FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 9-24-24 Caroleene Dobson, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Jack Green

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired U.S. Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information, sharing his thoughts on today's politics, and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome. Welcome, everybody. The radio land, I'm so glad to be back here in the station, and this is the George Williams Show. Our number here is 251-3430106, folks, and we've got a lot to talk about. We're going to have several guests tonight, and I think one of them is on the phone right now. Let's see if this is one of our special guests. Hello. Welcome to the show. Hi. Yes. Hi. Good evening, Mr. Williams. This is Caroline Dobson. How are you doing? How are you doing? Folks, this is Caroline. Caroline Dobson, she's a candidate for Congressional District 2, and she's going to win that race, and we're going to make sure that she wins. We're happy that you gave us a call tonight. How are you doing? I'm doing great. Thanks. We're doing wonderful on the road, actually, down here in Mobile this evening, going to be down here for the next few days. Always great to be in the southernmost part of the district, and certainly Mobile is the key to the economic future of not just this district but the state, so always the privilege to get to be down here, and some of the best folks that there are on this earth, I think, live here in Mobile County. Right, I was glad to see you on Saturday at the Bonne County Republican meeting, and that was nice. Yes, sir. And we're going to see you tomorrow. That's right. That's right. No, I am so, so honored to be endorsed by the minority GOP, and I'm grateful for the efforts that you and so many others have taken to really expand the party, and to let folks know that the Republican Party is the party of opportunity, and today's Democrat Party, that's the party of the elite, the party of big corporate America who wants to control what we do and over-regulate us and open our borders, make us less safe, but the Republican Party is the party of the American dream, and that's why I'm running to ensure that everyone in this district has opportunity, has safe neighborhoods, and is in control of how their children are educated. Right, I'll let our audience know now, tomorrow, around four o'clock, we're going to be in Pritchett, near the Pritchett Library, and the minority GOP is going to officially endorse Ms. Dobson for that congressional two-district seat, and we feel very glad about that. Well, again, I am so privileged to have your endorsement of some incredible people that I truly admire, and I think it's so important that every single person in this district get registered to vote and be informed, and look at the issues, and look at the candidates, and then go out and vote on November 5th. That is one of the most sacred rights guaranteed to us under the Constitution as American citizens, and so I hope your viewers and again, everyone out there takes the time to register, be educated, and go vote. That's true, and on October the 11th at the Alabama minority GOP annual banquet, Chef Joe Appiah from Maricopa County in Phoenix, Arizona area, he's coming to be our guest speaker, and he will endorse you also. Yes, again, I'm so honored and truly humbled to have that endorsement. I'm really looking forward to that evening of fellowship, again, with so many Republican fighters in the state people that I have grown to not only look up to, but call very close friends, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow and looking forward to October 11th as well. That is great, that is great, and to me, you deserve it because you've done a fantastic job, your experience and everything, and Alabama, and you don't work at the White House like your opponent, and you haven't been involved with the Obama administration and the Biden Harris administration, so that's what we need, someone who is, and you're not a politician, so that's good, I really like that. Well, thank you, for better or for worse, I am not a politician, you're right, I'm just a working mom from this district, and I'm raising my kids in this district, and the only way we are going to move forward is if all of our kids have more opportunity, and all of our kids are guaranteed a safe childhood, and that's what I am fighting most to ensure. Right, right, and that's good, and I know you're working like heck out there, and whatever we can do to support you, how can our audience get in touch with you and assist you in this mission because it is on a mission? Yes, no, every vote will count in this race, and we need an army, so if you're willing to do or not, to phone bank, to get a yard sign, to pull watch, we would love to have you. Our website is, that's D-O-B is in Bravo, S-O-N-F-O-R,, and we also have a mobile headquarters in the Pine Brook Shopping Center, right beside the Mobile County GOP headquarters. Okay, all right, and what about outside of the mobile area, do you have any more locations like people who live way out in Clark County? We don't have, the Montgomery County GOP has a headquarters, they graciously allowed us to use some space there, but then a lot of this district is rural, like where I'm from in Beatrice and Monroe County, but no matter where you are in the district, if you'll check out our website, we'll get you a yard sign. Okay, so the website, and then they can obtain those items there from the website, right? That's right,, and you can also indicate if you're interested in volunteering in some capacity again, or if you want a yard sign, and no matter where you are, we'll make sure that you get one. Trying to leave no corner of this district unvisited, so I or someone on my team will get you one. Right, and also local county offices, they should also have your sign, so they could pick 'em up at those county offices too. That's right, most of the counties, the Republican GOP county groups in this district have headquarters, some do, some don't, but even those that don't have headquarters, there's some representative with the county GOP that will have sign, I can get those to you as well. Right, right, all right, we got a couple more minutes, talk to our audience. Well, no, I have, again, just spending a lot of time getting to know so many folks in this district, and it's truly a privilege. I was in Washington, D.C. for a couple of days. Last week, where Speaker Johnson, very kindly, was a special guest at a reception for me. We had a lot of support in D.C., not only from the Alabama delegation, who's been incredibly kind and supportive, great advocates, but also from Republican congressional members from throughout the country, and they all recognize the importance of this race and the fact that it's not just who represents South Alabama, that's so incredibly important, equally important is that this race could determine control of the House of Representatives. So this is an opportunity for each of us in district two to have an impact that will, that will matter for years to come on the, not just the future of this district, but the future of this country, and so that's why I'm asking each and every one of you to please get out and vote, talk to your friends, neighbors, folks you go to church with, and certainly please keep me in your prayers. It's a lot of time on the road, but we are working so hard, I'm so grateful for all my supporters, on my team, so many folks that have stepped up and gone above and beyond, and I'm just very, very grateful for this opportunity, and working hard to accomplish a victory in November, but regardless praying for God's will and guidance in this process. Right, and I must say I'm very enthused about the minorities that I meet and who are embracing your campaign, okay? So to me, that's very important. Well, again, we have got to create opportunities for our young people. We have a brain drain problem in this district. So many young people are leaving and never coming back. I was in Rutton today, talking to a city council member whose children had just moved to Waco to pursue opportunities. We've got resources here. We also have needs here, we have jobs to fill here, and we've got to do a better job of providing opportunities for our young people here in this district. We've got to do a better job of connecting the dots. All right, very good. Okay, we're going to our break, and we appreciate you calling in, and we're going to support you in every way we can, and we'll see you tomorrow and preach it. That sounds wonderful. I look forward to seeing you. Thank you for having me. All right. Thank you. All right, we're going to a break, folks. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your text and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. All right, welcome back to the George Williams Show, folks, and we're so glad to be back with you. We are on a mission, folks. I can tell you that a thousand percent we're on a mission. Our number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. There's so much happening in the world today, folks. It's totally, totally unbelievable. You heard me tell Ms. Opsen that the chef of Phoenix, the retired chef, will be in Mobile on the 11th of October at the Marriott, and he is, he will be there at the invitation of the Alabama minority GOP, Chef Joe Appiah. So we're looking forward to that event, folks. I think it's going to be great, and we're so glad to have the chef come to Mobile. I think he's trying to get in touch with us, so we'll wait and we'll talk and see. But he said he would be calling into the show tonight from Arizona, from Phoenix, and we're looking forward to talking with him. But until that time, folks, we're just going to continue with the show. Well, what has happened in Alabama? What happened in Birmingham, folks, that mass shooting, I mean, unbelievable what's happened in Birmingham, and Birmingham got worse after a Democratic mayor took over. Before that, he didn't hear too much about Birmingham, that's why it's a crime, but every year of the last, what, four or five years, each year, additional year, a homicide rate is much worse, okay? It's much, much, much worse, and something has to be done, and that was my phone going off, and I think that was a chef calling me on my cell phone, so I think we will be calling in hand. There's some problem with our communications from here to the Phoenix, or from Phoenix to here, so we'll get him on in a few minutes. But Birmingham, folks, look at what happens to these Democratic cities once they are taken over by the Democrats. City of Republican cities, folks, law and order is in the man, okay? Law and order is in the man, but with these liberal cities, they have all of these illegals coming into those cities, sanctuary cities, and crime rate is just going up, going up, up, up, and that's pitiful, that's pitiful, and if you see what happened to Harris and what they are doing, and the Biden administration, which allowing all these illegals to come across a border, an Mexican border, it's terrible. It is really, really terrible, and I feel sorry for my children, my grandchildren, okay? How would the United States be, what would it look like if Harris and the Democrats get into power, get back into power, folks, look at the last four years on the Biden administration, look at that, that is totally unbelievable, and then you look at the eight years that we had on their Obama, okay, on the Obama administration, it is totally, totally unbelievable what these Democrats are doing and how they are hurting America for the future, for the future, and we've got to, we've got to get them out of office, all right, I think our special guest is on, Jeff, Joe, how are you doing, sir? Yeah, you got me in a supermarket, we sell all the money, thanks to Obama, not Obama, yeah, it is the Obama, right, right, yeah, how are you doing, Sheriff? George, I'm keeping busy, yeah, that's good, that's good, 15 hours a day, wow, I was born the same day as Trump, my hero, oh, good, good, 14, is that right, not the same year, not the same year, and I'm not going to tell you my age, I'm going to give the truth and consequences, I'm just going to get my date of birth and your audience can go to their machines and figure it out, so I was born, June 14, June 14, 32, wow, and if you don't believe it, I'll show you my birth certificate, yeah, but they can't, they won't believe it when they see you, Sheriff, okay, they won't believe your age when they see you, and I know, I've seen you, and I know you, and it's unbelievable how young you look, and you act, you know, just tell everybody to go, it's not my Facebook, Twitter, and all that, and then they'll see me before, and they're going to see me now, so I look younger now, when I was here for 24 years, you do, Sheriff, let me ask you a question, a lot of people don't know that you're retired DEA, special agent, how long were you with DEA? George, 27 years, you know me from Chicago, and then you got to congratulate me because I became the regional director of Mexico, South Carolina, I can go back in history, everybody knows me as the sheriff for 24 years, but they don't know I had another life, but also I was a cop in Washington, DC, walked to Black people for four years, right, when I was 21 years old, and at then my philosophy was, the law is black and white, so as years went by, I found out there's a gray area too, right, I know, when I first came on DEA in the 70s, you know, first person I heard about was you, and it was unbelievable, the legend that you are with DEA, just like the legend that you are with the Maricopa County Sheriff's office. Yeah, well, everybody forgets my other life, I don't forget it, right, they think it was exciting as sheriff what I went through, look at my record as a DEA guy, right, I know that's what I'm talking about, it's a legend of, it's a legend, and I know that, and I want our audience to know that before you even went to Phoenix. George, I always thought I knew you from Chicago, those are a couple of other guys I knew from Chicago. Yeah, because my first duty station, Carl Jackson, yeah, I spoke to him about two weeks ago, he told me to tell you hi, he must be getting old, he's doing a lot of ball window, folks while Jackson was a, so first of all, first of all, yeah, and you, to you, right away, I got to get this out, to you and the people of Alabama, my condolences go out at that scumbag that killed all those people. I know, in Birmingham, yeah, yeah, I tell you what, in these liberal cities now, sheriff, it's just, you know, sanctuary cities, et cetera, et cetera, and the crime is up so high. I got a theory behind that, George, just, first of all, I don't want anybody to say you're a hero, you're great, you know, my answer is that, life experience and common sense, that's how I survived, period, one more thing, one more thing, okay, I got the Italian blood in me, never give up, right, right, now, sheriff, you and President Trump are very tight and you got the treatment before he did what these Democrats, when they accuse you of certain things, and they convicted you and the President of Trump pardoned you. Well, you know, I was with Trump the first time he came to Phoenix, nobody would take the state, I'm the only one, I went up there, I never knew him, I think I slept in his hotel one time in my career, especially when I was a cop in Vegas, but I said three things, there's a silent majority, 10,000 people attending stood up and clapped, now this is the first one he did happen to be in Phoenix, and then I said, we're born on the same day, and then I said, you're going to be the next President, my kept feeling told me that, it's all public knowledge, all on tape, everything I tell you, in your audience, I can prove, I never say anything, but I can't prove, right, right, right, that is outstanding, sheriff, you had your deputies to investigate the birth certificate situation, oh, you're going to bring that up? Yes, yes, your producer is going to cut you off, now, now, they want you, you are going to bring that up when the whole world has been after me, politicians, you name it, never Fox, you know what Fox TV is, I used to be on Fox for 24 years, the producer screwed up Judge Janine and interviewed me, this is after, I got beat 2016, and she was talking about Hawaii, we got to find that guy, maybe it's some button, if you push a button, muscles are going to bob haul a little, she says, we got to find and investigate that, you know, my answer was, what's that, what do you mean investigate that, why don't you investigate the birth certificate, right, she almost walked off the stage, and I've been black ball for four years, you never see me on Fox, right, wow, wow, I'm surprised you mentioned that, oh yeah, you're probably going to get fired by that, don't worry about that, I'm not here, not here Chef, and look, we're going to go into a break, so hold on till after the break, and then we'll continue, okay, alright, just hold on till after the break, Chef, we'll be right back, folks, with Chef Joe Appiah. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-06, and now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams, alright folks, welcome back to George Williams Show, our number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6, and we are talking with Chef Joe Appiah, who is coming to Mobile on the 11th of October, he'll be speaking at the Marriott Hotel, so Chef, we're so glad and excited that you're coming, well it's my honor and privilege, you know, it's not easy getting there, you got to switch planes and all that jazz, but for you, I'll do anything, oh I appreciate it, I'll take a horse or I'll take a Cadillac or anything, I appreciate that, I've spoken to several chefs, so they all want to be here to meet you, and the citizens around here wants to meet you, and you know, it's so exciting that you're coming to Alabama. Well, my pleasure and to be honest with you, my only objective politically now in life is to get George, I mean, Trump re-elected, but if I can help you guys down on other people who are running, I'll be happy to do it, as long as they're a Republican, as long as they're Trump people, they're criteria, that's it. Alright, now Chef, I want to ask you one more question, okay, and you don't probably remember, but I spent six years in Brazil with DEA, and then I came back and I was stationed. Oh, you did? Yeah, I was stationed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and they had a wire in Phoenix, so they needed somebody who spoke Portuguese to listen to the wire, and I did, and that's when I met you, and that was back in the 80s, and that's when you had the 10 cities, and you had the candy stripe underwear. That was in the 90s. In 90s, yeah, I'm sorry, that was in the 90s, so tell me, and I know you told me, but I want you to tell our audience why you switched to those candy stripes underwear. Well, can I respond to what you just said first? Yes, yes please. Because when you went to Brazil, now I had an office in Buenos Aires, and I was regional director. Okay, right. I wanted to open up Brazil. I went to Washington to get two agents over there. Right. Here's what happened. Okay. They're so stupid. They sent them to Spanish school. They don't speak Spanish in Brazil. Right. Portuguese. They speak Portuguese. Right. So I lost the two agents because they took the wrong ones, and then they didn't open it up. Oh, man. Did you know? That's how stupid they were in Washington. Wow. Wow. That's a true story. I would have had an office in Brazil, and you followed anyway. I guess they open an office when you go to the room. Yeah, and we had five guys there. Now, would you ask me about that underwear that you have for? Yeah. The pink underwear? Yeah, right. Why? Yeah. You want the official reason, and then my reason? We want both cases. The statute of limitations is gone, and I've been part of it in any way. The official reason. Because they were stealing the white underwear every time an inmate would discharge you'd have a four pairs of underwear to sell down the streets. Right. So I said, "Hey, I'm going to die of all pink because nobody wears pink." Right. Now, that's the official reason. Okay. Unofficial. They hate pink. Why would you give them a color they like? That is funny. You know, even Trump mentioned a pink underwear when he brought me up on a stage. He used to be a big favor of mention in the underwear. That was funny. When I got to Phoenix, and I met you, and I was at your office, and you gave me a couple of samples of those. That was... I'd never forget that, Jeff. Hey, George. Yes, sir. Upcoming show. Do you want me to talk like the typical everybody does, or do you want me to deviate? You have an audience that likes comedy, too? Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Do you want me to tell you the bottom line where you've got to close up, blah, blah, blah? Do you want me to deviate a little? We want the bottom lines, yeah. So we are a Republican state, and we can take it. So with me, you get three shots. Uh-huh. You get a comedian, you get a singer, or you do it to my way, and also you get a sure. So you get three shots. Good. Very good. Very good. We want it your way. Do me a favor. Yes, sir. I don't usually get speeches. Right. Unless it's demonstrations. Right. I always like demonstrators, so I go around and talk to them. Right. Anyway, you can line up some demonstrators. I'm not talking about, for me, anti-Arpile. Can you get some demonstrators, okay? Well, I'll tell you. In court of them or something. I'll tell you what, Jeff, we are, you know, we're advertising you're coming here, so you never know who's coming. Okay. You never know who's going to be there. Yeah, advertised to every ethnic group. That's right. And we're definitely doing that. And, in fact, there's going to be a statement, a press release tomorrow about you coming. It's going to have it every week, so everybody's going to know. Remember, the controversial America's tough, is sure. I know. Right. Right. So we're looking forward to it, Jeff. Oh, you're a good guy, George. Thanks for everything you did. When you were there in the 70s, the first three years, I was regional director. In Mexico. All right. That's when I covered Brazil. You're all hometown. Right. That was my 70 to 74 on the Nixon. We closed the border to operation in itself. Right. Yeah. So you weren't just in Chicago, you were, you know, everywhere. Everywhere. Yeah. That's right. That's right. That's right. All right, Jeff, we really appreciate you coming on, and we are looking forward to you to be here next month. Okay. One more thing. Yes, sir. I got a book out. I want to make sure I bring a couple of those books for you. Yeah. But, Jeff, bring boxes of books because, because we know people want to buy those books, Jeff, and you can autograph them. You could send them before you come. We'll do that offline. Okay. Yeah, but I could, yeah, but I couldn't bring them. It's no good, it's no good without an autograph. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I'll bring a few, those that, those that can't get it then, then I'll go home and I'll get their names put too long or something. All right. Yeah. So we're looking forward. I'm traveling light because there's a lot of walking to do and I never checked my bag. Okay. And, chef, what's the name of that book and how do they order it, our audience? Name it a book? Yeah. Sure. If you are a pile. Okay. American legend. Right. And, by the way, I have three books on my, as sure, if this is the best, this is the best, believe me. All right. Great. Great. So audience can order those, right? Are they on Amazon? No. We'll take the order. We'll mail it to them. Okay. All right. What's the, what's the address? To, to, to mail it to. Now, the website is your, I know what's yours. The website. So they can order the book. Oh, oh. Okay. It's, I guess you can get it on my, it's sheriff. Right. Okay. J-O-E. Right. MA. Okay. R-P-A-I-O. Okay. All small letters at Okay. That's my, that's my email on how to get me. Okay. Great. Kevin, Kevin will know too. Yeah. Okay. So, I'll, I'll get it. I'll also, he can, Kevin can send me the link. Okay. The link to order the book. Yeah. Oh, I see the people want to order the book from Amazon or whatever. Right. From wherever. Okay. We can do that or they can wait till I get there and pay me. Okay. Because I don't make any money. My publisher just died. Okay. I, I never make money out of this book, but it's a great book. When I do it hand to hand, then I sign it and they, I get it. I give them a discount. All right. So you're going to bring a few with you, right? Yeah. I will. Okay. Definitely. Definitely. I want to hand you this book. All right. I handed Trump this book. All right. About six months ago in Friday. Okay. Good. Good. I think you read it. We're looking forward to you, Chef. Okay. Listen. All of you, take care of yourself and thanks for your dedicated international. All right. Same here, Chef. And we'll see you next month. We'll see you next month. All right. All right. God willing. All right. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Bye. All right. Folks. Chef Joe Appiah. And we got another call. All right. Welcome to the George William show. Hello, George. This is Jack Green. Have you been here? Great. Folks, this is Jack Green. It used to be the proprietor of the Jack Green Insurance Agency in Mobile. How you doing, Jack? I've been doing fine 46 years and I got tired. Wow. And you had that business for 46 years? 46 years and had a lot of wonderful clients that I miss and I love. Right. In the Mobile area, about Mobile and Baldwin County. Yeah. That's my insurance with Jack Green. You sure did. I sure did. Yeah. Jack, I've just spoken to Chef Joe Appiah before you call. Oh, good. I'm looking forward to meeting him. Yeah. He'll be here on the 11th and next month. So I know you're coming to that. Oh, I absolutely am. Right. Right. Jack, what do you think about this situation? I think about this situation now and you know we've got Ms. Dobson, Carolyn Dobson, she's running in District 2 against Samari figures. What do you think about that raise? Well I tell you, Carolin is from our area. She knows the people. She knows the issues that we're dealing with here. Okay. There's a problem, you know, with people trying to put food on the table. Right. She went to Harvard, you know, which is very, very good education, didn't make straight A's in law school. Right. I'd like to see her opponent slay that. I got to. But anyway, her opponent came in the Mobile two days now before the deadline to be able to run. Two days. Because the machine up in Washington felt like that he could come in and just take a seat that he had in the area, he hadn't even been living in. Right. Two days before he could do that and we need somebody that knows our area that cares about the people that still lived here that had been offered in Washington DC with his million dollar home. Right. And if he ever cared about our area, he would have moved down here to build this million dollar home. Right. But no, we've taken Washington. He's in. Yeah, that's true. He doesn't live here in Alabama. No, he doesn't care about the people here. He just found an opportunity because a DC machine up there told him, hey, you can make it here. If you get an office and set you up, well, listen, we want somebody here that's going to look after our benefit that knows our problem. Right. True. So I'm very 100% for Caroline because she's one of us. Right. Now, Jack, Jack, we've got a few seconds and we're going to go into our last break. So if you could just hold on, okay, until after the break and we will continue our conversation. All right, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2513430106. Now making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back. Welcome back, folks. George Williams, your host, our number here is 2513430106 and we have with us Mr. Jack Green, formerly of Jack Green Insurance Agency for what, 46 years, right, Jack? 46 years. Wow. That is a long time and you know, a lot of the residents of Mobile, Baldwin County and Washington County. I do and I love them. They were the best clients I could ever hope for. I loved them when I cared for them and I don't want to see them get hurt in this election. Right. Because her opponent who lives in Washington DC and has a million-dollar home, of course, his mother's left the area too, and went up to that area. Right. And somebody that cares about our area, not make your money and fly off and live somewhere else. Right. I want somebody that's going to take care of our jobs. Right. Her opponent is working with the machine in Washington to bring the legal migrants here to Mobile and Baldwin County. They're going to fly them in with the next several weeks and they're going to take your jobs. Right. They're going to take food off your table. Right. Let's bring that crime in. I don't need that. Oh. Yeah. You know, Haiti is one of the places, if you go to, it's one of the most dangerous places to go to and you want your wives and family going to the store and maybe get murdered over a few dollars in your purse or whatever. True. No. We don't need that here. Right. I've been there about four times while I was working for the government. And like you said, it is unbelievable crime, everything. It's terrible. And yeah, they're shifting them in. They brought in about what, 130,000 already. They're supposed to bring in a hundred and some thousand a month for the next few months. That's right. They're going to take the jobs of the legal immigrants from Mexico to, they want to take the jobs from our minority communities and the minority community. I love them. I dealt with them as much as anybody and help them out all these years. And I don't want to see them destroyed over what this, this gentleman is trying to do. Right. And that's exactly what they're going to do. They're going to destroy them. They're going to leave them without a home. They're going to leave them without a home. They're going to leave them without a home. They're going to leave them without a home. They're the way of providing for their families for food and clothing. No. We don't need that. Right. Right. We've got no trouble in our lives without adding to it. Right. Right. Right. And, but there's, they're sneaking and bringing them in, plain load, so. For sure. That's why they do. They sneak it in and they hurt their own, they hurt their own people, the black community, the Hispanic, the legal, the middle class white, they hurt us all. That's true. And I'm tired of it. Then I think everybody else is tired of getting screwed over. That is very true and I, I agree with you, 100% on that. Well, we, you know, and Ms. Dotton was just on the show, uh, when we first opened the show up, she was on and, uh, we're the minority GOP will, we will endorse her tomorrow officially. So. Oh, let's do it. We definitely want to see her and we do not want to see figures when that race. Cause like you said, he's not a citizen of, of Alabama. He's a citizen. He don't care about these people here at all. Right. If I didn't love them, I would have called into your show, but I loved them and I worked with them and helped them for 46 years. Right. And they all know that. Right. Right. Well, you know, it's so good that, that you have taken that position. I'm sure Ms. Dobson, appreciate it and, and, and try to talk some sense into these people who are voting for these Democrats. Well, I mean, it's, it's the food on their table. You know, what do you want to do? That's true. You know, you, you want to let these out of town, uh, flip the machines, uh, take your future away or do you want a future for your children and grandchildren? Right. Do you want to keep your house? Right. Right. I, I agree with you. Well, I appreciate you calling in and, and, and our audience know that because they need it. Well, I, I love our people that mobile in Baldwin County. I can say I worked with them for 46 years. Right. And I care. I always cared about. Right. And I don't like anybody trying to do what these people are trying to do, taking advantage of our people, have somebody flying at the last minute and registered as a candidate. You know, that's, that's true. That's true. That's what I want. It's a need to know. You know that. Well, I, I didn't know what they need to know, but I want to warn them. I said, you know what you do is bet in your future and your children's future on this election. Right. Right. All right. Jack Green, we appreciate it. And I'm sure. Yes, sir. And I would just want to tell all of my good friends at Mobile and Baldwin County and Richard that I love and I just want to say hello. Oh, all right. Very good. We're, we're appreciated. All right. Thank you, sir. All right, Jack. All right. Folks, Jack Green and he's been in the mobile area all his life and, and he care about the citizens of Mobile and, and, and bar one and all those surrounding counties. And we don't need to elect a Democrat down here. We don't, especially someone like figures. Okay. We don't even live here, folks. He doesn't even live here. We can't allow that to happen. We can't allow that to happen and you've got to get out. You've got to register to vote. I think we have until the fifth of October, somewhere around there, you can register to vote. If you can't make it to the polls, then get an absentee ballot and you can do that or call the county headquarters and then, you know, we'll arrange where somebody can, can pick you up and take you to the polls. Okay. So this is what we want you to do. And before we go off the air, folks, my thing with Israel is we've got to support the Israelis and look at what those idiots are doing over there. Ever since October 8, the Hezbollah in Lebanon have been firing rockets into Israel. Now the Israelis are kicking their behind, okay? There's no ceasefire. No, don't ceasefire. Get them. Get them. And the U.S. with this government, Harris and Biden, oh, we want to ceasefire. No, no, no, no, no. Kick their behind and whip them good so that Israel can be saved. So I really, you know, sympathize with Israel and don't listen to the U.S. Israel. Go ahead. Fight that war so you can keep your people safe. That's what we want to do. And also you look at Ukraine. Why are we giving Ukraine weapons and we will not allow them to fire them into Russia? That doesn't make sense to me. And I'm a U.S. United States Marine Corps Vietnam combat veteran, okay? And we have weapons. We're not going to restrict where we can fire them. You need to fire them into Moscow. Moscow is firing weapons all over Ukraine, the capital of Ukraine, et cetera, et cetera, okay? Why can't we do the Ukrainians do the same thing they're doing to them? What is wrong with Harris? What is wrong with Biden? What is wrong with them? You know, oh, oh, we don't want you to, oh, we may, we may tee them off. What the hell tee them off? Are you kidding me? They're killing innocent Ukrainians. They've invaded Ukraine of folks and Harris wants to do the same thing that she and Biden are doing now, okay? She will continue his policies, folks. We cannot allow this woman to become our president. We cannot allow Samari figures to become a congressperson. We need as many. We need to take the presidency on the 5th of November. We need to take the Senate and we need to take the Congress. We need to do that, folks. We need to save America, to save our children, to save our grandchildren. We need to do that, okay? So think about it. And let's work together. Let's get these idiots out of Washington. Get them on our office. All right. That's about it for tonight. We'll do it again next week until then, everybody. Like on Dales. [MUSIC]