The Maturepreneur Podcast with Jannette Anderson

3 Steps to Clear Your Blocks, Gain Clarity & Power Your Pivot with Cheryl Stelte

Cheryl Stelte is a spiritual coach, master healer, speaker, best-selling author of two books and CEO and founder of Star of Divine Light Institute and the Azarias Energy Healing Certification Program. As an energy healing and empowerment expert, she help mature entrepreneurial women who know they are meant for more yet know they have blocks discover clarity, and step into who they truly are so they can live their lives form a high level purpose. With 30 years of experience and extensive training in numerous healing modalities, spiritual leadership, coaching, retreat guiding, shamanism, yoga, and meditation, nothing is more rewarding to her than helping women safely breakthrough their subconscious blocks where nothing else has worked so deeply. Connect with me: Website: **Are you a podcast host looking for guests to interview? I'd love to be on your show! Please book a call with me and see if we're a good match: ⁠ Join us on The Maturepreneur World Facebook Group: Find our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast and YouTube as "The Maturepreneur Podcast"

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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Cheryl Stelte is a spiritual coach, master healer, speaker, best-selling author of two books and CEO and founder of Star of Divine Light Institute and the Azarias Energy Healing Certification Program.

As an energy healing and empowerment expert, she help mature entrepreneurial women who know they are meant for more yet know they have blocks discover clarity, and step into who they truly are so they can live their lives form a high level purpose.

With 30 years of experience and extensive training in numerous healing modalities, spiritual leadership, coaching, retreat guiding, shamanism, yoga, and meditation, nothing is more rewarding to her than helping women safely breakthrough their subconscious blocks where nothing else has worked so deeply.

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(upbeat music) - It's time. It's our time, my friends. Time for millions of entrepreneurs, 55 plus, who are hashtag not done by a long shot to revolutionize how we lead, do business, and innovate our world. I'm your host, Janette Anderson, and welcome to my conversations with fascinating people who would rather inspire than retire. (upbeat music) - Hello, everybody, and welcome to this episode of the Maturepreneur Podcast. For those of you who are too inspired to retire, I'm your hostess with the mostest, Janette Anderson. And today I have with me the fabulous Cheryl Stelty. Welcome, Cheryl. I'm glad you're here. - Oh, thank you, Janette. It's such an honor to be here. - I haven't seen you for a while. I forget, did I pronounce your last name right? - Stelty. - Stelty, okay. I was like, I don't think there was an E on that. Okay, stelty. So as usual, folks, I'll tell you the official word about Cheryl, and then we're gonna find out the real, the real behind the scenes, juicy tidbits from her about her that you wouldn't guess, or that we wouldn't find on her website or anything like that. And then we're gonna dive into our topic of how do you really clear blocks and obstacles to whatever it is you wanna manifest in your life? Cheryl's been doing this for a long time, so she got lots of insights on that. So Cheryl Stelty is a spiritual coach, master healer, speaker, best-selling author of two books and CEO and founder of Star of Divine Light Institute and the Azerius Energy Healing Certification Program. Okay, that's not easy to say. As an energy healing and empowerment expert, she helps mature entrepreneurial women who know they are meant for more, yet know that they have blocks, discovered clarity, and step into who they truly are so they can live their lives from a higher level purpose. With 30 years of experience and extensive training, in numerous healing modalities, spiritual leadership, coaching, retreat guiding, shamanism, yoga, and meditation, nothing is more rewarding to her than helping women safely break through their subconscious blocks where nothing else has worked so deeply. Awesome, I love it. So tell me a little bit about you that we wouldn't guess from looking at that bio or hearing that bio, what would surprise people? What would surprise you is that I love to commune with nature to the extent of sleeping under the stars in just a sleeping bag, nothing else. I actually did a five day retreat when sleeping on top of a five foot in diameter, old growth cedar tree, a log had fallen over, and I had to shimmy to roll over and just really being deeply in touch with nature, even on the West Coast, the old growth cedars kind of die from the inside out, they brought out, and I love to go inside and meditate inside them. - Oh, all right. - Very, very deep attunement with nature. - Okay, you are definitely a nature child. All right, so tell us a little bit about kind of your journey, but let's start with why do you do what you do? So why do you do the work you've been doing for so long? 'Cause you've been at this for a long time, right? - I have been at this for a very long time, over 30 years now, and my why is I get so much joy out of empowering others or helping to empower women. And I would say, I grew up feeling rather powerless, not an empowered person in my early childhood, and I ended up marrying a covert narcissist, which nobody knew that term back then, right, Jeanette? It wasn't a Clementine. And left that marriage and that's when my spiritual and really my journey of transformation began years later, not that much later, I went back to school and studied interior design. And what I realized when I was working with a coach, even back then, that my mission was to empower women. And so to teach skills that they wouldn't otherwise have. So I ended up with an eight woman, all women paint team. I had eight women working for me. I trained women on how to work in my work room. I had to custom draperies, all the furnishings and that sort of thing. And it's been all about empowerment since then. Women's empowerment, I value so much. And what I've realized over the years, it's our subconscious blocks that get in the way we don't even know what that is. So helping women move beyond their greatest blocks. - Well, awesome. So let's talk about that. So let's first of all define subconscious blocks 'cause I'm sure everybody listening probably knows, but just in case that's new terminology for someone. What are you talking about? - Okay, well, first let's compare to a conscious block. A conscious block, you're aware of it. You know what it's about, oh, there I go. I went and did that behavior again. Here's a conscious block. Subconscious, we don't know it exists. Where it exists is in the right side of the brain. That's the subconscious. So I work at that level, all in the right side of the brain. And often those subconscious blocks are emotions that haven't been processed usually in early childhood. Even emotional neglect, which I would say all my clients have experienced emotional neglect where they weren't supported to process their emotions fully in child. And really that's how humanity was for a very long time. What happens is those emotions become trapped in the subconscious. We don't know they exist. We behave, we act, we respond, we react from that place. And along with those emotions come the limiting beliefs or what I call subconscious beliefs. So I'm unworthy, I'm not good enough. I really don't matter. I don't get what I want in life. And so we live from that place. And so because we're not aware fully that those things exist, we keep living and we don't understand our behavior. Why can't I become successful in ways I want to become successful? And I'm not just talking career, but it's self-expression in the world which could be any form of anything, you know, art. Right now I'm learning fused glass I'm doing because it's a method of expression and learning more about myself through that. And so that's what subconscious blocks are. - Okay, I love glass fusion by the way. I think that's so much fun. I've made plates and vases and all sorts of cool stuff. So when we talk about shifting those subconscious beliefs, what's the process or the steps to do that? So if they're subconscious, how do we figure out what they are? - Well, let's dive right in here then, Jeanette. So there's three steps, three main steps to this and what I call the ACE method, A, C, E. So you can, everyone can imagine an ACE spades, right? The car. So that will help you always remember it. Number one, we need to access. So you have to get into your subconscious. You need a method. There are various methods, hypnotherapy, meditation, different types of healing modalities. And so what I teach is using a full breath. When we engage the abdominal muscles in the lower abdomen, I'm talking below your navel and you breathe with a long breath, six or eight seconds, it changes the brain function. So you can reset your nervous system by breathing this way. And what it does, it takes you deep into your subconscious because this is the back part of the brain which we're breathing from right now when we're talking, but as soon as you engage the abdominal muscles, that breathing goes to the front of the local brain and frees up the subconscious at the back of the brain. And so that's what you want to happen. And in there, no linear memories, when they are related to trauma or any kind of wounding, science has proven that all trauma is imprinted in the right side of the brain. So you will, trauma is stored and wounding is all stored through physical sensations and emotions. So we access what's in there. You pay attention to physical sensations. I often have clients who, oh, we're down in the root chakra. And yes, I work with the chakras and you don't have to. It's not necessary, but we're down in the root chakra and all of a sudden they get all this pain in their shoulders and their neck. Well, that's part of that wound. It's like a dandelion. We're working at the root and the flower is where the pain. So the body has held pain. Our pain is to me always related to some form of trauma or traumas. So it's learning how to access and then see is clear. And so just breathe through it. Whatever it is that's coming up for you, if you can just stay with it, do you have to relive it? No, and it's hard to relive it because you're not going to remember every detail. And I'm talking even things as horrific as abuse, even sexual abuse. It's touching into the emotion, the physical sensation. And then after a number of breaths, you go into a deeper emotion until you reach the deepest that you can. And then we move from the clear into empowerment. E for empowerment. And that's the fun part. And that's reprogramming your subconscious. So it's like, so when I say subconscious block, a block is dark. When I do chakra readings on people, I see where all their blocks are or the majority of them. And I see them as dark. It's black, the energy's not flowing. When I see what your superpowers are, it's always light. And it's bright and the energy is flowing. So you came here to this earth to be a being of light. Curly in photography has demonstrated years ago that we were all made of light. So the empowerment phase is really reprogramming the subconscious, not just through re-parenting, but finding the deeper truths within that little child that you were, finding those deeper truths and filling that area that we just cleared with those new truths which empower you and motivate you to step into being the person you were meant to be and live that life of fulfillment and of true purpose. - Mm, I appreciate that you've got a system and a process for it. It makes it nice and easy to remember. So A, access, so ways to get into your subconscious through breathing, for example. And touching into those stored traumas. C, clear it, staying with it, going through to the other side. And then E, empowerment, reframing that, reprogramming that. I call it telling a better story, rewriting the story so that you can remember who you really are versus that old story of not enough in some version or other. Did I get that? All right. - Yes, that's right. And I just wanna say there's a little bit of a difference between rewriting the story. So yes, we're rewriting the story but we don't use the left brain. We don't use our imagination to make it up. We actually in that empowerment phase, we are that younger self. You are that younger self. And so it's waiting for the truth to come out of the younger self. So we never know with the new areas. There's always an element of surprise. And it may not even make sense to us in the moment but when we open up and take that on, that's when we really start. It truly is a process of discovery, of deep discovery. - Beautiful. And why do people need to do this? What's the benefit of doing that work? 'Cause that sounds like, you know, for some people that's gonna sound really daunting or hard or really challenging or, you know, like why stir up old stuff. So what's the benefit of doing this work? - If you want fulfillment, if you want more fulfillment in your life, that's how I began. I was not happy with how my life was going. And that's where my life just continues to become more and more fulfilling over the years. If you have any amount of physical pain, you know, I'm gonna be 63. I had a pinched nerve in my neck. I fractured my tailbone nine times. I could go on. I should be in a lot of pain. I used to have, when I started this, tremendous back pain. I haven't had any pain. I don't have pain for years and years and years because of this, if anything comes up, any amount of pain. So if you wanna be pain-free, it's worth doing it just for that, any illnesses, any chronic illnesses. And it's really the joy of living, that satisfaction and especially going into retirement or being a mature prener where you wanna, you just want the joy of giving, of fulfilling your purpose, helping others, whatever it is. Or maybe it's being the best grandmother on the face of the planet. Or maybe it's volunteering, working at a homeless shelter, whatever it is to discover more of who you truly are and why you chose to come to this planet now. You wanna be on your deathbed saying, I'm so glad I did that and that and that and I'm so glad I became that. - Yes, yes, absolutely. I heard a quote, I think it was from Michael Gerber I was listening to Beyond the Emyth in the car. And the quote was, 'cause I've never been much for legacy. It never really mattered to me much. I don't have children. I'm not very connected to my family, literally in many ways. And so it was never important to tell I heard this phrase and he said, your legacy is, I'm gonna not do it justice, but it was something to the effect of, your legacy is what you're creating in the future that empowers your right now. And I have been more inspired about building the mature prener network than I've been inspired at any point in my life. And I'm typically pretty inspired about what I'm doing, but more so now than I've ever been. And I realized that it is for me now about a legacy. I wouldn't have called it that, but it is empowering my right now because of what I'm creating for the future. So I just thought that was a really interesting reason to think about legacy was not because of what I leave, but because of what it does for me right now. So similarly, rather than throwing the anchor in the future, picking up the anchor from the past empowers you right now. So clearing those beliefs and subconscious blocks is a way to empower right now, this moment. So tell me a little bit about your journey, a little bit more about your journey as an entrepreneur. So you've been doing this for 30 years. If you can remember back to when you first started, did you come out of corporate? Were you a mom? How did you end up going into entrepreneurship? - I was, I was working in sales. And it was very fulfilling work because it was all about improving the energy efficiency of the home. So I was assessing homes, doing energy audits, looking at the house as a system. And I loved it because I was living in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. And those were the days where mold was a real issue. Mechanical ventilation was not enough. It's sort of a microclimate where condensation and that sort of thing, we still had single pane windows. It was very fulfilling. And I did that for just under a decade. And it wasn't fulfilling me anymore. And I thought I meant for more, there's something else. I don't know what it is. I was, I hadn't been a single mother for very long. So here I had these two kids, early teens. My daughter wasn't quite, she might have been well. I think my daughter was 12, my son was 14. And I thought I meant for more. And all the time I was, and I did do the work part time. You know, I did, I was doing all kinds of spiritual work on a very part time basis, teaching meditation, doing various types of energy healings and that sort of thing. And it just happened, I was at the store and I was walking out of the store and there was a calendar, a local college calendar, excuse me, sitting right there. And it was pulling at me, you've got to pick me up, take me home, take this thing. And I'm like, I'm not going back to school. You know, I was making decent money. I didn't need to leave my job. I was making very good money. And I went to walk out, I paused and I went to walk out. And it just was so strong. And I thought, I am not going back to school. And I walked out the door and no sooner was I outside, it pulled me back in and I turned around, came back in and I picked it up and threw it in my bag. And I have no idea why I'm doing this. I got home, I made myself a cup of tea and I picked that calendar up, you know, and it was about almost half an inch thick. And I opened it up and here was a program for interior design. And I went, oh my God, what is this? And I read through it and I thought, I'm so qualified for this. Really? And learned so much about renovations and had so much, it's what I did in my part. For fun on the weekends, when my, you know, when my driving my kids were on, I would decorate my house. That's how I lived, it was forever decorating. So the line of the short of it was I went back to school and I started my own business, right out of school, but it was spiritual interior design. And that's when I started applying my skills and it was stealth design designing for the soul. But what I did was I helped people discover who they truly were at a much deeper level and express that in their homes through interior design, decorating, I started doing renovations, all sorts, you know, kitchen remodels, a whole thing, but it was all based on how they felt. And so I had to do a lot of energy healing to help them access that. And so here I am today, I don't do the interior design unless if one of my clients wants it, I can do it online, do space clearings, house blessings, all that sort of thing. But that's what made me do that. And then I moved to different levels. It's like every 10 years is another major breakthrough, you know, here's something else and adding on to that. And I love what you say about legacy. I was never attracted to legacy. I thought, oh, that's for other people, not me. I don't need to leave a legacy. You know, yes, I have a family, but it just never felt right. And over the last few years, I'm in this place of, oh, no, I'm gonna be retiring. I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do, but I'm having a great time exploring that. And I don't see ever giving this work up entirely, but how do I apply it? And now it is about leaving my mark on humanity. It's so much about leaving my mark. And what can I get done? You know, how much can I do? What is it that I really want? And so I'm with you in that we can all leave our mark on humanity in whatever way that is. And it doesn't have to be stereotypical. You know, the whole world is our oyster, totally. Yes, so what is the mark you want to leave on humanity? What is the legacy you want to leave behind? The legacy is empowerment. And, you know, I've been saying for a few years now, we are all powerful beyond belief, powerful beyond what we can imagine. And so you could have never convinced me. I would be the powerful healer I am today. You could have never, and that I'd be working with people and helping them in this way, no. And so where we came here to move to, to be to a certain level, we can't imagine our subconscious blocks keep us from truly imagining. It's more of an unfolding. Yeah, I think that's a beautiful way to frame that. Tell me, because you were like woo before, woo was the thing. And by woo, I mean, spiritual and metaphysical, all things in that realm. So tell the people who are listening, who might be wanting to go into a spiritually based business or something in that realm, the woo realm. What were some of the biggest challenges you had then and now in terms of a woo-woo business? And how did you overcome those? - When I first started my interior design business and we were covering marketing, and my instructor, and I told her my tagline to do the business. So I was designing for the soul. And she said, you are limiting your client base so much. She said most of your clients, she told the whole class will be seniors and no seniors are spiritual. There's none out there. You're gonna be limiting yourself to 10, 15% of the market. And I said, that's okay. Those are the ones I wanna work with. Just believed in it. I just believed in it. And the right people found me. And even when we started working together, if they weren't so open, they became open. Somehow I didn't sell it. You know, it's not like I pushed it on anybody. And it just was about feeling into, it was my destiny and it's destiny. And so, and I get emotional thinking of it, I would have been sorta ripping people off if I didn't do it. I would be, pardon me for not coming up with a better phrase for that, but not doing anyone, any favors actually, it would have been horrific, it would have been almost cheating, not being honest, like lying. If I wasn't, here I'm, I was trying to, you know, I'm here to help people become who they truly are. And if I don't stand for that, who am I? - Yes, yes. - I would be completely out of integrity. - Yeah. - Completely. And I wanna be integrity with myself and I wanna help you be integrity with yourself. - Right. That makes sense. You gotta walk your talk. And it wouldn't be in alignment or in integrity if you were saying be fully and honestly who you are, if you weren't being that. And it still takes a tremendous amount of courage, I think, to fly in the face of what a lot of people say. So did you find that it was a very limited market? Did you find yourself struggling to get clients? How did that work? - No, it was, it was amazing. And so when you're in integrity with yourself and why you're here, you will attract those people that need you. That's why I wrote my second book, Client Magnet, The Coaches Guide to Attracting Ideal Clients with Spiritual Awareness. There are certain people that need to work with you. If you're looking at doing a woo-hoo business, when I had that business, it was all word of mouth. People just found me and the right people they would, they just would come from here and there. Social media was not a thing. We were just getting into cell phones back then. - Yes. - Those were the great big giant ones. You know, with... - Yeah, yeah, I remember those. - So that was a new thing after I got started. - Yes. - And so no matter what, the right people will find you. And this is more of what the world needs. So I look at it even from a perspective. I don't think of myself as woo-woo. My spirituality is very practical. It's extremely practical. It's the way, you know, indigenous people have lived for thousands of years and they didn't call it spiritual. It's just being connected to the whole universe, really. And so it's the way of the future. And also even in corporate America, corporate America is becoming more open to spirituality. You know, the world is changing rapidly. And, you know, you are needed if you are even considering whatever skills you have, there are people out there. If you wanna share your skills, you're meant to benefit others. - Yes, and it is like you said, you're ripping people off. If you don't share your gifts and your talents and your skills because those people then can't benefit from it. So not sharing is actually an act of selfishness. And so I encourage people to look at it from that perspective 'cause there's a lot of people who think, I don't wanna be pushy. I don't wanna, you know, force myself on people, et cetera and may have all sorts of stories in that direction. But sharing your gifts is a gift that you can give people. So tell me, 'cause a lot of the people that I work with are those who are either getting going later in life or those who are keeping going, who've been in business for a long time. And it takes something, it takes quite a lot to stay in the game for so long. So what has been the number one thing that has kept you going for 30 years and what do you need to do to, or what have you at some points needed to do to stay in the game? - Ah, very good question. I attribute a lot to it, the question you asked at the beginning of this interview, why, why do you do this? And our why can change, our why can change in various ways. And to keep doing our own personal work and keep growing, that is so important, don't stop. When I, not that I have too, too much, but I do a variety, I do different practices and I kind of break them into two healing practices and empowerment practices. And the healing will move you into empowerment, but the empowerment practices will shine on what needs to be healed next. And so to continue to grow and recognize new parts of yourself that have been hidden, they feel new to you that want to be expressed, new parts of yourself that want to be expressed. And it's often what I have noticed, it's what are my clients asking for? What are my clients asking for? So in this last six, must be almost six months six, eight months, I had a number of clients asking me, how else can I work with you? What else do you have? I mean, I have a lot of, I have a number of programs and they wanted more. And what I realized, and there were, it was just like an onslaught of the mind. What's going on here? And I really tuned in and realize there's so many skills that I'm not sharing with anybody, not teaching. And that's my legacy is to share everything that I've learned over the 30 years of my trainings with others. And so I put together an advanced program and the women that stepped into that, I mean, talk about, it's really, I could say intense, it's intense at times, but it's so worthwhile. They are like, wow, I had no idea that this is true for me or, and their relationships change and their work goals change and how they're living. And I have one woman that's been retired for a while. And she is so inspired. And this is the greatest time of her life, all of them. It's really, it's the greatest time of their lives. But this one woman who's retired and has been for a while, she thought she would stay retired. And now she's just seeing the possibilities are endless and just she's like a little girl in the candy store now, everything's so new and exciting. And so yeah, and it's the universe speaks to others to help us as well. And so listen to what you're being called to do. - So, and what is the growing edge that you've been, 'cause you mentioned that, you know, about every 10 years we get called, I call it context expansion, we get expanded. What's been your latest challenge or growing edge that you've been working on personally? - Oh, thank you so much. And I like what you say, we're being expanded, it's so true. I am on board with you. My latest and greatest challenge is writing my third book. And so I didn't have a plan for the book. I didn't, but yet I was guided. And then I came across someone who offered me an opportunity to write my third book with their help, not that they're giving me any help on the topic or what it's about, but all the details of publishing. And my gut said, it's time. It's time and I'm like, huh. And so the beginning lumps and bumps when I first started was stressful. And then when I finally surrendered to allowing the book to flow through me, walking my talk, then it's just like unbelievable how a book, when it wants to flow, it just flows. And any of the work we're meant to do, to me, we will always get in our own way. So it's always, how can you get out of your own way so you can be who you truly are? And so now that bit of the stresses of it in the beginning, those lumps and bumps have turned into a whole lot of excitement and meaning, so much meaning. - Yes. So ladies and gentlemen, if you didn't hear that, I'm gonna repeat it because I think that may be why many of you tuned in today. How can you get out of your own way so that you can be who you are truly meant to be? 'Cause in my 40 years of working with entrepreneurs, that's almost always the number one challenge. And for me right now, I'm growing a mature printer world and so I'm being asked to step up and play at a bigger level. And I had a recent experience, I don't know if I can make it really short, but had a meeting with Michael Gerber and was asked to, who wrote the EMIF and so forth, I got off of that call and said to the universe, what was that about? 'Cause it involved half a million dollars in various things and I was like, what was that about? And the immediate answer I got was you're playing too small. My immediate response was something that I probably can't say out loud here, but it involved swearing and 'cause I have that kind of relationship with God. And I was like, piss off basically because I thought that creating a global network and a platform for just under a billion people around the world was playing a pretty big game. And so what do you mean you want me to play a bigger game? Like, what does that even look like? But it did then get me thinking about what does that look like? What does that mean? How could I expand my context right now? How do I call in bigger names and get more leverage and not have to make it so incremental and bargaining for crumbs? How do I let it be easier and bigger? And so it got me asking a whole bunch of different questions that were really empowering and about expanding the container, the context. So I think that that is part of our job as we grow is to expand our container so that more can be put into it so that we can be filled up more with more blessings, whatever that may be for you. So I think that that is a great note. Get out of your way so you can become who you are truly meant to be. Whatever that may look like. So you've got, you mentioned three books. So very quickly, what would you tell people who are thinking about becoming authors, might have a book in them? What would you say is the most important thing they need to think about before they launch into writing a book? - Ah, is whether it's your destiny or not. It's not so much about, there's nothing to think about writing a book. If you've ever thought, oh, one day I'm going to write a book that you've already waited too long. Just find someone to help you, find there's so many people out there right now that will help you and don't make it an AI book, right? Your book, my first two books, I had humans to help edit. You can edit your book with AI for grammar and spelling and all that sort of thing. But a lot of people are writing AI books. Who am I to save? If they want to do that, but if you're thinking of writing a book and you've thought it at any time, just do it. Just move into it. The process itself will help you grow and understand yourself better. And I strongly encourage it. One woman that I'm writing with, she, we're accountability buddies to make sure we get these different stages done. And she said, I'm in this mastermind group and they told me don't write a book until you know who your avatar is, until you know what your program is, who you're serving. And I said, absolutely not. I completely disagree. You write your book and you will discover who your avatar is and what your program is. And she said, really? And then she said, but it, and she's a Christian, very strong Christian. And she's, and I said, did, did you feel like God wants you to write this book? And she said, yes. And then I said, and who are you to say no to God? Not right now. Just wait. I said, you just do this. And she started writing from that perspective. She's discovered her avatar. She's put a program together just on the sideline from writing the book. So it really is just doing. - All right. Well, tell people how they can work with you or find out more about you. So where can they find you? - My website is So those words, all lowercase one, word, and you can Google search Cheryl Stelt, S-T-E-L-T-E, really easy. And so I hop on a discovery call. One of the things I really recommend for people as well are my chakra readings. So helpful because I can see where your energy is blocked, where it's flowing well, what it's all about and things you can do to move forward. - All right. Awesome. And you mentioned your third book. That's coming out soon. So tell people what it's about and when it will be available. - So the book is very much what we talked about here. It's called "Destined for Greatness." And you are destined for greatness. Breakthrough blocks, discover clarity, and live your purpose. And so that's the name of the book. And the book is very much a workbook. So it's all sorts of spiritual practices from different modalities brought in together so you can become the ever so powerful you. - Awesome, love that. And discover your greatness is a really good thing to do when you've got some time like now would be good. All right. And Cheryl, do you have a gift or something that people can go and get or should they just go to your website? - Yes, no, I'm happy to give my gift. It's the ACE method that I talked about, those three steps to access your blocks, clear them and move into empowerment. And so we can put that link in the show notes, my ACE method. - Yep, absolutely. We will put that in the show notes and or down below on the YouTube channel. So please, by all means, do go and get that. The three steps to clear your blocks, gain clarity and power your pivot so that you can start to put that ACE method into practice in your own life. I really appreciate your time, Cheryl, and I appreciate your sharing your wisdom and your experience with people. If you had one piece of advice to give to someone who was thinking about getting going, like moving into living their gifts and offering them in the world, becoming an entrepreneur, a maturepreneur. And one piece of advice for someone who's been at it a long time, maybe flagging, maybe tired, maybe whatever, what's the piece of advice you would give to the person who's getting going and what piece of advice do you have for those who want to keep going? - For the first, both of them actually would be to gain clarity, to find a way to really get clear. When we have self-doubt or uncertainty, it's kind of low vibration. You want clarity, clarity gets us motivated. So get some help from someone, even from a therapist, someone who does energy healing, a best friend to really talk it out, journal. Don't do anything until you have, once you have some form of clarity, whether you're starting anew or you're moving to a new level. So it's what is it that's getting in the way of you having that certainty in that clarity? - Yes. Okay, awesome. So either way, whether you're just starting out, get clear about what's possible, where you want to go, what is the dream? What are some of the gifts you want to share? Perhaps what is the legacy you want to leave? Getting clear about what's next for you. And if you're not sure, just playing with some of the various ideas, what's possible? And see what resonates, you know, what calls you. And then if you want to keep going, clarity about your why, coming back to why, what matters to you? Why did you get going with this in the first place? 'Cause most of the time when we're tired, when we don't keep going, it's 'cause we've lost sight of that big picture, of that big why. So coming back home to yourself, to why this matters, to why you matter, to what the difference is that only you can make and how do you recommit to that? So thank you so much, Cheryl, for being here. Thank you for your books that support people with that and your work that supports people with that. I appreciate you and the grounding that you have around bringing all of who we are to everything we do, including that deeper part of ourselves that clears out the muck, comes a forward police so that we can really shine. I think it says on your back there, throat shock or shine, something like that. So I saw the word shine and I was like, "Yep, that's what we want to do, be shiny." So thank you everybody for listening. Please do reach out to Cheryl. You can reach her at and go and download her method for clearing those blocks and connect with her if you feel really pulled to get some of that clarity and to clear out those obstacles so that you can move forward and be the difference that only you can be my friend. Bye for now. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening. I'd love it if you left a comment and subscribed. And if you want to watch the video of this and other fascinating interviews, you can go to our maturepreneur channel on YouTube and I encourage you to apply one aha from this interview right away so you can turn your wisdom into wealth and your contribution into positive change. Bye for now. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You