The Patriots Prayer

The Conservative Corner......"Family First: A Conservative Perspective"

Why the family is so important and why is must be protected. The American hostage found dead in Gaza.

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01 Sep 2024
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Why the family is so important and why is must be protected. The American hostage found dead in Gaza.

(inspirational music) (inspirational music) (inspirational music) (inspirational music) (inspirational music) (inspirational music) (inspirational music) (inspirational music) - Hey everybody, how you doing? I hope you had a good week in and getting ready to go back to the grind tomorrow. So let me explain all this. I went to kind of trim up my beard and I thought I picked the right guard and I started using it and realized I had the wrong guard on and it was way too low. And by then it was too late so there's nothing I could do about it so I had to shave it off. So now I look like a 12 year old. Yeah, it was a real treat looking in the mirror and seeing all that fall off. But it grows back, it's hair, it doesn't hurt. (grunts) Getting old sucks, let me tell you. So, I've got a lot to talk about today. Let's jump right into it. So again, I'm sorry, I'm Seth Eisenberg. This is a conservative corner. Thanks for hanging out today. What we're going to talk about today, mainly, and probably the most important thing anybody can talk about is the importance of the family and what role it plays in everybody's life and especially from a conservative point of view. Families are very important. It's what keeps you grounded, keeps you moving forward and keeps you energized, your family. At least it should. I mean, sometimes it doesn't. And I'm talking about the perfect in general. I'm not talking about homes that are relationships that have violence or things like that. I'm talking about in general relationships that work well. And that's what we're going to talk about today. And then we'll see what happens. And if you have any questions about anything, I will hold on, get a little issues here. There we go. That's not that good either. I'll fix it. I hate stuff like this. Anyway, it's the best we got right now. So the first thing I want to talk about is the state of the family currently in this country. And again, we're talking in general where you're not talking about every family. There's an exception to every role. So currently in this country, here's an overview of currently what's going on with the average family in America. It's not only 40% of children live with two married parents. And that's down 73% from 1960. So that's a huge drop. Single parent households, 27% of children live with a single parent. And that's up from 9%. So not a big increase, but still an increase. 32.8% of all marriages will end in divorce. So 18% of adults aged 18 to 49 live with an unmarried partner. 20% of children live with grandparents or other relatives. And that's currently. It could be good. It could be bad, but those are numbers. Those are facts. Those are not my opinions. That's not what I'm making up to say. Those are facts. What challenges does that cause for people, families, from broken homes? Or how does that affect the everyday person? Many families struggle with debt, poverty, income insecurity. If you're a single family home, there's a lot of issues there. You're relying on one income. You still have children. You have to feed people. You have mortgages. You have electric. You have phone. You have sell bills. It's much, much harder when it's one person trying to carry the entire load. That's why marriage helps. Two people working for a common goal to provide for their family. That's how it should be, but not like we just looked at. What is it? 18% of children between 18 or adults, 18 to 49 live with unmarried partner. So there's no commitment there that can end at any time. Also, if you're from a broken home or single family home, you have to work long hours and limited parental leave. Policy's strained family relationships. If you get to work 56 hours a week to provide for your family, you're not there. And this is one of the things that liberal government wants to do is split the family. Because if you have to do that, you're more likely to start asking for governmental help. Food stamps, welfare, whatever money they can give you so you can be home longer and be holding to the government. So the liberals are all about this. They don't want family. They don't want the mom, dad and the kids. They want just mom and the kids or just dad and the kids separate from one another so that they can come in and provide what can't be provided by one person. Lives are not about families. The liberal agenda doesn't include families. There's also mental health concerns from broken families or single parent families. High anxiety, depression, and substance abuse affect those families of all ages. And family and single parent homes, drug abuse and drug addiction and crime rates are higher than in homes with two parents. And I'm talking traditional families, mom, dad and kids. I'm not talking to moms. I'm not talking to dads. I'm talking to mom and dad and the children. And if that offend you, I'm sorry. I'm not here to offend you. I'm just, these are facts. Social, social isolation, decreased community involvement and social connections erode family support networks. It used to be if you had problems, you could go to your neighbor and they'd give you a hand or you could go to your local store and they would work with you. But as you work in all the hours being by yourself, try to take care of everything on your own. You kind of isolate from doing that because all you have time for is work and home. That's all you can do. So you start to lose connections with your neighbors and your other family members because you don't honestly don't have the time. Again, there's all boils back to design. The government likes that because you will eventually have to depend on them. They will come in, they will take care of everything for you. I mean, look at these people have like five or six kids from five or six different parents, fathers, and they get money for every kid. It's not because the government wants that because now that person is a slave to the government. They will do whatever they have to do to keep that money coming in. And the government knows it, makes you more controllable if someone controls your income. More statistics. 63% of children live with two parents, but only 40% are with two married parents. So you have boyfriend, girlfriend, women with kids, they've had together. 63% of children are like that. 46% actually live with married parents. And that's what we want to focus on is marriage. Marriage is important. It's a foundation and I'm going to get that here in a minute. It's a foundation for everything. It teaches you right from wrong to being in a family unit. Financial responsibility, personal accountability. There's lots of things that being in a full family helps you work with. They give you the teacher you learn from it. And I'm not knocking single parents. You know, save your breath with all the negative emails I'm sure I'm going to get here. These are dealing with the married family. That's what we, that's ideally what we want. We want men to be with women, have children, raise a family together, get married. And continue that because if you're married and you have kids and you stay married, your children will eventually get married and have kids and carry that tradition on. And that's what we want. We don't want guys shacking up with girls with no responsibility. And that's what we have. 63% of children live with boyfriend, girlfriend. They're not with living with mom and dad. And we'll get into how that's not good later on. 24% of children live with a single mother, while 4% live with a single father. And the reason behind that is, in my opinion, is the government and the court system, by and large, not all of them, in large, look at fathers as a paycheck. That's it. That's all, that's all we're viewed as is you could bring money in beyond that. You serve no purpose to the family. Feminists in the government want women to believe that you don't need a man in your life. If you're a strong independent woman, you don't need a man. Let him go kick him out. And then you do what you got to do. But as we get into this, you're going to see that doesn't work. And I'm not knocking single mothers. Don't get me wrong. But yeah, 24% of children live with a single mother, while only 4% live with a father. And as being as a father, I have a problem with that. 40% of unmarried couples with children will break up within five years of the child being born. Because there's no reason to say that there's no commitment made. Again, Lib's love is because now the mom is going to have to get on welfare and become dependent on the government. And then they control that family. And that's what it boils down to. They want to control families. And how do they do that? They control your income, control your food, control everything. And if you have to go to them for these things, they've got you. It's not because you want to, because you have to, because you've been lied to by TV, the media, by feminists. Men have been lied to by other men. There's trying to raise a family by yourself is not going to work and it's not healthy. Not only unhealthy for you, but it's also unhealthy for the children. And again, I'll get into more of that here in a little bit. A 60% children experience parental divorce before age 18. And that leads to more broken families because if a child is raising a broken family, when they get old enough, they're not going to get married or they're going to have a broken family, it's going to continue. There's a lot to be said for marriage. It's the cornerstone of any society. And one in five children today live in poverty. And that goes back to single family homes. It's hard to do everything on your own. And there's nothing wrong with having a husband or wife to help you. That's the whole purpose of a family. You got the mom and dad that both serve different roles. And together they help raise the family. That's how it should be, it's how it's been for centuries. Everywhere in the world. But for some reason here, it's no longer acceptable. It's more important to be able to have your freedom. You don't want to be a parent. You want to be your kids' friends. I mean, things like that. In the south, higher rates of single parent, there are higher rates of single parent households in poverty in the south. I don't know why I kind of tried to look for that, but I can't. I can't find any explanation. But it's sad. West Coast, higher rates of unmarried couples and multi-generational households. So there's a lot of people shacking up on the West Coast that have kids. And those kids stay with them or they're living with their parents. And it continues. You're not teaching any values if you're not married. You're teaching your children that, hey, you can have kids, but you don't have to be committed to the person you have kids with. And you know what? You never have to leave. We're going to take care of your bills forever. You can live with your parents. They don't learn. They don't move forward. They're not taught anything. And then in the northeast, higher rates of divorce and lower rates of single parent households. I don't know what to tell you, but nothing good comes from broken houses. Nothing. Those trends and challenges and statistics highlight the complexities and diversity of American families in America today. Like I said, back in the '60s, this was not an issue. Mom and Dad were home. Dad worked. Mom raised the kids and kept the house. The kids went to school, came home. Things were much better. Things flowed. Now, a lot of people are going to say, well, yeah, that was in the '60s and the '50s. And before that, life was different. It wasn't as complicated. It wasn't as crazy. There wasn't as much going on and yada, yada, yada. That's no excuse. They still made it work. There were still problems back then. It wasn't like they were living in utopia. There were issues back then as well. I don't understand why people always want to say that. But there was no, I mean, times may have been different, but their problems were problems. People still had issues they had to deal with and things they had to do. But they made it work. I'm just reading when everybody, if I miss a thing. Okay. Do family homes is the way to go. Okay. Why family matters? This is the important part. Why is it important for families to stay together? Why is it important not to? Why is it important to get married and not just shack up with somebody? The number one, or not number one, but number one is emotional support. Families provide a sense of belonging, love, and support, which is essential to personal, which is essential for personal growth and well-being. If you have a mom and dad in the home and they're there and they're caring for each other and they're caring for you, you feel safe. And if you feel safe, you can do more, you feel better about yourself, you'll accomplish more. Because you're not worried about, well, is dad going to be home? Is mom going to be home? Are they leaving, not coming back? How are you going to eat? Who's the girl my dad's bringing home tonight? Or who's the man my mom's bringing home tonight? And I won't see again. A solid family, again, is the foundation of any society. It's important because you're raising children and you have to prepare them for the world. And the more solid the foundation is at home, the better off they're going to be as adults when they get into the real world. And we can see that. Look at Antifa. Look at Black Lives Matter. Look at all those people that go there and burn and assault people. I can guarantee you, a majority of them are from broken homes, one pair of homes. And they just weren't taught properly. It weren't taught respect or personal accountability. That's what they do what they do. And they're also products of public school, but we'll get into that another time. It's that simple. But yeah, so that's the big thing is emotional support. Socialization, family teaches social skills, values and norms, shaping our identity and helping us to interact with others. If you see mom and dad getting along laughing and giggling and having a good time, you're going to carry that out when you go deal with people you meet. You're going to be friendly and open and polite and respectful because that's what you're brought up with. That's what you see day in and day out. You see how a man is supposed to act. You see how a woman is supposed to act and you take you internalize that because those are your mom and dad. Those people are the bar for everybody you meet when you get older. If you're a boy, your father, the way he acts is the bar you set for yourself and how you should act. Your mom is how women in your opinion should act. Those are your bars. And if you're a daughter, the same thing, the way your dad treats your mom is how you're going to expect to be treated. That's the bar. That's why it's important. People laugh at marriage. I don't have to get married. Blah, blah, blah. You do. You do. Economic benefits, family can share with financial resources, reducing economic stress and increasing financial stability. Like I said before, if you buy yourself, trying to raise a family, working 50 or 60 hours a week, living paycheck to paycheck and something goes wrong, you're screwed because you're probably got everything budgeted down to the penny. So that one thing that happens and goes wrong, throws your whole budget off. So I'm not saying get married simple for financial reasons. That's one of the perks of being married. There's someone there to help you. To help carry that weight, help carry that load. It's important. All these are important. And I don't understand why people are backing away from marriage. Health benefits. Studies show that strong family relationships can lead to better physical and mental health, including lower rates of depression and anxiety. Children take the brunt of broken homes. They suffer higher rates of depression, higher rates of suicide, lower graduation rates, lower grades in school, lower health. All those sorts of things. But adults suffer that too from a broken home or when they shack up or whatever you want to call it. So not only does it financially help everybody, it also helps with socialization, it helps with health. You're better off. You know you have a group of people behind you no matter what. You have people who love you unconditionally, versus the government just sending you a check every month and get you hooked on the government tit. There's no loyalty there. There's nothing. You're not showing anybody anything. You're not imparting any knowledge on your children when you do that. A big one. Role modeling. Family members, model behaviors, values and morals, including where influencing our development and life choices. Like I just said, if you're a son, you want your dad. And that's how you model your behavior on. You watch your father, how he interacts with you, with your mom. And that's how you will grow up to be. Same thing if you're a daughter. You see how your mother interacts with your dad. That's how you're going to grow up to be. Because that is your bar. They set the bar for you for the rest of your life. And that is important, because if you grow up in a house with abuse, abusers, abused people grow up to abuse. Alcoholic people from an alcoholic home grow up to be alcoholics because that is what they model their life. So that's what they think things are supposed to be. It's why it's important in a two family home. You've got to remember you got little eyes on you. You're responsible. Not only for them, but for everybody that comes after them because they're going to roll base their whole style of living off of you. And when they have kids, they're going to base it off of them who base it off of you. It's important for men to be men and women to be women. At the end of the day, you have to have. It's ideal to have a man and woman married living together if they're going to have children. If you're not if you're going to live together and have children and not want to get married, what's the point? There's no, like I said, there's nothing there keeping either one of you there at that point. You haven't made a promise to yourself or the God. You're there because it's convenient. The second it gets inconvenient for one of you, they're going to go. There's just so many pluses to marriage. Resilience, families can offer support systems during difficult times helping us cope with challenges and inversities. I mean, why would anybody argue against marriage? Why would marriage rates be so low? It's because people don't understand how important a family unit is, how important the family is. And again, the government doesn't want strong families because they can't weasel into that family. They can't get their hooks into a family that's together and working together towards the future. They get into families that are broken and then they get their hooks into them. Like I said, with money and food stamps, they become the parent that's missing and then you get hooked and then you can't do anything about it. They don't want you to leave. Liberal Democrats don't want people to be independent. They don't want strong families. We're broken families that they can manipulate and do things to them that they couldn't do to a strong family. Tradition and heritage. Family preserves cultural traditions, values and history, giving us a sense of roots and connections to our past. Knowing where you come from is very important is just as important as knowing where you're going. You need to know how you got to where you are because that will help you get to where you need to be. That's why it's important people come to this country, they assimilate to this country. They become Americans, not hyphenated American, African American, Latino American, Asian American. No, you're here, you're an American, your traditions and values are important. Keep them, explain to your kids, but also let them know moving forward. We carry that to become an American. This is our home now. All the cultural traditions and values and history do give you a sense of self and a sense of where we came from and how it's important to maintain that. But you also know now that you have to assimilate into the country you're with and people aren't doing that anymore. That's not expected. It's wrong to ask people come from other countries with their families to assimilate to our way of life. We're supposed to acquiesce to them and let them do as they would do in their own country and accept that. That's not how it works. That's not how you keep society together. That's not a melting pot. That's more like a mixed salad. Yeah, it's all in the same thing, but it's really not mixed. You got this on top of that, this on here and that. The melting pot, everything becomes one. So I'm not so much into the tossed salad as I am about the melting pot when it comes to this. Families need to integrate into the society they're in. Remembering where you came from is important, not saying it isn't. But like I said, you need to know your past so you know where you're going. It's important to assimilate. Family relationships can foster personal growth, self-awareness and self-improvement. Single family homes, like I said, someone's working all the time. And the dual family home that's together and not broken. Dad can tell you you're screwing up, you got to stop it. Mom can tell you you're screwing up, you got to stop it. You get a sense of self-worth from that. You understand that your mom and dad care about you. And that's why they're telling you you're screwing up. Like I tell my son when I punish him. If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't punish. I let you run like an animal. Do whatever you wanted to do when you wanted to do it. If I care enough about you, then I'm going to correct issues when I see them arise. I mean, you need mom and dad now. Just a society, societal stability. Strong families contribute to societal stability as they raise responsible citizens. Promote social cohesion like I was just talking about. And they support the community development. That's self-explanatory. Families give that, there's that base. By prioritizing families, our families, we invest in our own wellbeing. Our children's future and the society, fabric of society as a whole. And I keep looking now because I have notes. You want a strong country, you have a strong family, you raise strong children. Teach them about the country. Teach them what it means to be an American. Teach them what it means to have a family. Teach them what it means to be a mom or dad. Teach them. So when they get their own family, that carries on. And it keeps growing. And these families, and we stay strong. And we don't need to rely on the government. And the more we do this, the less and less and less will have to rely on the government, because we have a strong family, a strong base. And that's what we want to go for. That's what the Democrats don't want us to have. They don't want us to have a strong base. They want us to be dependent on them for everything. So they're working against the family. They don't care. They want it to fall apart, and we can't let that happen. And here's some of the conservative family policy priorities that I see that we should work on with the government. We should start looking at parental rates. I think that needs to be firmly enshrined and screened and yelled and exercised. Parental rights, parental protect parents authority over their children's education. Health care not bringing. I don't co-parent with the government. It's that simple. They have no business being involved in how I raise my child. Democrats, on the other hand, see it differently. They think they know better than you do. And they need to be involved in every aspect of your child's life. Conservatives don't feel that way. I know what's best for my family. Somebody who lives far away from me in D.C. has no clue. No clue was good and what's right for my children. But they'll argue with that. Board of Education's will argue with it. They'll tell you that pornography in schools is fine. And if you don't think that's fine, you have a problem. I know it's best for my children. You know it's best for your children. We don't need the government interfering. And we need to make sure the next president Trump, hopefully, when he gets into office will make sure that that's the law of the land. Parents have final say on raising their children. I don't want the government involved. They can't even run the post office. No one involved in my children's life at all. Pro-life policy, support laws restricting abortion, promoting adoption, and protecting the rights of unborn children. And I think, excuse me, I think a good step towards that was when they repealed the law and made it states. So no longer the federal government has no say in abortion. When they pulled Roe v. Wade, a lot of people and a lot of the Democrats out there started screaming yelling. They're going to make abortions illegal. They're going to ban them. No, all that did was take the power from the federal government and give it back to the states where it belongs. And that's how it should be. The states should make that decision. The federal government, again, has no business in my life. We need to protect children, especially unborn children. They can't defend themselves. There's no sense. Let me rephrase that. With the miracles of modern pharmaceuticals and technology, if you don't want to get pregnant, you won't. I mean, free contraceptives, shots, pills, surgeries, condoms, all sorts of things you can do to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It's that simple. If you get pregnant, it's because you're stupid and don't understand how babies are made. It's really that simple because I could go to a bathroom and for a dollar, you can get a condom. Hell, in some places, you can get free condoms and the shots. So I don't want to hear about, you know, it was, you know, I didn't know or it's not my response. It's your responsibility. Condoms, shots. Adoption. I'm a huge proponent of adoption. I think it's awesome. If you get pregnant and you don't want to have the child, there are people out there that can't have children that should be able to take that child. Give it to them. The other people that will pay you. There's no excuse for abortion anymore, other than you're lazy and you're dumb. I mean, it's unwanted pregnancies are easily avoided. Like I said, with all the stuff you can do to avoid it, there's no reason why none other than you're lazy and you're dumb. I mean, really. Raping in says that's fine, but I think that makes up like less than 1% of all birth or all pregnancies in this country, less than 1%. So I don't want to hear that. So yeah, we need to have pro life policies because that also strikes in the family that huge for families. Traditional marriage, a pull the definition of marriage is between one man and one woman promoting family stability. I don't care if you're the same sex people to get married. That's fine. But why do you got to call it marriage? Why not call it civil union? What was the big hubbub about that? Why were they so offended by that? I don't know. Call it civil union. There you go. Same sex, civil union, man and wife marriage. Marriage is a religious ceremony anyway. And I don't think any religion should be forced to do what they don't agree with it. They don't agree with same sex marriage. Then they shouldn't have to perform the marriages. It's that simple. But that's how marriage has been forever. One man, one woman forever. Well, it used to be multiple women and one man. But you get to point man and woman, not man and man, not woman and woman. Families and nature don't work that way. If they were all in males of a species or only females of a species that species will die out. Traditional marriage needs to be upheld and defended. And that doesn't mean you have to put down same sex, civil union. You don't have to. You don't. But defend traditional marriage. Education choice. Expand school choice options, including vouchers, charter schools at homeschooling. Again, this all comes back to a strong family union where the family has to say over the government. And that's how it should be. I don't think, again, the government should be involved in education and all. We should get rid of the US Department of Education. It serves no purpose. Get rid of it. Let the states decide. More important than the parents decide. Give them back their voice. Stop taking their voice away and making what they want unimportant because some bureaucrat or some elected official things differently. Nobody cares what you like the officials thing. I know it's best for my children, just like you do. So let's get back to giving the parents more authority. Not more authority. It's giving back what they should have their parents. They get final say and the discussion. Another important policy, I think, as far as conservatives go is border security and immigration reform. Strengthen the borders and reform immigration laws protect American families, safety, and economic security. If I got somebody who's coming across a border that can work, that will do the job that my neighbor can do for $5 hours less, he's going to lose his job. And his family's going to lose their home. They're not going to be able to feed each other. Secure the borders and make people do it the right way. That's all we're saying is follow the rules. Americans are more important than people coming across the border. Americans are more important than people that want to become Americans from other countries. We need to take care of our own. We need to take care of our families. Everything they're doing is working towards chipping away at that foundation of the family. And I hope you see that now. It's not about right or wrong. It's not about Democrat Republicans, it's about control. And if they can destroy the family, they can control the nation. So keep that in mind. Don't defend your family. Family values and median culture. I don't think we should censor anything. I really don't, but I think when it comes to school, the porn in schools and things like that, it doesn't need to be taught. It has no value to children. They don't care that Johnny has two dads or two moms. They just like Johnny. It's all that matters to them. Foster care and adoption reform. Improve foster care systems and promote adoptions, provide stable families for children and me. There you go. There are so many people that want to have kids that can't for one reason or another adoption. But to adopt, you have to jump through so many hoops and so much red tape you've got to put up with. It's the most impossible. Unless you want to adopt somebody from another country. It's not as hard to do that. But you want to adopt in this country, it's nearly impossible. It's thousands and thousands of dollars. I don't understand that. And then people say, "Well, there's so many children in a foster care. Why should we put more in there?" There's children in the foster care because the system is set up to make it almost impossible to adopt. It really is. So we need to reform that, make it easier for parents who meet whatever criteria you said to adopt. It's going to take years. It's going to take thousands and thousands of dollars. It really shouldn't. But it does. Because again, the government's involved in this. Get the government out. Prioritizing family in our personal lives and in our political activism as conservatives is crucial. We have to. We have to put the family first. We have to make sure we're taking care of our base, not the government. Non-politicians, our family, our base and our communities. That's where this all starts. That's, again, the Democrats want to destroy all that. They want it to be the government to be your God. We can't let that happen as conservatives. We need to protect our base. Here's some reasons why families are important. Emotional well-being. Like I said before, families provide emotional support, love and a sense of belonging. That's important. To feel loved and to know you have a base or a place you could go to where you're not going to be judged and you're going to be accepted who you are. That's important. It gets you through the day sometimes. That's all that gets you through the day sometimes. Liberal Democrats don't want you to have that. I agree, Bud Southfeather or Bud Southfeather that all three-letter departments probably need to be slashed in half if not gotten rid of completely. I completely agree with that. I don't think we need them. Again, another reason we need to protect our family is role modeling. I mentioned a lot because it's important. What your kids see is what they're going to become. If they see mom and dad acting like responsible adults, loving and caring and working and disciplining and having fun, that's how they're going to be when they get on the real world. It is so important. The family is so important. And the government knows that. They know that's where a lot of people get their drive from. They get their humph from his family. And if they can destroy that, we're screwed. And they're doing a pretty good job making the family unimportant. Yes, Bud Southfeather, I completely agree with you. I will not argue with you and you're completely agree. I can't argue with that. Support Network, families offer support system during life's challenges. Again, the government wants to be the nanny. They want you to have to go to them for everything. They don't want families to stay together because of things like this. Support networks. They don't want you to be able to go to somebody who's not in the government and get the help you need. They want you to have to go to them. Get money. Health care. They want you to have to go to them for everything. Oh. And personal growth, which is important. Personal accountability. A sense of community. A sense of teamwork. You get that from being in a family. Without that, you get antifa people and Black Lives Matter people who have no sense of community, have no sense of accountability, have no sense of teamwork. It's all about give me, give me, give me, give me, what can you do for me? How can you help me? Not how can we help each other? How can you help me? What can you give me? You don't get that way with a family. You learn as part of a family, you're part of a team and everybody has to do their part of the team falls apart. It's important that kids learn that. Very important. We need to get back to basics. It's that simple. It really is. They learn leadership skills. They learn how to be a leader and how to be an empathetic leader because you watch mom and dad make decisions that are tough and they do it. They make it seem so easy. Mom, you'll never know how much your mother or father sacrificed for you. That's the way it should be. You should never know that, but you will learn to be a leader. You will learn to make tough decisions with empathy. You will learn to discipline because you care. You will learn to push people past what they think they can do. You'll help motivate. You'll learn all of this in a family, a family unit. You'll learn it teamwork and that you were responsible for yourself and that when you do wrong, you need to stand up and take accountability. You don't learn that from very many places, especially anywhere else in the world now. In school, you can blame other people. It's not my fault. They did it. So, yeah, we need that family unit. It's important. By prioritizing family in our personal lives and political decisions, we can build a stronger, more supportive community, promote social stability in families and foster a culture that will value the family and the family relationship. Nobody can name any civilization that's been in the history of the world that did not have families as important. There were no empires that lasted with single families, with just mom or dad. They wouldn't have lasted. Families are important and we need to remind ourselves of that every day because it takes work to be in a family. It takes work to be married. It's not something that comes easy. They're going to be hard times and through those hard times when you're working through them, when you come out on the other side, you're stronger and you're better. Family for it and you've taught your kids just because something might be not working correctly now or could be broken. It doesn't mean you give up on it. You got to put the work in. You get out what you put in. It's that simple. Too many times or too much nowadays people just walk away from things. Oh, I'm not doing it too. I got better things to do with my time. It's not worth the effort. It is. All this is worth the effort. You may not see the dividends now, but they pay off down the road when your family, your kids have families and they're strong and they're like, "Hey, you know my father used to do this for me. I'm going to do it for you." It's important. You got to keep the family together. We can't let the government take it apart. Exactly. You've re-put yourself and you got to teach your kids accountability. Anything worth doing is not easy. It's going to take time. It's going to take effort, but it's worth it. Don't shack up with somebody and have kids. If you want to have kids with that person, you marry them. Make a family. Start that family. Build that foundation for everybody. We need to stop worrying about the government and worry about ourselves. The government doesn't need us to run. They're going to screw up on their own. They don't need us around. We don't need to pay attention. We need to worry about our family. We get the family unit strong. Men start being men and women start being women. Things will change. Not overnight, but they will change. If men start taking accountability as men, they're the head of the family. I'm dad. Does that make me more important than mom? No, not at all, but I play a different role that she can't fill. She plays a role that I can't fill. You need both of them to have a stable, healthy and strong family unit. It just doesn't work. Let's go over that. Some of the issues with broken families, economic consequences, like I said, one person is going to do the one family member is going to be out working forever. Social consequences, children who come from broken families may face social challenges such as struggling with emotional behavior problems and a difficulty making friends. This can lead to truancy bullying and poor academic performance. These children's social and emotional difficulties will persist into adulthood, affecting their ability to form healthy relationships and succeed personally and professionally. Excuse me. Everything happens at home carries forward. Everything they see or part of at home, kids carry with them and they will become that as adults. Give me one second here. You got to pay the bills real quick and then we'll come back and do a little bit more talking about the family and what happens if you don't have strong. In the coastal plains of South Texas, smoking gun coffee is founded by combat veterans that know exactly what a cup of coffee needs to taste like. Run by father and son, each coffee bean is perfected, roasted at 500 degrees and cooled with a Gulf Coast breeze. Smoking gun coffee hand makes and bags each ounce of coffee for maximum customer satisfaction. With every purchase, 10% goes back to organizations that help veterans and local communities. That's Texas Made, one bag at a time. To find out more, go to It's good coffee. I've had it. If you go to their website, and go to the menu and go to Coffee Club, you can buy conservative corner coffee, which is awesome. I mean, it's the best coffee in the world. I think they said that somewhere did some scientific study and that's what they came up with. Conservative corner coffee is the best in the world. If you don't believe me, buy some and try it and you'll be like, Hey, this is the best in the world. It's awesome. You know, I'm kidding. Don't single says said it was the best in the world. It's not. I'm kidding, but it is good. You should try some and then let me know what you think because I like it. All right, so back to what I was talking about family and the effects of a broke at home on children in this country. About 50% of all American children will witness the end of their parents marriage of those children. Slightly fewer than half will then go on to see their parents second marriage end. And one in every 10 children who have divorced parents will then see the breakup of three or more paternal marriages. It's a never ending cycle. It doesn't end and it won't end with the kids because they're going to repeat. They're going to just do what they saw their parents do. 21% of children are being raised without their fathers in America. Children with divorced parents are twice as likely to accept suicide. That's a big one. Being a kid, I mean, I barely remember, but being a kid has enough drama on its own. It's tough. You have puberty trying to fit in. You don't want to be different. You want everybody to like you and then all of a sudden mom and dad get divorced and your whole world is torn up. I remember when my parents got divorced, I think I was 14, 14. And then we sat down at the table. My mom and dad told me they were splitting up and they did say it's not me and my brother's fault. We love you both, but we can't do this and we're going to split. My world exploded. I had no idea what to do. I didn't know how to act. I was angry and I was mad. So I can understand how a younger person might take that a lot worse and not know what to do. And, you know, unfortunately, maybe they take the only way out is to commit suicide. But yet, 14, I was devastated. It was, I mean, heck, at 14, I still remember it and I'm 52. I remember vividly the conversation and everything. That's how much that influenced my life. The thing is, the good thing is, I guess it is a good thing you can come out of that. My father still stayed involved in my life. We live with my mother. My father lived 10 minutes down the road. He was still very involved with her life. Never, never stopped being involved. Sometimes that got annoying. But we still, it felt like they were, we were still a family. They just did live in the same house. He was that close and that involved. That's cool. That's how it should be, Chris. Every day should be like your first date, if you're married. And I know it's difficult to do. There are times you wake up and you just want to... But those are the times you got to work. You're going to put in the hours. You got to do what you got to do to make it work. It's important. You don't understand how important the family is. And if this doesn't tell you how important family is and how much it can change the direction of a country of a nation, I don't know what it's going to take. The thing about twice is likely to attempt assault children with divorce parents. That's from Science Daily. They did a study. 70% of prison inmates incarcerated for long-term sentences grew up in broken homes. Family separation statistics revealed that was done by the US Department of Justice. Mom and Dad affects so much in the child's life. It's unfathomable. You just can't grasp how important that unit is. And it's hard to understand how if that breaks up, how far down the road that's going to affect everyone. It's that important. That will affect generations. We need to stop looking at things as disposable in this country. If it's broken, throw it away. It's like we're in a microwave society where we want it now, easy, fast, and quick. That's not how life is. Life is work. It's constantly going to the grind. And there are times in there where you get that aha moment that relax, where you can hang out and enjoy life. But you can't take this for granted. You can't assume that's how life is going to be. You can't assume that a marriage is going to be unicorns and hugs all the way through it because it's not going to be. It takes work. It takes effort. It takes dedication. It takes honesty. It takes a lot of things. And yes, I'm single. I am not trying to tell you that I am the fountain of knowledge when it comes to healthy relationships. I have ruined every relationship I've been in. But one thing I like to think and have not been told differently is I'm a good father. I take care of my kids. I do what I got to do to make sure they have. I do what I got to do to make sure they understand how life is and what their role is and how to react to things. I don't want them to grow up and be unproductive. Not that that's important to me. They're productive members of society. I want them to be happy members of society and do what makes them happy and not hurt anybody else. And again, I probably could do more if that relationship are still together. But I do what I can. I see them two or three days a week and every other or three weekends a month. So I'm involved. My daughter's 32. She was in the Navy. So I think I did good with her. She's got kids around and she's running a good life out in California. So she's done well. So I take a little bit of credit for that. But we've gotten away from that in this country. We've gotten away from the foundations that made this country great. You know, family, God, loyalty, honor, integrity. We don't do that anymore. We teach kids and parents and most parents allow it to happen. Teach kids, you can be anything you want to be boy or girl. If you don't like your pronouns, we're going to call you whatever you want to call you can use whatever bathroom you want to use. That's not what this country has founded on. And I'm not saying that we shouldn't be open to different ideas or different things. I'm not saying that I'm not saying we should become tried with it. And just fear anything new. What I'm saying is if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Things were going fine. There weren't school shootings. The economy was strong. The country was, you know, morale was great. People were able to go on vacations and feed their family without worrying about, you know, if I buy food, I can't do this. Things were great. And then all these people that were probably miserable to begin with. Didn't like their lives or the way it was going decided hey, let's throw a wrench into these monkey works and start teaching the complete opposite of things that have been working for centuries. Let's start teaching different things and too many parents, too many families allowed that to happen. I think now it's starting to turn a little bit. I mean, homeschooling numbers are going up. More people are pointing to kids from public schools and teaching them. I think church attendance has gone up a little bit from what I've read, which is good. I agree that the evolution of feminism has really, really punched the family unit in the face. And I'm not blaming women solely because there are a lot of men out there that don't do what men should do. But if feminism did not help, I mean, originally it was a good idea, but it's been bastardized into something that's unrecognizable and more hateful than helpful. It's that simple. So we got to instill into our children the need for family that base is important. These stats are just the tip of the iceberg there. We could spend hours and hours and days and days discussing facts and statistics on families and how better off people are in a family than they are out of a family. We could do that, but it all starts with you. It doesn't matter who tells you what or how many facts you hear or who or what you read or what you see or what you hear. You have to believe it. And if you believe it, it will exude from you. Your family will believe that that's important to your family is important and that will carry on. And that's what we need. We need to start building that tradition of marriage is forever. Your family is the most important thing in the world that you don't live to work. You work to live. And then if you have to take off a day or two to go see your kid's soccer game or go to recital, you do that because that's more important. That's more important. And we've gotten away from that. According to a study done by American data report will the average American average spend seven and a half hours per day in front of a screen. That's seven and a half hours. That's a whole work day. And this doesn't say just during work. This is over a course of a day, seven and a half hours. Unless you're watching me, get off of this thing. Go spend time with your family. Take a walk, cook together, do something together. This is killing us. This is social media. Bullshit is what's tearing the family apart. And the government, I mean, we already know the government's told them what to do. Facebook, they were like the government's bitch and do whatever they were told to. Now they want to apologize. I don't care. Stay off the Internet. Stay off your phones. When you're home from work, I do. I used to. I'm guilty of it until recently. I used to keep my work phone on 24/7, seven days a week. Now I don't. When I get home and our office is closed at six, my phone's off at six. When you open at eight, I turn my phone back on at eight. Between those hours, I don't take work calls. Saturday and Sunday, my office is closed. I don't work on Saturdays. I don't take work calls on Saturdays. And that's my family time. There's not enough family time as it is. So I'm not going to sacrifice a little bit I get to work. And some people may say, well, that's stupid. You know, you need to pay blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't care because no one on their deathbed has ever said, man, I wish I'd spent more time at the office. Nobody. Spend time with your family. Build that foundation. Strengthen that bond so that it carries on so that we become less and less dependent on government and more dependent on our family and our communities, because that's what we need to be. That's what the lives don't want. That's what Democrats don't want. Conservatives are all about community. We can help each other. We don't need the government. I don't need the budding into everything I do. Stay the hell out of my life. If I can't do it, I'm sure my neighbor can help me, or I can find someone local that can. And that all starts with a family that's strengthened a family to realize that you don't need the big government to play daddy. You don't need them. You've been taught to be self-sufficient by your family. You know what you got to do. And you go do it. Now, a lot of people are going to agree with what I said. That's fine. If you're watching this on Rumble, mash that like button. I mean, really. I'm saying what probably most of you were thinking to begin with. There's nothing I'm talking about. I'm sorry. I'm looking at something. There's nothing I'm talking about that hasn't crossed that most of you haven't thought about. It's really that simple. Some of you just may not want to say it out loud, or maybe you don't agree with everything. And that's fine. You don't have to agree with everything I said about your family, or how I feel about the family. But just know that it's important. It's what's going to keep us keep this nation running the way it should is family, not the government, not the president. Nothing is the family unit falls apart and fails. This country is doomed. It's that simple. And it's that important that we maintain these family bonds and maintain that foundation. Democrats don't want you to have them telling you they don't. It's important. Please understand it's very important. It's the most important. The most important job you're going to have in your life is being a husband, or dad, or mom, or wife. It's the most important jobs in the world. Nothing else affects more people than that. I don't care what you do. Those are the most important jobs. And yes, they're the most underpaid and under appreciated positions. I understand that I do. A while ago, I was talking to my daughter a long time ago years ago, because she's 32 now. I was in a conversation that she was saying, you know, she has two kids and talking about having, you know, it's hard being a parent, you know, blah, blah, blah. And I just kind of smiled to myself. I'm like, you're preaching to the choir kid. But it's good to hear that, that she realizes it's not an easy thing. It's not just like snap your finger and things happen. You have to work. You have to work it to make it good. And I'm glad she understood that. And it wasn't like she was complaining. It was just more of a, hey, by the way. It's just important. It's really, that's why I spent almost an hour talking about it. That's how important it is. We can't forget it. We can't be led to believe it's not important. We can't let the government take the role of any type of position in a family. We can't allow it. And this, like I said, the family dies in this country. We're done. It'll never be the same. So we have to fight every day to maintain the family. Make sure that it's important for you and important for the people in your family. Make time to keep those bonds strong and to build on the foundation that's already there. You got to, or we're going to lose the country. We really are. Everybody, well, if I upset you, I don't, honestly, I don't care because it's important enough for me to tell you and I respect you enough to tell you how I feel about this. So it's that. Any questions? Anybody got any comments? I know I've been trying to keep up and it's really hard. And if you've said something and I missed it, I apologize. I'm not trying to ignore you. I mean, I think I like this with this guy. It's incredible. That's how it should be. Every day should be like you should try to make it like your first date with your wife. Keep things happy. So that's my spiel in the family. Like I said, I don't think everybody will agree with it. That's fine. But it is what it is. It should be as important to you as it is to me. Now, the one thing I'm sorry, something in my throat. The one thing I want to talk about before I go is I'm looking for the note. I made for it. And of course, everything is freezing up. Here we go. They found what six hostages bodies in Gaza. One of them was an American that was killed. And if I remember correctly, Biden was furious over that. I don't give a shit. And being furious means absolutely nothing to me because nothing happens when he's furious. He just. I don't think that's what happened. And I've never heard of anything like a slight murder or a soft murder. I think they're all brutal, but I understand what they mean. And of course, there are people screaming at Israel. They need to accept a ceasefire. You got to accept a ceasefire. You can't keep doing this. I don't understand why people want to make a ceasefire with a group of other people who have killed hostages. Do you really think that any deal you make with those people is going to last? They killed unarmed bound hostages. And you think if you agree to a ceasefire, they're going to uphold their end? I mean, I wonder if people really think that. And another thing I think is if everybody held Hamas to the same damn standards they're holding Israel to, this would have been over months ago. But apparently it's more important that Israel. Been to everybody's world than it is Hamas. And we see now where that gets us. That gets hostages killed. When everybody's more concerned about what Israel's doing and not focused on what these terrorists are doing, they feel they can act with impunity. So what if we kill hostages? Nobody's going to say anything to us. You're going to be screaming at Israel telling them they got to stop. We need to let Israel do what Israel needs to do. We have never ever dealt with terrorism like they deal with in our in our existence. We've had spots of it happen, but they deal with it on a daily basis. We need to back off support them as much as we can, but let them do what they feel they need to do. They have to live with it, not us. I personally believe that they should hunt down every member of Hamas and execute them. And people might not agree with that. I'm sorry. I mean, some Democrats in the global left could not climb over one other fast enough to be the first to Israel not to return. Yes. Yes. And that just empowers the terrorists. It's like in Maryland on October 7th, University of Maryland has allowed their quad or whatever they call it to be used for. I don't know if it's commemorate or celebrate the anniversary of October 7th by Palestinian student group. They're allowing these idiots to celebrate and commemorate a day where 1,300 innocent people were murdered and raped and beheaded and tortured. They're allowing them and they're claiming it's the first amendment right. You don't want you don't have to rent it to them. You don't have to say no, you can't do this here. All you do is not rent it to like no, you can't use the public space. Sorry. You have to find some girls do it. We're not saying you can. You just can't do it here. It's that simple. There are other people who pay to be here that don't agree with you. So you'll have to do it somewhere else off campus. We're not going to stop you. We're not going to tell you you can't, which is not going to allow you to rent or pay for the permit to do this. We're not going to allow it. Sorry, we can do that. But no, because it's more important that these uneducated animals get to spew their bullshit than it is for someone just to stand up and say, no, go do it somewhere else. You're not going to do it because they would call them racist and a bigot and all sorts of things. We need to stop worried about what people call us and start doing the right thing. And the right thing is not to let these animals have a voice on a college. Hamas is the antithesis of education. You go to college to hear different viewpoints to discuss, to debate, and maybe you'll learn something from hearing some money's viewpoint that's different from yours. Hamas, they'll just kill you. If you don't agree with them, they'll just kill you. Throw you off the roof of the building, cut your head off, shoot you in the head, burn you in line. Why would you even allow that type of group to be represented in an institution of higher learning? If this doesn't go to show you that college is useless, pointless, and a waste of money, I don't know what to tell you. But yeah, Maryland University, Maryland, October 7 is going to allow that some Palestinian group to hold an anniversary of October 7 there. If you've been to Maryland and you've graduated from Maryland, I implored you to write a letter telling you, hey, this is ridiculous, this is stupid, don't do it, I don't agree with it. Or if you went to Maryland and you agree with it, you're an idiot, and you should play in traffic because you don't serve a purpose on this country, in this world, if you support Hamas, you don't serve a purpose. But yeah, we're all, everyone's jumping on Israel after they found the bodies of the terror of the hostages, they need to agree to a ceasefire, not that Hamas needs to be held accountable for what they did, but Israel needs to get to the negotiations table and get to a ceasefire agreement. And it's the kind of screwed up world we live in where murderers are ignored, and then people were trying to protect themselves are the bad guys and they have to make all the sacrifices they have to do whatever it takes to make things go right. I hope Israel doesn't stop. I really, really would love to see them give the finger to the rest of the world and say look, we're going to do what we got to do. We're going to do what people, not your people, well they aren't killing our people and our president hasn't done shit about it. And then he asked what the Camilla Harris is VP pick about what he thought about the hostages being killed he had nothing to say. He just waved and walked off. I don't understand anybody can vote Democrat now after all the bullshit they're doing how how could you. Because killing sausages, they don't care about terrorist killing American citizens they don't care because it's Israel, and it's cool to be anti-Semitic. I don't know. Like I said this, I hate saying it because it's good said every time but this election is so important. If we don't make the right decisions and get the right leadership in place this coming November we are screwed. I mean, his name is Walt's line about being in combat line about his rank. I mean, same thing with a governor Maryland said he had the bronze star never received the bronze star. These people Democrats lies easily as I change my underwear and is often at least once a day they're lying about something if not twice a day. They're lying about something and nobody cares. Nobody cares. We don't see anybody call him for for a Westmore governor Maryland to step down because he lied about it. Nobody's saying that Walt's need to step out of the race because he lied about being in the military or what he didn't know about it. There everybody screaming about Trump. What he did was wrong he shouldn't be but nobody cares about people just flat out fucking lying about their past just flat out line. Nobody cares. That's why I firmly believe liberal liberals suffer from a mental disorder. There has to be something that's not clicking up here that clicks with everybody else. Something doesn't register like it does with us with them. But yeah, get out and vote November 5th. Drive people if they can't drive get your friends to go vote get your family to go vote. Do what you have to do legally to get people to vote. Get them there. Talk to your friends and family about how important this election is. Talk to them about, hey, have you heard about this with Harris and Walt's? Have you heard about this with governor more Maryland? Talk to them so they know because you know they're not hearing it in the media. And when they hear it in the media, it's always an excuse of why it's okay for them to have said it, but Trump is the anti-Christ. Talk to them. Don't argue because then they're just going to defend themselves more in their beliefs more. Don't argue talk. Have an open dialogue and just speak fact. Just speak to facts. Don't get emotionally and take things personally. Just be factual. Eventually, facts are going to win out. But please vote. Don't listen to the media that you know Camilla Harris is going to win her. Trump's down in the polls now. That's all done to keep you from voting. They're trying to scare you out of voting. Turn off the news. Don't listen to November 5th. You vote no matter what you've heard or what people tell you. You vote. If you all know Trump's a shoe and don't worry about it, vote anyway. Or he's going to lose. He's you know, you can't win. Vote anyway. Seriously, don't buy these people's bullshit because that's what they're hoping you do that you listen to them and don't act accordingly. So please vote. If you live local here and you need a ride, I will drive you. I will drive you to your pole if you can't get there on your own. Just get a hold of me and let me know where you are and I'll come and get you. You can send me an email. Text message, whatever, get a hold of me and I'll drive you there. It's that important. That important. All right. Well, I think I've kept you along enough. Sunday night, go spend time. Excuse me. Go spend time with your family. Get ready for the work week. Do what you got to do. Remember to follow us on rumble. If you're watching on rumble now, again, hit that like button. Give us some likes. Remember, you also can watch the bass mother. I want to send you a Levine 360. I mean, there are a lot of good shows that are on the on the Patriots prayer network. Watch them. Follow them. Like them and share them. Share my video with everybody. You know, share their video with everybody. You know, share, share, share. The bigger we are, the more people that hear us. Like the bigger and louder our voice becomes and they can't ignore us anymore. They'll have to start paying attention to us. And that's what we want. If you have any questions about anything I talked about tonight, get a hold of me and ask me a question. I'll answer it. I'll just be prepared that I'm going to be honest. So if you really don't want to know the truth about what I feel, don't ask me because I'm not going to allow you. If you've got enough respect to ask me something, I have enough respect to be truthful with you. And that's how it should be. So yeah, like the video, share the video, share with people you don't even know. Just share it. Get it out there. I'll be back next Sunday at seven here. Have more to talk about. Again, I thank you very much for spending the hour and. And minutes with me. I appreciate it. You have other things you could have done, but you were here. And that's awesome. And I truly appreciate it. And I hope I I kept you engaged for the hour about it and waste your time. But have a good Sunday evening. Have a good work week. Remember rumble like this hit like as many times as you can. Share this video. Watch Elena Bibera with the. Base mother. Alexander Levine with Alexandria 360 and all the other shows on the Patriots network and like and follow them and share them with everybody. And remember, if you vote principal over party, you will never ever waste your vote. Y'all have a good evening. [Music] [Music]