Drenda On Guard

Do YOU Have Toxic Masculinity Drenda Off Guard Moment

Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - So, Tan, if you look up the word toxic masculinity on Google, you'll find a list of the top 10 signs that your masculinity is toxic. - Okay. - So, I'm gonna give you the top 10-- - I should have taken that test before doing this, make sure I'm not toxic. - So, anyway, I'll just run through some of these. You comment anywhere you want to. Number one, being stoic. Number two, being promiscuous. - Okay, yeah, I mean, I think potentially could show toxicity if you're being promiscuous. - Absolutely, absolutely. - All right, but stoic, we said men are just stoic, right? I mean, they're just gonna be quieter or whatever. So, this is really, this is a heart. Three, claiming homosexuality is irregular. - That seems in line with what culture would want you to believe, right? 'Cause you got to, men are the head of the house, you got to get them out so you can go for the children. And that includes reassigning children with new gender norms. - Yeah, okay. - Yeah, so, in other words, if you're a toxic male, if you're against homosexuality. - Right. - It's like, that's weird. Why, claiming homosexuality is irregular makes you toxic, that makes you a toxic man. All right, no, maybe you just say, I'm a man and a man is in a man's body, and when he is, he should be heterosexual. - There's one thing, there's one bit of insight that men have into masculinity that women will never. Is that, they're men. We're wired differently. And in the area, and you see these videos on like TikTok and stuff where dads are stepping in front of a transgender, someone with an XY chromosome saying, hey, you're not going in the bathroom, my wife or kids are in there. Why? 'Cause men understand how we're wired, sexually different, more aggressive, more dominant, and can have negative or dangerous byproducts of our physiological wiring. - And it is dangerous for a child to be in a women's restroom. - We're visually stimulated, we're very different. So, yeah, that's, yeah. - Okay, number four, being violent. Number five, number four, I'm sorry, being violent. Number five, being dominant. - Well, I mean, it takes a little bit of dominance to get some stuff done at times. Now, dominance, though, you have to clarify, you can be dominant on the sports field, and that means you've worked the hardest, you've tried the hardest, and you care the most. So being dominant isn't always the underdog, someone who's not put their time in this, just trying to put everyone else down. It can just be someone who wants to be the best. - And violence, if a man is attacking me and someone's hurting me, I want my husband to become violent, I want him to come. So these are God-given traits that, when they're channeled toward the right thing, can be a blessing, and if it's channeled in the wrong way. - And let's be realistic. - And let's be realistic. - Have a child, harm a person. - These traits fall into either gender, either of the two, of toxic people, being violent, or being, these are not all exclusively male. - Right, six being sexually aggressive. - Yeah, I mean, that can be either way, but men are more common. And here's something that people have to realize, as we are living into a more sexualized culture, that statistic is gonna continue to increase. The more of these young girls that are doing their only fans page to make money, and by the way, they're not off the hook for their behavior. - No, they are not. - And so, yes, the more we sexualized culture-- - We're still a toxic femininity, or toxic sexuality. - That might be offensive. - Oh, yeah. (laughs) So, I mean, yes, and what we reap from this, as we continue to head into this toxic world that we're living into, is more dangerous things, more, I mean, our culture is very sexualized, and is continuing to do so. - And the government would have nothing to do with that, right? I mean, they can monitor our social media for anything they don't like politically, but they can't stop pornography. - Right. - I don't buy it. - Yeah, so you remember going during the COVID thing. In fact, it's still slightly amusing when you go back and look at the reels of some of the stuff that made no sense, like the people playing a clarinet in school with their mask cut opens. It's just, that stuff is just ridiculous, but you kind of see the hypocrisy of where we're leading into. So, if you posted something that was negative about the vaccine or COVID, they would pull that post down. - Well, they're on you, but they don't, they can't take down child pornography, or those are stalking kids on social media. This is weird. - Okay, number seven, not crying. You're a toxic male if you're not, if you're not. - There could be some truth that is unhealthy, that no men don't cry. But at the same time in the moment, you know, what's the statement? It's better to be a warrior in the garden than a gardener in war. Like, you know, there is some element of look in the moment that there is a way we have to behave in the moment. We can't, you know, if 90% of our police officers are men, actually over 90%, when the moment, sometimes there has to be a standard. We can't, we can cry about it later, okay? But, you know, so yes, men overly-- - He says, he says it, there's a time to cry. - Yeah, time to cry later, so yes, it's not helping for men not to let their emotions out, but they do tend to work through those emotions more internally. - In the moment, when they've got to be a warrior, they have to do what's needed, which is why God made men and women different. We need that warrior male in that moment. We need that man to be able to step in there, and that there may be PTSD later, and he may need to cry. - Right, yeah. - Number eight, not being a feminist ally makes you a toxic male, Tim. - What does that even mean? - I don't even know. - A feminist ally. - The feminists are not even an ally of women. - No. - So how does that, I mean, the whole thing is bizarre. They aren't even coming to the aid of women whose sports are being canceled. - I'm an ally of femininity in the way that God designed it. I'm an ally with my wife, we both, right? - So feminists, though, you have, there's too many, too many. - My thinking of feminists writing between the lines, you know, too many things in there that-- - Yeah, I would no longer, I don't even think, I don't even want, I don't even think most women want to be called a feminist anymore. - Yeah. - Except those toxic women. - Right, exactly, yeah. - Number nine, being a risk taker, makes you a toxic male. - Men are more risk takers. - And we need that. - I mean, it just, if you're thankful for any of the things that we experience today, you look at the Panama Canal and some of these historic features, the St. Louis Arch, a lot of men died building those things. The Panama Canal, that was like the crazy number, thousands of people. The risk taking has decreased over the years because we can afford to. We live in a way where, you know, if you wanted to settle, you know, you look at the stories of the settlers in some of these areas, I mean, you didn't know you were gonna survive this, you were on your own. And so that was-- - And they protected the women and children so they could survive. And now in our culture, we have women that are not surviving and children that are not surviving, taking their lives, destruction, pain, emotional brokenness, higher drug addictions among women as well. So this is the not surviving because we don't have men taking risks. Okay, the last one, 10, not engaging in household chores makes you a toxic male. - You know, and I think that some true to that, you go back in the earlier years of the country and stuff and guys didn't change diapers and they didn't do that. I do think more commonly today, most younger men are helping in any way they can. Not all of them, but-- - But if it goes back to survival, I would rather change the diaper and have my husband out building the fences and, you know, doing some of these things. - There's some humor in that for Alicia and I, okay? So we are sliding more into traditional gender roles. - Why? Because you have a farm. - We bought a big farm. And I'm telling you, there's a lot of stuff that she can't do. And so at this point, she's taking more and more responsibility in these areas. And I'm taking more, because a lot of it's just pain and suffering in the sense of sweat and hard work for me. And for her, it's pain and suffering 'cause she's-- - Well, that's toxic, Tim. - And it is what it is, you know, 'cause I'm a hundreds and some pounds bigger than her. Right, and she's glad for you to do that. - Exactly, and so that is kind of the, we look through today's lens at yesterday's decisions and it doesn't quite work because it was, I mean, you go back 100 years ago, we're living in a cabin that was built in the late 1820s, right? And so when you look at the life they had, you know, it's one room. Now, it was added onto, thank God, we're not living in one room, but you recognize the life they lived and they didn't have the tools and they didn't have the things, I mean, they worked incredibly hard just to survive. And they would probably laugh at these conversations we have today because they would, it just, you're gonna go cut firewood and I'm gonna cook. - Just like when they went into an African tribe and we're talking about turning men into women and women to men, those guys were like, they were laughing. - They were like, these are the craziest things, yes. - And it is crazy, it could only seem normal because we have celebrities in media brainwashing in schools, in medical, all brainwashing people to believe that a man should become a woman, a woman should become a man that men are toxic if they have these 10 things. - Right. - Anyway, so you're right. In history they could not have lived that life because of the necessity. - Right. It's like Californians advocating for grizzly bears and they have grizzly bears on their, and I'm sorry, I love California, the state, the people there. - We love these bears. - Yeah, okay, but anyway. - Now there's some awesome people out there. - There are, but the grizzly bears on their state flag but they don't want grizzly bears. So they'll advocate for grizzly bears in Montana. - They're not in their backyard. - Not where they originally lived in California 'cause we don't wanna be eaten by it. It's that same type of scenario. We want the good, but we don't wanna have to deal with the reality of how we're attacking these topics. - Yes, which becomes nonsense. - Yeah. - Instead of common sense. - Yeah, that's it. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)