The Patriots Prayer

Patriot Confederation - Chuck Wiese Interview (September 17, 2024)

Every patriot has an obligation to question authority. Those who are honest are not concerned with your watchful vigilance and those with integrity are not concerned with your discernment. Every American is obligated to voice their concerns and stand up for their freedoms and liberties. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the men in the arena, we are the Patriot Confederation! Proudly hosted by John Grosvenor and "Bad Billy" Painter! This week Chuck Wiese joins the show.The Patriot's Prayer Network"Bad Billy" Painter - The Bearded Patriotshttps://thebeardedpatriots.comJohn Grosvenor - Truckers Unified For Freedom Wiese on I Spy Radio OUR AFFILIATES!Caravan To Midnight Store (Use promo code OUTLAW) Patriot Supply Cigar Company (Use promo code OUTLAW) The People Holsters Brotherhood Carry Pill University Enrollment Gold Investments Lining Herbs (Use promo code OUTLAW) Store Miracle (Use promo code OUTLAW) Nutritional Canter (Use promo code OUTLAW) PX (Use promo code OUTLAW)'s Cave Nation (Use promo code TIBN4USA) Books (Use promo code TIBN4USA)

Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
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Every patriot has an obligation to question authority. Those who are honest are not concerned with your watchful vigilance and those with integrity are not concerned with your discernment. Every American is obligated to voice their concerns and stand up for their freedoms and liberties. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the men in the arena, we are the Patriot Confederation! Proudly hosted by John Grosvenor and "Bad Billy" Painter! This week Chuck Wiese joins the show.

The Patriot's Prayer Network

"Bad Billy" Painter - The Bearded Patriots

John Grosvenor - Truckers Unified For Freedom

Chuck Wiese
Interview on I Spy Radio

Caravan To Midnight Store

MyPillow (Use promo code OUTLAW)

My Patriot Supply

Patriot Cigar Company (Use promo code OUTLAW)

We The People Holsters

Tactical Brotherhood

Concealed Carry

Red Pill University Enrollment

Noble Gold Investments

Silver Lining Herbs (Use promo code OUTLAW)

Brighteon Store

Cardio Miracle (Use promo code OUTLAW)

Richardson Nutritional Canter (Use promo code OUTLAW)

Folium PX (Use promo code OUTLAW)

Patriot's Cave

Mammoth Nation (Use promo code TIBN4USA)

BRAVE Books (Use promo code TIBN4USA)

"The following is a presentation of A.O.W. Productions." "The views and opinions expressed by the host of this program do not necessarily say to reflect those of this station or its management." Every Patriot has an obligation to question authority. Those who are honest are not concerned with your watchful vigilance, and those with integrity are not concerned with your discernment. Every American is obligated to voice their concerns and stand up for their freedoms and liberties. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the Men in the Arena. We are the Patriot Confederation. We will never back down from fight. We're undefeated American. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Patriot Confederation for the 17th of September 2024. I'm your host, Bad Billy out of Twin Falls. I joined, as always, by my brother from another mother, John Grovener, out of Nashua, New Hampshire, New England. What's going on up there, brother? I hope this job Bob Joyce turns out to be the living and true Elvis Presley, Long Live the King. I don't know if you've heard this one or not, but it's pretty awesome. I can't say that I have. I don't know what you're talking about. That's on the Internet. Bob Joyce is saying that Elvis never really died, you know, the old conspiracy theory. He looks like him, he sings and performs, but he keeps a low profile lifestyle. They claim he came out of protective, what they call it with the CIA or FBI when you're in protective custody or whatever. Possibly. It's just upon rumor, man. He does look like the king. All right. Joining us for the third time on Patriot Confederation, if you followed the show, we are welcoming Chuck Weiss to the show out of Oregon. Like I said, he is probably hands down the best climate change debunker I have ever talked to. Earlier he was, I'd say about a month ago, he was on the I Spy Radio Network where I was listening and I got what caught my attention is something that they're trying to do in the state of Oregon called the climate protection plan. It's something that has already been denied three times, but yet they're trying to ram this through. Chuck, welcome back to the show. Thank you very much. How have you been? Very good. Thanks for your kind words, Billy. Yeah, I've been fine, except for dealing with all this. Yes, yes. So for those that aren't familiar with the climate protection plan, give us a brief rundown of what this nonsense, this communist nonsense is. I'd be glad to. Yeah, our state, as you know, is definitely a blue state, not by, I think, a lot of people's choice, but it just is. And you've got a lot of left winners that run things in the state, including the governorship that are obvious belief that atmospheric CO2 and human emissions of it are changing our climate. And so they come up with all these very strange and stupid ideas to do what they think will cause the climate to cool off to cause all these travesties that they claim are happening because of CO2 emissions to go down. And they came up with a plan. It was actually a carbon trading and carbon cap and trade program back in 2019, 2020. And the voters were very upset with this. In spite of the fact that it's a blue state, a lot of people did not want or like what they saw back then. So they put it out to a vote of the people in an election year. And the people voted it down and said, "We don't want this. It's not good for our economy." And we can't see the common sense behind any of it. And back then, our governor, Kate Brown, being the lefty that she is, she did not like the result of that election at all and what the voters had to say about her plan. So she basically did what all the good lefties do and that's basically flipped us the bird and said, "I don't care what you people said you want in a vote of the people. I'm going to shove this down your throat and make you do it anyway." And so she took a series of executive actions as governor of the state of Oregon and she went through the Department of Environmental Quality, which is the government agency that controls automobile renewals and auto emissions, that sort of thing. She went through them and said, "I'm going to make this climate program go through the DEQ by executive order and you people are going to eat it whether you want it or not." And so that got the angst of people up a little bit here, but nonetheless, none of us were able to stop it. She left office and there was another election after that, but our new governor, Tina Kotek, has no better. She wouldn't stop the program and she's basically, she let it go forward and it was so bad back then. Northwest Natural Gas, which is one of the people they were going to hit up for this program, filed suit against the state and said, "You know, you're not being forthcoming about what this is going to cost consumers or anything else." And the state courts, the higher courts in our state, agreed with Northwest Natural and they threw the thing out and sent it back to the DEQ. Well, now they're trying to resurrect it again and they're determined to do this and we're in this period now where there's public comments that are going to be taken about it, which will be at the end of the month. But to give you an idea of what it is, it's basically a sales tax on energy. That's all it is. This program will have absolutely no effect on atmospheric CO2 levels, a climate or the weather. And to call it a climate protection program, for that reason, is a fraud. It's misleading people and it's not going to have any effect at all. And I was trying to find out, you know, since they're going to go ahead and try to shove this down, everybody's throat in our state, what's the bottom line? What's this going to really cost the consumer, like myself and other Oregonians in this state? So I started digging and doing research and I asked a lot of questions of the DEQ. And surprise, surprise, do you think I got any answers from them? No. They didn't give me any answers. They were not forthcoming about how the program is even going to work and they gave me links to websites, which made no sense, no help at all from them. So with Northwest natural officials, I found out where to look for some of this data that would give you an idea of what this is going to cost the user. And so what they do is they identify, first of all, what they call covered entities. And covered entities are anybody basically in the state of Oregon that sells fuels, like natural gas, liquid natural gas, gasoline, propane, any of that stuff. They're identified as covered suppliers. And then what they do is they say we've got to ratchet down our carbon emissions on a yearly basis, and their idea is to get to like a 50% carbon reduction by the year 2035. And so what they do is they go to these suppliers, like Northwest natural gas, which I got the data for, and they say we're going to issue in the first year of the program, we issue what we call a cap to the total amount of metric tonnage that you're allowed to emit as a seller to all your customers. And in year one, that turns out to be a little over 25 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents. And what they do to calculate that is they take the chemical burn equation for natural gas. And then it's a one-to-one type of thing where for every mole of CH4 that you burn, you get one mole of CO2. And so from that and the cubic feet that they sell per year to the end users, we can figure out what the metric tonnage is that gets emitted by their sales of natural gas and cubic feet to the end users. So then you take that cap and out of the 25 million metric tons, they divvy up who's going to get what of all the suppliers. So Northwest natural in the first year of the program will get 20.3% of that cap. And then what you do is you take that 20.3 and multiply it by the total and you get a little over 5 million metric tons that Northwest natural gas is allowed to emit or pollute. And I use the word loosely because it's not polluting anything but that's what they say. So you get to use that and you subtract it against the total sales in metric tonn equivalents. And lo and behold in your one, do you think that they would ever come out under that? Heck no. They're over by 600 some odd thousand metric tons. And so if you go over there a lot of amount, then they have a charge, which in this case to start the program will be $129 per metric ton of CO2 that you go over. So if you multiply $129 per metric ton by the 600 some odd thousand metric tons they went over, you're talking just short of $80 million in year one that Northwest natural will have to fork over to the DEQ. Now do you think they're going to absorb that? There's no way they're going to absorb that. They're just going to turn right around and they're going to pass it on to the end user. So if you take that $80 million and divide it by the total number of cubic feet that they sold, you get an amount that they would pass on to the consumer by per thermo of energy. And it comes out to like 7.9% per thermo. And so the bottom line is in year one of the program, you'll add about $78 per month to an end user that uses an average of like their average is like 55 therms. But if you use more, it's going to cost more because it's a sales tax. And so then if you, I'm just going down to down the list here where I get like, okay, that's what it's going to cost in year one. That doesn't sound really bad. But in year 10, they crank the amount of permits down to way under half that it's only 15 million that they issue. And do you think the use of natural gas will go down? I couldn't use any figures for 2035, because we're not there yet. But I can certainly use what their sales were in this last year. And if you use that number with what they cut it down to, now you're talking about the cost going up to 34.7 cents a firm, which will add, you know, it's going to add anywhere from $35 to $40 a month to your natural gas bill. Now, this is just for natural gas. And what I'm really worried about is gasoline sales, because if you look at the burn equation for gasoline, if you look at the burn equation for gasoline, you know, for every mole of octane, somebody burns in their car, you get eight moles of CO2 or eight times what natural gas production of CO2 is. So the tonnage you're going to generate by that is going to be a lot worse. And I really wanted to get the figures for gasoline, but I'm not able to get them because they're not supplying them. So you just go across the entire energy spectrum, and you can just figure out how much extra somebody's going to have to pay per month in this state for this program. And the hell of it is, I talked to some of the people at the DEQ, and I told them, I said, even if you meet all your so-called goals, and this so-called program, there is no way on God's green earth that you could ever eliminate all the CO2 emissions you'd kill yourself by even trying. And in this state, it's like 0.16% of the global total, if you get eliminated all of them, it wouldn't even make a dent. So you got to ask yourself, what are these people doing? Well, I know what the answer is, they're just a bunch of bureaucrats who have figured out a nice way to scheme and to get into your pocketbook. And the bottom line is, what do we get for this as a consumer? You get nothing. They're going to take all this money. And by the way, DEQ gets a 4% kickback of all the money that gets forked over that they give to these 5013Cs and these other nonprofits that are going to do these do good little projects around the city. They'll plant trees, and they'll go do this, and they'll go do that, maybe put on a smart thermostat somewhere. I mean, this thing is just a joke. It is a big fraud. And I can't, in good conscience, from what I know about atmospheric science and what they're doing with this program, sit back and silence about this. And the bad thing is, it's not only happening here, they're doing it in Washington state, they're doing it in California. All these blue states have these programs to eliminate or reduce CO2 emissions, and the bottom line is it's not going to cut down on the growth of atmospheric CO2, and it won't affect the weather and climate at all. It's going to have zero effect on this. So what are we doing this for? It's insanity. It's just creating more government and more bureaucracy and stealing people's money because of the way they try to sell it. Good Lord. A climate protection program? You've got to be kidding me. This isn't a climate protection program. It's a sales tax on energy. That's all it is. You know, that's where I'm at now. And I'm, you know, so I hope you guys don't have to do this. And, you know, back on the East Coast, where you're at in Idaho, Billy, but, you know, who knows, you guys got pretty good leaders in your state. They probably wouldn't scheme to take people's money like that. But this is what we're faced with in Oregon. Well, they're doing what they can to try to flip this state blue in every manner from trying to get everybody from, I've talked to some progressives who live around here. They want to get as many Californians and left-wing Oregonians or whoever into Idaho. Plus, they're trying to push through this rank choice voting, which we've talked about before. But the one thing we're going to go to break here, the first break in just a moment. But you got to think too, when it comes to power companies and natural gas, it's not like your internet or cell phone company or whatever. You can't just switch over to another company like that. There's like one assigned to each major area. And on what you get there, power companies usually monopolize the area. So, yeah, you don't get that choice. This is not a good thing. Let's, real quick, about a minute and ten seconds for the first break and we'll be right back. I wouldn't have lasted this long in the entertainment industry if I hadn't taken a few risks. But I'm also a realist because I've seen it all. Gold gives you everything the stock market can, a hedge against inflation, a protection against economic crashes, and the best way to protect your family and their interests. Gold is the only true global currency. Invest in gold and silver with noble gold investments. Start investing today or get your free gold and silver investment guide by going to the and click on the noble gold investments link. A movement that transcends politics, a vision for a stronger United America, built on the belief that financial empowerment and political engagement can come together. Introducing the Trump token, America's cryptocurrency, a digital currency that embodies the spirit of innovation and the strength of American values. With a pledge to donate significantly towards Donald Trump's 2024 campaign, America's cryptocurrency. Coming soon, visit the Trump token dot com to learn more. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back and John, I can see it in your eyes. You have some questions or statements you'd like to make. Well, yeah, that seems like you got to cut just a wee bit short. What you're talking about here actually is United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. And that's what they intend to do, right? As a global effort is to get all these democratic states or countries to reduce consumption of gas or energies and go solar and they push all these issues. Does that sound about right? Yeah. Yes, that's exactly what I would sign on to. I think you're spot on with this and the hell of it with Oregon is that when they get this program going. There's a lot of people that aren't making a lot of money with the state of the economy is in right now and we know people are hurting in this state. They're probably hurting in a lot of states. And when all this energy tax is passed and shoved down people's throats, the poorest amongst us will not be able to afford to pay their utility bills. We already had people in that position before in the state just this last winter. And so they're going to be screaming when they reach that point to the authorities saying, "I can't pay my bill and they're going to shut my gas off. They're going to turn my electricity off." And that won't be acceptable. That's going to be in a terrible position that the government would have to take with people that are in that position. So they're going to then say, "Okay, well, you guys can't pay, so what we're going to do is I'll come up with another tax and they'll come back on the working class and they'll hit people again that can afford to pay." And you have to subsidize the group that can't pay. So they're going to get stuck not only with a higher utility bills like everybody else, but they'll have to subsidize the people that can't pay. This is just a snowballing effect. And the natural gas example I gave is only a small part of this. And I don't think they're coming forward with the information we need about gasoline because the cost and the program for that I think is going to be astronomical because of this eight to one ratio that I told you about. So it's just awful. It's going to accomplish nothing. And it's like I said, the effort by these people that are the Marxists at the left seem to be like they want to do everything they possibly can to take people's money from them so that they become powerless to have any control over their own personal lives. And that's just a travesty. It's not the way America is supposed to operate. And that's where all this climate nonsense is coming from because none of it's going to make a hill of beans worth a difference to the climate or the weather or anything else. It just won't. And we do a long time ago from atmospheric science that CO2 does not control the climate. It has no controlling effect on the earth's temperature. It's impossible. And I could go into a long story about how all that came about with the use of climate models, but that's how these people came up with all the outrageous things that they're trying to do now. And using information they get from climate models, which don't work to try to show it down to everybody's throat. It's terrible. There's no other way to describe it. I got a question, Chuck. If how are the leftists that are supporting this? How are they trying to push this off as something good that you should support? What are they telling the public how good it is or what's their story on that? Oh, it's always about, oh, look at the money we'll get from this. Like in the first year, just one of the examples I gave was from Northwest Natural Gas. So they're going to, Northwest Natural and you're one of the program will have to fork over your short of $80 million to the DEQ. And then that money gets transferred to these nonprofits. And they're supposed to do climate goodness in the community. So they'll be planting some trees. They might build a charging station here. They might do this. And they just go, isn't that wonderful? Look at all the wonderful things we're going to do to turn the temperature of the earth down. And the truth of the matter is, if CO2 had any effect at all on the earth's temperature, you'd want to see that the program you're implementing would have an effect to actually bring it down. And it doesn't do that. CO2 is not going back down because of these programs. It's going to continue to go up. And not very much by human emissions of it, it's just by nature itself. There's a lot of robust evidence coming out now that all these initial claims were made about CO2 going up since the start of the Industrial Revolution. And humans being responsible for all of it is just flatly and patently false. Nature is what really drives the direction and magnitude of what's in the atmosphere. And the total that we contribute to it is actually in retrospect very small. And that's what scientific research about this is beginning to show now, which completely defeats this whole argument that we have to worry about CO2 emissions and they're going to destroy the climate. And the lies of what really drives me crazy, the press is just constantly making up things and putting things out which are total distortions of reality. And I feel sorry for the youth of this country because they're getting a rotten education about CO2 and the public school students. And they're being taught a load of nonsense and the public education system is scaring the daylights out of these poor kids. And it doesn't have to be that way at all. But the kids are scared. The youth are scared because of the crap they're learning about CO2 from the universities. And the universities are heavily vested in getting climate funding from the government. That's, you know, all this started to change way back in the late 70s and 80s, the way universities got funded. And this climate nonsense was a big part of it. And these guys dug themselves a trap and now they don't want to give up the money. So they've continued to not be forthcoming about what the limitations are, the things that they put out, that they tell politicians about CO2 and climate. And boy, I know all about the history of that. I was in the program and started to transform it way back in the late 70s at Oregon State University. That's an excellent science and engineering school, but they ruined atmosphere of science with all the stuff they did. They really did. I got to ask you, because something I remember, because I lived in Portland when I was up to my pre-teens, actually, from the age 10 to the age of 12, I lived in Portland, attended 4th and 5th grade there. And I remember all the panic of a nuclear power plant they called Hanford and how they had to shut it down. Of course, I was way too young to understand any of that at the time, but I remember driving right by Hanford and I was scared to death. Just because of what I was hearing on TV about that and, you know, come to find out if you use right, nuclear power is not a bad thing. But you remember it all what I'm talking about? Yes, I do. And we had a nuclear power plant built subsequent to that, which was called Trojan. And Trojan was shut down and mothballed. And Trojan was just across the Columbia River. In fact, it used the Columbia River water for the cooling systems. And I will admit, and there's no problem with this, I'll admit that the first designs of nuclear power plants had some issues. And so there were some safety concerns. You certainly wouldn't want a major meltdown of a reactor or something that could cause a lot of radiation contaminations like we saw in the old Soviet Union with Chernobyl. But the issue now is those plants like Trojan, they were mothballed and shut down. And that's not the way nuclear power plants would be running if they were in operation in this country today. Now, the engineering department, nuclear engineering scientists at Oregon State University, actually, there was a guy there in their program, one of their professors, who has a completely new module design for nuclear power plants. And has taken a lot of the hazards that used to exist with original designs and taken care of all of that. And you can build these plants today that will produce all kinds, I mean, limitless power, pretty much. And without near the radiation hazards that the first designs had in them, that they had backups and they had safety systems. But now we don't need nearly as many of those because of the newer designs. And there's no reason why we shouldn't be utilizing that technology. If these climate crazies are so concerned about coal-fired power plants polluting the environment, why don't they open the door and talk with these nuclear engineers who had developed the latest designs for nuclear power plants. And let them show them how safe these plants could be and are. And they would give us all the answer that we need to any sort of future power demands. And that's reliable power. And the stuff they're coming up with now for wind and solar, you can't handle electrical loads during high demand times with this sort of power. It doesn't work. And right now, California is experiencing blackouts and brownouts, all from these stupid ideas that Governor Gavin Newsom, this guy is a nut job. I mean, he ruined that state and he has converted their power grid to where you've got all these reliability now and renewables, which isn't going to cut it. And so now they have these periods where when demand time is really high for electrical power, they're experiencing the blackouts and it's being worsened by the fact that they're not only, you know, not having reliable power with the renewables. Now they want to load the grid up even further with EV charging stations, which puts a hell of a load on the electric grid and Oregon's going to have the same problem. These guys are driving us into a very bad corner that's going to cost people a lot of hardship because they won't have the available power that they need to heat their homes to have lighting and everything else because of the EV mandates along with renewables. And the answers are out there right now and they could be resolved, but these econuts and their battery of lawyers don't seem to want to allow that any about to happen and they threaten and they do, they'll sue you if you try to bring anything like that online and it's just a shame. Because here's an application of real science that could make a difference. And instead of going forward with it, oh no, we've got to have these stupid wind farms, you know, I was, that reminds me, I was down in Southern California, like this last winter, and I drove from Los Angeles to Palm Desert. And, you know, I don't know if you guys have ever driven that before, but the landscaping around there when you, the landscaping is beautiful. It really is. And then I was just appalled when I saw that what they've done to it down there, they ruined the landscape with all these wind farms. It's just windmills all over the place on both sides of the highway. And this is, again, Gavin Newsom's idiocy and his answer to a fake climate crisis that doesn't exist. And it's just doing terrible things to that state. And I wish Oregon was going a different way, but being the blue state that it is, you've got the same sort of nutty leadership that's going to do all the wrong things and they are doing all the wrong things. It's very, very unfortunate. Well, I've seen these wind farms like last year, I was with my family and we drove cross country from here, here in Idaho, as far as New York state, we went to Niagara Falls, but spent most of our time in Pennsylvania and going through parts of Iowa. I know they, I mean, Iowa, most of the most of the state you're going to see corn crops, of course, but they've taken out a lot of the corn and put up wind wind farms like you're talking about something they've done it there. And I remember there used to be only one wind farm in the state of California that I can recall, and that was just outside of Livermore. And, and now from what I understand they really doubled it up where we're getting them here in Idaho yet. It's ridiculous is wind farm along with all these solar panels and not to say that solar panels are bad, but it's like they're going about it the absolute wrong way, am I mistaken. You're not mistaken, because as the population grows, so will the demand for energy, it's just that you go hand in hand. And if you're going to create reliable energy, and by that I mean you've got to have the energy available during high load demand. So whether that means cold weather, shorter days, whatever the issue is, you've got to be there and be able to provide the power off the grid to satisfy what that demand is going to be. And by converting to these renewables you're basically reducing the load capability on an electric grid and you're making it so people will not have enough power to get the things that they need to live their lives with. And then going to EV mandates, I mean how insane is that, that's just going to much multiply the whole problem. And that's the direction we're going, it's just I've just never seen anything like it, total incompetence and from the political class and the government officials that run things, at least in these states. It's just bad, it's really a shame. Hold that thought there Chuck because we are at the bottom of the hour. And when we come back, I definitely want to get back on the topic of this climate protection plan because ever since you're in a view with Mark Anderson. You have a little bit more news to share with us and so I definitely want to get to that. So with that said, we'll be back in about three and a half minutes. Please don't nobody go nowhere. 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The links for all of the affiliates mentioned here can be found in the description of this video, or visit Again, all of the links for all of the affiliates mentioned in this video can be found in the description of this video, or go to See you there! Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are back here on Patriot Confederation, joined by Chuck Weiss out of Oregon, talking about something that Oregon is trying to push through the climate protection plan. Ooh, I mean, just the words of it alone make me cringe. You know, when you were talking with Dr. Mark Anderson on the I Spy radio show, you basically said, you know, you reached out to the powers to be to get more answers on that, and nobody could tell you anything. You'd send out emails or leave voicemail messages. No one would return your calls or your emails, but then sometime after a market recorded that show, they did get back to you from what I understand. What did they tell you since then? Well, basically nothing. I mean, she did get back to me with an email and responded after I was on a work show, but basically she said we're not really allowed to comment on this while the public comment section is open. So I got no information that was useful for them at all. When I posed that question to her, I said, you know, even if you could completely eliminate Oregon CO2 emissions and all of them, we know what they are. They're roughly 60 million metric tons a year that come out of the state of Oregon. And even if you could eliminate all of them, which is not the objective of the program, I said that's 0.19% of the global total, or 19 100s of 1%. I said, you know, you are not gonna make a dent in atmospheric CO2 by this program, even if it's 100% successful. So what are we doing it for? And I was met with, when I talked around the phone about this, I was met with 20 seconds of silence, and then she responds by saying, well, I know that you don't think that we need to reduce emissions, but other people disagree with you and think that we do. That was her answer. Okay, yeah, other people think we do. The people that want money are the ones who think we do need to reduce emissions. But you didn't answer my question when I said, what effect is this gonna have? I mean, the program is a failure just by that alone. You can't possibly justify it, but you're just saying, well, we think we need to reduce emissions. But I just showed you that your program isn't gonna work. So what are you doing it for? Well, no answer. Some people think we need to reduce our emissions. That was her answer. I mean, what a load of, you know what? What's the reduction here? And the thing about it is, it's kind of like that Marxist total total total. I will say it. Basically, they want to like fuel prices, right? If fuel prices go up, you'll drive less. So it reduces consumerism. And that's the concept. So the more expensive they can make it, the hardship they create on you, that relies on Oregon's a cold state. There's gonna be a lot of cold weather there, and you rely on natural gas or something to heat your home. You're going to. If it's not natural gas, it's electricity. It's something. And I think you got to punch them back in the eye and go get a wood stove. It's their burdensome wood in your house and say, here, you're the thing. And you got plenty of wood in the state of Oregon, trust me. Oh, you do. But, you know, down in Lane County, which is in Eugene, Southern Willamette Valley, they've actually outlawed the use of some of these gas stoves or not gas, but wood stoves because they're saying they're particularly harmful to the environment, which again, that's another load of nonsense. But yeah, there's no way they can justify these programs. And you're right. The economics of it are that they want to make it so expensive for consumers and people live here to pay for their energy use. That they'll try to force you to use less of it. But when you're cold, you're not going to turn your thermostat down. You're going to turn it. You're going to have it where you want it to be to live comfortably. And that should be the right of anybody. But they're just going to say, okay, well, if you want to do that, you're going to pay a price for it. And they've already started a program, by the way, in this state of Oregon to where they did this in Colorado. I don't know if you guys heard that in Colorado, they have been selling what they call these smart thermostats. If you allow them to put... Yeah. So if you allow them, if you're dumb enough to allow them to put a smart thermostat in your home, what people don't realize is they can remotely control what temperature you're going to set that thermostat to. And a couple of summers ago in Colorado, when the weather got that, a hot spell there, and when the weather got hot and people wanted their air conditioning on, the electric companies in Colorado deliberately took control of their thermostats and turned them up to where they didn't get their condition that they wanted and said we need to conserve power. And they just did that this summer in Oregon. The Portland General Electric Company took remote control of people's thermostats and let them put a thermostat in. And when air conditioning was had a demand for it, they turned the thermostats up so that you'd use less, so they turned them up 10 degrees. And that's very uncomfortable to a lot of people. And then these people were upset because they were saying, "Well, I didn't know that you were going to take control of my thermostat." And they said, "Well, you know, you didn't read fine print." That's what they're doing. I know how to change one of those. And as to get back to what you were talking about too, I've heard of that too, they've got to ban fireplaces and wood stoves and all that. I mean, it just goes back to the adage of stupid things like animal flatulence is what's causing climate change. If that was the case, we'd have been gone so long ago. I mean, whether it be something childish as flatulence or just basically building a fire to keep yourself warm, how long has mankind been doing that? Gee, I mean, the cave been learned by rubbing two sticks together. I'm sure it didn't pollute the air and cause some kind of damage because if it did, we wouldn't have made it to the 20th century, let alone the 21st. We should speak more reasonably here because we do know during the Industrial Revolution coal became a burning product to warm homes and things like that. It does create fuel particulates, particles that get put in the atmosphere and things like that. And so in London during the Industrial Revolution, they had a problem with all the smoke and stuff that was settling in the city and choking people out. So there is pollution to a certain level when you're burning wood and stuff like that. Of course, if you superheat the wood, if you're adding oxygen to it, it's going to burn hotter and cleaner. And you're not going to get all them particulates like, you know, in a smoldering fire. What I would like to get on here is every state has a public utilities commission. You alluded to it earlier when you were talking about a comment period. So do you attend the meetings at the PUCs in Oregon? Yeah, I've been doing more of that since getting interested in these programs of late. When they first started coming out with it, I didn't. But there's another public meeting they're going to have just before the end of public comments on this thing at the end of this month. I do plan on attending that. And if possible, voice my objections to the whole program. But what I've discovered and a lot of people have discovered when you deal with these bureaucracies like this, a lot of these public comment things that they allow or you to attend a meeting and make your comments at a meeting. It's just like it's all show and no action. I mean, you can scream about it all you want, but you're not going to convince the people that are part of the commissions to change their mind about anything. They'll just go right ahead. It's always thanks for your comments, but we're going to proceed. We got to save the climate, save the planet, you know, I mean, that's the sort of ridiculousness that you're up against. And I try to challenge some of these people head on with hard, cold facts about climate things that I'm talking to your audience about. And when you do that with these politicians, you know what they do, and at least in this state of the ones I've confronted, they defer to an expert that's never there. They go, well, I'm not going to argue science with you. I rely on my expert. Okay, well, did you bring him with you? No, we didn't. Okay, so that ends the conversation. And they just refuse to discuss it because actually, to be honest with you, they don't know what they're talking about. And you can make a fool out of them and no time short. And then they're so-called expert that could answer the questions that they get these so-called briefings from. Never shows up at public meetings with them. That's how they get out of having to answer any of your questions. So with the politicians having their meetings that they invite the public to, it's a waste of time. A lot of the time because they never have any answers. They've got an agenda. And if you like their agenda, great. Clack her hands while you're there. And Raw, Raw, Siskumba, but if you don't like what they're doing, well, they're too bad. We're doing it anyway. That's kind of the way it's turned out, unfortunately. One of the nice things about the public utility or the meetings is that you have an opportunity to be heard publicly. And is it, is it, I know this is a difficult task because I've been there. But is it possible within Oregon where you live, is it possible that you can organize among your own? There's got to be other people that are willing to get behind you. There's got to be experts that oppose this agenda who know the science like you do. Oh, there are. And so- There are. Go ahead. I've got a group of scientists that I hang with here in Oregon that go to these meetings with me on a regular basis. One of them is an astrophysicist from the University of Chicago. And there are a few others too that are very knowledgeable. We have a group that we have exchanges on emails and we talk about latest research that's come out and what's good, what's not so good, that sort of thing. And they go to these meetings and they've tried to challenge the people that show up that are, let's say, some of these so-called scientists from Oregon State University that are not being honest about climate models. And we've challenged their positions on a lot of these things, and it makes some inroads, but what we don't really get cooperation from is the media at large. You know, mainstream legacy media types in this state are completely unwilling to listen to what they would call a "nostated climate skeptic." You know, and they've got all kinds of four-letter words or near that that they will call you for challenging their positions. No, their favorite is to call you a climate denier. Oh, you're denying that the climate's changing. You know, and they associate the word denier with denial of the Holocaust, of the Jewish Holocaust. They try to get, you know, they want to lump you into that category saying, you know, that's how bad of a person you are. You, by a denier, they say you're the kind of a person that would deny that the Jewish Holocaust took place. And they got these horrible names they come up with. Yeah, we're not denying climate change. We understand the climate has been changing. It's been changing for hundreds of years. I mean, we've gone from, I say, warmer climates. That's how it worked. It's sick. Right. So climate change is real. It's just what's causing is the argument. Right, but they don't even let their arguments go that far. Them, when they call you a climate denier, their implication from that is you're denying that the climate is changing due to human emissions of carbon dioxide. And yes, we are, because it's not. And there's no proof that it is that's been offered by anybody in the scientific community. And then on the other side of the coin, you're right, the climate's been changing for millions of years as long as the earth has been here. And it's not going to stop tomorrow because of human emissions at CO2. They're having no effect on this at all that anybody's been able to measure. All their premises that they derive from this are from failed climate models, which cannot do the things that the people who invented them are claiming they can do and get good answers from. That's not possible to do. And there's all kinds of research that shows this. The model output is a failure. It's way over predicted the amount of warming from increasing CO2 levels. And there were papers written about this that show climate model error doesn't just disappear the way they treat the problem. It actually accumulates over time. And so by the time you're out to, let's say, I want to know what the climate's going to be like and the earth 50 years from now, the error bars at 50 years are bigger than what you're trying to predict for, which makes the product useless. And there was a scientist at Stanford University by the name of Pat Frank that wrote a paper about climate model inadequacy. Very good paper and shows how the models accumulate error. But we knew this a long time ago. When I was in the atmospheric science department at Oregon State University, we knew a long time ago that this idea back in the late 70s came about that we were going to invent climate models. And I'll never forget the meeting that the head of the department had when he took it over. He called all the grad undergrad and faculty together and said to everybody that, you know, we pretty much conquered the idea that we can forecast the weather short term. And I kind of chuckled at that. I'm going, no, we did not really. And he said that the frontier and atmospheric science on the way with the future is going to be to tell people not what the weather is going to do, but what the climate is going to do. We want to be able to do this 50 to 100 years from now. And everybody's going, okay, well, that's a noble objective who wouldn't want to have something that works that can do that. But all of us were saying at the time, how are you going to get around what we know the mathematical limitations of modeling is? I mean, we knew what they were back then. And that was the big question. How is if you're going to take time steps that go out that long, how do you get around these mathematical limitations? Because in order to make a weather forecast, and by the way, if your audience doesn't know this, a climate model is nothing more than a weather forecast model that's been configured to do large time integrations or large time steps into the future. That's all it is. The physics of it are the same as in short term weather forecast models. There's practically no difference there. But the difference is, in the amount of sizing you've got to do to the grids, and to make the calculations in the model, you have to divide the earth up into these rectangular grids. And the larger the grids, the less you can satisfy the partial differential equations that are used in the models because they model will leak energy. So you're going to lose track of energy flow and transformation through time, and thus reduce the accuracy of the model when you try to convert this to a climate model versus a short term weather forecast model. And in short term weather forecast models, we know that we can't go beyond four or five days, sometimes not even that, and get an accurate answer about what the pressure patterns and everything else are going to look like. Because the model will lose track of energy flow and transformation. It's a mathematical limitations that's inherent, and whoever solves that problem in the future will get a Nobel in mathematics. But we're not there right now, we can't do this. Because it's an ever changing atmosphere, it's an ever changing climate, it's an ever change. You can't predict what's going to, you can have volcanic eruptions, you can have a series of volcanic eruptions that can throw that whole model out of whack. Yeah, and what they do is they treat the problem with a climate model, it's like a mathematical boundary value problem where they know they can't get the weather forecast right in the model itself, they know that. They know that's an inherent limitation as well. So what they do is, and their attitude is okay so we'll start the model up, we'll let it run randomly through whatever time we want to integrate it to. And we know we're not going to get the weather riding in space and time coordinates, but somehow because the earth is spherical, this will all balance itself out. And in the end we'll still be able to pull the temperature out of the route hat and tell you what the earth's temperature will be like 50 years from now. That is nothing more than wishful thinking. It's a giant leap of faith that's unfounded in science. But they went ahead with it anyway because the amount of money the government was going to give them to develop the models, the politicians were just seething to get those answers. Allegore was just a chomping at the pit trying to get an answer that would somehow validate his opinion that CO2 was changing the climate. But then what we found was that so they went ahead and developed one of these models and they start running them and they get these answers that there's all this warming that's going to occur by increasing CO2. But we know that in that model, you cannot get the most critical part of the earth's radiative balances right, which is what we call the hydrological cycle. It's basically the formation of destruction of clouds and precipitation systems around the earth. That deals with all kinds of wavelengths of radiation that you need to have an accurate answer to to be able to get a temperature. And we can't do that. We've never been able to do it and we can't do it now. So if the model can be thrown off by not having all those answers in the short term, it's sure not going to have it for the long term, but yet they go ahead and do it and say, well, yeah, we can still rely on this to get good information. And the truth of the matter is you can't, but look what's at stake now. There's billions of dollars to go to these universities for the continued climate research stuff. And he who writes the checks makes the rules and the government seems to be telling the universities, we want climate propaganda. We want to continue to get your funding. That's horrible. Science should never have gone there. We want to study and we want to study and this is the outcome we're looking for. Yes. Real quick. It's all bias. We've seen that. It's fine. It's fine. Real quick. Yes. I didn't realize how much time was lapsing. We got to take our last break and when we come back, we will wrap up the show. So with that said, we'll be right back in about a minute and a half. Born in the coastal plains of South Texas, smoking gun coffee is founded by combat veterans that know exactly what a cup of coffee needs to taste like. Run by father and son, each coffee bean is perfected, roasted at 500 degrees and cooled with a gulf coast breeze. Smoking gun coffee hand makes and bags each ounce of coffee for maximum customer satisfaction. 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Get more details and register today at red pill expo dot o-r-g. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back in the half roughly about just about five minutes left of showtime here. Wow, has it gone by quickly? Chuck, you have said to me in the past, you know, obviously we've talked with you and Dr. Mark Anderson. We've said before Oregon is one of the biggest Petri dishes for the rest of the nation. And obviously, programs like this and other Marxist ways they want to push on us are coming. And, you know, we have stand-up say no to this, but they're going to try to ram it down our throat no matter what. No matter how we vote, no matter what we say, they're going to try to ram it down our throat. Well, as long as these people stay in power in the state of Oregon, that's true because we've got proof of it. When voters voted this down four years ago, Governor Kate Brown, back then, just said, "I don't care what you think. I'm going to shove it down your throat." And she did exactly that. And the present governor is doing the same thing. She has not stopped it and she wants it to continue to go forward and believes this nonsense that we're harming the climate. I mean that propaganda that comes out of these places, you just got to shake your head. It's so bad. And like I told you before, I feel sorry for the kids because you've got a whole generation of young kids that are being brainwashed by this nonsense in public education. And they're going to become voters, too. And if they don't have the truth and they're getting fed a line of bold from public education, they're going to be voting the way these politicians want them to vote. It's part of this whole idea that they're going to dominate everything, including education. And if they can control a mind, they get a lot of what they are seeking to get. And that's the unfortunate thing about all of this, I think. And that's a difficult problem. We've got to re-educate people about this. And me and my colleagues out here, we do all we can to do it. But you get drowned out by these climate alarmists who have the foggiest idea of what they're talking about. They drown you out with the help of legacy media, so it becomes a difficult task to get done. But we're trying. I'm not going to give up. That's for sure. Absolutely. Thaddeus Q-tip in the chat, by the way, you asked when the Red Bill Expo is. That will be November 15th and 16th. If I'm not mistaken, we just had the commercial, but yeah, so November 15th, 16th, 17th, yes. That's on Tote Stone Convention Center. Yeah, you've heard the ad plenty of times to get it memorized. All right, so we are officially out of showtime. Chuck, I want to thank you very much for joining us and putting your knowledge into this and definitely giving us something else that we need to watch for. And I've said it before. I mean, I know you're a jack of many trades. You've been an airline pilot, need a urologist. You've done a lot. You fit well in a classroom teaching science, but the problem is you teach real science, not some mumbo jumble, if you think you're a girl, then you're a girl. Yeah, yeah. It'd be quite a thing to get involved in public education. I mean, I wouldn't mind doing it to help educate, but I don't think the public education system, at least in this state, is interested in that. They're interested in teaching these kids a lot of the wrong things, and it's just really sad. We lack in math and science skills in so many different ways compared to other countries, and this is entirely the fault of public education itself and the people in it. Mainly probably the teachers unions have a lot to do with that. Absolutely, it's really too bad. That's another discussion from another time too, most definitely. We are out of time once again. I'm glad to have been on the show, Billy, and thanks for having me. I'll be glad to help out with this any time in the future. Absolutely. On tap for next week, those of you at Patriots Prayer Network are going to love this. We're going to have Nate Kane on. Yes, the man who hosts the show right before me, he's not going to leave his studio. Because he's going to be joining me right after his show, and that's going to be a great show as well. Thank you very much for tuning in to Patriot Confederation. God saved the Republic of the United States of America. The events of recent history indicate that Americans are setting a course for the end of their own Green Nation. The ever-growing trend in this country is to judge people not by their individual character, but by their identity as a member of a specific group. No one has ever succeeded or failed in life as a result of their group affiliation. A person's success or failure is also not based on luck, but on the sum total of the decisions that they have made. Those who succeed do so do good work ethic and the wise use of their power to choose. The opposite is true of those who fail. The ideals of individual accountability and responsibility in the United States are dying every day. A gun cannot be responsible for a death. Just as a shovel cannot be responsible for digging a ditch. Both are only tools and have no will of their own. Responsibility is an adjunct of conscious choice, and it's the price we pay for freedom. Freedom is also a tool. It's an essential tool that is needed by human beings if they are to prosper rather than to merely survive. Yet there are those who would rather trade their freedom for security. So believe that it is the responsibility of government to provide freedom. In truth, we form government to ensure and protect the freedom and is already inherently ours. [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music)