Real Time with Prince Blue

I ain't a stripper but don't push me

The latest on the #tyreekhill situation

#kendricklamar and the superbowl nod

Does Prince Blue have to check a 🥷🏽?

#trifectahour #donaldtrump #kamalaharris #nfl #lilwayne #cashmoney #drake #nickiminaj

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

The latest on the #tyreekhill situation #kendricklamar and the superbowl nod Does Prince Blue have to check a 🥷🏽? #trifectahour #donaldtrump #kamalaharris #nfl #lilwayne #cashmoney #drake #nickiminaj

(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) What is going on everybody? Hey, hey, hey, this is real time with Prince Blue. I am here. It is Thursday. It is 11. And man, let me tell y'all something. First of all, I hope everybody's doing good. I hope everybody's well and all that good stuff. It's been a lot going on. And I just wanted, I just wanted this next episode to be super special. So whenever I need this episode to be special. You call on family like Vin Diesel say, oh, we have his family, right? So I called on my trifecta family. I got AJ's rent room. I got ain't there going to be here throughout the show on this special crossover event. And I just want y'all to know that the theme of this show is going to be, I don't know, because it's been so much shit going on this week. And I just don't know all this shit is going to be off the cuff everything that I'm going to explain to you and give to you. It's going to be my truth. What I think. And the reason why you're not reading this wrong. The reason why the show's name, I ain't a stripper, but don't push me. You're going to find that out within this show. So please, without further ado, let me introduce to you, y'all know him as to trifecta, my family, AJ's rent room, and ain't in the building. I'm going to hope they're in the building for the whole time, but we'll see how that goes. Oh, I was supposed to open the door for myself. Okay, cool. That part. Yeah. Yeah. Did we just meet. No, I don't push buttons. Oh my gosh. You're talking about us and we're on the side, but yeah, well, I got a whole hour. Okay. It's okay. How y'all doing family. Let me just start that off. Okay, I'm good. I'm good. Okay. Well, there will be no, there will be no snacks during the show, which I had a rebel. You want to go get one? So, all right, listen, there are a lot of podcasts out there, something for everybody. If you don't like something, you can simply not listen. Since starting my podcast, I've been criticized about everything from low views to who cares about what the hell you're talking about. The one thing I have never done is take it seriously enough to want to fight somebody. Well, one creator got all in his feelings and I'm going to address that later. But for now, the show is the show. So let's start with sports. Everybody knows that Tyree Kill, all Dolphins matter superstar Miami Dolphins Tyree Kill was in the news for being detained before his game. He was handcuffed, placed face down on the ground for traffic violations. Also teammate Kaleas Campbell was also detained for attempted to deescalate the situation. Let's play the video and let's see what, um, let's see, uh, we're going to give you our take on the video and. Where's the video? Oh Lord. Oh, this happens when you don't have a producer. Oh, there it is. My bad. My bad. Yo, here's the video. My bad. Shut it up. Here's the video. What is it going? You need a moment. We're having technical difficulties. Oh, he's having technical difficulties. I'm not. Oh, this is rich. This is more than rich. Here we go. Here's the video. Shut your face. Here's the video. Put him in handcuffs. Just hours before kickoff Sunday, cell phone video shows Tyree Kill, one of the NFL's most explosive wide receivers, face down and handcuffs on the side of a road. It happened just a block from Hard Rock Stadium where the Miami Dolphins play. Hill says he was stopped for speeding, briefly detained by Miami State Police and then released. Miami State Police says it's investigating what happened. One of the officers involved has been placed on administrative duties. Hill suited up for the Dolphins win Sunday, finishing the game with 130 yards, a touchdown, and this celebration after, which appears to show a teammate arresting him. Hill's teammate Kalei Campbell was also handcuffed during the pregame incident. The veteran defensive lineman says he was just trying to deescalate the situation. I don't want to bring it racing to it, but sometimes it's kind of iffy when you do, you feel me? So what if I wasn't Tyree Kill or knows like what that. All right, so that was Tyree Kill talking about it. As you can see, he said that he didn't want to bring racing to it, but he ended up being bringing racing to it anyway. So on top of that, then we had Chad Ocho Sinko and Shannon Sharp give their take on it. And I thought that it was pretty interesting that both had pretty good points. But a majority of the people tend to have sided with Shannon, because he had more of the victim type mentality about it. And Ocho was looking at it from a practical standpoint of, well, just listen to what Chad said and what Shannon said, and then we'll give our take on it. And he's for that minor of a traffic it for. Okay, he's speeding. And you got to lay him face down. If they've resulted to the, to the point of having to have him face down like that. I think there might have been some exchange back and forth when individuals being somewhat volatile towards the law, then they take things in their own hands because as you get a little loud. What's the first thing they do. Ocho in that situation, he's gone. He got all the power. He got a gun. Yeah, he got a taser. Yes. He got a baton. Yes. So for Tyree to be laid down and it looked like I saw a video and looked like the guy need him in his back. It seemed to me that it was unnecessary that you lay a man down in the street for traffic violation. But I think what's going to happen because this was so public. And it is the Miami Dolphins and Stephen Ross and NFL now is everybody getting the ball. Oh, you're going to come to a quick resolution here. All right. So who was right, AJ. It's Tyree kills. I really don't give a damn. So I'll start with that. This is one of the most despicable human beings. He's a great wide receiver. We're all clear on that he's talented. He does what he does well, but he has a very troubled history. And so I'm trying to give a fuck, but I haven't been able to muster it up. And I'm just being 1000% on it. You don't get to that point. Ocho, I wish he I wish he had pushed back. I don't know if he did it if there's more to that clip, but I wish he had pushed back more and said, well, yeah, if he, but if he gets to that point, it's not just about a traffic violation because we have people on the left and people like Shannon that they're great at shaping the story, right? So they want to shape it to make Shannon to make Tyreek look like he was just, you know, was driving to work. And the police decided they wanted to fuck with him. No, first of all, you're speeding. And you're not speeding and like, you know, on the highway, you're on the road, you could hurt people. You could hurt a family head into school, headed to work, whatever. So I'm just not buying that they just threw him on the ground for no reason. There had to be some sass mouth and they had to be some stuff. And I think both parties probably have some fault in it, but of course he's a black man and they're not black. So therefore, it's always going to be a race issue because he's dark skin and he's, you know, brother, brother. And we're going to play the game of race all the time instead of just saying, you know what, what could I have done better in that situation? Yeah, this stuff they could have done better, but the stuff you could have done better as well. And I didn't see the whole damn thing. I don't care. Again, it's Tyreek Hill. You know, have you at home for the women you beat? Have you at home for the kids you abused? Okay, then I don't care. Okay, so now that we got past AJ doesn't care. I have seen the entire video in its entirety from start to finish. And let me tell you guys something. When the police tell you to roll your window down, roll your window down. When the police tap on the glass and say, roll your window down, you might want to roll your window down, especially when your tent is dark and we can't see in it. In that video, the arresting officer who is not from here seemed like his accent was heavy. He didn't even know who he was. So another cop said, do you know who that is? And he's like, no. And he told this Tyreek Hill or the Miami Dolphins. He was like, oh, so he didn't even know who he was. He just knows he was speeding. I believe he doesn't have a driver's license. On top of that, he didn't even have a valid license. So when you start telling people, write me a ticket. I'm going to be late. He never said who he was. He never flexed or anything like that. But he kept rolling his window up in the cop. They wanted to be able to see inside the car. I mean, that's a given. You want to make sure you're safe. You don't know what's going on inside the car, especially when your windows are tinted dark. And that's how it escalated. When he refused to roll down the window, Tyreek told him, stop banging on my window. Just stop tapping on my window. Stop tapping on my window. In the cop said, roll your window down. He goes, I don't have to. Just give me my ticket so I can go because you know what, you're going to get out the car. And that's how it escalated. So roll your window down. I knew there was sass mouth involved. Oh, yeah, it was definitely. It was definitely sass mouth of all. And I had that video of the officers of the officers. I'm a comment from an officer standpoint of it. Everything that keeps you safe was valid. Everything that AJ said was valid. From the police officer standpoint, we're talking about safety. So you're rolling up that window. That's a no go, especially that, that first cop, he better be lucky that second cop knew who he was because that probably gave the other cop a little more. Okay, well, you know, maybe it isn't as bad. Him rolling up the window because, you know, you're probably thinking Tyreek Hill's not trying to blow your face off. He just wants to get. But as a police officer, we can't take that. We can't take that risk. We don't know if you're having a fucking bad day or not. We don't know what Tyreek Hill is going through. So roll your fucking window down. Number two, Tyreek Hill. If an officer tells, it gives you a lawful order, you do it. I tell y'all all the time, dead man tell no tales. Why is everybody in arrest to be George Floyd 2.0? Do what you're supposed to do. And then let your powerful agent, you know, the one you rolled up your window and called and he was on scene in minutes. Talk to him. You make so much money. Trust me, Drew Rosenhouse does not want that equity gone. He's going to take care of you. Say, Hey, Drew, I'm on my way to practice. I just got pulled over by these cops. They will stank towards me. I need you to handle it. That's what you do. You don't roll up your window. You don't tell them you're not getting out of the car. And Kalea Campbell, I get it. You're one of the nicest men stand up guys in the NFL. You're also six foot eight, six foot nine. You don't show up on the scene trying to deescalate anything. That's just not how it works with police work. I don't know what's going on. I don't know what you got going on when I'm on the scene. Let the cops do what they do. And then you going about your way. I find it awful funny how most of this stuff happens when people ignore cops lawful orders, but Prince, but Prince, a lot of people comply and they still die. Listen, stop it with stopping with the extraordinary circumstance bullshit. Not just out of 10 when you do what cops tell you to do, you live to tell another tale and you live to make complaints and everything else. So I'm not trying to hear that. I'm done with that. And Tyree Kale, your ass was late. You told on yourself so many times in that damn video. And now you're on this damn press junk it trying to look like you're, um, you're fucking mega Evans and you, you're right violated. No, no, no, no, you're not in that. In that rare territory, ever, ever, ever with did I say, ever as you can say, ever. Okay. And also, I want y'all to know that Tyree Kale did issue apology. He said, I could have been better. I could have let down my window. At the end of the day, I'm human, and I got to follow the rules. I got to do what everyone else would do. Now, does that give them the right to literally beat the dog shit out of me? Absolutely not. Keisha Ryan. Keisha, where do the dog shit get beat out of him in that video? Never. They didn't even get in. You put him on the ground. They handcuffed him and then set him on the curb. I know he didn't say that. I know he Ryan. Oh my God. He wouldn't be Rodney King so bad. See, he wants to be so many people that really experienced some hardship. And if I'm not mistaken, uh, Rodney King got pulled out of it like a Honda. He can't get pulled out of it. Aaron. Wait, and you know what the other part was? They all pulled up in their expensive rides. Even Oh boy, his, what was that his Rolls-Royce doors. It was decked out. I was like, okay. Real nice. Um, AJ, your favorite, uh, chimed in on it. Jamel Hill. She said a reminder that Steven Ross, the owner of the Miami Dolphins is a huge Donald Trump supporter. The same Trump who supports giving all police immunity from prosecution. Do with that, you will ain't. Would you please debunk this police immunity bullshit from Starbucks? I think what people need to understand is that, um, police already have it. So it's a qualified immunity, right? So essentially what it does is protects them from all these like unlawful lawsuits. You know, like you can't just sue them. There has to be some real probable cause something has to have really happened, but if they're within the line of their job, they can't be sued. So I'm not quite sure why people think that Trump is going to give them immunity when they already have it. They all ready have it. You guys hear me? You guys listening? You dummies in the back? They already have it. You morons. Okay. Now, if Trump was going to do anything, print it out. Some highlights got my notes here because, you know, the Starbucks is going on out there. So I had their, you know, jot this down real quick. Um, the only thing he could do maybe, right is, um, extend it out like, you know, maybe give them a, I don't know. If they kick your cat immunity, I don't know, because it's pretty, the immunity is pretty ironclad as we speak. Now I do know that within the federal government, they were trying to give them less immunity, right? So there was like this bill that they tried to push through that would take away some of that immunity. But you know what happened? Felt on its face because just like they tell you, Trump is going to tax the wealthy that they are. It has that same concept. Okay. So Trump can't do anything. Okay. Because they already have it. And maybe all he's going to do is prevent them from getting it taken away. Okay. There we go. You guys are morons. You know what? You guys are morons. I don't understand why it's so difficult to read. I don't understand why it's so difficult to just look something up and be like, oh, let's see what type of immunity police have. You stupid jackasses. Okay. They all ready have it. I got the power. But again, everything is Trump's fault. Hey, what the hell was your mail he was talking about? A bunch of nothing. Tyreeks not a victim. Start with that. He's not a victim. He wasn't with the dog shit beat out of him. Like, what are we doing? He could have just apologized and left it there. But no, he had to take it to that. That little victimhood. He had a thought of the victimhood splash right on top of it. And here she come babbling in her mama Trump supporter. Yes. Anyway, a big one. So I could imagine the conversations that thanks give it. But anyway, this is another black divis talking a bunch of another babble just rambling just to get the people who follow her. So they keep supporting her podcast and buying whatever she's selling and the smart black ain't buying it. If something messed up does happen, eat the three of us are like, yeah, that should have never happened. But when this happens and you're on a press tour running around like somebody literally scarred you mentally for the rest of your life because you did something that you that could have avoided this whole situation. But somehow you've been bait, been able to paint yourself as a victim and get all of this press and get all of these people talking about it. And I'm bored, quite frankly. And so this messes it up when there are real victims because now they got to give you a side eye. Now they got now people want more details. Now people want to understand, well, what could the victim have done better? Well, no, they're just why can't they just be a victim because you have rich people like, you know, and over breeders out here talking about they got beat up when in fact they could have just, you know, apologized and moved on with it. But no, now I'm going to score a touchdown and put myself in handcuffs and now I'm going to have all the black divis pumping a fist for me. And I'm going to have Shannon Sharp who flip flops between these issues of talking about, oh, it was because of a traffic stop. No, it was because he was a sassy bitch. That's why he got what he got. Well, Shannon Sharp can't talk. I mean, we'll get into Uncle Shannon, but listen, the police officer, hold on, y'all don't ruin it. The police officer did reach out to Tyreke Hill to apologize to Tyreke Hill reportedly did not accept it and said he wanted to police officer fire. So there you go. You get on one avenue. On one end, you said it was your fault and you could have did better. Well, you said you could have did better and now you want to please all fire. But I do want to, I do want to say this real quick before we go to commercial next segment. The police officers did match energy on that stop. And as police officers, we cannot do that. You have to be above that. Like you saying, you won't do what the fuck I tell you to do. You don't run shit here and talk to shit and being antagonistic. He's already in cups. He's always on the ground. So now when they play the video back, you're giving these wild, moronic, sheepish people that already think police are not needed, even though their whole neighborhoods are a war zone, you're giving them more ammo to say this is what police do. This is what police do. So those are some of those officers was absolutely wrong and how they approached it. Once he was on the ground and stuff, all the cursing and antagonistic behavior. Come on, the one thing that Shannon said that, uh, that I do agree with at that point, you got the power. You're, you're pretty much God on, on that scene. So why are you doing all that extra bullshit? I'm bored. Let's move on. I know y'all don't like hearing that, but damn it, you want to get this way and then you want to roll up the window. I don't care what happens after that. All right, we'll, we'll be back after this next message. We got the best bags and accessories. I beloved black series. We got fresh lids for you hat lovers, fire jackets and hoodies, and of course we got you covered on the t-shirts. So head on over to AJ's Rant Room dot com and get to shop in. You won't be disappointed. All right, New Orleans. They got no love for Kendrick Lamar. They let it be known then. Kendrick Lamar was announced as the Super Bowl halftime show. It was met with a mixed reaction. Me personally, I don't feel like being militant during the Super Bowl is going to be a great watch, but that's, that's here nor there. What we weren't counting on was the backlash from Nolan's baby, residents who expected Lil Wayne and cash money to perform in their own backyard. Well, let's become a who's who involvement from Jay Z, the Birdman, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Master P, Lil Busy, Donald Trump, Lil Richard, well not Lil Richard, but you get the point. So listen to the conspiracy theories that's coming from the babble tank. Cameron and May's believe Jay Z and Kendrick Lamar is behind Lil Wayne not performing at the 2025 Super Bowl. If y'all could remember, Jay Z does not support Donald Trump and who supports Donald Trump. If y'all remember, Kendrick Lamar just had a problem with who's artists and using this position as payback. If y'all remember, young money cash, money manager was getting into it with what CEO? When you follow the paper trail and connect the dots, it's easy to see that it's a lot of hate going on for weeds. And know who us New Orleans Natives are not biased. We are not biased just because it's Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne is a legend. Lil Wayne is a gold. I don't understand why this up-and-coming superstar is, Nicki with four hits. Thank his catalog took pass, it's the status of Lil Wayne. I've seen it once and Cameron say it twice. Lil Wayne not performing in New Orleans at the Super Bowl is not only disrespectful, but egregious. Y'all let me know how y'all feel about Jay Z and Kendrick Lamar blocking the gold from doing his thing in his own city. AJ? Well, AJ is already bored. Well, he got to defend Kendrick at the top. He has more than four hits. We said that with a draw. His forehead and nail. Was I excited? No. Like the announcement was worried. It was underwhelming. It was like, what are we doing? It was like, why Kendrick? All of the people you could have picked, you picked him to headline it. He could have been there like he did. He showed up in a Dr. Dre one, right? So he was in that. And it was great. He had his great. It was a great moment. Now, carrying the whole 15 minutes, what's that going to look like? I don't know. Obviously the politics Lil Wayne's politics got in the way of him being like, you can't think of New Orleans and hip hop and Jay Z in that whole world without thinking of Lil Wayne. He's right up there. He's on some people's Mount Rushmore. What are we talking about Kendrick Lamar? He's not on the Mount Rushmore. He can very well be there if you give him like 10 and 15 more years. That this was definitely a dista wheezy and a wheezy fan should be pissed. And it was definitely politically mode. Like, if you look at the people who've been booked since Jay Z joined whatever board for the NFL or whatever. Yeah, they're all artists. He likes all artists. He has good relationships with. And of course, it's about relationships. But there comes a time where you got to say, what is the best for this? And there's obviously Lil Wayne, like it was just like, it's a no brain nerve. But we'll see what Kendrick pulls off. Who knows? We still got plenty of time. Lil Wayne might make an appearance. We don't know what Kendrick's gonna, you know, magic and stuff. You know, he will be pop pop up toaster and out of things. We don't know. You don't know. Wayne might make his way up in there. We don't know. So, you know, Nola, you know, stand up. Hope you have a great Super Bowl. Um, I'm bored at this moment. But we'll see what happens. First of all, the whole point of the Super Bowl halftime is to get your groove on for 15 minutes. Okay. You need a catalog that people know. Now, my son was a Kendrick Lamar fan, but he liked him when he was underground. He didn't like it once he went mainstream. He's like, he's not the same. Like, he was when he was underground. Robert knew who Kendrick Lamar was before anybody knew who Kendrick Lamar was, right? Not before his parents. Well, maybe. But, I mean, you never know. I mean, Robert might have been an angel at the time. So, at that point, I'm just thinking that we would have been better off with Lil Wayne. And we do know that it's political. We do know that it's nonsense. And we do know that what is Kendrick Lamar going to come and rap about? They not like us. He got hit. Stop, y'all. Jinx. No, but I'm saying, but his hits are not like. Can he do that song? Brooklyn. I forgot what it's called. Brooklyn song. You forgot. I'm like, "Oh, J, killing everything. I'm buzzing." Okay. Okay. Okay. There's so much you don't even know the name of the song. Anyways. I think it's called Brooklyn freestyle. Something like that. Okay. I think it's not on 15 minutes, but okay. Listen, whatever. Anyways, you're tired. I'm trying. I'm failing here. Go ahead. You're failing. You were bored when you made the announcement. You said to us, "I'm bored." So, what are you talking about? You know, you can't come off of Rihanna and then Usher and then Kendrick. Yeah. That's real mind. True. Because you know I'm still bumping the Rihanna mix. You know how much I love. Pregnant, by the way. Okay. You don't know how much I love it. I'm like, "Can I get that?" Yeah. Can I get that? No. I don't know how we're going to get there. I don't know what they're going to do with it. Maybe it'll be like the collab. Maybe when we had like Dr. Dre and 50 Cent and M&M. I don't like the Beyonce Bruno Mars. Maybe we'll just get some like collabs that are like fire. Otherwise, I might have to turn it. I mean, we'll all be together. So, you know, I'll take a nap. Why am I blanking on Kendrick's catalog right now? Because he doesn't have one. He has one. Isn't the love album in the Smithsonian? It is. So, oh, okay. Anyways, commercial prints or. Hold on. Can I get my take on Kendrick Lamar? It is your show. Again. Yeah, it is. Kendrick Lamar, you hear me? I need my producer. I love my producer. Listen, I can mute you. Kendrick Lamar, I guess he can stretch the 15 minutes depending on the presentation and how he goes about presenting his catalog to us. But honestly, when you mention a name, like when they say Rihanna, it was like, Oh, shit. When they said Usher, it was like, Oh, shit. When they said Kendrick Lamar, it was like. Hi, Drake, Nana, and a boo boo. No, that's no, no. The Super Bowl is not a time to be petty. The Super Bowl halftime show is the time to entertain. Bring people to your brand and let them know what they've missing and what they're going to what they're going to look what they have to look forward to in the future. Yeah. Kendrick Lamar thing. I'm not with that. We were we were wondering what songs they were going to sing when they announced those people. We were like, Oh, I wonder what songs are going to do. I wonder how they're going to remix them. What are we talking about with Kendrick? This fool up here. You have your friend. This one. He don't even know the name of the song, but he has to stop the gang in some videos. I want to say is Brooklyn freestyle, but also Drake. Drake would have been a better choice, to be honest. Yes, I agree with that. In terms of crossover hits and appeal, he has way more hits and way more appeal. So is he on the registry in New Orleans? You know what? Stop it. All right. All right. We will be back. We will be back. We will be back next. Can you just say that out? At AJ's We got the best bags and accessories. I beloved black series. We got fresh lids for you hat lovers, fire jackets and hoodies, and of course we got you covered on the t-shirts. So head on over to AJ's and get to shop in. You won't be disappointed. [MUSIC] First of all, Kendrick said it too. Don't be acting like I'm the only one that said it is all out there. Anyway, y'all know what time it is. [MUSIC] I said what I said. Thank you, Nini. Thank you, Nini. Thank you, creative producer for putting that together for me. Listen. I only fear one lord and his name ain't Brunson for the Eagles by Eagles Twitter that's here. Y'all know who I'm talking about. So let's get it. That's why y'all are here. Well, this week I got into it with an Eagles podcaster named Lord Brunson on Twitter. He posted an interview he had with an Eagles safety calling the defense elite and a player. And that player, the heart and soul of alleged elite defense, I responded in quotation marks, wipe your chin. And he got in his feelings and talked about everything from my family to my teeth, lighting in my house and the views on my podcast. Well, before I get into what I need to get into, I want to play a small remembrance for Lord Brunson. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC] [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] My only question is because I'm a go last. I need to go last on this. [LAUGHTER] So my tweets were vile. Okay. This non-entprint in our gray sweats need to try to come from my boy. I don't know what it was. I don't know when to track that into the building. He couldn't handle it. I don't know what happened, but I'm going to tell you guys how this works. When your date doesn't show through your gray sweatpants in the gym, this is why you're on the Internet. When you buy your account from the dead stripper, this is why you're on the Internet. Okay? When you try to break down another black band, simply because he made a comment, was asking you to be transparent, this is what happens to you. So to the bitch nigga, what's his name again? Ooh, Brunson. Ooh, Brunson. This is what happens when you fuck with a trifecta. Okay? That's what happens. You come to your chat that you delete it. Oh, you started deleting your comments like the little bitch nigga you are. We have them. Screen shots are a mother. We have those, okay? The next time that you want to give us your useless opinion, the next time that you feel like you can attack one of us, we'll drag you more, okay? Oh, I think he told me to get off his dick. Yeah, he told me to get off his dick. What was my response, Lord Dookie? What was my response? Oh, if you had a dick for me to get off of, I would, you bitch. That's a direct quote. I typed that on X. Yes, I did. So just remember that no one gives a fuck. You don't even have the support that Prince has. And I'm more than happy to show you my bank account if you would like. AJ? I just found it funny. I love when people say, oh, they're above it. They're doing better. Life is great. You know, I don't care, but you keep talking about it. When you talking about something, you care because shit, we don't care about. I got it. I might acknowledge it for three seconds and then I'm good with it. I'm not going to go back to it, you know, have my lunch, go back to exit, keep talking about it. Go have my dinner, talk to the kid, come back, talk about it again. Like, what are we doing? If it don't matter, shut the fuck up and move on with your dick. This is the projection, like the inferiority complex that people like that have as they try to project it on to other people. So it's like, oh, you're podcast numbers. Who cares? Oprah had a day one, you know. Every successful person had that first day where they had where it wasn't popping, you know, where someone just had a phone and a dream and made things happen. So this whole notion that because somebody is not where you think they should be not knowing any of the process that they're in, just goes to show what a fucked up human being you are. And I don't know why anybody supports anything. I don't even know who you are. I still don't know your name. Who? Tremor? Tremaine? Who ever? Small dick. So it's just pathetic. It's just, it's just, it gives desperate, it gives pathetic and it gives shut the hell up. If you don't care, shut up, let it go. I don't talk about anything. It ain't important to me. If it ain't important, people say shit all the time. You see me responding to everybody. You see me going on day long tirades about it. No, I got shit to do. And you should have shit to do. If you're so successful, you should be so busy that you don't have time to say much about anything that does not involve your business directly. So get fucked. And go lift your five pound weights. Yeah, that was cute. That's also a sign of unsuccessful black men, usually, is that they're always in the gym. But go ahead, Prince. I need this. All I said was wipe your chin. And the reason why I said wipe your chin was because, like ain't said, we want transparency. We want you to not be disingenuous when you're, when you're giving us information. The Eagles gave up a shit ton of points. They were missing tackles all over the place. And they almost lost that game. A part of the defense because of the defense. So you calling him, you calling the defense elite and calling him the heart. And so I felt like you would, you would, you was glazing. And, and I, and I called you out on it. Now, this is where you got the game fucked up. So you went and screenshot at my views on my last video. And you thought that that was a flex. My brother. I don't know if y'all saw that, but one of the tweets from, uh, Lord Brunson was, I missed the dick. And then it said, it didn't, um, it's one another tweet. It said Instagram me at a dead stripper's name. You bought your account off of a dead stripper. That's how you built your Twitter following it. And for you to think that that has nothing to do with some of the quote, unquote, success that you had going forward. It's mind boggling. You notice my, my Twitter handle is real Prince blue three. Because that means two got dropped. You know why two got dropped? Because I do the shit that nobody else wants to do. I can sit around and talk about the Eagles all day and tweet and troll Dallas Cowboys fans, but that's not putting peanut butter and jelly on my table. And you know why I'm successful and you know why I can say shit to you all day. Because I was retired at the age of 36 from two careers. You want to talk about the lighting in my house? It's the lighting in my sixth bedroom. It's the lighting to my office. That's filled with this is where I'm going to, you know, I have awful. I have issues sometimes talking about myself because at the end of the day, I feel like nobody cares. But this is the moment where you know what? You got to remind people who the fuck you are. Let's go. Six bedrooms. The one with the light back here that that shining bright. Full bathroom. Over 200 pairs of sneakers over jerseys. A fungal pop collection that'll make you puke a toy collection that'll make you puke a PS5. Oh, and on the walls on the walls. My military, my military retirement certificate. And my police retirement badge. Oh, and right in the middle of that. Two degrees, both criminal justice. Masters and a bachelor's. And in a nice spot that's waiting for my doctorate in May. And criminal justice. See, this is why I don't have to talk about the Eagles all the time. Because I can talk about numerous things. I'm in a neighborhood where you can't even touch this neighborhood unless you're making over 500k. That's not success. You know what's real success? The four people I'm responsible for that don't have to work another day in their life. If I drop dead right now to this podcast, they have a place to stay. They have income. And they have knowledge and they have the foresight and the opportunity to know that their father did not buy an account from a dead stripper. See, this is this is what happens when you go low. I go to hell. The moment you think that you can tell me that I won't have the same energy for you in your face. You're right. I will not. You know why? Because I have a lot to lose. And when I know and how I noticed that a lot of low IQ blacks always want to fight. They want to put you behind bars so they can then sleep with your wives and take care of your kids. That's not going to happen with me. I come to Philadelphia a lot. I go to a lot of games. I do a lot of things. And I'm never quiet about it. So I say all that to say this. I'm a being Philadelphia. If you want to see me, you could come see me, but I'm not coming to see you. I got a dissertation array. I got a household to run. I got a platform to build successfully. And guess what? I can go to onyx and find a stripper on Instagram. Like, hey, you know, I got two hundred. Let me tweet this on your page, but I'm not going to do it. So I say all that to say this, Lord Brunson. Be careful what you say to people and be careful how you project success because it's subjective. Your success is 30 views talking in your car to an NFL player. You can pay for speeches, for social justice. My success is taking care of my family. My success is making sure this world is a better place. Not just on Sundays or Thursdays or whenever the fuck the NFL plays. Twelve views. I don't give a fuck if I get three views. The fact that three people want to listen to me is a blessing. And that's not how I measure my success. And this is the last time I'm going to speak on you. Any of this ever again, I promise you. So you can speak it to the ether. Well, I can't promise that. I might talk about your little dick again. Well, I'm just talking about me. You better go, boy. You better go. Oh, and one more thing. When he's in Philly, when he's in Philly, Lord, Dickless, don't try it. Yes, please don't. Please don't. I'm not the one motherfucker. No, no, no. It's not even that. I got it. I got it. But it's just the fact, like, beyond me, why you would want to threaten a former. And you're a veteran too, Lord Bronson. So why would you want to threaten another veteran and a retired police officer? It's wild. But okay. Why you would want to threaten my brother when his sister is a lunatic is wild. That's wild as well. But we'll be back with the next segment. Please. Please. Hurry up. I got to go. Okay. Okay. Here we go. We got the best bags and accessories, I beloved Black Series. We got Fresh Lids for you hat lovers, fire jackets and hoodies, and of course we got you covered on the t-shirts. So head on over to AJ's Rant Room dot com and get to shop in. You won't be disappointed. All right, everybody, you know, let's go. All right, y'all, NSFW, if you don't know what that means, it means not sufficient for work. So put in your headphones, turn down your volume again, turn down your volume. I will not be responsible for you getting fired. Oh, Shannon. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Oh, it's not clarity sneaking in. Somebody calling them telling them, Hey, yo, yo, yo. Hey, I'm going to go first. I have to go first. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say that was Shannon Sharp's IG live who went viral yesterday for that video. He talked about it. First he said it, he was hacked. And then on his show later on, he said that he wasn't that, that he threw his phone on the bed. It made it went live by mistake. And then that's what you got. He inked. Go ahead. First of all, that was like 35 seconds. The best he got. He gave it her the best he got, baby. Hold on. Wait, wait. Yeah. Let me put that dick in. Why is he asking? It's 2024. You got asked. Listen. I don't know what's worse than browning or her panting like a stripper or, you know, like porn, you know, like, I don't know what that was. Shannon, sweetheart, I know you said you're never going to do live. You don't know what happened. You threw your phone on the bed. But you should learn from this video. You need to put in a little bit more work because if you came in the house and you threw the phone on the bed, and then the next thing we know, you put it in and it's 35 seconds. Was that even 35 seconds? How long was that? I don't know. Listen. I'm not a follower. And all I thought about with you growling was waiting to exhale when she said and he thought he was doing some weight. Is he growling? Worse than her. That's my Michelle. That's my Michelle. That was not a good little Shannon. I mean, I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. I'm not a fan of my life. 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I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. I'm a fan of my life. (upbeat music)