Parallel Mike Podcast

#80- Black Magic Trauma Events with Wayne McRoy

Is the world really run by dark occultists and if it were where would we look for evidence of it? In episode we are joined by Wayne McRoy to explore the use of black magic to shape the mass mind by looking at past world shaking events such as 9/11 and more recently Covid. Wayne shares with us his 20 plus years of knowledge on the subject and explains how these black magic spells are crafted and to what purpose. Along the way he also gives a number of the tell tale signs that what we’re being told (and watching through the screen) might in fact be a black magic spell. Then in part two Wayne gives us his take on the recent Trump assassination attempt and explains why all roads lead to Transhumanism and the Antichrist. Part 2 for Members - Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – Consult with Mike 1-2-1 -   Guest Links: The Alchemical Beacon Substack – The Alchemical Tech Revolution Website –

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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Is the world really run by dark occultists and if it were where would we look for evidence of it? In episode we are joined by Wayne McRoy to explore the use of black magic to shape the mass mind by looking at past world shaking events such as 9/11 and more recently Covid. Wayne shares with us his 20 plus years of knowledge on the subject and explains how these black magic spells are crafted and to what purpose.

Along the way he also gives a number of the tell tale signs that what we’re being told (and watching through the screen) might in fact be a black magic spell. Then in part two Wayne gives us his take on the recent Trump assassination attempt and explains why all roads lead to Transhumanism and the Antichrist.


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[Music] What you are basically, deep, deep down far, far in. [Music] Is simply. [Music] The fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women. [Music] Not merely peace in our time. [Music] Peace in all time. [Music] The fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women. [Music] Not merely peace in our time. [Music] Peace in all time. The fabric and structure of existence itself. Hi everyone, welcome to the Power of Light podcast. Today, we have a returning guest on the show. His name is Wayne McCryke. He's the host of our Chemical Tech Revolution. Your first appearance on the show Wayne was really well received. I really enjoyed the conversation. It was episode number 58, for listeners who haven't heard that one yet, so you can go back and check it out and we were discussing transhumanism. And tonight we're going to be talking about ritual magic. So a little bit of a shift of gears. We're going to be talking about how real-world events are being engineered using occult methodologies as a form of psychological warfare and to essentially change the world that we've got. So it's going to be an interesting one. I'm not entirely sure what it's going to take as Wayne, but before we get started, how are things going? Welcome back to the show. Thanks, Mike, for having me back on. Always a pleasure to be here. And certainly, I think we will be talking about transhumanism at some point during this conversation because those two things, ritual magic and transhumanism, although people may not recognize it on the surface level, they are related 100%. You will always find, whenever you delve into any of these type of conspiratorial topics, you invariably land in two places. When you follow the rabbit trails, you wind up back in occultism and the ancient mystery schools and, of course, this ritual magic, this dark ritual magic we'll be discussing. And on the other end, you always find transhumanism because that is what these dark magicians and these dark occultists who run things in this world see as the fulfillment of their great work. And that is what they're looking for. So it's this advent of transhumanism and the rise of the post-human era. It's all about taking control of human evolution in their view and creating what they call self-guided evolution. So that being the case, this is absolutely what they look to do. They look to become gods in this place in no uncertain terms. And that's what the whole fulfillment of this transhumanist notion of things is about, too. So I'm sure we'll touch on that because it's all related. And that's the thing, it always ties back to the occult with everything in this world. As much as I would not like that to be the case, it always, always, always is. And I sound like a broken record when I talk to people about this because it's always about the occult and it's always about transhumanism. That's the big granddaddy of all conspiracies going on in this world right now, transhumanism. And it is at the heart of all this occult ritualism that we see in society and they are actually alchemically transmuting the world mind into this type of an acceptance of this reality of transhumanism. So certainly these things are going on and it is a type of processing that they are putting us through. And this is some of the methodology that they use to get there. Now there are some old natural and occult sciences that they base a lot of their planning around because they understand these things better than we do and they've taught us in the modern era to disregard the older ways of thinking, the old alchemical ways of thought and the old hermetic philosophy and all of these things. They teach us that there's nothing to it. They teach us to think of magic as silly and nonsensical and purely fiction. But it is actually a true science and a methodology that they have used for the longest time to be able to achieve certain ends that they set forward to do. They found out there were certain things that work. And although they can't explain how they work or why they work, they do know that they do work and they use those against us. And a lot of this has to do with an understanding of the human mind that surpasses that of what is accepted in the public paradigm with all of it. So they use archetypes and myth representation to affect the human mind in a lot of different ways. And this is all just part of the overall spell that they use. So there are many aspects to this. So where would you like to begin with this, Mike? I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you were thinking about as we're approaching this topic because I know this is the week of the anniversary of the 9/11 Gateway event that had occurred 23 years ago. And of course, today as we're recording, this is Friday the 13th. And we could probably discuss some of that too because there's an archetype there that has been long leveraged against the minds of the masses as well. So where do you want to begin? Yeah, what a great introduction way and interesting linkups. It is the week of 9/11. So I think that would be a great event to analyze. And like you said, Friday the 13th as well as we record this. But maybe before we get into the main subject, which is going to be discussing how these events are created. And you mentioned there the different old sciences that are used, which is really very difficult for modern minds to understand. Because if you knew something about those old sciences, you would probably see all of the signs of an alchemical spell being created. You would understand that these events have imbued with all of this different symbolism and the archetypes and the numerology and the astrology, but we don't know them. So therefore we watch them and we're ignorant of it. And we just think something's happening that's completely natural. But I think the moment you start to understand a little bit about these different disciplines, then all of a sudden you see patterns and you start to recognize the hallmarks of an event. So I'd love to break that apart for listeners with you. But before we get into that way and can you maybe just begin by telling listeners, how did you get into this? How is it that you know this? Because most of this stuff is a cult, so therefore it's only known. On the whole, I'd say in the most part, two people who are initiated to some kind of secret society or some kind of special club. And I don't think that's why you're coming at it from. So maybe we can lay our cards on the table for listeners and explain how do you know this stuff? Where did you get this knowledge? Well, this has come from almost two decades of deep intensive research and study on my behalf, on my part, because I looked around at the things going on in the world and I recognized what many of us inherently recognize. Something's wrong. And I didn't quite understand the nature of exactly what was wrong. And I began really delving heavily into a lot of these topics. So much of this started for me way back in 2006, one night when I actually saw a UFO pass over the top of my car. And it had re-triggered an interest I'd had since I was very young in the paranormal and in the UFO topic in particular. So I started deeply digging into that topic and wouldn't you know any of these conspiratorial type topics that you look at. If you follow the rabbit trail far enough, you always find the two things that I mentioned at the outset of the show here. You always find the occult and you always find transhumanism. And certainly that was the case with this. Now there were many different side trails I had gone down to with this after having some other experiences in my life that had me questioning things like the health care system and the medical system that we have. And I found all of these different connections. So this is a lot of deep rooted research that's been done for the better part of two decades now, and much of my adult life, really. So I've always had an interest in things that were considered paranormal or conspiratorial type topics and stuff like that. But it's something I put behind me by and large for the, for a time in my early youth around the time that I became a born again Christian believer. So I put that stuff behind me didn't think much of it at the time but certainly come 2006 that kind of triggered my mind to start questioning things more. And I've always been an inquisitive person I want to know answers I always try to search very deeply for answers and for truth. So I started looking into a lot of these things and wouldn't you know it. You always find the occult and you always find transhumanism and certainly I've done my due diligence to go back to source materials, find some of the original sources for some of the things that are discussed in the secret doctrine of the secret society groups and the occult fraternities, and when you actually take the time to do that, you'd be astounded at the many different things that you find and that's how it got me searching down this avenue of thought and I like to tell people I accidentally became an expert in occult philosophy. So that's what really happened essentially. It's better to say in that you're not, you're not initiated into a secret society you're not practicing ritual. No, you're actually coming at this from an outsider's perspective and learning the secrets I guess of these different mysteries. Right, absolutely because here's the big fact that underlies a lot of this right now. Now with the advent of the internet we now have tools at our disposal that were never there previous. So up until about 15 years ago, much of the things that I have been reading into and looking at, they were not accessible by the public at large for the longest time for centuries for millennia. You either had to have access to a good Masonic library or a Masonic publishing house or some such thing to get ahold of these materials, or you had to know somebody who knew something that was in the secret society groups to get ahold of it. That's not the case now, there was this little window of opportunity in the early days of the internet, where these materials for the ease of use for the people within the occult fraternities they started scanning these books and putting them online. I thought this is this is great. This will save us a lot of time this will make a record of this stuff that we could access. So they started putting them out there on obscure websites and things like that but over the course of time researchers like myself. We discovered these things, and we collected these things, and now we have all the records of these various topics that we could look at out there in the open public forum. They weren't there previous, like I said up until about 15 years ago, you couldn't find anything like this anywhere without knowing somebody within one of the occult fraternities are having access to the Masonic library or publishing house. You couldn't find these materials. So it was a very difficult task prior to that, but with this, these new tools, these search engines and stuff that we have, and people actually taking the time to digitally scan these books. So I took advantage of these tools to find these things and read up as much as I can to understand what it is they teach what it is they believe why they believe the things they do. And some of the things that they claim that they keep secret from the masses from the profane that's you and I, and for what reasons that they do so. So I've done a lot of digging into that. And it's astounding that you always find some of these same ideologies present there. And of course, a lot of it ties back to the old old science known as alchemy, or they call them the hermetic sciences as well. There's different names for these and they kind of overlap at certain points and a lot of people will carry on the different semantic conversations with it, and argue the fine points of some of it but the basic premise is there's old things about the natural world that man in antiquity knew very well, and that a type of secret priest craft came into power and decided to hide away some of these natural science aspects of things from the masses to use them for the purposes of control. And for the purposes of achieving their own agendas to give them power over others, and they've kept these things hidden, and they have a lineage of what they call the secret doctrine and there's different groups and organizations that claim to have ancient records that they've kept hidden from the masses. And that they sometimes have access to some of these records, and will tell you some things and some of their writings, alluding to this. One of these places is called the hermetic brotherhood of Luxor, they claim to have access to records that were keeping from antiquity that aren't accessible by the public. And they make certain claims about what they term the secret doctrine, and the secret doctrine underlies all the secret society groups, particularly ones like theosophy, the theosophical society, they speak of the secret doctrine almost openly. In many of their works, if you look at Madame Blavatsky, the things she wrote about, she actually wrote a book called the secret doctrine, talking about this, but the secret doctrine predates the theosophical society, and goes throughout all the different occult brotherhoods, including the Rosicruins, the Freemasons, all the more commonly known ones. So they have this commonality in antiquity, they all teach the same things, maybe using some different terminology to describe the same concepts. And all of this aligns with what Carl Jung described to us in the modern era, he applied the term archetype to these various ideas that undergird mythology, and the stories of antiquity that we have, and oftentimes, we could only relate to some of these concepts through the form of a story, because our language is inadequate to express the idea in a way that the human mind can really grasp hold of. So that's why mythology and myth representation is a useful tool for this, and we have modern day storytellers who do the same, I will cite the Star Wars film series as an example for this, at least the original one. This was actually written with the whole hero's journey concept put forth by Joseph Campbell in mind. It hits upon every point there, and this was good storytelling, the original Star Wars series. So they hit on all the different archetypes, and that's why it was a massively successful film. It hit on all these different archetypes. These are things that the human mind unconsciously recognizes and resonates with, but you don't know what it is on a conscious level. And that's where we're at. So it affects you in an unconscious way, which eventually, through the subconscious mind, will reach a conscious manifestation in the form of a change of behavior, changing the image of man externally in order to shape and mold mankind into the reality that these select few controllers of this world want. And that's what they do and they affect us in that way through their storytelling and that's why things like entertainment culture are huge arbiters of what they call predictive programming in the conspiracy culture. It's known as revelation of the method to those within the occult fraternities. They understand what they're doing. They're programming your mind, they're programming your unconscious mind to accept a new reality that's carefully been crafted for you, and it's a fantasy based reality. Alchemically transmuting the human condition into what they envision for the future, which is transhumanism. That's the bottom line with all of it. Now, I think that was a long way around to answer the question, but I hope that was an adequate answer. Okay, maybe we can lay out the star by me asking you the question, what is it that they are actually trying to achieve when they create these giant events like what is the goal of ritual magic on a mass scale. What do you think the overall intention is you talked about shaping this mass mind, but in terms of the magic, what are they actually trying to do when they create one of these rituals and what's our role in it as the viewer. Well, essentially what it is, is it's called a giant initiation ritual. That's how these dark occultists who run things view this. They think they're doing you a favor. They're initiating you into the mysteries of their occult fraternities by doing this. And they usually do it through some trauma based method because if you study what they call initiation in the secret society schools, it's very much based upon trauma. The initiation process if you go back and you look at the, the back of mysteries or the Dionysian mysteries and things like that, when they would initiate a new acolyte into the fraternity. They put them through these rigorous tests and many of these things actually took place in caves, dark caves, where you couldn't see what was going on and oftentimes you faced very real perils in your initiation process traumas. Because trauma has an effect on the human mind and trauma oftentimes is used in order to bond people together. If they've experienced the same trauma, they have this type of bond. Look at the military, for example, when they put the soldiers through boot camp through their training. Well, they all undergo the same traumas and that creates this brotherhood between them of sorts. This connection is bond. That's what a lot of it is about. So the initiation process. And this is another huge subject that should probably be discussed here. The initiation process has been hijacked by the secret schools by the occult fraternities. And what this is, when you go back and you look at it, in all actuality, initiation, this initiation process as they describe it, is something that we all go through on an individual level. It's about our experiences, our life experiences, and we all go about this and have different paths and different experiences to get there. So what they've done is they've hijacked this whole idea. And this is the old alchemical system. It's recognized in the original forms of alchemy that everybody is an individual, and we are all different, and our paths are all different. And how we get to this initiation or this, this higher knowledge is different for each one of us. So the initiation experience for everybody should be an individual one. So what has been done is the secret society groups have taken this premise. They've turned it into a one size fits all ritual. If you join one of these occult brotherhoods, you go through the same initiation ceremony as all the other members. So they've taken away the individual portion of this, the individuality of it. So they've hijacked human experience, turned it into an initiation ceremony. This one size fits all ceremony to get people on the same page, to go ahead and swear blood oaths of allegiance to the brotherhood and upholding the brotherhood before their own personal interests. And putting them through this same process. So this is what I would refer to as synthetic initiation, because you remember the natural initiation people go through depends and is different for each individual. It's all about your experiences, the things you go through in your spiritual journey. It's individual. It's unique for each person. Well, they've taken this unique thing that everybody's supposed to have, and they turned it into one formula, one ceremony, one type of ritual experience. And they've applied that. And this is a type of not only uniformity, but it's also a type of communalism, which is very much akin to what we would term as communism. It's about the group mind. It's about the group think it's the Borg mentality, the hive mind pushing the hive mind idea. So it puts people through all of these same paces in that way, and in so doing they've instantiated control over the spiritual paths of each individual that joins their fraternity. So, like I said, this is what I call synthetic initiation, and I'm not the only one to recognize this Rudolph Steiner also recognize this in some of his writings, and talked about. Yes, there are people out there who could understand many of the old occult sciences and stuff like that, and go through a natural initiation process. And that's where everything's been turned on its head the inversion principles been applied. They've taken what is natural, what is supposed to be natural and unique to each individual, and they've turned it into a synthetic process. They've turned it into an unnatural process. Now this, if you want to ask me what the true definition of Satanism is I will tell you it's always the inversion principle. So they've taken nature they've turned it on their head. They've turned it into a completely artificial system. And that's what they're doing in the secret society groups they're using this artificial system of initiation to process alchemically the minds of their brothers into servitude to the brotherhood. And they are doing the same thing to society through these mass ritual events. Now they will tell you and this is their viewpoint they think they're doing you a favor they think they're helping you along your path of spiritual evolution as they call it. They think that mankind right now is nowhere near ready to make that big jump into the new age. So they're going to process you synthetically through these alchemical means into the initiation into their systems. And they think they're doing it mankind a favor in doing so, and although it may be painful for us it's necessary and that's how they view it and that's their viewpoint of this. But it's all based on lies and deceptions when it gets them to it, because it is the inversion principle at play. This is not helping people this is not doing people any favors, but that is why they use traumatic events in order to instantiate ideas. And concepts into the human mind, because it's a type of initiation ceremony to them. So I hope that answers the question here adequately. Is it fair to say that, whilst there is this whole psychological processing and induction that's happening, there's also actually an element of black magic is in they're using these events to potentially summon up energies or egregors create egregors or demons. Do you believe that as well that it's not just purely a psychological or a psychodrama that's happening there's actually real magic that they're trying to access like some kind of evil entities. Oh, absolutely. There is a spiritual side to all of this. And this is what the mainstream political scientific community would like us to totally disregard is the spiritual side of everything. Now, of course, this is something that's been engineered for a long time. They want to actually separate your connection from God from source from the creator. That's what they seek to do. So they always disregard the spiritual things for various reasons. One is because if you're dissociated from a relationship with your creator with God, then you're more easily influenceable in a lot of ways. Secondly, they like to quantify everything because if you could quantify something that gives you some measure of control over it. So spiritual things or subjective things are not easily quantifiable, whereas physical things by and large are quantifiable. So let me give you an example here. We will use the example of what is human consciousness. What is consciousness? We don't fully understand what consciousness is. Now, if you listen to the mainstream scientific paradigm that's being pushed right now. They would tell you consciousness is nothing more than the byproduct of the electrochemical activity of the brain and brainstem. Now, I don't believe that to be true. And there's a lot of people that don't believe that to be true because in my view, I think consciousness is a field that supersedes just the physical reality here. Our consciousness exists without within without and around and outside of our physical form. But if you take this, the mainstream scientific definition, they would say, it's just a chemical process, an electrical process. So if that is the case, and they could actually quantify this in many ways. If that is the case, then it could be just dwindled down a little more than an algorithm. And if it could be dwindled down a little more than an algorithm, it could be duplicated in a machine. And that's one of the things they're pushing for the transhumanist goal of things is for you to be able to upload your consciousness into the cloud and exist in the machine in various virtual worlds or other types of containers, any form that you want to take on. And this is one of the promises they give you. Now, that's making the assumption that there's nothing other than this physical material world in which our five senses operate. That's the assumption they make. Now, in making that assumption, they give themselves some measure to quantify consciousness. And remember what I said, if you could quantify a thing, that gives you some measure of control over it. And that's certainly what they seek to do. Now, even if it may be imprecise control, it still gives them a way to generalize or generally steer events or steer certain agendas into place through the use of these physical means. And they've devised whole models based upon this and one of the key ones to all of this is what's called a Bayesian brain model. If you want to look up Bayesian brain models. This is something that they've used to try to explain human consciousness in a strictly physical material world form. And they've quantified this thing. And in so quantifying they've been able to actually introduce new inputs into the cybernetic loop system that they explain as human consciousness in order to induce certain behavioral outputs from this. They've gotten really good at this. And this is what it all comes back to. It comes back to the science of cybernetics which for those who are unaware cybernetics steps way beyond things like robotics and artificial intelligence cybernetics at its core is the science of whole systems control. Essentially what it is cybernetics is derived from a Greek term kybernetes which means steers men or pilot. It's about control. Norbert Wiener the one who came up with the concept or the name cybernetics described it as control of the human or animal or machine essentially to paraphrase a little bit, and how these different systems communicate and control one another. It's about systems control. And that's certainly what they've applied and cybernetics is a direct inversion principle of the old alchemical sciences, and the old alchemical understandings of consciousness so what they're trying to do is trap you in this physical material world paradigm, in your thinking but in their reality. And that's what they're seeking to do and I'll allude back again to Rudolph Steiner, who described this as what he called the spirit of araman. This gross materialism being inputted into society here being engineered into society, this way of thinking. And I do to accept that this physical material world is all that there is that there are no spiritual components there's nothing like that, that all of that is just an illusion created by the electrochemical processes of the brain and brain stem. And that's there's nothing to that, that all there is is this physical material paradigm. They've done just different things as the settled science to back up these ways of thinking. And they've done much the same thing with the concept of evolution. They found ways to try to physically quantify it in order to control it now that's not what the original intention behind evolution was as put forward by the occult fraternities and secret schools. What the original alchemical platform was about evolution predates start waiting and evolution by a good long time by the way. And that is one of the measures that they put in place in order to try to take control of this process so that they could get to that paradigm of self guided evolution as they describe it or transhumanism. And all of these things have been set in place, and the ball was set rolling in a certain timeframe. And you can trace a lot of the modern advent of this stuff back to the mid to late 1800s, when many of these new ways of thinking came into the lexicon of the public mindset. So you have Darwinian evolution appeared of course the ideas based on eugenics appeared with that. And you'll notice that that's around the same timeframe. Many of these occultists from the secret society groups decided that they would come forward and reveal a little bit of their secret knowledge, because they claim that's what the ascended masters and stuff had told them to do that it was time for that. And we're almost to that precipice of the change over into the new age. So man needed to know these things so they led a little bit of the cat out of the bag and some of their writings. But by and large, most people are unaware of this stuff unless you study these occult fraternities and stuff today and much of what they've put forward since that time has been twisted and convoluted to align with the agenda that they're pushing even though some of the original information isn't aligned with what they tell you in modern terms of occultism. And I know that sounds like a lot of information packed in there and certainly it is, but that's where we're at right now that's that's where we stand. It's a lot to take in I think because it's multidisciplinary as well like you can't just know a little bit about psychology that's useful you can certainly look at some of the things they do and say okay I can see how the weaponizing, for example Jungian archetypes. But there's so many disciplines that we don't know much about or anything about like numerology sacred geometry astrology. And unless you know a little bit about all of it you're going to miss how all pieces together in these big events so maybe we can look at 9/11 now Wayne and talk about some of the indicators that ritual magic is actually being performed like something that we can say to the listeners here's some evidence. And I know it's a difficult question because you could talk about this for a long, long time with 9/11 but maybe you can pick apart what will be most useful let's imagine a listener doesn't know anything about any of this and what we're saying to them is shocking. How would you say well here's some of the hallmarks of ritual magic in the 9/11 collapse of those two towers. Oh well there's so much to look at like for anybody. I felt pretty mean asking that question Wayne because inside I was laughing thinking I'm asking such a big question here. No it is a big question and there's just so much to it so much to it to unpack. There's so many levels and layers to it the first place to start for most people. It would probably be the numbers themselves if you go back and you look at the numbers 9/11 themselves 11 is described by Alistair Crowley as being the evilest of numbers. It's also the number associated with magic in the old numerological systems. And of course the number nine is in some of the numerological systems equated to evil as well so 9/11 basically when you put those two things together you see nine and 11 together. It represents evil magic in the old numerology systems. And this is coming from some of the occultists themselves they recognize this. Now what I like to describe as 9/11 is I like to describe it as the broken feedback loop of sorts. Because if you look at the natural progression of numbers in basic numerology if you go back to the simplest ways of thinking about math we have numbers 0 through 9 don't wait. And 0 is wasn't actually a number it was just a placeholder originally so that wasn't ever introduced until much later in the systems of mathematics so you have numbers 1 through 9 and then they repeat don't they. If you go back and you look at numerology and geometry and how that works you could take any number any size number whether it's a three digit four digit two digit number will just do two digit numbers as an example, because it's the simplest. So if you take the number 11. What you do is you add the two digits together 1 plus 1 equals 2 so that gives you your basic core concept for numerology or or Geometria. All these numbers that you see can be dwindled down to a single digit number by adding them together and coming to that. So what they've done in this sense is they've broken the natural cycle or system of things with the 9/11 feedback loop. So what do I mean by this well if you go through the natural process of counting 1 through 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 what comes after 9 when you're counting right 10 right. So that's back to 1 if you break it down and it's strict numerological or Geometria form 1 plus 0 is 1. So it repeats 9 represents the end of a cycle 10 would be 1 which represents the start of a cycle. What they've done in doing 9 11 is they've removed the 10 from the system which is also considered to be a number of perfection or completion in many of the different numerological circles. So they've taken that away and they've skipped that it's like skip counting so you go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and then if you skip 10 and go right to 11 1 plus 1 is 2. So you're skipping the new beginning you're skipping the start so you're stuck in this feedback loop and that's right where they want us and I know maybe I'm speaking over some people's heads here. Talking about this in this this way, but it gives you once you could understand and dig into the basics of the concept here gives you an accurate representation of what's been done. They've captured your mind and kept you locked in this cycle of trauma through using this event. And that's why 9 and 11 used together in my view is considered to be a combination that equates to evil magic because it's hijacked the completion of the cycle. And if you don't have completion and you can't have a proper new start or a proper rebirth, which is oftentimes represented by the number 13 in a lot of numerological ways. And in a lot of the old occult systems 13 being the number of the Phoenix the number of rebirth. So, I know that's a lot to take in and if people are new to numerology or Jamantria or anything in the sort. Might be a bridge too far for them to think in those ways. But once you begin to understand some of these old alchemical or occult ways of thinking, you begin to see some patterns emerge and like I said, this 911 idea creates this feedback loop. That keeps you trapped in an old paradigm of control where you can't break free or ever complete that cycle. And certainly that's right where they want us. They want us trapped in the loop trapped in the matrix. Do you see how all this ties together? And like I said, I know some people might have a hard time grasping some of this and I might be talking over their heads depending on how far into their journey they are in truth. But certainly, this is one of the things that was applied in the basic form in the events of 9/11 and there's other numeric encodings all attached to that too. And a lot of the number attachments and everything to it relate directly back to guys like Alistair Crowley and his system of filema. That's the religion that he founded when he was doing some of his occult workings and he founded various secret society groups, including the Argentium Astrum, which means the Silver Star, which is a kind of an associated group with the OTO, which people may be more familiar with you. The oriental Templar organization essentially is what it is. That's not what it means. Ordo Temply Orientis is what OTO stands for. But essentially, this is one of the centers in the modern era of control of all the secret society groups. It filters through the OTO and the Argentium Astrum, which are both associated with Crowley and Crowley. There are a lot of ways of thinking, these Thelemic ways of thinking. When you translate the word "thelema", it means "the will". And that directly corresponds to what they look to impose through the use of dark ritual magic. They want to impose their will on the rest of us. And this is a hugely important concept as well. So this is a very deep conversation and there are so many layers that can be explored with this. Let's just stick with some of the basics because these things are probably the easiest for people to comprehend on the surface level here when you're just beginning to look at these things. The numbers, the numbers alone speak volumes in the events of 9/11. If you look at the airline numbers and stuff that go into this, you'll always find harkening back to 77. You'll find 93. You'll find more 9s and 11s. You'll find all these things associated with Crowley and Thelema inherent in just the numbers alone. And a good place to look at all of this that has this all in one place for people to really comprehend is a book by one Mr. S. K. Bain titled "The Most Dangerous Book in the World". Go look that one up. If you want a real education on the occult nature of 9/11, this guy did a very good breakdown of putting it all together in one place. So that could kind of give people a little bit of insight into that. And of course we've seen all the other symbols and stuff present in the 9/11 story, the mainstream story we see. If you look, what was President George Bush doing at the time that this happened? Well, he was in an elementary school in Florida reading a book titled "My Pet Goat and the Goat" is a massively important symbol, a ritual symbol to these occultists. It's the goat of Mindy's. It represents Baphomet. It represents a lot of different things. And we see in the modern day now, it seems to be a popular trope in entertainment culture. Well, he's the goat, the greatest of all time. Well, why are they invoking that symbol? Well, that symbol represents something dark, and it represents a type of spiritual servitude associated with Capricorn, the energy of Capricorn. And this relates back to the astrological signs and stuff of the zodiac as well. So I know this is probably a lot for people to take in, especially if you're new to this stuff. It's a different way of thinking. You really have to learn how to think outside the box and forget everything you thought you knew because there are people in positions of power in this world that very much act upon these occult principles. They believe in them and they act upon them. So whether you believe it or not, if you think it's all nonsense, realize there's people in positions of power that very much believe in these concepts and these things. And the things they do to act upon their beliefs affect all of us. And that's the important point. So that's why you need to understand. What is their modus operandi? Why do they do the things they do? What exactly do they believe that they're doing? And more importantly, how do they do the things they do? And how they do the things they do is by wielding some of this secret knowledge. They've kept from us to influence us into behaving in certain ways. And certainly 9/11 is a perfect example of this because it changed the world in immeasurable ways on that date, which by the way corresponds to the date of the new millennium when you go back and you look through the proper systems. Because the millennium didn't change in the year 2000, did it? No, that was still the 20th century. The true millennium change didn't happen until 2001. If you go back and you look, you'll find that the Ethiopian system celebrates New Year's Day on September 11. And there's reasons for this that harken back to many of the archetypes present in the Bible. They believe that this was the first day actually was on September 11th, they're in creation. And there's belief systems that underlie that and go into some of these occult teachings into these occult fraternities that they've taken from that. And we see there's a huge spiritual remnant in the Ethiopian tradition that has illusions back to this. And we also see that there's all these claims that the Ark of the Covenant was taken to Ethiopia and that's where it is today. All of this stuff relates to that and to these secret teachings. So within the occult fraternities, they recognized September 11th, 2001 as the first day of the new millennia. And this was certainly a gateway event, a gateway ceremony to usher in this new age, their new age. And they have no place in their new age for the profane and that's you and I. So we need to be initiated into their new age. And that's one of the reasons why they did this. And of course, they think it's for the greater good. They think it's for your spiritual evolution. And if you don't quite make the cut. Well, that's too bad. Then you'll be left behind. You won't make it into the new age. There will be a lot of suffering going into the new age and many people won't make it, but the ones that do, it'll be a better new age. And this is the way they think. And this is how they really believe that they're doing some good for mankind. They really think they're bettering the race. And that's a lot of a big portion of the secret doctrine that doesn't get discussed much. The race. They believe that there are certain races that are more spiritually evolved than others, and that they're doing you a favor by initiating you into this trauma into their secret brotherhood in many regards. And they think they're helping you when in fact they're really not. And then they absolve themselves from that because they see it as if you don't make the jump or the adjustment into the new age. That's your problem. Then you get left behind and then you're not so important. And you're an NPC. You've heard that trope right the NPC the non player character. It's also called organic portals in some systems of the occult. They refer to it as organic portals. They think that not everybody has a soul. They think that unless you are initiated into their secret brotherhood, you don't even have a soul. And that's why they view you as little more than cattle or livestock or animals. They think you're just an animal man. They think you're a lesser being. They don't think you have a soul and that you're not going to spiritually advance. That's why they have no problems with treating people the way that they do in this world. That's why they have no problems with performing these traumatic events and if people die people die. They don't care because they view you as little more than a farm animal, a human resource. That's what they call you. And I know this may sound controversial to some people but I assure you it's absolutely true. This is how they think within the auspices of the secret society groups, especially the top most levels of them. If you're in the big club, then you're nobody. If you're not one of us, you're nobody. That's how they view it. I think William Cooper said that in regards at some point to the secret society groups. If you're not part of their big club, then you don't even matter. And you're a little more than an animal to be used or abused, however they see fit. And that's how they view it in 911 was a perfect example of this. How many people die in a ritual event like this? In fact, it empowers the ritual all the more if there is the shedding of blood for them. And this is the spiritual component. They would totally like us to disregard, but it is certainly always present. When I was researching it over the years, I learned some interesting things that I can maybe add a bit more color to it as well. Solomon's Temple was destroyed on the 9th day of the 11th month in the Jewish calendar. And we know that on 9/11, two towers were brought down and then the other building, the infamous World Trade Center building number seven came down in free fall fashion. And that was actually known as the Solomon building on account of it being owned by a man whose last name was Solomon. And therefore, you could also discuss it as a reenactment of the ritual of the destruction of Solomon's Temple, which would certainly make sense because of course there's all of the free may sonic encoding within that. So I'm just going to hand that back to you and see if there's anything you wanted to throw in in terms of the free may sonic symbolism. Well, the twin towers themselves, they represent those pillars of the temple of the freemace and then of course of Solomon's Temple, and they're known as Joaquin and Boaz, the two towers and of course the two towers is an epic symbol that actually predates 9/11. And this is something that's inherent it's also in the Kabbalah tree of life they're known as the pillars of severity and mercy. And these are what was represented by those twin towers there's many different concepts encapsulated in those. And certainly, we could see the hallmarks of that and the tells of that, even the number 11 itself represents the twin towers. So you always have this idea of the destruction of the polarities in unification and of course they want to build one world trade center I don't know if they're completing the building they're supposed to be building a single building edifice in its place. There's a new monument there, a pillar and obelisk, always the obelisk and this was represented actually in Arthur C. Clark and the movie, well the book and also the movie 2001, a space odyssey. We have the obelisk you remember I don't know if you ever watched that film. There's not much occult representation and symbolic reference in there. Most people don't even catch it they don't know what they're watching but this is a love letter to those in the occult fraternities and the secret societies to one another explaining what it is that they believe and out of the unification of these polarities the union of the masculine and feminine archetypes together into one in an alchemical wedding of sorts. They create the true hermaphrodite. And this is another concept that has been abused and misused in the modern era and equated down to strictly physical things it's about the union of opposites. That's what they're all about that's part of their great work because they want to reachieve what they claim was lost. They claim in their secret doctrine that in the beginning humanity existed in a type of golden age and man encapsulated both the masculine and the feminine archetypes within himself and was able to reproduce from himself without a mate. He was this androgynous hermaphroditic type being that existed and then with the fall the fall or original sin when that set in in the world, then the sexes were split. And we have what we have today. Now these are the claims of the secret doctrine and you can take them literally or you could take them figuratively it doesn't matter because they always talk in the law of analogy. That's how they claim it so it's all considered to be allegory and it's a tale, but they do believe that in some distant past man existed in this golden age when everything was essentially perfect here. There was no sin there was no violence. Everything was fruitful. And that's what they want to achieve again. And how do they do that by the union of opposites by unifying the polarities and that's what the masculine and the feminine represent, not just gender. As we see it here in the modern era, it represents opposites, polar opposites. It's all part of the hermetic philosophy. It's the union of opposites into oneness, reachieving this golden age and that's how they see their way to get there. But the problem is, is these things have become so inverted and perverted through the course of time by these occult fraternities that now we have stuff like this gender agenda that we clearly see in society today. This whole LGBTQ movement and everything of the sort along with that. It's a perversion of this idea of the union of opposites. And this is spoken of in rose accruion terms as what you would call the union of the molten sea. When you go back and you look in the biblical allegories of these things, where it's the union of fire and water together in one the casting of the molten sea in the stories in the Bible, which relate back to what the Freemasons discover as the building of the temple. And these kinds of things, the temple of Solomon, and how this union of opposites is an important part in moving forward to a new golden age, harkening back to an older time you see they're going back to the future. And you thought, that was just a clever film name, didn't you and now of course the 911 and coatings are in that very heavily as well. But I know that's a lot done pack I'd like to hear your thoughts. Yeah, it is I really don't know where to take this one way because I could throw in all kinds of interesting and strange linkups like when you talk about the union of opposites the two pillars. And yeah, I remember as there is the sun and moon the male and the female contrast and with the two towers, one of them and only one of them has a lightning rod or had a lightning rod at the top representing that was the male it was the phallic straight and lightning rod at the top so the other one would have been the female And as they crumble they crumble the course into one big pile of dust so it's this union of the opposites that really has preceded this transgender agenda that you're talking about. And the goat of course is Baphomet which is a Hemaphrodite. So there's so many different linkups that you can draw from these events but I want to be really careful as well so that listeners aren't sat there thinking these guys are insane because a lot of this stuff it takes a really long time and probably years of study to see the patterns and to be able to draw in the different pieces of information from respective disciplines to actually make sense of it and stand alone it may sound nuts it may sound like somebody's really stretching but once you drive all in. And you have a little bit of knowledge from all these different disciplines then it really does open it up to you and you know you can make sense of it. You recall the infamous image way and it was one of the most famous images to come out of that day it was the hanged man and it was the guy who was photographed inverted. He jumped from one of the windows he was one of the infamous jumpers that day and he was captured in what is precisely the hanged man pose if you look at the tarot deck any tarot deck. The rider wait one if you want there's a card called the hanged man and he was literally captured in this very unnatural pose where he had his leg straight his left leg straight his right leg at a 90 degree angle so Ben at the knee. And his hands looked almost tied behind his back so it was an identical representation of the hanged man tarot card do you remember that image way. I certainly do and that's another hugely important thing that they use as a programming motif they use the tarot tradition in a lot of this too. And if you're not familiar with tarot you're not going to catch it. So they had the hanged man but they also had the other cards that were involved with that there's actually the tower card in tarot that many people aren't as familiar with. That goes into that and this is an interesting thing let me just find my notes on this because there's so much attached to this way of thinking with a lot of it. So we have the tarot cards. We have the tower card and what was the other one that is often encoded in there too. I can't find what I'm looking for right off the top of my head but the hanged man is one but there's also two other cards that are associated with that. Yeah there is the hanged man card but also the image if you look at the image of how it's shot it's got the towers and half of it shaded on the right and half of it's unshaded on the left and he's perfectly in the middle of this shot. So you've got a complete duality of black on one side white on the other side and then the hanged man who is literally a jumper from one of the windows. But then also when I was researching that photograph I found out the name of the man was unknown they didn't know who he was but they said in the newspaper that they believe it to be a man who worked at the restaurant that was at the top of one of the towers and that restaurant was called the world restaurant which is of course the final card finality in the tarot deck is the world card. So you've got the hanged man the tower in the background and then you've got the assertion that he jumped from the world cafe and I just thought wow that is a real tarot deck encoding. It is. Okay, I found what I was looking for the other card is the hierophant card. And if you look at the hierophant card, it represents the number five and of course the tower card represents the number 16, 16 and five is 21. You always have the 21 encoded in there as well 2001 21 encoded there. And this is the blackjack idea for anybody who may want to follow that way of thinking. It's all about this harkening back once again to the number 11 and the numerological significance there what is the blackjack if you play blackjack. Well you have a blackjack and a black ace and you, you add them together they're 21, but the ace could also represent the number one so the jack and the ace could also equal 11. There's more encoding in this. So like I said, and if you want to relate it back to the tarot cards, you have the tower card which represents the number 16 which actually shows a tower burning. And you have the hierophant card which shows the hierophant sitting between the two pillars. So 16 and five 21 the blackjack once again. I know it's a lot of connect the dots for people and if you're not familiar in thinking in this ways in these ways these are the ways in which occultists and dark magicians think they make the connection the what the jump from one to the other. It represents the blackjack which represents both 21 or 2001 and the number 11 the number of evil magic. If you want to remember that. So you have these connections to it as well, and it's amazing how they'll encode the tarot in all of this and they even have the hang demand there too. Like you said, and I'm sure there's many other ones that you could find if you really look for it in the stories surrounding all of this and of course you have also the pentecon and that's one that's largely forgotten. That's a five sighted building representing the pentagram. So you have all of that encoding in there too. There's a lot that has gone into this. Yeah, the well trade setting itself was apparently designed based around satanian symbolism which is why they had seven buildings seven rings of satan and then there's a lot of other things I could throw into that particularly with the astrology is to what was happening. That day or during that time, there was a conjunction between satan and Pluto. There was an opposition with one another which is very destructive historically. It's from World War one started and essentially it means transformation war collapse, which is the as above so below principle. And just as we round out part one, I guess there's another thing that I can throw in. This might be a teaser for part two Wayne. I was looking at the CNN timeline of the recent supposed assassination attempt of Donald Trump. And they say that the fair shots rang out at six eleven thirty three p.m. So it's got it's got all the homework, doesn't it? John F Kennedy was shot on the 33rd degree parallel. We discussed that in the previous episode. First atomic blast test site was on the 33 parallel north. And this is why I guess we're discussing things like numbers. If you've listened to something like this, then all of a sudden you're like, wow, okay, that's a clue something else might be going on. And that will open the doorway for you exploring that event as maybe something other than what they're telling you. And that's why these things have been part isn't it? It is and that's the other thing because when you actually go and you look at this stuff, then you begin to realize there's a pattern here. This is not just coincidence. If it was only one or two events that something like this lined up numerically like that, you could call it a coincidence. And that would be fine. But when you even look at the assassination date of President Kennedy, eleven twenty two sixty three. You have not only your nine eleven encoded in there, you have the thirty three encoded in there, you have the eleven. It's all there and it's always present with this stuff always. So I don't know what else to tell people if you can't recognize the pattern and then begin to realize this goes way beyond the probability statistically of being just a mere coincidence. Then you begin to maybe open your mind to some of these ways of thinking. Now, I don't necessarily know if it's all human intelligences that plan these things or if there's a beyond human intelligence that kind of makes things correspond in this way. I think the latter is true. There are dark occult forces, dark spiritual forces that I think influence some of the people in power and can cause certain events to fall in place in a synchronic type way. So we could talk about more of that in the second hour coming up. Awesome. That was a great first part. Wayne, do you want to tell us what it can find you, Wayne, how to confine your content and what it's best to reach out to you? The best place to find me is That's my website and that's where I have centralized everything now to make it easier to find me and all of my different work. There's links there to everything else I do links to the podcast links to join as a paid subscriber and get the paid content as well links over to my books to my sub stack page and everything else all right there on the website. And I've also ventured into natural health products now as well, selling that because I discovered a product that has done wonders for both myself and my wife and I figured I would make that available for my listeners. And that's called Tahitian Noni Juice. And it's an all natural product. It's as pristine as pristine gets as far as being something purely organic and non GMO and everything else. And it has a myriad of health benefits. So I also have a section on my website called ATR Health. If people want to look into that a little further. So that's where I could be found. I want to thank you for having me on once again. Always appreciated. Thank you so much, Wayne. I'm really excited for part two. I'm going to ask you the forbidden question. I don't know how you're going to take it. It's about Donald Trump and that assassination attempt. I'd love to get your take on that. Also, I'd like to talk about the Antichrist and AI and transhumanism and how this fits into ritual magic. But let's take all that for part two, Wayne. Thank you so much for your time and I'll look forward to the next part. What you are basic. Deep, deep down, far, far in is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself. Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women and women. Not merely peace in our time. Peace in all time. Honesty can express themselves. Peace for all men and women and women and women. Not merely peace in our time. Peace in all time. The fabric and structure of existence itself. Peace for all men and women and women and women and women and women. Peace for all men and women and women. Peace for all men and women. Honesty express themselves. Peace for all men and women and women and women. Not merely peace in our time. Peace in all time. Peace in all time.