The Patriots Prayer

The Patriots Prayer Post NYC Rally

The Patriots Prayer Network (PPN) is excited to announce that we will be speaking at the New York Trump Rally today! Anne Fundner will be representing PPN and addressing the critical issues of border security and the devastating impact of fentanyl poisoning. Join us in supporting her and cheering her on as she delivers this powerful message to a national audience. Sponsored By:

Broadcast on:
19 Sep 2024
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The Patriots Prayer Network (PPN) is excited to announce that we will be speaking at the New York Trump Rally today! Anne Fundner will be representing PPN and addressing the critical issues of border security and the devastating impact of fentanyl poisoning. Join us in supporting her and cheering her on as she delivers this powerful message to a national audience.

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(upbeat music) - This is the Patriots Prayer Podcast. It's a tremendous show. One of the greatest shows in the history of the world. - This is Bryson Gray, and you are watching the Patriots Prayer. - So on the Patriots Prayer Network, thank you all. (upbeat music) ♪ They all say ♪ ♪ Yeah, the faithful now and praise ♪ ♪ The Patriots prayer ♪ ♪ The Patriots prayer ♪ ♪ Always a trend ♪ ♪ Or it was filled to the brim ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ I am a change in somehow ♪ ♪ I'm a radical now ♪ ♪ America's falling ♪ ♪ They all say ♪ ♪ Yeah, the faithful now and praise ♪ ♪ The Patriots prayer ♪ (upbeat music) - What's going on, brother? Man, it's another beautiful day out here in Washington state. I hear that there was a bunch of ruckus over in New York. There was a Donald Trump rally. We had one of our hosts and funder speak at the rally. She did a wonderful job and brought the house down, dude. Yeah, she brought the house down. I mean, her and Madeline Brain were the actually the two best speakers. I heard, I helped a little bit with her speech and gave her a little things that I would last night, but they caught her speech way down, dude. Like she had a whole different kind of a speech and she had two versions. So they made her cut it, but 'cause I know what it said. There were a lot of people there. There were a lot of, let me see how to put this. There were people outside inside the crowd was huge. It was tremendous and it was one of those things where, they think that Trump is like, you think Trump's gonna win New York? I mean, I don't know about this one, dude, but they're saying it's actually possible. He's within five points of her in New York. - I think the huge point about that is the fact that they're even talking about it. Because once the Republicans in New York realized that they have a chance, they might turn out in bigger numbers than we thought. - That's the encouraging part, yeah. That's the encouraging part. I mean, that's why we're pushing this, we get out to vote for America stuff, because the idea is like if the contest was just popularity, it's over, we won. That's the fact. - Well, like true popularity, yeah, we won. - I mean, yeah, true popularity, but not by the popular vote, not by all the people that are willfully blind to what's actually happening in this country and then just vote Democrat because that's what they've always done. - Well, 'cause they're in the club. - We should, in all reality, be ahead by a long shot. Just based off of what has happened over the past couple of years, but the media is, I mean, they have powerful tools at their disposal that we don't have. I mean, this is one of the reasons why I started speaking up. I know that it's why you started speaking up Eddie is because we're fighting against a trillion dollar industry that has an agenda that they're not even, I mean, I would like to say that the media is not aware of their agenda, but they're the useful idiots for the kind of scenes. - They're part of it. - Well, yeah, they're part of it. That's for sure that they're the arm of it. They're a tool for it. - It's crazy. - Yeah, I think that the media, and I say this all the time, you heard me say it before, the media, the media is as much a part of the government as a senator or congressman. They may actually be secretly more in charge than the senators in the congressmen. Like they're the ones who hypnotize the populace and tell you what to think, how to feel, or when the sky is falling, they tell you it's not just to keep everybody calm while they enact their plans, such as what happened around COVID and all of that. I mean, the things that they don't say or as is important as the things that they do say, right? 'Cause if it were a Republican president or governor that had police force running down the streets, shooting paintballs at people, yelling at them to get off their porches and then the house and all that, I mean, we would never hear the end of it. We would be tyrants and that would go down in history. I mean, that's what I feel. If I think that if we lose this election, that if we lose this election, hypothetically, God forbid, Donald Trump, I fear that his safety would be more in danger than even as it is now, because he would be seen as a perceived threat to them, office or no office. And I feel like he would be-- - I think he would be in threat. - He would be in prison. I think they would find a reason and a way to get him in prison, regardless. And just forget about the whole situation. And then what do you do with the 70, 80, 90 plus million people in the country who know that he is the truth, that he is the guy, and that they, what happened in the last election, we know the details of that. And we can speak to those things. They don't want that. Kamala is literally making threats to Elon Musk. Fix your police, your platform, or else. - Well, that was, so that speech that she kind of gave, I saw this going around X quite a bit. Where she said, you can't have rules for Facebook like this and one for Twitter like that. I think that was back in 2020. - So much for private industry. - Yeah, so it wasn't, it's not necessarily a direct threat to Elon Musk right now, but she said it in the past. And she should be held accountable for what she was saying back in 2020, when she was running for president, when she pulled it 2%, when she got zero delegates, when Tulsi Gabbard completely destroyed her on stage when there was actual debates between primaries. I mean, now this time they just gave it to her because they were able to con everybody into believing that Joe Biden was capable of running and that they were behind him and then they saw him speak at the debate and they're like, all right, time for Kamala to rise. We're gonna prop up our DEI candidate that definitely is not qualified to do this in any way, shape or form, but I guess it's the best that they have. - We said it early on in to Biden's presidency that they were put her there in case he passes away or whatever the case may be where they get rid of him and they're just gonna slide her in there. People have been saying that since day one, Jason Palmer, the guy I told you about that won the election in America Samoa from every bit of research that I've done by all legal rights is the actual candidate. It's not her. He won the election and he never conceded the race. So since he was the only one that ran against Biden and he beat him in America Samoa, he is the candidate. She's not. She's literally not the candidate. She never was a candidate. She never ran. She got selected. I'm wondering if the people on the left are so ignorant that they're willing to overlook that fact just because it's their club. Because I tell you, if it were me on a Republican side and they did something like that to us, we would be pissed. You're not just gonna spoon feed us a candidate and expect us to say, no, we would be livid. We would be urging one of our guys to run as an independent. - Yeah. I mean, I don't see it happening and I don't see that scenario happening with the right. I mean, we chose our candidate eight years ago. That's when we knew who we are. I mean, in 2020, we knew who we were gonna vote for. In 2024, everybody who voted for Trump is gonna vote for him again. Apart from very, very few exceptions that claim to have turned, which if you were ever a Trump voter and you've turned at this point, I think you're the problem. - Yeah. - You're part of the, seriously part of the problem in this country that needs to be fixed and addressed. - Yeah, I would be more worried about your safety, walking around in public without your helmet if you really are that stupid. I mean, to be quite honest, if you're that dumb where you're all of a sudden, like you, just like the, the, you know, Dick Chaney's and Liz Chaney's George Bush's Carl Rose Paul Ryan's and those types that are all coming out now and endorsing Kamala. I think people forget those were the people that we hated back in the day. Those were the people they teased and called Darth Vader and war mongers and all that, and we were saying the same. This is why people like Ron Paul came along and he was so popular back then. But now all of a sudden, you're so stupid about it that because they endorse your candidate, you don't care what they stand for. They stand for the same thing your candidate does. I guarantee you a world war. If Kamala is elected, or even if they don't wait until Kamala gets elected to November to kick it off, I guarantee 100% absolute world war if Kamala gets elected because the thing they didn't like about Trump, I feel, is that he didn't start any new wars. The military industrial complex, the deep state, which is what the, this is what Chaney is. He is the deep state guy. I mean, he is the ultimate deep state guy. That's who he is. And so when you get him endorsing your candidate, it's for one reason, it's war, it's NATO. It's all of these guys are beholden to NATO because that is the NWO. That is the new world order. That is the world government right there. That's what they're pushing for. - Yeah, and I feel as if, I mean, let's be careful how I word this. I feel that for me, personally, regardless of what happens in November, I believe that Trump is gonna be my president. - Yeah, yeah, I feel the shame. I don't know how the sequence of events that are gonna lead to it, but I'm very firm in the fact that he will be our president. - Now, I mean, regardless of the votes, regardless-- - Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no, I know what you mean. I know what you mean. I'm trying to think of a way to say it, too. But yeah, exactly the same. Because the country's just gonna split and they're gonna, they're not gonna-- And when you no longer have faith in your electoral system, just like when you no longer have faith in the legal system, when people stop believing the police are actually gonna help them and protect them, they're gonna stop calling the police. When people no longer believe in the election, the government no longer has the authority that it wants at, which is why the media came out and why the government came out so strong, even people you thought were on our side and really weren't, came out and said, "It's the big lie, the big lie, the big lie." Just like after the debate the other night, right? They all came out like Kamala won the debate. She didn't win the debate. That is a fallacy. Fact for fact, which is how debates are won or lost, she lost the debate. But they're doing the Jedi and mind trick thing again on people and they're falling for it. They're falling for it. Was there for the first time there are no soldiers in ready combat zones right now in active duty? That's all bullshit. That's absolutely 100% false. - I mean, yeah, most of the things she said, she literally just repeated-- - Same head lines, that's it. - Yeah, and they helped her and they spoon fed her questions. They also did question her on a few things that we to make it seem like they were being impartial, such as they questioned her about the border. But when she didn't answer the question they asked, they moved on and they didn't press her. - You know what I really don't like about, and I actually made a post about this not that long ago, because today is actually a debate between the Washington state governors, or the candidates rather. So Bob Ferguson and Dave Reichert are doing a debate. And I literally have no interest in watching it because I watched the first one. And it was so incredibly painful to listen to the style of debate that they use. And they use it for the same way all the way up to the presidency. And I don't see how in any way, shape or form, it's productive. From what I saw in the first debate between our Washington state governors, the moderator asked incredibly generic questions, and then they repeated, like memorized talking points that their team gave him. It wasn't about representing the people. It wasn't about what they actually believe. It wasn't about why they believe what they believe. It was ridiculous. And it would be nice to have our candidates be able to sit down and talk for two hours. Just sit there and talk. Have a moderator there to make sure that they don't get stuck on arguing about something stupid. But we should actually be able to see how they handle confrontation. How they, if they can back up what they believe and why they believe it on the spot, as opposed to having these scripted talking points, like it doesn't instill confidence in me in any way, shape or form. How Kamala regurgitated headlines in a debate. And I'm supposed to believe that she's going to be capable enough to behind the scenes talk with Putin or talk with Xi Jinping or Little Rocket Man. Yeah. What kind of confidence is that instill in me when I know for a fact that when she's on the debate stage with Trump, she regurgitates headlines. It instills nothing. And it is an outdated, scripted nonsense way to debate. And I don't even like calling a debate anymore because it's not. They're not actually talking. They're not debating anything. They're just repeating headlines or their scripted talking points that they were given to by their team. That's why I enjoy Trump being able to go to a rally and go off the cuff for two hours and just talk because he can. Because he actually believes the things that he says. And sometimes he's wrong. He's not lying. He just sometimes he's wrong. And it's crazy to me that we can't have as adults for the most powerful position in the country, we can't have our candidates sit down and talk to each other. Yet we're supposed to believe that we're identifying real problems in this country and we're working towards fixing it. No, we're not. Otherwise we'd be able to talk like, hey, we're both Americans trying to fight for a better America. How are we gonna do this? And it would be nice if we could actually have them talk it out and have us listen so we can actually understand more about them rather than just the headlines that they want to put out afterwards. So the way you would do it is to say, okay, guys, here for the next five minutes you're talking about the border. No, no, it doesn't have to be five minutes. We, a moderator, so it's close. But they could just start talking about the, like the moderator would say, hey, Trump. Go ahead and, you know, say your spiel about the border. But say like, I would want Kamala and him to have an actual conversation. This is why I want the border closed. This is what I think we should do. And then Kamala would say this, like they would have a conversation. They could talk about that. That's what I'm saying. So if I were to just say the border and then step out and then give them, let them go at it. Yes, yes. And not just the sign exactly. They would go at each other. And then I would step in after that, whatever time it is or whatever. Right. And if they, if they were actually having a productive conversation, then you could go, let it go past the time. You could have some kind of a structure. You're right. Yeah, 10 to 15 minutes. If they're kind of circling around talking points or arguing about something stupid, the moderator could say, hey, you know, the American people have more concerns about this or this, you know, abortion or women's rights, you know, whatever they say, women's healthcare is what they say. So, but it would be nice to actually see them have a conversation. And it's so frustrating that like as adults, as running for the most powerful position in the world, that they can't do that. It's like, no, can't have, can't sit down and have a conversation. Are you kidding me? What do you mean? Yeah, it's like, you know what it is. I don't know, you're not a football fan, but like they have this thing every year called the Pro Bowl. Right. And then the Pro Bowl, you get the best of the best of all of them. Every team, it's like the all-star game, right? Yeah. For football. And but the thing is, is that in this game that they play, they don't really play because they don't want to hurt themselves because they don't want to be hurt for the regular season. So they get in there and it's like a scrimmage game and they're not really playing hard. They protect their candidates so much that we don't ever just like this thing with Kamala. They're so afraid to let her go off the cuff and just speak and be herself because they know, we'll see her for exactly what she is. And they don't? Yeah. Because that's Marin. It's sad that they just can't see it, though. That's the issue that I have with it. It's not that they can't see it. It's that it's that they don't want to. It's that our populace doesn't give a shit about that. And they just go along with what the media tells them. It's like, why aren't we demanding a new debate style? Why aren't we telling these people, hey, this, the way of debates that we've been doing isn't working. It's failing us. Our country is failing. We need to figure out how to fix this. And instead of just everybody accepting the fact that these debates happen in this format, we really need to be demanding more. So like, I want to start reaching out. I mean, I am starting to reach out to people to try and figure out how to get this done. But it's painful to sit through these debates. I mean, I could barely even sit through the Kamala Harris and Trump debate, and there's no way I could do another governor debate for my state. I really tried, but it is just it is painful. It is. It's like when Jerry Nadler speaks or a Jamie Raskin or any of those guys. I get so damn violently mad, like screaming at the TV and that sort of thing. It's hard to sit there and let them talk and then not have some ignorant, like if I say something to you, you're not going to hear it. I can't thank you. I can't react. So I'm just sitting here. Just it feels like I'm getting mentally beat up. And I can't do anything about it. I asked more MTG about that when I saw her in Atlanta. It's like, how do you sit there and just let them say these things. And I know you want to react that she didn't say anything back. She just looked at me like, yeah. But I mean, that would be the hardest thing for me. If I were in the House of Representatives and hearing them say some of the things that they say and not drop kicking them, I just given them the people's elbow, just I don't know how you sit there. So damn, just put your arms crossed that, you know what Anne told me about the Jerry Nadler, they're sitting there. And first of all, they said, Anne and all those women were being exploited and they exploded. They got pissed off about it. - This was during the, this is when they were testifying. - Congressional deal. So Anne's sitting there like she's talking about her son Wesley now passed poison from fentanyl. And imagine if this was one of our children. Imagine how we would feel. And this guy literally, she thought he was looking at his cell phone, but it come out later that he actually went to sleep right in front of him. And she's yelling his name, like, look up, look at my son. And he wouldn't even, you know, dude. You remember that scene, like I said this early, remember that scene in the Las Vegas court about a few months back where the guy went and jumped up over the thing, get the judge. When he got his life sentence, he ran, he jumped up over the-- - Oh yeah. - Yeah, that's kind of how I would, you know, that's what I would feel like doing if someone did that. If I were talking about one of my daughters had passed in a similar situation and you're gonna act nonchalant and not care and do other things and hold other conversations and look at your phone, I would get seriously angry. I mean, violently angry. So these women were, had every right to feel that way. And also just, Jesus said, you'll know them by their fruit. These people aren't reaching out to help these women. No Democrat calls these women about their children when they die because of these things. It's like, none, zero, zero, zero. - They can't acknowledge it because if they do, then they know that everything that they've been fighting for is wrong and everything that they've been fighting for, like they would have to acknowledge the fact that they did something wrong and they're unwilling to actually do that. They want to paint this picture of perfection for Kamala Harris and the Democrats in general. They want that so much that they are willing to sacrifice as many as a hundred thousand citizens per year. Justin Fentanyl, poisonings and overdoses alone. - Look at what is in the net for a while, I know. And she was in the debate earlier watching with us. So, she was, and you know. - You talked a bit earlier about, then not wanting to stand up for the things that they say. I'm going to show you something, right? There's a guy here playing, she was a battle vet and all that kind of thing, right? I'm going to show you the tweet and you'll be able to see what I mean. Check it out. - All right. - So, Jay Jax. - Right here. Jay Jax, @jjaxxe, go troll him. Here's, he says, open season, right? So, it's a threat. He literally initiated a threat against those of us who are American. He says the effing irony sheep, I stand by my original tweet. And I said, yep, all your open season threat is BS. We in no way are afraid of you sheep. And I told him, I want him here. And if you think you can, what happens? - You got to talk into the mic, man. I'm having trouble hearing you. - It's weird, it should be, I'm right next to it. It says, if you think you can defend your point of view or respond, we'll set up in debate and give you equal time. And he said all kinds of things before this, which I don't want to get into all the rhetoric that he was talking about being army, being a battle vet, being all of these things. But when I said that, he says, open season doesn't require debate. Yeah, that's exactly, yep, I'll talk. I'll talk every single time. Yeah, I issue these requests, invitations to these people at least once a day. We're three years into, four years into this podcast. And I've never had not one of them take me up one. Four years. - Well, for one, they have to stop remaining anonymous. Right? Then actually, everything that they've set on their ex-account would have to be used against them. And people like that generally have a tendency to exaggerate their experiences, exaggerate their... The history in general. So because they want to come across as more authoritative, these are the true keyboard warriors. - Yeah, it's probably a small Asian lady. I just, I don't know, even his profile picture is an AI photo. So, and you know, I can usually tell lip cards by their profile pictures, is it's usually like pictures of cats and stuff. And/or nature pictures? - Yes. - Yeah, you go to their profile, they have like three or four followers and a bunch of pictures of grass and flowers and cats and things, just weird stuff like that. Now, have you had any opportunity to look into the... Now this guy, Ralph, Ryan Ruth, or whatever you say his name, connected to some recruiting company in the Ukraine that they say now that is ran by our CIA. Have you heard this? - Say it again. - The Ruth, the Ryan Ruth guy. - Yeah. - He is supposedly connected to some recruitment agency for soldiers and that to come fight the wars over in Iraq, Ukraine. But everyone, Laura Loomer, everyone is out there saying that this recruitment agency is a front for the CIA. And now we're wondering how this guy only made $3,000 a month unemployed. He's going from Honolulu, where he lives, which is the most expensive place in the United States to live, right? So he lives there, but he's flying back and forth to Florida and North Carolina and Kiev. And he has all the, an AK-47 is not inexpensive. All these plane tickets are not expensive. And he's openly recruiting as a mercenary. And how, dude? How is that possible? - It's not. I mean, we know he was used by the CIA. There's, like we need to stop pretending that these things, I mean, I guess it's good to entertain the idea and try to figure it out legitimately. So I guess you're right there. - You got to, yeah, you can't jump to the end. You got to, yeah, take a journey, right? - I feel like right now there's with the circumstances that came to, even with this guy. - You really said he was funded by the DNC. - He probably was. - Well, somewhere another act blew. They, they, both shooters did. I mean, these guys were mentally ill and they were probably, to some extent, groomed to do what they felt like they needed to do. I mean, even a lot of the ways, the interviews that this most recent shooter did, they, they seem off. I mean, it could just be a crazy person in general, but they really seem off. He doesn't seem like a stable person. He can speak coherently. - Right. You know who else doesn't seem like a stable person? - I don't know. It's Ralph. (crowd cheering) - We are turning the game. (crowd cheering) 52 days and we are turning the game. - I mean, very stable folks, brother. (laughing) As it, it don't get more unstable than that. It really does it. - So for those of you who don't know how this, Tim Waltz's wife. And that is just something else, man. She does not seem like a stable person. So yeah, you're right. But I mean, that's, I'm trying to mess with the lighting here 'cause I just, I changed a couple of things. So I'm just trying to figure it out. - Yeah, and it works better. It works better with the logo behind you. I noticed. Yeah, it does. - Good. Good, good. Um, they always, I would say the lefty women like that, they always have a tendency to have those, like you can see it in their eyes, right? And I don't know if I got the same feeling from that Ryan Russo or whatever the heck his name is. - Right. - I don't wanna remember it. - No. - Something like that. - Maybe a room. (laughing) - I didn't really get that from him. So it seems like maybe he was compromised for a long time because you can see back in 2002, he had a charge for having weapons of mass destruction. - Yeah, I saw that. - This guy was supposedly like a construction worker and then his company-- - The only construction company I went bankrupt, yeah. - Yeah, his company didn't make any money. He was living in the most expensive place in the country. And I have a feeling that he was recruited back then and he's just been standing by in a place like Honolulu, like live in the life. - Yeah, living in your life-- - You guys are totally called up. - Crazy as a freakin' loon, dude, look. - We talked to a 20-year-old guy that sold everything home to come at your pipe. That is heroism, you know. He's come here to risk his life for humanity, for the Ukrainians, guys that sell everything they own to come here and support the Ukrainians. - How did that dimwit figure out where Donald Trump would be, when he would be there, when it wasn't even on his itinerary? He got there 12 hours early. He brought lunch and snacks. I mean, I'm not a security expert, bro. I'm really not, but I just got a common sense. And I would think that when Donald Trump, who just almost got assassinated two months ago, shows up to go golfing, the Secret Service detail that works with him, would walk the perimeter of the golf course and see if there's anybody there that should be worried about. That never happened. The most basic thing that you do didn't happen. You add that with all these other things. It looks wild, dude. It looks, it looks weird. - You can't really, well, yeah. I mean, the entire thing is weird, suspicious and weird. And it was the same thing with crooks. I mean, it's just, everything's just weird. - Yeah, the FBI burned his body and didn't tell anybody for three damn weeks. And then they went in and they spray washed the roof where they shot him at. So basically anything that we need to be able to tie fingerprints and DNA and all that kind of stuff, back to this guy. It's all gone. It's all gone. Just like this guy. My prediction is this guy gets put in a lockup somewhere and they're gonna kill him. And in the jail, wherever they're holding him, somebody is going to, they're gonna kill him. And just like, remember after the appeal went in for George Floyd, George Floyd, a Derek Chauvin, put an appeal after the coroner's report came out proving that he didn't murder George Floyd. When the coroner's report came out, his lawyer filed a new appeal. Well, as soon as that appeal was filed, an FBI informant in prison stabbed him immediately. But they denied his appeal, which is crazy to me because it doesn't matter if he's popular. The guy's a douchebag, everyone agrees. We're not disagreeing what we're saying. He's not a murderer. He didn't murder George Floyd. George Floyd did that to himself with fentanyl, right? But I'm not sick. - And that, it was a speed ball. - So he was a bunch of things. - He had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl and the only argument that the defense had was, well, he did drugs a lot. So his tolerance was pretty high. It's like, yeah, but it was three times the- - Your tolerance to fentanyl doesn't go up like that. - It only takes fentanyl the size of a grain of salt, even for the most advanced heroin user, somebody who's doing 20 to 30 CCs, I'm from Baltimore. I know this stuff, like the back of my hand, a heroin user that's been using for a very long time will get up to a point where they're doing 20, 30 CCs a day at a time, several times a day, sorry. And still a person at that level can use one little teeny grain of salt-sized piece of fentanyl and die. That's how strong it is. It's poison, and that's why Anne says that so much about her son. This is not a drug. He did not overdose. He was poisoned. There's enough fentanyl in this country to kill every man, woman, and child in this country right now, and they're doing nothing about it. They're not- - No, no, they're doing something about it. They're facilitating the- - Exactly. - The cartel's importing it. And the drug dealers, and pretty much anybody who wants to, they're literally facilitating it, paying for it, allowing it to happen. So they are doing something. They're making it worse. I wouldn't say that they're doing nothing. They're actively ignoring the calls to do anything to stop it, but they're doing everything in their power to fund it and let it happen. So. - The population plan, you think? - Yeah, I mean, this is a cloud-pivin' strategy. This is a well-marked systems. - I saw a guy put out a video two or three days back. He was working in one of Elon Musk's plants, and he was showing you around the plant with his cell phone, and they were building robots. All kinds of like regular people looking robots, dog looking robots, all these robots. They called him androids. But they were, they're able to wait tables. They're able to be cashiers. They're able to cook food. They're able to do all fixed cars, do all of these things, all of the tasks that we do. He's saying that they're working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, and they're getting ready to push these things out into the marketplace. He said, "If you think your job is safe, it's not." So when you follow that kind of like truck drivers, we know the autonomous trucks are out there, and they're trying to replace the regular driver with the autonomous driver, the delivery driver with the drone, the all of these things. So, I mean, just asking the question is that, do you think that might be the reason why they don't think that most people are needed and why they're on this depopulation agenda? - No, I think that they hate humanity, and they think that they're above us, and they don't believe that we are equals. They believe that we are ants. They believe that we are consumers, that we are useless eaters, and I think many of them feel the same way. When you walk past a homeless person, right, and you see that they have some serious issues, they're tweaking out. - Sad. I used to make fun of them, but I used to make fun or find a reason to laugh, and I can't anymore. - You're not going to help them. You're not going to take them in your house and be like, hey, you know. - Not naive. - I relate it, it's like, I relate it similar to that. It's not necessarily that they hate us. I should clarify that is, I don't think that they care about us at all. I think that they would rather just step over us and not have to look down at us, rather than actively trying to take us out. I think most of these elites just literally do not care about us, and they're going to advance our agenda regardless of the consequences for us. And maybe it'll be easier for them if they import all these millions of other useless eaters that'll keep us distracted long enough for them to further their agenda. I just, I literally don't think they care about us. - No, they do not care about us. That's for sure, because you can't be this. First of all, in order to think that they care about us, you would have to believe that the things that they say in front of Congress, that they actually believe, even though when we can, the lame person can prove it's a lie. So they know they're lying when they say it. So I have to believe all of that is intentional. I'm going to go to break real quick and we'll continue when we get back. - I need to grab something to drink again. So perfect timing. - A movement that transcends politics. A vision for a stronger United America. Built on the belief that financial empowerment and political engagement can come together. Introducing the Trump token, America's cryptocurrency. A digital currency that embodies the spirit of innovation and the strength of American values. With a pledge to donate significantly towards Donald Trump's 2024 campaign, America's cryptocurrency. Coming soon, visit the Trump to learn more. (upbeat music) - Since the beginning of time, all living creatures rely on the sun source of natural light to grow and to help promote overall wellness. We are all light beings. The patches are all natural and drug free that uses the body's own natural light to help promote general health and wellness. How it works. Simply place the patch on specific points on your body and where the patch is placed on your skin. It reflects back into the body when it's tapped into its own flow of natural energy. Which in turn creates the GHK CU copper peptide which rejuvenates your cells and gives you a more younger, healthier you. (upbeat music) - Listen, patriots, as we age, we lose a bit of energy. We lose a step. That is for sure. But it's not our fault. Our bodies change as we grow. And these phototherapy patches, they do rejuvenate your cells in your body and they play a key role in the aging process. Research has found that as we age, the number and function of the cells decline over time which can lead to a decrease in skin elasticity which leads to the development of wrinkles. But what if I were to tell you that there was a product that could restore that sponge for more than just your skin. A product that draws more benefits than just energy but better sleep, reduced stress, pain management. And if you wanna hear more about this guys, go to that's and get yours today. So back to this. So 90%-- - Sounds like a great ad read. Good job, Eddie. - Thank you, brother. - That was good. - Been practical. Aren't those guys that over at Miracle Hand Therapy have been very good to us? And I do wanna do it in proud. So I put a little bit of effort into it. I always do, especially when I believe in something. And just like these guys at Trump token, what they're doing is unprecedented. I've never heard of anyone doing what they're getting ready to do and the amount of money they're getting ready to-- - You can like us. - Donate too. Yeah, but that's not the, that's really not the agenda here. I mean, honestly, I'd rather have an impact than riches. - Well, I can't miss it. - I said the people we're going up against have a lot of money. And it's like if we want to actually, if we wanna do more than just tweeting or just doing a podcast, if we wanna get involved in the community, then yeah, we have to make more money. And I have to like me personally, I have to stop working 60 hours a week changing tires in order to have time to be able to go and fight these bastards. - Yeah. Keep in mind, I started streaming today at 11 a.m. It's 651 where I'm at. So that's how long I've been here doing this, covering the rally and putting out posts and talking to people. And I put a lot of energy into this. And as I say earlier, guys, if you don't have the time to do, support those of us who do have the time to do it, the ones that you actually believe will be good stewards of your donations, your sponsorship, your, whatever it is. - It looks like it's voting with your dollar. - Yeah, your values, that's it. That's it, you know, your values are gonna be out of it. And I put it right at the top, for those of you who still don't see it, If you wanna support us, you know, it doesn't take dollars and cents all the time, go there and give us a follow. That is the biggest thing you can do, guys. We have right now, I think we have like 4,400. 44, 34. That's where we're at, 4,434 followers. How many followers you got? - 131,300 and something. - I got, I got 15,700. And I believe Steve is at 280 some odd thousand right now. Right, maybe even at 290, I know. But add all that up. And guys, all we, we need 10% of our overall 5,200 here. Q-Tip, come see us, man. We're gonna reach, we're gonna retweet you, brother. We, you know, if, if we get 10% of those people to come over to, just 10% to come over to rumble and follow us, we'll be doing very, very well on rumble, very, very well. And that's all it takes. So if you're not watching us on rumble, Q-Tip, tweeting, get over to rumble and follow us there. And, and you can be in the chat over there. And, you know, that's what helps more, man. Just come give us a follow on rumble, that's huge. Yeah, well, and I know that like this, this space is oversaturated in a lot of ways, but like I was trying to say earlier, we are doing something unprecedented where normal citizens, patriots of this country, God, fearing men and women are stepping up to, to do everything in their power to make a difference. Because in this day and age, I mean, if you guys think back to how you felt in 2020, when everything was locking down around you, what were you supposed to do, right? It is difficult to have all of the power, like the scenarios you play in your head of how we're going to fight this tyranny probably isn't going to happen. We actually have to have a network of patriots. We have to be able to spread this kind of culture and make it popular in order for us to have a chance at a triumph against these demons that we are facing. These anti-human parasitic elite class that really want us to live in zippods and eat zibogs so they don't have to worry about us revolting anymore. It's, I mean, they're pushing a lot of people and a lot of people are waking up and we're trying to help those people wake up and also tell them and inform them that, hey, you need to get your relationship right with Jesus. And I mean that with all of my heart, we need to get more people and have-- - Yeah, no people are educated on the Bible in general so that they know what's going on around them. - Yeah, I'd say it on a time that God, sorry, I don't want to interrupt, go ahead. - They need to get their relationship right with Jesus because our constitution was written for a good and moral people, biblical people. If we don't have a good, a godly people, then our constitution will mean nothing and you're seeing the ramifications of that right now. - Child sacrifice, moleck and bowel worship, ishtar worship, when you see transgenders telling people that you must address them as the sex to which they aren't and when you see them take that all on faith and that gender fluidity, that is a worship of a goddess called ishtar what later became bowel. It's in the Old Testament. This is not new, it happened before. So this is a spiritual warfare. Transgenderism is a religion. It's a religion because it's all faith. It's all faith-based. It's not got anything to do with biology or psychology. You literally have to say, I'm accepting this on faith. I'm taking this on faith that you are, you know, Marsha and not Maurice and whatever, you know, so they have to go to that next level and it's all faith-based. So that's a religion. - It is, for some reason, a lot of people believe that they're not religious, but they are. They have a dogma. Yeah, they have a dogma. They have a highest ideal that they worship and a lot of these transgenders don't realize that their highest ideal is anti-Christian from the very, very start of this. I mean, in order to believe that you are in the wrong body, that means that somebody puts you in the wrong body. That means that God puts you in the wrong body and that means that you know better than God. That means that God- - Anti-Christ. - And they speak on purpose to harm you. They are anti-Christ from the beginning. - Anti-Christ. - They don't even know it. - Anti-Christ. And here's the thing though. I mean, when you're like me, I don't believe that anything in the Bible is allegorical, right? I believe it can be used in an allegorical fashion, but I believe everything in it is literal, word for word, it's historical, it's fat. Everything in it, a third chapter of, excuse me, the ninth chapter of Daniel talks about an angel coming down the sea, Daniel. And the angel had a battle in the second heaven, which is space for those of you that are not Bible students. The second heaven is space. The first heaven is the sky, third heaven is where God is. And so when he says he does battle with an entity called the Prince of Persia and the second heaven, which is space, he literally had a physical conversation. Ezekiel got into a ship and he said, "A wheel inside of a wheel inside of a wheel landed, he got into the ship." It's also Enoch, it was the same. He left and came back on the ship. And you know, all of the things are to say that when God casts Satan down out of heaven as an angel of light and his followers and the image of righteous men and in Joby as Satan, where have you been? And Satan said walking around in and on the earth. And also Satan walked up to Jesus and tempted him three times. So what I'm saying is that to say this, there are people that you have met in this world, just like God says, we've all entertained angels, unawares it, it says it in the Bible. So, which means you've also maybe entertained fallen angels, unawares. There are people walking the face of this earth or not who they seem to be. And that's exactly what the Bible teaches. - And they've definitely gotten into positions of power that... - Exactly. - And they're doing it for the wrong reasons. I mean, if you believe you're not religious, I'm sorry to tell you, but you are wrong. Humans are inherently religious unless you are a complete psychopath. And I mean that literally. If you are literally a psychopath and you don't understand the difference between right and wrong, you have no empathy or feeling for one another. That is the only time that I can understand how they can claim to not be religious. Other than that, you have an ideal. You know that there's a difference between good and evil. Well, in Christianity, the highest good, the highest ideal, the ultimate good is Jesus Christ. - That's right. - His word is the truth and the light is good. I mean, when God said, let there be light and it was good. I mean, there are, let's see, how do I explain this? I guess anybody in this country or in this world, they have a set of values that they don't understand. And Christians, we believe in a hierarchy that our highest ideal is Christ, the lowest of lowest Satan, that the evil is Satan, right? - Or self, or self, because Satanists worship themselves. That's what Anton Lave taught. Basically, whatever you feel, whatever you feel, if you wanna do that drug, if you wanna have that woman, it's, you got one life, live it, that's Satanism. It's 100% you not caring about the needs of anyone else, but you. - Sounds like a psychopath. - While God, yeah, it's sociopathic, psychopathic. - I mean, selfishness. - So, I guess that could make sense, but Christians have, so this is my point, Christians have a specified God and a specified evil. So, we understand what we are looking up to and working towards. - A standard. - From the follow and what to get away from. The people who claim to not be religious have an unspecified God that they worship and ever changing God that they worship and are more likely to be easily tempted by demons or by Satan himself. 'Cause he can't recognize. - Yeah, if you don't have a specified God that you are following in worshiping, then you are following a God of some kind that is false and is more than likely ever changing. So, it's a statement of fact, humans are inherently religious. You cannot avoid it. - Sometimes we're tricked into actually, actually hero worshiping things that are actually evil and we don't even realize it. I'll give you guys one. And if you don't believe me, you can go look at it. The Statue of Liberty is a statue of Lucifer. - Is the Statue of Liberty chained? - I'm sorry? And so, I don't know if this is true, but I remember seeing a picture of the Statue of Liberty and her leg is chained. - That sounds right. I don't know why it sounds right, but let's find out. - But I don't remember why. But I wouldn't be surprised. I have seen a lot of demonic things about the way our government has been set up. - Yeah, you have to learn about Rosocutionism and those types of things that understand that the way the founders originally set this thing up, Rosocutionism was an offshoot of Christianity and it wasn't exactly Christianity. And some of the forefathers believed in the idea of God but didn't believe in God himself. Just like Thomas Jefferson who rewrote the Bible and took all the miracles out. He believed in the morality that was in the Bible, but other than that, they had their own other thing going on. And you know what? To me, that's at least still more acceptable than what we have today. The people that are here today and don't believe in God should be thankful for those of us who do, 'cause if it wasn't for us, it wouldn't have any rights. - They threw the baby out with the bath water. - Yes, Thomas Jefferson was trying his best to understand the good and be able to spread it to everybody. But Thaddeus, I wanted to point this out. He just made a comment. He said, "Damn, now I have to read up on it." That is actually one of my favorite, that's probably my favorite comment of the past week that I've gotten. And I'll tell you why. Because Thaddeus heard something that he knows almost nothing about. And I mean, in all reality, I know a little about the Statue of Liberty as well. I'm assuming that's what you were talking about. - Oh yes, there's a chain on the leg. I looked it up. - I knew it. But his first thought was I have to read up on this. I have to do my own research. And this is one of the things that I absolutely love about this community. Is the fact that the first thing you said was I have to go read up on this. Like I want to know more. And the curious mind should be able to do this. And this is why we are able to sift through the propaganda shoved in our faces daily. Because a curious mind will actually help us seek and speak the truth. And that's why I'm honest about not knowing too much about the Statue of Liberty. I've heard and read up things before, but it's never been too much of a concern to me. But you know what? I might actually go read up on it as well. But I just, I like that you said that. And I just wanted to point that out to everybody that that you should, that should be your instinct. When you don't know something and you want to know more about it, your first instinct should be, I have to go read up on this. And I have to put in some work in order to find out more. Because you know what? You're not going to get all the information from everybody else. Sometimes you have to go do your own research, which is quite often. - Well, I'm going to show you a picture here as soon as I get it up there. And a statue of Satan, a well-known picture of Satan. And then a picture of the Statue of Liberty. And remember what Lucifer means. It means light bearer, right? All agreed that that's exactly what it actually means. It means light bearer, Lucifer light bearer. That's what it is. And that's what your, that's the, there's the Statue of Lucifer. And there is the Statue of Liberty. It's exactly what it is. And this is how the symbolism that they put right in front of us all the time is outstanding. I grew up on the East Coast. - It is a very masculine face. I will say that. - It's in the thing that she's holding is the light bearers. Like that's where, that's what that light is for. That torch is for. The rest of the statues around the Capitol, if you go to anyone I ever go on the DC and go to like Resurrection Park and those things where, there's bow, bow is in the ground. His knees coming up out of the ground. The obelisk is coming up next to him. And that obelisk that's next, this is symbolizing the Resurrection when bow comes back. All those statues of those guys with those corn husks in his ear, just Google for yourself. What deity had the corn husks in their ear? Who was that? It's Belam, bow. That, so all over DC, all you see are statues of Bowel and Belam and these types of things. It's in your face everywhere you look. You just don't realize. - Eddie, we should do an episode on this. And do our best to separate the good from the bad, right? Like how is it that I can say that the founding fathers, like Thomas Jefferson, right? Who believe that we should have a good and moral people and they set up the country. But then, you know, there's a history of masonry of the, the, and like demise. - George Washington was, yeah. - Yeah, there's actually a photo in the one in the lodge that's in DC, I've seen it multiple times. George Washington is there with a trap, with a, with a trial and corn, vinegar and wine, right? Those three things. And then if you look in the Bible, it talks about those three things and why they're evil. And I'll pull up the verse where it's in the Old Testament. Old Testament. - Hold on. I'm just saying that we should, we should do an, like we should legitimately do an episode on this. And I mean, if, if the founding fathers, because I've, I've, I've revered the founding fathers. I think the founding of this country was a great thing for humanity in general. But what would, if there was a lot of demonic worship or things like that by the founding fathers, how could something good come from it? You know, like I, I just, I, I'm just having this thought right now. - Right. And I don't think anything is that black and white though. I think it's gray. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I don't think it would be good to separate that out, to like kind of go through those, to go through those things. And, yeah. 'Cause I mean, I can tell you things about, about Thomas Jefferson, that paints him in an extremely evil light. And as well as Benjamin Franklin and other people. As a matter of fact, Benjamin Franklin's house was just recently renovated and he had well over 200 bodies buried in the basement. And so, I mean. - I, I feel like I remember hearing something about that, but I don't, I don't. The bones of bones just buried in the basement. No graves, just buried all over the basement. They, they, they said it was about 200, 200 bodies. I got Anne Funder calling. - Oh. - Let's see. - Hey, Anne. It's going. We're closing out, we're getting, we're closing out our podcast right now. So I got you on speaker. No, you're good. You're good. I just threw you out here. Yeah, they let you, they let you walk out of that place with everyone there. And I guarantee you, you got stopped about a thousand times for pictures. - So to put this in context, guys, Anne Funder, if you guys don't know, she is, she's running a new podcast for the Patriots prayer network. She just spoke today at the Trump rally and it was, if she delivered an incredible speech. If you guys can, go back and look through it. I was streaming it live on my X page. It was streamed live on our Rumble page over at I don't have the timestamp on me of when she spoke, but she did, she did a phenomenal job. And I think that, that her voice is, is, she's got a powerful voice and she really believes in what she's saying. She's one of those people that she's got a story and there are many people who can relate who don't maybe have the skills to articulate it or the want to, but they will, those words will resonate with them. And I believe that her story is one, no, it was like an hour and 30 minutes in. It was, it was kind of a ways. So not, not 20 minutes, that is, ah, I was looking at it earlier today on my way home. Well, when I was, when I was getting off work, I checked it, but yeah, it was, it was, it was a little ways into the broadcast. So, but yeah, look her up, she's great. He's the wrong guy, Eddie, but you guys, I, I would really want to do that, that episode. Eddie and I, like, I would like to start doing some pre-recorded episodes and kind of go through some more information and get people really inspired to learn about our history. I think that's probably one of the main problems that we have is nobody's interested in learning about the founding or the founding fathers or some of the stories that, I mean, some of the really, really cool stories that you can read up on that are just phenomenal, like, oh, so I would like to do some more episodes like that. So, Eddie and I, I kind of want to, I kind of want to check that out and see, see what we can produce and come up with. And I think that it'll be a good experience for everybody. I mean, it would be good to go through some of the theories about how the founding fathers were Freemasons and how that translates to today, because there's, there's a lot of weird, a lot of weird things going on with them. I'll say that. So, thank you guys for tuning in. I really appreciate it. And I know we got to close out, we're a little over an hour. And I'm trying to find a good way to regulate all of my time and be able to still be a good husband and father since you guys know that it's the most important thing that you can possibly do to help build this country is to find a wife, marry her, and then make children and then be there for your children. So, I'm trying to do that right now. Thank you guys for tuning in. God bless you all and God bless America. Eddie, if you are back, do you have anything to say before we get out of here? No, all right. (laughs) Take care, you guys. (upbeat music) This is the Patriots Prayer Podcast. It's a tremendous show. One of the greatest shows in the history of the world. This is Bryson Gray, and you are watching the Patriots Prayer. So, on the Patriots Prayer Network, thank you all. (upbeat music) ♪ The Patriots Prayer ♪ ♪ The Patriots Prayer ♪ ♪ The Patriots Prayer ♪ ♪ The Patriots Prayer ♪ ♪ Always a trend ♪ ♪ For those filled to the brand ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ I haven't changed it somehow ♪ ♪ I'm the radical now ♪ ♪ America's falling ♪ ♪ They all say ♪ ♪ Yeah, look at the faithful now and pray ♪