FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Captain Doug Earnest talked about his book - Jeff Poor - Mobile Mornings - Wednesday 9-25-24

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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(upbeat rock music) - News, sports, weather from Dr. Bill Williams, traffic info from Kane, and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's Mobile Mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. (upbeat rock music) - Good morning from Dan and Dalton, FM Talk 106.5, seven minutes after eight o'clock, and good to have you long, Mobile Mornings. - Yeah, and plenty to talk with you about this hour, 2513-4-3-0-1-0-6. Also, if you have any questions for our guests, who we'll be talking with in just a second, same number there, 2513-4-3-0-1-0-6. Glad to bring on our guest this hour. He is a retired Army War veteran, Captain Douglas J. Ernest, and Captain Ernest, thank you so much for coming on with Dan and I in Mobile Mornings this morning. - Oh, my pleasure, thanks for having me this morning. - Yeah, I gotta tell you, Captain Ernest, and now in the car business, there's not a better last name to have. If you were defending American freedom, and now you're trying to sell us cars, and if you're an Ernest guy, we're all in, man. (laughing) - Well, well, thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it, thank the Lord. The Lord just blessed me with that name. And I think that's just what happened, and I was blessed to have it. Just real quick, quick synopsis of my book. My book is a tale of my story. The kid, 17 years old, that joined the Army, looking for some college money. And six months later, I found myself on the battlefield in Saudi Arabia. The known to me, I was gonna be turning into a man, a soldier, a patriot that later ended up sending 18, 19 years of his life in the military, and couldn't have had a better life, or a better experience. My book is a quick synopsis of everything, and it's a tale of how you can make changes in your life. I'm quick and smoking, quick drinking, getting better, being a better father, being a better mother, a soldier, anything you wanna do in life, and some of the tactics and techniques that I learned in the military. - That's awesome. - That's great, yeah, it sounds like you attack life with a great enthusiasm, and we have a lot of veterans that listen to our show and station, and veterans that broadcast from our station. So it seems like you would make a perfect part of this team here. You're a Texas guy, right? - I'm actually originally from the manufacturing conglomerate of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. - Oh wow. - And I left Milwaukee, and I ended up spending my time stationed in Texas, several stations in Texas, and I ended up staying here when I graduated from college compliments of the U.S. Army, and I never went back because of the opportunities in Dallas, Fort Worth. - Well, as a military analyst as well, you've had no shortage of stories to keep your eye on, especially over these last few years, and we wanted to have you on to talk about some of these issues, and we'll start with the Ukrainian president, Vladimir Zelensky, and his trip over here to the U.S. to speak before the UN, they said he was going to lay out kind of his plan for how to win or end the war with Russia, and a big kind of controversy before he even spoke with the UN yesterday was flying in on the C-17 to Scranton PA, and many Republicans, conservatives saying basically amounted to a campaign trip for Zelensky, flying in on taxpayer dollars, and then with the governor of Pennsylvania there, Shapiro, and of course, it's a battleground state, Scranton, where Joe Biden, of course, came up. What are your thoughts on Zelensky coming in the way he did and where he ended up in PA? Did that amount to basically kind of a campaign trip for the Harris campaign? - Absolutely, I mean, you don't have to have any special 3D glasses to understand the optics of that move. taxpayer funds were used, as you mentioned, when he was supposed to come to the country to, you know, work at the General Assembly and give out his plan of what he was supposed to do to end the war, or so, excuse me, win the war, and he used taxpayer funds to fly out there and, you know, visit with governor Shapiro and visit this bomb factory, but instead of that, he, before he did that, he made a visit and said that he, you know, did an interview and talked about, you know, pretty much bass president Trump became the American soil after he collected six, only $60 billion of taxpayer funds this year, and then he came to our country and gets on our soil and bashes the previous president of our country and hopefully the next president led. And it just is a veteran. It just saddens me. I don't even get angry anymore. I'm just kind of things like this happen in my country. You know, you come to my country, you take away my money, my taxpayer dollars, my brothers and sisters need that money much more than the Ukraine need that money, and they take that money from us. No sense of appreciation. I argue if you don't ask for more. And then they go and they come to our country and you bash us and you, you know, you go to one side of our political party. These international leaders, you know, not only by code, but by, you know, just moral justice would be a person of imbalance. You would want to be someone that is just symmetrical with the United States, not hit one side against the other. And it was very, you know, saddening for me to see that because it's just so unfair to the one side that come into our country and do so. And I hope one day that the American people will see through this and not allow this to happen anymore not to dish out money with no consequences or no accountability to the country of Ukraine. - Wasn't it politically short-sighted in a way? I mean, Trump could be president in a few months. I thought that was, that was, anyway, tell me where I'm wrong there. - Well, he's doing his best to make sure that doesn't happen. I mean, he's flying around the country dressed in military fatigues. He didn't notice he doesn't even wear his, his most politicians do dress in a certain time. He runs around in military fatigues. I argue he's not on the battlefield fighting. Most people that are veterans and are in our, in your group this morning and your listeners understand he's not on the battlefield fighting. He's not gonna have a weapon, but he has this perception that he just came from the war zone and he's out fighting. He's on the opposite side of the country. He's not even in the middle of the battle. He's here, he comes with these optical illusions that he's here to fight. Talking about, you know, President Trump and, you know, why he wouldn't be such a good president for his country and why he thinks that aid would stop when to the contrary, President Trump said he didn't say aid was gonna stop. He said, we're gonna give you some accountability. We're gonna make you not be one of the most corrupt nations in the world. And another thing that really, really bothered me again and was that, you know, the optics of what we saw, I don't know if you saw some of the video and the footage of the news, but, you know, Governor Joshua Shapiro, the Pennsylvania governor, actually walked up to a bomb in a bomb factory and signed it. And I thought, what an arrogant, arrogant move. You know, as a leader, as a military veteran, who has been in the war, been on the battlefield, filmed you atrocities, what happens in war. You wanna do everything you can to stop the casualties and the suffering of mankind. And instead, he act like he was a champion going to the football game that was gonna throw his bomb in the end zone. And I would say to your listeners, it's all your veteran listeners out there, these aren't football. These are ammunition bombs, 155 millimeter shells that go 20 miles in the air and flip major damage on not only collateral, but on people and the recipient of the bombs are mostly gonna be civilians. So I was just shocked to see that kind of footage. I, you know, you couldn't have a more arrogant, in your space, antithesis of what you think about ending the war, you know, bringing the war to a positive end. And I was, you know, sometimes I get mad when I see things that oh, watch out for the truth. That one, I just kind of was sad and I just thought, you know, it's not over. This is gonna linger on for a long time. And my mind kept thinking of the money and about the billions of dollars that goes to Pennsylvania from the work, and we all know that Pennsylvania gets a major chunk of that 60 billion. Just channeled back to Pennsylvania because they get to produce the major war machine that the country of Ukraine needs is that ammunition for these shells that there's armor on the battlefield. - So that's sad. And I want to know what the American people can do to fight back and say this is not acceptable for our government to behave in this fashion. - We're talking with retired captain Douglas J. Ernest, army war vet. And, you know, we could talk about, you know, how it seems like the war party has switched sides, right? You had the left that was so anti-war, 25 years ago, and even further back than that. Now it seems like many conservatives or maybe more particularly in the MAGA movement, maybe not anti-war, but accountability. - Yeah, and so isn't it kind of disingenuous when you hear someone and they did it with Trump in the debate, say, are you saying you don't want Ukraine to win the war? Well, I don't know what winning the war would look like or even if it's possible for Ukraine to quote unquote, win the war. And then when Trump says, I want to end the war, I want to end this bloodshed and they say, oh, you're saying you don't want Ukraine to win the war. I mean, Captain Ernest, is it possible for either side really to quote unquote, win the war, especially Ukraine? - The way to win the war is to bring it to an end. The people that suffer are the humans that are on that battlefield. You know, if you just look at the Wall Street Journal reported the front page the other day, one million casualties in the war between Russia and Ukraine. A million people have been killed or tragically injured where they can't walk, they can't use their hands, or they're in a hospital, they're on life support, they're missing, they're amputated. So right now you got 100,000 dead on the Ukraine side, 200,000 dead on the Russia side, 700,000 civilians hurt, named dead. And it's so bad and the Wall Street Journal had said they can even give you numbers. They're talking about 15,000 to 70,000 people missing. What an awful, awful number. And I would think that our country would, you know, we fight so hard to not insult someone on the left. Why in the world are we fighting to save human life? I don't understand it. And like you said, they are now the political party of war and debondry, they want to fight. We used to be, you would think, the Republicans are the fighter. After Trump was president for years, we became more of a nation of peace because we didn't have any conflicts. We had a couple of minor conflicts and bam, it was answered with shock and awe. And it was put to an end or our strength was shown and we had powered by force and we showed the country but we're not going to take any cramps, if you will. And we held it by force and we had peace in our world. Right now our world looks as a veteran looking out around the horizon of the world. It looks like the world is about to explode. You have the Israel fighting on both fronts and you have Ukraine war with a million dead and you have an American politician walking through a bomb factory, signing bombs that are going to be dropped on that battlefield to kill people and people, the media promotes it like it's something good. So yeah, it's very unfair. The way that the media manipulates the wording, manipulates the story when someone gets on TV, President Trump and says, yeah, we're going to end the war. We're not going to, we're going to win. We're going to, in fact, the definition of winning the war, ending the war so human suffering ends and we stop wasting not only resources and money but stop the human suffering that is winning the war. That's the objective is to win, to bring it to an end. There is a way to bring it to an end and make peaceful arrangements on both sides. And I believe that man can do it. He did it for four years when he was in office. He's on TV posting, he's going to do it again. He's done 99.9% of the things that he said he was going to do and the media just scrutinizes it, turns it around and promotes this, you know, this fear to have warned that academia just blown away that the American people put up with it. Now I know people are fighting back. People do get on their way to argue back and the way that your listeners can fight back and say this is enough. It's enough of suffering of mankind as the heads of the pole to make your decision and what your voice be heard after pole. - Captain Ernest, you view, I guess, all of this through the lens of somebody who was 17, 18 years old or so in the battle, on the battlefield. How has that, how has all that experience and obviously you've come through it pretty much a-okay, it seems and your enthusiasm is infectious but the fact that you witnessed war were part of war as such a young person? - I would believe that my belief in the Lord and that my faith has brought me through the leadership that I've been so blessed with to be trained by who brought me that enthusiasm. It wasn't something that was envy. It was brought out of me from the people that trained me to be a soldier. And the number one thing I learned from my leaders and the people that I talk to now, and I have friends that are a general in the military now, and their number one thought, their number one focal point is to end war. Always have war as a last resort and if you want to have a strong nation, you have a strong nation with a strong military, but you don't use it and if you have to use it, you use it quick and swift with shock and awe and get the job done in a quick fashion, not for a long war because the people that suffer are the people that are not the soldiers of the war, it's the people that are behind the scenes, the kids, the women, the civilians, the old, the elderly, those are the people that suffer in these wars. It's the suffering of mankind. And after seeing it firsthand and being there to witness it, I want it to end. I don't want people to die across the world. I want people to live a good, desperate, abundant life and be happy and enjoy life. That's beautiful, beautiful life that we've been given by the Lord or whatever you believe. I'm not here to change your belief on whatever that is, but I'm here to tell you that there is something better and war destroyed that. We have to always attempt to end the war at any cost and that will bring so much more benefit to our world and end the suffering. And what you see in this one story is the promotion of war and more suffering across the world, but you mentioned to close us out, the left has turned into this war-mongering party where we just want to incessantly fight war and we can't bring people to peace. We can't go to a table after giving people hundreds of billions of dollars and giving them ammunition and giving them more time supplies and bring it to an end when we have the power to do so and that has to change or our world is going to explode as we know it. - Captain Douglas J. Earnest, this has been great. We are running out of time. I would love to have you on again to talk about a battlefield you know well and that's what's going on in the Middle East right now, but as you close us out, remind folks about your book and how they can get ahold of it. - I appreciate your listening. If you could just take a look at my website, my website at, that's, the spirit of a true patriot is my book. The book is four bucks from Kendall, 15 bucks for the paperback and all the proceeds, all the revenues go to veterans groups. I broke that book with a story of my past, my history and what I can do to help make changes in your life and a little story of what inspired me to be what I call a patriot. And I want people to be able to buy this book, have an inspiration from it. Help me promote the book so that I can give back something to my brothers and sisters, some of those that our government squanders resources and they don't have enough money to take care of the people that have served this country. And it's up to us, our fellow brothers and sisters that have the ability to do so to give something back and this is my chance to do so. Please visit my website at Please buy the book and do anything you can with any of the organizations that I support to help our brothers and sisters that are in need. - I may also like to sell you a Corvette by the way, but you'll find out more about that if you go to the website. He had Captain Ernest, thanks for your time this morning. A lot of fun talking with you. Appreciate you very much. - My pleasure, thank you very much and keep the messaging so we can do something to affect change of this world as we know it. Thank you so much guys. - Yes sir, all right, there you go. Your thoughts on our interview there with Captain Ernest, 2513430106. We'll turn up your voice on the other side of the break. More mobile mornings after this. (upbeat music) What Dr. Bill had to say about Helene earlier this morning we'll have that for you after the break. Eddie, 30th, the news and all that. - Stealth. - Thank you for listening to "Movial Morning" so an FM talk of 106.5. - Now we a lot to get to the rest of the show including red lights, street racing, Wandelen Givan, and Mayor of Birmingham, Woodfin getting after it on social media. They're like teenagers here. But you know when you were explaining all that to me, it was like some sort of a teenage fight. That's just, and this is after a mass shooting. Like with the shooter still on the loose. - With the shooter still on the loose shooter, shooters. Will all adults please come to the room now and they're acting like they're acting. Also we will talk with Jeff Poor at the backside of this hour to get an idea. Well his thoughts on matters like that and also his guest list for today. - Yeah quite a few good texts with our last guest, Captain Ernest, we'll get to those. But Larry and Atmore says does the Hatch Act come into play with that Zelensky game yesterday? You know, at this point Hatch Act, Smack Act, right? I don't know if anyone, you know, you watch Cren John Pierre as she speaks from the podium. And I don't know if the Hatch Act has ever been enforced or ever will be enforced. It's impossible when you're running a campaign to keep that out of the, I mean maybe I say impossible, maybe it's not, but find him in on a C-17. If he goes to DC, that's one thing, right? - That goes right to the UN. - But to go to Scranton PA and you have Shapiro signing and you have, of course that is the battleground state this year, the hypocrisy where, remember, they impeached Trump because he, the Democrats were saying he called Zelensky to not use taxpayer funds, withhold taxpayer funded weaponry in order to investigate the Biden. They said that was directly meant to influence his reelection campaign. But when you fly the leader of the war in on a C-17, using American taxpayer funds, and he goes to basically campaigns for you to talk to trash about the other side. - I see it backfire. - I see it backfire. - It very well might. News now, and if I'm talking. Hey, thanks, Kane, 834, FM Talk 1065 and Mobile Mornings. Right now, it's time to talk with Louis Arrata from McConnell Automotive. Hey, Louis. - How you good morning, guys? How are you? - Hey, we're doing fine and, oh, fine over there at McConnell Automotive, you have some great new vehicles and more keep rolling in on the lot, but also a bunch of pre-owned that people could check out as well. - That's right, and we have 'em here. I promise you, we got 'em all out front and you check everything out online at You know, it's gonna be a gorgeous day here. I hate all that stuff going on east of us, but we'll be praying for them. But we got plenty of cars here and new cars, used cars. I mean, we got 'em, we got some folks up in Atlanta right now checking out the 25 Ucons. We're gonna have some pictures of those and they're gonna be fine to driving around in a, yesterday they were driving around in a Denali EV Sierra pickup truck and they said that was fine. So got a lot of new stuff coming in. So come on by and check us out, check us out online, - And also remind people that, of course, they can come by and buy a vehicle or trade in, but you're also buying vehicles from customers. What do they need to do to get that done? - I got this call 251476-4141, ask for Eddie Hicks. I like a lot of people know Eddie Hicks, give him the bend, the mouth and a little description of the car and he'll give you a price right over the telephone. - All right, we appreciate it, Louie. - Hey, thank y'all. - That's Louie Arata. You'll find him at mcconlautomotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65 in that website, - Dan and Dalton, FM Talk, one over six, five, mobile mornings and... - You know, we're getting a lot of questions about the two moons, and I haven't dug into this story enough, like the moon is gonna get a moon for a few weeks or something around those, several people have asked us to ask Dr. Bill about it. We would, but there's a massive storm that's heading east. So most of our time taking up with Dr. Bill with Helene and it's, but that is interesting. Yeah, I have to dig into that a little further once Dr. Bill has a free moment or two, we'll ask him what that'll look like. - Yeah, maybe in a couple of days, you're right. So they're calling it the mini moon, too. And so I was looking at it like, okay, when I read this, I had the story the other day, never got to it on the air. There are stacks of stories we never get to that I print up and get ready to put on the radio and then they never make the cut. But what I wasn't aware, the mini moon was not like the moon's going to appear smaller. - It's going to have another moon. - It's going to be, there'd be another moon out there. Which is pretty darn cool. So when I got out this morning, the moon looked pretty small and I was thinking to myself, is that the moon? - Mini moon is. - Is that the moon appearing smaller or is that the mini moon? So I was like, if I have time, I'll look around the sky to try to see if there's another moon out there. - It's an asteroid 33 feet long about the size of a school bus. That is a mini moon, very many. Doesn't pose a threat to Earth, that's good. And it says it'll enter Earth's orbit Sunday and stay there till November 25th, just over 56 days. So it's here with us through the rest of this presidential campaign. - So something the size of a school bus? We can see, I don't know if we, I mean, maybe if you break out the old telescope, I was under the impression this would be a bigger mini moon. - Yeah, that's awfully small, 33 feet long. - Yeah, you'd think there's just rock kind of floating around anyway, that size. - Yeah, all right, so anyway, we'll do more research to see if the mini moon will actually be in our site where we say, there it is, look, the mini moon. - I don't know if a school bus sized rock orbiting the moon will affect the tides, probably no more than an actual school bus driving into one of our bodies of water. That would be more likely to affect the tides than the rock up there. Is it all painted up like a school bus? (laughs) It's 838 with Dan and Dalton FM talk, 106.5. Of course, all eyes on Helene, that tropical storm. And Dr. Bill kind of tells us this morning exactly where we are right now with it. - The storm that we've been watching now for a number of days, Helene, a tropical storm. It's getting very close to hurricane intensity. Right now, it's very close to the northeastern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula. And the highest winds at 65 miles per hour, moving northwest at about nine miles per hour at this time. It's expected today to move into the Gulf of Mexico where it'll turn more to the north and into the northeast. And tomorrow will be a big day for the storm. It'll be tracking across the eastern portion of the Gulf of Mexico. And conditions there are favorable for it to rapidly intensify. And by late tomorrow, it could be winds of up to 120 miles per hour, maybe even more. The likely target right now is the Florida Panhandle, the eastern portion. And the center of that storm will most likely move into the Florida coast around Appalachian Bay, which is the bay just to the south of Tallahassee. And that will bring it right close to Tallahassee, which is just a short distance inland. And that city will most likely get into the eastern eye wall of the hurricane late tomorrow and tomorrow night. And that Appalachian Bay area is what we call concave and the shape of it will allow water to really pile up. So they're going to have quite a storm surge in that location. The storm will then move quickly into southwest Georgia very early Friday morning and then move right up through the state of Georgia. It'll be a hurricane when it's over southwest Georgia and then become a tropical storm up over Atlanta Friday afternoon and it'll continue to move to the northwest. And by Saturday morning, it'll be over western Kentucky. And there it's going to stall for a while. And so those folks are going to get a lot of rain and very gusty winds all the way up into Tennessee, Kentucky and even along the Ohio River. So this storm is going to have quite a track and they cover a lot of ground over the next couple of days. So storm surge, check, flooding, check, tornadoes. Also part of this. Cat three, possibly cat four by landfall. Wow. Like Kirby Smart talking yesterday about transporting his team and all the equipment from Athens, which is to the east of Atlanta, all the way through Atlanta and through Birmingham and over to Tuscaloosa. That's something they've got to consider now for that weekend game against Alabama. I don't think the weather is going to play a factor in that game. It looks like it's going to be a little too far north, I think, to affect it with any rain. But the Georgia team and personnel and equipment need to-- this is bad timing. Yeah. We'll try to make that a trek. Yeah, I'd say it's bad time for them, probably worst timing for the people that are on the coast there for that it's going to move through. Just a side story. But yeah, I think we-- I saw a lot more traffic this morning. And maybe just more people had to work today or something. Or maybe there's more people already starting to trek over West and get out of the path of that storm, I imagine. Maybe PCB, but Pensacola, Mobile, I think, will probably pick up a lot of evacuees. And I imagine if they aren't already over the next 12 to 24 hours, we'll start seeing more power companies. And first responders staging and getting ready to move that way. And then so many of you are listeners. After a storm hits, we all know how to help out. And there's folks that make trips over there to clean up or to hand out certain things that people might need if they're without power or if their home has been damaged by these storms. So we kind of all know how this works. But this is-- it seems like we've been tracking this storm forever, like way before it was even formed. Way before you went to Nashville. The middle of last week, I guess, or early last week, there were people on the internet talking about this storm forming. And now here it is. And I think once it was determined by the experts where this storm was going to go, at that point, you have a lot of people preparing for it. And even like a lot of the boat slips in Baldwin County. And maybe as far west here as Darwin Island, it's now starting to fill up with boats that would have been in the path of the storm. So we'll keep our on that. Dr. Bill Phyllis, and he may be back on with Sean at midday today, but he'll definitely be back on with us tomorrow morning. Your team does know a thing or two about running red lights, the Georgia Bulldogs. And that was the focus of the city council. I don't like that look you're giving me. The city council-- That's fair enough. They've run them at 88 miles an hour. So that was another part of the discussion. It's been a couple of weeks now where we've been talking about red lights at the city council. And now they're talking about potentially raising the fines in the city of Mobile for folks who get caught running red lights. And remember, we had the red light blitz last week, over 200 citations for traffic light violations. I personally saw three, right there at Cottage Hill and Azalea over the course of a couple of days. The fine right now-- so if you get pulled over, and you get fined for running a red light in Mobile, it's $157. That's the charge. 20 of that is the city's fine, fine. And the rest are court costs. And they're saying, well, what if we raise the fines? Well, how far up are we talking? The city council is looking at some other cities. Just here in Alabama, Birmingham finds red light runners $190, which is $33, about $33 more than we do, in Huntsville, it's $179, so about $22 more than the fine here in Mobile. Houston is the city with the most red light traffic fatalities in the US, according to John Sharp and his story here with I don't know if they have the highest fines, but they have the most fatalities. Their fine is $269, so $112 more than ours. Remember last week, Councilman Dave's was talking about installing red light cameras. And there was a lot of pushback on that, including from local legislators who would have to take that idea to Montgomery and get something passed. They basically said they don't have a political appetite for that, so Dave's acknowledged that yesterday. And the city council kind of looking at ways to make this happen at a lower rate. I don't know if moving the fine does anything. And maybe I'm just somebody who's just cynical, but I've seen so many people run red lights. And I don't know, maybe over the last 10 years I've seen four cops pull over people, people for running red lights, and three were during the red light blitz last week, so one. And that happened over on government where you have the, we're actually close to our service road down here, closer to 65. And you have the three lanes that turned to two, one of them's a turning lane. People like to stop at that light and then get ahead of everyone else who's been waiting patiently in line to be the two lane on government. That's the only other place I've seen that. So will raising the fines actually do anything or will enforcing it more be a better deterrent? The problem is police, they don't have all the time in the world to just sit around at red lights all day and enforce people running red lights. They have important things like crime and other issues that they're trying to. So no, I think I'm not trying to throw fault on anyone, but I don't know if raising the fine will do anything. And it's easy to say they need to just pull more people over for running red lights, but I'm not sure that is necessarily an easy thing to do either. So the whole exhibition, the other day, the other two days when they had the red light blitz. So that seemed to be, obviously, that was to hammer home a point, like don't. We can't enforce it in this way all the time, but we are going to enforce it pretty strictly on these two days. And it's very important that you realize don't run red lights. So that, you know, let's just put it in your mind and make you more aware of the dangers of running a red light, right? Now, yesterday I was on the causeway coming back from dinner and where the causeway has a turn lane onto government and through the bank head tunnel, right? Well, traffic was backed up in every direction there, including the traffic that was coming westbound on the Cochrane causeway. Anyway, the light was, the turn signal was in my favor, but people were in the lane, so they were in the road. And by the time I did turn, when things got in my favor where I had room to turn, I didn't realize it, but my turn light turned red. So I turned red on when I shouldn't have, but only realized when you began, it was green. When I began when I began my move, it was green. So then when I get into the bank head, I mean, the bank head then, right? Bank head tunnel, I've got a cop on my tail and I'm thinking, he saw that. He got me. And he is screaming, like almost like he needs me to get out of his, where am I going to go? I'm in the bank head tunnel. So I just make the decision when I get out on government, I will pull far to the, as far to the right as I can, and I guess have a conversation with this cop about what happened. I'd give him my side of the story. Well, he wasn't concerned with me. There was something going on in the city of Mobile, that's where he was heading, and he screamed on by me. But if you've ever been in the bank head tunnel, it feels like just you and him, and he's behind you, and he's got lights, lights are flashing, and the siren is blaring, and it's like, it's about me. Yeah, but it doesn't turn out it wasn't. That puts me on pins and needles when you're at a light, and there's a lot of traffic, and you don't know whether, oh, should I stick back, stay out of the intersection? Should I let it go? I might not make it over there, but then I'm going to be waiting here for a long time. Yeah, I don't like that feeling at all. You know, sometimes you just make the wrong decision. I got a little selfish. Other drivers realize what's going on, I think for the most part. And in time, maybe the cop was going to know what I was up against and maybe say, okay, have a good day, but turns out, he was screaming behind me, but it had no intention of, I was not the issue. A couple of texts on this, Daniel says, they should fix the lights. This textor says, who keeps up with those who have not paid their fine? Imagine it goes into collections, right? Maybe at some point. That's a good text, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, we'll check in with Jeff Poor, the Jeff Poor Show on the way right after this. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - What if you've been in Dawson FM talk one over 65, Mobile Morning's at 854 on the way to Jeff Poor Show? - That's correct. - And Jeff with a great guest list, as always. Let's come about that here in a second. Good morning, Jeff. - Hey, guys. What are you guys, thanks for having me on. - Yeah, how you doing, man? - Doing well, how are y'all? - We're good. So I wanna get into the drama in Birmingham here in a moment, but what guest do you have coming up on today's show? - Professor Gary Poller will kick it off at the nine o'clock hour, also the program, our Wednesday regular Joey Clark, and Grace and Everett from Yell Haber dude. So I don't know if y'all saw it a piece a couple of weeks ago or no, a couple of days ago, I should say, I got gagey, like who's the next A.G. at Alabama called Steve Marshall is term limited. - Yeah, it's kind of funny watching, and I like playing the game too, who's gonna run for governor, who's gonna run for A.G. It's just, it's kind of strange talking about that with so many elections coming up, just a couple months away, but it looks like those races, both of them have kind of expanded outside of the two, or two or three people we thought might be in the lead for those positions. - Yeah, I will say this about those races. I know we got presidential race here in a little more than a month, but like you start fundraising now, and you start asking your top donors, "Hey, I'm thinking about running for this. Will you back me?" Because if you're a serious candidate, probably the beginning, the first of 2025 is when you actually, you know, start really kind of doing the tours and going around the state. So this Birmingham shooting, of course, absolutely tragic, $100,000 reward still out for information on the shooter or shooters. They think it was a hit possibly, and it's tragedy, right? But you have the mayor of Birmingham, who immediately went Glock chips on us, and you have Wandling and Gvan, a state rep, I thought had almost a second amendment kind of conservative stance on this particular instance, and it's devolved into a bit of a meme war. What's going on up there? - Yeah, it is odd that, you know, you have this, they have like a police shortage into hundreds in Birmingham. I think 400 is what Wandling and Gvan told us. You can't run a city that way. So it was like, what are you gonna do? Would you bring in state troopers or do you have enough state troopers to do that? But I guess this is like the response to the mayor doesn't seem to be very serious. Number one, he's like blaming locks, which is in permitless carry, okay? Like that probably isn't the real deal here. It's, you have a gang problem. And the second part of that is as such, like he has time to make these memes. I don't find that to be like a very, like you need to be above the fray, especially in this crisis. - I mean, if I was a resident of that city, I'd be outraged at the mayor's acting that way. Now, are you on speaking terms with Wandling and Gvan? I know that she usually, or in the past, it's communicated with you simply through sign language. So what's going on there? Can we get her on the show? - I'll give you a number if you would like to try to get her on. - Give her a call, will it? - Are you out of the running for Wandling and Gvan because of past differences? - I don't know if we'd have a productive conversation. I know she'd probably do the show, but there is a history. Dale Jackson has her odd regular old-- - Does he really? - Yeah, he does. - Wow. - I might listen to his show one of these days. - She was on his show today, actually. - Wow, that's be worth the podcast and checking it out. It seems like we need to take the X or the Twitter out of some mayor's hands. Was it Stephen Reed who was doing emojis after shooting in Montgomery? - Yeah, just stuff like that is it elects the core about, I don't know, maybe I have high expectations. - You have expectations above what we're receiving. That's not necessarily high expectations. Thank you, Jeff, and have a great show. - Hey, thanks for having me on. - All right, the Jeff Porshow on the way next. That does it for mobile mornings. We'll be back tomorrow morning, 6 a.m. The latest-- - I don't know, I don't know. - I don't know, maybe just all the more. - The latest on Helene, which will probably be a hurricane by the time we talk tomorrow morning. Dr. Bill will have that with us all week. Rest the way through. (upbeat music)