The Patriots Prayer

The Patriots Prayer: The New World Order Is Back

Join Eddie and Maurice as they pull back the curtain on the New World Order’s latest maneuvers. High-level officials like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Barack Obama, and others are presenting themselves as allies to the left. But in reality, they’re revealing their true allegiance. The fake right-left divide is being exposed, and the global elite can no longer hide. With the rise of Donald Trump's Make America Great Again movement, the pressure is on—and they’re being forced to pick a side. Tune in as Eddie and Maurice break down how this onslaught of truth has left the establishment scrambling, and what it means for the future of America. #TruthExposed #MAGAX (Twitter): @PatriotsPrayerFacebook: The Patriots Prayer NetworkWebsite: www.thepatriotsprayer.comSponsored By: Smoking Gun Coffee: Visit and use code Native Patriot for a special discount. Miracle Healing Therapy Visit Operation Blackout Visit Famine Visit Fighter Visit  Devils Dollar Visit are crowdfunded @ Subscribe today and never miss an episode!Follow us on Spotify @ a full list of our sponsors and partners, visit our website at

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Join Eddie and Maurice as they pull back the curtain on the New World Order’s latest maneuvers. High-level officials like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Barack Obama, and others are presenting themselves as allies to the left. But in reality, they’re revealing their true allegiance. The fake right-left divide is being exposed, and the global elite can no longer hide. With the rise of Donald Trump's Make America Great Again movement, the pressure is on—and they’re being forced to pick a side. Tune in as Eddie and Maurice break down how this onslaught of truth has left the establishment scrambling, and what it means for the future of America. #TruthExposed #MAGA
X (Twitter): @PatriotsPrayer
Facebook: The Patriots Prayer Network
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Smoking Gun Coffee: Visit and use code Native Patriot for a special discount.

Miracle Healing Therapy Visit 
Operation Blackout Visit
Final Famine Visit
Famine Fighter Visit 

Devils Dollar Visit
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this is the Patriots prayer podcast it's a tremendous show one of the greatest shows in the history of the world with this is Bryson Gray and you are watching the Patriots prayer on the Patriots prayer network thank you all together the faithful now and pray the Patriots prayer the pager is there always a trail to the I'm changing somehow now America's falling they all say yeah look at the faithful now and pray the Patriots prayer what's going on it's like it's not going to I get caught I you know it gets I just got something I just got something pretty cool I just hit 130,000 followers on X you know if you don't square it by 10 but guys listen we got a really action pack show for you guys tonight in no BS there's so much going on but one of the things that Maurice and I talked about and you know I think we all have noticed it since like 9/11 since 2001 people have been looking at bush and Cheney and these guys and not really even though they're conservatives people don't vibe with these guys we don't vibe with Mitt Romney we don't vibe with Paul Ryan we don't none of these guys we it lives Cheney and and so now all of a sudden they're coming out and they're riding for Harris and in their it's supposed to be a big shock to us that they're not on our team we're gonna get into that a little deeper later but that's just giving you kind of a hint we're going which is the name of the show the new world order is back and I do want to I do want to address I do want to address something as well to all of Steve's followers out there Steve couldn't make it on the show tonight but he is a new podcast host for the Patriots prayer so we are broadcasting from his page as well so he once he can once he doesn't have any more hurricanes going through his area and other disasters going on he's scared to hell out of me you know we were getting ready to move down there and now I just I don't know man I don't know anymore to Steve loves ammo he's a great guy a great patriot and without for red white and loaded guys red white and loaded the podcast coming soon his show is going to be lit it's gonna be loaded yeah so I was trying to get him to use America's kitchen right I didn't suggest it but it came to me later because you know the the the remember the the rapper that we interviewed Jam Wayne Jam Jam Wayne Jam Wayne he has that song America's Kitchen about vets and all and then it's pretty badass dude so it would have went it would have went well but I like red white and loaded and we got the brand pretty much down we have the theme song all picked and ready to go so I mean we got all the pieces of the puzzle and it's it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be pretty cool so what we're gonna dive into first is have you done any reading about TDA Maurice TDA be more specific TDA let's see it's that Venezuelan gang that they're saying is running into the United States they're all over Chicago New York the Aurora Colorado obviously made famous by them taking the place over with machine guns throwing people out of their apartments all this sort of thing we were lied to we were told these guys were like a mere street gang trying to make them look like MS 13 and it turns out to be a lot more than than that military is guarding the streets in New York and the subways and such and then James O'Keefe did some legwork and found out that well I mean he got some I wouldn't call it classified documents I think he called a see you I and I'll play the clip for you so I don't butcher exactly what the hell he was trying to say but um this guy always gets the story dude it's crazy I nobody can keep up with this guy like nobody I mean you could not if you tried be this guy like he's not he's been he's been putting in the work for too many years and and he's gonna take him out several times but in our reality let yeah roll the clip let's see it let's see all right here we go so share screen make sure the sound is on all the check check check all right so here it is and he's talking about this document that he got from the military is his plug inside and he's talking about this street gang listen to what he has to say and we'll talk after well I can barely hear this yeah I could do document states that trained at eragua has established a presence in Brooklyn Bronx and Williamsburg, New York approximately 400 TDA members live in those cities trained at eragua known as TDA criminal organization numbers in Denver have been given a green light to fight Iran or attack law enforcement in Denver Colorado HSI New York reportedly received a similar report the key for me is of being controlled unclassified information known as TUI distributed by the US Army of the north division about trained at eragua one of the largest criminal organizations in Venezuela estimated five thousand numbers this group has expanded across states of New York and Colorado involved in human trafficking drug and weapons smuggling distribution of this TUI document comes after video showing National Guardsmen and subway stations established in present throughout New York City National Guard is now all over Brooklyn man why is the army at the so-tell we're here at the request is been confirmed for the documents provided to us trained at eragua from an organization as active numbers in Denver have been given a green light by Iran or in Denver Colorado it just I New York the report the Denver news comes on the heels of videos of Venezuelan gang members rushing into apartment complexes in Aurora Colorado in August of this year the document states that the trained at eragua members are 57 miles from West Point West Point is the nation's first established military academy located in West Point New York I want to pause for a second and address that that video with them going up there with those AKs into the apartment complex knocking on the doors the guys recording it this this went viral beyond viral we were told the hells angels were heading that way to do with the law enforcement wouldn't do that turned out to be a straight rumor people in that apartment complex have vacated that apartment complex and now that apartment complex is up for sale the couple of questions that I have about this are probably the same as yours this wouldn't happen if they weren't letting it happen right I mean we're the biggest bullies on the block we're the United States of America don't ever think that we're not the biggest bullies in the entire world bigger than China bigger than Russia bigger than all of them we have a what they call a street gang supposedly coming across our border they have over 5,000 members going to several states throughout the United States thank you Joe Biden thank you Kamala Harris they are the ones to blame for this but now they're setting up a shop getting more organized the police were never the police never showed up to this apartment building the FBI never showed up to this apartment building they were both of them said this is not our problem we can't do anything I think a lot of people have been avoiding this conflict as well and one thing that I mean we've been talking about this for quite a while is that these a lot of these military men or at least their age is appropriate to be military men they are taking over these areas and going unnoticed for the most part but the majority of people who have crossed the border in the past three years are military-aged men this will cause problems for us it won't be immediate we won't see it right away but we are seeing little hints of what's to come in the future and what is actually coming down the road to us right now what we are marching towards because best-case scenario of Trump wins and we have to deport these people there will be opposition and there will be ignorant lefties supporting them as well so we are going to have serious problems coming down the road to try to absolutely get this under control yeah ten pool talked about that and it's funny when you know you said something that's absolutely right because then you hear somebody else say the same exact thing almost word-for-word we had discussed how in the hell we would even go about getting these guys out of the country but you have to put them in into some place where they can hold them the only place that we have that can hold these many people would be those camps that we all turn FEMA camps across the United States and to round this many people up and put them into those camps to get them back to their countries and an organized fashion is not going to be an easy task it's going to be a military operation or probably last the entire length of Trump's presidency if he even finishes by the time it's all said and done but yeah I mean do you think they're willingly going to go no these guys with all these AK-47s M16s and all you think that they're just going to surrender willingly no they're going to shoot it out and in the process a lot of Americans are going to get hurt these this group is tied to the murder of Lake and Riley as well and here I got this here what are you learning? Yeah hey Nicole so reporting on this gang isn't something that's new to news nation we've been covering Trende Aragua or TDA since about January and that was when they first made headlines because the gang was involved in the murder of a Florida police officer and then they really made headlines when the murder of 22-year-old nursing student out of Georgia Lake and Riley when she was killed and the suspects his brother has direct ties to TDA so now we're seeing these things crop up across the nation and we're seeing them in several different states now most recently police and praried chin it's a tiny rural town in Wisconsin with only about 5,300 people well they are reporting that a 26-year-old Venezuelan national who you're looking at here on your screen was arrested for physically and sexually assaulting a woman and a juvenile female was also injured in that alter case that's crazy that is absolutely necessary or women are getting raped or women are getting murdered kids are in danger apartment complexes people are not safe in their own homes they're getting thrown out with machine guns the news is playing this down or this would be they wouldn't be saying it GDA is coming into our country and we've been reporting on us they'd be they would be screaming it they would be like if they were if they were telling you the truth and and it was actually they were they were presenting it to you in in such a way as to equal the amount of danger that has been caused by what's happened at our border they would have a whole different inflection and their voice similar to the one that happened on the day when uh the the towers fell when the planes hit the towers when all of these things happened they came on you saw you heard the tone you knew there was something that was just that shook our country to its core this is no different this is no different and and it's not being seen or reported on in the way that it should be they're they're dialing it down there they're you know Donald Trump Donald Trump played down the coronavirus well everybody on the left is playing this down and this is much more dangerous than a virus that kills 99 point I mean the you survived like what was the what was the mortality rate zero zero point one something nuts it's very significant the survival rate is 99.98 percent but it's like really you're really extremely high if i busted into your hospital room and i said dude i'm sorry to tell you this but you got a 99.98 percent chance of living like oh thank you this here this is completely this is asinine and i don't know what the end game is but all i can say is my belief eddy's belief is that this would not be happening in the united states if they didn't want it to happen in the united states no this has definitely been planned for a very long time and this goes way before trump got into office and i've said this a hundred times trump was never supposed to win this was always the plan to flood our country and to create this kind of chaos to keep inflation rising and the fact that trump won through a wrench in their plans put everything on halt for four years and then they threw in joe biden to hyper accelerate what they were supposed to be doing the entire time which was supposed to be like a slow takeover of our country but they knew that they had to kind of kick it into high gear and so that's why we have 18 million criminal aliens that we know of that are coming across that came across the border and well have been welcomed in by the biden administration literally shuffled into the country i mean this isn't this isn't something that that just happened like oops up by accident you know up 18 million people just slip through whoopsie no this was this this is can only be done on purpose and the way that they've strategically placed them around the country and the fact that the migrants know where they're going when they come up to to the border that's i mean that should tell you it's pre-planned when when they're coming to the border and being recorded and they say hey where are you going i'm going to denver colorado where are you going new york where are you going california i mean they're going where their sprints that's what's going on they're going where they're sent the the the cartels in those prospective places that are sent and it's not just the cartels right they're a big part of it but now this is international beyond just maxico equidore venezuela these types of places in south america we got people coming from synagogue in china and all these other places and what i heard trumps say what you heard trumps say when we were here when we were when we went to that uh little small event is that not only are they the government so their prospective country sending them here but they're telling them if you come back we will kill you so they emptied their prisons they emptied their insane asylums and they said go to the united states right now but if we catch you back here you're done you're it's over we're going to kill you so they all came to the united states and we welcomed them in at the border and you're telling me that our cia our intelligence apparatus knows that now because trumps said that he got briefed so he told us exactly what they were saying and yet nobody on this side got in trouble because they didn't stop them at the border wouldn't what in the heightened awareness wouldn't we used to have those terror watch alerts they give us all these grades for you know we're we had a terror watch alert at red or whatever you know but what are they doing nothing nothing more nothing more nothing less than what they've ever done and this is this is what's happening and i just want to see i mean just somebody slaps somebody choke somebody put somebody in jail i will feel better if you just pick one dude and kick his ass let me see something happen but they're not doing a damn thing nothing's happening well yeah people don't have the time i feel like i'm taking crazy pills trying to understand what the what the heck these people are doing to our country and how people are allowing it in any way shape or form because the fact that they've opened up the border and and i made a post about this earlier today about native americans native americans make up 1.6 to 2 percent of the united states population so at most there's six million native americans in the last three years the democrats have imported over 18 million that we know of documented they've imported three times the amount of native americans left in this country in the last three years and these are adults how is it they've imported more people than native americans for the native americans i never looked at it in that way that's yep so the the highest estimate of native americans in this country is two percent of the population so that would be about six million people six million native americans left in this country the Biden administration the Biden Harris administration has imported 18 million that is three times the entire population of native americans that are now replacing any kind of semblance like i i don't know i literally can't understand why native americans are still placating this because you know what you know where these illegals are going to get put they're going to get put on reservations they're going to get put in in cities like you why do you think the government that that didn't that went back on every treaty they ever made why do you think now that the the people that they are importing they're not going to throw on to your reservations that the cartels or the Venezuelan gangs aren't going to come over and take over your reservations they're already flooding your reservations with fentanyl and with opioids and alcohol and you got some of those people and like in the answer coalition and others uh that are backing them and look what's the christian gnome christian gnome is was telling them hey get those guys the hell off your reservation and they turned on her like she was saying something wrong they banned her from the reservation for being racist wow it is it is completely ridiculous and they are cheering for their own downfall and so are i mean many americans are and yeah i just i like i said i feel like i'm taking crazy pills because there's so many different ways that the us is is failing that the united states population is failing that americans in general are falling or they've already fallen way behind but now it's like trying to correct it like my solution to correct this is going to take a long time there's no quick fix to this because it's been happening for decades they've destroyed the nuclear family they've destroyed what marriages they're importing criminal aliens that have no idea what the constitution is and are fully subservient to the benefits of the government they are a surf class that will be obedient to get the scraps that they're handed lots of surf class they're going to call you a racist you know but you're not wrong like no they this is what they're doing and and i i don't know how to convince people more that they're cheering for their own downfall that they're being replaced or erased or they're sterilizing children like what are you guys doing how else can i express this to you they want you dead they will eliminate you they will erase you they do not want you to have children that's why they tell you to abort your child that's why they want you to put your child through gender affirming care after your son plays with the dull ones they want you to sterilize your child they want your bloodline to end because they want to keep all the money all the power they're importing a surf class to shove the middle class back down to the lower class and they want they want a permanent separation between them and us and for some reason everybody with tds thinks that oh i'm the enemy i'm the bad guy because i want trump to win because he isn't the guy rubbing elbows with these people who hate all of us it's insane to me they absolutely hate us and their their objective is to censor us shut us up lock us up uh you know this is this is what they've been doing the fifth district court called the Biden administration doing it Kamala just a few days ago was saying that that x better get with the program or else as you know zuckerberg just came out and said they said either you're gonna play ball we're gonna shut facebook down and so all of these things are like right in our faces but they tend to overlook all of it and say no trump bad orange man bad like they're not paying attention i just literally got a text from a buddy of mine i told you it was went to school and and uh in uh uh san francisco and he's just sent me a text and i'm gonna read it to you because it's that stupid um he said that uh trump trump set up yeah and they're really putting this out in the news okay magazine literally printed this that trump's uh assassination was staged now you talk about misinformation guys listen i was i got pictures of him you can see how close i was to him now i never uh right after the assassination sent when we were down in atlanta was within a few weeks of that happening and i'm telling you with my own two eyes i seen the wound on his ear they're saying there's nothing wrong with his ear you know why he's got liquid band-aid on his ear guys it's it's it's that simple you know just say that you saw the same replay i did if he didn't turn in the fraction of a second that he did half his head will be gone you can't he he got a tiny little cut on his ear okay and it was from a bullet it was absolutely from a bullet it didn't blow half his ear off like the the way that they're portraying this is like well his ear is still there it's intact it's like yeah no shit it was a tiny little cut ears bleed a lot so even that little cut once it started bleeding it looked worse than it was but it was still a bullet that went right past his head that caused that exactly when they wrote it down they they shoe seen the vapor trail you seen everything every angle every sound from every bullet and every gun was analyzed the audio and that boy was definitely dead like dead dead so i just i don't understand is they're so willing to hate the man they're willing to believe anything and everything they're told just because it goes along with their feelings um i want to jump into the other go ahead go ahead go ahead that actually goes nicely into our next segment and what we're going to talk about because right now what i'm seeing a lot is that oh all the former republicans aren't even voting for a trump and so the left is trying to use this as if it is something against us right i've i've always i've always called myself a free thinking patriot right i'm not a democrat i'm not a republican i am a patriot of this country just a regular old everyday citizen who now is speaking up and has a bigger voice but i have never blindly supported republicans and i never will because there have been there's been a uni party like everything that trump supporters have been screaming about about who we've been fighting is now endorsing trump or no no excuse me is now endorsing Kamala well yes right you're we called him out we called these people this for i don't know for me i could say it's since 2001 so two decades i've been screaming that george bush is a damn idiot and he is absolutely a globalist he's not a republican he's a neo-con same with dick chaney same with mit romney same with all these people so i mean we're going to get into that more i want i got the videos to go along with it the back story you guys are going to get it before this is over i guarantee you want to say anything before we go to break nope all right guys so uh we'll be right back after this if i can actually remember where i put the commercial i'd play it uh give me just a second i said i'm ready but i'm not ready evidently here we go since the beginning of time all living creatures rely on the sun source of natural light to grow and to help promote overall wellness we are all light beings the patches are all natural and drug free that uses the body's own natural light to help promote general health and wellness how it works simply place the patch on specific points on your body and where the patch is placed on your skin it reflects back into the body when it's tapped into its own flow of natural energy which in turn creates the ghk cu copper peptide which rejuvenates your cells and gives you a more younger healthier you so listen guys patriots as we age we do lose a little bit of energy of course but that's not our fault our body's changes we grow and the phototherapy patches that rejuvenate your cells in that photo in that commercial you just saw they play a hero in the aging process the research for those patches have found that a number of functioning cells that they affect will decrease the elasticity in your sense your skin causing wrinkles but the effects of using those patches are going to be less stress more energy and manage that so guys go check them out that's over here today so right before we left we were talking about the new world order right for lack of a better term i think everyone forgets that term and forgets that this is what they were saying they were pushing for all the way back when George was senior was president and i want to remind everybody that just like you said there's a false right left paradigm there's a unicorn and i'm going to put some of that on display and you remember Tim rosser and me the press you remember who that is Eddie you asked me this all the time i am terrible with names i i cannot remember names very well there are some people i remember their names but for the most part no i'll remember their face i remember what they say but as far as names go i don't know why i can't do it so here it is so back when George was jr was jr i was jr i call him jr but you know what i'm talking about so when he was he was running for president he was running his the person he was running against was john kerry and everyone thought okay well one's a democrat one's a republican bs i'm going to show you guys something and uh you tell me oh the secret society is so sickly we can't talk about it what does that mean for america the conspiracy theorists are going to go watch sure they are i don't know i haven't seen the web number three two two first of all he's not the nominee and uh but uh look i look for you the privilege no i'm not going to lose you both remembers of spell and bones a secret society at yeah what does that tell us uh not much because it's a secret is there a secret handshake is there a secret code i wish there were something secret i could manifest three twenty two secret number are there all kinds of secrets then but one thing is not a secret i disagree with this president's direction that he's taking the country we can do a better job than i intend to do it and we'll be watching be safe in the campaign for all john kerry thanks for joining us i'll be right back so what you just saw was john kerry and george bush admitting on and right in the press they were both members of scallen bones which is a fraternity at yale a secret society that's connected to bohemian grove and i'm sure everyone that follows alex jones has heard of the behemian grove and what goes on there and that sort of thing but scallen bones is their satellite uh kind of fraternity so you go through that before you get entered into this and the full society which came from germany and these are all things that are actually real guys they're actually real they actually do this uh dick gurgen was caught by alex jones on the street and he asked them about scallen bones and the ceremonies that take place there and he got extremely angry with alex jones about this have you ever saw that interview where alex jones walks up to him oh yeah on the street and ask him about it he got pissed off this is but this is actually one of the more infuriating things about trying to explain why i support trump or why i am the way that i am because you have to go back so far i mean this is like this is something that that if you're on the right you should definitely know already and understand that these people are the people that we're up against the swamp right it's like a nebulous term that trump has been talking about saying oh we need to drain the swamp right the deep state who who is the deep state that's them that's part of it it's not all and it's the press the rest of it yeah yeah but these secret societies these the scallen bones the behemian grove everybody who rubs elbows together like there's no difference between obama and bush right like they they they're on paper on paper they're the same person that was the false choice that we used to have saying that okay we went from uh clinton to bush to obama and it was it was supposed to be like even paper it's a back and forth watch this watch this you did i think you didn't even know i had this when you said that the covid-19 vaccines are available to millions of Americans and soon they will be available to everyone the science is clear these vaccines will protect you and those you love from this dangerous and deadly disease they could save your life so we urge you to get vaccinated when it's available to you that's the first step to ending the pandemic and moving our country forward and we all know that's bullshit now complete and utter bullshit now uh you know my own personal uh story about this and my wife in in the things that she's gone through thank god that you know um they went in and they and they looked at that mass that was growing inside and one of the tests came back inconclusive and we have to go back get into it and the rest of it they're going to be able to remove so they're still in still an opera you still a uh a threat of something worse happening and obviously she's death on one side all because she got the first two vaccine shots and there's a lot of people with that same exact story julie three who's running her office up in um butte california her mother died um there's there's just there's just a ton of stories guys oh absolutely there's a million different stories but it's it's the way that they put it out and the fact that clinton bush in obama we're all right there they are buddy buddies there is no difference between any one of them you guys we have been tricked for decades we have been told as the american people that we have a choice and the only choice that we weren't supposed to choose was trump in 2016 he had a 98% chance of losing he was not supposed to win because that was not our choice that's why they lost their minds completely and released a virus on the world and put the media into full panic in 2020 to ensure that he wasn't going to win again because they couldn't let it happen i don't know what they're going to do this time but they already tried to assassinate him and that the entire my entire life has been a lie it's been it's been deceived there's been a false idea that we have leaders that represent us because we don't we have secret society the we have secret society elites that have their own agenda that are ruling behind the scenes to give us a false choice and it's been that way for as long as i can tell i don't know before i was born i was born in 91 right i'm not that old but as long as i've been alive we have not had a real choice in the presidency and that's why they don't want trump to win again because he is the only one in my lifetime that has gone against the grain he didn't start any new wars that should be the biggest ticker for you there's been new wars popping up during every single presidency for my entire life and that hasn't happened with trump he stopped the wars he wanted to pull his troops out of afghanistan but now the Kamala Harris administration wants to blame him for somehow doesn't make sense but he what's because that they can just say it they can just say they can put it out there they can say anything in the world that they want because the media doesn't fact check them and they don't hold them accountable and obama said it if we just deal with much bs into the airwaves as we want and no one will know what to believe he said it himself but just like you said there they're right now there are over 200 republicans former and current that number is a combined total of the two former and current that are supporting Kamala Harris this is the false right left paradigm guys what you're looking at are not people that are republicans or conservatives rather that are going to support Kamala what just happened is everyone's mask came off and the reason that happened is because we're winning because they're afraid because they're scared now what they have to do is say guys we have to put up a united front and make it look like all saying people are on the same side and this is above politics which is the lie they're telling that it's above politics it's about globalism and you don't think that those TDA members and every other illegal immigrant that came through that military age people picking what city they go to getting free plane tickets getting $200 in food stamps and $4,000 in monetary aid every single month we don't get that I don't I've been unemployed before needed help I didn't get that I didn't get nowhere near that and the idea that you know we don't help out our own our own people we're overlooking the black community we're overlooking the indigenous community we're overlooking all other minority communities in this country and we're importing a new voting base and a new demographic and giving them everything they need to succeed hell we're even giving them houses we're even giving them the down to put on the house telling them you don't owe a single dime on that house and show you sell it in California and Chicago are both have programs to help illegals buy houses what housing program do you have right the only thing we have barely is like first-time buyer programs and they're nowhere near the level of what they're giving these these people that are coming from other countries right now but the idea and remember remember back in 2020 Kamala Harris was part of that crew up on the democrat nominee stage when all the nominees were deciding to run for the that or I guess they were yeah they were all trying to run for president and they were asked would you support free health care for illegal immigrants all of them raise their hand Kamala Harris is one of those so she not only does she want to do that but she wants to give them free health care yeah what does that mean what does that mean free health free health care mean that means your taxes that means your money a no such thing is free universal basic income that was her idea that was her brainchild that is a socialist tenant this is what they do to take over places so how they've done it in marxist countries in the past socialist countries in the past thallen lending all these guys what they do is they get the the the people to depend on the government holy for everything they need and that's why I love that that statement that was made by Ronald Reagan in the 80s he said a government big enough to give you everything you need is the government big enough to take everything you have guys you're signing up to be slaves when you send your kids to public school you're signing your kid up for indoctrination camp it's time to take your life back time to take your values back time to bring them back under your roof get with your church get with people that are like-minded find out who they are I know it's hard because they make it hard intentionally everything Maurice and I just talked about when it came to that virus are things they didn't want us to say they don't want me to tell you that my wife had an adverse reaction to that vaccine and how bad it is they don't want it so bad that they'll give us strikes and things like that for saying it for telling you that's how bad that they don't want the truth out there they will ding us for telling you they'll shut social media accounts down listen to what that's why we're on x that's why we push on x and rumble because these are the last two beacons of a semblance of free speech and I mean this is the last frontier if we lose this election both x and rumble will disappear and so will everything that that you thought you knew about what America was this is it you guys agenda 2030 is is a real thing and they want you to own nothing by 2030 so with Trump winning in 2016 all their plans got screwed up so they had to improvise a bit and kind of force it down our throats so but they want it they want all this to be done by 2030 that doesn't happen if Trump wins there's a whole different set of problems if Trump wins so i mean we're going through it we're going through hard times either way any way you look at this we're going through hard times if Kamala wins we're going through really hard times if Trump wins we are going to face the opposition of the globalists who are going to throw a bit that they have control of America and they will try to reflect as much damage as they possibly can Debbie I want to address your true social comment we love true social don't get me wrong it's just a platform right now that's very hard for us to to grow on we're there we post there i'm active on it they don't have a streaming platform yet i hear that's coming but uh we love true social absolutely we're there as well but guys do us a favor go over and follow us at the Patriots prayer on true social come follow us on rumble here's the thing guys we have a combined total of well over 400 000 followers on the Patriots prayer network a well well over 400 000 followers but guys we have 4 400 followers on rumble the way things happen here in the information that we're willing to disseminate the things that we're willing to tell you the truth that we're willing to say that we won't shut up and what we will absolutely take on any problem and talk about anything and all we need is your support and your support is as easy as going to forward slash the Patriots prayer and clicking follow that's it guys that's it i promise you that's it do that do that for us help us grow that rumble account follow all of our accounts on this thing i'm right here at the Patriots pray if you're not following Maurice at la native patriot guys this is how we grow and they can't stop us it's just like on election day if you just find someone in your life that you know doesn't take part and then challenge four of your friends to do the exact same thing there's no way that we can be beat we outnumber them we outnumber them that's why they try to beat us psychologically it's that what do you think the news is what do you think the media does they lie to us they try to make us conform to what they tell us the norms are and then we just blindly accept that as the truth boys or girls that's why we're putting we don't we don't yeah we don't i'm talking about americans fuck that it is as i would say americans but like people americans in general the the ones that are basically subscribed the ones still wearing the damn face masks man and we were just oh my gosh dude i i went to the fair this last weekend okay two things i noticed one all right i'm in washington state all right i went to the piault fair or the washington state fairs now what it's called and it was above 80 degrees it was fairly sunny and first thing i noticed there was a substantial amount of people still wearing masks really weird outdoors still wearing masks and two there was a giant uptick in they them's there it was really odd there were so many people i saw that you couldn't they were like a they were like a feminine boy gender fluid yeah it's it's it's like uh you couldn't always tell you're like i don't know what that is it's like it could be like uh is it proper to walk up and just say what are you i mean is that is that i don't know the etiquette man i just avoid it that's why i like the masks i hate to say but i do because i can tell who you are and i can just avoid you it's like a giant red flag on your face saying i should not talk to you we're not the same it's fine i did see at least 10 mega hats though so that's good we're improving really our numbers really oh yeah and this is at the washington state fair so western washington still and i even went up and talked to one of them and i just asked him why he was wearing it and he just said because i love trump and i was like all right cool i was like have you gotten any shit and he goes no everybody who's talked to me about it says that they love my hat so i would encourage more people to wear their mega hats out because for the most part you're just going to get compliments at least that's what i've noticed and that's what the you know but yeah they definitely outnumbered the mega hats i'll say that when when we were at the uh that little private trump deal that we went to and uh i ran into a friend of mine somebody i used to work with and it was like came up to me was happy to see me he wondered why i was there what i was doing he saw the little group we were with and he was intrigued and he came over and he asked but the thing was i was like chris i haven't seen you all let's i said his name damn it uh but anyway uh he didn't want anyone to know that he was there so chris caloia he was there so i just want everyone to know he was there because he was trying to be an undercover supporter for trump and i don't respect it at all at all he was there and he should not be yes chris chris was there he cannot hide the fact that he cannot be a closet supporter for trump that's bullshit no tighten to wear your hats wear your shirts wave your flags put your bumper stickers on and screw the people who don't like it you know what if if trump loses and come all around you it's in the boom right there that you said it yeah i didn't expect him to be typing it anything but yeah you're the one who said it i put him on blast hell with it yeah he deserves to be on blast you don't go somewhere in an undercover support oh i don't want my job to find out i support trump now that by god yeah it really something so it's ridiculous you know my boss is an import from california and he's like fairly he was very liberal when he first came over but now he's a little bit less liberal but he he like fully supports all the stuff i'm doing he's like hell yeah man go go get it go do it that's why i'm able to make this podcast twice a week now here's the thing we are the liberals now and guys here what i'm telling you before you jump on me yeah that's true what i mean by that what i mean by that is we're the ones fighting for free speech that's a liberal tenant we're the ones saying that we should agree to disagree that is a liberal tenant the left doesn't do that anymore they're marxists they're socialists they're communists they're not liberals guys this is why people like uh uh what's her name with the white streak uh toasted gabbard also gabbard why she left why listen why a democrat i say democrat socialist but still democrat rfk left they wouldn't even put him on the ballot that why he left but there's a lot of democrats that are siding with us they like to point out these you know these these guys like this they want to point throw these guys in our face dick cheney your father um a beloved figure among democrats uh for many many years uh do you uh if you know who he will be supporting or who he'll be voting for do you care to share with us who he might be voting for dick cheney will be voting for kamala harris yeah damn he didn't even say it himself his wife said it holy shit i didn't even know that what a cuck oh my gosh there's no way my wife would come out like there there's a zero percent chance that my wife would speak for me on on on who i'm voting in that way unless like i already announced it or something like that but there's just no way that that oh it's his daughter yes his daughter that's his dad oh okay i see he's gay i literally don't care about them i was i was going to wait till you got done and tell you my bad my bad okay that's his daughter was thinking to him his gay daughter right so you know the fact that she even tried to pretend to be a republican was really something odd even she sat on that january sixth uh committee like it was a real committee hiring hollywood producers to come in and create their videos to make it look like there was a real insurrection guys a real one um bullshit right complete well i mean even with all of their footage when they compile it together you're like and like there's not really all that much there's some stuff that took place there was some some police officers that were sprayed there were some windows that were broken there were those incidents took place we're not denying them but who do we shoot what do we set on fire what who do we who do we jump hurt kill beat do any any of that tell me one person you can't brian sicknick died of a heart attack rosen boiling died because the the authorities killed her and she was trampled because of what they were doing the ashley babbitt was shot by a coward who didn't even say get back stop and he was protecting nobody so any guy he got a uh uh uh he got uh a promotion for a shooting in an innocent little 110 pound unarmed white woman right and and this is ridiculous that it that's how far it went his name is michael bird i don't want anyone to ever forget that guy's name michael bird remember it because we're 10 years from now we're still going to be talking about that damn coward and how he shot that unarmed woman who actually risked her life and fought for this country and that that coward didn't do a damn thing so i just i don't want to say the rest of what i think about it because i'm getting trouble but guys yeah don't don't ever forget don't forget those things um no there's no i wanted to talk about the adl too but go ahead i put a lot of these guys on a list just like a a list to remember because i'm bad with names right so i try to i like how you put it right right i'm all down i like how you put it better um so there there were some there were some people that were on the trump staff that also uh left and started supporting Kamala as well after the fact and and let's talk about who they are and let's talk about why Stephanie Grisham she quit you know what day she quit january the sixth she resigned and she had all these things that she was going to release to the press already pre-released before january the sixth come up with your own come up with your own conclusions as to why that happened right uh what's the other one's name because i i took notes i made i gotta be honest i am so sick about talking about january six apart from the political prisoners that have been in solitary confinement and have been obviously mistreated compared to our standard justice system i i'm so tired of talking about january six as if it was this horrible day for our country like yeah it was it was something but it wasn't it wasn't what they are telling me it was right this was this was a pre-planned strategic thing exactly us exactly exactly and but that is a good indication of what they will do in the streets should people actually start standing up for themselves let's take for instance that win Colorado win people right it's it's it's it's because it's just like i said before on other podcast erya or vote now or fight later pick one yeah are you gonna vote now or fight later or maybe both but still if you don't if donald trump does not get into this white house everything you knew loved and thought the united states was disappearing we're not using youth and we still might lose it even if even if donald trump wins like i i understand what you're seeing but i want to stress this as well like even if donald trump wins we still might lose it all like our fight begins when donald trump wins that's right if if donald trump loses then then we already lost if donald trump wins then we are on the brink of losing for years and that's when we really have to start taking our country back there's there's no victory in donald trump winning it is literally just like a less difficult road to take that's it i'm i'm standing here in suspense russ uh typed in america was created by the and then he just i don't know what do you think about the the the the i don't know what that is i posit the is that like is that the other three letter agency the tat i've never heard of it maybe he's just saying god maybe he's saying god wins in the end maybe he is saying that god already has his planned out but you guys god works through people as well so if god has his planned out do not discount your role in what god has planned for you and sometimes if god wins in the end battle what what sometimes we you can like if someone challenges you in in into a fight and you may know you're gonna lose going in you still fight bro you still do what's right you still stand your ground you you're gonna lose but that's fine but you fought so to say hey what can i do so i'm gonna do nothing that's a coward's way out you fight and you lose but at least you fight yeah god has something planned for you he has something planned for all of us and it is going to take all of us working together in order to get this done and that means once donald trump wins that's when the real work begins that's right because what about economics what about when donald trump's gone what about that four years is up we i mean who knows do we go right back to the fake establishment politics that was always there i don't know because i think their plan is kicked into into overdrive right now and whatever they're planning to do they're getting ready to do like their depopulation strategies in play like that's exactly what all that was so the adl right the adl anti-deformation league is a i want to talk about them for a second they are a foreign entity operating as an agency on american soil okay that's what they are and this is this is listen to what they're saying and then listen to who they're working with keep in mind these are not americans and they don't have american interest in heart listen work with google on using ai to try to interrupt cyber hate before it happens we work with youtube to get them to change their algorithms we work hold up did he just say cyber hate before it happens i got to replay this yes pre-cog if you watch minority report that's what he's talking about here who's this guy this uh he's a rep from the anti-deformation league i don't know his name oh okay i don't care about his name he's baldy i'm gonna call him baldy we work with google on using ai to try to interrupt cyber hate before it happens we work with youtube to have we to get them to change their algorithms we work with facebook on trying to use a redirect method and we work with he also said that he's trying to work with twitter but elon musk isn't playing nice but look who we told you know what i wonder why we get zero traction on youtube i wonder why we get zero traction anywhere but the free speech x and a little bit on rumble we're working our way over there it's hard to grow there right but in all reality it's like youtube shuts us down in every single way we get no views on youtube and honestly i don't care i i really don't like youtube they can go they can go you know i don't want to say yeah well here here's the other here's the other video that he had so he was you there's there's a lot of these but i just gave you two to kind of show you who are there who they're playing with and who's helping them watch bi that works directly with the adl every day and we could not do our job if you will of fighting anti-Semitism without them doing their job of protecting our community so director ray we are we are in your we we really really have the deepest appreciation for you and all of your professionals thank you for the work that you do thank you jonathan of course thank you for what you do so these these guys you know the the adl should have came out after october to seven a lot harder they should have been there at these colleges fighting all these anti-Semitism and hate going on they didn't they encouraged it they inflamed it they stayed quiet they didn't they didn't play the role they were meant to play in these situations and you can see exactly why these are the ones that are that are coming up these are the fake ones right god talked about it and revelations call them fake Jews right these guys are not who they're telling you they are because you heard what he said he wants to be able to stop accounts like ours from being able to broadcast because he's trying to guess at what we might say next by using ai algorithms and shutting our account down and muting it before it has a chance to catch fire let me tell you what would happen i put a youtube video out about two years back before they started looking right and go back and look at the old uh the patre's pray youtube i did some reaction videos and uh early on podcast in thousands of views and then that within a week it was like down to five four or none just that easy it's not that we people are not vibing with what they're saying if people if they get out of the way if the gate keepers get out of the way it's it's due to roof dude it's it's just like it is on x and like it is when it's look we have 4844 people right now looking at the podcast imagine across all spectrums if we actually had free speech platforms that wouldn't play gatekeeper and would get the hell out of the way and let the truth be told we wouldn't we wouldn't have to fight these fights they want they want to kill us they want to maim us they want to mute us they want to make sure that you're not breeding and you're not you're not repopulating but they're going to bring in people that they do want to repopulate because they're pushing the plan parenthood agenda and all that they push those in surf class the black communities yeah they they push those in black communities they push those in white communities hell the the dims had a novelty set up outside of the d and c a little then where you could go kill your baby before you went and cheered on Kamala 50 people you know exactly people are built 50 people did it so they so they had a child sacrifice to the tune of 50 unborn human beings that they sacrificed at the d and c to their god right the god that they worship which is you know let's take who who was the god they in the ultimate that that pushed gender fluidity her name was ishtar which became moleck and bow later so these these are literally demons the the whole idea of transgenderism is a religion because you have to believe you're a girl accept that and enforce everyone else to believe it well you also faith based religion it's also implied that god made a mistake with you so you automatically from the start of believing in this religion this transgenderism you have to resent god that is the basis of their religion is you have to hate god because he made a mistake putting you in the wrong body that man can fix god's mistake because he did the wrong thing that is the very basis of transgenderism so there is zero chance that there is going to be anything prosperous from this new religion that they've created well actually that they've furthered in a different name now but i mean there's there's more than transgenderism look at what they've done to the black community in in our in in the cities they've been pushing this this rap and i mean you can look up any of the new rap songs hundreds of millions of views of just straight degenerate and discop and molly drinking lean just just the basing women and now women are putting out waving around guns being tough thugs i'll kill you for this and that and blah blah blah fuck these guys it is insane that they've been pushing this for so long and they've forced it down the throats of all the people that are struggling in these inner cities they don't have any hope because they've grown up in this low-income places and the only thing that they have is materialism and the rappers that they look up to the rappers that have already sold their souls that show all of these kids in these low-income areas to absolutely ruin their lives and ruin lives of everyone around them they don't stand a chance there are so many even on reservations my uncles and they all dressed up like gangsters they all thought they were thug i still got uncles that don't even smile in pictures and they're over 50 years old what the hell are you doing man you're around family smile you're not a thug and it drives me crazy because i lost two uncles one two overdose the other one was trying to still copper from a power line because he was he was trying to get more money for more drugs and he was i think it was 17 he was very very young i lost him when i was a little kid but they've poisoned these communities they're they're attacking in so many ways and and i i don't know how to tell everybody that they want you dead and they're doing it in devious way this these the ways that they're attacking the mind is insane and like i can't explain it all to you but i know that this degeneracy that they're showing is bad i know that that's wrong and if i can turn people away from that and turn people towards god i'm going to try i'm going to do my best but you just that was right you had how many little kids go to see Kamala right being taken there by their families and and who did they have come out Megan the stallion this is who they want your kids to emulate they'll say someone saying something about god or jesus and all that is divisive they don't want to hear from you but they will bring out this this this ratchet to get on stage in twerk for your 12 year old to emulate and that's okay skilled babies in twerk that's that's democrat party is babies kill babies in twerk and and and have trans people show up to your elementary school and read these stories to your children and expose your kids to pornography and have teachers send them home with assignments and the fifth and sixth grade about sexual positions and all these types of things i wish i was making this up dude i really wish that everything i just said i was making up i don't want to be right this is not i don't want to have clickbait style stuff to be able to say to sound more inflammatory to get more likes i want a world where i don't even have to do this honestly god i would rather have a world where i don't have to fight against things that are killing our children that are are are turning our country into some backwards upside down you know third world a third world dictatorship but that's what it is if you connect the dots you connect them to the fact that these guys are globalists we talked about the yales we talked about skull and bones we talked about bohemian grove we talked about the gender fluidity and the gender fluidity as it relates to ishtar which relates to molek which is the god they worship at bohemian grove that's what that statue is up there guys the truth is stranger than fiction but i'm telling you this is a spiritual battle you're fighting demons that's what you're fighting it's a spiritual battle and we're way behind this has been in generational warfare for a very long time they started attacking the poor they started importing more poor to overwhelm the middle class and to to to grab all everybody from that middle class who wants to climb up they want to grab all of them and pull them back down and they want to create that separation because they don't want you to own anything and they expect you to be happy while i'll tell you what here in america we own guns and we may have been asleep for a very long time but i'll tell you what we are waking up and we will not go quietly the patriots of this country will rise up it is time to take our country back and we will it is inevitable there is zero percent chance that these communists and globalists win zero so do you know you know with the biggest indication that we're winning is believe it or not guys we are winning right now um it's a fight back from we we were asleep too long and this happened and we have some pushback to do but we are winning and the reason why we know we're winning is because george bush is our our supporting comillars openly because dig chinese are supporting comill openly this is an indication of winning not losing they're realizing that we're encroaching on their territory we're stopping their globalist ambitions now they have to take their masks off and stand up and line up on one side so now we can tell who the real players are and they can only the only reason that's happening is because we back them into a corner they have nowhere to go they have to fight from a unified position so now you get to identify who your enemy is you get to identify who's the ones going after your children who's trying to censor you who's trying to imprison you who's trying to put poison in your food and in your medicine who's who's doing all these things in your water you know it's i'd like in living in the united states right now like getting up in the morning and putting on my oculus and just existing the rest of the day if i were a leftist that's exactly what i'd be doing it'd be like waking up putting on my virtual reality and then going around the whole world like this like that's that's what's real because they believe what cnn says they believe what msnbc and nbc and abc and cbs and foe news they believe what they say and guys if we had a media that told you the truth we wouldn't have to fight half of these battles our media is one of our biggest enemies i put it at the top honest to god i think they are the they're like they're worse than than their foot soldiers they're the Gestapo they are the ones who are carrying out the orders from the regime up on high but since they're not they are the Gestapo but they're not of the physical form they're not the ones going out and kicking your door into kidnap your child because they said something naughty right they are the ones who are kicking in the door into your child's room by way of the internet to convince them that you are the bad guy to convince them that the old way is wrong that that Kamala Harris is has got this brand new she's joyous and she's going to save all of the problems so they are the new age Gestapo but but they're attacking and they're attacking the minds of your children to sterilize themselves to to go through gender affirming care that that the world is going to end in a couple of years because of climate change and that if we don't do anything in everything to stop mr. Donald trump the evil fascist evil big bad guy then then the world's going to end i mean guys don't don't don't forget watch this i'm going to show you something this is who you're getting ready to elect if you poke for Kamala watch this let me tell you what you were just watching there what that is that was what happened during the covid lockdowns the police were running through the streets and shooting at regular citizens with paintball guns and they had the real arms on them as well but they were shooting a regular citizen yelling at them to get in the house and they were standing on their own porch they're standing out front of their houses on their own porches but the Gestapo to use your word were running through the streets yelling at free american citizens protected by a constitution get in the house and shooting at them that's who's running for president right now let me emphasize as well that trump was an office at the time and the reason that this went so wild was because he granted all the power back to the states he basically told all the states hey you guys do what you want do what's right for your state i can't tell you from from the presidency there's no there's not one way to fix this so you as governors fix this tim walks the man now being used by Kamala Harris to like get the moderate vote or something i'm not sure exactly but he had an authoritarian lockdown where he had his police roaming the streets and shooting at citizens with paintball guns it's not going to be paintball guns forever folks that's the thing it will escalate and next time it's going to escalate it'll be pepper balls and then it'll be rubber rounds and then it'll be live ammunition at some point these things don't forget it don't forget that these are the people that are they were proud about the riots they were proud about their city burning gee tim wall's wife was happy about it um let me see if i can find a clip in a second here of course this that's literally part of their agenda is to cause chaos like the 2020 should be a great example for how the elites use the the little activists to cause chaos and destruction for us for the regular people that's what they did because none of the elites had their had their homes burned down now i didn't see bill gates with three of his 18 homes burned down i didn't see anything like that you want to fight the power target those guys not not your everyday shops in in minnesota or wherever the heck these people are it's insane it's check it out there were riots i could smell the burning tires and um that was that was a very real thing and i kept the windows open for as long as i could because i felt like that was such a touchstone of what was what was she was okay with it she liked it she reveled in the moment she wanted to soak in the smell of the tires to be a part of it they were okay with the city burning they were okay with blm and antifa tearing up the city going through taxpayers uh shops and just burning and looting it they she was okay with it they were shooting at people on their porches with paintball guns telling them to get in they had locked it they leaked the the time and day that they were going to have the national guard come in to the public they put it out ahead of time so that the people that were committing these crimes had time to hurry up and do whatever they wanted to do before the national guard came in this is who is trying to be president people just like what marice just brought up donald trump allowed the governors to govern their states and did not act like a king but what is the number one complaint of the left about donald trump he's going to be a dictator well hold up we've been through this before he's been president before was he a dictator no no this is bullshit complete and utter bullshit but i tell you what in order i believe in order to get things back to the way they need to be you need a dictator you need to suspend the constitution for a time being you need to go hard you really need to go hard it needs it needs to come from the bottom up though yeah but it has to take from people i see people getting punched in the damn face and uh uh subway systems and all that where are people god what we're going to have to be okay with is the prosecution of these tyrants the brutal prosecution that doesn't end like normard trial yes that's what we're gonna we're gonna have to sift through this stuff we are going to have to unclassify the classified documents we are going to have to start prosecuting these people trying them for treason and then using our actual justice system for actual justice instead of just a political tool to continue getting power because in all reality right now like we don't have justice we're not seeking justice in any way shape or form we're having like we're they're literally flying migrants in to into Ohio into this tiny little town so they can eat your pets oh yeah how about that the lady eat that cat they're they're they have ducks disappearing they have cast disappearing they're just running up a new york park and in a time swear grabbing grab a knock a tyranny it is it is all part of the same agenda so this is one of the reasons why like it is so difficult so for like my my my un my politically uninitiated family who just like lean left it is so difficult to get them to talk to me about these things because they have no understanding that like i as a patriot hate george bush like i think he was an evil tyrant i do not like him in any way shape or form i believe he was a globalist i don't or his daddy or his brother yeah or any and dick chaney as well and i believe that they are all evil and that they all want the same agenda that's why they all rub elbows with each other in all these videos that's why they still hang out that's why they all hate trump that's exactly why but here's here are the people they're importing when they keep telling you the the the the crisis the migrant crisis is not that bad you're you know the the republicans and the conservatives they're overblown and it's not that bad we need to help these people why'd you kill the cat smile for me smile what did you go like this did you eat that cat did you eat it now why'd you kill it did you guys see all this no we caught up and she was just laying there with you she's here eating it she was eating it yeah sure you call the main society see if they all come picked up yuck yeah they're just going over and but i get it it's dude if i didn't have any food and i found a cat i'd eat a cat that's for i i'd definitely eat a cat i'm not saying i'm right but that's not what they're doing man but that's not just that they're not doing it because they don't have no no last resort it's because that is okay where they're from that's okay where they're from and and they're that's we're this is what happens when you push immigration mass immigration without assimilation because you do it too fast you bring too many people into your country too fast the culture that's there gets overrun by the foreign culture they also have no requirements for these people okay they're not requiring them in any way shape or form to do anything we have no standards for these people they're literally saying bring in your culture from out there yeah we'll all be hippies and live together man no these people are third world if you bring in the third world and don't assimilate them you will become the third world because that's what they do ever got it right because that's exactly what i was getting ready to say earlier i was going to say maybe we do need to bring back public execution maybe people in this country that's why i said try them for treason that's like yeah it's just if when you say public execution it just means that you're going to get the channel banned off youtube again i was i was trying to imply it in in like uh a more than one way yeah yeah but i mean that's exactly what it is so yeah it's it's it's sad though that because of the way they present the truth to us that people don't realize how serious and how need how dire the need actually is for justice reform and to actually take our country back again guys it's your country it's not your governors it's not your congressmen it's not your stakeholders it's not your police chiefs it's not your neighborhood watch captain it's not your city council it's not your school board it's yours it's yours you're an american you have the ability to protect your home protect your kids teach your values push americanism you can do it like he was just talking about americanism it's got to be a bottom-up movement work comes that's it it's starting to do starts with me that's what we're doing here is we're getting people inspired that hey you actually have a duty to save this country it is your responsibility it is not trumps trump is going to help a bit a little bit but in our reality it has come for us yeah well look look at it that video that you just showed where the police were running around shooting people with paintball guns trump was an office trump won't save you he never will he can't the president will never save you it has to come from you it has to come from me we have to start networking getting this message out and saying hey fuck these tyrants it's time for us to take this place back it's time for us to be private citizens again it is time for them to be public servants and for us to be able to know exactly where they get their money from and who they're actually representing because i can tell that they're not representing me that these these people in office right now they're not representing us so who are they representing exactly and in the and for the police officers out there they do a great job thank you but for the guys that are willing to take orders and shoot paintballs at citizens of this country you're trash the idea that you were just following orders when you did that does not fly all the that is absolute bullshit you did that you need to do what's right and whatever the consequences are for doing what's right you need to pay them willingly i don't care if that's prison i don't care what that is but all of us need to start to realize people died there were revolutionary civil wars all kinds of wars that took place to make this country to create this country people willingly gave their lives for and the idea of america so that their children could live in a place where they could be free and we have lost that that that pioneer spirit that that real honest to god's patriot spirit it's where is it at all right because i'm telling you if it was in every state the moment that aurora calorado was taken over by some foreign entity with machine guns and the police didn't do anything about it a passing a militia would have been rounded up in that city and then they would have went over there and did it what the police didn't want to do we're not seeing that and the reason that that's why i'm mad because we're not seeing people do it when after long and those guys over yeah protected the american flag and pushed back those pro palestinian protesters that's why i was so damn proud of those guys dude you know why you need more of that why we don't see them malicious oh yeah because they probably don't put them on the news now the first one to do it's going to get the book thrown at them the first one to go that's why you got to be willing you got to be willing to take that alert all right hold on let me finish a sentence here all right there's a ladder between you and i thought it the first one to go and take area back in a militia form will be deemed a domestic terrorist group and they will get the book thrown at them absolutely that's just the way it is and nobody's willing to take that first step yet because they don't see it as a threat enough and i guess we'll see well january six is a perfect example of that right they showed you what they wanted you to see they they twisted the story and put it in the media yeah that's how that's how patriots are going to be vilified and painted in the press if and when a battle happens a fight takes place you're going to be told a lie about what our intentions were what was in our heart what was in our minds what we actually did it's going to be a lie and it's going to be presented like it's the truth by these people that are telling you they're conservatives but they're full of shit because how can a conservative whether or not you like donald trump at all zero or not be okay with electing and in endorsing an actual outspoken communist like ten wolf did you know ten walls was in china during the time of tianim and square yeah tianim and square where all the college student tianim and square was a protest where they were trying to democratize china and i know i know i know what janim and square is i'm telling everyone else the the idea that the college students would go in and fight for democracy and install a new leader they were met with the the military ten walls was there he was still enlisted at the time any held a clearance guys you cannot have and i'm telling you i know this for a fact you cannot have a clearance and live in an adversarial country and keep that clearance why in the why in the hell was ten walls allowed to have that clearance and be in live in china and be okay with the chinese government and say all these things that he's probably been saying for a hell of a long time did he fly into the radar was it just a mistake or did he admit out loud right now that he broke the law you guys this is why we're creating a network because conservatives for the most part are driven by necessity and they want to be left alone and if we allow the media to control the entire narrative of what actually goes on then we will lose we will forever lose there's no way we can battle it we'll all be screwed if we don't start networking and having each other's backs when shit gets hard because it's about to get hard and like i said whoever wins this election it's going to get hard there is no easy route out of this it's going to get difficult it's going to get worse we have to go through this mud in order to come out in a better place if we don't have any kind of a network in any way shape or form we will lose we have to be able to communicate we have to be able to have each other's backs we have to be able to speak the truth that is the only way it's going to happen so just understand that we're just two average guys patriots of this country who believe in god and want to have the best for this country just give us a follow share it around spread the message we'd love you guys i know that um i know that the news kind of gets taxing but understand that this is the easy part this talking the getting the information out there this is the easy part okay but you got to participate you got to start spreading the message you got to start liking subscribing sharing commenting i would like to see a few more comments in in the comment section i do read all of them or at least as much as i can but it is going to get so much worse whether or not Trump wins or loses but that's right you know but i want to have a network of patriots i called it a tribe of patriots i would like to have a tribe of patriots that stand together and are able to to combat this because we are severely lacking this in this country we are we are lacking the the spine in the the conviction needed in order to overcome the narrative put out by these trillionaires like we are fighting a trillion dollar media industry that have been playing fifth-generational warfare for a very long time and they have so many people convinced that there was actually democrats and republicans fighting against each other and we just exposed tonight like i mean you guys probably are most of you probably already knew that bush is no different from clinton and clinton is no different than obama and that trump wasn't supposed to win and that he screwed up all those plans and that agenda 2030 was supposed to come to fruition in 2030 and they're in under hiller yes because they have kamala harris now as their front runner somehow but they're in full panic mode and desperate people do desperate things so keep your head on a swivel have your buddies backs get a network of buddies know your neighbor know your friends share the word subscribe if you can god bless you guys god bless america i got to get going out of here though it is getting late but guys like you said pulled this up for a reason come over here look at this network that we put together jersey shore two guys one coup guys did amazing work this past weekend with with veterans organizations uh nate kane x federal agent who had testified against hillerie actually um and we have the base mother there is a lot going on in this network guys and what we need you to do is very simple cost you no money and steve i like that we should just put that in we should just put that at the end of everything and steve and steve and steve um guys just give us a follow here at forward slash the patriot prayer we're gonna have podcast streaming morning noon at night every day of the week we're starting a sports network is actually coming here in just a few days um we're we're gonna be we're gonna be a ppn sports gonna be a different channel than this one but it'll be a health and wellness one as well uh anus in a in a christian channel as well ppn so there's a lot going on we but all shared value system guys that just absolutely love this country would kill and die for it and uh that's how i classify myself if that's you give us a follow join the join the network guys join the tribe of patriots uh and uh with that we'll close out and as usual the silent majority you need to stop being silent and stand your ground we'll see you next time on the patriots prayer guys have a great one this is the patriots prayer podcast it's a tremendous show one of the greatest shows in the history of the world this is brison great and you are watching the patriots prayer so on the patriots prayer network thank you all gather the faithful now and pray the patriots pray the patriots pray always a trim oil is filled to the brim i'm changing somehow i'm the radical now america's falling they all say yellow faithful now and pray the patriots pray