Drenda On Guard

Harrison Butker vs. Anthony Edwards Who's the REAL Toxic Man Drenda On Guard

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16 Sep 2024
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What's more offensive telling a pregnant mother to abort her child and laughing about it or telling young women to pursue Homemaking find out today. I'm Drenda and this is Drenda on guard. Let's get into it Thank you for joining me today I'll you fighters for truth before we get into the video please like share and subscribe to the channel if you enjoy the content Or simply learn something new then leave a comment below Today's episode is going to be shocking and I have today joining me Tim could see my son. Yeah, make sure you click that notification bell so you never miss an upload So recently Tim Harrison Budker an NFL player for the Kansas City Chiefs Gave a commencement speech at Benedictine College a Catholic college that upholds Catholic beliefs I would tell you what stands out to me, but I think he says it best. So let's watch it together Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2024 I would like to start off by congratulating all of you for successfully making it to this achievement today I'm sure your high school graduation was not what you had imagined and most likely Neither was your first couple years of college by making it to this moment through all the adversity thrown your way from COVID I hope you learned the important lessons that suffering in this life is only temporary While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years. It is not unique bad policies and poor leadership Have negatively impacted major life issues things like abortion IVF surrogacy euthanasia as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values and media all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith But at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally Wow He has been so vocal and his support for the murder of innocent babies that I'm sure to many people It appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice. He is not alone from the man behind the COVID Lockdowns to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America They all have a glaring thing in common. They are Catholic This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn't cut it These are the sorts of things we are told in polite society to now bring up You know the difficult and unpleasant things But if we are going to be men and women for this time in history Yeah, we need to stop pretending that the church of Nice is a winning proposition For the ladies present today Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to you How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabel would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her Location as a wife and as a mother. I'm on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her location I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated That all of my success is made possible Because a girl I met in being class back in middle school Would convert to the faith become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all homemaker She's a primary educator to our children. She's the one who ensures I never let football or my business become a distraction from that of a husband and father I know that my message today had a little less fluff than is expected for these speeches But I believe that this audience and this venue is the best place to speak openly and honestly about who we are and where we all want to go Which is heaven? I think God for Benedictine College and for the example it provides to the world I think God for men like President Minnis who are doing their part for the kingdom come to find out You can have an authentically Catholic college and a thriving football program Make no mistake you are entering into mission territory in a post-God world But you were made for this and with God by your side and a constant striving for virtue within your vocation You too can be a saint Christ is king to the heights Wow if you're like me You'd say this man is full of common sense He didn't dishonor a woman. He honored the high calling of a woman in his life And he didn't try to make it like a homemaker is all she is to him. He's made it very clear Her whole existence in his life changed him completely and he gives all the credit for his success to her But feminists and left-leaning actors have spoken out and discussed about this speech calling Harrison a bigoted Agenistic right-wing extremists, of course they did the Kansas City Star released an opinion piece Demanding that Rutgers should be replaced by a woman on his football team. Of course They said that for his archaic out verse archaic out verse Tim. What is your take on this craziness? I love this speech. I thought it was I mean on the top shelf It was excellent. Okay, so here's where we are as a culture even in the church, right within church circles If you make a statement a statement like women are amazing women are awesome. That's totally fine but you would never say as a man men are awesome or even in a church setting without a dozen disclaimers and Women are awesome too. We're we're shifting into this anti-man masculine You know the toxic masculinity is the issue of course and you know So you can see this shift happening in culture within our churches within our schools Absolutely families are destroyed marriages are a broken kids high suicide rates. We've ever seen in history So is this a good idea that we've we do it moralized men at the expense of trying to uphold women Right. It's like when you fight like that as I say my book nasty gets is nowhere, right? You know it doesn't get us anywhere Well, there's always this this gender war that occurs when people don't understand the God design Physician that they were meant to hold and let's keep in mind a lot of these issues are coming from wounded people in the past You know man, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go we'll go deep, right? But yeah, look into the homosexual movement was started by a lot of young men that were raped by Parental figure or a leader in their life. That's where this started back in the 80s, right? Studies showed that was common. You don't see studies like that today. Why cuz no one's making those studies, right? There's a lot of yeah, okay There's a lot of wounded women and wounded young men that are leading the toxic masculinity charge And there's a lot of young men contributing to that But as we see culture shifting into that there is a a Rebellion and a resentment for God designed gender roles and gender as a whole and those gender roles don't mean us They are they actually glorify women and men can't have babies. Sorry. They can't have babies So for a woman to what first to honor that a woman can have a baby is not demoralizing or demeaning to a woman It is not and nor is it demeaning for a man to uphold a woman like Harrison just did in this speech Well, these are new world problems and I think a lot of the young people you have a lot of young viewers as well They forget in the past Technology in the future has made it possible for women to seek out their career and to work in the workspace and to be able to have a Thriving career and a family, you know, that's difficult to manage But this is a more modern thing if you rewind the clock back Not even a hundred years ago if you wanted to have a family traditional family roles Were the only option was the norm if you wanted to live so we have all of these now these safety nets in our communities Like, you know, just ways that you can not be married have children and still have a roof over your head, right? You're you're social security that helps the older folks. You have food stamps You have all of these programs and women are you saying that the government and those in authority are actually creating the problem? They want people to lie up there. I wouldn't dare say that. That's exactly what it is They create the problem with their subsidies what they put money toward Yeah, even the whole welfare system actually rewarded Families to split up and men to actually impregnate multiple women get them pregnant and not marry them not commit to them Not raise that boy. I mean you talk to any look at the prison system. This is a fatherless issue Fatherless we have kids in prison. We have drugs on the streets We have all this brokenness because of fatherlessness is the number one reason and yet It was the government who actually ate it in the bed of this whole situation You wanted to survive not that many years ago. You were gonna have to work really hard. That's right With a help me or you know with a man in your life if you're a woman or a woman I remember this gentleman. This is so roles are important roles are important 15 years ago at very interesting and insightful conversation Gentlemen, I was in Virginia and he's an older gentleman I want to say mid to late 70s and he had a scrapbook right and it was it was cute But it was the story of his parents and in that scrapbook. He had a newspaper article where his father This is going way back into the turn of the century put out an advertisement for his wife and that advertisement was This is what I have. This is the life that I'll be able to provide for you This is the I think they had a two or three or four thousand acre, you know forestry operation there And he listed his assets, right? Very interesting, but he's looking for a woman now He's a way out in the country that would be willing to you know And even though that is really humorous in today's culture That was a necessity at the time for him to survive And he was looking for and and the woman that answered the the the call She wasn't maybe the most attractive, but she would said, you know She's willing to work hard. She wants to have family and you know that over the years And they learned to work hard, too And they learned to love one another and they had they had what would be healthier than most Relationships and most families that we see of today because there was a true need to survive. They stayed married Yep, their kids were didn't kill themselves Right, they learned to work ethic. They learned paid. It was a necessity It was a necessity for him. So to your point it's so good is we're we have a spool rotten culture It's used to the government and this is the the foundations of socialism and communism where people look to government They don't look to God. They don't look to their spouse They don't look to actually the necessity of what do we bring together and what can we work to and you know what? People are the least happy in any time in recorded studied history the least happy today yet We have more decision more opportunities more, you know, they make this sound more selfish And they're more self-centered more selfish. We have less work ethic less prosperity Total fallout in kids lives, right? Yeah, let's contrast this with an Anthony Edwards. Okay, Anthony Edwards is a big NBA star They say he is the new face for the NBA But if you look at his personal life in the role model, he is not so good He impregnated a woman and she you know, we've seen now the social media the post that she made But he actually told her he give her a hundred thousand dollars She's an Instagram model to go get an abortion yet. He's heralded as a hero Telling her go kill the baby, you know, this is good. You can kill the child. I'll give you the money He turns around later and pregnant another woman and you know now they're having the child to get it You know, so what's wrong with this picture? Harrison Butker is toxic masculinity and he's a bad guy and he's evil and You know how dare him hold up his wife for being loving him and being a homemaker and a wonderful mother and school schooling their children But yet this other guy, you know, he can Anthony Edwards can tell tell the girl go get an abortion I'll pay you I'll pay for it and he's a role model, right? So shaping shaping a value system is going to shape a culture and that's where Men and women both so we've now put in this this model the financial success is the is success your career now is viewed as Success and it's really just kind of signing more worker bees up to work in a system for really big conglomerates Women the cover wouldn't would do that So people just buying into this system. Why is it? Why is it more valuable as a man or a woman that your career in making a little bit of economic success occur Why is that more valuable than having children or raising a family? Why is that raising a child? That's good has civic responsibility loves our nation. Gosh, that would fix all the problems that the government wants to be involved in Monopolizing and creating gain for them, right? So, you know this this value system now though is to where if you if being a mother or a stay-at-home mom That is kind of considered second or third or fourth or fifth place from pursuing a career and being Successful and achieving all these quote-unquote great things But what are you achieving? You're working for the man more and I mean at the end of the day Men and women are different and that's not working for the toxic masculine man Working for the world economic forums plan to destroy our world. Let's dive into that topic too Toxic masculinity. How do you define that? What is that? What is I mean? They're kind of we're living back to what you said in the Beginning it's men that have hurt women Yeah, and now somebody comes in and victimizes that woman and tells her how terrible men are generalizes about everybody all men are bad There's terrible men by the way. Oh, yeah, there's terrible women by the way. Yeah, exactly There is toxic and that is it part of the world sin. It's not toxic masculinity It's toxic you men sin sin is toxic and whenever men abuse women hurt women break their heart cheat on them Look at porn do any of these things they're breaking a woman's heart. They're hurting her that sin all sin destroys relationships Sin leads to destruction the wages of sin is death is death to our marriage is death to a relationship It's death in a culture. So what do we need to do? We don't need to get away from men and women and then being each other I mean being men being men and women being women and them having a marriage and a relationship raise it So we need to get away from sin. That's what's toxic, right? Right? It's what what these? Engineers social engineers have done is they've taken pains and hurts as you said in the beginning And they've turned it into homosexuality is the answer Changing the genders is the answer turning against men and women hating men and men hating women. This is the answer Those aren't answers whenever you divide you destroy Sin divides right and I think you know Recognizing where we are as a culture and then we're not we're not saying that hurt didn't occur We're not saying that that isn't a thing But but how do we get to a healthy place and how do we fix that that the toxic masculinity the Karen movement, right? You know, it's not being a Karen. Well, those are toxic women. There are toxic people everywhere you go And you know one of the dangers though is men and women are different They are different. I wrote about it and as you know, I had you there's a whole chapter Tim in here about how our brains are actually even different Yeah, they're physiologically different not just the way we think but the way God made our brain, right? So we're why you're different and you know, and I'm gonna No, no man ever wants to get on a program and go into this route, right? Because you're just creating three million microaggressions just go there everyone out there women you are amazing I'm married to an amazing woman. She is she is superior in most ways That that she can be and I'm superior in the ways I can be and God brought us together in our strengths So superior sounds bad strengths. They played off of one another and you so we live in a culture there where we're women They see you know, the the pay gap and the workforce and they see the jobs are different men and women work different jobs And they may even they may resent that and but Physiology's different physiology's different. It makes sense. Yeah, that I cannot lift no matter how hard I ever worked out Would never be able to lift what you can lift. Well, that's the problem is moving into the women's sports. We know with no With no problem, that's cute issue women, right? Absolutely, which is which so bizarre bizarre But but there are there are areas like so so a lot of women out there Especially that speak on these areas first of all most of those don't have a marriage or kids Yes, I think that's an important note a lot of people writing books about raising children today I've never raised a child and you know, and so that's really important note But they they cherry pick the top jobs and look at these, you know We don't have women lining up because they want to work in construction, right? 90 90 plus percent of some of these dangerous and unpleasant jobs truck drivers construction workers firefighters police officers These are these are these are if you drove on a road today You know men men worked in those areas and so as we get into these topics and you see these they're very one-sided And it doesn't tell the whole story. There are men that are toxic. There's people that are toxic Well, there's a lot of unpleasant jobs that men are doing out there who who who there's a Thanklessness for some of those guys that are fulfilling a job that really is pretty tough And I've talked with construction workers and I know construction workers You know what they they got up and cried in the morning because the the work that they're doing physical work You know because we're built like courses some of us and you know But they they they resented that and hated that in many ways But they loved their family and they showed up to work and those men in this culture You know those men deserve honor and praise and thanks, you know being a construction worker because and the truth is they hire women to be on These construction crews, but they're not able to do what the guy who gets no honor For his physical labor and she holds the sign. I'm sorry that may sound rough But I'm just being honest. She's not able to do some of the physical labor He can do it the level he can do it at but he gets trashed and she's and we're told a woman to do anything How dare you say we can't be on a construction crew creating a lot of your job is going to be different on I'm seeing what you can't say your job is going to be different on the construction crew Then the guy who's doing what he's doing. So why can't we not honor one another? Absolutely. Why can we not say that men are physically stronger than women. Therefore, they should not be in women's sports Why can we not say you know that there's just that why can't hear some butker? Not say a woman is a wonderful homemaker and his wife and he's thankful. She chose that Why can he not honor his faith? You know what's interesting is the feminist movement take a Sarah Palin or someone They will take a woman like Sarah Palin who urges Traditional family roles and even though she she was in a potential vice president role, right? She was absolutely dogged and trash. Oh, yeah, so you kind of realize they want a woman president They don't want her to be it exactly. Yeah, which is in itself an absolute hypocrisy in their court and why we don't call that why are the feminists not calling out the OJBT Qmmet trying to transition kids from being girls to being boys. There's a whole movement to turn young women into Transitioning to men to cut off their breasts. So we have a we have a crisis in America right now But we have not just a crisis today But we have a man crisis of tomorrow and I would say yes our man culture our masculine culture is Sliding from traditional value roots because the one guy you talked about offering someone a hundred thousand dollars to have an abortion This is where we're moving off of God designed us to be men But what does that look like and if there are toxic traits being lived out by men, which there are How do we get that back to that place of honor and anyway? Yeah, how do we and so it's re-establishing on the word of God the word of God tells us what it is to be a man a man a godly man laces life down and I'll tell you if you've ever been in a situation that's scarier or You know kind of a confrontation and there's a good police officer there now There's almost a million peace officers and I know the police get tons of bad rap Most of them I know are amazing men right and there's a there's a protection that that person brings as they wear that badge of honor And if they're you know, I'm saying when you're in a situation and you know that guy or you trust that guy You feel peace a godly man can create that in the household to a child Studies are super clear a man and a woman in the household Yes, everyone shows us this scenario for a family for a child to be raised if we have mother and a father Yep, and to be you know to be raised in that environment if you go in you you pull up the plea the Prisons you'll find fatherlessness, right a couple versus you know The Bible does say that have you not read he created the male and female Jesus echoed this So we need to recognize male and female where God's design don't rebel against it All right, so that's God's design first Corinthians says that we're to be watchful stand firm act like men and be strong So women they act like like men like men. So it's telling the men be watch be watchful So a man is protecting and watching out over his home Not the traditional media image of a dad sitting on the couch reading a newspaper or watching sports and mayhem's happening around him That's not what God's call. He's called us to be engaged looking at pornography Yeah, leaving home running with the guys Yep, and then it says and let all you do be done in love So first of all that giving that order were to be watchful were to stand firm in faith were to act like men and be strong So those are some things First Timothy says that we're to provide so it does say that the men is to provide for their relatives Especially for their own household and it gives us that clear commandment that we're to provide and that does not mean that women can't be in the Vocational area, but it's telling us as men that is part of our role and you know we see in Genesis It's not good that men be alone a lot of men are alone We do see higher statistics for men of taking their life and in suicide so suicide is running rampant with the the middle to the later aged men and Ephesians 5 talks about the the husband being the head of the wife and so that that You can't read that verse without women saying but it says for the man to lay their life down Yes, it does, but it also says that the husband is the head So it says that he's to lay his life down as Christ laid his life down for the church and the woman is supposed to submit so these some of this tug-of-war that occurs in the homes not healthy for anyone and You know I was talking to to one guy and his his words were funny to me But he's like I'm spiritually underwhelming and I think a lot of women and I would encourage you and men as well They want the their husband's relationship with God to be the same as theirs It may look a little different and that's why God gave him you and you him because you both have Different expressions in fact the Hebrew words for man and woman ish and isshad Those words form but together not individually those words together form the word Yahweh They both come together So you're made in God's image both of you and think of it as a double-sided coin You can't devalue either side without devaluing the whole value So we have to kind of step out of that but first Timothy the last men and women come together. They express God They express God in the complete picture in the complete picture nurturing of a woman the protection of a father Yeah, one last verse I want to give you and this is if the men that are watching this gives you that picture But also to the women because a lot of times I'll read this verse and women say wow that that actually does describe my husband I'm saying then your husband is leading the way God intended him to do so and it talks about the overseers in the church Right and that is a basically just an elder is a word for that But an overseer and I would encourage you if this is a godly enough person to lead in the church It's godly enough to lead in your home, but it says there to be above approach faithful to their wife temperate self-controlled respectable hospitable able to teach Not given to drunkest drunkenness not violent, but gentle not quarrelsome not a lover of money He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him and must do so in a manner worthy of full respect And so kind of describing those it's not the ooh You know you want them to be to be pseudo spiritual This is a godly character that is stability for children home and a lifestyle And so yes, I believe the church as a whole we see higher statistics women are more likely to attend and participate in church If the man does if the husband is the leader of the spiritual life It's much more likely statistically his whole family will follow suit and be in a church relationship And so it's really important and I know there's there's tons of people frustrated watching this now As we're getting into this because we hear from women and I know you do too How do I get him to take that step of leadership? Well, I'll tell you one of the first steps is to allow him to take that and stop calling men toxic All right, that's one of the very first steps We need our young boys being raised in a household to recognize God made you special There's something you have as a man that no one else has and that's this godly Coordination of this position and it's very sacred to God men are sacred to God as our women But so it's really important anyway, so you keep going down this topic, but yeah I know speaking speaking those words of talk saying those words actually sows that seat into a young man and Makes him either rebel against it or let go of his masculinity and become a feminine He only has two options right either to get angry inside and become toxic So you're speaking that over him and now he becomes toxic Or you make him feminized and turn him into an effeminate male and now he can't be who God created me That is what Satan is doing Satan's behind this whole Trying to destroy men and women in the image of God he created them male and female And so whenever we attack male or female we are attacking God's creation as you said they're both an expression So we got to stop this toxic male thing and we also how do women handle because sometimes people feel up There's a double standard in the church that it's okay for men to sin It's okay for men to be unholy and being righteous, but women are expected to be certain way What would you say to the men that are looking at pornography that are doing things that are wrong? These are not excusable sins. It's not like oh, it's okay He's a man and our culture sort of did that before we had this backlash of feminist movement There was an attitude of women were expected to be to stay faithful to their husband to do the right thing But men were it missed mistress is okay pornography is okay. Again governmental It always bounces back and forth right you have sin reaps sin reaps, you know, right so what would you say to those men? Well, it's okay to look at pornography here. You're gonna reap what you sow and that's you know We we try we we think of that mentality and that verse is kind of this childish verse that you should memorize You will reap what you're so and so if you're sewing into the flesh you will reap that and you will Ultimately reap the reward of that which isn't a reward you want You know, I read the verse that talks about God makes the sun shine on the on the just and unjust as a believer Sometimes you feel frustrated because you see people chasing the world's ways and it seems like they're having a great life okay, you probably know what I mean and We can forget what that verse means is there is sowing and reaping for believers and unbelievers and When you've been sowing to the flesh sowing and reaping is not such a great thing You're not looking forward to that that Sun that causes the rains and the sun on the just and the unjust causes growth of what's been planted So if you are thinking you're getting away with something behind the scenes You're not because when that when that hits the fan it's gonna create Destruction in your life in your family's life You don't want to play around with those things and you got to get established and you know, I do think though You know recognizing getting into what God says for you as a man And what does that mean and getting into that God ordained position and that might be? Difficult if that's contrary to how you've been living because you're gonna have to make it a priority you're gonna have to make it a an Intentionality to lead by the book to lead by God's book and his word and you're gonna need to sit down with your wife And you're gonna have to be a little more communicative to get through this because it's not real easy for men Sometimes to share their heart and their words and their belief, but um Apologize first if you've not been in that position that God's called you to and then be quiet second Listen a little bit to what she has to say and I promise you as you begin to step into that position There's a grace and that word grace does not mean I let you slide It's an empowerment meaning a God designed ordination you step into that you will be able to lead and it's a lot more fun doing marriage that way Now that is not I'm in charge. I make the decisions. It's it's asking what your wife thinks ask for that godly wisdom We know biblically right that she has wisdom so ask her for her wisdom But it's it's stepping into that position and leading not trying to fight for that position But by taping that step of laying your life down and I really do believe for the men out there Maybe if that's been a struggle as you step into that the way God's called you to there's a grace on that and your wife She's fighting for controls. That might be for wounds wounds from her childhood or past You'll see that here to trust fear of trust and and be be sensitive to that You know you have the power to be healing in that area of her wounds And as she feels your consistency and your strength and you're willing to lead and lay your life down What you know women are attracted statistically women are attracted to masculinity So whatever you call toxic masculinity most women are like That thing that is masculinity that's more attractive to me And I'll tell you most women I hear they say when a man when a masculine man though Is interacting with their their children and being an engaged father that is super attractive to them And I think that will will help heal some of those wounds from the past as well But lots of great stuff we could get into at the end of the day Tim a man cannot lead his family as God would lead them if he doesn't Submit himself to God, right and so submitting to God's words submitting to his ways turning from sin It is not okay to have a double standard You must become God's man And so that means to turn from sin Jesus but lays that lays the standard that that if a man looks up on a woman with lust that he's sinned and that's a high Standard how do you live that standard without God but you can with God? So submitting to your father if you don't submit to your father Then your wife won't submit to you your children won't submit to her and it breaks the whole family But if a man will seek God and honor God lays life down and ask God there is a grace against sin There's a grace to say no to the culture and all its lies There's a grace to say no to pornography and no to everything else You can do that as a man if you become God's man and he's there to help you to to give you that power Overlust the power over Doing things that will bring as Tim said sewing and reaping will bring bad fruit into your life And will cause you to regret you know, there's scripture that talks to Solomon is being coached by his dad David and he's saying, you know, don't do this don't do this thing You know turn from these ways stay away from the woman's house that will lead you down this path of sexual seduction and sin Stay away from drink strong drinks not for kings. It's for men It's for people that are broken and poor well if you don't want to be broken and poor and on your death But then don't even go down that road. So drunkenness and sexual sin those are very clearly in Proverbs It's very clear those will destroy your life. It says it'll take your manhood from you It'll take all your provision all your finances all your prosperity and it says in the day your body will be rotten with sickness and disease That's what sin does to a man and that's what it does to his lineage his children his family But a man that will turn from sin truly humble himself and make God his father and that Jesus be his Lord And we'll try it with all his heart to obey the scriptures that man will be Prosperous man. He will receive honor his wife will be respected her praises will be sung in the city gates I thought that to Harrison Butker was doing exactly what the Bible says will happen for a godly woman It says her husband will praise her in the city gates Yeah, he praised her at this graduation ceremony So Tim, I'm gonna ask you to pray for men if you would just pray for any man right now that needs to submit himself to God Yeah, father. I thank you for everyone viewing out there and especially the men I thank you Lord You would teach them what it is to be a man and every father was child out there that didn't see that example of a man I think you you are the ultimate father I thank you Lord You would teach them and show them what it is to lay their lives down that there's a grace in that as they lay their pride Down father before you I think you you raise them up And I think you got that includes every area that you put a protection around their household around their marriages And they choose to honor their marriage they choose to honor their marriage bed They cut sin out of their life father And I thank you as they do that and as they submit to your will It's not a burden as your word says God But there's a grace and a joy that would overtake them and as they truly see what it's like to do life your way I thank you father that they would commit to that and that there would be great rejoicing in the fruit of their offspring God and the children that they would that they would raise up and that we would see a change in our culture For every wounded woman out there that's been wounded by a father I thank you Lord You help to heal those pains and those hearts and for the men that have been wounded by a father But I thank you those hearts are healed Lord and that you begin to give them spiritual insight God as to how to take that step and I think you they would not grow weary in their prayers for those those who are married to Unbelieving spouse or one not willing to step into that leadership role I think you they would not grow weary in their prayers father But they would continue to trust you and you see those things that are done in secret And there's a great reward in the end and we thank you for that We bless them in the name of Jesus Amen, amen. There is freedom from the toxicity of sin Toxicity is from sin not from a male or a female. It is from sin and when we Claim that freedom in Christ and we choose to walk it out and live it That's when we'll see healing happen for men for women and for children And so thanks for joining me today. Please share this. I really feel an anointing on this program to heal our nation Our nation is broken and we need healing and the way we receive healing is to turn back to God his principles in his way So please share this especially with young people who are being taught all the wrong things in a culture and a governmental system That has completely turned its back on God in case you had heard a cloud Schwab supposedly stepped down from the world economic forum as the Oversight to complete overseer. He's still on the board. I do believe their schemes have been exposed over the last years I did it and others have done it and fight like heaven and in other books and in other programs, and it's been Exposed so they're saying that's because the world economic forum is moved toward the center No, they've not moved toward this center They still have a leftist agenda and they still want to still kill and destroy because Satan is working through them for a world order That totally Nylates the vision for God's life for you So I just want you, please we need to share this please like subscribe Hit that bell so you'll get you'll get a bell for you'll get a notification and thank you Tim for joining me Thank you for being on a talk to my mama For not being toxic, but for you the man of God and sharing the truth of God. Thanks for joining me Have a great day. We'll see you next time you're until then stay on God You You You You You You You (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]