Rabbi Joey Soffer Shiurim

Shaare Teshuva-16

Shaare Teshuva-16 by Rabbi Joey Soffer

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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good morning everybody today is September 25th and we're making our way closer to Roshana or a week away. And we are on page Ayn Vav right on the bottom - Otitit Zain. Okay here we go. Says Shaharit Tishu wa Aben-Yona in paragraph 10 Zain. Viej Al-Adan La Hadashlamidzwad Beghoyo. My person should try to right to make the mitzvah new for him every day or something new and new mitzvah. Laighia Tor Moto. There's no idea maybe today's the last day he's gonna have a chance. The Loya Hasaramidzwadahim you don't want to lose that on that chance. Amruz Al-Kolo Se mitzvah Hacks Amuklamitat Toa Doming. She came at court with her. Anyone who does the mitzvah near the end is if he kept the whole Tor Aveloya Hasar Al-Aotamidzwad it's like that was the only one you missing. You do that when you're good. Kolo Se-Avenah Hacks Amuklamitat Toa Wili Al-Nah right. Toa Meikhi Ilu Bitel Kolo Tora Shemai Slaio. Okay one of the next Beghoyarit Gishu Binyana Mavit. Last week said Dala Dereh kotakeimasim some people don't think about it right you don't think you're gonna die because we don't want to think that we're we're mortal we think we're all we all think we're immortal we live forever part of the it's had eyes clouding your brain not to let you think that way but bottom line is that we all have a limit of how many days we're gonna be on this earth and if you don't prepare your meal for the for the road I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. In a way they don't realize till the end they end him shalim ke behemoth says the psukiim compares those people to animals kilo yargishu binyana Mavit ateth activity the animal doesn't know he's getting slaughtered until the night was on his neck kimoshin amar kasson le shol shatu mavit yir I am that you do bomb your shalim la boke if it's what I'm living for a little bit of a lot sholim is a vula petush was possible being Sa kasson shatun afsham le shol but the like the sheep that people sent their nishamah to gain them you know what happens it happens and then they don't know mavit yir I am what does that mean in mawtare shalim ke mawtare behemoth. Rasha doesn't die the same doesn't end the same place as an animal mawtare behemah pamahat he dies it's over they are a shahim mavit yir by him behemoth. Rasha and ke mam is dying over it every day they are shon yir u ba shan begilaad and pasuq that they are grazing so he says the mavit for them they're grazing right they go to eat where are they grazing in mavit [speaking in foreign language] this destruction is attacking his nishamah constantly [speaking in foreign language] until it's totally gone and destroyed [speaking in foreign language] anybody okay but you do [speaking in foreign language] so what happens says these they go down the asharim la bokeh for the morning what does that mean go down the ashar for the morning [speaking in foreign language] right we all know [speaking in foreign language] one of the 30 principles of Judaism is [speaking in foreign language] and if their person dies it's not to end he will come back at some point when God brings all the the [speaking in foreign language] and he says that is considered comparable to bokeh to the morning [speaking in foreign language] like when you wake up in the morning [speaking in foreign language] is a hot [speaking in foreign language] it's one 60th taste of what death is like that's sleep so waking up in the morning is like waking up from when you were asleep but your sleep is compared to death so your wake up is compared to [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] many of those that are sleeping in the dirt right [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] that the that the asharim are going to be like the dust under the feet of the [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] when he talks about the day of judgment regarding [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] she says what they say about [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] regarding the [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] says what happens is the body disintegrates after 12 months in the ground and the [speaking in foreign language] is burnt and it becomes ashes under the feet of the [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] what is he want to say that your [speaking in foreign language] is like your clothing [speaking in foreign language] that his [speaking in foreign language] will be destroyed in [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] that this pursuit means that he's going to the [speaking in foreign language] could be potentially [speaking in foreign language] on anybody that if they're in Russia, the [speaking in foreign language] gets destroyed in [speaking in foreign language] we don't hear from that person anymore. Okay, now [speaking in foreign language] let me show you read [speaking in foreign language] says that a person who was unable to separate his desires in this world, until the [speaking in foreign language] he was still craving and desiring and trying to consume materialism in this world [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] that's what it says, you don't want to die, you'll die until you don't die [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] he says you want to have [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] you want to let me tell you how you could live forever. [speaking in foreign language] Die, [speaking in foreign language] before you die, that's what he's saying. You want to live forever? Die before you die. That's why he wants to explain the mission now, which means what? He says, try to withhold the desires of materialism in this world that's killing yourself now, but by the time you come to time to really pass away, you have no problem to leave this world because you're already working on your spirituality. It's fine. [speaking in foreign language] You have to know that a person who has all these desires in this world [speaking in foreign language] that's very different, right? That's a, I want to say almost polar opposite of what God wants from you, right? He gave you all these materials and to enjoy, right, to benefit you so that you can build your spirituality, but if you turn the materials into the main portion of your life or the main focus of your life without the spirituality, so that you're totally, you missed the boat. The purpose of all the things that are here to make it comfortable for you so that you'll have the ability to build yourself spiritually, but if you only focus on that, you don't build any spirituality. You took everything in this world without doing anything for the next world. [speaking in foreign language] You're going to end up where you want, you know what you wanted, you want the materialism. That's your end. Your end is the earth, the materialism. And it's over for you. There's no spirituality on that after that for this person. [speaking in foreign language] Dirt goes down, doesn't go up, and it stays there. [speaking in foreign language] All right, you know what they're going to do to this guy first before they put him down there to stay down there. First, they're going to take him up to Shama'im to show him what he missed. [speaking in foreign language] Could have been here, could have had all this. [speaking in foreign language] Oh, sorry, go back down. See you later, bye. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] Oh, look where you traded in. You traded in going to end up again? [speaking in foreign language] Come see it, that's part of the torture, right? [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] You put the stone right on the scales. [speaking in foreign language] I share [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] You throw up something over here, throw it back like a precious stone. You throw it up in the air. [speaking in foreign language] And then where's it end up? [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] We'll let you go up for a minute. See what it looks like. [speaking in foreign language] Now, bye bye. [speaking in foreign language] Okay, [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] Everybody in Shama'is goes up to Shama'im. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] Right? [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] And then Shama'is gets sent back down. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] You guys turned into, you know, a person who was worshiped because [speaking in foreign language] all the time. [speaking in foreign language] We send them back down. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] There's no hope for this to Shama'is if he was a Rasha'a and it's over. He goes to the darkness and bye-bye. [speaking in foreign language] This is talking about a person that's a complete Rasha'a. A person passes away with sins. [speaking in foreign language] Nobody's perfect. And was able to make tissue up on everything. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] Well, to let him into gun and then we can't let him go totally because he slides up here. We got to get rid of us. To send the gun and get to that either. He has a lot of his orders, guys. So what do we do with them? [speaking in foreign language] They send him down to gun and to the gun and then still washing machine for a little while to clean up the avirota that he had left. That he wouldn't make the Shubapo avoid died. And then we got him into gun and then maximum amount of time a person could spend the gun on that type of a person. 12 months. That's the mass. After that, not ever finished. He's clean. And that's why we say [speaking in foreign language] when we say only for 11 months. Because we don't want to say we start. That he's the worst guy. He is the better. He'll have a look at that. And then we start, we say [speaking in foreign language] to the mother. We stopped right here after 11 months. [speaking in foreign language] And after that, [speaking in foreign language] That's for a person that was mitzvot and avirota. There are people that only avirota. [speaking in foreign language] That's the guy he's talking about. That guy doesn't get a second chance. The guy in am is his home. It's over. There's no, he'll get paid his mitzvot in this world. If he has very few mitzvot, I should have sensed the reward now. [speaking in foreign language] We see that a shot, he's growing like the grass. Why? [speaking in foreign language] Because he's going to get destroyed at the end. There's nothing left there. He gets his reward now. And that guy is the guy he's talking about over here. There he goes to gun again. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] He could make the shuwa a second before he dies. And he's not going to end up that guy down here. [speaking in foreign language] I'm sure on people who are very close to the end, everybody starts with the- [speaking in foreign language] Be doing and crying and this. [speaking in foreign language] If you know when it's coming. Right. If you know when it's coming. Not everyone knows. Could be an instant. Sometimes a little guy just- [speaking in foreign language] You never know. You never know. You never know. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] That's why I finished one month. You don't want to say your relatives are not shot. You're still 12 months, so you can teach them the guy about it. Up to 11, we stop. [speaking in foreign language] And then we finish after a week. And then you finish off the month after that. But once you stop, that's the finish. [speaking in foreign language] Okay. You don't know. Person doesn't know what it is, right? Okay. It's be awful. So he's talking about the guy that's a total of a shot. He's not talking about most people in the world are not totally shot in. They have made me smart. They have avirot. You've got to make sure that you're more avirot than- [speaking in foreign language] I mean, more avirot than avirot. That way, you have a chance. Because if you're more avirot when it comes to the end, so that's it, you're going to get your award in this world, and then show them how they feel. What happens over there? You don't want to do that, right? You want to end up the other way, sir. A person needs to go for a little time down there. Clean up a little bit. Okay. Yeah, it's possible not to go all together, right? I can make the shoe bar. I wipe out all my sins and get there and find out, huh? VIP section, yellow. No, no problem. But you have to start working on it. You have to work on it. Yeah. I'm saying, if they don't want the tissue bar. Yeah. Down there for a long time. Up to 12 months, yeah. They're clean down. After 12 months, they get clean. That's the washing machine. That's not perfect. Perfect. Now, go back to the gun. And then you go to the place where, as much of its fault as you had, that's your section, right? That was moment's fault. Goes through the lawyer's section. You can't get moment's fault afterwards. You could potentially get some, because we are through your children, right? From others that are doing it's what for you in this world. But only it's what in this world bring credit. There's no moment's fault in a llama bar. You can't do anything up here. Tell them. So you can only get credit through this world where there's, where there is, where there's an opportunity to sin. Because you can't get reward in Charmaine because there's no reason to sin because you're standing in front of us. There's no pizzara. Right. You have clarity. Absolute knowledge. That has shame. That's how shame. That's the ingredient. So there's no reason to give a reward for that person that's worth the money. You don't have a choice anymore, right? In this world, you have a choice. So if you choose to do the right thing, you get a reward, right? When? Okay. So there's, so there's a few understandings of what happens after the nishama leaves the body. So, right. Because we haven't got to the kyatame team stage yet, right? So there's the most opportunity to say that we'll be called Ganeden, right? The person's going to Ganeden after he dies. It's not the final Ganeden. It's the holding section of Ganeden because there has to be the kyatame team first to get to what we're going to be called 'Olamaba' where the real Ganeden is, and that's 'Olamba-ed' fine, right? Where actually the group and the nishama are going together and we live forever. Like Adam and Yshun were supposed to. So when that person now is in Ganeden in Chamai, spiritual Ganeden, right? Well, they're waiting for the kyatame team because think about this for a second, right? When you do a mitzvah, what did the mitzvah, your body or your nishama? Which one? So I'll tell you, there's a machal, there's a machal. A shal goes like this, okay? There's two guys that the king planted a new vineyard, he planted an orchard, wonderful orchard, all kinds of beautiful, beautiful fruits, and I need a watchman over here, I'm worried they've got nothing, I'm going to come over here and steal from my orchard. And nobody wants the job, who's going to sit on an orchard all day? And Adam has a boring real loan about myself. He said, okay, you know, I'll get two guys. Maybe they could keep each other company, they'll talk together, at least they'll be willing to do it. But, you know, two guys together, they might clean things and they might steal from me, I'm going to be smart since the king I'm going to do. I'm going to get one guy who's blind, and he could walk, and he's fine, not the wrong, he's blind. And to get another guy who can't walk at all, but he could see, he's in a wheelchair. His way, two guys are handicapped, they're not going to figure it out. Okay, he hires these two guys. Right, I'm the city in the orchard. Hi, King, they enjoy each other playing a little tole, they have a cup of coffee, they're watching the fruits. They're watching the fruits, they're growing. The guy who could see in the wheelchair says, you don't, I know you can't see them. These fruits are unbelievable. Gotta look at this, it's unreal. I've got a piece. Oh, the king's going to kill us, I don't know. He says that. Come on, he's in love, one apple's missing. But you know what, I need your help, because I can't get there. I'm in the wheelchair, I can't reach the tree, I need a little bit of it, I can't see. There's no problem, I'll guide you. I'll tell you where to go, how are you up down left, right, set up. Ah, the king, no, no, come on, come on. He mixes the guy. Okay, so what does he do? He goes, I'm going to answer the tree, that's okay, a little to the right, a little to the left, a little higher. Okay, now, pull it off. Ah, cut his head, wow, he's had these. Oh, it's just. Flicks the five out of the next day. I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Another, another, another. The king comes back after three, four months. Looks around, it's going on, so much room. What's going on? He says, we're here, nobody happened, nobody happened, he says, there's a guy in the wheelchair. You, I know you, he says, come to me. I can't even reach the tree. Oh, you're right, you're right, you're right. You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you. I can't see, what do you want, what do you want to do? You know what the king did? I think there are two guys to his, to his, to his palace. And what did he do? He took the guy with the, with the what he called with the, with C, put him on the shoulders of the guy in the wheelchair and beat the two of them. Says it to my shelf, the goof and then the chama. Then the chama comes to the chama, he calls us, "Mashim." He, I can't move. I don't do nothing. I'm, I'm, I'm a spirit. I didn't do anything, the goof did it. The goof says, me? I didn't do nothing. What happens to a body when there's no nishama? That's the goof. I didn't do anything. I said, oh yeah, okay, baby, no problem. Put the goof in the nishama, huh? But nishama in the goof, polish the two of them, 'cause they're together. So what does that mean? Your goof and your nishama together did mitzvot and together did abirot. So when we say now, guy passes away, and the chama goes up, the chama is going to get reward. He got reward for all the mitzvot. He just, technically, that reward is not fair. Why? The goof also had a piece of the mitzvot. Where's the goof's reward? He goes to the ground and it disintegrates. Where's his reward? He was also involved in his job. So the death for the body is painful. That's the abirot, we'll get rid of it. The nishama doesn't feel so much pain in the death portion. The nishama could be because it's abirot in Vietnam. That takes care of the abirot, but where's the reward for the goof? So I say, "You're right." Take fiyyata, my team. We put the body and the chama back into the body. And now this body goes to the ground and then align. So that it together with the nishama can have reward. That's the concept of the kiyyata, my team. Because otherwise, why is my body not getting any rewards whatsoever? Where's the reward? My body. So, I don't know how I got there, but we started talking about where's the nishama going. That's how I got there. Okay, bye. So the goof book has survived. So Tom sometimes the nishama, instead of going to Vietnam, is given an opportunity to redo. I have a choice. Go to Vietnam. Or, depending on what the sin was or the things were, you have a chance to reset. And Sham, give me another chance. I could do better this time. So he sends the nishama back. It's a guild ghoul as a reincarnation in a different body with a chance to, but sometimes, you know, that's a gamble, because it might be worse the next time. It depends on the things that you fixed. The first time you might mess up the second time. That's all clear, right? One nishama could have money, potentially many goofs, according to the equivalent. Yes, yes. And the one that will make the kiyyata me team, and get up is the one that was the most perfect. (crowd chattering) Okay, so that's the, okay. Whatever. I don't know how we got there, but to say that a little tishiyata me team class. (crowd chattering) Okay, yalla. (speaking in foreign language) That's what we are, right? (speaking in foreign language) Uh, no, is that what we are? (crowd chattering) Yeah, okay. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Who knows the spirit of a person. (speaking in foreign language) Right, the (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) This is a lot of people in this world that are walking on earth, that you would never call a sadik, but they really are. You would never know. (crowd chattering) (speaking in foreign language) We see external. I look at this guy. (crowd chattering) I don't really know what's going on in his head, or his brain. I don't know what he's doing in private. I don't know. I see external. (speaking in foreign language) I'm pretty sure that he's missing a part of that (speaking in foreign language) But (speaking in foreign language) You should walk with Hashem with (speaking in foreign language) Right, (speaking in foreign language) You don't overflow. You know your righteousness. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) There's also many (speaking in foreign language) that people don't know that (speaking in foreign language) The same thing again, like this other king, you don't know. They don't really know what people are doing around inside the office closed doors behind the whole house. (speaking in foreign language) When they're alone in the dark, people say, "Who could see me?" They don't know what I'm doing. (speaking in foreign language) Okay, (speaking in foreign language) It's the pick on the (speaking in foreign language) Right, first of all, do we know if this person's going (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) In the pursuit that mentions the (speaking in foreign language) of the animals. There's no however, I mean, I think that (speaking in foreign language) an animal is going up to (speaking in foreign language) Right, then it came from the dirt and that's where it stays. We got by (speaking in foreign language) into our bodies, a life source (speaking in foreign language) But that's not the initiative of an animal that came from the ground. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) By the animal, it says (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) All right, open pursuit in (speaking in foreign language) It says that the animal, the earth gave forth (speaking in foreign language) living animals, right, in its species. Where it come from? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) When it comes to person, it says (speaking in foreign language) God blew into our nostrils. (speaking in foreign language) At death, everything goes back to where it came from. Your body came from the earth. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) All right, in part of your body goes back to the ground. Other one goes to where Hashem gave it to. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) It says I'm going to give you place to walk among those that are standing. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) The angels who are standing, what do you mean they're standing? Yeah, they're standing, right? (speaking in foreign language) The angels are standing there, but they don't mean they don't move. They can no longer move levels. Wherever they were created to be servants of Hashem on that level, that's where they offer eternity, right? I'm going to give the sadik a chance to join those levels of where they are. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Angels are standing forever. (speaking in foreign language) Where's that from? That's from Daniel, okay, fine. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Saves those under his throne. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That's the source of this Pasuito. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That when he was killed, (speaking in foreign language) The Nifish of the Alomaster which should be connected to the source of life. Who is that? (speaking in foreign language) One more paragraph and then we'll stop it. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) The way to think about this world is, you know, on vacation, this world is temporary. (speaking in foreign language) Why am I on vacation? I'm going to join myself while I'm here a little bit, right? To prepare myself. So when I go back, I'm refreshed. I'm ready to go back to what I need to do. (speaking in foreign language) Fix for yourself a meal going forward for this world. (speaking in foreign language) What happens if I lose 1,000 years or 2,000 years ago? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Right, once the number is expired, whatever it is, it's over. (speaking in foreign language) Right, the Alom, the Alama bar has no end. This world, everyone has a fixed number. Next world, it's eternity, there is no number. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) The number of the days are going to come forward and after the way I go, I'm never gonna leave from there. (speaking in foreign language) The problem is that our life is like the shadow of the day. It moves and it's gone. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So it's a short time. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Does you know what kind of shadow? Don't think it's a shadow of the tree that has all day and it moves from this side to that side to the nighttime for the shadow of a wall. It's the shadow of a bird flying underneath the sun. (speaking in foreign language) It's gone, one second. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Think about that, your life in this world is the shadow of the bird. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Today, where are you tomorrow? You don't know. (speaking in foreign language) And if you're always worried about, oh my, what am I gonna do tomorrow? What is tomorrow? I gotta get this, look at that. You're worried about tomorrow? Who says tomorrow's existence? And if we're out at sunset, (speaking in foreign language) You don't know what it's done by yesterday, we don't know what the outcome or tomorrow's gonna be. So we need to focus every day on tissue. I'm Bob, and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye bye.