Drenda On Guard

Rescue America! A Prophetic Vision for Restoration Drenda On Guard

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21 Sep 2024
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- Can we rescue America from the radical left? Find out today as I'm joined by special guest and host of Flashpoint, Gene Bailey. I'm Drenda and this is Drenda on guard. Let's get into it. (applause) Welcome back all you faithful fighters for truth. Today is going to be a special episode with a dear friend of ours, but before we get into it, I want you to consider following me on my rumble channel too. With Google cracking down on conservatives and shadow banning Christian content, who knows how long we'll be able to share the truth with you on this platform. Don't forget to comment down below to share your thoughts about this episode. And without further ado, let's get into it. Gene, it's great to have you today. Thanks for joining me. - Oh, great. Thank you. It's great to be here. Thank you. - You are running around doing tours everywhere, Flashpoint, several nights now a week, and things are exciting. They're hopping. This is a big year, isn't it? - Oh boy, it's a huge year. It's a big year for us to work and it's a big year for America. - Yes, absolutely. So what is the climate you're seeing as you go from tour to tour and you talk to people? - Well, on one hand, you've got election fatigue and it's very real. I think everybody's tired of this issue already. I mean, we still have months to go before November election, but still there's a lot of believers who are rallying to the call to see God do something in America. So that's encouraging, but we still got a long way to go because we've got a lot of people who are still not. Well, I just won't vote. I'm just, I don't like either candidate. And I have to be careful 'cause they get upset at people like that 'cause there are pastors that still not engaged. And so we have to get everybody engaged and understand what's really at stake in America. And that's where we are as a nation. We've got to get stuff engaged to get people in line, start filling out whether it's in local government or even volunteering in their neighborhoods in their county government. We've got to get stuff going. - Yes, we do. It's like I see people who are really sold out like Gideon's army and those that are kind of self-absorbed and they're living in their world and they don't really want to have to pay the price to get involved and then I see those that are doing evil. And it's like those three groups. We have to move people from the middle of just being self-focused. Even churches that to me, they're thinking, well, I just want to preach the gospel and get people to say that they're not recognizing the impact of government on their ability to do that. And they're not really doing that to the level they think they are. It's more of a comfort zone, right? - That's right, and that is preaching the gospel. The gospel is the good news and this nation was established on Judeo-Christian principles. And you know, I'm shocked how much I am opposed when I say that a lot of what you see in our founding fathers documents is divinely inspired. Oh no, you're religious writing them. Do your history, do your own research. You'll find whether it's John Locke's to treat us as a government or what happened in those spot sweaty rooms and they're hammering out what a constitution looks like, what a constitutional republic looks like. This was God inspired. And what they were leaving was tyranny. And they didn't want to walk right back into another dictatorship, king royalty. This government is from the bottom up, not from the top down. - That's so right. And we don't need tyrants and we don't need puppets. We need people that are public servants, right? That are sold out to following God's word and laying their life down for their people. I'm just shocked myself getting more and more involved behind the scenes with politics and government, how many folks are just serving themselves in all directions and this self-centeredness, self-absorbed attitude is selfishness, let's just be honest and selling out. - It is. - It is what is causing us to hang by a thread and we're at a very, very pivotal time waking people up. Do you feel like a town crier going riding, you know? - I do. - The British are coming in. - Yeah, like, hey, wake up, wake up. Come on, the British are coming, the British are coming. - That's why I do. - It's the Loker coming, the Loker coming. So we have to, we have to realize the times we're in and it's so obvious to people like you and me, but there are so many people that are going, oh, it'll be all right. You know, we're gonna be all in. It's like, don't you understand. I was at the, this past weekend. I went to the store to buy some steaks to grill on the grill. And so, and I'm not usually the one that goes to the store 'cause I get stopped 100 times, but I did. And I'm picking up a T-bone and like going, oh my gosh, how do people do this? How do people pay? They just don't. They don't get to have things like a steak. Or, because it's, it's like, it used to be what my whole week's grocery bill was to buy three steaks and so, I mean, it's staggering. This is what we're dealing with. And it's, it's that it really is the killing of America. And if we don't stop it, and this time next year, we won't recognize where we are. I believe someone wrote a book about that, right? Yes, they did. Yes. You like that said way, that was good, wasn't it? Excellent, excellent. No, it's an excellent, we have to wake folks up. And really, Jean, it's not even as bad. It's worse, I'm saying, than they see. Because things are still propped up in a lot of ways. So even the T-bone steak, as high as it is, there's still things that are propping up. The economy and our dollar and energy. So if the, if the tables pulled out from under, the legs are pulled out from under us, it's a lot worse underneath than what we're seeing right now. So, waking people up is our challenge. It is, what do you, do you see any wake up happening in the younger people especially? Well, actually, I do, and I think that's probably the single most encouraging thing that we're seeing. And it's twofold. Number one, we're seeing people turn back to God like never before on college campuses. I know college is out right now, but we're seeing people with a massive shift back, it reminds me of the Jesus movement where we're seeing young people lead the charge that they're going, wait a minute, there's something wrong and God is the answer. So that is massive. We get that right. We fix the spiritual problem in America, the economic, the political, the governmental, all the justice issues, they'll fall in line. So that's one big thing. The other side of it is people are waking up in the, and I say younger as 30 years old and younger that are understanding, hey, I have a role to play. If I'm gonna get married one day, if I'm going to have children, I want my kids to be able to go to a school where they're not taught anything other than there are only two genders. I want them to be safe. And I have my kids who have my grandkids are real small and they're about to enter, one of us is about to enter first grade soon. And so I can see it and she works for the school system. So she's concerned, where am I putting my children? You know, it used to be, Drinda, that it was easy to just plant your kid in the public school system and until you're able to find, you know, where you wanted to put them in homeschool or Christian education, that's been the recent idea. Now it's not that way at all. Now it's like, no, don't do that. And I guess I'm torn about that because if we don't change the public school system, then it's just going to continue to go the wrong way. So, but I'm not, I don't want to send my kids there. If I had little kids, I wouldn't want to send them there. My grandson, I'm concerned where he's going. So there's a lot of that that's happening with the younger group that is very encouraging as we're starting to see them step up to be the one, step up to say, "Hey, this isn't right." In fact, there are some churches in our local area in Fort Worth that are massive, health and politics, I've seen, tenacity and a hunger to understand more about government, how it works, how do I overlay my Christian life and how do I serve God in government? That is revival and that's what we want to see. 'Cause remember, if there's no reformation, revival has no purpose, it was just a good church meeting. We must have reformation on the backside of revival. So that's what you're seeing. People coming back to God, kids giving their hearts to God, getting baptized in the backup pickup trucks and in the oceans of America and then getting involved and that's something to praise God about. - Yes, yes it is, we have hundreds of kids of the next two weeks that'll be in our youth camp and two years ago we opened a Christian school because God blessed us with this incredible building that was a school, they basically locked the door, closed it down, it was a secular school and mismanaged but a phenomenal facility and we could have waited a couple of years to open it and done all of the due diligence of laying the groundwork and everything. But when I heard that kids were gonna be asked for a pronoun that fall, we hustled two and a half months with incredible, actually a lot of homeschooling families who saw it as a ministry to get that school open. So I feel like we're on all the fronts. We have home educators, we have our own school and now we've also began to support a ministry base that goes into the school. We actually have a law, it's a federal law that you can actually release kids at lunchtime with their parents' permission for our Bible stuff. And we're seeing that all over Ohio. But you know what, there are people that fight that. They fight the ability for kids, not even their own kids. They don't want any kids to be able, with their own parents' permission to be released for that lunch I work to be able to get religious instructions. So we recognize we're not dealing with flesh and blood here because what sense does it make that another parents trying to control your child and what they learn and that there are these forces of darkness that are fighting and I balanced to that act of being the lamb and loving and then being that lion that says no, you're not touching our kids. But I do believe there is a righteous voice that is speaking up in the church and it does kind of deal with that apathy we've seen. 'Cause that apathy goes both way. It's an apathy to reach people and it's an apathy to even speak up against darkness or sin or things that are destroying kids' lives. And so living out of that place where I'm fully filled with his love and I love so deeply that I'm willing to be passionate against evil and darkness that's hurting people. I think that separates it. A lot of people are like, well, you're coming out against people and Jesus loves the people and you're supposed to love your enemies. I love my enemy, but I will not love what they do and what they're doing to children and to people. I believe that we have to stand up and take a strong stand to scripture does, our founders did, the law and justice says that we must do that. And that actually is the road to repentance for them anyway. If they don't hear what they're doing called out, but God deals with me too. You know, I go back in every Jonah. I just read it yesterday and Jonah reminds me, okay, not only do we go and we warn and we call out the evil and call people to repentance, but we have authority when we love them so deeply that we care so deeply about the community. And I know that's what's happened, happened to me in governmental spheres. Someone said, "Trenda, why are you fighting for these people, are they really worth it?" And I was like, wow, I don't know if I, all of a sudden I realized Jesus heard that voice too. They said, "Are they really worth this?" And I'm like, "Out of my spirit, yes, they're worth it." You know, God loves them and He died for them and I love them too. And I realized, wow, this isn't just me doing an office trying to get elected. This is, I love an out of compassion, I'll be obedient and lay my life down to serve. Instead of being a politician or wanting to win something, it's no, it's like I'm in public service. It means I'm becoming a servant. He's anointing me to lay my life down. And if more public servants had that attitude, we'd shift things instead of what can I get from this. - And you're right because, Drenda, what you just described is what people are, a sum or like yourself are waking up to the idea, the concept that our founding fathers had, which was public service, not lifetime in politics, not a career at politician. It was public service 'cause if we remember, term limits were there for a reason. And that's what we've somehow missed. And I love that you bring that up because public service is exactly what we're supposed to be doing in serving. Can I read you my scripture? This is my new one that I like to rely on. It's in Joel three, verse nine and 10. And this is in the ESV version. It's proclaimed this among the nations, consecrate for war, stir up the mighty men. Notice he doesn't say stir up the mighty old men. It's stir up the mighty men. Let all the men of war draw near, let them come up, beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weak say, I am a warrior. And that's what we have to be, Drenda, we have to be warriors. We have to carry the love of God, absolutely. But we don't back down from the things that God hates. And that's what we're doing. That's what we have to do. We have to keep that in mind. So thank you for doing all that you're doing there. I mean, you guys are busy. - Everybody's surprised. - I love it. - Thank you. I love what you do. You've been a forerunner when we dealt with the elections and we were looking at our nation and the turmoil, you rose up, Jean, and said, I'm gonna do something about this. And that flash point was birthed. And then from that, tours have been birthed. And I know I'm excited coming up June 27th and 28th. We have a flash point tour right here in New Albany, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus. And as we were speaking, I got a vision of more young families and young people coming, those people that I am a warrior. We're so grateful for the generations that have gone before our generation and those that are older to stand up for our nation. But it only, like you said, reforms things if it goes all the way down. And so I wanna invite everybody to share this and invite others, especially young families. And as they have children and as we have grandchildren, we see how important it is that this is a generational legacy that we have of our faith in God, a Christian nation. We are founded on Christian principles. And others can say, well, whatever it was, it's not anymore. No, it still has the seed of the Word of God and it will not return void. That's the promise we have. So getting that seed into others and becoming a farmer and planting fast and furiously, that seed is so important. How do you see this? - It is, let me say this about Ohio because we were there last year and it ended up being, it was a stellar event, number one. I mean, it was a wonderful time that we had there. I was surprised at how far we drew people from. We had a huge amount of people from the Carolinas. Pennsylvania was a massive coming that people from other states came. But Ohio is crucial and we must not forget that no matter where we live and we must not forget how crucial Ohio is in America's future. And let me say, when you get people of like faith, this was the thing we never saw coming. When people come to these events and there's something about being under the tent. This is the only tent meeting that we do. But when they're under the tent, a tent is neutral ground. It is not a certain denominational church or a certain type of, it's neutral ground. Everybody's the same under a tent. And what happens is people start going, hey, they believe like I do and they believe like I do. And we all think something's wrong in America. And so what happens is the enemy is so told to us that you're alone and nobody believes that way or you're old and you don't agree with that or you're young and you're not old enough to do anything that we kind of isolate and we stop doing what we're supposed to do. But when you're at these events, you start making friends. And I think that is one of the best byproducts is I see people making lifelong connections and friends are going, well, I live in Pennsylvania, not too far from you, let's get together when we get back home. I think that's amazing. This is what church is all about. That's why we don't forsake the assembling of ourselves together. So when they come together, we do that. Look, when you come to Ohio, you're going to get something, you're not going to get anywhere else. And I can say that with full faith and understanding that exactly what I'm talking about. Yes, you're going to get everything from the mama bears making appearance. Of course, you, Brenda, Brenda Koona and my wife, Terry, and it's going to be, that's going to be a great, but you've got Lance at Wollnell, Hank Koona. You got, it's a whole host of people that are going to be there. As well as Luke Ball and Kylie Jean Tenehill. Listen, we got to the younger people as well coming because we cannot, this is not an old person or an older generation issue. This is America. So I love it. Last year in Ohio, we had lots of babies there. I don't know if you remember. We had lots of little kids and babies there, people setting up there and just stayed the whole day on Saturday. Hey, what a great time and a great season to be. But let me say this, when there is a move of God, you need to be in it. We must not forsake the sinling of ourselves together, but I'm telling you, Ohio, say, well, I went to this event or I went to that event. Yeah, that's great. But I'm telling you, this one's going to be different. This one's going to be unusually different. So I challenge you to show up and be a part. We don't charge anything. It's a totally free event. And we want to see you there. And we love meeting everybody and talking and shaking hands and everything. It's a great event. And I think everybody needs to understand this is crucial to America's future when we come together. So I'm looking forward to Ohio. I hope you can tell. I am too. I'm excited. I'm anticipating. I was last time and I know that God's going to exceed that. He always does exceeding abundantly above what we ask, think, or imagine. How do people register? Let's just tell them real quick while we're here. Yes, thank you. Yeah, it's free, but we do ask that you register so we have an idea of how many people are coming. It's Now, one thing that happened last year is that we, at the last minute, we were able to get Jim Caviesel to come and the folks from Epic and Angel Studios, they came to promote Sound of Freedom. If you remember, Drinda, they were concerned about this film was going up against the latest Indiana Jones film. And they were concerned about being pushed out of theaters. So we were able to show the whole movie for free right there in the tent. And we had that interview. And everybody that came to Ohio went back home and people were buying out theaters and totally buying up all the seats, all the tickets and churches were doing that. If you ask them, don't ask us, ask them, they say that was the turning point in the success of Sound of Freedom. Well, this year, we just secured another film that I want, we're going to show you on Saturdays called The Sound of Hope. It's kind of a theme, I guess. But This Sound of Hope is a true story about what happened when a group of people in a small town in East Texas decided adoption was better than abortion. And it will, it's going to rock you, but it's going to be something you want to see. And of course, that's included, it's free. The producers are letting us do that, show that as well. So we have to take back all seven mountains. And I know Lance has been there at the church and you guys preached this obviously as well. And this is why it's important that we do things like show you films that you need to see, get involved and help promote. I mean, if we can turn, think about this. If you can help turn one person away from abortion and into adoption, what have you saved? You saved a lifetime, a whole legacy going forward to that person's lineage, not to mention the hurt and all the anguish that comes with abortion. I'm telling you, this is massive. This is massive. That's why we're like ready to leave town and get to Ohio now. - Yes, I agree. I heard Tucker Carlson say, if you get life right, everything else from there flows. - It's true. - And it's true. When we get back to valuing life, I look at child abuse rates and all the things that have gone wrong in our nation. And you can see the connection to killing unborn children and the disregard for life and God and that He created life and that none of us are a mistake or an accident and that there's a purpose for us. And the answers are in the people that God creates, the answers that we need. We get back to that, we go back to the foundations, what is right and what is wrong. And that changes the country. So I agree, I'm so excited about the sound of hope being shared that evening too. Your book also, I want you to share how they can get your book because that's how they can get ready for Flashpoint. Coming up. - Oh yeah, well, the book releases July 2nd. So we are trying with the publisher to get some to bring to Ohio. - Yeah. - So if you come to Ohio, you would be really the first group of people that would be able to get it. But it's a book that Terry and I wrote together, it's the first book we wrote together. And it's really based off our times having coffee in the morning talking about what the God's doing or what's going on in government. And did you hear and did you, you know, what is... So you're seeing all of that together in one book. And this is already the second edition. We had to stop it, expand it. So this is an expanded edition where it was gonna come out in March, we pushed it to July because there's so much in here. And the title is Killing America, which doesn't sound like a big faith statement. But the subtitle is Turning the Tide on the Sonami of Darkness. And that's exactly what you and I are going to have to do is turn this tide with God's help and get that. But we go through step by step what God's, what the world is doing, what the enemy's trying to do to America. And this is not a Republican versus Democrat base book. That's not it. If this is written for you to have, something for you to give somebody else, if you understand this. I mean, read it, you'll be encouraged, you're gonna be edified and built up, but it's going to show you fact after fact, we were laborious in our reference and fact checking 'cause we wanted to make sure we showed you, this is exactly what happened. And you know, Drenda, it's been difficult from the time that we wrote the first edition to the second edition, a lot of that stuff had been scrubbed and you can't find it anymore. They don't want you to know what has happened. You know, we go back to COVID and talk about what was really going on in COVID. And then I know Anthony Fauci's in the news again nowadays, but there's so much here, if you look back at it and you take a step back, you realize, wait a minute, there really are after annihilating what we know as America. They want the land and the prosperity, but they don't realize the land and the prosperity is you and me and what we've done, how God's blessed this nation, but that's what it is. We have some tried and true, I don't wanna say tactics, but methods, processes that you can get involved like you did, Drenda, and getting involved in local government, as well as just keeping an open eye in the air to what's happening 'cause we must turn to time. Because it's that, you know, we started talking at the beginning, I'm shocking to me that we're still having to wake people up, that they're not seeing this, but yet that's just the way it is. So we're waking people up to what's really going on in America so that we can come see America hang back to its roots 'cause that's what we want. We didn't know, we were caught sleeping, I was caught sleeping, thought things were better than they were, and then suddenly we've been, the walls been dropped and we're going, whoa, this was really going on, and we're not at the bottom yet. You think the swamp, you know everything is what? We're not there yet, we still got a lot more to uncover and we're seeing it as it goes. - Yes, we have everything to lose. - So yes, killing America, you can get it at, you can pre-order it now, or better, just come to Ohio and get the book in person. - That's right, we'll do, right here, June 27th, the 28th, having Flashpoint, getting your book, seeing the movie, all of that, that's so exciting. Yeah, when you see what's going on, even the laws in Canada, I always watch Canada and other nations we travel to, but long before we were going towards socialized medicine with Hillary Clinton and Obama, they were already there and they were using that to fund surgeries for LGBTQ, and I went, uh-oh, that's why they're pushing socialized medicine in the United States, and now we've seen that all come out. Now they're pushing in Canada, hate speech crime, and that can be retroactive, anything you've said or done. I do know some people are afraid, and it's like, wait a minute, if you're silent, if you're afraid and you're silent, you have something to fear, but if you'll speak up and we'll band together now, we can stop what they're trying to do. And we did get into the gangway, I know we did, I was thinking, as you were saying, turning the tide, I got a picture of when I was driving a boat, and I had no experience really driving a boat, and I did great when things were good, and then I parked it into a little cove, and I had to park it at a restaurant, and I did good, but when I got back in the boat, some confusion was going around, and voices were coming, and I didn't push the button, you know, that released the throttle so that it could move forward, and so I'm trying to get it to move, and it won't move, and I finally, I pushed it hard, and it took off, and it did like a wheelie, and then I pushed it in reverse, and we went flying backwards, and Gary went flying past me. I saw him, he's standing up, coming toward me, and then he goes, he's flying to the back of the boat, he lands back there, and at the last second, I turned the steering wheel forward, and we went the forward, and I missed a dock, and we went straight through this canal, and came out on the other side perfectly unharmed, except for my husband was a little shaken up, and I feel like-- - I'm sure I can see Gary doing that. - I feel like that's where we are, and then we sat there, and we laughed, and we laughed, till we cried, and then that, and I watched boat accident, injury, sing, fun things, silly things people do on boats, but I feel like that's where we are, when you said turning the tide, it's like, the church was caught asleep, you know, we'd try to shove everything into gear, fly forward, then we get some pushback and stuff, and then we pull back, we're backward, we look like we're in trouble, and then at the last second, we get things moving forward, we turn the tide, and I think that's, I pray that's where we are, that we're gonna turn this, I really believe that. What do you think's happening with the election? - Any projection? - Well, you know, I am looking for that inside information, that I'm to know exactly what we're gonna see. Okay, I will tell you what my opinion is. It's simply that, and I could be totally wrong. I believe what we're going to see is, I don't think Joe Biden will make it to the election. I still believe after the DNC in August that miraculously there'll be somebody else running. - You too, I do too. I just, I just don't, it's gotten too bad. He's too far in the polls. It's just things are not, the economy's bad. He's doing stupid stuff like this executive order on the border this week that does nothing, and the American people generally are wising up to what's really going on. That's why you're seeing so many former Democrats come over to the Republic. Everybody wants to be on the winning side, and so I believe they're seeing that. Now, on the other side, I'm very curious what they're going to try to do with Donald Trump when it comes to this election as far as being what I'm reading, is that there's definitely, they want to make him serve jail time. Does that, that doesn't bother me? Make him serve jail time. It'll be the best campaign convention. Best thing you can do to promote his campaign is stick him in jail. And so I think they've got, I think they may even know that, this may not be the right way. However, my biggest concern, and I hope everybody's listening to me, is what is going to happen at the RNC in July, right there in Milwaukee, when they're going to come together, because there are a lot of Republicans that do not want President Trump in office because of all the corruption that's going on there. So there are some ways the delegates could possibly pull a fast one and bring in another candidate and say they couldn't, they would have their own vote. The UNI wouldn't be able to be a part of, unless you're a delegate, and say that he couldn't run. And I have some inside information into that. I haven't been able to vet it enough to say, "Absolutely, that's what they're going to do." But that's what I'm hearing from more than one person, that there's going to be something that they're going to try when it comes to-- - Wow, so we could end up-- - The RNC. - Neither of the candidates that we have right now. - That's correct. - I think that is a possibility. - Yeah, I felt that for sure with Biden, that they were going to come in at their convention and put somebody else up, and we've got a few ideas. I don't know if you have some ideas who you think that might be. And then what I've seen, honestly, of the Republican Party, even at the lower levels, I see corruption, I see control. And I see the same people that are in office are running the Republican Party, and they're keeping it tight, close to them, and they're trying to make it what they want it to be, and not get behind. I see exactly what you're saying, not get behind Donald Trump. But I also see hopeful things. We're trying to take out Sherrod Brown, Bernie Moreno, he got Donald Trump's endorsement. He's told me that of his campaign events, his friends that travel with him, the two things they loved the most, of the whole campaign tour trail, was our church, coming to our church, and we let Bernie had him share and prayed for him, and then the Victory Party for him winning. So I thought that was part of what we're talking about, the church getting involved in government, and praying and standing. I've learned, this is vicious. These folks that are running for office, it is not, you know, there's doubles, so we need to be praying for them, and the church undergirding and coming alongside them. I understand that more than I ever did. There's an anointing in government, just like there's an anointing in the pulpit, and we need to get beside and behind and pray for them because the warfare's real, and the devils are intense. More so even in government than I've seen in the church, and it was religion and political persecution, that politics and religion that crucified Jesus, and we see that, and it's a, sometimes thankless job. So the good guys, we do need to really undergird them and pray and go behind them. So it is a crazy time to live prayer. What do folks need to be doing, Jean, in this hour? Tell us, tell everybody what this are, these are your warrior marching orders. - Yeah, well, of course, we need to pray. And this is, and not, as a believer, you've got to be led by Holy Spirit, and you got to crank up your discernment button so that you are more aware of what you're dealing with. What you just said, Drinda, it's far more vicious and corrupt than we all still even know. We must, and remember, the enemy hates it when we get together and we operate in unity. He hates that because we can all do so much more. I mean, this is what President Trump said to me last year in our interview, is he was sitting down, he spent on his mic, and it goes, you know, Jean, if the church would just all get together, you'd win every election. You'd get everything that you ever wanted if everybody would just vote the same. And I'm like, you're right, you're right. We're the biggest people groups still out there. So we need to operate in unity. In fact, I can say right here, and then this isn't a poor pitiful me statement, but our biggest enemy has not been mainstream media. And trust me, we've been hit by them. Our biggest enemy has been the church, religion, organized religion that doesn't like who we are and standing up. So that is what we have to overcome. And don't get sidetracked on that. They're just people that are being manipulated and abused and the devil's been able to get in there and control that. So number one, pray, be the discernment of the Holy Spirit. And then number three, act. You know, there are three steps that we talk about at Flashpoint. It's activate, deploy, motivate, activate and deploy. We're at the deploy stage. It's what you just did by deploying into local government. We all have to deploy. And you go, well, maybe I'm older and I don't know what to do. Guess what? There are people that will help you become a poll watcher, become a local delegate. There are plenty of things that you can do. And I'm sure they're at the church and you can give them more information. But we have to not just sit back and wait and watch. That's the biggest thing. If you're a warrior, remember Gideon's army. Who the ones, we don't want the ones that are gonna just stick their head down and not watch. We've got to become the ones that are constantly on the outlook. What is the enemy trying to do? This is a battle. This is a war. Warriors must unite. If we could all act like a mama bear does and get ferocious when it comes to protecting our families, our churches, our cities, our governments, we'll see this nation turn. And I do believe I'm not the fetus. I believe in the faith that we preach and we preach this from a place of victory, not from a place of defeat. Does not mean though, we get to sit back and not do anything. We have to do our part in that. And all the prophetic words that have come, we have to do our part in that and reach out there and be who God needs in the earth today. - That's so good, Gene. I see that throughout the word of God. Every single person that became a hero, they didn't just pray. They prayed and then they acted on the strategy that God gave them. Whether it's rallying around another person that's running for office, getting involved with their local school board, showing up to their commissioner's meetings, or showing up to their local meetings. What I've learned is all politics is local. And what bubbles up to the top is not so great if we don't start with the right foundations. And so getting involved locally and plugging in there and holding people accountable. And not just like I did jumping in the boat and trying to learn to drive you at the last second. However, however, if we have not been there, we've been negligent, better to get in there and start driving. I still managed and we made it through. And so I've been navigated every day by the Holy Spirit in this whole thing. I know you have too. We all just jumped in, we saw the cause, is there not a cause, right? David said, is there not a cause? And so there is a cause. It is the greatest nation on the face of the earth, with a covenant with God and its foundation. Mistakes made, yes. Just like I made mistakes trying to drive that boat, but navigating to the right course and getting where we need to get. And I've seen you do that with Flashpoint and the bravery and courage with which you've operated. I wanna say thank you, Jean. Thank you, thank you to Terry, 'cause it takes both of you. I know that you've laid your life down, you've worked intense hours, you've stepped out into places that were difficult and sometimes misunderstood. I'm sure by Christians and religious folks. For me, as a pastor balancing that act of people saying, when the church doesn't embrace what God is doing, God always has to go outside the church. He did it with the Holy Spirit, the move of the power, the Holy Ghost. But we don't wanna forsake God's system of the church. And so I'm trying to help people understand, find the church that is preaching the Word of God that's doing what God is doing, that's activating a righteous voice and bringing back the standards of the Word of God and the doctrines of the Word of God, the teachings of the Word of God. So find it, they're there, we're here, there are other churches embracing that. Don't completely turn your back on God's system, the church. But we must, and God has gone outside the church to bring this awakening, I believe back to the church, as he's had to do throughout history. So I embrace what you're doing, it's so important to the church. - Amen, thank you so much. - Thank you, and I just wanna, if it's all right with you, we'll close in prayer. Would you like to pray? Would you like me to pray? - Sure, sure, I'll pray and let you give it to you. Father, right now I come to you in Jesus' name, every person watching this program. Father, I pray that they receive the words that are spoken, the encouragement, the edification, but also Lord, the charge to stand up and be a warrior where they are in their local areas, that we take what we've learned all of these years in church and apply it now in our local communities, that we get involved. So Father, I thank you that we don't act in fear, we don't operate in all of this from a place of defeat, but we operate from a place of victory because we know you're going to succeed, we know the end of the story. So Father, we rely on that, and in spite of that, and because of that, we operate in this from a place of faith and a place of victory. And Father, I thank you that everyone watching today is encouraged and motivated to get out there and be the warrior, you've called them to be in Jesus' name. Amen. - Yes, thank you, Lord. Hallelujah, we pray for America to be saved God. And we thank you, it's not my modern power, but by your spirit. And so we believe you, God, that you are moving in this nation, and you are giving ideas to your people. And Lord, we believe for a great turning of the tide, as Jean's book says, we believe for that Lord, and that you will navigate us into safe waters. You always lead us in triumph. And we thank you, you said in your word, it will be well with those that follow you. Tell my people, it will be well with them. But Lord, we want it to be well in our nation and across the nations too. So we're willing to lay our life down, to serve and to receive your marching orders and to go into battle. We pray for Donald Trump, we pray for his family, we pray for our nation, and every righteous person that is trying to do what is right, and is under warfare attack. God, we pray for victory. We pray they would not be weary. The saints would not be weary, but we would see a great activation of your spirit in this hour that would stir the body to rise up in courage, courage. That's the word for the hour, that would rise up in courage and would step forth and do your will, Lord. We know your desire. We must just get in alignment with your desire. And we thank you, your people will get in alignment. And like Gideon's army, we will see the defeat of the enemy and the victory of your people in Jesus' name. Amen, amen. - Amen. - Amen. Jean, thank you so much. Again, those dates for Flashpoint, June 27th, 28th, right here, except for Columbus, Ohio, New Albany, New Albany, Ohio at Faith Life Church. If you're looking for information,, but they can register again, tell them where they can register. - Yeah, and register at All of our events are there, registered for Ohio, free event, and we want to see you there. Yes, and get Jean's new book and we're gonna turn the tide. When they're trying to kill America, the killing of America, we are gonna turn the tide and see God's deliverance in his hand, but it takes the church. He cannot do it if we will not, right? - That's right, that's right. - We must be involved. Thank you so much, Jean. I look forward to seeing you really soon. And we have a 2,500 seat tent. We believe the glory, the heavens are gonna open and there's nothing like being out of the tent and just worshiping God there and seeing these incredible speakers that are gonna motivate, encourage, and I believe give us what we need to make it to the finish line. It's like we're at that part of the sprint where you feel like you wanna lay down, you wanna stop, but instead I believe for a second wind, a second, just that second wind to come on everybody and we're gonna run to the finish line and see the victory. Thank you. - Amen. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. I just wanna thank Jean for joining me today and I thank God for our nation and we believe America will be safe but we believe it requires all of us to be involved. We can't just sit back and drink lemonade and think, oh, it's just gonna happen. No, God calls people. Throughout the Word of God, He calls them to take up the righteous cause to obey Him, to submit to Him, get out of our comfort zones and our comfortable life, our comfortable life won't last if we aren't willing to step up to the plate and take a swing and do whatever we have to do. Drive the boat. So anyway, thanks for joining me today, I'd bless you. And until next time, stay on guard. We'll see you then. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)