Drenda On Guard

We Are On The Mission Light To This World Drenda On Guard Highlights

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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Yeah, an altar drains you, an altar. See, people put all their things to the altar. It's draining you, if it's not God. Whatever it is, break it. Real listen, listen, you're in good company because Gideon also had an altar in his backyard. And God says, before you're gonna be the great hero of Israel, you're gonna break that altar of Baal in your backyard. And that's what he did. And then God used him powerfully. So God will use you, but that thing's been hindering you. So get it out of your life. And you know, Josiah also knew that, hey, if I'm living in, the times are radically dark, I gotta become radically light. I gotta become radically good. I wanna be radical on fire. Josiah was on fire for God. And one man, this one man, Josiah, literally turned the course of his nation's history. One man, God said, as long as you're alive, I'm holding the judgment back. An entire generation, the judgment was held back on them because of one man, 'cause he led them to revival, you know? And he did what he had to do in his own life. And also, in the culture, he also affected his culture. We have to affect our culture. He broke down the altars, you know? And the thing is that he was in government, you know? But he was using the power of God. And the other thing was, he also called the whole nation together to come together to celebrate Passover. What's Passover about? The Lamb. The power is the Lamb. The power remains the name of Jesus, Yeshua. Over every name, it's the power, the cross. We need to go by that power. And the thing is that we need to pray for revival as never before, we need to stand. The other thing about Josiah, there's so many things. I mean, there's 100 pages of what to do and how to overcome. But the one thing, and even how to save your family, 'cause this is part of it too, from the culture. But the other thing is that Josiah was born for his age, and his age was made for him. You know, here's the apostate age, but it was made for him. You know, they had baby killing, they had gender confusion, it was made for him. He was to be the light. That's why he was there, that's his purpose. - That's why we're here. - We are here, we're not here by accident. You're not here by accident. God has put us here, each of us. He could have chosen any time. He was kind of cool, he chose us to be at the same moment so we could meet each other, whatever. He called us to be here, to be an answer to our age. Not to live trying to survive and get by and how do we get by the next problem. That's not what we're here. We're on mission. We are, it's as if we were beamed onto earth. That's what Josiah was, beamed onto earth as an agent of heaven on earth. And so we are here, you are born for your time. And so you've got a purpose, but you've got a rise to it. You know, he had a rise to it. He had to do it with all his heart and God is saying, if you'll do that, I will use you mightily and you'll fulfill the purpose for which I placed you in your mother's womb for such a time as this. - So good. I can see all the characters in the Bible coming together and culminating in the holy last days battle, right? You've got people that are like Esther's and Deborah's and Elijah's and Moses and David. And you can see all of these different giftings and people. And it's like the enemies, I wear a profile like heaven. I can see all these seven areas of inputs converging against the Lord, where there was medicine, education and government and all these areas, entertainment and arts and even even what's been done in the churches and some families, but we can see God's people converging for the last days and their giftings coming together for such a time as this, for the salvation of people to bring in that final great harvest of the Lord. - Yes. - So this is such an important book. How can they get the Josiah Manifesto? - The Siah Manifesto is literally everywhere, wherever they are books, Amazon, right on, if you go online right now, anywhere, you know, Christian or anywhere place, they'll have it. I pray people get it, not just for yourself, but get it for people in your life who need to know and need to wake up. - So good, excellent. I always, it's always rich to speak. America's hanging in the balance. And we don't have to go the way of the new world order. We can choose, we all have a choice. - Yeah, either, no matter what happens to America, we still are gonna be lights, okay? So understand, we're gonna be lights, whether it's dark, whether it's light, we're gonna be lights, you know, if we're persecuted, we're gonna be lights, you know, we're gonna be on the off end, no matter, but let's, we gotta pray for our country and we gotta pray for this world because that's why we're here. We are here to, you know, we are here as lights for this generation. We gotta live like it, live like it. - That's right, that's it. Would you pray for this generation and pray for everyone? - Sure, sure. Father, we just praise you and thank you for being together, Lord, and with everyone who's watching right now, Lord, we ask your blessing on each one, Father, we ask your hand upon them, we ask Father, you touch Father, Lord, we ask that whatever is needed in their life, you would show, you would lead them to your perfect will, Lord. Father, we ask that Lord, if there's something that has to be taken out or cast out, let it be so, Father, and give them the power and the strength to do it. And Father, we ask for every calling on my brothers and sisters, every calling, every be fulfilled, I ask for your mantle to be upon them, I ask for your anointing to be upon them, give them victory as they follow you with all their heart, like Josiah did, all out for you, Father. We ask for a new day, a new beginning, a victory of rising up to the calling, of being the lights you've called us to be. Lord, I ask specifically that in each life of everyone watching, you would fulfill the specific plan that you have given from the time you put them in their mother's womb for such a time as this, and we praise you, we ask these things, this powerful thing we ask, Lord, today. We ask in the name of Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, the light of the world. Amen. Amen, amen. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING]