k downloads and streams to unlock the next episode. Thanks Like always I begged my dad to let me take the controls during our flight training sessions with his new aircraft not now Abby he always said that seizing the moment when he wasn't paying attention I decided to jump in and grab the controls the plane suddenly wobbled and dove straight towards the ground Luckily dapper game controlled just in time. Abigail. What were you thinking? Do you know how dangerous that was? I'm sorry dad. I just wanted to try it once a pilot must always be fully prepared and focused You can't just try things on a whim I get it being a pilot is hard. Maybe I should be a famous model like mom instead. Hey mda viewers I'm abigail 16 years old from Birmingham, England I inherited my love for the sky from my dad since I was a kid I joined him on flights and learned a ton about piloting after a few reckless attempts I finally succeeded in flying a plane by myself at 10 years old my parents were so proud of me Our family was incredibly happy until mom had to leave us to pursue her modeling career in France She hasn't visited home in years and only contacts me through a few emails Since mom left daddy came a completely different person He banned me from wearing makeup dying my hair all the normal things my friends did You call that a shirt change it now. Why dye your hair like a unicorn? You're not allowed Bear face teddy bear t-shirt and jeans That's the look dad preferred when I go to school and of course the main girls never missed a chance to mock me If mom were here she'd dress me in stylish clothes and help me with my makeup Unlike dad one morning on my way to school. I took advantage of the early hour to pop into Ulta This place was a paradise for teenage girls I had to stop by daily to gaze and dream about buying makeup someday While browsing the shelves and ideas suddenly sparked the testers Well, I hadn't I thought of them before I picked a few tester items to do my makeup Then let my hair down and pose for a selfie Within seconds, I barely recognized the beautiful girl in the mirror All I wanted to wear makeup every day Just then a while dressed woman approached and looked me up and down She handed me a business card and it was a talent manager from a modeling agency Do you want to become a famous model? I couldn't believe it. I eagerly told dad about it later But instead of the excitement I expected dad's face hardened at the word model No abbey don't get involved in that job. You have to get good grades and get into college And that's all what but dad. I want to try I'm 16 already ever since mom left you always I said no and I mean it Mention this again and you'll regret it Dad was so unreasonable No way. I was missing this golden opportunity in my frustration I kicked a can on the road to my horror. It hit a fancy parked car nearby Leaving a long scratch on a shiny body. I froze heart pounding with fear Then a dapper young man stepped out of the car That's a big scratch miss Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. Oh, I'll pay for it Pay for it. Do you know how much this car is worth? I glanced at the Mercedes logo and swallowed hard my teeth chattering I Forget it. You couldn't afford it even if you sold your house Just my bad luck today. He waved me off like a bug slammed his car door and drove off What a rude guy After days of thinking I decided to accept the modeling internship offer Of course, I kept it a secret from dad on the day of my first photo shoot I was both excited and nervous as I walked through the parking lot I stopped by a car window to check my reflection Everything was fine until the window rolled down You again? It was the owner of the Mercedes I had scratched. Holy moly. I can only hang my head in shame as he walked past He was Chandler a highly sought-after model known for being a loop and hard to approach How on earth did we end up paired for a photo shoot together right after that incident? I know working with someone as handsome as me can be distracting But could you pose a bit less awkwardly the photographer is picky Thanks, but it seems you're the one with the problem Both of you there's no chemistry can you do it or not? In this desperate situation, I decided to set my ego aside I leaned back like in a dance pose and wrapped my arm around Chandler's neck pulling him close Chandler's eyes widened and surprised then he quickly adjusted his expression to match the pose I couldn't deny it up close. He was breathtakingly handsome I bet that was the best and most emotional shot of the entire session The shoot was a smashing success and even Chandler nodded approvingly Impressive newbie, but you've got a lot to learn You know I could help you improve your poses and expressions for better photos How about the exchange numbers? Look at mr. Smug who was just mocking me a few minutes ago Anyway, I did need his help and experience Sure, why not and so we became partners Chandler did a complete 180 from the terrible first impression I had of him He was gentle and attentive guiding me through every little detail during shoots Thanks to him my skills improved my confidence grew and I started getting more modeling offers And undeniably we began to develop feelings for each other over time But secrets don't stay hidden forever One day after I had just finished my makeup in the school restroom and was about the dash to the studio I bumped into dad He immediately frowned noticing the makeup on my face the jig was up and dad dragged me home right away You're grounded for a week. Don't say I didn't warn you It turned out dad had seen my photos in a magazine by chance and rushed to school to find me I felt guilty, but also very angry. I was 16 He couldn't keep treating me like a child forever With my phone confiscated I couldn't contact Chandler But somehow he managed to get my home address and came to find me Poor Chandler. It wasn't me who opened the door Who are you? What do you want? Um, I'm here to see Abby. I'm her senior I pulled my head out of the window waving frantically to get Chandler's attention Classmate were classmates senior like an upperclassman Yes, that's right I breathed a sigh of relief, but just then my foot slipped off the window ledge Both dad and Chandler rushed over and caught me just in time. Chandler got a minor injury on his forearm But thanks to that dad allowed him inside to talk despite our best efforts to convince him dad remained firm He only allowed me to finish the last photoshoot contract i had signed But life always throws unexpected twists my way guess who showed up at what I thought would be my final shoot Abigail, where's my little princess? Mom After more than five years of only emailing we had a long heart to heart Mom was indignant and decided to talk to dad about how he was hindering my future Their conversation seemed tense not like a reunion at all I wondered if there was something I didn't know mom rescued me from dad's restrictions After that I started attending major events with her as a model and became noticeably more famous My social media followers skyrocketed instead of mocking me the mean girl's now begged for my autograph This was awesome. However, the more I hope to become a famous model like mom the more distant I felt from dad It had been a long time since we last flew together Sometimes I missed the sky and the clouds too But the busy life of a famous model swept me away One evening mom approached me with an intriguing proposal abigail come to france with me It's the perfect place to advance your modeling career I was excited but also hesitant france was a dream for any model But it meant leaving everything familiar behind including dad When dad heard the news he went silent as if accepting it, but I could see the sadness filling his eyes I had no one else to turn to but Chandler for advice This is a great opportunity abi and I'll support whatever decision you make But think it through carefully then Chandler told me about how his family had forced him to take over the family business He rebelled and followed his passion, but it completely shattered his relationship with his dad Talk to your dad Understand him and let him understand you then decide. Chandler's words made me ponder But mom didn't give me much time She quickly prepared for us to leave for france as if everything was already set in stone The evening before our departure. I saw dad sitting sadly looking at our photos when I was a kid I missed those days too, but living with dad now just made me feel stifled and suffocated After flying to france with mom on her private jet, I was so awestruck I couldn't close my mouth when I saw her huge mansion that looked like a castle Just then a well-dressed man stepped out of the house Before I could ask mom ran over and hugged him tightly Then they shared a passionate kiss mom introduced him as her boyfriend One of the wealthiest tycoons in france What since when have you two been together? Listen abigail that's in the past and I don't want to talk about it But you see your dad couldn't give us this life without this man. I wouldn't have my career either No, I'm not like you. I won't abandon dad You don't need me either, right? You only want to take me now that i'm becoming a successful model Stop talking nonsense abigail. You have an important event to attend this afternoon Disappointment filled me. I suddenly understood that dad might have known that mom betrayed us and left forever But hid it from me to avoid tarnishing her image in my eyes That's why he was so harsh with her that day I decided to confront mom after the event and returned to england that evening as I stepped down the red carpet with mom I got some shocking news Abby your dad is running a high fever. I just took him to the hospital I was so stunned. I couldn't think straight and dashed off the red carpet Desperately figuring out the quickest way back to england. I remembered mom's jet park nearby Just then her bodyguards started chasing me without hesitation I kicked off my high heels threw them at their faces and sprinted to the jet I took a deep breath remember the days flying with dad and confidently grabbed the controls The jet slowly ascended into the sky the first few minutes were turbulent But I recalled dad's words stayed focused and soon got the hang of it finally. I safely landed back in england I ran to the hospital as fast as I could dad are you okay? I'm so sorry for everything Abby, I'm sorry too. Please understand that I never wanted to restrict you. It's just I was afraid you'd end up like your mom I didn't want my little pilot to grow up and Leave me one day. No dad no matter what I do or who I become I'll always be your daughter Nothing can change that We hug tightly in that moment I realized that no fame or success could replace a love and support from dad Someone who despite his strictness and prickliness always wanted the best for me. Dad's health gradually improved I was ready to give up modeling But surprisingly dad encouraged me to continue pursuing my dream He even promised to attend my first fashion show You should think Chandler he put in a lot of effort convincing me looks like my daughter had someone who cares for her, huh? Dad don't say that it's embarrassing Oh, I hadn't even dared to tell him that Chandler had just confessed to me at dinner on the beach last night Everyone was buzzing when Jake smoothly gerbbled leaped into the air and pulled off a spectacular shot As a stage curtain rose two goddesses were engrossed in their violin playing while Cedric's hands danced over a canvas Together the four of them made a one-of-a-kind performance. Hey, I'm Eliana from California We're the itcrowd at school me and Chloe rocked the violins Cedric's the artsy type into his paintings and Jake He's got the underclassmen swooning with his athleticism We've been tight since we were kids our parents are like best buds But our friendship took a hit after something pretty awful went down Before we dive into my tragic tale, don't forget to hit like and subscribe for MDA. Okay, that hair clips gorgeous on you It's a gift for my grandma. We decided to meet up in the cafeteria after the show My stomach was screaming for some food. You okay Cedric? Which goddess stole your soul this time? Cut it out, dude Just thinking Don't mind me. Chloe's always looking out for everyone while Jake's just a kid at heart Even though his dad's the principal suddenly my phone buzzed a text from Cedric Wait, where'd he go so fast? Meet me at the school's garden What's up with that amidst the sweet scent of flowers? I found him painting totally in the zone His face was angelic and those blue eyes like the sky No wonder you get love letters in your locker every day. Cedric looked at me smiling gently There was something different about his gaze today. I don't need those, Eliana These feelings have been growing Like a canvas waiting for its colors. I can't hold it back any longer. I love you, Eliana I was totally caught off guard by his confession Never thought I'd have to choose between friendship and Love I I'm sorry, but I really value our friendship. Isn't it great being such close friends? I could see the disappointment in his eyes. I like Cedric, but just as a friend above all I didn't want to ruin the pure bond our group shared I'll wait until you're ready. Cedric? It's okay. I'll finish this painting before I head back. You should go I left the garden heavy-hearted feeling like I'd done something wrong But the next morning Cedric was back to his cheerful self as if yesterday never happened I even wondered if it was all just a dream Only Chloe was acting strange She didn't sit with me like usual didn't talk just quietly finished her lunch Hey, what's up with Chloe? Hmm thought you two told each other everything Hold up There is a charity event at the community center this weekend. My dad's really hoping we can make it Me and Cedric quickly agreed Chloe on the other hand took some convincing from Jake before reluctantly nodding that was Odd considering she'd always been so kind That day was busy at the community center Me and Jake were scooping soup for everyone while Cedric handed out bread Chloe was playing shop with some kids nearby Tiring, but fun Whoops No worries. I'll grab a towel Searching through our bags for a towel. I accidentally Ouch, prick myself on something sharp Oh snap. You're bleeding. Let me see Cedric carefully bandages my finger Meanwhile, Chloe comes over looking annoyed It's just a tiny cut. No biggie, right? What's your problem with me Chloe? Instead of answering she just storms off leaving me wondering what's her deal? The next day when I hit school there was this crowd that snagged my attention Getting closer. I spotted the mess on the floor Paint splatters everywhere squished tubes of paint scattered around alongside some snapped brushes and smudges Cedric was standing in the middle totally frozen hands clenched and shaking What the heck happened? How did this even happen? That was the paint set we gifted him Chloe circled the scene The crowd kept growing until the supervisor had to step in to calm the chaos The four of us ended up in the cafeteria trying to comfort Cedric Someone did this on purpose After a bit we concluded that some dude at school must have messed with Cedric because of all the girls crushing on him That's the only thing that makes sense But something didn't sit right with me That was just a reason to make him feel better It didn't stop there three days later Jake screamed over the phone Breaking out that his basketball was mysteriously deflated It was signed by cooby Bryant. It meant everything to me Jake's basketball was punctured all over Before I could hold Chloe back the supervisor and others came to congratulate me Little did I know my effort would end up like this We met up in the cafeteria a week later, but the air was thick with tension Chloe was the one to break the eerie silence Don't you guys find it odd? Cedric and I looked at Chloe her face a mix of hesitation and suspicion All of us have had bad luck except Eliana who's been untouched What do you mean? Do you think I'm behind all this? You said it not me Cedric had to hold me back before exploded at Chloe. I was so disappointed in my best friend As Chloe and Jake walked away only Cedric stayed It could all be a coincidence Chloe's being paranoid and Jake's too soft I looked at him feeling the cracks in our friendship the trust and goodwill were fading I've always got your back Eliana. No matter how they treat you. I'm on your side I trusted myself too. No way. I'd push such stunts, but who would Wipe in everything on me. I had to find out who was tearing our friendship apart Starting with the first incident Cedric smashed paint boxes I was on it digging around convinced there had to be something to crack this case wide open I hit up everyone's shoe rack finding this one pair with paint smeared on the sole But nope that didn't prove much since the place was swamped that day But didn't everyone notice the paint was already dry by then So this paint on the sole Then there was Jake's basketball punctured all over Needles maybe Something sharp for sure, but who'd carry something that's sketchy around Ouch Oh snap you're bleeding Let me see It's just a tiny cut. No biggie, right? That moment I was digging through that backpack Could it be? No My friend couldn't do this Such a vile betrayal If my hunch was right the violin bow would be here because there's no way they'd carried around without drawing attention I tried everything to break into that locker Wishing it wasn't there that all my suspicions were wrong But no There it was hidden behind a stack of books Now I was sure who was behind all this and framing me Disappointment flooded me, but so did disgust I was gonna set a trap and lure the culprit in That sunday was gorgeous Jake and Chloe were setting up the tent Jake seemed a bit cheerier after a rough few weeks while Chloe continued to ignore me Cedric and I were collecting dry branches in the woods planning to start a small fire for grilling Cedric Maybe it's time we face the truth He looked at me clueless Still as handsome as ever if the group stops hanging out together Maybe Just maybe You and I could officially become a couple I walked away leaving him in a whirlwind of emotions That night I sat listening to my friends chat by the crackling fire We've been so close since we were kids grown up together Heartbreaking to know what all ends after today Later when everyone was asleep Someone got up quietly grabbed my backpack and went to the string dumping everything into it to be swept away It's really you isn't it Cedric I'm so disappointed in you You're totally insane. You were gonna frame me Cedric was at a loss for words He couldn't justify his actions or defend himself But why just because You rejected me You valued our friendship over my love Eliana did nothing wrong. It was all you you were wrong from the start Months have passed since then Cedric transferred schools and we haven't heard from him since Still have he changes and comes back. We are ready to forgive Man, I was mad at you thought if you and Cedric got together it'd be awkward for the group Silly I protect our beautiful friendship no matter what Guys help Those girls back there want me to be their boyfriend, but I can't date all of them Let's take a quick break If you're looking for a political podcast that goes beyond the headlines, check out the beltway briefing I'm Howard Schweitzer CEO of kozan o counter public strategies Every week on the beltway briefing our team a former republican and democratic presidential appointees Capital hill veterans and political advocates Shares behind the scenes perspective that cuts through the noise If you want the inside scoops subscribe now to the beltway briefing here or wherever you get your podcasts monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday You know night after night i'll be loving you right seven days a week Ah my show cool. I'm so obsessed Man, I wish someone was crazy about me like that Hey there. I'm quinn and this is jessie my ride or die We vibe on a lot of things especially our love for kpop I wish I could marry zoom cool or any hot korean guy to be honest Dream on girl real love only exists in those music videos No, I don't buy it. I'm a hopeless romantic for real But before you dive into my mess of a love story hit that like button and subscribe to the mda. Okay After that, I started looking for boyfriends online even though jessie cap Bet your love life's gonna crash and burn with those dudes Come on jessie. I'll show you this guy here looks pretty decent swipe right and Let's see who's desperate enough to date you Dylan give it back Let's see swipe left swipe left swipe left Stop messing with my life. What's so special about these losers They're a hundred times better than you that shut him up for a second Then he handed my phone back Whatever that's still in we've grown up on the same block, but he's always been a pain in my side If all the guys on earth disappeared, I'd still never date him I hope I never meet someone like him That night I was getting ready for bed with a mask on. I thought a notification Oh my god. I matched with a korean guy. I texted jessie, but she seemed unimpressed Fine. I'll go with you just in case it goes south We met at a park when I got there. He was already waiting If I can't have jumko, this guy might just be the next best thing Dress to impress and looking fine as hell What do you think? He's all right. Let's see how it goes Whatever, let's part away We walked around and this guy let's call him jihu told me about girls in korea You know, if you don't like your nose, you can get surgery a lot of girls back home do Is he indirectly saying my nose is ugly? Rude whoa jeez what now you have a tiny pimple right here This guy is nuts. I turned around and saw jessie trying not to laugh her head off behind a tree I knew the state was doomed when jihu left me in the dust to hit him makeup sale I get it jessie laugh it up bad luck. That's all Phone buzzes a japanese guy matched me on the app. I showed jessie and she just shrugged This time it's got to be different We met at a fancy restaurant I even did my makeup like a japanese style I found online to prepare for the date Oh my god quin that makeup isn't really working Bummer first impression failed. I'm so pathetic Sit up straight. Don't look around and mind your manners at the table. Excuse me You were two minutes late. I won't tolerate that kind of behavior No next time pal There won't be a next time because I won't date this ocd guy Now I can't even remember his name Had enough fun yet Not yet. I matched with a french guy Oh, I can't deal with your disastrous dates anymore At yet another fancy restaurant. I made sure to get there five minutes early French guys are always so romantic and sweet Every woman should be treated like a quin It's um nice to meet you Antoine We vibed way more than I expected Antoine was the dream guy I'd been searching for Oops Oh my god. I'm so clumsy I thought Antoine would freak out like mr. OCD before but instead he signaled the waiter for a new plate So smooth Oh Melt worthy Why isn't Jesse here to see this ew, what's that smell? What was he talking about some guests that just walked by stinks Then Antoine took out a perfume bottle and sprayed it around even on our food You okay quin? I'm sensitive to weird smells Uh, uh, chew Sorry, I gotta go to the bathroom But chew What the heck just happened? My head's spinning. I can't What's happening? She's allergic to perfume I don't remember anything after that fall So embarrassing Thank god, Jesse wasn't there when she left in my face Turns out all my romances have been epic fails and Jesse's still the one getting all my tearful rants Will I ever find my prince charming? Don't stress. I have an idea Dylan are you kidding me? No, Dylan's a great guy. Just give him a shot Never even if all the guys on earth disappeared. He'd be the last one I date What's got your panties in a twist? Hmm Some foreign dude You told him No How did he know then Uh go away So freaking annoying That afternoon I was sprawled on the couch watching tv Screw that stupid dating app. I've deleted it Quinn take these freshly baked cookies to our neighbors, sweetie You neighbors? All right, they moved in yesterday, but I was too down to notice anything Sure mom I dragged my feet to their porch and rang the bell Once twice thrice No answer As I was turning to leave I heard music from their backyard Cool party, maybe They probably didn't hear the doorbell I went around to the back and was shocked to see a guy sunbathing He's asleep shirtless wearing just thin shorts Oh momma Mia check out those abs Should I touch them? Step out of it Quinn. Remember your track record? Okay, I'll leave the cookies on the table leave a note and skedaddle, right? I tiptoeed praying he wouldn't wake up And be awkward Kim shirtless and me looking like a burglar But my luck sucks A puddle may flip and crash Oh my god Groaning I saw him staring No, he saw everything Hi, I'm Quinn, your next door neighbor My mom My mom told me to bring cookies for for the new neighbors Hey Quinn, I'm Evan. Nice to meet you Thief Well, what? I'm not stealing But your dad did He stole the stars and put them in your eyes Awww Evan's too sweet Holding his hand felt like floating I can't remember what we talked about after except he wanted more dates Oh my god, Jesse needs to hear this You can't date someone you've just bumped into Quinn No, no, Evan is amazing. You don't get it I don't care You ignore the good guys and fall for jerks How can you even be sure Evan's like that and speaking of Dylan? We have nothing in common He's a bully. Why don't you date him? Jesse stormed off Whatever if she's not rooting for me and Evan then I don't need her Evan and I were totally vibing. We hit up every spot together parks movie theaters and Even the raddest parties. I've never felt so alive before Finally found my dream dude Then one day Evan ghosted Just like that vanished into thin air I looked everywhere for him even the park where we had our first date No sign of him. I just kept running even when tears blurred my vision Whoa watch it Evan, Evan, is that you? What's your deal? You lost it or something? Seriously, you okay up there? Sorry, she's with me Suddenly I felt someone lift me Not Evan, but Dylan Why is he here? Had to save your butt. They were about to lock you up in a loony bin Wait, had he been following me? Heaven's gone What can I do to make you feel better? I need to find Evan Seriously? You're so damn clueless Dylan then floored it speeding past other cars What the hell? I don't want to die You don't then why'd you almost get yourself killed over some loser? Still he drove me around to find Evan, but no luck by day's end. We headed home Sorry about earlier. Just you know, I Look, he's back. I dashed out of the car straight to Evan's house Evan, where the hell did you go without telling me? Not him. Just his housekeeper doing her weekly cleaning But I found something big Evan had another place uptown I was about to catch a bus, but Dylan insisted on driving What were you saying earlier? Nothing Turns out Dylan's not as bad as I thought He was being all chill until we passed the hospital. I saw Evan Was he sick injured? Oh my poor Evan as I stepped out. I froze A woman with a kid ran to Evan. They kissed So it was all true Honey, I think he's Taken I didn't believe her until I saw it myself Seriously life. I got screwed over again Hey, hold up You should try out for a marathon or something You suck So you think I suck? Fine. I'll own it Just for your information. I only mess with girls. I like Dylan, what does he mean? Here drink this you'll need energy for more crying As I reached for the soda, he grabbed my hand Tumbas, I'm into you like really into you This sweetness That's when I realized when you meet your other half. It's not just you who's blown away The universe celebrates too Can can you drop me off at jessies? I rushed into jessie's arms crying like a baby Luckily, she wasn't mad anymore Finally got it, huh Wait up. I realized something else To jessie's surprise, Dylan peeped from behind the door I told you so Then jessie hugged me tight [BLANK_AUDIO]