Real Time with Prince Blue

Texas Roadhouse Rolls

Gotta give a eulogy for another member of Eagles Twitter. RIP SlippinBenny 🙏🏿

Does the “No Diddy/Ayoo Pause” era need to end?

Is the NFL bad for our mental health?

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Gotta give a eulogy for another member of Eagles Twitter. RIP SlippinBenny 🙏🏿 Does the “No Diddy/Ayoo Pause” era need to end? Is the NFL bad for our mental health?

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Football is back, autumn is here, fall, whichever you want to call it. Leaves are changing. What else is changing? A lot of other things are changing. People's attitudes, people's demeanor, people's approach to people that they don't know or think they know all that other good stuff. Well, this episode is going to be very poignant to the point and it's just going to let people know that no matter what you agree disagree on, everything has to be met with respect. So, let's get into it. I'm going to start off with this first quote. Some of you may have known it. I may be dating myself here, but let's get into it. Man, you come straight out of a comic book. The great Jim Kelly said that. For those who don't know, Jim Kelly was a black martial artist that did a lot of films in the 70s and in the 80s. He was part of the black exploitation movement. And he was also went into the dragon. And he said that when he went to the headmaster's room and the headmaster wanted him to join his organization or wanted him to snitch on Roper and the rest of them. They thought that he was a spy. And when he was about to attack him, Jim Kelly said, "Man, you come straight out of a comic book," which means that all the things that you're trying to say that other people are doing, and you're trying to make it seem like that. You're the one that you're a part of the change, and you're going to do better. No, you're actually doing the things that you're condemning the other people for doing. So, I say all that to say this. The reason I led with that quote is because I am so tired, and I have to emphasize tired. A white people calling myself and other black conservatives and Republicans are just in general anybody that disagrees with them and have their own eyes and religions or morals, names. And then when we respond, they want to play the victim and they want to gaslight. Now, keep that in mind. That leads me to you slipping Benny on X. I know some of you may be like, "Who?" But when I'm done, you're either going to know who I'm talking about or you're going to want to forget that he exists. Either way, we're going to get into it because he is a part of the people that I just spoke about that get on my everlasting nerve that they want to insult you, they want to disrespect you, and then when you attempt to disrespect them back, they want to dictate the terms in which you disrespect them. So, I flipped real time around a little bit this week. We're going to start with, I said what I said, all for you Benny. I said what I said. So, last week, me and my trifecta fam, that consists of me, my sister, Aunt, and my brother, AJ's rent room, we had a phenomenal show. We had JR Majuski on. JR Majuski is a congressional candidate in Ohio. He was endorsed by Trump and other prominent Republicans, and we had him on, and we had a phenomenal show. Now, I get it. Everybody, we're not everybody's cup of tea, and that's fine. I don't have an issue with criticism and anything like that, but just know, when you criticize somebody or when you call somebody a name, you got to be ready to back that up. You got to be ready to come with some substance to that. Well, sleeping Benny, a.k.a. Roadhouse, this clip right here is for you. [MUSIC] Escort this gentleman to the door. Come on. Do you see that shit? Yeah. [MUSIC] Who is that guy? He's good. He's real good. [MUSIC] The name, Star Wars. [APPLAUSE] All right, for those of you that was the movie Roadhouse, one of my all time favorites. I enjoyed a lot, but that clip is especially poignant in this. Like the disrespect in that film was crazy. Like, what was his name? He was like, be nice. I want y'all to be nice. Well, what if somebody says this? Be nice. But what if somebody says this? Be nice until there's no time to be nice, till it's time not to be nice. And Benny, I have told you multiple times. I don't even know. Now I'm kind of upset with myself that I let you slide multiple times. But there has been multiple times where you have came at me and you've said something so disrespectful. And I've told you, I've said, I have never disrespected you. Do not disrespect me. You notice I've never said, hey, if you disagree with me, you're this, you're that. No, no, no. I said don't disrespect me because you're allowed to disagree with me. You're allowed to have different thoughts and opinions than me. That's fine. That's life. I'm an adult. People are going to disagree with me. But what I am not fine with is disrespect. So we tweeted out our video or whatever or our podcast. And you responded with a gift saying that I think it was the happy Gilmore gift about us being dumb and stuff like that. And then you proceed to say, when somebody responded to you was saying, yeah, you know, I used to follow that guy, but it got too much blah blah. You proceeded to say top five dumbest on this app. And this is where I'm going to, I'm going to peel back the curtain a little bit. My father's name is Grady Blue. One of the finest, not the finest human being, like you can ever encounter. And one thing he has always taught me, son, get your education because that is something that they can never take away from you. And I take that to heart. And if I get a little route up, it's because when you disrespect my intelligence and you disrespect my quote unquote smartness. That's the highest order disrespect because you're also disrespecting my father who made sure he instilled in me to have the intelligence to have the smarts to know the thing for myself to speak up for myself. And no one is to know when I'm being disrespected. Let me tell you something. There is nothing and there is nothing you can do on this God's green earth. That makes you better than me. That makes you smarter than me. You can have different views. You can have different ideologies. You can be super inclusive. You can be whatever the fuck you want to be. But what you will not ever be is smarter than me. You know why? Because smarts is subjective. Intelligence is subjective. Just because you go to school doesn't make you smart. Now I know you may be saying, but that's a contradiction. That's a contradiction. No, no, no, no. It's not to me because what I continue to do is evolve and learn more things to make myself smarter, to make myself more intelligent, at least more informed. So when I go to school and I get a bachelor's and most people can just quit on that. No, I went and got a message. Why? Because I want the knowledge. I want to keep it coming. I want to keep it coming. Because I love to know things. I love to learn new things. I love to learn new perspectives. And then after getting my masters early and less time than most people, I decided to go back to get my doctorate. You know why? Because I want to surround myself with other intelligent and smart people with different points of views where I can learn why things work the way that they work. What smart people do, smart people don't surround themselves with people that they agree with 100% of the time. That's not smart. So when you call me dumb and you call my family dumb and when I mean family, I mean AJ ain't. When you call them dumb, you got us entirely fucked up. You can disagree with me, but you will not question my intelligence and you will not question my education. And you will not play in my face because the reason why you are so obsessed with what I say is because you think that because the color of my skin that I should think a certain type of way. You know what's funny? If you show me a tweet or you show me when you have argued with somebody else that doesn't like me, that doesn't agree with you, you got me. And for the record, let me say this, I invited Benny onto my show. I invited him to come on here and explain why he think I'm top 5 dumbest on X. I asked him multiple times to come on my show. What did he do? He downplayed the show. He said nobody's going to do that. Bad faith arguments, blah, blah, this, blah, blah, that. Then he started deflecting and becoming a victim because that's what they do. They throw rocks and they hide their hand. They disrespect you. They didn't want to dictate the terms in which they get disrespected back. You got the game entirely fucked up, Benny. But I get it. You're upset. And I know why you're upset, Benny. It's because you're miserable and you're projecting. You're projecting. You're lonely. Your life is a tailgate. Your life is the Philadelphia Eagles. You got lawyer in your bio, congratulations. What does that do for me? What does that mean that a lawyer is out here calling people dumb and disrespecting people at the highest order? Do you disrespect your clients? Do you disrespect the judge if the judge doesn't agree with you? Do you disrespect other attorneys if they don't agree with you if they don't have your ideologies or your thinking? And the thing, this all started because of a Harrison Booker tweet where I responded. And you got in your feelings because other people were attacking. You see how that feels? You see how that feels when people attack you with slurs and name calling and disrespect because you disagree? You ended up deactivated. I don't know if you deactivated your Twitter or whatever for a little bit. And then you came back. And I don't even follow you. You don't follow me, but you found it out your heart. You found it out your heart. You were so obsessed that you had to tweet that gift to me about my show. About our show. But I find it funny when you was disrespected, you deactivated. When people were coming at you, you see how that feels? And you know what's funny? After all of this, after everything that you said to me, I did not call you dumb. That's why my shit is called real time. That's why my name is real Prince Blue because I am real. I didn't call you dumb because if I'm being honest, you're not dumb. But to call me dumb? No. That's not how that shit works. Especially when I invite you on here to explain yourself. If you can explain to me why I'm dumb, we can have this conversation. We could have had this conversation before it even got to this point. Do you want to disrespect my show about? I wanted to give you the 81st view and blah, blah, blah. Listen, listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. I do this because it is fun. I love talking to people. I love reaching out. I love building communication through humor, laughter. Sometimes I can offend people. That's okay. I understand you're not going to be everybody's cup of tea. I enjoy this. So to the 113 people that's in here, I appreciate you. You're more than a number. You're taking out your time to listen to me. I know a lot of you maybe be here just for the drama, and that's fine. But you're still taking your time. You know how hard it is to get people to take time out of their busy lives to listen to you. With everything that's going on, the economy, crime, war, drugs, mental health issues, everything that's going on. I don't take this for granted. I love doing this. So when you disrespect me, you disrespect my viewers, damn right I'm going to come at you. And I even tagged you in the video letting you know that this podcast was coming up. And what did you say? Be careful. This is your warning. Whatever you put out on the Internet is forever. Just know that if you continue to do what you're going to do, we're going to handle it elsewhere. What the fuck does that even mean? Handle it elsewhere. What you're going to sue me? You're going to take me to court? I would love that subpoena. Who's the plainest? X, U? Like what are we doing here? You disrespected me first. Like what world do we live in when we can disrespect people and think that it's okay? I've noticed that a lot about this. You know what's funny? I have a lot of people that I follow and a lot of people that follow me. And we don't agree on politics. I don't talk about them. I don't say things to them because it's okay to not agree it, not to agree on everything. It's okay to have. Now some people may feel like, "Hey, because you support Trump or because you support Kamala, I can't follow you and do this." And that's okay too. Y'all got you and others like you, Benny, you need to learn how to navigate through life. I would love to think that the clip I showed a couple of shows ago with Mike Tyson when he said, "I'm voting for Trump, so what? What are people going to do to me?" The same way if somebody said, "I'm voting for Kamala, so what? What are you going to do to me?" The question is, what are you going to do to them? When you're at tailgates and all that shit and you're high-fiving people at the stadium, do you stop at high-five because they may not align with you politically? No, you get that person at high-five. The eagle's just scored. What are we doing here? Getting back to you, Benny, I feel like you're just projected. And you know what's funny? You know how I can know that people were looking forward to this? This is the most people I've ever had viewing me at one time. I'm not even going to tell you the DMs I received where they said, "Go get them prints." And I got a news flash for you, they're not all Republican that reached out to me. Because you know what people are sick and tired of? People are sick and tired of people trying to beat a morale police, trying to hammer people, trying to tell people how to think, how to act, how they should feel. And then you got in your feelings because you recall races. You see how that works? When you call people names and people call you names and then you get upset? So I want to read this definition real quick. I want to read this definition real quick. What is a racist characterized by showing prejudice, discrimination or antagonism against a person or people based on membership in a particular racial ethnic group, typically that is a minority or marginalized? As a noun, a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group. Typically that is a minority or marginalized. So, Benny, what was your real problem with my trifecta show? And I asked you to come on and explain. See, when you don't explain yourself and you leave people time to think about it, come up with their own reasons of why something happened, this is what the fuck you get. You play childish games, you win prizes. What was your problem with me, ain't AJ talking to J.R. Majuski? Was it just straight political? Be honest with yourself. Be honest. Was it just that you didn't agree politically? You couldn't fucking fathom in that mind of yours that it was three black people up there thinking for themselves. You know what's funny? As long as I've been on this app, you know what my biggest tweet was besides the Gucci Mane tweet that went viral because I forgot the white female police officer who was crying on, because I think it was the time where she shot the black gentleman in his apartment. She ended up going to the wrong apartment or something and shooting him and he ended up dying. She was on it fine. Or that was one of my most viral tweets. Or when I go at any police officer, any type of injustice or racism that I see or bigotry that I see, that I see. I'm not a cop. I'm not a cop. I'm not a part of a cop. There are things that I did I vehemently disagree with Donald Trump on and other Republicans. Nobody went harder at Marjorie Taylor Greene with her Marjorie Taylor Harris. Say you say her name. Nobody went harder at her about how she conducted herself with Jasmine Crockett. See, this is the thing. I'm able to think for myself. Just because you have an R next to your name or your quote unquote conservative doesn't mean we align. There are some conservatives that don't believe in God. I don't align with that. So I asked the question again. What was your problem with that show? Why were we dumb? Because the problem is, and you're not going to admit it because you're too chicken shit to admit it. You believe that it's just a certain thing that black people should not do. And it's okay. I'd rather you be honest with that. Because you know what I find rather funny? When it was an account that was calling me an Uncle Tom and calling me a sellout and all that stuff. Nobody came to defend me. Oh, I'm sorry. No, I lied. It was one brother that defended me. And he had Black Lives Matter in his bio. And he said, he was like, listen, I don't agree with something she talked about. But what you're not going to do is disrespect this brother and call him an Uncle Tom. Where was everybody else? Not that I'm asking nobody to defend me. But you know why you didn't know why you didn't defend me? It's because I didn't align. I did not align with you. And the fact that I didn't align with you gave you enough to say, hey, I'm not defending him. Hey, go get him. Hey, go get him. No, right is right. It's wrong. I'm going to give fuck who you vote for. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Now, Benny, if you're watching what you probably are, the ball is in your court. All I ask, all I ask, that is you do not disrespect what I work hard for. That's like me invalidating you being a lawyer. Me invalidating you working hard to get to where you got. I'm telling me dumb in a vacuum. Does it mean, does it mean a lot? Yes. Why? It's because I know how hard I work. I know how hard I work to set to example for my children, for my family. I know the hard I have when I, when I reach out to people and people reach out to me and they need help with things. I help them with that. Don't ask for nothing in return. Follow up with them. That's why I'm getting my, that's why I'm getting my doctorate in criminal justice. Because people seem to respect labels. People love labels, good or bad. And I graduated May, by the way. So when you call me dumb, know that words mean something. Words are loaded. I may be a lot of things. Dumb is not one of them. And it will never be one of them. When you call me dumb, you call my wife dumb. Because she won't marry a dummy. You call my kids dumb. Because they, they don't have a dumb father. The same shit you talk about right now, you say that this is on the internet forever. You calling me dumb is on the internet forever. My kids can see that. A potential employer can see that. So who's dumb? Who's dumb? Now again, I don't follow you. You don't follow me. I'm dumb with it. I'm staring at you. I'm dumb with it. I won't speak to you again. You don't speak to me again. When I'm at the link, don't speak to me. When I'm at the Wells Fargo Arena, the Wells Fargo Center, don't speak to me. When I'm on X, don't speak to me. I'm dumb with it. You won't see another tweet from me towards you. And I know I can't control who you follow and who tweets at me and stuff like that. I'm talking directly to you. I'm dumb with it. Put that on the internet forever and smoke it. We'll be back after this next message. We got the best bags and accessories. Our Beloved Black Series. We got Fresh Lids for you hat lovers. Fire jackets and hoodies. And of course we got you covered on the T-shirts. And introducing our first shoe line, Aloysius Germain. AJ's Rant today and get the shopping. You won't be disappointed. All right. That's right. AJ's Rant Room. Make sure y'all check out AJ's Rant Room. Get all your gear and stuff like that. We got a lot that's going on. I had another video that I could have played. But you know, when you're going through stuff and you're talking and you're saying stuff, you know, I just felt like I didn't need to play it. That was the end of that. So now y'all know what time it is. Let's lighten it up a little bit. It's time for A.O. Pauls. Pauls knows he can have it. Pauls, you see what I do when I got the right Pauls. Let me just put this in real quick. This is the end by the way. I just want to say, blink if you're okay. If you're speaking to the media, you got to understand that words mean a lot. This is a big thing because now I want to know is, is the A.O. Pauls in the Diddy era, the no Diddy era, does it need to end? And I'm going to say no, because we continue to have stuff like this. We got you comfortable and relaxed with it. They just busted it in our mouth. And we just had to eat that up and take it on our channel and bounce back. I want y'all to hear that again. Listen to this. We got you comfortable and relaxed with it. They just busted it in our mouth. And we just had to eat that up and take it on our channel and bounce back. My brother, did you lose a bet? Like, in what world do those words go together? They just busted it in our mouth. But we had to eat it up and take it on the chin. We had to take it on the chin and eat it up. Did you lose a bet? He had to lose a bet. There's no way that you would come in front of a microphone and say they busted it in our mouth and we took it on the chin. We had to eat it up. Those words don't even go together. What are we doing? Why would you get in front of the microphone and say that? That's why I know he had to lose a bet. He had to lose somebody's parlay or something. He was in a fantasy football league. He just basketball-y, whatever it is, or he didn't score enough points. And he was like, "Hey, you got to go out there and say the most A.O. Pauls, no Diddy shit ever." Had to. Had to. They busted our mouth. We took it on the chin and had to eat it up. Are you reading one of those novels that's in the bookstore that's in the '99 Scent Rack? Where they got like Fabio on the front cover. Been in a woman over like that dancing. It was like sleazy romantic novels. No, that was like hub type shit. On the microphone it's wild. That's diabolical. Diabolical. You a grown ass man. Puttin' 'em out some money, bustin' in your mouth and takin' on the chin. You got to stop it up. What are we doin'? The A.O. Pauls, no Diddy era, is never gonna leave. Because of stuff like that. Ha ha. Okay, on the next A.O. Pauls, I had two this week. I had two this week, y'all. One is, did y'all know that lesbians burn calories differently than regular people? Did you know that? Take a listen. If you're a lesbian and you're struggling with knowing what exact calories you should be eating to lose weight, I want you to watch till the end of this video. See, everyone has an individual calorie baseline for weight loss. Depending on muscle mass, activity levels, metabolic rate, to name a few. But I want to make it easier for you to find out what it is exactly that you need. I put together a short video explaining exactly how to go away and do that. Just drop me a comment with calories and I'll fire over to you. Did y'all hear that? If you're a lesbian struggling with calorie intake. Listen, we're taking this inclusive thing to a whole 'nother level. Like, is the calories burned, I feel like I should ask Siri right now. Are calories burned differently in a lesbian than regular people? Siri will be like, "What?" And I want you to listen to some of the comments. Do lesbians have different metabolism than other people? Is there a lesbian only diet? How many calories are there eating men? Was unaware lesbian's metabolism was different? Lesbian diet is epic. Practically a vegan diet because there's no meat involved. Listen, I get it. Make your money, get your niche. It's your niche, but I'm just trying to figure out like, is the requisite being a lesbian? What if your plan is really, really good? I'm not a lesbian. Will you turn down my money? Because I want to lose weight? Just like me saying, I'm a black personal trainer and I only want black clients because black clients burn calories differently. Where's the data? I can't support that. But that's where we are right now. That's where we are in 2024. Labels. I get it. You got BT, MTV, you got home, you got the L-word, you got queers folk, you got my 600 pound life, you got 48 hours for the black people. That seems to be only all black, yo. But you see what I'm saying? Sometimes we have to drop labels and just, and then she followed up with saying diet plans are based on an individual, individual what? Lesbians? No, a diet plan is different according to individuals, period. And then this is my thing, if I have a woman, right? Well, I do have a woman. If I'm a lesbian, why am I sending my wife or my significant other to you? Like, what are we doing here? I don't know, y'all. I just, and why? But congratulations, ladies. You are, well, lady. You are in the A.O. Paul's Hall of Fame. And my brother that took it on the chin and got to top it up, you're in the A.O. Paul's Hall of Fame. And we'll be right back after this next message. At AJ' We got the best bags and accessories, our beloved black series. We got fresh lids for you hat lovers, fire jackets and hoodies, and of course we got you covered on the T-shirts. And introducing our first shoe line, Aloysius Germain. So get on over to AJ' today and get to shopping. You won't be disappointed. Alright, it's time for sports, y'all. Let's talk about sports. It's week three in the NFL. We'll start tonight. We got the Jets versus the Patriots. And, you know, the NFL has this, sports in general has this weird thing. So I just want to tell everybody to relax. Because everybody is ready to drink, bleach, and jump off buildings depending on who your team is. Listen, I'm an Eagles fan. And yes, I have been a reaction about it. But it's been different recently these past years. So I wonder, is it that have I matured? Or have it become indifferent about sports? I don't know. But overall, sports fans are losing the grip of reality. And even after arena deaths, fights, arrests, there still seems to be no change in sight. Look at this video of, again, I'm calling everybody out. An Eagles fan, my fellow Eagles fan, after we lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in last year's NFC title game. You've done Nick. You've done Nick. You're done. You're fucking done Nick. You're not even going to get your ass over here. You're not even going to get your ass over here. You're not even going to get your ass over here. Hey, you better move fast. Hey, you know what's funny? That was a brother that said, "Hey, you better move fast." That was a brother. So, well, as you saw, that Eagles fan threw popcorn on Nick Siriani after a loss. What world we live in where you're that emotionally unhinged that you throw popcorn on another human being because they lost a football game? But then you're the same fan that want to get mad when people say typical Philly fans. You can't have it both ways. You can't do that shit and then try to fight for your life when people are attacking you as a fan base. Listen, I get it. I hate it. I hate when people bring up snowballs. I hate when other arenas have had actual deaths and they don't talk about it as much as us calling into WIP or 97-5. I get it. I get it. But you can't do shit like that. Listen, I have my issues with Nick Siriani as a coach, but again, we're going to go back to that word disrespect as a man. You threw popcorn on that man. And then try to throw your hands up. That's what I'm talking about. You see the theme of the show? Throw rocks on this instant. Throw popcorn. Hide your hands. So now you're barred from any arena. You're infamous and you're known for being a jackass. Congratulations. All of it because you couldn't handle the fact that the football team lost. Something that you have no control in. No control over. But what you do have control over is your fucking emotions and you lost it. You're a dumbass. Now, there's a reason why I played that Eagles clip first. It ain't just Eagles fans. It ain't just Eagles fans. Hey Cowboys fans. You want to talk about it? I want to talk about your sister. I want to talk about your sister. I want to talk about your sister. I'm so petty. I'm going to play that shit again. I want to talk about your sister. I want to talk about your sister. I want to talk about your sister. I want to talk about your sister. I want to talk about your sister. I want to talk about your sister. Okay, let's talk about first of all, what's all wrong with that video that we just saw? What's wrong with that video we just saw? First of all, you got on a deck Prescott jersey. That's number one. Number two, you're punching. I guess that was your TV that the dresser was bigger than the TV. So now nobody else can watch TV because you couldn't handle your emotions. You literally punched your TV, broke your TV in front of family friends and probably kids. So what are you teaching them? You know what's the funny thing about it? That video can be from anywhere between 1999 to 2024. Because they always lose it like that. I don't even know the date of that game, but it seems like y'all punching your TVs every week. But for real though, you're punching your TV's broke, kids can't watch TV, they can't play video games. Now what? What you gonna do now? What you gonna do now? Cowboy fans. Fans in general. Y'all got a chill to fuck out. And then on top of that, we got questions of. We got Diana Rossini. Having an issue with. Um, if her, um, if her husband is. How can I put this? If he's an Eagles fan. First or family man first. And I, and I, and I can't even, I can't even answer that because nobody knows. Nobody, nobody knows like nobody knows what exactly she was trying to accomplish. When she, um, when she said what she said on a recent podcast interview. I'm trying to pull up the video. There's something wrong with the audio. Okay. Here it is. Here it is right here. Diana Rossini on a recent podcast where she was talking about how, how her husband is at the Eagles games. Take a listen. And my husband said two words to me. He's an Eagles fan. And I'm like, this can't be a thing. Like, I don't want to be the household that is shaped by the result of a football game. Like a grow up, um, be your, you're a father. Um, I don't want our children having a culture where they were mommy and daddy's tone in this house is based on the result of the Philadelphia Eagles who cares. So stupid. No, it's not stupid. And I just want to say Diana Rossini is an awesome reporter. She's a reporter for the athletic. She's an insider. She does great stuff. Um, check, make sure you check her stuff out. She's very well plugged in, but she's clearly not plugged into her own husband because when you marry into a eat, when you marry an Eagles man or woman, cause it's 2024, gotta be inclusive. You know what you're going to get after a loss and the weird thing about it is I get so sick and tired of women's telling men to grow up when they doing stuff. They enjoy video games, grow up. What kind of grown man plays video games, a kind of grown man collects, struggle, a kind of grown man do this, a kind of grown man do that. So what kind of a grown man has eight, has 400 bottles of bottle, body oil in their house, baby lotion, baby oil. What kind of a grown man has 400 deal dose removed from their home? What kind of a grown man hits on women? What kind of a grown man, traffic's women? You see what I'm getting at? There's a lot of things in this world that tell men to grow up about. Being upset that your team loss is not one of them. You are off the mark on this Diana and other women that are like this. Why can't that man have his little emotion to himself? Why can't he be in peace for a little bit? It's like we're women instantly want you to just go into a shell and not show any emotion. That's crazy to me. That's crazy pills. That just doesn't make any sense, Diana, and then you're putting your man on blast. You're putting your man on blast because you're saying that he needs to grow up and you don't want the kids to think that the kids ain't going to think nothing, they're not going to think anything. They're going to think daddy is a superhero, daddy is a good man. I love my daddy. Let me tell you something about fatherless. Let me tell you how kids work with their fathers. You are the most, you are the strongest, you are the fastest, you are the smartest, you are the quickest, like kids look at their parents as like just this, just as the kids say with aura over a thousand. Even when they fuck up, kids still look at parents like, wow, you know, my mom, my dad does this, my dad, my mom does that. They don't care about that. That's the thing about sports, it's emotional, it gets you going, but the thing is you have to know how to control your emotions. And let me tell you something, you don't want your, you don't want your husbands and everybody, bottling up their emotions, you want them to be able to, you want them to be able to, you know, to express themselves. And I think, I think that's what we're missing right now. That's what we're missing. And Diana, you was off the mark, listen, love everything that you do for the, the athletic and all that stuff, you being plugged in, but uh-uh, lead that man alone. My wife would tell you, it hasn't been recently, because the past two years now, I've just been kind of like, when the Eagles lose, especially in the fashion, like they lost on Monday night, I chuckle, turned the TV off and went downstairs. She was like, she was like, what was the score? I was like, don't matter, they lost. That was the end of it, like, you know, but, you know, had to put the kids to bed, had to do all that other stuff, blah, blah, because guess what, kids don't care either. My son was like, Dad, he was like, I know the Eagles lost, but um, you still got to come tuck me in. You still got to make sure I go to sleep. I'm telling you, like, that's the thing about, and that's why I believe that you have to be equally yoked. Not only just in religion, but in sports, like you can't, like, I don't know if Diana, I think she came up covering the red skins, but I don't think she's a red skin fan. I mean, well, commanders, I'm sorry, don't come after me y'all. So I don't know, but you got to be equally yoked. You have to be equally yoked, and I don't know what else to say about that. So Diana, you was wrong on that. Women, stop telling your men to grow up because they like playing video games, they like collect issues, they like collect the toy, they like to collect the fuck up pops. Now, if they're leaving you in the middle of the night to meet with somebody on Craigslist, to pick up a limited edition Funko pop or some shit like that, okay, now grow up. Grow up. If they're leaving the family and staying in line for 42 hours for a limited edition, whatever. Okay. We got responsibilities, chill out, but if they're upset that they prepare for their team all week and they get disappointed, let them have that. You know, when y'all come home and y'all talk about shit that goes on at work or shit that's bothering you, or let me tell you what's so, so said, do we say grow up? Even though we've told you multiple, multiple times will stop talking to that person. If every time you talk to that person, they bring you energy down, stop talking to them, grow up. Do we say that? No. Because we let y'all have y'all space. Women have this weird thing when it comes to men. It's admirable. If y'all, because your nurture is by nature, so if you can't fix it and you can't understand it, you, your energy changes, which, listen, I love the fact that my wife gets upset if she can't figure out how to break through, how to stop me from being in a funk. I understand that because when you love somebody, you don't ever want to see them in pain. You don't ever want to see them mad, disappointed, angry upset because you, you want them happy. So I get that part, but because you can't fix it immediately, you telling people to grow up, you telling your significant other to grow up, that, that's just, that's just, that's just antagonistic. And because then when we batch energies, you get upset. So don't do that. We'll be back after this last message. We got the best bags and accessories, our beloved black series. We got fresh lids where you had lovers, fire jackets and hoodies, and of course, we got you covered on the t-shirts and introducing our first shoe line, Aloysius germane. So get on over to AJ's today and get to shopping. You won't be disappointed. All right, and I will, I will be remiss if I didn't play this commercial. We got a new commercial, yeah, we have a new commercial for trifecta gear, trifecta is me, my brother, my sister, AJ, we're on on Fridays at 8 p.m. live on here, I'm on, across all platforms and then we got the audio pockets, all that stuff. So we have a new commercial for our trifecta merch, you know, I just got to play it because my brother, AJ, he's very talented at what he does. Check out this commercial, this new trifecta gear commercial. I'm really wondering what's going on. Well, I'm here to tell you, it's me, Inked. And I need you guys to head on over to AJ's and pick up your trifecta merch. Yes, that's right, trifecta merch is here. It is here for our trifecta family to show their love and support and advertise for free. Well, not technically for free. You did pay for it. But anyways, that's neither here nor there, head on over to AJ's and pick up your trifecta merch. We're all inclusive. It prints can wear it. So can you have a good one? Did you see, did you see that last model? Man, they don't make them models like that no more than last guy. I got to get his number because he can, he can do future ads, but yeah, and as AJ says in the comment, I said it wrong. My sister Inked and my brother, AJ, I mixed it up, but it's 2020. Let me stop. Let me stop. Let me stop. Let me stop. So that is the show. What can I say? Thank you everybody who came and listened. I know it started off serious and all that stuff. And I promise you real time with Prince Blue, if you're new to real time with Prince Blue, it is not like that. I reserve those type of episodes and those type of real, I guess you say real discussion stuff for when they're deserved. Most of the time, it's sports, it's entertainment, it's culture, it's fun. It's the A.O. Paul's segment and it's the, it's the, I said what I said, stuff like that and we have a good time. So please don't let that begin it part. All the episodes are uploaded. You could go back and look at past episodes and see, you know, that's what you're going to get that. That is what we have, but you know, sometimes I got to get real because you know, disrespect will not be tolerated. It will never be tolerated. And sometimes you just got to address people and you just got to move on. I did have one last video that I wanted to play. I'm going to play this video and then I'm going to be done with it. So let me do my role call. Thank you to all the 189 people that showed up on real Prince Blue 3. Make sure you like, subscribe, all that good stuff, all the platforms are right here at the bottom, TikTok, YouTube, X, Instagram, I'm on there, it's everything. I'm going to play this, this last video and then we're going to be out. Thank you so much everybody, please remember, it's not, it's not real if I'm not real. So here we go. I see y'all later, take it easy and make sure you tip your waitress. Peace.