The Patriots Prayer

The Patriots Prayer: Should Trump Stop Doing Appearances

In this gripping and thought-provoking episode of The Patriots Prayer Podcast, we tackle one of the most pressing questions in today’s political landscape: should Donald Trump continue campaigning on the trail, or is it safer for him to campaign from within a secure studio environment? With growing concerns, including information from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealing that at least five kill teams are actively pursuing him across the U.S. in preparation for another assassination attempt, many elected officials are raising alarms. Join us as we dive deep into the safety of political figures, the implications of virtual campaigning, and the current state of America's security. Don’t miss this crucial conversation about Trump’s path forward in an increasingly dangerous climate. Sponsored By:- Smokin Gun Coffee – Get your coffee fix at and use Discount Code "MOTHER" for savings.- Operation Blackout – Prepare for the unexpected at Operation Blackout.- Final Famine – Stock up on emergency food at Final Famine.- Famine Fighter – Find food supplies at Famine Fighter.- Devils Dollar – Visit Devils Dollar.- Redemption Shield – Get 10% off with Code "Patriot" at Follow us and stay connected:

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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In this gripping and thought-provoking episode of *The Patriots Prayer Podcast*, we tackle one of the most pressing questions in today’s political landscape: should Donald Trump continue campaigning on the trail, or is it safer for him to campaign from within a secure studio environment? With growing concerns, including information from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealing that at least five kill teams are actively pursuing him across the U.S. in preparation for another assassination attempt, many elected officials are raising alarms. Join us as we dive deep into the safety of political figures, the implications of virtual campaigning, and the current state of America's security. Don’t miss this crucial conversation about Trump’s path forward in an increasingly dangerous climate.

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this is the Patriots prayer podcast it's a tremendous show one of the greatest shows in the history of the world this is Bryson Gray and you are watching the Patriots prayer on the Patriots prayer network thank you all the faithful now and pray the Patriots prayer the Patriots prayer always on the trail, the oil is filled to the ground I am a changing sound, I'm the radical now America's falling, they all say yeah look at the faithful now and pray the Patriots prayer what's going on guys welcome in Patriots how's it going Steve hey it's going great how about you Eddie hey everyone pretty good pretty good brother so a lot going on obviously the question asked in the title of the show is should Trump still be making appearances right now does that make him weak if he decides to stay home and do virtual appearances does it make him smart does it make him a coward does it make him not a leader I mean there's there's a million different ways to look at this you can look at it through the lens of pride you can look at it through you know am I being just smart and in responsible because people are depending on me am I taking unnecessary risks you have to weigh all of these things and and then you know be humble enough to say whatever the result of that is you know this is what I got to do it's not about my manhood it's not about me being afraid and it's not about whatever so I personally am leaning toward the fact that there are five kill teams they bear the couple of people that they had tried to get him so far have been little weak bait them in no meat in their diet you know just absolute buffoons who I mean I would have been more surprised if they would have succeeded to be quite honest with you I mean yeah so what I mean so now what what are we what what's your thoughts on that man you like so I can see it from both angles right and you know the goal is November 5th right so I do see the end and go you know Trump needs to stay out of it as much as I want him to stay in the limelight he should you know back off a little bit and he can still do you know his interviews and all that other stuff but at the same token this is not Trump Trump does not back down from anything you know he he made the appearances on ABC he went into shark-infested water you know the black journalist you know that was crazy that was nuts when he went into that the the end of the black and then he was still like stuck to his positions he did not try to go to subpositions and try to deflect and let's not talk about that I don't want to offend anyone he was him full on all the time that's why I like the guy that's why I believe him because even if you disagree with him he's being honest he's telling you the truth yeah and 90% of the stuff they try to call buffoonery at the at the debate well all later on but turned out to be quite true you can have a child and and not be treated after birth this is a fact there are three states where that actually happens and they talked about it openly there there are military men in combat zones right now show she lied about that they are eating freaking cats dogs and ducks right out of the damn neighborhoods and parks so she lied about that she lied about what he said about the military men because that was absent I mean what did she say oh they're good men on both sides misconstrued his whole everything that he that he meant by that taken it out of context with all of these guys have done because they don't think that their followers the ones they're trying to empower because it's not us we're not brain dead right so we're gonna go and look for the whole clip we're gonna do our research we're gonna say is that really true and we're gonna go find out they are just gonna take it at face value and believe it it's so often that I end up most of my time on Twitter now is spent going after the Morgan Jay Freeman's the Alex Cole's and in those types and and Tarrin and the Republicans for Trump excuse me the Republicans for yeah yeah these sides of things I spent a lot of time on those platforms which is probably what they want but you know what I've figured out obviously they're paid propagandists some of them get paid up to twenty five hundred dollars per post per post and and there and who who was the one who leaked that information there was a there was a left-leaning content creator there's like I'm a lefty don't get me wrong I'm definitely a lefty but this I just can't condone this any showed the offer where they offered him mega money just for posting left-wing propaganda Democrat probably again in favor of Kamala in Tim but during all back that you know I digress back to this thing with with Trump you know all the time we're worried about Trump because let's face it if either one of those attempts would have succeeded the world would be a different place today it would be less safe absolutely I would venture to say that we probably would have been looking like a lot like mid-covid style like staying your home and that that sort that would be but all the time this is going on this is this is what Trump this is why you know he's a leader right because a parent cares about their children more than herself right more about their own like they they care about the kids life more than if you're a right-leaning parent and if you're most common sense people if you're one of those people who believe abortion is birth control you probably don't but here it is here's it here's how Trump takes on these issues watch this tell you something you already know the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it you me nobody is going to hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take they keep moving forward that's how we did it start you will no longer be abandoned lonely or scared you will no longer be in danger you're not going to be in danger any longer you will no longer have anxiety from all of the problems our country has today you will be protected and I will be your protector women women will be happy healthy confident and free you will no longer be thinking about abortion so all they talk about abortion because we've done something that nobody else could have done it is now we're always had to be with the states and they vote of the people so that is a leader that is a leader that's what a leader sounds like and not only did he just say those things but he meant them and and and for the first time in my adult life I actually believe a politician am I crazy yeah it's because it's because Trump isn't a politician he's he's a person that wants to make this this country better and that's what sets him apart he's a leader like you're saying yeah so we got a guest on Peter and Peter Anthony and Peter's been around the block a lot he's he's he's a least our age or better very big a guy and business been an entrepreneur his whole life right leading guy conservative guy like ourselves father husband let's let's announce Peter up here Peter Anthony how are you sir maybe you saw the clip what is your what is your take on this thing my crazy is Trump an actual leader in my right to finally believe a politician or am I nuts I think you're a little of both I think you have to be right I agree with that I'll agree with that I think Steve hit it on the head Trump is not a politician politicians have an agenda that serves them what agendas he following that serves him he doesn't need the legacy his name was all over the world on the highest biggest most beautiful buildings most beautiful buildings he already was a billionaire everybody loved him he had the hottest life on the planet the most beautiful kids they went to the best schools they were now taking and he loves to golf and he has the best golf forces on the planet wasn't millennia miss universe yeah yeah me still yeah like he didn't even he said America miss America universe so you look at his body of work it comes out 70 years old okay cool you could say well maybe he's going for the trifecta he got it he became president against all odds got us through covid against all odds could about out instead knowing they're gonna got him financially physically they're attacking him all the time that they're attacking his family they're tearing up his his they're they're literally trying to destroy any memory of him and falsely accusing him of many many terrible things falsely yeah yeah and they know they're doing it i think that's exactly what obama was talking about he said let's flood airwaves with as much miss and mal information as we can and no one will know what's true anymore yeah i mean that was when he abolished right he did the smith month act got rid of the fairness doctrine so this is why you see media agencies using propaganda and it's perfectly okay it's illegal today James O'Keefe sat down with the technical producer of CNN wearing a wire and a camera i bring this up all the time and he got him on camera saying that we know that we know that trump had not colluded with the russians we knew the whole russian thing was a hoax and he essentially and i'm paraphrasing essentially said we didn't want trump to become president anyway we put it out because it was good ratings and it also helped our agenda essentially so they knew they were lying they put it out now two billion dollars was just levied against uh Alex Jones they're forcing the sale of info wars because of a story that he got wrong but where is this same outrage when CNN consistently lies about Donald Trump well they're a news station so is info wars well what no no man what about the social media users that have claimed that Trump's nation tends were oh go ahead hoax yeah it's the hoax yeah they're the idea so we're wheel marketing agencies so if you go on to google right now you can go into google keywords try to find out how many times trump has been searched in the last three months oh you mean like an adwords or something yeah if you go into keywords and you want to run an ad for trump not a single word is published not one not a long tail keyword not trump you cannot find Donald's j trump in google keywords you can't buy the word which means he can't campaign interference election interference he can't you've got the biggest search engine which we all know is left-leaning we know it owns youtube but they're left-leaning all right that's fine that's your prerogative but you're gonna play unfair so you can't find Kamala either but what does that tell me that tells me i was on five radio shows today talking about the fact that you know the the polls are skewed of course the polls are skewed they're lying you may not be able to find Kamala but on google didn't they allow a bunch of false ads to look like they were real or some sort of scenario like that it did not long ago and got busted with printing essentially putting out lies in favor of Kamala well so if you google Kamala Harris everything is positive if you google Donald's trump the front page of google is all negative right right i've talked about this in the past and the only way to break through the algorithm i'm getting ready to get nerdy on people but the only way to break through the algorithm is with a special browser that is accompanied with a special vpn that opens up things called search crawlers that don't adhere to web crawlers rather they don't adhere to the algorithm of google or any other search engine you know that is a database google is a database well it's being run by algorithms and database but those things are programmed it is programmed you have to program it to take something out you have to program it to bring the negative to the top you have to program it to bring the positive to the top and to not give information that was readily available yeah anybody how do you run a campaign without so the negative rhetoric is going to get to a bunch of your points but the negative rhetoric does put trump in danger and if you do when you google even if you're from a foreign country the first thing you do when you google or let me know more about this guy Donald trump oh my god you know he's an insurrectionist he's he's done all of these things this is terrible he has to go what's crazy about that is here i'll show you because this is another country what is the communist is we're not communist that was in japan they love Donald trump in japan i would think from the outsider's perspective looking in looking at with the media pumps out that everybody in the world would think that americans hate Donald trump but they still cannot i mean it must frustrate the hell out of them that they have tried to rig the game in every way they could possibly think to do it and yet the love of this man the the fight fight fight what he stands for seems to go right through whatever defenses that they put up and it must just frustrate the hell out of them and that's why i believe we got these assassination attempts it's like we can't stop them any other way this is what this is right here with uh what matt gates said just recently news for you i had a senior official from the department of homeland security in my office before the second assassination attempt saying that uh what he has assessed is that there are five known assassination teams in the united states three inspired by other governments two that are here that are known domestic assassination teams and with that this individual was coming to me concerned that the force protection around president trump even prior to that second assassination attempt was not sufficient for what it needed to be and the coordination at that level the dignitary protection level is like the the bare minimum that we have to do to keep our presidents our presidential candidates safe all there on the trail so there are five i just want to follow up five assassination teams are they all targeting trump is it other officials no i should have been clear about that five teams that we know are targeting trump and so that raises real questions about why certain um teams were being pulled off of the trump deal detail so that's a fact now we know beyond any shadow of a doubt it's not a conspiracy theory donald trump is literally have international assassins in our country hunting him actively while the secret servers knew this because with here's the big thing about that particular news that they knew prior to the first assassination attempts and yet still saw fit to pull people off his detail and put on joe biden's detail and it just so happened that joe biden's one of her besties happened to be cheetah was the head of the secret service who eventually ended up resigning her post but resigning isn't good enough for what that lady did and what the secret service and people in charge that they did because everything that happened that day was a choice would say you steve all right so i got a few key points here so i'm going to let everybody know i used to be in the united states army intelligence corps so i know that the intelligence that was given to that they knew about this assassination attempt a long time ago and i just pulled up some old tweets and this is from october of last year tod benson he came out and stated there's uh it's actual assassination uh groups that it's called unit nine ten out of taran they're heavily armed and they're waiting they were waiting for a phone call now knowing this they knew that this was happening and unfortunately i think this may potentially be a lag lag the dog or lag the tail whatever you want to call it situation where if i ran gets involved and does complete the task it it's going to be a full-scale war with i ran so it should be what what happened you know it could be honestly um but the assassination it was a lot well we found about all this second i said they've gotten away with a lot and all they've gotten for it is obama sending them palettes of money as a ransom and joe biden giving them six billion dollars that they can continually i mean they pretty much do and say whatever they want to yeah it's mandatory you know that's what they call it yeah we know what they use the words that they were monitoring that mostly now um but secondly the security details so we found out that what happened at butler pennsylvania most of the agents that were there were homeland security that got like a one-hour briefing and then today there was a report that the uh secret service guy that was operating the drone had to call the hotline because he did not know how to operate the drone properly so with all that said and done security sweeps are a must and they know this they have been trained on this to fully scan the area and make sure that areas card on to off because they have a vip in the area and they know for sure that that area is that they have a plan and they draw plans right before you know how we used to do in the military we had battle plans and we used to draw draw to like the mission and then exactly what we had to do is like a detailed list of what you could do right so these guys know what was supposed to happen so you see these videos of these trump supporters at the butler rally saying hey there's a guy up there there's a guy up there and took local law enforcement this this was an inside job 100 percent if people at this point don't realize that it was an inside job and they still think that it wasn't by the second attempt where the guy showed up 12 hours before trump brought lunch wore a pink shirt i mean as to not be seen everyone knows pink is the new camo and and then he goes about standing in the bush i wouldn't even call it hiding after the way that i saw he was in that bush but kudos to the secret server's guy who sees the the barrel just poking out through a bush and acts when he does uh but there's must have been a way that's it's hard to see i mean yeah we that's a whole number of hours it did not sweep the area that that should be red flag number one right there here if you have the former president of the United States you have to sweep the area make sure there's no one there to tell him hey go back up or whatever but this wasn't done and then that guy he was there for 12 hours this was an unscheduled golfing event so no itinerary was posted correct 16 golf courses that trump owns around the world and on this specific day at this specific golf course this guy knew to lie and wait for 12 hours come on man yeah there's definitely a mole definitely a mole we're going to take a break guys when we do we'll be right back to continue this conversation introducing the trump token america's cryptocurrency a digital revolution to make america great again built on the high-performance salana blockchain the trump token merges the economic principles of bitcoin with the speed scalability and efficiency of modern technology designed to empower politically engaged communities the trump token taps into three major demand ecosystems the trump community global cryptocurrency enthusiasts and the internationally recognized trump brand in a world of financial uncertainty the trump token stands as a scarce and durable digital asset positioned for growth within a rapidly expanding global market powered by salana the trump token offers lightning fast transactions unparalleled scalability and robust security making it the ideal currency for both everyday use and political engagement with a total supply capped at 21 million trump tokens 10 million are available for presale at just 10 dollars per token in a powerful show of support 50% of all presale proceeds will be donated to donald j trump's 2024 presidential campaign via super PACs that's right up to 50 million dollars of crypto in kind will be donated to ensure trump wins on top of the donation 40 percent free additional trump tokens will be distributed over 36 months to all presale participants who hold check out our official white paper for more driven by a decentralized governance model the trump token empowers its community to shape its future ensuring the token remains aligned with the values of its supporters together let's make america great again go to the trump token dot com to get involved the trump token own america's cryptocurrency now makes me want to go buy some crypto that's what it does that's what that does what can you tell us about that peter it's it's pretty pretty cool let's let let's unpack a few of the things you said and share why that's such an important idea right now so let's get back to what steve was sharing they should have known that he was there they should have done a sweep there are things that should have happened why aren't they happening we can say that the you know that the secret service dropped the ball clearly there's two assassination attempts i'd say they dropped the ball then he dropped the ball and one of them they dropped the ball and the other they're ball trappers so that's the first thing the second thing is his detail hasn't been increased enough but what are we going to do about it he it requires money it's big money to follow him around with that detail and trump's campaign is getting out-earned consistently not by kamala harris because i don't think anybody's donating to kamala harris i think people are donating to the left and it clearly doesn't matter who was there because they were outpacing trump when it was biting so it clearly doesn't matter so when you come up with things like the trump token which is pretty amazing 50 percent of the proceeds of the first beta the first 10 million tokens we'll go to super packs so if we're going to create some sort of a narrative where trump is safer and we can get his message out faster so that we can keep him safer we need that money in the super packs and we need the anonymity that goes with that yeah because believe me they the left targets the average person we already know this they've a friend of ours friend of the show cal serifin testified in front of congress multiple times uh one of our hosts net uh nate nate kane ex-federal agent who testified against hillary clinton we understand all too well how the federal government targets the average individual whether it be a mom at a school board meeting saying something they just don't like a catholic parishioner going to church um there are just people the things that have happened here the abuse of power and the overreach of authority in this country has reached limits that we only have ever saw in third role dictatorships and you just thought you know in your lifetime this would never this is america this would never happen we have calls for censoring in america right now uh comala literally went on uh tv and threatened elan musk is that if he doesn't start censoring then they'll they'll go after him for it and the in the crazy part of this let's right here or on let's let's unpack the word sense they don't mean to censor they don't they mean don't say anything we don't agree can't hurt us yes silence that's censoring that's control it's complete control you want one narrative ours yours doesn't matter you can say it as long as it's not powerful enough to dethrone our narrative correct i mean this is what what hitler did remember the hitler youth he turned the parents against the kids and the kids against the parents set up snitch hotlines and people were telling on each other's like we did on covid same thing um there's so much of that going on and it's it is so like what we have seen in the past and the fake right left paradigm with the globalists all going to one side of the aisle which i think is a blessing i'll be honest i said it before i think it's a blessing that these people have finally been unmasked it's like the end of an episode of scooby doo and now we know who the bad guys are and they're just all on the left and that's exactly the way i see they you know dick chaney liz chaney mit romney all of these i say mit romney literally said the other day that he didn't want to vote for something uh a vote for president because it was about character are you talking about the character of the guy that you said was a better picked than donald trump who showered forcefully forced his daughter to shower with him so she was in her teenage years is this the same person that raised a family that allowed one son to leave his wife and while his brother's corpse was barely cold go start sleeping with his brother's wife or cocaine into the white house or the guy who had a topless trans party on the white house lawn or gave crack pipes to his constituents which part of any of that reeks of character joe biden has none the left has no character have no standard so how was really this this really makes me honest to god question uh really question mit romney's resolve when it comes to what does he really believe because his religion mormon christian catholic or that argument aside uh just a novel belief in god should be enough to make any sane person see i can't support this this agenda that's on the left am i wrong steve i i think it's a little bit more complex than that i don't think it's there's a a left or right anymore it's what's called the uni party the globalist uni party so that's why you have the chinese and the bushes and the romney's joining the world order with the left right they want command and control and so there's the uni party and then there's the unity party where you have trump uh but back you have rk a lot of former live well there's the liberal you know honestly but they're more aligned with they're more common sense they're the old time difference not too old because you go back too far and you start wearing pointy white hoods right yeah they're in the 1970s liberals but this is this is what i was going sorry i was gonna say i went to i went watch tucker last week um it was last wednesday and um nichol shanahan was there and i i was incredibly impressed with her story and her message and that's the kind of people that i want on our side you know i just because you're liberal i'm not like you know there's a character of the liberal you know behind it you know so i mean you can see um rfk's stand up i don't agree with all his platforms but he does make sense on certain things when it comes to the ukraine war when it comes to vaccines and food safety and things like that i trust rfk when it comes to the climate when it comes to abortion rights when it comes to race relations i absolutely distrust him immensely so but then you see a tossy gabber you know how do you make an argument that she's even resembles anything on the left today she doesn't she doesn't because this is not the left the republicans have became the new liberals and i say that in that we're not leftists but we the tenets of liberalism used to be individuality personal choice freedom of speech um these things where this is not what the left is today these this left is marxis look and it uh krushchev said it years ago in the fifties he said america will never accept communism but if you spoon feed them socialism long enough they'll begin to ask for it and then donald i mean excuse me ronald reagan followed that up with another quote that i absolutely love a government big enough to give you everything you need is a government big enough to take everything you have and what americans need to do today to combat what's happening right now in our world is be self-sufficient stand on your own two feet start a garden big get some water on your property just try your hardest to not have to need outside help in order to survive because this way you're going to be healthier you're going to know what you're drinking you're going to know what you're eating if you're homeschooling your kid you're going to know what is being fed to him and his mind her mind her heart and her spirit your values are going to are are going to be retained by your children if you teach them versus if the social justice warriors at the local elementary middle school teach them and i know to a lot of people in a modern world that sounds crazy well the trappings of a modern world are your government controls you every step every move you make you're regulated into a form of slavery of mind slavery if you don't think feel act believe this way will turn on you look at Brittany Mahomes Brittany Mahomes came out as a Trump supporter and then before you know she had to take that back and put it out in the press oh i'm sorry i didn't know what do you think that conversation was behind closed doors with her it's like Brittany come on man i'm a big NFL player i'm making millions of dollars just don't say this out loud to people you've got to make this statement or these people behind these closed doors these big wigs are not going to pay me i'm going to lose my endorsements i mean that's what we're fighting i guess that's uh go ahead be we're we're asked to get in line we're asked to get in line we're asked to take it we're asked to like it you will own nothing you will be happy it's completely our welling i we i put a post up yesterday you know the federal government right now employs three million people in the u.s but it's an amazing amount of people oh it gets worse right it does not include state and local government employees or uniform military personnel the total is you're ready for this 24 million people in the united states are employed by by the government what now that doesn't include the economic impact of the contracts that go out to come to keep keep those people employed that is one out of nine every americans households depend on the federal government isn't that nuts that's crazy crazy and now let's take it one step deeper one step deeper how many people do you think are subsidized subsidized by the u.s government well here here let me let me take a stab at this for a second and i'll only liken it to my home city baltimore maryland where i'm from only has seven percent of the people that live in the city pay taxes the other 93 percent don't pay a dime in taxes they're all on the title so if you go across the whole united states and figure there are a lot of baltimore esk style cities i would think that it's pretty damn high which is why a lot of democrats still exist because they believe in the rhetoric states this that hey if you don't vote for this person they're gonna take your welfare check they're gonna cut your snap benefit can you be please gone you're not gonna get your social security they get they're always going to take away our social security they're always going to take away our medical why aren't they taking away the welfare 41.9 million people are subsidized by the government so you got 30 million people working for them you got 40 numbers lower than i thought it would be it's a lot man that's a lot but it's still lower than i thought it would be well i don't think it's that you can't be that anymore with the with the immigration because immigration is oh no that's a separate thing those 20 million people are being subsidized on top of that much more so than our own citizen six thousand dollars a month the ones we could verify in chicago they were getting four thousand in cash two thousand in food stamps or the other way around i'm not sure which way i think it's the other way around but it's it's six thousand total and they're getting rent vouchers so they're not paying rent with that money and they're wearing brand new Jordans and complaining about the four-star hotel accommodations that we put them up in but let's let's let's not ignore the elephant in the room what's up maris what's going on brother hey sorry i'm late uh i was able to listen to most of podcast but i lose service about 15 minutes from my house so i didn't even wash up i just i just straight came and i could tell i was like i just didn't get the opportunity it's like a it's like a 10-minute process to get everything clean so i was like i'll just i'll just hop on so mt says that homeless people in california gets 750 dollars per month now i know for a fact that california has a new type of homeless person a person who chooses to be homeless live in their car because apartments are just too damn expensive to do so they they have created a a whole new yeah a whole new type of a homelessness the people are choosing because how else can they live and by the necessities they're just calling their car their house and living that way it's a new lifestyle and i i've been prepping for this for a long time i mean it's it was popular on youtube and i mean there were so many articles put out about it about van life and how it's it's desirable in any way you know the the the minimalist the many houses and van life i mean it it became so popular they were literally prepping us for this and now people actually see it as a good thing because they had all these popular pop popular youtubers go out and be like yeah look i got everything i need in this little stupid van but marice do you think the rhetoric that that that we see that we've talked about if you've heard the beginning of the show just to digress a bit do you think and can we say for certain that the rhetoric by those on the left are the actual cause of what happened to donald trump do you can you put the blame anywhere else but square at the feet of the left leaning media and the democrat party uh i mean this has definitely been the plan because once they realized that trump was not going to play along with them they used every tool in their book to weaponize everything they can against him and the rhetoric has been escalating i mean back in 2016 2017 when he first started his presidency they were saying that he was going to be the next hitler and things like that and it never played out that way but they used january six as like this big catalyst to you know this is was trump trying to overthrow democracy and and use it as a weapon against him but i i would say that over all of the propaganda campaigns that they've ran over the years they've learned so much from them and have used all of them against donald trump and it's just the culmination of of the last 50 years or 60 years of them running experiments on the american people on what they can get away with i mean you look at all the things that they've deceived the american people about over the over the years and they've used all of those tactics against donald trump so if you are unaware of the deception and the the history of deception our government has had and the media outlets and how they play along with it then i can see how you would become a hateful person towards trump and i've actually seen it from my own family and things like and how it it changes people because they run on fear tactics and and and legitimately try to scare everybody into submission and and people who are susceptible to that are the politically uninitiated the ones who are who are living their lives outside of it and they get their social currency through uh obedience to the narrative oh wow okay it's worked really well China China model and it's it's it's i think it's my true belief that you know we've had the mainstream media has been more and more radicalized over the decades and then you have this increase of like social anxieties and these people taking SSRI's it's almost like the gigantic mk ultra program that they're running on this and you have all these school shooters and all this other things that are going on whenever these these 20-year-old kids are even younger are watching them use and they see like trumps of threat to democracy oh silver war blah blah blah what are these kids going to think because they don't have the people in their life that are showing them like hey look this is this is not who Donald Trump is that but these parents are also brainwashed too so it's like a it's just a continuous cycle and i don't know how to fix that to be quite honest you know it's funny well Jesus is the way you fix it it's not funny well well no i was going to say uh i talked about this all the time but i i read that the part of your brain that handles anxiety is the same part that handles gratitude so that's why you know yeah and so in a lot of ways if you live your life in a grateful way it will you're not going to be anxious anxiety so if you are a constantly anxious person you tend to overlook all of the things that you need to be grateful for and in our society today we have an entitlement issue in that we are entitled to all of these rights that the democrats say you know like abortion or like oh they're they're stealing women's rights and all these people feel entitlement to something like that and anxious that they're going to lose these things so they forget to be grateful and so we have a a severe lack of gratitude and why i say that Jesus is actually the answer is because once you start changing your life and and seeing it through the lens of gratitude and maybe having the guide of of Jesus and the bible as your guide then your anxiety will go down and you will be less susceptible to these tactics that the media uses wow i can't believe you just said that um this is i mean i'm a person who when i say debilitated by anxiety 14 15 years old i couldn't sleep at night i only slept when the sun came up i was on five different medications i was taking Xanax haldahl zoloft norotriptyline eunpaxle you name it i've been on all of them and and then i encountered god and that's a reality that's the truth and when you start when you realize that when you have those anxious moments and you're living in fear that means you're not grateful for anything you have you're scared of what might be he's right when you're living in grateful expectation is the cure for anxiety a hundred percent the cure for anxiety i i i it's taught in any real christian church so that's that's amazing that you would you would say that because i was just i was literally just talking about this the other day with my daughter who has anxiety problems so that's wild that was a little bit of a confirmation there that you even brought that up but i got another clip here and i want to play this and get you guys reaction to the clip because as we're talking about children and the way they should react and what we should teach them and just watch the clip you'll get it your dad never kicked your ass that's what your problem is people and we are not going to do that we listen cannot wait anymore the climate cannot wait anymore out now in a crisis we have six years after i sat in here as climate crisis and this is ridiculous i don't even know if i can have a kid in this world i'm fighting for community in the north of Idaho i hope you don't have a kid in this world you guys are not making us have a look at your future and trump i'm fighting for lives lost and has sold out our what's wrong with you you agree in in full-term abortion is that what it is the work and my author and the adventure picture but out of here so there it is that's an entitlement problem right there is those people sitting in they said that they're they're uh what did she say that she's working like building something or working on something they're not building anything like they're they're literally sitting in on somebody else's project because they feel entitled to it and that woman there was just being ganged up on by a bunch of entitled children but the thing is is what they don't realize is they have been told by places like cnn who said where does it ever say that you know protests are supposed to be peaceful and not all in the constitution it spells out how we're supposed to protest and there are restrictions on protest literal time place manner that was inside of a place of business that automatically is a no-no this is not a protest the this is this is like you know once it's it's harassment it's i mean there's a million different classifications i'm sure that are all criminal right but the reality of it is is that they're stoking a flame when it comes to uh doing stuff like this because people like us i i think for the most part like you say maris we want to be left alone to believe what we believe in and do us obviously that's no longer an option because being left alone and not being involved has led us to this point but what happens when the powder keg finally goes boom and we're just tired of the shit and these kids get chucked out the damn window and and then what and then what and then you know what we were saying earlier i'm sorry i'm talking all these things i was saying like Peter was saying earlier these guys are bullies all you got to do is push a little back and they will fold because they don't have the intestinal fortitude like these things that they they hold dear in their hearts it's not strong enough to people that are emboldened or empowered within their own lives so whenever you push back on these people they are going to crumble and i'm not using this as like a call for anything it's just reality of how how these people operate and was that uh just stop oil was that the yes it was like yeah it was it was just stop oil and they were in an arizona arizona trump 47 trump force uh office where they were doing that so are these the same people that love this stone hinge like six months ago and use the oil-based products and what sprains don't hinge yeah and poured spring something with the fossil fuels weren't even known about these these guys are crazy go ahead absolutely nuts what's up here i mean you you see these guys the the guys i hear on the a native reservation here in nevada during the burning man came to like the they weren't playing no games the the tribal police came out there ran over their signs threw them off the road in the air broke one guy's arm we don't give two shits you should have been blocking the road this is our land call your police all you want by and now it's never going to happen again because of that i'm a fan of that i don't know uh you know i there's there's something deeper we these children have been indoctrinated and they're and and indoctrination is a strong thing whether it's for good or bad it's a very strong thing they think because because they have never they've never overcome anything they think this is their moment to overcome something yes we are who they have to overcome but but what they don't realize is they've been manipulated they you know we've done a great job of distracting ourselves over the last 30 years you think about my children you know i grew up i was born in 64 so i grew up color tv hit the house it was the coolest thing one foam court on the wall yeah the liquor he had the old clickers mister and miss it i was the clicker yeah you know i used to be the guy my dad would say hold your hand out hold the antenna it's almost there you don't have to hit the damn console tv to make it stop spending we had three channels but so these kids are being indoctrinated 24/7 because they're on their phones and it's interesting that you know we have really close relationships with the people who wrote all the code for apple and for facebook for all the code when i say all the code i mean we have relationships with the biggest developers in the world and they're like you've got to get your kids off of that you have to it's designed to do one thing to keep you there you know and that's what it's designed to do and what keeps us there well drama is interesting right i always wanted to know what the fawns was going to do when i watch copydays right or you know jumping sharks to a fire loop yes you're always interested in but the drama is non-stop right now for these kids their brains are hitting that dopamine every second right and then simultaneously we're putting them in front of UFC and teaching them Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes are packed so when we say like we're just going to stand up to them i think what we need to do is we need to stand up to the system not to the individual we need to love the individuals and we need to stand up to the system the system's what's broken the individual system i think it's true to a point but when they're blocking traffic interrupting your business accosting people lying to the degree they have i mean the summer of love there was a bunch of them growing Molotov cocktails into churches and courthouses and beating people up in Chicago dragging them out of their apartments even clearly part of the 17 year olds were doing this but but Eddie they're the system the people the kids who are sitting in in in some office because they want to be part of a cause that's like you know that's that's the band of the day they're going to they're going to a concert and their rupees behind the stage now what you're describing is the next level of indoctrination that's what we want to prevent is the second steer and third tiers of indoctrination the people who are going around thinking that if they assassinate somebody they're doing good like how in what world does that make sense it's because we haven't taught them to debate you know we talk about Jesus Christ the the reason that Christianity has lasted so long is because we are taught as Christians to share our faith and defend our faith correct and and the and and there are two commandments there are two love my father and love your neighbor as you like that everything flows you do those two things so i think that the essence of where we need to be is we have you know my kids are being naughty but i still love them so you still got to love them even though maybe i want to be hard there's got to be a way that i can deconstruct them but i don't necessarily know i only know accountable giving them a full-on menu where they are made to deal with hand them all of their actions hand them the check you want to see these kids go nuts take away the welfare what are you gonna do you don't know how to work you don't know how to create when that when Kamala Harris says something as ridiculous as we're going to go after unrealized capital yeah yeah what just you spray unpack that what do you mean on realize well if your house goes up if you have a a seven hundred thousand dollar house and it goes to eight hundred thousand dollars that hundred thousand dollars unreal is a cap of gains you don't enforce the sale of your house so so you've got to be thousand dollars i need a tax refund on my unrealized losses because i'm pretty sure i'm losing millions of dollars it doesn't work the other way i want it doesn't work the other way it doesn't go down it's only under your arms so what what what is the ramifications of something so ludicrous no one's doing the man and you know why they're not doing the man because 40 percent of the kids who graduate high school today can't read and do math well i i wouldn't even say it's just about the math it's about the fundamental misunderstanding of individual rights and property rights i mean i'm just not just property rights but uh the fact that we should be able to own something is private citizens that idea in itself is disappearing because i mean that's why we still pay property taxes on a property that is completely paid off i mean completely paid for yeah the idea that that we as individuals are allowed to own something is is disappearing and it's almost completely gone because all these socialists they they want to say well that could go up in value and we want to tax that because we want to send eight billion more dollars over to Ukraine to make more bombs to blow up more people like yeah we have to draw on the bombs first though remember yeah so it's it's just it's a it's a fundamental misunderstanding of what we are supposed to be as private citizens what our role is as private citizens and what the government's role is as representatives supposed to be public servants to protect the rights of the private citizens but we're no longer private citizens our roles have completely reversed the the public servants now operate in secrecy behind doors us as private citizens we are constantly tracked from the moment we are birthed every movement we take every purchase we make that is all tracked electronically and are are everything we do is sold to advertisers and and documented in every part of our lives we are no longer private citizens so it's it just goes back to the the fundamental understanding of the world in general and and what our country is supposed to be it it hasn't been taught and so these kids have no idea and so when Kamala Harris is something like an unrealized gains tax they're just like oh well yeah right over their head right over their hand they don't own anything and they haven't worked towards anything so therefore unrealized is completely unrealized to them yeah yeah they got they put the unrealized and unrealized that's for damn sure i think most of their constituents we're just going to go like this because most of them don't have a damn thing well look at their platform where they're they're going for it and she's you know if you look at the numbers those Kamala Harris is not doing well with the under 34s you would imagine it would be like 80 90 percent but it's not it's it's like 45 or 50 percent which is which is quite interesting if you talk to my 16 year my 15 year old daughter and 16 and my 14 year old son my daughter and i know you've got beef with him so don't say anything yet he don't you say anything but my daughter's is really good she's she's like i love watching him debate i love him tearing up these liberals why do you feel like that part i just don't like his events so so he is so he is bringing in those you know there are some young people with conviction there are some young people who still go to church there are some young people who have understanding but to Maurice's point is it isn't it interesting that we are now being dictated by a global agenda in what was the freest country in the world we're supposed to be the leaders in freedom i think that's one thing that gets misconstrued by the media a lot and it is like they look to other countries and they say like well there's there's so many more benefits of having a socialist health care system and things like that but it's like we're supposed to be the leaders in freedom so screw what all the other countries are doing we under like the fact that our founding fathers declared to the world that our rights stem from god that it was that was a basically a brand new idea and that was codified in our constitution and in the Declaration of Independence we are the first country in known history to say that our we have rights because we exist and that our man-made institutions are they can only do two things they can either infringe upon our rights or protect them and their job is is fundamentally to protect our rights well it now they just they're the media is using these other like the the mild successes in these other countries to implement more power to the government to take more freedoms away from us because they can see like in Scandinavia they have mild success doing whatever it is yeah and then are true yeah and some very many coming leaders but they also are in Poland where they're not letting immigrants in well that's what that's what i was going to make the point that with Denmark there's no immigration no immigration none at all and and these are the most undiverse countries in the entire world it's like one commentator i heard say well the more that you're saying the more uh that these societies that you talk about in Europe that are are doing better as a result of communism it seems to be the whiter they are and less diverse they are and then the person had no answer yeah socialist society but they didn't they and it was it was an amazing comeback and a real good quip in the person that he was talking to had no answer for it but i say this i say these kids don't realize what freedom is right they they are willing all too willing to give up their freedom for security well i'll give up my freedom they're going to buy my food i'll give up my freedom they're going to supply my house i'll give up my freedom and they're going to put a bus line near my house i don't need a car i don't need these things i don't any the government's going to be at all go ahead because i i always feel like i want to be very particular with with how you word things and i would say that they're willing to give up your freedom not theirs i mean they already see they already see their freedom and they don't care yeah but they're willing to give up just like your money they're willing to spend your money too yes they believe that they have a right to give up your freedoms for their socialist ideals which again is a fundamental misunderstanding of what america is supposed to be and what we as private citizens we the people are supposed to be we are supposed to be private citizens with god-given rights that cannot be infringed like our second amendment cannot be and shall not be infringed but yet they're wanting to do it because they so they can claim that they're saving kids they're willing to give up your freedom which is also their freedom but they're they're selling something that they don't own so guys real quick we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back introducing the trump token america faces challenges like never before economic uncertainty social unrest debt implosion the foundations of our freedom are under attack to restore strength prosperity and the american way of life trump must win i plan to ensure that the united states will be the crystal capital of the planet and the bitcoin superpower of the world introducing the trump token blending the deflationary model of bitcoin with the technological advancement of salana it's more than just a cryptocurrency it's america's future medium of exchange the trump token pledges to donate 50 percent of proceeds up to fifty million dollars to trump's twenty twenty four reelection campaign join the movement stand with trump secure your future at the trump token dot com so what i i i just we talked about this earlier the coin i believe uh is getting ready to go live in very soon very soon talk talking to yar about it a little earlier and we're talking days right so it's a lot of money being promised to the trump campaign fifty million dollars based on sales up to based on sales of course it's up to fifty million on the first ten million if you hold the coin if you hold your original coin thirty six months it'll increase by 40 percent so that's good as well so there's a lot of safeguards in the product product is really a passion product it's not it's not an investment for sure it's it's it's a statement it's a statement to say i want to i'm i'm in this game i'm in this game not that game and it's a passion right and and i'm more recent and really brilliant things and what one of the things he said he said he's that the children aren't giving up they're giving up our reviews yeah they're giving up our rights but but here's the thing that's only because they believe that they already are free because of how they've been indoctrinated remember the children are playing in a world that's this big so in their in their worlds they're free and what they're asking for is can i be safe in this four by four room look at the things we were talking about if you start to correlate them small like live out of a car have a phone steal Wi-Fi everything's going to be okay because i actually live in that world they don't actually live in the world that we're in they don't actually form they don't actually work for a living everything is gifted so of course by default they feel entitled because they don't understand where it came from and that's perhaps our fault it's as the stewards you know we were enamored we of course you know beautiful woman walks in the room i'm a married man always been faithful but beautiful woman walks in the room like oh my god right i'm distracted for a moment by her view well and ask the question here about the trump token and maybe you can answer him is there a minimum buy-in isn't it school so there's no accreditation no minimum buy-in each token is ten dollars you can buy one you can buy a hundred don't buy anything you can't afford to buy that would be silly but if you can afford to buy a few buy a few you know i it again it is a it is a statement it is a statement to know what you believe and because it's a statement it's you know it also has all these incredible other things that go around it but ultimately right now it's a statement if we can do this before the election we can get 50 million dollars which trump needs badly through his super PACs in order to advertise in order to compete in those states where he's marginal where we're one or two points away well five million dollars in a state where you're one or two points away can take you over the top the democrats have secured five thousand influencers i think i don't i was it you eddie who was talking about the influencers getting the 25 yeah twenty five hundred dollars per post from the left uh they're paying them yeah five thousand influencers all with a million or more following so if you think about that clearly there's overlap but that is clearly why the rhetoric is it's almost impossible to beat because all my friends are saying it because in our young people's minds and when i say young people anybody 40 and below who's been lied to and hypnotized by the matrix these guys are watching these people all saying the same thing that's why nbc and cbs and abc they're all in sync one message one direction global you will own nothing you will be happy the only safeguard is trump this is also putting your money where your mouth is right and i i firmly believe that if trump doesn't get elected then we won't have a country anymore i know that i'm not going to participate in the same way that i've been i know that i'm not going to to play by the rules the same way that that we've been told how we're supposed to play because from what i can see it doesn't matter yeah they disregard everything that that we do and there are no more rules yeah so so in something like this i mean i feel like everybody should be going all in to make this happen because i mean look they literally there's been multiple assassinations attempts on trump in the past two months like a third one was just confirmed the other day that that there was a third attempt and they were saying that there's what five known teams trying to assassinate trump right now now i don't know if that's more domestic three of them are international yeah so i don't know if that's out of the ordinary right like how many how many teams are there known to the fbi or to the the cia throughout the past several presidential elections that's the stock i'm not sure but i know that this is i know that this is not common to have three assassin three known assassination attempts in a short period of time yeah and a very short and short term to be able to point a gun at trump one of them able to fire and hit trump that is insane he was dancing on a race being unprecedented i think it's unprecedented i don't think any any president has had two assassination attempts so close not that i would i think he's oh yeah i think it's a hell of a record to have but i think he has it um and it's pretty sad uh the first attempt the secret servers were in the building and the guy that they should have been watching is on the tin roof above them oh my god they shouldn't be able to get shoot so damn rude if that doesn't tell you that trump is all in on this he's had three assassination attempts in the last two months then then there's nothing that i could say that would convince you otherwise because he's literally taking a bullet for this country the least you can do is vote for him and the and i mean really this is something where all of us need to be going all in in trying to get him elected because i mean we don't have any other choice here it is not going to get better if if trump is not elected it is still going to be difficult when trump gets elected but it's definitely going to be worse what's up daniel so besides that guys i i know we're coming up on our hour so peter is there anything that you would like to say uh before we get out of here sir no i think we're least closed here for me man like you it's like i want an opportunity well there are many more opportunities we're working very closely with your campaign we want to see it be very successful um and so we definitely are going to help in any way we can guys i'm going to do something i normally don't do on the show and because for those of you who don't know there is a category five hurricane barreling down on florida right now it's very serious this thing is deadly and there are families down there and uh i i i would just like very much if we would just kind of bow our heads and and say just a quick prayer of protection for these people because they need it this is this is a very dangerous situation so uh father we just pray ahead of protection around those people in florida for the children for the older folks for those that are in hospital whatever the case may be lord just watch over them keep them safe keep them healthy and and safe from any harm lord and just lord we pray that you do the same for donald trump and um and we pray even for those who are out to try to kill donald trump lord that you would give them sleepless nights and a tax of conscious that you would just wake them up from this this brainwashing that they must have been subjected to to think that this is the way out that this is a good thing lord so we pray this in the name of your son jesus christ amen guys i'm going to say this as i usually say the silent majority you need to stop being silent and stand your ground we'll see you next time on the patriots prayer guys have a great night this is the patriots prayer podcast it's a tremendous show one of the greatest shows in the history of the world where this is brison great and you are watching the patriots prayer so on the patriots pray your network thank you all gather the faithful now and pray the patriots pray the patriots pray always on a trail i am changing somehow i'm the radical now america's falling they all say gather the faithful now pray the patriots pray