Drenda On Guard

Extremists Are TRAINING In America! Drenda On Guard

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18 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - I wanna ask you about the immigration initiatives. We've seen really a mass immigration in the United States from all kinds of nations. But a lot of Muslims have moved into the country. What do you see in that? And what would you say, it is an opportunity. There's the here's people come right to our back door to win to the gospel. But what do you see and what's going on with immigration? - Immigration, according to my, it's my opinion, or my thought, that you know, I have a home, so I live in a home. I would not like anybody comes to my home or in the boundary or inside of my homes without my permission. Because I don't know who is coming. - Right, you don't know their motives, they're intense. - If I invited somebody, I gave permission somebody, then I know who is coming. And if I allow everybody somebody, then the robbers can come, then the thieves can come, then you know, all kinds of people can come and they can destroy my home. They can thieves, you know, my home. They can steal the things. So this country see as a big home. I love, I am an immigrant. I love immigrants to come here because this is a place and that we see in many different ways. Number one, the freedom, the freedom of speech, the freedom of worship and the freedom. And then the land of opportunity. The opportunities in our countries we don't have, we have here. And I can explain so many things about opportunities. Like going to college, in Pakistan, if you have money, you go to college, if you don't, you don't have. There is no government aid or grants are loan. There's no. And here, when I came here, here is everything. They encourage you to get education. So these kinds of opportunities. Big difference to make your future and life better. But people who are coming to the country, breaking the law, right? Through the borders, without permission. You don't know what kind of people those are coming. If the people are coming with their visa with the process, they go to their countries, to the American embassy. They present there that I want to go to America, holds the whole application, the reason and everything. Then America knows who is coming. Exactly, just like you said, coming into your home. You want to know who's coming in your property? Were they invited or did they just show up? And what are their motives? What are their intentions? So when I come there, I have different experiences. One time I was at the airport and they asked me how many countries have you been? And I couldn't remember all of them. And they showed me this and this is who you have been. So once you come with the documents, the government knows everything about you. So it's like when you bring your guests at your home, you know about the guests, right? So immigration to me is very good. It's like opportunity and it's a blessing for us as immigrants. But coming illegally is a dangerous for the country. Yes, it is dangerous for the country. Yes, yes. And Pastor Emmanuel, you go back and forth. You're over there helping families, you administer. You see that what we're dealing with in America is dangerous. We have people that are unvetted, that are coming in. And like you said, legal immigration is completely different than illegal immigration. They try to put it together, but it's not the same thing. You did this legally with good intention for our nation to come here for opportunity. It's been a blessing God has used in your life. As you're ministering, as you do, we've partnered with you and this helping families. Do you think that Christians and Muslims can exist together? Can they live together and can they get along together? You know, it depends what kind of Muslims you are living with in your neighborhood or in your country. Because as I said, I have friends, my last lifetime friends, they're Muslim and they're like to me like families. I just send them Eid Mubarak to all of them. And when I go to Pakistan, I meet them. I go to their homes. When they see me on Facebook, they start calling me. You cannot live, go back without visiting us. So those are Muslim too, right? So it depends what kind of Muslim. - So you have two groups of people. One, receive you as a brother. They grew up with you. They respect your faith and what you stand for. And then you have others that are militant and they're against you and tell you to go home. - So we have to, like talking about America, we have to be careful. We are not bringing the militant. I want to bring this point here. Many Americans don't know if you just Google. Militant Muslim training. Jihadist training. - It's happening right here in the United States. - In USA, 35 training centers. - 35 training centers. - In the USA. - They're militant Muslim training centers. - And that's on the internet. That videos are on internet. I watched it and I saved some of them. And those videos if I can watch either. Do you think government doesn't know? - They know. - The government doesn't. - Yeah. - So they know what they do nothing about. - And those militant trainings, the leader of them is from Pakistan, Karachi. He gave his like interview. And he told, in his interview, these are the places we have these training centers. He gave all the addresses. - Wow. So do you feel there's a gentleman? - These kind of things we should stop. - Yes, we should stop. Do you feel there's a day coming where the powers that are trying to undermine America will call for the same kind of jihadist activity right here in the United States. And we'll see what you've seen in Pakistan. - There are examples. Look at the England. What's happening in England? - Yes. - Who is the Prime Minister of England now? Indian Hindu. - He's Hindu. - And who is the mayor of the city, Pakistani? - Muslims. And we were talking about government, you know. Just a minute ago, right? - Right. - Government is the decision maker. - Right. - And if they are in the decision maker and they become the decision maker, they guard the positions and those power. They will make decisions according to their favor what they want. - And it comes back to illegal immigration because the people in Europe, they called us and said be careful. We've already lost your up. If you do, let this happen in America, you'll lose America. They bring in legal immigrants and then they get the vote. And then they're able to vote people into office that don't represent what would be a typical British parliament or the typical, I know the last times I've been in any European city except the Czech Republic, I did not see this. But when I was in Paris or London, it's looks like it's 50% Muslim now or because it just swarmed in there. And I know Hungary stood against it. - And you know, the result of that, if you just Google, women's raped in England, are Europe, my Muslims. There are so many videos on YouTube and the Muslims, they ask them Muslims later, those who raped, they took interview. They said, oh, they were not wearing the clothes, like proper clothes according to that. - Because the women aren't wearing the burka and the proper clothing, they have a license to rape them. - That's what it is. I wanna bring these points through the TV so people would know. Many times with people don't research, don't watch the videos because American, the life is too busy to look for everything. So I wanna bring some points, if somebody's interesting, they can go to internet and what we are talking, they can research and watch those things. - So these are the dangers. - It is a danger. - This is like, if it happens. - Everything from children to women have been murder and raped right here in our own country by illegal immigrants. It's not necessarily all Muslim, but a lot of illegal immigrants from different backgrounds. - Two points about Columbus, three points about Columbus. I don't know if you-- - We live, we live. - Yeah, I don't know if you researched it on that or knew. About 2007 around, it's on internet. It's a long story, but you can research later. Clara's small. Clara's small. - Clara's small. - Five Muslims. They had a plan to put a last bump and Christmas at Christmas. They had a plan. - Wow. - And they are arrested. - And why does our media not really share very many of these things? - This is, this is not on the TV's, but this is on the internet. Actually, I was getting my trainings from the bank as a tailor, so that's where our teacher told us. And they were arrested through the tailor. There is a bank system. They were teaching us like you have to check what is the business, how many money is coming through the business. If it is over, then you have to report to the, your manager. So that's how they find it. Muslim man came, he said, there is a business and he start bringing like millions of dollars in the, that doesn't, that business cannot make that. So the tailor, she started researching. She went to the address at the given as a business and there was no business. She reported to the like manager and the manager reported to the, and manager did the same thing. Manager went to the place and couldn't find the business. They report to the area manager. So this is how they report to the agencies, like FBI and things. - So this teller, she was able to show, and those funds probably came from Pakistan, right? - From you know, millions of dollars into this business. - Right, I would say Muslim countries. - Okay. - Muslim countries. - So because Pakistan itself is kind of broken country, even Pakistan get to the funds for terrorism from other countries. You know what I mean? - I know what you mean. I'm concerned that some of that is from our own country. - From other countries, from other countries. But the people of Pakistan being used, they are being like giving money to be used. The people who give money, they don't do themselves. - Yeah, just like we pulled out of Afghanistan and left all the equipment and everything ISIS would need to be able to be reinvented and to reinvent themselves and to go out and do the terror that they were doing, that the Obama administration was obviously flying to a tarmac and handing money to people, you're right. They're being used and abused. Really at the end of the day, it's the people that suffer. They're the ones that get used, they get hurt. We're seeing it here happen in the United States where groups of people are being victimized, made to feel hatred, so they'll turn around and be a mercenary against innocent people. And this is Satan's plan and game. There's so many things we could talk about. Pastor Manu, I appreciate what you do. We didn't get into that much today. But what you do to help the gospel go forward, to minister, you've actually bought people out of slavery. We partnered with you to do that. - Thank you so much for your partnership. Your partnership is helping us a lot in Pakistan to number one, extend the kingdom work in Pakistan. You remember, I wanna mention about Pastor Gary's book. We just translated "Kingdom Thought." We translated it into Pakistan, into one thousand books we distributed, and I am getting the testimony. How people are using that book, they have not gone to the Bible schools, but this one book is helping them. It's kind of a training to prepare messages and to preach the gospel. - So people are getting saved in the Muslim community, both here in the United States and abroad. And there's hope, there are answers, but America has been the light to the world. If we don't save our nation, it's a travesty. Yes, because this is, many nations do look to America and go, if America doesn't fix their problem, what hope? But Jesus is our hope, right? So as we close the day, I would encourage you, thank you for joining me today. And we see oppression here in our United States of America, and we must stay one united. We can't let people be divided here, so that it's causing people to be victimized, one group and the other being attacked, attacking each other, that division. Jesus said a house divided cannot stand. I wanna ask as we get off today, Pastor Manuel, would you just pray, maybe anybody that's Muslim that may be watching today, give anyone hope today, and just would you pray as we close? - Yes, I would like to pray, and again, as we were talking during our conversation, that the Bible says love the people who persecute you, love the people who blame you, accuse you, it's the Bible. And Jesus himself is an example on the cross. He said, "Father, forgive them "because they don't know what they do." So I would just encourage my Muslim friends, you know, just to read the Bible. I'm not saying to convert to a Christianity, to become a Christian, I'm saying just read the Bible, and especially the New Testament. The reason I'm saying New Testament, New Testament right is starting about Jesus, about the life of Jesus, about the teaching of Jesus. And after New Testament, if you read that Old Testament, it will be more beneficial to you, and more understandable. So if any Muslim is listening to me, and I wanna tell you, as a Christian, we love you, we pray for you guys, and Jesus loves you, and you know that as a Muslim, you have to believe Jesus as a prophet, and but we believe Jesus as our savior, the son of God. And Jesus gave his life for us, and he died, and he, you know, third day raised. So Jesus is alive today. He answers the prayers today, because he's alive. So I encourage you, I pray for you, I'm gonna pray for all of you, and other people. So let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this opportunity that you have given to us today Lord, to be together and talk about the kingdom, and Lord how the heavenly kingdom can be expanded, and how the kingdom on this earth, in this world, that God you are involved, and how important for us to be a part of kingdom as a water's God. Give us more and more wisdom, Lord. And as the Bible says, reach nations, and make disciples among nations, Lord. And Muslims are about two billion people around the world, Lord, and you love them. You gave your life for them, Lord. Because the Bible says, Jesus gave his life for the whole world, whoever believe in him, is not about any religion. It's a personal relationship with you, Lord. And I pray for the Muslims, brothers and sisters, that they can have personal relationship with you. That, Lord, you can help them through the Holy Spirit to open their spiritual mind, their spiritual eyes, their spiritual heart, their spiritual ears, Lord, so they can have and develop a personal relationship with you to be saved, Lord, because there is only one way to Father to have one, is only Jesus, Lord. Thank you, Lord. I bless all the Muslims and Hindus and Sikh and all the nations around the world. I bless all the Christians around the world, Lord, and bless, Lord, because, Lord, you love them. You love people, Lord. And you ask them to love people, to forgive them. Love the way, like even if they persecute us. Even they look like an enemy to us. Still, you said, love them and pray for them, Lord. Yes, Lord, we thank you. So, we are praying them, Lord, and we, in practice, in practical life, Lord, we love them, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you so much. In Jesus' mighty name, amen. Amen. Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Division, Jesus said, a house divided cannot stand. So, those people that live in America, let's reach them, they come to our back door. And I do believe that we should have legal immigrants only in the nation. And I think there's law and governmental factors that need to get involved in these areas. But what you and I can do today is we can stand, we can pray, we can get involved, not take our Christianity for granted and reach everyone. By all means, reach everyone we can in our sphere of influence, at our work, in our neighborhood, in our homes, let's save America and Jesus Christ is the only answer for our nation and the nations of the world. He died, as my friend said, so that we could live and have life more abundantly. And his kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And until next time, stay on guard. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)