Cultivate Calmness Podcast: Find Your Calm, Cultivate Your Mind

Episode #53 - Health Check-In: How to Stay in Tune with Your Body

In this episode of the Cultivate Calmness Podcast, Kaela Vance celebrates the one-year anniversary of recording her podcast and reflects on her journey in the world of podcasting. She opens up about the challenges of creating content, her desire to educate listeners on natural health, and her ongoing commitment to personal growth. Kaela also delves into the importance of paying attention to your body’s signals, sharing her own experience with sinus issues and the lessons she’s learned about recognizing and addressing symptoms early. Tune in for practical insights on body awareness, health, and holistic wellness.

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to the Cultivating Commentus Podcast. My name is Kayla Vance and thank you for joining me today. Today I want to talk about how it is the one-year anniversary of me recording podcast and a little bit about how to pay attention to your body and to know when something is up. So to start off, I just realized that it's actually been a year since I started recording regular podcast and, you know, maybe that doesn't seem like a big feat to some of you, but for me, I feel like it is. It is not always easy to come up with things to talk about or to prepare for, talking about different subjects. And there's still a lot to learn in podcast world. This is not my strong suit and not something that I feel I've always done the best at. So, you know, trying to sit here and talk to you and share information with you. I'm not always sure, you know, who, if anybody is hearing it and how that's coming across to you. So, I'm still in the learning process. You know, I hear and listen to other podcasts and, you know, kind of know how those things work, but it's different when it's you and you're doing it and you're not talking to anybody, so it is a feature, something that I would like to do in the future is be able to actually have some, you know, one-on-one or, you know, talking with one or two other people to educate the community and myself about different subjects and different topics. I'm very curious about natural health and different ways that that can manifest and what that looks like, you know, out in the world, you know, I know a decent amount, but I definitely don't know everything. I'm always learning. I'm always finding out new things. I, you know, communicate with other natural healers and they, you know, teach me things. I teach them things. So, it's a great space to be in and one that, you know, want to continue to grow and speak more about and educate anybody who is listening. So, you know, I just wanted to have a quick shout-out about, you know, that today. And the follow-up and the second part of today's episode, just talking about, you know, how to recognize what's going on in your body. So, if you can't tell by listening to me, I know that I can always tell or I feel like I can tell. No, I don't know what's true. I don't know these people. But like when I watch TV shows and, you know, you ever notice like some of the stars that you're watching that there is, you know, there's something different about their voice and it sounds like, "Hey, maybe they have a cold or something." You know, everything else seems fine, but their voice just seems a little more nasally or something. I feel like I can tell when there's something like that going on. So, if you can't tell, I am probably a little more nasally today. I have a little bit of congestion and that all started, basically what the other day. And I know exactly to me or I think it came from and how it happened and one of those ways I was able to tell was because I have been able to pay attention to my body and know what's going on. Not all the time, you know, there's definitely probably things that are going on in my body that I haven't paid close attention to or have tried to, you know, maybe ignore the symptoms or the signs for one reason or another. I'm sure you guys listening do that too. But it's important to pay attention to the signs in your body. Some of these things I've talked about in previous podcasts and some of the things, you know, maybe new, that you may hear maybe new to you. Anything I say in here is not medical advice. Just have to say that. It's always important for you to speak to your own provider or your own trusted health individual, you know, whoever that may be and to do your own research. I think that's important too. And your own research can be a come from any number of places, books, the internet, peers, research, you know, all of those sources of information will have different unique perspectives and helpful tips for you to take from them and just keep in mind that everybody has their, maybe their own agenda or their own source of information that they are getting information from. That's why I say do your own research, you know, look at multiple places, see what information you're getting from them and see if those things line up with what you know or what you're trying to find out. Kind of go from there. So all that to say is that, you know, I went to the pool over the weekend and I had the unfortunate experience, you know, being older, you know, not super old, but for me older and not having been on many diving boards in many years was going off the diving board with my kids and had the water like shoot up my nose. And it was not a pleasant experience. It's happened before, this summer, it has happened as well, this summer more than this last weekend and I was always able to, you know, feel fine afterwards. But this time I did not feel fine, you know, and it hurt on, you know, the right side of my face, you know, and I usually do some things to help take care of that, some things I had on hand, some things I did not, so I did not get to them till the next day. And that proved to be not such a good thing. And so in my opinion, what happened was whatever got up in there, whatever was in the water, or whatever was, you know, in my system that got forced up into my nasal cavity, caused some type of infection and you could just feel it building and building and building the pressure got more and more and more until, you know, I woke up the next day, you know, the day of, on Sunday, it was fine. You know, it wasn't too bad. By Sunday evening, you know, I felt pressure. I was like, oh, like, hopefully this will be gone in the morning, took some vitamins. I did some colloidal silver up in my nose to have like a little nose spray thing, so you can like spray it and kind of get it up in there. And that's what I did Sunday. Then come Monday, I woke up and I was like, you know, I woke up early. I still wasn't feeling great, but I did a 45 minute like walk in the morning and I didn't feel so great, you know, but that terrible just like, oh, like, I don't feel good. After that, I started to like go downhill and the pressure in my head got worse, you know, that worse, worse, worse. You know, then I started to get the body chills and the aches. And, you know, so for me, what that means is getting the hot bath with some Epsom salts and take extra vitamins and try to eat healthy and try to get like nutrients and electrolytes, things like that. I had all kinds of things I wanted to do during the day and I literally did nothing. And so felt like I didn't accomplish anything because I didn't. And got up. Then I was able to do the nanny pot, if you've ever heard of a nanny pot. It's a little water and a little spout that you put some, you basically make like a saline type solution in it. Some people might add other things into it to help. And you tip your nose and you pour the water up into your nose. It basically washes out the sinus cavity, which is like a big, you know, like like holes like back up in here. And then it comes out the other side. So if you're really clogged up, sometimes it won't come out because it is not going in. So that's not helpful. But mine did and that helped a little bit. And I'll probably be doing it, you know, again, because I'm still feeling congested and took lots of vitamins, you know, did a lot of massage to help drain this out. And, you know, woke up the next day feeling better. Just had some congestion. So that's where I'm at. It's having the congestion. But overall, feeling fine, aside from feeling a little congested. So I say that because I've had this happen multiple times, things like this happen multiple times over the years. Ever since I started really paying attention. And when did I start really paying attention? Probably, it's been at least a decade. It's been, you know, maybe 15 years where I've really started getting on the like natural path. But the time that really sticks with me is like getting a sinus infection. I used to get like regular sinus infections. And I would just be like blowing my nose for like weeks, you know, over a month and this one time in particular, I like let it go. Let it go. Let it go. It was like over a month that I finally went to the doctor, you know, got the antibiotics and, you know, poof, it was gone. And then I got it like a time after that. And I didn't want to do the antibiotics. And I took a lot of vitamin C. So I don't remember what happened in between them. But I learned like vitamin C could be very helpful. So I started doing the vitamin C thing. And I took high doses of vitamin C. And when I started to notice the symptoms and what happened? I was able to cure my sinus infections without use of antibiotics. And that's partially due to catching the symptoms early and being able to notice the symptoms when they're happening. So I do the same thing if I start to notice like a tickle in my throat. Like the moment I start to notice it, I'm on the vitamins. I am taking extra, I am trying to boost my immune system and give it what it needs. So when your body is trying to fight something, it's going to use up all the stores of everything that you have to fight off what's going on. So if you don't have any stores of anything, right, you're going to have a difficult time like fighting off what you've got going on. And everybody's body is different. You know, so there's that to say that, you know, some people react really well to illness and it's kind of like in and out. Some people react really terribly to illness and are sick for long periods of time. Both could be problematic. It just really depends on the person. Most people would assume if you, if your illness is gone quickly or you don't ever get sick that that's a good thing. Generally speaking, I would say that that's probably a good thing. I've read some things here and there about, you know, not ever getting sick and what that can mean about your immune system. So there may be some information out there about how like never ever getting sick is also problematic and what that can mean. I don't have that information right now. So that would be something for you to do a little bit of research on. But if it's taking, it takes you a long time to recover. You want to find out why, like why does it take a long time to recover from something when you have a cold or you have an illness and like what type of illness is it? Like is it a bacterial? Is it a virus? Because those are treated in different ways. You know, just, you know, you treating something you have based on the symptoms, you may not know whether it's a virus or a bacteria. Not super important unless you're trying to get an antibiotic or something. Your infection is often used in a biotics, but most in it, your infections are not viral. They're actually bacterial and won't be helped by an antibiotic period. So there are other options and other things available that can help you if you know the symptoms and if you know what's going on and how to help them. The same thing can go for bigger problems, right? Like if it's thyroid issues or hormone issues or cancer. Now sometimes those things give, I would say most of the time our body is giving us warnings. It's whether we're able to see the warnings or know the warning signs, which I would say most of the time we aren't aware of those things, which is why we don't catch them. But sometimes we are aware and we ignore them. But it's not to say that if you have cancer or someone you love has had cancer or has cancer that they were ignoring the symptoms and you know they did this to themselves or anything like that. That's not what I'm saying at all. But I am saying that when I stopped doing certain things I started noticing other things. The biggest and best example of this is like when you remove certain foods or toxins or products from your life and then they're reintroduced. It is the reaction that you get to them is bigger. So for example I don't use any bath and body works period anymore. I used to love them. We would go to the candle sales and get all the candles and they smelled amazing, right? And all the sprays and all the body washes loved them, cannot stand them now. Cannot, don't like them. The smell just makes me sick. I can walk in a room and if you're burning a candle that is not like a natural candle made with like essential oils, I can't stand it. Now obviously there's sense that I don't like but I can tell if something is synthetic. In my new office for example, when we walked into view the place, the person who was kind of in there, the person that was in there, which is kind of like a friend of ours, but he had one of those wall plugins. It was so overpowering. Like I couldn't get out of there fast enough. And so we actually unplugged it from the wall because it was just, it was terrible. I couldn't stand it. I don't use those things in my office. Would it be nice to make the whole place smell and be like fruity pebbles and yeah, but it's going to make me sick the whole time and it's going to make you sick. You just don't know because you're so used to that toxic burden on your body that you don't notice the toxic burden until you remove the burden. You take it away. Your body goes, your body's able to relax and it's able to like not experience that. When it's reintroduced, you know, you walk into a room with a scented candle, you go, oh, oh, like I can't, I can't, right? Your body's like, whoa, hello, that is bad. Same thing can happen when you start noticing like your symptoms. You know, I remove soda. I still drink it on occasion and I can always tell you that I notice how it feels almost immediately. Why? Because I took it away and then when I put it back, it's an immediate. I take a drink and yes, it's delicious. But my body is like, whoa, hold up here. This thing sucks. And so you learn and you pay attention and there's still things I'm learning to do. There's still things I am trying to do better at. So I am not perfect. It is hard. It's hard to make the changes. It's just why I still have soda on occasion. And sometimes I do way worse. I have it more than just on occasion. But I am much better than I used to be, which is where I drink soda like all the time. I definitely don't do that anymore. There are healthy alternatives out there as well. So if you like the tingling, you like the taste of soda, there are healthy alternatives. Ones that help your gut, ones that have like limited sugar in them. So there are things that can replace soda, but it may take some getting used to those options if you've never had them before. So I just wanted to share, like, pay attention to the signs that your body is giving you. The little tingles, the little aches, the little pains, the little things where you're just like, oh, something is not right. Like my shoulder is like bothering me. You know, I go to a chiropractor regularly and you know, I have a shoulder that's been bothering me and I could be doing more. You know, let's be honest. I haven't learned like what particular stretches I need to be doing to make it better. It is better overall, but initially, you know, it was hard to move. And, you know, he was able to tell me like what was out of place, what was locked up, which was maybe contributing to or affecting how stiff my shoulder was, got a massage, they could feel that as well. Still need some work on it, but it is better than it was. So there are, you know, things that we can do if you notice you pay attention to what's going on, you can find out the ways to help that. If you don't know, there are people out there that do know. You can learn who to ask. It can be friends who know stuff about like your symptoms. Yes, it can be doctors and nurses. If you're not looking for like medicine to heal it, then you, you know, you might want to find alternative practitioners that might give you those. There are natural health groups all over the place, you know, on Facebook and online that you could get some feedback on. There are, you know, chiropractors, functional medicine doctors, holistic health practitioners, natural paths, nutritionists. There are all kinds of people out there that know this information that could talk to you about what you can do to heal your body and to help you improve based on the symptoms you're experiencing. So if you have something going on, don't ignore it because you can heal your body. You can do things about it. It's not too late. You can see improvement. You just have to know what to do and sometimes we just don't know where to start and we have to find the right people to help us get there. So if you have any questions about that, feel free to let me know. I would love to hear from you. Here are what kinds of maybe people you would like to talk to, have me talk to, what you would like to learn about and see about what I can do about those subjects. Thank you for joining me today and I look forward to another year of podcasting. [MUSIC] [MUSIC]