Drenda On Guard

The Power of Mothers & Grandmothers in America! Drenda On Guard

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24 Sep 2024
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You guys got a standing ovation, you ain't done anything yet. All right, Jesus help me. All right, so these ladies don't know what I'm going to ask. I did give them the one question I was going to start off with. So, Drenda, Pastor Drenda, or is mama bears even in the Bible? Absolutely it's in the Bible, Jean. And so for all those doubting men out there, where is it in the Bible? In 2 Kings 2, 23, there were some lads, we don't know how old they were, I don't know what movement they were involved with, maybe in a rainbow flag, I don't know. But anyway, they attacked the prophet of God. They were making fun of the prophet of God. They were calling him a ball headed guy, get up there, you ball headed guy. Two mama bears, the Bible says they were female bears, came out and attacked those lads. So anyway, so when you mess with kids and you try to groom kids, hurt kids, abuse children, it makes God mad. And when you come against the prophetic gifting that wants to protect them, it makes bears mad. I'm a bear's man. Okay, turn my phone here, Hosea, 13-8, for those of you who are taking notes. Mine's just a little more exciting. And women, you might relate to this. Like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will attack them and rip them open. Like a lion, I will devour them a wild animal will tear them apart. So we know for fact that our children have been attacked. We know that our children have been abused both emotionally, spiritually and physically, mean. And when you mess with a mama bear's cubs, then you see a whole other level of a woman that you've never experienced before. Amen. So Pastor Brenda, why do you think, I mean, this hasn't just been a year ago here. This whole movement, you know, the Esther movement, everything is this real resurgence of women taking their place. And we would say taking their place in ministry, but it's not just pulpit ministry, it's at every level. How do you think now that's such a prevalent thing? Well, just a couple of things, you know, now I noticed there was some good commentary last night talking about women. I can't remember who said it, it might have been Lance, and this really came home to me that when he talked about women lecturing men, how many of you were here for that? And I feel like there is a new breed of women that are coming, they have class. Yes, they have Deborah's spirit. They are, you know, committed to the Word of God. They're not afraid to speak, but I feel like prophetically two things. Number one, God is raising up women in this season, of course, to be used. I talked with a lady here last night, we were on the front ministering to people, so good. And she had talked about, I don't know if you're here today, the lady I talked to about the video wave at me if you're out there. She is over there, she's waving, and she's a school teacher, can I share your story? She's a school teacher in one of the most liberal districts in New York, 38 years, not allowed to bring a Bible, not allowed to preach, not allowed to share Jesus. And the Holy Spirit gave her, I'll just give the summary, gave her the idea to ask her students if she could read the Book of Esther. God isn't mentioned specifically in the Book of Esther. She read it, and out of all her students, they started asking if they could have Bibles. She checked with the school, hallelujah. She checked with the school, and I'm just, I'm setting this to say an important thing about women, is they didn't get back to her, they didn't say you could give out the Bible, so she said, well, since I didn't hear anything, I figured I would just do it. And she starts giving out Bibles to Muslim students, all, students from all, and this is a poor area, the children are, you know, there are many of them in need, they don't have basic resources, it's crime ridden area, New York, okay, it just shows me that we can be used wherever God has planted us, and as women, we can be used in a way that's different than what the left is doing. We can still be classy, but we can be bold, we can preach God's word, we can do what God's called us to do, and I believe, prophetically, the Lord has been saying, and you heard Pastor Hank touch on it last night, that God is raising women to stand in a certain place, that come on, we are gonna do it different than the world, we're gonna do it with the Word of God on our mouth, we're gonna preach truth, we're gonna get in our sphere of influence, and we are gonna share what God wants us to say and influence our nation for God, hallelujah, amen. Amen. That's it. So, Pastor Drenda, where's the line, we all agree with what Pastor Brenda was saying, but I mean, where's the line when a mama bear goes too far? As long as we are doing this with love and compassion, we have to do this with the heart that God has for people. We're seeing young people, a young lady actually was being pressured and transitioning toward being a male, and she's been delivered completely, and she was telling me. She said, I said, what changed in you, because she was in a church that was accepting, and her parents started coming here, and she said, you did, you scared me. I said, I scared you, I'm so sorry, she was scared, the hell out of me. She said, no. I said, I'm sorry, my heart isn't to scare you. She said, no, it was good. It was good. She goes, I got in the car after that service that you were sharing, and I was sharing out of there coming for your children, the fight we must win, and it's a fiery message. And she said, no, I couldn't stop thinking about it. She said, you confronted me with truth, and that's what made her make a decision. So, don't be afraid to speak the truth with love. If your heart is out of compassion, we've got to have this righteous love that's so courageous. The word today to me is courage, Jean, it's courage. We've got to have this courageous love that says, I will speak up for you, I will stand up for you, I will go for the one that, leave the 99 and go for the one, I will go to the ends of the earth, because God loves you that much, and he has an identity and a destiny for you. As long as we are sharing their identity with God, and his love for them, there's not anything we can't tell the truth about, Jean, we have to tell the truth. The church has been too silent. So when we go too far as when we don't have the love of God and in our motivation to do it. But when we have the motivation of God and the love of God, I mean, I know I was fiery and strong, the anointing was on me, and I'm finding myself more and more that way. I confronted a judge, I didn't even know really where he stood. I thought he was at a kid's event, and I thought he was with us, and I started telling him, I can't believe what this happened, and I'm telling him some things legally that happened. He gets irated me and just goes off on me. And I said to him, Jesus said, it would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck than to harm one of these little ones. And he looked at me and he goes, well, I couldn't live up to your standard. And I found out later he had promoted abortion and transitioning kids. And yet he was a chameleon in this event we were at. And then I said, sir, it is not my standard. It is God's standard. And you will account for it. And you know what? He was angry. He looked at my assistant and goes, I don't believe anything she has to say. And I just thought, wow, and I was about to take the stage. I got up and this fiery prayer came on me and on the women and the mama bears and the grandmother bears there. And we saw the holiness of God fall on that platform gene. And there were people all we could say is, holy is the Lord, God's presence in power wants to show up for these kids. And it's going to show up through you and me. So Terry, I got two questions. Number one, do you have to be, do you have to have kids or grandkids to be a mama bear? Huh? What's your second question to the tide of your first? I am the panel leader here. No, because the truth is, we all have spiritual children. And also too, if you do have and do not feel guilty by any shape or meaning, if you've got children that are running away from the Lord, if you've got prodigals, and so you may not be able to reach your prodigals right now, but even what I say all the time is, is what we do, because I have prodigals, I'll be very open with you. If they won't listen to me, I can still pray for my prodigals, but what I'm doing right now is I'm going at the root of the problem, they're the fruit because of the root. So if I chop down that root, right, then I can take out the tree and all the fruit we can gather. What about, oh yeah, that's good, that's good. There's a lot of women here at the under the tent and a lot of people watching. How do people, I can feel some women that are not as bold as you three, they're not as outspoken. Y'all are laughing at me like little does he know. But there's a lot of them out there that are as bold as us. Let's just say there's some that aren't. How do women get confident because you three are very confident in your stand, your walk with Christ. How do people get confident in that to stand up and be the mama bear they're supposed to be? For starters, I would like to say that I think that the reason we're in our country is in the shape that it's in is the fact that there are a lot of pretend Christians. When I say that, you were talking about affirming what Christ hates and Christ is passionate, so much in love with every one of us. No matter where we are, anybody that's on this planet, he is just passionately in love with us and wants us reconciled and in his kingdom. But the truth really is, is that there are people that say they're Christians, but they are supporting world values, man values, and not God's values. So you've got to make a decision in your heart, and you could be in here too and classify yourself as a Christian. And I have kids that I call, a child that I call a prodigal that believes she's a Christian. But you can't live with somebody unmarried. That is not God's values. I love that child immensely. I do not judge that child, she knows the word she was raised in the word. But I am going to always say what the truth is, so we've got to get right with God ourselves. We've got to say daily, Lord, what is there in my life that may be grievous to you, that is not in line with your word, and I have got to make a decision, even if it's my child, that is going down the wrong path. I have got to love the Lord and support what He supports more than their sin. And so there's a very, very fine line. We have got to get, like Drenda, we've got to let everybody know everybody in the world. Our children, the drag queens, the transitioners, the people that are addicted, that we love you, we don't judge you, but we know if you continue the way you're going, that it's not going to go well for you. And how can I help you get free, how can I help you sleep at night, how can I help you get ushered into the kingdom of God, and that's what we're here for. And that's what really takes a walk close to the Lord to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I love people, but you know we better be ready in our churches to love and bring in the drag queens, okay, and to see them lay their wigs and their high heels at the altar and let them know that God can still love them and use them. Since you mentioned the church, Brenda, I'll let you take this one. We've watched news, news reports, even some lately, mama bears protecting there. How do we, in the church, protect the children better than what we've done? Well, I think the church has kind of been at a crossroads, you know, we've been kind of some overtly, some not overtly, we've been told for so long that you know the church is supposed to, the most that we do outside the church walls is to meet humanitarian need, and that would be to feed the homeless and give to the poor and you know help disaster relief and those types of things, and then the second part where the church has kind of been told is, you know, you can go have a street witnessing group, but that's pretty much the extent of our influence, and I think the church is kind of at a crossroads now where we're trying, where we're understanding that the church has a role in government, we have a role in influencing how culture thinks, and we have a role in speaking up and speaking out online and on television and all the means the church, you know, so where people are kind of, I hate to say it, they're kind of getting used to just this idea of the church having an active role, and so the problem, this has been really, it's been a tremendous problem in the body of Christ, but I was thinking about that scripture that comes to my heart, it's Psalm the second chapter, and this has spoken, this is a word spoken about Jesus, and it says, this day you are my son, I've begotten you, ask of me, and I will give you the nations, and the heathen is your inheritance, and the reason this is so important is what has come on Jesus, he has commissioned the church to do. The Bible is a very civic book, this is the part that the church has not always known, the Bible constantly speaks about kings, it speaks about modern day language, we would use the word presidents, we would use the word governors, we would use the word governments, and so much of the scripture wraps around being involved in culture, Paul went up to Mars Hill, and Acts the 17th chapter, and he confronted their false religion, he confronted cultural mindsets, they went out with the intent to change the way the culture thinks, and so Pastor Gene, I think the church has struggled in this area, they've struggled to say we should have that role, so much so that now we've got senators and governors and people pushing back on churches saying well, you know, they use the separation of church and state, and so I feel like the church has to come into the mindset now that we are here to influence culture, we're not just here to only hand out a track, nothing wrong with that, but we are here to influence the way the culture thinks, that the reason so much of the transgender movement, this has been going on, this just didn't all come up, you know, yesterday, this has been going on for a long time, so, but because the church has abdicated its position on so many levels, and so, you know, we just made a decision at Lord of Host Church, just like this school teacher using her platform, we're going to use whatever platform we have to talk about whatever topics are going on in the street, we're not going to be pastors that are going to use every single Sunday, and just ignore what's going on, and our people are facing Monday to Friday, every Monday to Friday, we went through, and I'll say this last thing, I hope I answered your question, but we went through this whole pandemic, and we don't need to recount those events about churches back up and complied with so many things, and the government knew that, they knew we're a compliant law-abiding people, but the problem with it was is the church, the pastors, many of them, were so, you know, well, we don't want to touch that, you know, come on, let's just be real, to talk out about the transgender movement is to put yourself on the line right now, anybody who just saw that recent airline or this lady was kicked out of the plane for using the wrong pronouns, and I'm sure stuff will come out about that, but I mean, it's crazy, you know you're going to get pushed back, you know, but the reason is because the church has not been the front-running voice, and so churches now, pastors, or pastor gene, are having to make real decisions, am I going to get up and talk about what my people are facing on a Monday, I'm not going to just, you know, do the eight steps of, you know, how to love your neighbor, and those are wonderful, we need those things, but at some point, pastors needed to face the fact that their people are getting vaccine mandates, and I don't think it's stopping there, the mass, it goes on and on, and I think as women, as leaders, every one of us should be showing the people how to lead the way, if we don't lead the way, and we're afraid in our pulpit to talk about topics, come on, they're going to get messy, you're going to get pushed back, people are going to get mad, they're going to write about you, they're going to talk about you, but if we the leaders don't do it, then the church isn't going to do it, they're going to do what their pastor's going to do. And Gene, we have to be delivered from the fear of man, let's just be honest, let's be honest, I'm not that bold and courageous in myself, but in Jesus, you and I have the Holy Spirit's power to be obedient, and when we get rid of worrying about what people think of us, and just say, "Lord, not my will, but your will be done through me." I will be a voice for you, this is called dying to yourself in the scriptures where you set aside your reputation, and you say, "Lord, I will obey you," and that will give you the boldness and the courage, obedience. This is called obedience, right, where we lay down our life and we say, "Lord, do what you want to do, say what you want to say," and those men in the Bible, the New Testament, they were bold, the Bible says they were unlearned men, but people knew they had been with Jesus when they saw them. If you went out with Jesus and we lay our life down and serve and obey, boldness comes on us, right? We just have to say no to the world conditioning, they've been conditioning us a long time to think that love is tolerance, and that is not what Jesus did or said, and that is not what the Word of God says. Love is speaking true. Jesus was willing to confront sin, confront situations. The woman at the well, he confronted the sin, and she said, "This is a man that told me everything I ever did wrong." He brought up her sin. He didn't cower away from it, and it was bringing that up that brought her into deliverance. That young woman told me, "Gee," she said, "I could only keep thinking about what you said over and over, and I knew where you stood." Does the world know where the church stands anymore? Do they understand what the Bible says about it? If we don't share that with them, how will they know unless there be a preacher, a teacher, a student, a teacher in the school system, someone in the hospital, if we don't speak up who will, and if we all speak up, how can they silence us? Well, I have to say that you're looking at two of the premier churches if you're in Omaha or Ohio, where these pastors speak up and they will talk about, you can approach them about anything that's going on in your life because they truly care about the Lord and you. So I'd like to give you, if you give them a hand. If God is faithful, Terry, He's so faithful. There's nothing I've chosen to do, and I know Brenda would say this too, that He hasn't blessed us way beyond. The enemy wants to make you afraid. The afraid does say something. Someone said to me, "Turn down, are you getting persecuted for speaking boldly?" And I said, "No more than the disciples were persecuted. No more than Jesus was persecuted. Honestly, I don't even look at the persecution. Most days I'm just thinking, "Jesus, for what He's doing in my life and the goodness of God?" Well, and the truth is, when you look into someone's face, that has been transformed by the love of Christ and the truth, you really don't give a rip what the forever loser thinks about you and it's crude. I mean, that's the truth, and you know who I'm talking about when I say the forever loser, and so you've got to make a decision, and you've got to make a decision, and what you said, though too, is if you are close to Christ, what would grieve Him? What would make Him turn over a table? You know, He wasn't a wimp. I mean, think about this, and this makes me so mad because, and we just recently came out with a book about killing America, and we were talking about the Nazis, okay, how they started to persecute the Jews, which is the only race on the world that you are allowed to persecute and kill. What's wrong with that? Why? Because they represent our Lord. They prove that God is alive, and, but the thing is, is when you take a look at what's going on, and you take a look at what Christ is doing, and you get so close to Him, and you make a decision that you don't care. You really don't care. You do care about all those people that you know that He's supposed to come into the kingdom. You're more concerned about your eternity. Those people may not be there. I want to be with Christ forever, and I want to bring as many people as I can in with Him too. I tell you the truth is when we stand up, what happened? What happened to the heroes of the Bible? Gene and I sat down, and during COVID, we started watching a Netflix about the metal winners, the purple heart winners, right? The Medal of Honor, and then we, what was the other special that we watched about the people that were doing the challenges with all the, but we looked at the, and then we just saw on Instagram the other day about people in Texas, how they really enjoy, they really enjoy the fight. Would you realize what time period you were born for? Why you're here is because, and why you're in this tent, because there's a lot of Christians out there that aren't where you're at. You are the elect. You are the chosen, and God has an assignment for everything that you're supposed to do. All right, so I want all three of you to answer this. Start with you, Pastor Brenda. What is it that mama bears should be concentrating on right now? What's our go to, what do they need to go do? Well, this is going to sound sort of like a pan answer, but I think first of all, we need to know the word better than our opponent. I think that's important. Just because I think we are in the middle now of a Bible illiterate generation, they don't know the truth, and no one is there to tell them, and if you don't know, the reason the early apostles could speak so boldly, and it's so amazing, you touched on the early church, they were so bold. I mean, they obviously went out, were persecuted, immediately put in jail, and they were released from jail, only to go back to jail, be broken out by an angel, and then their prayer was this, Lord, grant us more boldness. That impacts me so much because the reason they could be bold is they knew the message that is in them, and I would say, number one, know your message, and I'm not saying you're going out on the streets, just quoting scriptures to people. That's not the point. The point is, we have to know the truth and be well versed in the truth. Jesus said three times in the book of Matthew, he said, "Take heed that you don't be deceived." That was his core focus because deception is easy, even if you know the truth, because the world is going to present things that at times you may not know how to answer, but what was it with Jesus? He knew the word better than his opponent, so that I think is the first and foremost thing in our assignment. The second assignment is know where God has assigned you. If you're a school teacher, wherever you might be, God can use you in some way. I feel like I have a couple different assignments on my life. Basically, Pastor Hank and I have passed our Lord of Host Church together for 27 years, and I feel like, you know, I'll just be vulnerable. I'll talk to you about my own calling and assignment, just because I think it's going to help somebody. I used to think, okay, I got to get out there and be a conference speaker and sell books and do all these things, and I do those things. That's not the point, but I used to think, oh, you've got it. That's what a pastor's wife does, and she needs to get out and build all this. God, I've published many books, but the point being is, as I realize, what is God my assignment? Not what everybody is assigned to do. You have to find your assignment. I feel like I have an assignment to write, but I feel like part of my assignment, and ladies, I'm going to set you free right now, is to support that man on the front row in what he has called to do and help him prophesy to a nation and bring the hope and bring the word of the Lord, and there is nothing wrong with that. I would say, number one, know the word, know your assignment. Your assignment may be in that school. It might be to support your spouse. It might be to start a podcast that, I mean, I think we could use more women that aren't just sitting in their car in ranting, but I mean, that gets old. Can I be real? I mean, I don't mind. I mean, I'm just saying, I mean, I'm like, if I pull up my phone to one more Instagram rant, I think I'm going to gag, but I'm talking about some quality and real substance, but the point is, no ladies, your assignment, know where God has assigned you, and some of that is gradual, some of it develops, but just say, God, what can I do today? Part of the reason, Pastor Gene, and this isn't a book promotion, I wrote the government book, a book of prayers, because I wanted to empower people to have something to pray. I thought, you know, if we could pray, you know, one thing I love, Pastor Hank, I mean, he's drilled this in our church, and I think I finally got the message is, is there anybody that has faith that God can change a nation? And I'm like, yeah, is there anybody? We can believe God for our shoes, never to wear out, but can we ever believe God for something bigger than ourselves? Can we believe God can shift an entire culture? He's done it before. Of course he can. God needs people of faith. So we need to know our assignment and how God's, and so part of the reason I just wrote the book, I thought, well, God, I can sit in here with a laptop. I could do that. So ladies, you have something that you can take out of your own DNA, the way God's wired you. You might be like Pastor Gene, who maybe you don't feel bold. You don't feel like you can be that. You don't feel like your pastor, Drenda, who can run for office. I mean, I admire that, that not a lot of people feel confident to do that. And it's amazing to me. And so I mean, I was telling our team when we came on, said this pastor's wife, she is so incredible. She has run for public office and won. I mean, that is awesome, you know, but because she just stayed true to her assignment. So just the summary is, number one, we got to know the weapon better than our opponent. But secondly, we have to ladies know our assignment and know where God's called is. You don't have to be a Terry Bailey or a Drenda or Pastor Brennan. You don't have to be that, but you have an assignment and we don't need any more peer warmers. We need people that can get out there and there are mama bears out there. You can stand up in your school meet. You can do it. So those are the two things I think that is where God has women right now. Amen. Amen. Amen. I let you in on a little secret. I didn't have confidence in myself to do that. I even asked God, are you asking me to do this? And he said, aren't you asking others to do this? Isn't that what you ask others to do? And I'm like, well, you want me to do it? I wrote about it. I wasn't doing it. No, see, we've got to stop just praying about it, writing about it. He's a whole model for us. Yes, it's a whole model for us. Yes. And so the Bible says that those that know their God will do exploits. Where are you doing exploits? And it may not look like what we think sometime. We just had two weeks of-- we had two weeks of youth camp where we had over 50-something young ladies filled with a Holy Spirit, young men, we had a young men's camp, men of God, pouring the Spirit. I mean, the Holy Spirit transforms all of us, right? And they're getting transformed. And then 500 kids come to VBS last week. So if every church is reaching their area, don't discount what is local. Don't discount your community. Don't discount your street. The kids in the next store that you're complaining about, bring them to church instead, right? Let's go back to evangelism door to door. Do you know our folks were out knocking doors for my campaign and they were actually praying with people. I said, maybe the church needs to flip this where we go out campaigning and we end up ministering. And so it was awesome. I watched God's hand on my life every time I had to do something that was way outside my comfort zone. You may think all these girls are comfortable. We're just like you. And we're just looking to Jesus to give us the words to speak. And I would go outside my comfort zone and I'd just open my Bible quickly. The Lord would give me the word. And then the confidence to be obedient, I would step out on the water and the anointing would show up. The anointing won't show up if we don't show up, right? And so we'll step out. We will do exploits until we've got to work together. You know, what I love about these women is that we are sisters. I don't feel any competition with my sisters because every joint supplies, the Bible says, every part supplies, we need to stop competing, start completing one another, encouraging one another, pull together, leave arms and do the kingdom of God together. We're on one team, amen, one Jesus, one team, one Holy Spirit, fill in us and we do exploits and the world does not know how to answer that, amen. All right, you said something, Jordan, I want you to expand on because I think it's very powerful. You see, we need to stop competing and start completing. Explain that a little bit more. We're a body. And so my hand isn't competing with my foot. If they were, it would look pretty bad, right? And so we are a body, Jesus called us the body of Christ and His last prayer that we, He said, may they be one as we are one. And so I think the persecution and the pressure that we're experiencing, the more they persecuted them, the greater they grew, not just in numbers, but inside. We are growing as a body. We are growing, I'm part of a prayer group, a women's prayer group right here on the front row, my friend, she's hosting a prayer group and she had to have courage to do that. She had courage to go down. So at the State House Capitol, we can look right over at the State House Capitol and pray as we're seeing that building, pray over legislation. And get strategies, download strategies by the Holy Spirit. What I'm trying to say is the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to be one, gives us the ability to go outside of our comfort zone, to know our assignment, to be able to step into that assignment. And when we have people cheering us on around us, encouraging us, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Well we are the body of Christ. So let's strengthen one another. Let's be an expression of Jesus to one another. Okay, amen, good word. It's been a while since I asked the question, so I'll answer the question again. Oh, I'm Lance now? Completion, not commitment. And I didn't mean it that way, but you're here. So Terry, what should Mama Bear be concentrating on right now? Okay. I would like to agree with everything that they said, because I really, and then I finish a thought. The concentration camps that I was talking about, what they did, and I despise it when people say Christian Nationalists, because Christ was the most loving person on the planet. That's who I follow. Who else do you know that would be tortured and give up his life and be sacrificed like he did mocked? Okay? So Christ is who I associate myself with the most loving leader, not a vehement mean man. Okay? And then a nationalist. I love my country. In my opinion, if you have a flag that you want to show, and that you want to identify with, and that is where your allegiance is, please go move there. And then what I just did is what women are really good about doing, you use your mouth. And you let the truth be known, when they're spewing lies, you correct them, excuse me? Excuse me? No, no, no. That is not what that is. And so we can be, and then there's a video that I saw that really kind of moved me. I am. I do not compete with my husband. I have no intentions of being Jean Belli. My job is, and I'm not more involved in running for office or something like that, because I realize there's a big call in this man's life. And so I am to be on Team Bailey, and I am to do with him, and women and men need to learn to be women and men again. You know, and I think about this all the time, and I think about the attacks in women. I think about what's going on in the world of sports. And we have seen people permanently damaged and hurt, crippled, because they competed with a man that said he's a woman, okay? The truth is, and let's talk military too, and what I'm saying is be a woman, women, and men be men. That actually a woman, a man, if he's taking hormones and he has surgery, and you put him in a woman's sport, he is going to cream the women every single time. Because the truth is, and that goes for a military, that they're effeminating, okay? No matter how buff I get, and how much I can lift, and how much I can do physically, I cannot compete with this man, or any man, because I was not built to do that. And you still have the same chromosomes, no matter what you do on the outside. X X is still X X, X Y is still X Y, so it's really, it's really, really hard women. It's okay, here's what you're supposed to do, through some baby showers, celebrate weddings and show up for them, make somebody some food when somebody's in the hospital, okay? Embrace being a woman, embrace reverent, it says in the Bible to respect your husband. That means, I'm sorry, can you forgive me? Because I did not mean that to be a smite remark about Lance. I don't ever want to embarrass you in public, I want to build you up because it just irks me to no end. When I see a woman, the rants that you're talking about, she puts her husband down in front of people, and then she, "Well, I didn't change to make more money." Well, because you just degraded me, I have no self-confidence. So when the women get to the place where they're not, at the experience of their children, their husband, I've seen it, you've seen it. Well, that's the truth, is we're not focused on our first priority because if your first priority is Christ, you're going to treat this man right, you're going to treat your kids right, and you're going to be there for your friends. And I'm kind of one of those people, and if you know me for a while, you know the truth. When you're in a really rough spot, I show up at hospitals, okay? I will live an ICU ward, and I have for five weeks for my sister. We've got to get to the place where we're real, and I look really cute now. I got ready. But if you see me at home, this is the truth. I can lug a 50-pound bag of sand, and I do bark mulch, and I have a baseball cap on, and you hopefully wouldn't recognize me, you know what I'm saying? So be real, be strong, and stop being so wimpy. You know, we have authority, we have power, and women, we can do it in a beautiful, elegant way without trying to promote ourselves, or to put our men down. Because this man, I'm going to tell you right now, is one of the most wisest, humble person, and I willingly submit to you, and follow him. Everybody knows this. I follow him around as much as I possibly can to be where he's speaking and everything else, because I know that when I show up, and I encourage him, and I pray for him, that he does a better job, and that's for you too. So I want to give you guys your ladies- Could you do that video real quick for the women? The video you want? Yeah. Sure. Play the video. Real quick. The Bible says in Ezekiel 19-2, what a lioness was your mother among lions. The enemy hates children, because they are a true gift from God. The enemy hates mothers, because Eve is created mother of the living, it's mother who gives birth to Jesus, because if the enemy can convince a single woman that children are a burden, he stops her from becoming a lioness. One less woman transformed by birth, one less woman set on fire to save her children, one less lioness raising up her cubs to be strong young lion. God invites us daughters in Ezekiel 19-2 to awaken the sleeping lioness inside each of us, and rises the courageous mothers God called us to be. There is no love as fearless, fierce, and forever as a mother's protection. In Jesus' name, the enemy cannot have my marriage, my family, or my womb. My marriage is not a burden. My children are not a burden. Any work the Lord has given me is a blessing and inheritance from him. The Bible says in Ezekiel 19-2, "There you go, amen." Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Okay. We'll go down the line, wrap it up. Two minutes. Two minutes, Pastor Brenda. Well, I just concur with everything everyone has said, and I would just say, ladies, you know, yes, absolutely, don't be afraid to be women. I think it is important, you know, with gender being so mashed together and confused now, you know, not only do we have to tell the world a different way, we have to show them a different way. Both Pastor Jean and Terry know, you know, I make the funny joke that when Flashpoint is on, on Mondays and Tuesdays, when Hank is there, he's in the studio, and I'm home like Brian Chicken Man. I'm telling you, I want that man to come home to a hot dinner. And I pray in the spirit, and I cook, and I just feel like, you know, because I want to do something to be a blessing. And I think it is, ladies, just showing the world a different way, and this is, I'll just say this last piece, you know, there's a reason Paul told the women to keep silent in the church. It's not because they don't want to preach their teacher prophesy, it's just because sometimes we forget our role, and what we're called to do is to be undergirders. And I think it's a good thing to encourage our men to be masculine. You know, we have two boys and man, Pastor Hank encouraged them to be men, to be masculine men. And I love that. That's what I want to see. And so, you know, ladies, let's stay in our assignment. Let's be women of God. Come on, those women on the left need to see something else. They need to see different. They need to see and that it's successful, and there's nothing wrong with what God is ordained. Amen. Let's drink it. Amen. What is that casserole you make? That potato casserole. Oh, tater talk casserole. Come on, women. I mean, you like it. I'm telling you, it's Pastor Hank's favorite. He loves it. I'm not ashamed. So we can be that mom, that wife that submits herself lovingly, comes under her husband's protection, comes beside him alongside him, hooks arms with him, and we can be the Deborah who steps into the battle and says, "Let's go to battle," and says, "I'll go with you," and we can be the JL that pulls out the 10th stay, quietly slips over and takes care of the guy. All right? I mean, if you've read the story of Deborah and JL, and the glory went to a woman, but it wasn't about a woman. It was about God wanting to get a mission accomplished. And so if men will, women and men will come together, the book of Malachi, I was in it this morning. I love Malachi 3. One of my callings came out of that because I was in the feminist movement, never going to get married or have children because I was indoctrinated by the school system just like what they're doing right now. And God called me out of that, and he said, "It's a high calling to bear children, bear godly seed." Malachi, what are they supposed to do to return to God? They returned him with their finances, stopped serving money, served God. So they robbed God in tithes and offerings. And then the men had dealt treacherously with the wife of their youth, and God was calling them back to their covenant of marriage. And then he said, "Why did God make the two one because he saw a godly seed? Go back to our children and putting them as a priority, taking care of our families and raising our children up in the way they should go so when they're old, they don't depart from it." And so all of these things come back to return to the Lord with all your heart and seek in first the kingdom of God. And then it says, "I will make you my reward, and I will make you one of the jewels, one of the jewels, and God will take care of all of the things in our lives if we'll seek him first." And so family, first God in our family, our marriages, right after God, our children, our grandchildren, our nation, God's principles have to return into every area of society. And that's where you and I come in. All of us, if we do not rescue our children, we will not rescue America. So we must go after the kids, get them filled with God's spirit. They're hungry for the supernatural gene. They want God. And we're seeing them get filled with the spirit. If the church will be the church, they won't want what the world has, amen? All five of our kids are serving Jesus, no, because we're perfect parents, but because he's a perfect God and we introduced him to them and we got them filled with the spirit where they know how to hear God. And the rescue children, rescue America, let's all get on assignment. We win this if we do what God says, amen? Yes, and we win this when we realize that we have got power in unity. You know, when we're team Bailey, we're forced to be reckoned with. When we're team mama bears, we're a force, okay? In your Flashpoint army, you are a force. I have a relationship, even with the contractors that are here for the Flashpoint army that travel with us, recognize your tribe. You know, Gene, sometimes you're like, some of the stuff I don't like to be associated with what's going on with the body of Christ or whatever. So you're doing the right thing, run toward your pack, because you're going to get strength, you're going to learn like, oh my gosh, Chris Ann, is she a powerhouse or what? Okay, Austin, Austin's straight, or sign up with Patriot Mobile or what they're doing in the school systems. And I met Monica that's in charge of, they're in free conference calls and you've got five friends, ladies, start a prayer once a week, okay, get in your jammies with your coffee. There is something to be done wherever you are, but if we would unify and not pick each other apart, because we're not going to agree 100% on everything, and realize if your method is your catalyst, if you're a believer and you believe in Christ, okay, and we unify, the devil stands zero chance against us. [Applause] [Music]